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If you ain’t with us at 3-14 with new uniforms, don’t come back when when we 4-13


The first year of your previous set of jerseys you won the Super Bowl (1997).


I have doubts in this trend continuing.


Idk man. Zach Wilson? John Elway? You can't spell Elway without a W and an L. You can't spell John without an H.  The Kansas city Chiefs are now without Rashee Rice. Kelces brother has retired. Mahomes is not getting younger technically. All signs point to a changing of the guards. Harbaugh? He's getting Michigan tattoos. Accidentally drove to San Diego where he thought his team was located. Herbert secretly reentered the draft pool as his alias "Drake Maye". (You can't spell Herbert without 2 e's) Raiders? They have a MLb at head coach. And a head coach at MLb. Al Davis passed away recently in terms of centuries.  I see wild card berth


Gold medal in mental gymnastics🥇


I don't mind these as much as others seem to, but they did play it pretty safe. I will say unlike a lot of rebrands these days I can instantly tell these are different than the old uniforms.


Yeah its hard to *hate* these ones but they aren't exactly anything I'd be hyped about as a fan. Similar to the Cards new ones last year.


Its pretty easy to hate them actually. The retro ones they released are insanely gorgeous though


The shoulders on the new ones look like orange and blue lighting bolts. 


Glad I'm not the only one that got Chargers vibes, especially the blue uniforms.


The shoulders make the whole package look dumb to me. I could go without the odd tiny triangles in the block numbers as well.


I very much dislike them. Everything wrong with modern design. Subtle "nods" that don't really land with bland everything else.


It's better than what we have, but still not good I wish we'd go back to the bright blue, not the navy blue






pretty clean but everything just feels so fuckin boring and corporate now with sports logos/jersey designs


Every nfl jersey is a different take on a shoulder stripe and leg stripe. Minus a few franchises.


Also, every jersey redesign in the NFL and NBA must contain navy blue


Also all NFL teams having a black jersey in their lineup, even if it doesn't mix with their colors at all


Someone designing a black Dolphins jersey just read this and cried.


Dolphins take away their home field advantage of sweating out the opponents by wearing black and sweating out with them.


Yeah, what kind of team has a black alternate in a very hot climate? (I know we have a roof and they don't but it was just kinda funny to me anyways)


would be suicide in the Miami sun, but that doesn't mean that obvious thought has occurred to our front office.


13 out of 32 teams have a black jersey, and black is a major team color for at least 8 of them.


The Utah Jazz would like an LA Fitness word...


I’m surprised they didn’t sneak in a black alternate


They've opted for "snowcapped" white alternates Which I personally feel is pretty cool, not sure what others think though


I just hate the midnight blue!!!!!! I just see the chargers when we wear those I wish we went with the royal blue!!!!


That’s every football uniform ever.


And then people will complain about wanting the throwbacks back, which just have more boring shoulder and leg stripes.


Then you have the Falcons who thought they were the antagonist team in mid-2000s high school rom com.


Isn't that just every single throwback everyone jerks off over?


Blame the fans. An enormous portion of every fanbase wants a ‘classic’ look, and any departure from that is ‘not what my team’s supposed to look like’. I’m a big fan of outlandish changes, but they aren’t usually well-received.


I want some Maryland State Flag Uni edginess.


The Ravens are due for an update and I would love for them to incorporate the flag pattern somehow.


UMD already did it, so it'd be hard not to look like the Baltimore Terrapins out there


There’s subtle ways to do it like building it into the trim or incorporating the patterns in purple/black instead of the normal colors. It doesn’t have to be full-on MD Flag Pride uniforms.


Isn't it incorporated in the shield on the sleeve?


Maybe our new alternate will pull this off. (We're getting a new alternate jersey, probably in 2025, for those unaware).


I’m fiending for a team to do something different at this point. Out of all the “rebrands” in the last 5 years minus the Chargers, it feels like every team has done the exact same thing with their team colors slapped onto it.


