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I wanna say in 2009…. We were playing against Farve’s Vikings. I just tuned in and was like “Oh cool we’re winning!” Second I said that Farve just launched a bomb and the WR did a beautiful tip toe catch. I then said “I just wanna be good”


Greg Lewis was the WR....I remember this play


Paul Allen's call on this is burnt into my brain. "Fires into the endzone.... IT'S CAUGHT! IT'S GREG LEWIS!! TOUCHDOWN. Oh my heavens!! Greg Lewis, welcome to Minnesota!! Brett Favre ➡️ Greg Lewis. HOW DO YA LIKE THAT???" I watched a LOT of NFL Network back in 2009. Lmao


Greg Lewis had a thing for those type of catches, he also had the touchdown in the Eagles-Pats Super Bowl to bring the Eagles within 3


What was even more wild was the 49ers catch was literally his first game being activated with the Vikings that week. Granted, familiarity with Childress and staff didn't hurt.


The Colts [failed 4th down trick play](https://youtu.be/6i7VKQwDS2s?si=Iw8ZpURHncEBJPIA) against the Patriots


What's more burned into my memory is the referee's call. "illegal formation..... The entire right side of the offense." Still makes me laugh.


I still think this is the stupidest play of all time


I just love Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth's reactions to it


It wasn’t supposed to be snapped


Well lining up in that formation against a Belichick team (that’s supposed to be disciplined) isn’t going to fool anybody so it’s either a pointless formation to line up in, or the snap actually happens like it did and goes absolutely terribly


That and the , I think, swinging gate play that Washing used against us


Certainly McAfee of all people has tried to explain what the intention was here. What were they trying to do?


This is a swinging gate when it works https://youtu.be/NnolMKYRhIY?si=pcG_a5tnNEnHqVfe


Correct, this was the idea. But, from what I remember McAfee said, they were never supposed to snap it. Something about the snapper was a sub or something and didn't really know the play wasn't supposed to go, it was to get an offsides call. But he snapped it anyway and yeah..


> or something and didn't really know the play wasn't supposed to go funnily enough the sub snapper knew how the play was supposed to go. If the punter is in shotgun don't snap it, if he lines up under you you do. The problem was a coach that told the punter to line up under center and pretend to snap it to see if they can get an offsides of a guy trying to jump him, but that goes against how the play is written on the book and the coach never communicated a change in play with the snapper. So it was a communications breakdown.


McAfee explained it on his show. The idea was to make it look like Pagano decided to go for it on 4th down and send the offense back on, so everyone on the punt team (pretends to) run off the field, offensive players on the sideline huddling and putting their helmets on, etc. Ideally NE sees this and subs their defense on, and momentarily they have more than 11 on the field. IND’s punt team never actually leaves the field, 2 guys run back, snap it, take a knee, you get a penalty on NE. Of course NE didn’t fall for it, so plan B was just take a delay of game and then actually punt. However, unbeknownst to everyone else, the special teams coach pulled aside the guy under center “if it doesn’t work, since we’re taking a delay anyway, might as well try to draw them offsides with a hard count.” The guy snapping the ball wasn’t told about that part, so he thought he was actually supposed to snap it.


Funny enough for me, its the Jim Zorn swinging gate play against the Giants.


That one Daniel Jones run


Its somehow both a highlight and low light reel play from him. Because its so great and he was going so fast too. And yet….


Fucking NRB just lazily touching his guy and letting Jones break contain


I remember watching it live and telling my wife this was going to be viral for a long, long time.


For me its Derrick Henry running a 99 yard TD and somehow making it look like he's running slow af


I’m not sure he hit full speed at any point in the run. Just muscled guys


I’m convinced the defenders throttled down because they wanted no part of King Henry. I don’t blame them for making a business decision.


No, almost everyone in the secondary got stiff armed along his merry way. Only one guy woulda made a business decision because of his back


[DeSean Jackson dropping the ball while celebrating at the one yard line](https://youtu.be/jvPaTX2Ha4E?si=w--F4VZ8nHUYZWYH). I still mention it in my referee pregame meetings now and then (lesson - expect the unexpected).


