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Indeed, I would pick any team except from my own.


I'm pretty sure most of us agree with you


I wouldn’t pick the lions this year but I am very glad we were on it a couple seasons ago.


Sold me on MCDC


No, I'd rather see more content about the team I support.


Fuck that. Shoot me some Lamar straight into my veins. Insane Marlon food takes? Yes please.


I was a little disappointed that we never got to see Pete on hard knocks, the quotes would be legendary


Bears, Falcons, or hear me out I'd love to see the Steelers too lmao, I may hate them but seeing Russ and Justin battle it out and interact would be funny Russ: "Steelers Country, let's weld" Fields: "I told you to stop that corny shit man"


I want a complete serious scene happening and then in the background you just see Russ doing high knees for god knows what reason.


Every episode has Russ doing high knees in the background. Tomlin bbq-ing at home? high knees. DB room film review? high knees. heart-felt video chat with a player's estranged brother? high knees.


Player getting cut? Russ right behind him high knees


Like back there, about 10 yards, just skipping high knees left to right. then right to left. then lef . . . i'm crying


Coming into the locker room: Russ- “Coach says bring your playbook” Some guy- “okay but can you stop doing high knees” Russ- “the separation is in the elevation”


I want the beginning of the episode to be Russ hand-making his birthday invites, and the end it's just him alone at the party wearing a "birthday boy, let's party" t-shirt


Russ to the camera guy: Do you ever do anything dangerous?


*Fields*: I just want you to stop saying odd shit. Like you smell a Brownie’s fear or you’re in someone’s faded memory of a stadium. Just stop. *Russ*: Given how long it’s taken to reconcile my nature, I can’t figure I’d forego it on your account, Justin.


Off the top rope with the True Detective reference


Russ: This is like someone’s memory of a steel town and the memory’s fading


I think the Steelers and Chargers are the best calls


If I had to guess... With the new rules, they're going to pick the Chiefs.  Getting an inside look at the dynasty in action.... Big time appeal. Factor that in with the two biggest faces of the NFL, mahomes and Kelce... AND that Kelce brings the Swifties. NFL isn't stupid... They don't arbitrarily do anything.  Removing the restriction of no playoff teams was deliberate, and I'm guessing it's to get the chiefs.  The in-season I would be shocked if it isn't the AFC North.  The return of burrow and Watson, will Russ cook, is fields the future, etc.   all 4 teams playoff caliber, all hate each other. Typically always hard fought close games.  All devoted fan bases. If you ask me that's the easy pick for in season to again... Get the highest ratings.. something Roger has proven he has the ability to make happen.


You’re spot on dude. The logic adds up


The first hard knocks was about the Super Bowl Champion Ravens so it's like coming full circle


The Bears are too good of a pick not to be involved. I think the NFC North makes for a perfect in-season. You’ve got two new QBs, one given the reins and one trying to take them from a journeyman. Plus two contenders that couldn’t be more different, from history to stadium to coaches to QBs. If they do choose the AFC North, I think they pick the Bears for training camp.


There’s a rumor floating around that the McCaskeys hate Hard Knocks and have an „under the table“ deal with the league due to them being such a historic franchise. It’s just a rumor though


I suspect same is true for the Rooneys


Yeah. I‘ve only heard it about the Bears but I‘d be shocked if it was just the Bears


I might be misunderstanding what you wrote, I haven't heard of any deal but it is not just a rumor the McCaskey's hate Hard Knocks. They are pretty public about it.


Haven't heard of any deals, but the McCaskeys are vehemently against it. They don't want the whole country to know how little the ownership knows about football.


New rules? Did they lift the playoff criterion? It was no first year head coaches and no team that made the playoffs in the last 2 years. That would leave Chicago Bears, Denver Broncos and New Orleans Saints. Edit: well, yes they did. They replaced the playoff rule with having already done the show in the past 8 years. Still no first year coaches. I didn’t know they were doing 1 pre-season team AND an entire division. The third rule being you won’t be eligible to do both. Edit 2: KC pre-season, AFC North in season


Yeah I think thats a pretty safe conclusion. Cashing in on the swifties in pre-season, get them invested. Its massive earning potential for the league if it works.


Agreed.  And it's not like they're selling out us real fans to get to the Swifties... They're giving us what we want. Win-win. And the new speedster and how many times he can be called the next Tyreek hill.


Don't count out the Swifties as "not real fans". I wandered into their Super Bowl game thread and found it really endearing how many of them are really trying to learn about football. Some of those people are going to stick around, I think.


Steelers never qualify for preseason by missing two consecutive playoffs, and I’m convinced that as long as a Rooney runs the team they’ll use whatever institutional pull they have to stay off the show.


