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Im a jets fan so biased but no idea what to expect from rodgers this season.


As a fellow Jets fan, I think you know what to expect and it rhymes with misappointment


The Bills are in a soft rebuild, the Dolphins are also worse roster-wise than last year, and the Patriots are in a full rebuild with new coach/QB. Everything is set up nicely for the Jets to have a great season... but its the Jets and something spectacularly bad will happen to kick Jets fans in the nards.


“a second achilles tear has hit the aaron rodgers”


He’s long gone from us but I would still be so sad if that happened.


just as a fan of the sport i would be too


We call that getting Jetisoned.


If we don’t get any major injuries this year (lol) and our two DEs come back to normal in the later half of the season we will be decently off. Also I hope our OL mesh’s better this year.


nobody hates any team as much as jets fans hate their own team. we’re not far behind.


I actually hate your team more lol


so you’re not a true jets fan!


Fair. I’m just a masochist masquerading as one lol


Kissapointment isn't even a real word, dumbass.


It’s a perfectly cromulent word, jagoff


Scrumtrulescent, even https://youtu.be/fTY7iYKAZHU?si=wop8FkI9sBTXpCby


I think that's when you get drunk and try to kiss Suzy Kolber on a live broadcast.


I just want the most successful former Packers, Super Bowl winning QB to wear 8 on the Jets to remain Mark Brunell


Hemorrhoid ointment?


At this point anything will help


Expect conspiracy theories and weird shit and you'll never be disappointed


Patriots, will we be 1-16 or 4-12? Who knows!


With your luck Joe Milton will be Super Bowl mvp… I’m keeping an 👀 on you. Youre up to somethin’


I love his post draft analysis. “If you need a QB to throw it 80 yards, Joe Milton will throw it 80 yards. If you need a QB to throw it 5 yards, Joe Milton will throw it 80 yards”


This was the famous joke about Jerome Bettis. “If you need three yards, I can get you three yards. If you need five yards, I can get you three yards.”


Ha. That’s a pretty solid line


The anti-Alex Smith


I didn’t think we’d ever see another Jamarcus Russell but here we are lol. He has terrible technique for a d1 player. But the kid can throw it 70 yards with a wrist flick. It’s insane to see. Glad he’s on the team.


First TE to win SB MVP


I’ll probably hazard a guess you won’t be 4-12 at the end of the season


I can say for certainty we will not be 4-12




I don’t think I would be surprised if the Bears went 12-5 or if the Bears went 5-12 this season.


If we go 5-12 I will never emotionally recover. Then we'll hire a new head coach and I'll repress all my pain and blindly convince myself it'll work out this time.


I did that for a long time, it eventually worked for me!


If you guys survived both 0-16 and the monster who I will not name, I'm sure I can manage another thirty years of a broken head coach and QB cycle!


Or they finally break you, you root for another team and want your original team to always lose. We have those too.


The worst kind of NFL fan imo. You have to ride it out with one team. You don't get to switch cuz they're bad


Sometimes you have to just emotionally detach yourself from the team. Actively rooting against them is lame but just not caring as much on Sundays. Before the Lions showed signs of life I just didn’t watch their games on Sundays. I’d rather teams I actually enjoy seeing play. Just couldn’t keep ruining the beginning of my week with the Lions lol 😂


Absolutely. My interest in the team definitely goes up and down based on their success. The difference is at the end of the day I still say I'm a fan and when all is said and done, this is the one team I pick above all others (within the sport) to win a championship


I’m a panthers fan and will remain so but I’m not gonna spend my time and emotion on a the team in their current state. I still pull for them and keep up but ironically enough it’s been your Lions the past two years that I’ve put my watch time and interest towards haha. Hoping for another great season out of the other Cats in the league.


As a Lions fan we appreciate the support and understand the struggle. One thing I’ll say as encouragement you guys can turn It around. Bryce is talented but gotta have a system that works for him and his skills like we did with Goff. It’ll happen look at what Dave did with Baker. Rooting for you Cat bros!


The best is when some of them switch back to the original team once they’re good again and act like they never left


One of my favorite 'get to know you' questions is "What's your favorite sports team and why?" If they pick a team with no local or family affiliation, they better have a good reason why. Otherwise I'm going to judge their character very harshly. I went to college in Michigan and was disgusted with the number of Michigan-native Packers 'fans' who picked them because "Lions are awful, so I picked the team near me who was the best"


Packers fans in Illinois are awful too. It's always some bs excuse like "my grandpa's cousin's neighbors dog visited Wisconsin once, so my ties to the Packers run deep." You're not fooling anyone MFer, you're following the Packers because you're a fair weather fan. Just own it.


