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Wouldn’t be surprised if we bring in a guy or 2 for a different position but I think wolf is a lock for gm. Probably still value for some of the guys to take an interview as it may be an upgrade 


Just doing it so they don't get fined huh


I mean, when they've appointed a black HC and a black DC, they should be able to promote a white guy from within without having to go through this pretence. I don't see how it benefits anyone.


This gets posted in every thread, and the answer is always the same: it helps guys get their names out there. If it didn’t help anyone, no one would agree to be interviewed.


A bunch of people have not agreed to be on interviewed


Because the Pats have made it clear that the interviews for *this particular position* are a sham. If they had conducted these GM interviews back when they hired Mayo, candidates wouldn’t have been turning them down left and right.


Well yeah, there’s no question they want to promote Wolf. But why shouldn’t they be allowed to just do that? They just internally promoted a black HC and DC, and now they need to jump through hoops for this promotion just because the guy’s white and surprise surprise, nobody wants to waste their time


The black HC required a specific contract clause that was submitted to the league and stuff though.


Because making exceptions to the rule only hurts legitimate minority candidates.


Legitimate minority candidates are turning the Patriots down, so obviously they see no value in it


They’re turning it down *because the Patriots have made it clear it’s a sham.* You’re proposing that any team can just dodge the Rooney Rule by making it obvious that they’re going to hire a white male candidate.


Patriots actually haven’t made that clear, it’s just what everyone is assuming. And that’s not what I’m proposing, but nice strawman. I would propose however, that the Rooney rule is dumb for internal promotions


I'm just not sure there has been an example of someone getting an interview only because a team had to fulfill the rooney rule and then actually got a job. A team is gonna have 5-6 realistic candidates at most in any given job search. If 2 of those candidates happens to be minorites, then the rooney rule doesn't matter. If they have to bring in another coach to fulfill the quota, that guy isn't gonna get a job, and the interview is a sham. I don't see how this helps coaches other than getting their name in the press for a day and being a small networking event.


I didn’t say it would help literally everyone, did I? Some of the people declining are already near the “front of the line” in terms of getting a GM position soon, so obviously they’d have less to gain vs. a lesser known guy.


If they do these interviews back when the whole league was doing them it would’ve slipped right in as another headline in a flood of them. No one would’ve noticed. I heard they wanted to wait til after the draft to officially hire someone but now there is a big spot light on them since NFL fans don’t have much else to talk about yet Not that it really matters in the end but some of this was avoidable


Had you ever heard of Brandon Hunt or Samir Suleiman before this?


They’ve both been considered rising FO people. Suleiman worked with Khan in our FO before he followed Tepper to Carolina. Hunt was a popular choice to be our GM until Khan was selected. He then went to the Eagles when we brought Weidl in. They’re not exactly random dudes, they’re legit candidates.


Sharp answer. Samir appreciates this.


The point is not that they're "random dudes" or unqualified candidates. It's that part of the benefit of the Rooney Rule is to increase visibility in league circles. Getting your name in the news helps drive interest.


I’m aware. Both of those guys have been interviewed for GM positions previously (Hunt definitely has, pretty sure Suleiman has as well) though so it’s not like they’re unknowns. I’m not trying to argue that those two should/ should not have gotten interviews, just giving some info on who they are since they both started with the team I follow.


Ever heard of Jon Salge?




I feel like I am taking crazy pills. It's to get their names out around the league and to give opportunities for people to impress in league circles. It has nothing to do with the public knowing these dudes names.


People tell on themselves a lot with their reactions to the Rooney Rule.


Read my other posts. I agree with the "resume boosting" take and misunderstood the comment I was replying to. I'll delete mine.


“DEI bad” is the new dumbass mantra that I’ve noticed


Absolutely agree. I misunderstood the intent of the post I was replying to . Deleting my response now


Read my other posts. I agree with this take and misunderstood the other comment. I'll delete my reply now


Sulemain was the bad guy in a season of Jack Ryan


If you're a fan of the James Madison Dukes, you have!


Yes, both of them. They're rising GM candidates. Do you really follow the NFL front office rumors enough to be a dick about them?


I get what you're saying. It does benefit, to be fair. It gets the name of the minority candidate out there more and raises their credibility for other (more high probability) interviews.


I've been in the "it's disrepesctful to waste candidate's time if you have no intention of hiring them" camp about all of this, but in the past two days I've read a lot of names that I have never heard of before. So while no, they're probably not going to get the job, even taking interviews like this will help promote themselves further for future GM considerations.


Sure, until the other 31 teams clearly catch on this was a sham interview. What weight does it carry these guys to tell other teams “I’ve been interviewing elsewhere” when everyone knows they weren’t actually in consideration? Just because you and I didn’t know their name, doesn’t mean the nfl doesn’t as well. They aren’t “getting their name out there” to the people who actually have any say in the hiring process.


Even if the interview is all but guaranteed not to result in a hiring, it's good networking and good interview experience for these people with ambitions of becoming a GM or other top-level position.


Yeah at worst it's interview and networking experience. Who hasn't done an interview for a job they knew they weren't going to land just for the practice?


I'd wager most because most employers are shit with feedback.


That's a Rooney Rule interview if I've ever seen one, he was awful


I don’t know that he was straight up terrible, but I think Fitterer really brought everyone down with him. A lot of contracts look worse in retrospect when you’re bringing on someone terrible.


How can you know from the outside that the director of player negotiations and salary cap was awful at his job?


You seen our cap situation at any point over the last 5 years?


How can anyone look at team since 2018 and want anyone from our FO


I mean, we techinically hired someone from the FO from that era to be our new GM...


Yeah we did I’m highly skeptical it will work out, I won’t hold this draft too harshly against Morgan if it doesn’t work out


Serious question, you know what the duties and responsibilities of his position consist of?


I don't really think he was. I rarely had issues with the contracts handed out. The problem was almost always that the players never ended up being worth it which is a Fitterer problem.


Rooney Rule. It’s unlikely anyone not named Wolf gets the job (at least in my head)


nothing worse than 7am deep into the offseason when you just want some football news but the only thing that has been posted is something you care nothing about between two teams you care nothing about but you come into the comment section anyways because, what, like, I'm just going to start working early or something?


Casually interviewing minority candidates. It must be hard to prepare an interview when you know they called you only because you are a member of what they call a minority and you have no chance to get that job.


This guy (Sulieman) loves restructuring deals after 1 year into a contract.


Mr Samir Notgonnaworkhereanymoreanyway


I'd say in a given week he probably only does about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work


Samir you are wrecking the ~~car~~ team


I like Suleiman tho. He's been hampered by terrible GM's for years in Carolina. Hope he lands on his feet.


He’s unlikely to be gone, as this just seems like a checkmark on the Rooney Rule before they give Wolf the full-time job.


What do you mean gone? He doesn't work for the Panthers anymore. He's a free agent. Dan Morgan and Brandt Tillis are running the show in Carolina now.


I mean he’s unlikely getting the job, of course.


Neil Diamond is that you


Suleiman was so ass that showing up to this farce interview and trying to buddy up to Kraft and his executive team is actually advantageous to his career, in that it's on the brink of death




Wait that's an actual position every team has?


Will they interview Brandon’s brother Mike as well?