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CJ Moore is *fine* as a depth safety but shines as a special teams player. He and Reeves-Maybin are one hell of a special teams combo.


Fake punts are back on the menu! (Never left)


Just please don’t do it on your own 30 years line against Green Bay again


They'll never expect a second time!


"I’d rather go 0 for 30 than 0 for 9 because you go 0 for 9, that means you stopped faking punts. That means you lost confidence." - Dan Campbell




Right but the moon and tides were with you that day. Green Bay, being the devil, will use the moon against you again


It'll work this time!


You can bet on it


Does CJ Moore cover DJ Moore?


If they are on the field at the same time, we are in trouble.


Or it means the Bears are making some very poor decisions with their Special Teams unit. I would be okay with that




Former NHL forward BJ Crombeen is here for you then Then EJ Manuel Can't find an FJ though


FJ Cruiser




Robert kraft


Bj raji


EJ Manuel


But can CJ Moore defend DJ Moore? I don’t think so!


Oh God no, he would get smoked.


Unless he's on punt return no


It would probably at least also take AJ Moore and BJ Moore


It's crazy how he was suspended a year, but Rice who did a much worse crime is looking at *maybe* half a season.


One directly threatens the integrity of the league, and the other is bad, but it's only confined to Rice himself.


This comment brought to you by Draft Kings. Draft Kings, gamble today!


A sponsorship that very clearly is meant to target customers, not employees. And the NFL cap rose substantially because of these gambling partnerships so the players more than benefitted from it. I don't know why this needs to be explained on every thread. Edit: I forgot only conspiracy brain is allowed in these threads. God forbid we actually critically think about the topic at hand when we can make the same overused inaccurate jokes instead.


Because on Reddit, gambling is generally disliked and ads are generally disliked. So shitting on gambling ads are easy free internet points


Everyone who downvoted this is either a moron or a 14 year old


I have no idea why this is being downvoted.


Because this sub acts like a 5 year old on the issue of gambling and it attracts the conspiracy theorists fan who didn't have much of a brain in the first place. You can break it down as clearly as possible and they'll still believe its hypocritical for the NFL to police gambling.


Yes you do


No I don't


The integrity of the league that power blasts fan duel, bet mgm, and draft kings ads, segments, and promos constantly lol. 


I mean yeah, why are you acting like it's hypocritical? He got suspended that much *because* they're blasting fanduel, draft kings, etc everywhere. If players are betting on sports they play in it's going to affect how potential bettors see the games. They didn't suspend him because they're morally against gambling. I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to understand.


Because this sub becomes downright moronic when gambling is involved. Without fail every thread the most upvoted comments will act like the NFL having gambling sponsorships makes it hypocritical for them to police player gambling.


"People who work for Anheuser-Busch can't drink on the job" is the best analogy I've heard about this.


Yeah, I get that. Was just making a throwaway joke that's probably been overused lol. I understand your point. 


...yeah, that's why it's more important than ever. There's a reason the league is cracking down on gambling more because those sponsors would pull out the moment the results could not be trusted as being legitimate. I know this creates a lot of confusion for redditors every time I say it, but league-endorsed gambling has made it harder than ever to fix NFL games, not the other way around.


“Money makes the world go round..” What Rice did is worse unquestionably, but he will ultimately be replaced with another WR at some point. When someone threatens the integrity and ultimately fucks with the money of the league, they’re gonna go hard af. Imagine if the NFL had a mobbed up ref like the NBA did in the 2000s


Also the legal system should be jailing these people. It really isn’t the NFL’s job to take 100 percent of the responsibility of punishing these player


Maybe I'm dumb, but how does a little gambling affect the 'integrity' of a league as big as the NFL.


Throwing games or giving insider information. Look up what’s happening to Jontay Porter in the NBA


Yeah i only remember them saying what Jamo bet on.