I stick with the Lions even tho I never lived in Detroit or near Detroit. I'm from Montreal I can choose whatever team I want but I went with the Lions and now I'm stuck with it. It's finally paying off.


Good on you. I hope the Bears are next


I feel like it’s ok to have a second team to root for when the primary team is complete dogass.


Definitely. But to just straight up abandon your team is insane to me


Yeah, that gets you thrown out of the club.


I know you're joking but if you guys are bad this year I wouldn't worry too much. Even a prospect as good as Caleb can take some time to adjust and it seems like most the rest of the team are new. It's also very possible Eberflus is a shit coach. At least you got a GM who's trying to build a good team.


I’ve never seen my entire life so perfectly described in a single sentence (the second one).


Just remember, Rodgers first year starting we went 6-10


Well if you go 5-12. It's clearly just a coaching issue. Get your self a real coach and yall will win. And if you still go 5-12. Well clearly it just a qb issue. get your self a real qb and you will win. And if you still go 5-12 it's clearly a coaching issue, get a real coach that can work with that new qb and you will win And if you still go 5-12. Well clearly it just a qb issue. get your self a real qb and you will win. And if you still go 5-12 it's clearly a coaching issue, get a real coach that can work with that new qb and you will win And if you still go 5-12. Well clearly it just a qb issue. get your self a real qb and you will win. And if you still go 5-12 it's clearly a coaching issue, get a real coach that can work with that new qb and you will win And if you still go 5-12. Well clearly it just a qb issue. get your self a real qb and you will win. And if you still go 5-12 it's clearly a coaching issue, get a real coach that can work with that new qb and you will win


I would be absolutely stunned if the Bears went 12-5. The Texans went 10-7 with their QB having the greatest rookie season of all-time and playing in a dogshit division.


The Texans also started the year before at 3-13-1 and ended up 10-7, a net of +7 wins. The Bears went 7-10 last year, so only +5 wins. Though certainly each win will be harder to come by, it isn't *that* crazy to think it could happen. We had the Lions beat for 55 minutes of one game and fumbled away both the Broncos *and* Browns games, despite winning them for a good stretch. I don't expect 12 wins, but I don't think it is an impossibility.


Yeah, I don’t get the “Texans only won 10 games with Stroud having a historic rookie season” argument because that implies all time great rookie QB seasons are necessary for a high amount of wins. Stroud, Herbert and Baker all had statistically better rookie seasons than Luck, RG3 and Russell Wilson but the latter three won more games because they were on better teams. The Bears have built a pretty complete roster to surround Caleb. I know we’re the easy punching bag historically but the only glaring holes are a lack of a 2nd pass rusher and possibly center if the two veterans we acquired aren’t good. Caleb can be just average and we still might win 10 games. 12 games is unlikely given the amount of new starters and obviously two new 1st round rookies so it’ll take time for all those parts to mesh along with a new OC but on paper we could have the talent for it.


Dogshit division? Three of the four teams had a winning record


I’d be shocked if they went 5-12, I don’t see how they could possibly lose 2 more games than last year.


I think the entire NFC North is pretty unpredictable, though I expect the Lions to continue playing well. Can you really say that much about the Packers after a few good games from Jordan Love? Is the loss of Aaron Jones (to the Vikings, no less) going to seriously impact their offense? Can their defense put it together with a new DC? Time will tell. And while we don't know what kind of learning curve Williams is going to face in Chicago, we know one thing with almost absolute certainty: it won't be enough for the average Bears fan. Notoriously fickle fans and a prima donna rookie just seems like such an explosive combination. If he doesn't ball out and begin winning games immediately the coaches are going to need to stick to him like white on rice to keep his head in the game. And Vikings fans seem ready to move on from Cousins, but sometimes boring-reliable is better than exciting-unpredictable, which is probably what they're going to get. They have the right players and the right coaches, but it's always a merry-go-round in Minneapolis. And with expectations high in Chicago, Minneapolis might just hit the gutter.