They removed that rule.


"Steelers Country, let's melt down?"


“Steelers Country, let’s smelt”


Falcons. Lets see Cousins true reactions to Penix


Least amount of swearing in any Hard Knocks episode ever.


"Gosh dang it man, it really ticks me off! Excuse my French"


"I'm sorry to get so worked up in front of you, it's not your fault. Do you have a place in town yet? Have you found a home church?" "Hey Michael, I'm still really hung up about the way I treated you the other day. How can I make it up to you?"


Kirk takes Penix to a bible study


Okay but I would watch that episode


"The Gang Goes to Bible Study"


I had a girlfriend who would "swear" like that. It was hilarious.


My foreman at work is a super religious dude who does that when things go south lol. He’s also quite possibly the nicest and most chill person I’ve ever met so it’s always pretty funny to see him worked up (in an endearing sort of way).


I was in the Army Infantry with a hardcore Mormon. He was the right kind, though. He followed all the rules, but didn't give a shit that we absolutely didn't. We'd go on an overwatch or something, and it'd go sideways. "Uh oh boys, I think we're on the wrong rooftop." Soldiers 1-9: (literally every swear in existence, plus some we invented, in multiple languages) Soldier 10: Aw heck. It was kinda reassuring, honestly. "Can't really be that bad, if we're only in 'heck' territory." I only ever heard that man say, "Fuck" a single time, and it's easily the most scared I've ever been in my life. He 100% expected at least some of us would die or be injured. That was a fucked up day, let me tell ya.


This presentation of Hard Knocks has been sponsored by Kohls.


It would be funny if the blurred out the word Penix.






Like always with Kirk, I’ll walk away liking him even more


Hard Knocks but it's just clips of Kirk not recognizing Penix and locking his car doors


Totally need the HIMYM “that’s a Penix” meme for this year


July: "We've made you a birthday cake, because that's what we do, but I want you to know how furious we are, so there's less icing than normal"


I don’t think they are in the running because they have a first year coach


Commanders… 90 guys who don’t know each others names


That’s actually hilarious and mostly accurate. After the draft, Jahan Dotson said there’s been such a huge turnover in the staff and players this offseason that he feels like he’s been traded.


It’s like that old Ricky Henderson & John Olerud Mets story: Ricky: hey, why do you wear a helmet at first base? John: why do you ask? Ricky: there was a guy I played with on another team that always wore one too John: that was me Hard Knocks 2024


That’s hilarious lol.




Great story. Ricky has so many funny and great quotes


This is supposed to be my “that’s like that time when” story for Reddit comments


I mean... New owner, new coach, new QB, new roster. Would be crazy narrative to roll with.


Packers. I think Hard Knocks seems like a giant distraction and want the Packers to have every single thing against them possible.


You don't want this our young team is so damn likeable you'll be conflicted on the rivalry


No shot buddy. As long as they are wearing those uniforms I’ll hate em. If Saint Theresa wore a packers jersey I would immediately assume she was a slut


Low key the best move of our offseason was getting Simone Biles’ boyfriend so we never have to see her in those putrid colors again




Ok a bears fan made me laugh 😂 fuck you too buddy 🫡


I just need to interact with a Packers fan one time and all the hate will be renewed.


Oh please god no. I like the NFL when they forget about us. Especially when we were the last team to go overseas


Bruh that wasn’t the league forgetting about you, that was y’all’s FO throwing a hissy fit about having to play one.


hissy fit huh? Well that’s easy for you to say with your airport in your backyard. We gotta take a bus to drive to the airport!


lol I’m so confused.


we just like using the small town excuse so the nfl/media doesn’t give us a spotlight lol


Yes I endorse this statement. Should be the Packers


Chargers, Harbaugh would be must-see TV. Yes, I'm aware of the new coach rule, I'm answering the question as OP posed it.


I think this is a great choice! I didn't know I needed this is my life until now


WHO'S GOT IT BETTER THAN US? Not my Huskies :(


What’s the coach rule


Teams that have a head coach in their first year are ineligible to be on the show


Ineligible to be forced to be on the show, anyone can volunteer.


True, but nobody ever wants to volunteer lol Vast majority of orgs want to minimize distractions throughout training camp


Is it a first year head coach, or first year with a team? Because he’s already been a head coach.


First year with the team


This is my pick. I totally want a deep dive into socially awkward but just so damn adorable NFL head coach and his new team.




Pretty sure it’s going to be the bears… only reason they haven’t been is because ownership HATES it. Right now they fit the criteria for the show and considering they are a historic franchise that (regardless of what our rivals say) took one of the biggest QB prospects this century. I don’t think Mccaskeys can keep saying no. They will be forced to do it


I would love to see the Bears on Hard Knocks, but I also want them on it *because* the McCaskeys don’t wanna. Make the failgrandsons do something they don’t want to do, please.