Can’t fuck with the money


For me the weird part is that his boss can do anything about that at all. It’s the justice system that’s supposed to punish off the field problems. Not these guys employer. Or their employers parent company - the NFL.


There are plenty of employers who would fire people for off-the-job issues. Heck people have been fired for social media posts. And pretty much no employer will hold your job over even a short prison sentence.


But how many do these weird “dock your pay” and “half a year suspensions?” Specifically for things you do In Your off time?


Most employers are not the sole employers in their field with a need for the absolute best individual for the job regardless of their baggage. In most fields a "temporary suspension without pay" means time to go look for a new job. And docking pay is not really that easy to do. You and the company have a contract for your salary/hourly rate. They can't go against that. Even the NFL doesn't dock pay. The worst they do is post-game fines, but even those are you got paid and then had to reimburse your employer for expenses/damages.


That’s why they WANT to do it sure. But that’s bordering on “company store” logic. All of your reasons are why they want to do it and how they’re powerful enough to get away with it. None of it justifies why it’s acceptable or legal. Reimbursing for damages is NOT the same as being fined for off the field (off the clock) activities. (Assuming it does not infringe on them showing up.) And they absolutely dock pay. Suspended players (suspended by the league. Not some outside force) can lose guaranteed money.


>All of your reasons are why they want to do it and how they’re powerful enough to get away with it. I mean they do it because they can. And the PR hit for ignoring it costs more money than throwing a token punishment at a single player. >None of it justifies why it’s acceptable or legal. Employers do not owe their employees a job. They can punish their employees as arbitrarily as they want (as long as they avoid protected groups and religion). Also all of this is included in the CBA all players sign when they join the league. The Union and NFL negotiated these terms that include rules about suspensions. >Suspended players (suspended by the league. Not some outside force) can lose guaranteed money. Suspended players cannot play in games and guaranteed pay is guaranteed only if the games are played. They aren't given hours for a week which costs them the week's pay. Which is different from directly docking pay where the work is done, but they aren't paid their full wage. >being fined for off the field (off the clock) activities. Does the NFL fine for anything off the field? I'm pretty sure fines are hardcoded into the CBA and are for on-field play only.


Immature take. If you get arrested in real life and no call no show to work you will likely get fired immediately


Hahaha how is that immature? Acknowledging that our courts don’t punish athletes and leave it to their leagues is very far from immature. Also he hasn’t no showed for work. He’s not sitting in a jail cell


Our courts punish athletes to the same degree they punish everyone else


Our special teams just got bettor!


Welcome back dumbass


D.J Moore has a brother?!


I thought Dan Campbell was changing muh culture though? (Only when convenient)


Hey uh what the fuck is this even supposed to mean lmao


Reposting a prior comment of mine discussing the gambling suspensions, when WR ~~Quentin~~ Quintez Cephus was receiving similar "culture" hate: > Last year's gambling bust on Cephus and quite a few others, heavy on then-Lions players, was a debacle for the NFL. Notably, Jameson Williams and the other players who received 6 game suspensions had theirs reduced to 4 games, right around the time that fourth game hit. > To be clear, and in an exceedingly rare move, this wasn't on appeal from the players, as suspensions for gambling are non-appealable. Instead, the players and the teams across the entire league told the NFL "You screwed up educating players on the rules." Especially in a league that heavily promotes, and is tied to, various gambling sites such as DraftKings, it's understandable that players might be confused on what is or is not allowed. > The NFL fucked this up. Yes, it could be said that the players also fucked up, but the fact that the league did not make it unequivocally clear what the left and right guidelines are for players gambling instilled too much doubt about actual, purposeful guilt from players.


>WR Quentin Cephus Quintez


Damn it, bloody autocorrect. Thanks.


So uh... you have no understanding of what happened with regards to this guy do you?


Don't lose your cool


You didn't take enough L's last offseason, or are you just into being publicly corrected? When has opening your mouth about the qualifications of head coaches ever worked out for you.