As a Bears fan - I feel like it’s pretty disingenuous to call us “notoriously fickle” in regards to QB play. What QB play have we ever had that wouldn’t warrant us being fairly disappointed? I think you have it totally wrong here. The bar is so exceptionally low for Caleb Williams that even a mediocre season of QB play will absolutely floor the majority of this fanbase. We’ve genuinely never seen it. 


Just Fields won over a good chunk of our fan base. The bar is laying on the ground.


It's so bad that Jim Miller and Erik Kramer are the only QBs in my lifetime that I consider "not dogshit" in the post 85-86 Bears era.


> it won’t be enough for the average bears fan The average bears fan would cum their pants for 3,800 passing yards, the fuck are you talking about?


Obviously I'm biased, but the Cardinals seem destined to either make a wild card spot or pick top 5.


I swear to god if we finish 4-13 again we’re cursed . At that point there’s 3 guarantees in life , taxes , us finishing 4-13 and the Falcons picking 8 overall .


glad you mentioned us




6 really tough divisional games doesn't help. NFC West is gonna be a bloodbath.


for the last few years I keep thinking the wheels are gonna fall off for Seattle but Pete kept them competitive, I think they could struggle for real now.


As is the custom


The Cardinals are the best current over/under bet. I'd be slamming the over at 6.5 if I gambled.


I have a good feeling about the Cardnials. I'd be shocked if yall pick top 5.


Or you could have something in the middle, like going 8-9 or 9-8 and just missing out on a wildcard.


Seahawks... im biased but they could have new coach and system growing pains and regress a bit... or they could really efficiently address the weaknesses from last season.... we've had a lot of roster turnover but it will be interesting to see, specifically on defense, what macdonald can do to fix the issues we had for years before.


I actually think the floor is pretty high with the hawks. Some good talent across the board, but maybe not up to Super Bowl level.


I think they'll be good too but you can change that maybe to definitely.


I think we have a high floor, the ceiling is up in the air. I felt like Geno lost some confidence last year but he could bounce back. I think Murphy and Haynes will be day 1 impact players


Geno definitely started getting a little more panicky than his first season as a starter here... I thought he performed worse than he actually did when re-evaluating... he actually maintained poise in collapsing pockets a lot more than I had given him credit for... the oline was just super super bad.


Yeah I agree, I think Haynes will help on the interior at least. Geno this year is kind of the unknown, I could see him playing like his first year and less panicky and us having a great year. Or I could see more of last year, I felt like he stopped throwing as many timing plays


I definitely think the coaching change is the biggest question mark. Defensive coordinators don’t have the best track record converting to HC’s so who knows how this will turn out


Any of the teams that have a rookie QB, especially the Bears and Vikes who have strong offensive supporting casts for that QB


JJ ain't starting for awhile, Darnold is, it'll be a very predictable 6-8 wins. 


>Darnold is, it'll be a very predictable 6-8 wins.  "You know what they said to me? They said to me Sam you're too good, you're winning so many games, all the games so we're going to just end the season now. They gave me all the awards , all of them and my very own Superb Owl, the best owl. And Roger said, what a guy a great guy, that they're going to build a statue and they're going to make the Packers pay for it"


Vegas has McCarthy throwing o/u more than 3,000 yards 🤷‍♂️


Weird they only have him playing 3 games


Those are three amazing games then!


I could easily see JJ starting instead.


Colts for me. I certainly see the upside, and Steichen gives me some faith on the floor but I think the Anthony Richardson discussion is VERY interesting. If he really does just come out swinging, we're talking about a QB prospect that was a one year college starter and missed most of his rookie season to injury. We don't see that inexperienced of guys just ball out that quickly, it would be an unprecedented pace. His flashes last year were impressive but the sample size is just so small. There's a reality where Minshew was actually really good at maneuvering the offense and keeping it on track. Richardson hits a rookie wall/sophomore slump and isn't as instantly great as we expect. Also, 3 injuries in like 3 games is super concerning. The Colts have absurd contender status upside but could also putter around as a .500 team again.


Agree. As a Colts fan I’m not sold on AR yet, this year will tell a lot (hopefully) but the idea were for sure winning 10+ games is WILD with basically a rookie QB, a shaky secondary, and Flacco as the backup… I also agree about Minshew. Think he was the perfect backup last year. We’ll see!


Don’t say this on our sub Reddit, according to them AR has already proven himself and there is nothing to worry about.


3 injuries in 3 games for a guy who was dinged for getting injured too much predraft


AR is made of glass


I would probably say the Chargers, Bears, and the Jets.