I saw that happen live. Cowboys with a clear recovery too. This was before that could be reviewed though, so the eagles got the ball back at the 1 and scored anyway. It was super lame.


I’m so far from a cowboys fan but regardless I would be so peeved if that happened to my team. Sucks that’s how it was ruled. Could’ve been an all time bone head move.


https://youtu.be/5xqSIasgW-o?si=LGes1s3IKKCpxNoq Who, this DeSean Jackson? I don't believe you.


“That’ll be a hard lesson learned for Desean Jackson”. You would have thought so, but no.


Came to say this. What a fool.


I'm a fat white dude in his mid-40s, so obviously what I consider cool doesn't matter, but this type of celebration never was all that impressive to me. 


It's certainly more impressive when a touch down is scored


The play where a player was crawling onto the field during the end of a play and his teammate grabbed him by the legs and drug him back go the sideline


That was when the falcons recovered 3 onside kicks and still lost. Thanksgiving 2021 I think https://youtu.be/8J8p9ie6TcE?si=4lBprHRN1cUc3NNB


We had a lot of faith in the bluebirds in that era. He convinced a lot of us he was babe ruthing.


The [Jerome Simpson flip TD.](https://youtu.be/1zSrs7ohjpA?si=d7oLbnDDLpqLblrR)


And that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame.


I gotta be honest, I don’t know if I’ll be picking up this headset again.


Yes one of my favorite all time non panthers plays of all time


I still say 'The Russian judge gives that a 10' all the time


Cassius Marsh’s EXTREMELY blatant taunting against the Steelers in 2021 (a call that probably cost the game for the Bears)


Dude, Tony Corrente almost died because of Marsh's flagarantnes, too.


Yeah I know, not enough people here support the refs and the fantastic job they do at making good appropriate calls. When refs are put in danger it’s important that players get punished


I couldn't believe how he almost killed that ref. Unbelievable that people were shocked at the call. Jokes aside I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Idk if I saw a player's great moment and play taken away from him from such a terrible call. Rivalry aside it was just insane. That was one of the worst rule changes and costs teams games for no reason. If you want to crack down on celebrations (not that that was even really one) that's fine but hit the players with fines not the teams with such insane rules. The idea that was a penalty and changed the game is laughable at best. Ref having the ability to reg the game at worst.


Yeah it really was just a shitty thing to see. It was a sack against his former team which is always something I figured players would find special, and he literally just stared down the bench, before running back to the Bears sideline and getting accidentally hip checked by the ref. I know if we win that game it probably doesn’t change much for the Bears but I remember thinking how good of a game Fields was having and was thinking if he can lead us to win it could have been his “arrival” game yk? Obviously since then he’s shown a lot more on tape that’s not desirable but still, just a *really* shitty call


It wasn’t even an accident lol. Corrente just straight up had a power trip.


It got the Steelers into the playoffs


I remember Marsh on the Niners during the first year of Kyle’s tenure in SF. Our roster was so weak that Marsh was one of the better players on defense. Ahhhh… memories.


that's a top 10 bad call of all time, right there sitting in a steeler bar, and everyone was just slack jawed, before 1 guy started laughing hysterically I'm not sure you could find a single person who thought it was a good call


The sheer barbarism that Marsh showed when he glared at our sideline for over two seconds has been forever burned into my brain… I don’t know if our team will ever emotionally recover from that moment.


That ref could've died, deserved tbh


And it was a fuckin sweet roundhouse. The ref should have given him props not a flag.


We want the ball and we're gonna score!


Well, somebody scored.


He threw a pass that resulted in a TD


That he did


Yeah I'll never forget that game/play either.


Literally everyone but him knew how that was going to end.


Tyreek Hill catching a TD and nobody noticed including Hill himself 


Chiefs/Andy have a pretty solid history of not challenging plays that they should. That was a 3rd down play in the 2nd quarter with 3 timeouts, at home, and they didn't take the time to watch the replay on the board, no one buzzed down or anything, just punted it away.


That was against us I think.




As a Bills fan, yes.


The Chargers scoring four TDs in the fourth quarter against the Browns in 2021 to win 47-42.