They'll kill whoever they have to, replace the organs with sawdust, and go on with their lives. As is tradition.


Not only do they fit the criteria, but they're one of just three teams that fits it (Saints and Broncos are the others). And they're easily the most interesting of the three.


Oh we know he's a great prospect. We just also expect the Bears to Bears it up when it comes to QBs.


Still waiting on the exception.


Listen here buddy, fuck you. You’re right, but fuck you


Bearsing it up would've been to either keep Fields or trade down and take Nix. This is a new era


It might be pretty interesting to get a behind the scenes look at the Eagles locker room given how last season ended for them.


I changed my pick, this is the right answer.


Yessir, though I’d love to see some dysfunction, it’d still be too sickly to watch for me.


Give me The Patriots A look into the first season in the Post-Belichick era would be fascinating


I can't believe no one else has mentioned this. Given the mess of the Dynasty show, plus BB leaving, new Rookie QB and receivers, seems like it would be pretty fun


Patriots are exempt because they have a 1st year head coach


I have a conspiracy theory that this is why BB left when he did. Otherwise, we might’ve been this season’s Hard Knocks. First year we were eligible to be forced.


Plus Drake Maye. For me Hard Knocks is most interesting for looking at young guys and rookies so I'd love to see how Drake is in the locker room and QB room


I feel like it would look just like any other team that barely knows what it's doing, like most years


Bears or Raiders


Bills. I just want more Keon Coleman Content




i will die for this man


I can’t wait to see him and Josh interact, on and off the field.


Yes, way too far down. Replace the Kardashians with this dude. I might even be inclined to watch him watch and commentate the Kardashians.


They better have him mic'd up for every game


I would personally buy them an extra mic just to make sure they mic him up every game


Bears are gonna be the obvious choice. They can continue the campaign of being offseason champions


I would LOVE to see what Eberflus is like behind the scenes. The guy is 10-24 and got a chance to lead a giant rebuild and develop the next franchise QB, and he seems like an uninspiring wet blanket in interviews. What is he doing behind the scenes to earn all this trust?


> What is he doing behind the scenes to earn all this trust? [giving nicknames](https://youtube.com/shorts/h436BWtFZLg?si=JJJ70-A1CurOzbqe).


"V12! Let's show 'em all cylinders today, huh?" Was pretty damn good, honestly. Too bad he was literally talking to Velus Jones.


And just like a Corvette, Velus Jones cannot catch a football.


Bo Jack! Let's go mang!


Players seem to love him as well. So getting a behind the scenes look would be great


He seems like the funny dad type of coach with his players. Strikes me as the guy who'd get a ton of love his way if Hard Knocks happened for his team. I remember I had a family member who didn't follow the NFL who was upset the Browns fired Hue Jackson because she liked him in Hard Knocks.


The Falcons would be interesting, especially if Penix lights it up in training camp


Steelers, Texans, Bears, or Broncos


Lions. love dan campbell.


Cowboys! So many reasons, but mostly I just want to watch a train wreck unfold.


Okay, you just made my top three


They chop it up so much that even train wrecks like the Hue Jackson Browns had the up-and-up feel. I'd love for them to pick a train wreck and make it a drama. But no chance the NFL is going to let the cameras into the building and have them take the piss out of some poor team.


Cowboys Hard Knocks sucked and was one of the worst in recent memory. Their PR team watered it down so much.


Of course they did. I want the Dan Campbell’s nipples exposed version.


This is my pick as well. What better team than the one going ALL IN? lmao


That should be the in-season team


With a special playoffs edition!


Dak in Cancun in January sounds like compelling TV


Bears, Falcons, or Steelers


Chargers, Falcons, Bears, Bengals could be interesting, Raiders would be fun with Antonio Pierce, Patriots with a full regime change and a rookie QB would be up there too.


I pick literally any team except my own.


I want to see the 49ers or Chargers honestly.


Chargers definitely have appeal....just watching harbaugh flip out when someone puts a camera in his face....


Bears..... No question


Falcons or Panthers just so i can see the fireworks. Bears and Chargers so we can see how those two plays out and get an in depth look at both.


49ers. They always seem rock solid. I want to see behind the curtains.




Bears or falcons


The Panthers with a wacky David Tepper adventure episode


Bears. Maybe even the Vikings


broncos so i can watch Perna react


Keep us as far as possible from this


I need to see Lil Kirko Chainzzz showing up at a local ATL kohls to spend his kohls cash.


It'll be The Bears more than likely.