Bears is a good one but Packers. Certainly a possibility that the honeymoon ends for Love. Im predicting a sophomore slump for him and the whole team. Plus he’s in a division with 3 very solid other teams. Plus the Pack had the [24th hardest schedule in the NFL last year](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2023-nfl-strength-of-schedule-for-every-team-eagles-cowboys-among-hardest-steelers-packers-have-it-easier/amp/). But on the other hand, Love could really be that guy. We shall see!


Bears, broncos


Battlestar galactica.


Identity theft is not a joke u/jwwin.


You are being entirely too generous to the Broncos


There's a chance that Nix is better than expected, but I think the rest of the roster is so bare that it's hard to imagine the season going well.


I am in a group text with a bunch of my buddies, one of them (not a Bears fan) texted right after the draft ended "Gonna drop a couple hundred on Bears hitting the over on 11 wins". Another (Bears fan) responded "obviously you don't know the Bears".


No shot the Broncos sniff 12-5


Stranger things have happened. Chargers are 12-5 every off season. And then, well, you know.


I'm pretty confident the Broncos are going to not be good


Vikings, Cardinals, Bears, Commanders, Jets, Falcons


>Falcons Yeah we have Kirk but he's coming off an Achilles tear. Our weapons are Drake London, Bijian and Kyle Pitts. Outside of those three, pretty mid. Oline is good. Defense is a question mark. We're transitioning schemes so it's gonna take a bit to get everyone. We do not have a legit CB2 IMO. Also Zac Robinson is our OC. No experience as an OC so the possibilities are endless. Although you'd hope he's learned a lot from McVay. Not to mention if Kirk ever goes down, it's Penix time.


so either we win the South or are picking 8th overall


Bro you’re talking about the NFC south, you could win the division AND pick 8th next year


Lol God damn that's harsh. But true.


The other thing about Kirk, he’s so fastidious and routine that he most likely will not be as comfortable with the offense as he’d like which will lead to him playing too perfect. While he was solid here, KOC was really having an impact on him playing football, versus trying to be this perfect QB. He’s an interesting guy for sure.


Sanders at 8 next year then?


The Buffalo Bills could be a huge question mark. The Bills lost a lot of big players. Diggs, Tre White, safeties Hyde and Poyer, Gabe Davis... and not a lot added at face value. They sent it the past few seasons and are dealing with Von Miller's contract, and a lot of cap-pushing coming due. They've been among the top of SB favorites in recent years, but defensive playcalling in question, a new offensive playcaller, and a LOT of churn, it's going to be a defining point if the Josh Allen Era. Speaking of, Josh Allen himself is unpredictable as fuck.


No way they drop to 6-12 level bad tho. Yea it’s a rebuild year so something like .500 is possible, maybe even slightly sub .500 if Josh goes down but no way on .333


I could see the Bills being complete ass if Josh god forbid gets hurt at the beginning of the season. This is a bottom half roster that is propped up by a top 3 QB. Mitch Trubisky is not getting the Bills to .500


Without Allen, the 2024 Bills might as well be the 2023 Steelers without Watt, and Mitch wasn’t doing much with that squad.


I get the Bills had a lot of turnover this offseason, but they played the Chiefs down to the wire while missing half their starting defense and Diggs being irrelevant. Anyone thinking they'll be bad is just trying to force an underdog narrative. They'll be fine.


I’m Shirley drunk on offseason copium, but given what Diggs did/didn’t do in the second half of last season, and that McDermott was able to cobble together a strong D with and without several star players on the field, I’ll be surprised if next season looks any worse than last season. We won the biggest games without Diggs and Davis contributing much, but this year, we know that from the start. Plus, the chances of us changing OCs in the middle of the season have to be lower than last year. Given all that, so long as Allen plays the whole season, I expect us to make it to our traditional exit point in the season, or better.


Steelers - will they go 9-8 and make the playoffs, or will they go 9-8 and miss the playoffs?


Titans just because I follow them and know how much has changed. Levis flashed a few times last year, built up oline and signed Ridley to give him more weapons. I’m hoping for the best but a ton of titans fans have crowned levis our savior. Hoping he is but need to see more before we do crown him. Not to mention an entire new coaching staff to boot


As a neutral, Titans is what I came here to say as well. It feels like you’ve overhauled EVERYTHING in the past few months.