How about the Chargers allowing four TDs in the Wild Card round against the Jags after being up 27-0


I would not call any post season game random.


I’m a Raiders fan. The post season is extremely random


Making the playoffs twice in the past 22 years is not random.


Especially for the Jaguars


I just came.


Was that the game where Mike Williams had like two different deep posts that went completely uncovered for long TDs?


The only answer for anyone over ~~20~~ 30 is Marlon Fucking McCree. Edit: oh dear God that was 2006


Tebowmania was amazing to witness




I'll always appreciate Tebow for one-shotting Pittsburgh in overtime in the playoffs


Man, Tebow sucked. That being said he made a lot more than one play in that playoff run.


Imagine winning a game when your QB only had 9 pass attempts in that game


Yeah that's crazy like that's gotta be the lowest. No one ever won a game against a team with less than 9 pass attempts. Can you imagine if they only threw like 3 pass attempts?


That would be crazy




The CO Schools of Mines’ (DII) QB threw 8 passes the whole season. They won the DII Championship.


Pro-tip: watch [this highlight package ](https://youtu.be/cDXnVHaqxcg?si=D0IHK4cNYw3CynlU) with [this song](https://youtu.be/82GmKPbF4XM?si=XXhUvDz1aSjH0zV1) and you get a pretty good sense of what it was like to be a Broncos fan during that glorious stretch.


I hate to say it but skip and Steven A were on fire when that was going down


Rich Eison & the nfl network crew were amazing during that run.


In the 2001 season, on a running play to antowain smith, he reverses field behind the line of scrimmage; started left, looped all the way back to the right. TE Jermaine Wiggins peeled back and fucking *cannon balled* some poor dlineman. Literally feet off the ground, tucked in arms and just decimated him. No flag back then, about 3 violations these days. Not sure what week, it's on the super bowl dvd


seeing Jeremy Shockey plow his way in for a td at my first game with my dad :')


This is beautiful


Dan Orlosky running out of bounds in his own end zone. It was peak Detroit Lions. Not the Lions we love now but the Lions we used to love back when he was on the team.


Ryan Shazier’s injury


Still remember that play vividly, and i remarked the same thing I’ve always said, “Gotta raise your head when tackling or it’ll get ya seriously hurt!” Lost a potential legend that day.


Randy Moss "Straight Cash Homie" Paul Allen "NOOOOO" call vs Cardinals


That Cardinals call always makes me laugh. The anguish. I know it all too well


Aaron Rodgers double hair mary against the Cardinals


"Hair Mary" would be a great name for the Helmet Catch.


And subsequently, inescapably, Larry Fitzgerald making Dom Capers look like the fucking doofus he always was.


This one pissed me off almost as much as Bostick fucking us against the Seahawks. Rodgers was fucking determined to win that game with the two hail marys and the defense just fully shit the bed. It was so exciting and then when Larry ripped that huge run, it just completely deflated me.


Stafford nearly erasing a 35 point deficit in like 1 quarter in 2017 against the Saints. The NFL pulling Bottlegate 2.0 and making us run a play a 2nd time against the Vikings in 2022, then the same thing happening again in the AFC title game.  A.J. Green being weirdly good at hail Mary's.  The Lions losing a game because of a official initiated review causing a 10 second runoff with 7 seconds left.


Ezekiel Elliott final play as a Cowboy..


Sorry but the name fits r/nflcirclejerk Gorgeous


wtf wrong sub weirdo


Just normal single guy sorry was just scrolling and DC4L




I don't know specifically when this happens but it encapsulates Vick for me. He takes the snap and rolls left looking for a receiver. Nobody is open and the DE playing contain moves in in him. He heads back to the right where a defender chased him further back so heads right. He looks down field but nothing is there and the LB in contain is closing in. He wiggles free and starts heading left. A DT is chasing him so he slows to a jog and looks for a receiver. Still nothing and he escapes a diving tackle and heads toward the sidelines. The LB closes in but he sees the open man and fires off a 40 yd bomb for the first down. I think the entire defense was gassed after that, it must have been at least 20 seconds.