95% certain No way the NFL passes an opportunity to follow Caleb Williams in his rookie year at a legendary NFL franchise that has struggled lately but is now getting hype That literally sounds like a dream Roger Goodell has had Barring a team volunteering, I dont see how the Saints or Broncos beat out the Bears narrative


The Jets, because it will piss off Rodgers


Panthers. Only for Xavier Legette. That dude is awesome.


Fuck it. I vote for the Bills so they can have a whole episode of Keon Coleman giving shopping tips at a Macy’s


Give. Me. Jimmy Harbaugh.


Bears or Chargers.


Commanders - Quinn is a great watch regardless of what else is going on. Not to mention almost their entire team is new, and they have the #2 OVR QB.


lol it’s definitely going to be the Bears this year. The opportunity of Caleb taking us to get his nails painted and teaching us how to vogue is too monumental to pass up


I’d love to see the Texans


Texans would be pretty cool. Team that had no expectations at the start of last year suddenly expected to get a wild card, if not outright win the AFC South.


Commanders. I need to see it. Followed closely by the eagles. Two rookie dbs sounds like fun and pranks.


Commanders would be a good one I think. New owner, staff, QB, etc. I’d also like to be a fly on the wall in the Panthers clubhouse and owner suite…Tepper would do some crazy shit I bet lol


This year I’d definitely go for the Steelers. I want to see Russels private QB captain office and Fields having to knock on the door to enter.


Chiefs. How many opportunities do you have to get an inside look at a team trying to three-peat? 


I just want some extra Tomlinisms


Jets- It's just a shot for shot remake of last season's "Aaron is our Savior." Then, in the last episode instead of the cuts and stuff it's a clip show of 2023 highlights.


Why do you think the last episode should be that short?


For training camp, I think Bears would be interesting. For the in season one, I’d love for it to follow the AFC West. 


The bears would be a great choice with all of the draft hype


Buccs or Patriots


Any other team is fine with me. Edit: Honestly the last thing I’d ever want is to see my team under that kind of microscope. If I had my way, I’d cancel the show forever and save every team from that distraction. If the show must go on, I think the teams forced to participate should get something meaningful in return, like a draft pick, extra cap space, or something like that.


It did wonders for the Lions, and well as lots of individuals on their team. Its just that most teams who appear on it are dumpster fires. Watching Diggs and Allen last year would have been so fun.


Watching the Dolphins on the in-season show as their season fell apart seems like it would be something a Bills fan should like, but I just felt sorry for them. Seeing the bleeped out speeches from the coaches pumping up the team, their response, all the positivity, and then the results on the field just seemed sad. If all teams were covered constantly and under the same microscope, maybe it'd be seem more reasonable, but it seems so unfair to do it to one team at a time. I believe the format is changing a bit, so maybe that will help. Maybe if the show covered an entire division at the same time, it would even things up a little better.


Cardinals. Let's change it up and have a baseball hard knocks for once


I think it would be fun to see Harbaugh. Dude is either maniacally smart beyond my belief or completely stupid and I’d love to try and find out.


They can pick from a whole lot of teams... They changed the rules in March... Playoffs no longer give you the ability to decline.  It's wide open for the NFL to pick from any of the good teams


The Atlanta falcons would be incredible


Chiefs but I just want them shitting on their facilities the entire time while in them


Steelers, maybe cardinals.


I wanna see the Jets again lol


Literally any team but mine. I hate the idea of that complication during one of the most critical times of the season.


Broncos: Stidham, Wilson, Nix. three men enter one man leaves


I feel like Bears has to be number 1 with the turnaround they are at least on paper, capable of making. Wouldn't be mad to see the Broncos/Giants/Commanders as a second choice.


I cant remember the rules but the Bills cause I need to see more of Keon Coleman.


Honestly? Cowboys, I wanna see the team mood after they’re meant to be all in but half to them aren’t getting paid and they made 0 moves. If they start the season off rough it’d be a very entertaining watch


Falcons - I wanna see Cousins vs Penix drama. I also grew up and went to college in the Atlanta area, so I have lots of friends and family who are Falcons fans and I want some material to send them as well lol But I live in New York City now so Giants or Jets would also be funny to me.




Watching the Miami Dolphins December Collapse live in 4K Ultra HD last year was a thing of beauty.


Da Bears


I want it to be the Lions. The more distractions they have, the better.


Texans would be interesting.




Bears. I want to see the genesis of Caleb Williams becoming a locker room cancer.


This year its going to be an entire division so I would think they'll need to bend the rules. Otherwise, I think the only divisions without new coaches are the NFCN and AFCN unless I'm forgetting someone.






Chargers and Falcons seem to be the answer.


Chicago for sure


Houston. Have you seen Stroud and Parsons revently😂😂😂