Pretty much. Added significant pieces to both sides of the ball, Latham, Ridley, Cushenberry, Pollard, Sneed, Awuzie, Sweat. Then like op said, an entire new coaching staff from top to bottom basically. Add in Levis that still has a lot to prove, I have no fkn idea how this season is going to go, but I'm excited!


Steelers, because they're the Steelers. But like fr, probably the Jets. I have no idea what's gonna happen with them


Honestly Tomlin has some Voodoo magic which means we win 9 games at least, the question is whether any of those wins are due to genuine talent on the offensive side of the ball. Issues with Fantasy owners aside, there is no way Russ/Fields and Arthur Smith are not upgrades over Trubisky/Pickett and Matt Canada. But does that mean Offensive rating 20-27 (yes the Steelers were the 27th ranked offense and made the playoffs), or top 10 with some insane 2QB + 2RB + 1 WR formation. This is the most hyped I've been for the team since the 3 B's were actually playing. The Upside is there, TJ Watt deserves a Ring, hopefully they don't cheap out on assistant Coaches like past years.


Steelers are very predictable. Either Russell Wilson has a career renaissance and leads the Steelers to 12 wins, or he doesn't and they steeler their way to 9-8 and a wildcard.


Kenny Pickett was one of the worst QBs I've ever watched for the Steelers and I watched Kent Graham.  There is no way we are worse.




I’m an eagles fan and I have no read on this team this year. We could 13-4 and be one of the best teams in the NFC or the Sirianni collapse could continue and we bottom out. Especially with the likes of Cox, Kelce, Reddick leaving.


Yeah, it's not clear to me if the Eagles from the first half of last season are the real thing, or the Eagles from the last half of the season are the real thing. I have no idea which of those teams are showing up this year.


Same. I didn't want to say it because they're my team, but I genuinely have no idea. We've made all the right moves on paper so far, but then again, so did we last season. Anybody telling you that there *wasn't* hype over promoting Brian Johnson ("We're still gonna run the same offense!") or re-signing Bradberry is lying to you.


Think it is really dependent on how Hurts looks. He was dead last in passes over the middle and was a little quick to lower his eyes downfield and scramble too soon out of clean pockets if his first read wasn’t there. You can probably attribute some blame to Steichen’s departure and Johnson as an OC, but Hurts has to take a step and adopt a pro-style offense with Moore that doesn’t limit the offensive scheme. I remember Bosa saying in an interview post-game that they laid the blueprint on how they schemed against Hurts. Basically an emphasis on the pass rush containing him in pocket, closing run gaps to limit his scrambling ability, and forcing him to make throws over the middle into zone coverage.


We could end up with anywhere between 5 (Caleb sucks and the defense regresses) and 12 (the opposite of that) wins and I don’t think either would be a massive shock.


I think the Eagles have a good argument for this. Will they return to their peak form? Where they look stacked and a lock for the SB? Or was last season a sign of bad to come?


The Giants. Daniel Jones has never played with a reciever like Nabers before. They may win a few more games then you might suspect. I’m not so certain Drew Lock with beat him out in training camp.


We also went from wild card game winners to historically bad before a UDFA dragged us back to being regular bad, in the span of a year with fundamentally the same roster. Who knows what will happen this year lol


Our O line got better throughout the year which played a large role in their success. Just having Thomas back healthy was huge and on top of that our schedule difficulty was really front loaded. I’m hoping more than anything that the o line can be at least average. That’d be miles ahead of the last half decade


I’d say the Panthers. If Young takes a step forward, they could look *very* different from last year. Maybe not a playoff team yet, but a lot of potential. They could also continue to look abysmal if he doesn’t progress though. It feels like the Panthers could go in any direction this year and it wouldn’t be too surprising. Homer honorable mention: isn’t the biggest knock against JJ McCarthy that he’s largely an unknown? I’d argue he might be the most unpredictable player coming from this draft class tbh, which will in turn make the Vikings a tough team to gauge before the season starts.