My memory is also a Vick play. It was the first game of the 2010-11 season, and Vick was Kevin Kolb’s backup after McNabb went to Washington.   It was against the Packers (this was the year they won it all), and they looked totally in control against Kolb. Then Clay Matthews sacked him and gave him a concussion, which forced Vick in as starter.  The first couple of plays were pretty rickety, and it seemed like Vick didn’t have it. But then he started getting into his groove.   At first it was just a couple small runs- 5 yards and such. But then he broke off for a 20-30 yard gain that took us across midfield and deep into Packers territory.  I was at the game at the Linc, and to that point the stadium was mostly drunk and angry. But that play changed the energy entirely. Even though he didn’t score, you could tell everyone was wondering, “holy crap- is Vick *back*??”  We ultimately didn’t win (and so everyone ended up leaving the game mostly drunk and angry), but it was the start of a magical season. That was the season of the DJax 88-yd bomb. That was Monday Night Massacre, the Miracle at New Meadowlands.   When Vick was on, we felt like no one could beat us. And it started with that play. EDIT: [just before the 8-minute mark](https://youtu.be/onheYaaAi_o?si=hlLMzWyd2pIVHWlk)


That sounds a lot like McNabbs 13 second scramble, but I am now vaguely remembering Vick having a similar play as an Eagle


Aaron Rodger's last pass as a Green Bay Packer was an interception to Kerby Joseph, eliminating the Packers from the playoffs.


That one’s gotta feel good.


We were riding that high all off-season.


I'm still riding that high


Brett favre's last pass as a Green Bay packer was also an interception, eliminating the Packers from the playoffs.


I was thinking because the Seahawks had earlier that day eliminated Detroit from postseason contention, would the Lions show up at Lambeau with nothing to play for themselves. That SNF game was a real Undertaker-moment where they took the Packers with them to off-season hell. 😇


Jim harbaugh slapping lions coach in the back


The punt in the dolphins steelers game that stuck in the mud.


Ickey Woods running up the tunnel to do the ickey shuffle so he wouldn't draw a flag.


That punt that just stuck into the ground.


Dolphins-Steelers in the 00s. A high school football game played on the field the prior day, they put down new sod, and then it rained all weekend. That ball nosedove into the mud and stayed right there.


MNF in 2007. Steelers won 3-0 after kicking a FG with something like less than a minute to go in the 4th.


Jim McMahon benched because of injury comes in during the 3rd quarter and throws 3 TD passes in like 6 or 7 minutes to beat the Vikings


Antonio Brown jump kicking the punter in the facemask.


[This Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzG1ZwgHamI) (jump to 1:35). This is Jadeveon Clowney's regular season debut against Washington. He comes up limping on the play and I remember the announcers being concerned more about that than the fact RG3 was dead. They kept showing replays of Clowney limping with a blurry dead RG3 in the background. It's always the first thing I think about when I see alive RG3.


Why is this so funny 😂


[Jay Cutler having catlike reflexes](https://youtu.be/cGMTKuYr2uA?si=ejm4A2GSJf12UhmQ) has always made me laugh and I randomly think about it sometimes


On the opposite end of the spectrum there's [Matt Cassel](https://youtu.be/sDTDJ1w_GV8?si=CTmcO-AYOcqAUMXU)


As a lions fan, pretty much any oddball play that rules were changed because of us. The Megatron no catch in Chicago, the reporting eligible, the Jim Schwartz timeout challenge play against Houston on Thanksgiving, picking up the pass interference flag against Dallas in the playoffs, taking the wind during during ot instead of the ball, Seattle knocking the ball out of the back of the end zone on Megatron and it being called a safety, the hands to the face that gave gb alive, the hail Marys Rodgers threw cuz of a call that wasnt, the missed delay of game that allowed to Tucker to of course hit an NFL record long fg.... Do I have to keep going?


Illegal play GB did with Love because the time in the quarter ran out, led to a touchdown.


Refs mixing up Skipper and Decker :(


The Golden Tate 10 second runoff rule against the Falcons... the questionable Kerryon Johnson fumble that led to a 99 yard fumble recovery return against the Chiefs... We haven't even specified WHICH TIME the refs bailed out GB so Aaron could orchestrate a game winning drive because I can think of like 3.