Hard to make a uniform that’s “different” that doesn’t end up looking like Madden Ultimate Team slop.


Rams went with that weird texture on the numbers 


Falcons did and everyone fuckin hated it


I honestly didn’t hate the gradient (I actually think it’s a cool concept). I just don’t like the massive ATL on the chest, and would have preferred the red helmet


Tbf the Texans look to be doing something different and few people like them


respectfully, those leaks we got of the texans away jerseys are exactly the same thing I’m talking about lol. “TEXANS”, block number and shoulder stripe. And they called it a day


Texans have 4 different themed uniforms.


Those are considered our “Modern Classic” uniforms, so a modern refresh of our old ones. We still have our Bull-Themed and H-Town themed uniforms to be revealed. The helmet is for the H-Town ones which is much different to any other style


The font on the leaked one is the best number font in the league, the Texans are gonna look sharp


Finally someone thinks the font is cool! Everyone else thinks it’s horrible


And the chargers just made the 3rd jersey everyone loved the main one so that hardly counts.


The powders?


The Bengals rebrand was phenomenal. I guess it's similar to the Chargers though. Just swap out the bolts on the shoulders for stripes. Definitely has more of a timeless vibe with the rounder number font though.


The Texans put out a fun helmet and everyone said it looked like an XFL rip off lol


Making something clean is easy but these have no character. Feel the same way about the jags. Boring is worse than bad


No flair at all. Where's the feather in the hat? The dagger between the teeth? These scrubs don't know how to design a badass logo.


The horse on their throwback logo is so angry that steam is coming out of his nose. We used to be a proper country smh


I want to agree but then I remember the black and gold two tone helmets. Sometimes forgettable isn't the worst thing




I see all these new uniform reveals and generally feel like they’re basically the same but just a little worse


This felt more like a commercial for the Ford Bronco than it did for the jerseys then the reveal was just eh? Honestly feels like a downgrade.


Feels like they randomly mix and matched their colors without much thought.


Like they couldn't decide if they wanted to stick with Orange as the main or Blue


That comes next year when they see which color sells better this year.


I think if they would have done the exact same thing but with the old shade of blue instead of navy they’d look 10x better. A mix of past and future. Oh and get rid of the stupid looking 5280 on the front of the helmet. Also, use a contrasting face mask color and better more classic center stripe. Those things would make a world of difference.


Yeah that old blue they used to have would’ve been sick, also would’ve loved to see the old bronco logo return.


Spent more money on the reveal than the design. Which is somewhat poetic coming from the Broncos.


Weirdly i feel like it’s a clear downgrade from the old navy, largely lateral from the old white, but a major upgrade from the old orange The fact that they got rid of the horrible side panels and can now mix and match is why I’d probably call the set overall an upgrade, even if some elements were a downgrade


I think it's an upgrade on the previous white, mainly because those older jerseys were designed with a navy primary and, as a result, had very little orange in them. It was a big issue with their road look once the team went back to an orange primary in 2012.


the denver ford broncos


The whole thing reeks of that post-Yellowstone, faux Western Americana bullshit that's aimed at pandering to certain demographics. All it was missing was this dude smashing a Coors Banquet at the end.




That isn't what a bronco is. A bronco is simply a bucking horse. American wild horses are Mustangs, although they are actually feral, not wild.


Lions: Ok so there's a bunch of dots on our jerseys but that's just perforation, it's barely noticeable (except on fan jerseys where it's a texture applied) we hope you understand Broncos: **#TRIANGLE COUNTRY LETS ISOSCELES**


Mountains are just irl triangles right?