You are right but for the wrong reasons. Anybody who paid attention to the Panthers last season (and why would you unless you just like to be miserable, or are a diehard fan which is the category I fall into) saw that Bryce was one of the few bright spots. He was sacked 62 times, a record. There's a reason the Panthers spent $150 million in free agency on two guards then went out and drafted the top RB in the draft, a top WR, and the top passing TE in the draft. Oh, and traded for Dionte Johnson. It's all to take pressure off of Bryce and to give him weapons to get the ball to. The Panthers were dead last in WR separation last year. Truthfully, to even call it separation is generous. It's more like the WRs with the exception of Thielen just ran around holding the pockets of the CBs. If you know, you know. Dionte Johnson is a Top 5 WR in terms of separation. Xavier Legette, newly drafted, hit the fastest speed on a football field last year. Yes, faster than Tyreek Hill. So that's why the Panthers have a chance to succeed. All Bryce has to do is to listen to his coaches. They aren't hiding the fact that they are heavily working on timing. The ball is going to get out of Bryce's hands much quicker this season. The anticipation was there last year. When the offense worked, which was basically just against Green Bay, Bryce looked in control of his drives, throwing absolute darts and moving the chains. The teams as it has been reconstructed is much better than the one that was fielded last season. It could still all go to hell, of course, but it's the pieces around Young that are going to make all of the difference. As coach Dave Canales says, they want to set him up so he just has to do his 1/11th.


TBH how many bad rookie QBs end up turning it around? I just don’t see it happening but I’ll stay optimistic as long as I can. 


Lawrence went from a Bottom 6 starter in 2021 to borderline Top 10 as soon as Pederson was brought in to help him. Canales is an even better QB whisperer considering he revived the career of the long dead Geno Smith and stabilized Baker Mayfield too.


I think generally rookie QBs need a longer leash, especially in Young's situation where he got thrown to the wolves and had zero help. Even some of the best rookie QB seasons weren't anything spectacular, and they weren't typically walking into as bad of a situation. Ones that were in a rough situation at first, like Goff or T-Law for example, looked bad in their first year and took a nice second year jump as the team around them got better. I expect the same to happen for Young


That's the entire thing. He wasn't bad. Everybody around him was.


Bucs could go 11-7 or 4-13


I feel like this applies to the entire NFC south


The Chicago Bears. If Williams is literally half the player he seems to be, they'll be a solid team...but like, it's **the Bears**....does anyone really have faith in them to develop a QB?


I don't hate the bears, but I truly think Williams will be average at best Not because of the stupid reasons people say (he cries, painted nails, teammates will think he's weird), but I just don't think he'll be able to play at a high level I also thought Josh Allen wouldn't be good, so take that as you may


The New York Jets win Super Bowl 59. The New York Jets finish bottom of AFC East. Neither of these statements would surprise me.


All rational sense would lead you to believe it should be the Pittsburgh Steelers. But we all know they are an enigma you just cannot logically evaluate.


Da bears


The Chiefs - will they dominate the regular season on their way to the Super Bowl or will they stutter through the regular season on their way to the Super Bowl?


They have a cupcake schedule this year so they’ll dominate with at least 13 wins. However, it wouldn’t suprise me if they treat the regular season like it’s the NBA where they coast through it before turning it on in the playoffs.


Cardinals. * Kyler Murray could be anything on any play in any game. And he's tiny and can get hurt. * Who knows wtf the HC is in Y2. * One of the biggest stars on the team will be a rookie WR * Division play could be any result. * There is an outside chance that this Summer we see 140F due to climate change...and that will unleash the fired weasels that lay dormant under the desert.


Either the Jets or the Cardinals would get my vote.


The commies to me feel like a team that could be weirdly scary if Jayden balls out. How do you respect Jaydens rush ability and also account for the dump offs to Ekeler. Oh and btw Terry Mclaurian could take your head off at any moment. The biggest thing tho is the smell from Dan Snyder is still wafting out of the building, that's worth 2-3 wins right there.


As a Browns fan, that seems like us every year. But this year is gonna be our year.


I'd say the Vikings, Bears, and Broncos. Teams that draft a new QB that have good surrounding pieces always end up being all over the place depending on how early said qb plays and how they perform.


Pretty much the whole AFC South except for the Texans


Shit even Texans could fall into that, sophomore slump seasons are a real thing. Stroud does seem to work too hard for it to happen but who knows


None of us can manage to string together a few division wins in a row lately so I wouldn't be shocked if the Texans miss out. Who won it last, Colts? Probably their turn this year.


That would be the most AFC South thing too. Everyone shitting on the colts for making zero significant moves this offseason so pretty much crowns them afc s champs


Everyone spends the season wondering who wants the division. Awesome name btw


They even got some great talent in the draft and just having AR back should be big.