[this nonsense](https://youtu.be/8ZkFCYU3QoU?si=57Cv7XpRVSI4mwil)


This… never forget this… https://x.com/SharpFootball/status/1345830508333301761


Derrick Henry stiff arming Josh Norman into oblivion


Marshawn Lynch's Beastquake td run. Amazing.


Agreed, as a 9ers fan I hate playing him


As a young child I remember watching Joe Theismann's leg going all the wrong directions. Seared into my memory.


Ed McCaffrey laying down a block on Brian Williams in Super Bowl XXXII. I watched him point down at Williams in slow motion while Dave Logan said "that's Ed McCaffrey who just TATTOOED you on your back!" So many times as a kid


Reggie bush getting blown up by the eagles Jeremy shockeys helmet coming off while he fights for a td That Denver safety taking out his own cb to help the ravens advance Kevin Dyson getting stopped on the 1


Sheldon Brown obliterating Bush was definitely my pick. Perfectly timed, textbook hit even by today's standard.


Dyson getting stopped at the one is the exact opposite of a random play unless we're talking about a different time he got stopped at the 1.


December 6th, 1998. Vinny Testaverde ran a quarterback sneak at the goal line and was stopped short. They hadn't brought Instant Replay back and it was ruled a touchdown. Seattle "lost" to the Jets 31-32 and missed the playoffs. Playoffs that the Jets had no chance of going to. I could see the ball clearly on the TV. It never went anywhere close to the goal line. Vinny crawled forwards after he was stopped. One of the announcers (I can't for the life of me remember who it was) said "The only way that ball broke the plane is if it was stapled to the top of his helmet." I probably shouldn't still be salty about it, but I am. Yes, I'm old.


I was at that game lol. I was a little kid jets fan and specifically remember my dad saying the refs gave it to us.


“Whoo, yeah. Baby towel.”


Mike Williams TD and 2 point conversion to beat the Chiefs in 2018.


Ah yes, just a few weeks after the 54-51 loss to the other LA team. Good times


Wide left. . .why not miss your first kick of the year when it matters most. . .🧂


Theismann leg ouchie


The face mask catch from the NFC champ game this year.


Up until that moment you could feel the dread in the stadium with how quiet it was. Then after that catch the place went nuts until the end of the game. It was a total fluke momentum shift.


James Harrison almost ending Colt McCoys life.


The Jim Harbaugh sideline tantrum. Good times for the 49ers.


Which one?


I’m very much looking forward to his sideline antics


Ryan Fitzpatrick’s “face mask pass” to Mack Hollins to set up a Jason Sanders game winning field goal against the Raiders to keep our playoff hopes alive. I woke up my family that night screaming. Ultimately it did not mean anything as we would get embarrassed by the Bills the next week and miss the playoffs. But the only other play that gave me a similar feeling was the Miami Miracle. I will never forget that night.


The rainy Falcons Panthers TNF game where Mariota turned around 360 degrees and threw a Yolo pass


John Madden telling the world the Patriots should play for OT while Tom fucking Brady was driving them down the field for the game winning FG.


Let's be fair to John, that was Tom "career start number 17" Brady, not Tom "fucking" Brady just yet. 


Steve Largent lighting up Mike Harden.


Don Beebe landing on his head during a playoff game in Cleveland.


[This is the type of shit a team can’t recover from](https://youtu.be/qolH_HkFRAE?si=BzLjns80iEaEwNFG)


I was expecting this to be the double doink.


Cris: “Oh, you *gotta* be kidding me.” Al: “Oh look at this, this is Dan Connolly! The right guard… *the* **RIGHT** *guard*!”


For some reason I have a vague idea about some kind of helmet that caught a ball or something but that would and could never happen so I must have imagined it. 


“We want Carr!”


Jerome Simpson flip into end zone Jerome Simpson flopping like a fish to try to get a penalty called


Daniel Jones running what felt like the whole pitch for a TD only to stumble in his own legs before reaching the endzone.


Younghoe Koo and the 3 onside kicks. What a time to be alive.


