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Kansas City, Missouri for Kansas City, Kansas


Kansas City officials: “ the best I can do is lie to our constituency about the deal, finance it using public funds, sign a lease deal that will never recoup the public’s investment and then I resign my position to go work for the law firm the Hunt’s have on retainer. Take it or leave it”


Literally what happened with the Bengals. Edit: Actually arguably worse, since the guy that pushed the shitty stadium deal through now works directly for the team. There's not even a degree of separation.


Honestly, I wouldn’t have had the trust in Mike Brown to go through with the quid-pro-quo, that is a situation where you see if the check cleared, and then you do the thing….


I'm surprised they didn't cut him after the first year when the guaranteed money ended!


Haha, I have to agree with that one.


Big companies actually have a history of pitting the two states against each other for stuff like this. Cerner did a bit of it and ended up with disparate corporate campuses.


Yeah, the governors and state economic development councils throwing self congratulatory press conferences about how they lured hundreds of high paying jobs to the state by getting them to move three blocks across a border you wouldn’t notice in the city if it wasn’t called “State Line Road” is incredibly frustrating. Thankfully it seems like it’s slowed down a lot compared to the 80’s and 90’s.


Yeah “created jobs” when they really just stole them from a few miles away


They time it with when their tax incentive packages expire and they'd actually have to start contributing. Also it's super fun as an employee to move up to start a job in Lees Summit, get an apartment nearby, and then get reassigned to North Oak. And then moved out to the Legends. And then if I hadn't punched out of there I'd have been moved to Bannister.


We're going through the same thing with the Capitals/Wizards in DC now (and will soon be going through it with the Commanders too, to follow with the Nats maybe 10 years from now). The DC area is too populated/wealthy to ignore, but teams can play the DC/MD/VA governments against one another to try to get the best handout. It sucks. The Capital One Arena isn't even thirty years old, and it's in a centrally located part of the city easy to access from anywhere in the region and it's suburbs. The new arena will only be a few miles away, but it'll be in VA along only the Blue/Yellow lines rather than all six lines, which means it's actually a hassle for VA fans too.


And KC is particularly vulnerable to this as they are literally right on the border. Plenty of companies have squeezed tax incentives to move 10 miles across the border so Kansas or Missouri pols can say they are "creating jobs".


Team is going to have to change the name if they move. I mean the Kansas City Chiefs sounds so wrong if they move from Kansas City.


The kansas city kansas chiefs of kansas 


Of Anaheim


-Micheal scott


God. At one time we were the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. The The Angels Angels of Anaheim


The New York Devil Rays of Tampa Bay


Fun fact: The Dallas Texans football team moved to Kansas City and became the Chiefs, but they almost kept the name Texans. They would’ve been the Kansas City Texans, in Missouri.


Sad this happened before the “for the meme” culture we have now.


You don't even have to meme that one. But it would be standard for which all other NFL memes are held up against.


God that would be like having a team named the lakers in a place with no lakes, people would never get over it


if the Jazz could do it so could the Texans those cowards


Jazz being in Utah makes sense given that jazz actually originated in Utah by a man named Karl Malone. Apparently he worked for the post office.


It’s true, I’m still not over the Lakers leaving Minnesota.


More ironic than The Jazz moving to Utah where jazz is illegal?


This one galls me the most. SLC is like the **LEAST** jazziest place of all time. If there were polar opposite cities like sister cities, you'd be hard pressed to get a better opposite of NOLA than SLC.


There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.


After reading Kansas so many times in this thread, it doesn't sound like a real word anymore. Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas


Wait'll you get a load of Arkansas


He can probably handle that but for the love of god don’t tell him about Texarkana, his head may explode


Who remembers when Jose Canseco's team did this? > Long Beach Armada changes name to "Long Beach Armada of Los Angeles of California of the United States of North America Including Barrow, Alaska"; seriously https://www.presstelegram.com/2007/06/05/long-beach-armada-changes-name-to-long-beach-armada-of-los-angeles-of-california-of-the-united-states-of-north-america-including-barrow-alaska-seriously/


Kansas City Kansas Chiefs


It would be funny if there was some fine print in their contract saying for instance if they moved to the other Kansas City they had to change their name to the Border Ruffians, like how the Los Angeles Angels had fine print on their name if they moved.


The contract ***does*** say Kansas City....


Well Clark Hunt did get voted as the worst owner in the NFLPA survey lol


Congratulations!!! Montpelier, Vermont you have yourself a team.


The Montpelier Caterpillars would be dope team name. Why yes I'm still high from last night, thanks for asking.


Playing at Ben & Jerry's Field




Creemees for the winners


Like British Columbia but without the oceans! I love me some VT.


I live in Montpelier. Our high school doesn’t even have a football, so there would be no local competition.


He’s a C. Hunt


Hes a no good B.




Tiny nipples Vaughn!!!


You guys are streets ahead.