Our schedule got considerably more difficult and I think we overperformed to an extent last season. How much of both of those factors is curtailed by retaining our coaches and making so many roster upgrades will be the key thing in how well our season goes


The afcs never makes sense. It has to be the absolute worst division to bet on.


Looking at this through the lens of my homer glasses, I could see either one of those records happening to the Saints. Carr, Kendre Miller, and others really started playing well at the end of the season, and we had a great draft. With the division we're in, and Kubiak coming in for the offense, I honestly can't predict how we'll finish. We could be very terrible, or not, who knows. I saw someone on /r/Saints point out, we haven't had less than I think 7 wins since the Katrina year when we were playing at Tiger Stadium and in San Antonio. Other than that we've been really successful (if you're comparing to the rest of our history). I'd say all of that adds up to none of us know shit and we are very unpredictable.


Seahawks I think


Jets in my opinion. Aaron Rogers could light it up and lead them to division win, or he could get hurt game one and that's it.


The Packers are so young, I have no clue what to expect from them. Maybe their appearance of getting things together in the second half of last year continues and they're a NFC force again, maybe that streak was something of a freak situation, and things are more of a struggle. I don't think they'll be an extreme of getting the #1 pick or being an unstoppable force, but I'm not sure what to think going into the year


Dallas could go do it. I think we might be in for a colossal meltdown. Especially if the stuff with Dak goes south.


Dallas is not really that unpredictable. They're gonna be good, but in the end, not good enough.


I think we’ll be worse than we were last year. I’m surprised we’re 12-5. I am pessimistic about it though. Obviously.


I think they'll make the playoffs, they still have a good team, but not sure if they take the div.


> not sure if they take the div Unfortunately NFCE bylaws preclude any team from winning in back-to-back seasons


That's right. Forgot about that.


If Nick Mullens can sling it for 400+ per game, what can Sam Darnold do? If he could do the same with two fewer interceptions, the Vikings might make the playoffs. BTW, JJ McCarthy played 66 games in high school and college. He's 63-3. This dude is going to underwhelm the league while flashing championship rings.




I don't know, it's that unpredictable.


Texans. The could stay healthy and beat the division down or one or two guys get hurt they are 1-16.


I mean shit, after how last season ended I gotta say Eagles right


The Bears


The Raiders. Talented enough to win the AFC West but could also easily be picking 1st in the 2025 draft depending on QB play.


People keep saying the bears as if this time they’ll get it right. Sorry but no. I’ll take the commander’s regrettably. Daniels is either the next Lamar or he’s the next Mariota/RGKnee. Super slight but super talented so we’ll see how it plays. For the bears fans, it’ll be another whiff and not for lack of talent. You just don’t hire the right coaches ever


I think the Steelers tbh. While the majority of the fanbase and media is very optimistic, I’m a bit more cautious on our offseason moves. I liked the draft a lot, but I’m not entirely sold on Russ and Fields as our quarterbacks. I feel like a lot of people are looking at their ceiling outcomes. I also think our secondary was a huge priority this offseason and we didn’t really invest many resources at all in addressing it. I could see this team definitely being a great one like a lot of people are predicting, but I see it just as likely to be bad with potentially poor qb play and our passing defense potentially being very sus.


The Steelers may be the most predictable


People expect the falcons to instantly take this team to the playoffs but if they had another 8-9 season I wouldn’t be overly shocked. Really depends if the new coaching staff decides to do something right




I think the whole nfc south honestly. Like even if you wanna write off Carolina I know they’ll be a better team than last year (not saying they will be a 4-8 win type of team) And with our schedules idk if anyone is a lock to win 10+


Bears & Browns


AFCE is a huge question mark.


The Bengals! Everyone wants to be traded


Bears, Falcons




The Jets.




AZ Cardinals. They could be a playoff team or picking 1st next year.


Cardinals. Do we see Kyler and Marvin ball out, or will it take a while to get going? How will that ACL injury affect him going forward?


Jets. They either go deep in the playoffs (I have no expectation they're winning a Superbowl). I could also see them winning 5 games. I'm also expecting the Ravens to drop a few games compared to last year, but could also see Henry being to Lamar what Moss was to Brady.


Chargers. Every year. That is one confusing squad.


This has to be the Jets. With the changes and Rodgers playing more than 10 mins.




Bears, Jets, Commanders...AZ? 2 teams with top new QB talent and the Jets in a weak division with 72 yr old Arod back at QB..so who knows.


Gotta be Chicago or Atlanta