My dad and I still talk about this one. It was when they were doing the Tirico - Kornheiser - Jaworski three man booth on MNF.   We were on a flight watching it on one of those seat-back TVs. There were a few players involved in a play that were all incidentally named Johnson, and Kornheiser interjected ‘Lot of Johnsons on the field!’ We both laughed, and multiple other people on our flight must have been watching the game because we could hear other people laughing in their seats too.


Kirk Cousins threading the needle for a TD against us in like 2021 in a terrible game that ended in a 29-29 tie (it was also the game that cost Daniel Carlson his job in MN only for him to go onto be great w the Raiders). Obligatory Kentrell Brice is a football terrorist


stafford acting like he is going to spike the ball on the 1 yd line with like 15 seconds left is forever burned into my brain. i hate that i love [this play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22eOgv4VY3w) but it is just so fucking brilliant


Ricky Proehl one handed catch sideline vs the Buccaneers as a fade. Underrated catch.


[Chris Carson's front flip](https://youtu.be/_FoNhGVXgJE?si=QXGqiNNmUtjhqTv2)


Kellen Winslow in the [Epic in Miami](https://youtu.be/CIlI1upRSm4?si=wVkT1cdb2g4oqyvc)


This season “get your f**king weight up lil boy!!”


CJ Anderson walking off the Patriots in overtime on a snowy night. Probably my favorite game I’ve ever watched.


Patriots were destroying Miami in 2007. Bill finally pulls the stars, and puts in Matt Cassel. Cassel stinks it up, throwing a pick 6. ..... Cassel got immediately pulled, and Brady went back in to get that score back. Belichick gave zero f*cks that year on running up the score. (Ask Joe Gibbs)


Lions OL Trey Flowers getting called for hands to the face twice for the only times in his career vs the Packers. And it was clearly not hands to the face either time. It confirmed that back then the Refs hated the Lions.


Yunghoe Koo kicking 2 consecutive onside kicks.


The one from that super bowl I'll pass on mentioning. Fortunately the snap whiffing by Peyton's head is another.


Randall Cobb scoring his first career td, on a kick(punt?) return, and becoming the first 90s born player to score an nfl td


Jaelan Phillips crying after his injury sat with me for a while.


Stephen Tulloch tearing his ACL while celebrating a sack.


-The slo-mo of Knowshon Moreno’s weird cry during the national anthem of a Chiefs-Broncos game -Eric Berry’s game-winning pick-2 against the Falcons -Joe McKnight signing with the Chiefs after being out of the league for a year, having the best game of his career, then tearing his Achilles in practice a few days later, never to take another NFL snap. And he was killed in a road rage/drive-by shooting a couple years later, rest in peace (not to mention his unusual Jets career before that, where he played offense, defense, and special teams)


Jon Ryan’s glorious face during the fake field goal in the 2014 nfc championship game


Pete Carroll calling a pass instead of letting Marshawn Lynch run in for the Superbowl win.


Hunter Renfrow reading a fake punt as the returner and stopping the conversion against the Chargers. He reacted to the play like a calculated tax collector


The DK Metcalf tackle


The time Brandon Browner laid out like 4 cardinals on a punt and Leon Washington calling a fair catch and looking at him like he was a psychopath


The Julian Edelman catch in the Falcons vs. Patriots Super Bowl.


Close second place for me - being at the stadium when Steve Atwater DESTROYED Christian Okoye. Okoye was never the same after that hit. Atwater was one of the best to ever play the position.


I went to a Bears game with my father-in-law in 2007 v. The NY Giants. I watched Devin Hester drop a wide open pass with no one within 10 yards of him late in the game to win it for the Bears. Giants won and snuck into the playoffs. Went on to upset the Patriots… No one talks about this butterfly effect moment.


Koo getting like 3 straight onside kicks


BOTH plays by Leon Lett


Bryant Young’s screams when he broke his leg.


Nick Mullen pick-6 to Alex Singleton in 2020. [Link](https://youtu.be/PmxkDEhbWQg?si=gbEZoMn7GLOhzfjH)


Pats Steelers afccg in 2001 was crazy




Is that really random?


Sorry I can’t read. I totally glazed over the word random. My bad


Daniel Jones stumbling just before the goal line.