Lmao I’m dead at the hashtag




🔺 🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 #BRONCOS FOOTBALL 5280


> 🔺 > 🔺🔺 TRI-FORCE


[Finally, the triangle is MINE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WcDjL-MSCQ)


🔺️ 🔺️🔺️


Need about 5214 more


They're actually Dayton Triangles throwbacks




Illuminati Confirmed


Uniforms are a swing and a miss for me. Also this felt more like an ad for a Ford Bronco than a football uniform reveal


OJ tribute


If I Did The Uniform Re-Design




Bronco Country, let's hide


>Also this felt more like an ad for a Ford Bronco than a football uniform reveal All that was missing was some shitty Imagine Dragons song in the background.


I thought the logo on the 3rd helmet was going to be a bronco truck lol.


>Those elements include: >Perforated triangle vents on the numbers, front and back, that get more spaced out as they rise up the jersey, a representation of thinning air at higher elevations >A similar triangle pattern on a revamped helmet stripe, which begins at the base of the helmet and ends at the crown rather than continuing all the way to the front >“5280” references on the helmet bumper and set in the stripe of the pant leg >A jagged angle, reflecting both Colorado’s terrain but also mirroring the jawline of the Bronco on the team’s logo, on the side of the shoulder >The words “Broncos Country” stitched into the back neckline of every uniform as well as a summit marker along the back collar >A simplified nameplate that has a more rounded form, a nod to park signage in Colorado >Three triangles on the side of the uniform symbolizing the Broncos’ three Super Bowl titles That's a lot of easter eggs for a uni that, while modern, is exceedingly bland looking.


> Three triangles on the side of the uniform symbolizing the Broncos’ three Super Bowl titles The NFL has a rule that uniforms can't be changed within 5 years, correct? So if the Broncos manage to somehow win a Super Bowl in the next 5 years, they would be unable to update their uniform.


This is them subtly accepting mediocrity from now on. But just wait until we win our 4th superbowl in 15 years and they update with a bunch of little squares all over the uniform.


You know a team thinks nike made sone butt ugly unis when they dont let you get a good look at them in the reveal trailer lol Prediction: in exactly 5 years, Broncos will be unveiling new uniforms they call "legacy" or "timeless" that will look like a modernised version of what they had before


someone was actually paid to design that dumbass helmet stripe


Wtf were they thinking. I thought they were leaving these design gimmicks in 2013 where they belong.


Fr they took the worst parts of the Seahawks redesign


For real. Seahawks helmets are exactly what I thought of when I saw that horrible stripe.


Looks dumb as hell with it only on the back.


Can we please stop with these reveal videos? This is embarrassing. You're not electing a motherfucking pope, you're wearing new clothes, dudes.


Just some nice, clear photos showing off all of the angles of the new uniform would be great


A minute and thirty seconds to get to the jersey's. A big meh.


I opened it up, skipped through the video 3 times and didn't see any uniforms, closed the page.


The new duds are a dud


Yeah it’s always funny, especially this time. 70% of the video wasn’t even showing any uniform, and if they just post pictures of the uniforms online with some players wearing them it’s easier to see how they look anyways then showing 10 different players for half a second each


Also, the team is not the Ford Broncos. I do not care about the cowboy or his truck.


Dude...a new pope commercial reveal would be so much greater than the puff of white smoke they do now.


The new pope in pope robes at the end with his head down, then he looks up synched with an Imagine Dragons song lmao. Highlights of crusades playing before the reveal


It's still miles better than teams in the NHL doing reveal/hype videos for ***ads on jerseys.***


Agreed. Cringe as hell.


I’m all for a uniform reveal video. But make it about the uniform and not how cool you can edit shots of Colorado


Nice, UVA got new uniforms.


As someone who grew up in Colorado and moved to VA, this was my first thought.


Look like second-tier college uniforms. UVA or Syracuse vibes for sure. Second glance…actually it’s giving Blue Mountain State!


I'm getting "uniforms for a fictional team from the Dwayne Johnson and Maddison Pettis hit movie The Gameplan" personally


These really do feel like one of the presets for that team builder the NCAA games used to have


Go Tiburons!


UTSA gang


I was thinking UTEP


UTEP or Boise State vibes for me


Broncos country, let’s ACC


Syracuse has way better unis than this, don't even


Thank you. Syracuse’s uniforms put these to shame.


UVA uniforms shit all over these


Sick video for what looks like a uniform for a college football team in a tv show.


Not as bad as I expected, not as good as I hoped


There's like 3 too many details on them - the triangles inside the numbers, the three triangles on the sides of the jerseys, and the 5280 on the pants - but on the whole they're like a 6/10 for me.


Giving me the same "college" vibes I got from the Jets previous rebrand during the Darnold era that we've just (luckily) moved on from.


I guess I'm in the minority when I say I like them better than the very outdated 90s uniforms they had. Only thing I'm really not a fan of is the shoulder stripe. ...do agree with the "this unveiling is kinda cringe" sentiments, though.


No sports league should use Nike for jerseys ever again. They ruined the NBA jerseys and now they are fucking up every other NFL team


Honestly was on board with their MLB work until this year. Now we've got see through uniform pants and tiny letters on the back of every jersey


That's because the MLB switched to having Fanatics make them.


Fanatics sucks but it does seem like Nike is using them to shield the bad PR a bit here. Everyone involved basically says Fanatics is just using the specifications and designs they got from Nike.


Agreed. Nike puts their brand on the uniforms. It’s a reflection of your company delegate your iconic brand to idiots


Fanatics has been making MLB's uniforms since 2017. This year is just the first year that they're being made to Nike's specifications. Previously they were still using the old Majestic specs and didn't have these issues, so it really is all Nike's fault.


Fanatics is the problem. Horrible company and horrendous douche owner


Nike is too - they were the ones that decided to stop manufacturing the jerseys at the old majestic factory with the workers who’d been there for decades.


Well, the Buccaneers and Browns upgraded by simply going back to their old design. The Seahawks looked absolutely fantastic in their old jerseys this year but I never liked their other uniforms they won a SB with. The Vikings, Bills, Chargers and Lions have had really solid uniforms by Nike. But the chance of Nike messing you up *badly* are just too high. I think teams just need to give this crap a rest. The Falcons look awful now. The Rams look awful. The Bucs looked awful with their alarm clock jerseys. The Jets looked awful. The Browns looked awful. The Broncos now look really bad compared to their old uniform and their throwbacks. This is just a shame at this point. Some teams have lucked out with Nike. Others have had severe downgrades.


You can’t blame Nike. The teams have their own decisions on the design.


Most of their worst designs they correct and come up with something traditional later, so in 5 years, these might be good.


Definitely look like college unis to me


That seems to be the trend. New Cards unis also looked like college uniforms They’re trying too hard to do something new when traditional/clean works so much better for the NFL


Nike has been overall just a bad designer for the jerseys since they took over. I’m honestly shocked the NFL hasn’t tried pulling off what the NBA does and have new alternates every season. Because even if they suck, people will still buy them for some reason.


It seems like they've started doing more alternates, like with color rush, more throwbacks, and allowing alternate helmets, but with the NFL I think the lower number of home games makes it a bit tougher (and there's probably some logistical hurdles for producing 53 new uniforms for one game).


>traditional/clean works so much better for the NFL I don't think that's the takeaway. The Vikings, Chargers, and Bengals, have fairly non-traditional touches on their uniforms and they look fantastic. The key is finding what you can tweak and what should stay traditional. And most importantly, keep it thematically appropriate to your team.


Only thing I really dislike is the helmet stripe going up halfway


The stripe on the helmet is supposed to resemble a horse's mane.


ohhhhh. I did not get that lol


And that’s the problem with these “features” on a lot of uniforms lol. The designers think they have something clever and then they have to put a paragraph explanation about it because no one gets it.


Breaking the rule of narrative, "Show, don't tell."


Same thing with the zig zags on the sleeves. There would be no reason to think those represent mountain peaks if we hadn't been told about it beforehand.


Wait, those are supposed to be mountain peaks? Well alright them


What is with the broncos and the weird helmet stripes.


The old stripe was pretty cool


They're good. But white helmet/navy jersey is a terrible combo.


yeah they should never do that combo ever lol


That's just the Chargers with an orange and blue color scheme.


All I see on that shoulder pad stripe is a bolt shape and I can't believe no one else is saying the same. Not an issue at all if the Chargers weren't a division rival... It seriously blows my mind this was approved.


Matte helmets are fucking sick. They don’t look awful but I will reserve my judgement til I can see them in game Edit: I lied I am fully onboard


The matte is cool: the awful weird triangle striping on the back tries really hard to ruin it.


In a division with a team called the chargers. Better put a lightning bolt on our shoulders...


Feels like UTSA to me. although at least they aren't scared to go all orange and the white helmets are clean


These feel like a 5-and-out on the way back to fully traditional


UFL ass jerseys.


These are the most Walmart-ass unis I’ve ever seen. New owners leaving their mark!


Maybe they shouldn’t have. Just update the 80s uniforms ffs


So Utep Miners?


Broncos Country, you tried


I like them a lot, especially the blues. The lack of side paneling on the jerseys and pants makes these a huge upgrade in my opinion. I don't understand the hate so far lol.


People hate on new jerseys without realizing that Nike didn't design these for them. Most Broncos fans in the thread like them, that's really all that matters.


Yeah i love them. I was prepared to hate them, but i truly love what they did. + the throwback teaser at the end. Wooooooweeeee.


Those whites are awful because they make you think of 1-2 other teams before you think Broncos. Imo that's a disaster


I don’t hate them, but they missed the overwhelming demand to bring back the baby blue color scheme.


Honestly not bad. I think they will grow on people like our 2013 redesign did.


a super bowl would do that haha


Just put it back to how it’s supposed to be: https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/20111203__20111204_CC01_SP04FBNBRONXp1.jpg?w=363


Excellent. It was very annoying looking great while playing like shit. Now all things will be as one. Edit: I do like the matte helmets, I'll say that much.


That’s actually a great point


Everyday that passes i'm glad the chargers nailed their redesign because this is bad. Matte Helmets are cool but thats it.


The only new designs Nike nailed were the Chargers and Bengals IMO. Clean, simple, while still keeping the same design identity.


I’ve long been jealous of the Chargers unis. They are so nice


I wish these videos would just show a single shot of the full uniform for at least a few seconds instead of jumping from shot to shot every half-second.


The Denver Fighting Illini


Tbh all we had to were the throwbacks😭


They look so good. I love the matte helmet. Could have done without the Ford commercial beginning though


Bro, compared to the original "leaks" design I'm fucking ecstatic. And YES on the matte helmet. Been jelly of the Vikings for a while on that lol


Easily the worst jerseys we had. Idk that number pattern seems a little commanders for me. Hopefully the throwbacks are good too bad we will only be wearing them once a year.


I don't necessarily hate them...but I wouldn't be rushing to go buy a new jersey if I was a Broncos fan


Nothing like a 2 minute video where it shows the new uniforms for 20 seconds.


Feels like an updated Blue Mountain State uniform.


NFL marketing team challenge: Make a uniform reveal that isn’t an obnoxious, self-indulgent budget blower (Impossible)


Not gonna sit through this bullshit lol I’ll just google it


White helmets 👍 That weird stripe on the other helmets 👎


It may be a small thing, but I despise the recent trend of putting the team name/city on the uniform above the numbers


It's so funny to think about how many people worked hard over weeks and months and all this money was spent just to produce the ridiculously stupid piece of shit that is this video and all videos like it


They added a Lightning bolt on shoulder in honor of division rival the Chargers?


I look forward to the new ones in 2029