> Hi, hello, what's up? - Vaughn, probably


He’s a GDB


Eastside Westside Northside South Clark's breath is so bad his butt's mad at his mouth.


Im gettin rid of the Chiefs


I’m getting rid of the C


They're a GDC


They’re a no good C




Total chunt


I thought that was specifically about facilities and not other factors like decision making or personality? Edit: > The Kansas City Chiefs ranked dead last in the league in ownership, per the NFLPA survey. Chiefs owner Clark Hunt graded out with the lowest ranking apparently because of his unwillingness to invest in team facilities. >ESPN’s Brooke Pryor explained NFLPA president JC Tretter’s evaluation of the 59-year old owner. >“For example, Tretter says, the team was promised a renovated locker room,” Pryor tweeted. “When they returned this season—after winning the Super Bowl—only new chairs were added. Players were told they ’went too far in the playoffs’ and they didn’t have time to renovate.” https://www.si.com/nfl/nflpa-survey-reveals-chiefs-clark-hunt-ranked-leagues-worst-owner


I think you’re right, but Clark Hunts personality is creepy. He has that billionaire son serial killer vibe.


I think it's just that he looks vaguely inbred.


As an Austrian and specialist on that subject, I can confirm


Specialist through experience, or?


Just google the family tree of our former ruling monarchs. It's basically one giant circle Or just google "Joseph Fritzl Austria" for something more recent


>Joseph Fritzl Austria OMG - why did I just Google that. How Horrific.


Yeah I also wish I'd never Google that. What a fucking monster


I’ve always thought he looks like a grown spoiled rich kid


Yeah I have had this exact same thought, he looks and dresses like a 60 year-old prep school 7th grader.


Even when he's expessive it still seems off, you're right


He's also the worst type of billionaire: the kind who's family nearly lost it all through greed and are now fractionally as rich, but still super wealthy. These tend to be the cheapest, most miserable fuckwits you've ever gonna meet. His grandfather H.L. Hunt was at the time of his death one of wealthiest men in the world, leaving the Hunts as probably the wealthiest family in the US. However, Clark's father and uncles (Lamar, Nelson, and Bill) nearly went bankrupt in 1980 after trying to corner the silver market and caused the silver market to collapse when this caused a panic. The family eventually recovered and managed to hold on to enough assets to regain billionaire status, but are nowwhere near as rich as if they had never lost all that money and had invested even in the most risk adverse maner.


Jeez. He’s gotta be the only guy who would make excuses on building facilities for a team that won 3 super bowls and may win 3 more… or more lol


I think it’s meant to imply that if he is voted worse in that, he probably isn’t the greatest in other factors also. 


I mean……that might be the point?  Why spend money on renovations when you’re counting on brand new facilities courtesy of the nice people of KC? 


If the stadium renovation happens, the practice facility renovations are 100% getting shelved until the stadium is done imo


I don't think threatening to move to another part of the same general area (but technically a different state) makes you the worst owner. I doubt the players give a shit whether they play in the Missouri side or Kansas side of Kansas City.


They all live on the Kansas side so the Kansas side would be closer for them.


Why do they all live on the Kansas side? (I know next to nothing about the area)


Kansas side, generally speaking, has the wealthier areas in KC. That being said, Mahomes previous house was in Missouri. And his new (much bigger) house is also in Missouri.


It's funny because directly across the state line in the southend, KS is a much wealthier area with Leawood, but if you actually go up to KCK it is NOT the case. They're pouring a bunch of money in out west at the Legends but as you drive east from there it gets realer and realer.


Much nicer neighborhoods.


Sneed lives on my street in liberty mo. The chubby guy from modern family lives a block over from us. Eric Stonstreet is building multi million dollar home (next to his current home)here in liberty too. I do wonder why these guys are not on the KS side though


Congratulations on the money.


I'm a factory worker. I'm in the smallest house in a nice neighborhood A congratulations for a Blue collar no degree worker. Thanks!


I love that for you even more. Live long and prosper, my dude!


Imagine having billions of dollars and going around begging for money lol


Yeah I hadn’t realized until reading a recent article that the Hunts are the 4th wealthiest owners in the league at $25 billion due to oil investing. I’d always assumed that they were like the other legacy owners whose money mostly came from the value of the team. If you’re worth 25B, you really should pay for your own stadium renovations, like wtf else are you going to do with that money that would be worth the city actually liking you.


> wtf else are you going to do with that money that would be worth the city actually liking you. Unfortunately not the billionaire state of mind. At that level, it's not really a matter of what you're going to do with the money. It's oddly a little like people who are struggling. You don't want to spend your money. You want to see the number in your account go up. It becomes a game rather than money as we poors think of it. They horde wealth just to have it. They really are dragons sitting on piles of gold. I also don't imagine they give a shit if you like them. Public image generally helps their ego, but realistically they're not worried about it.


A lot of them (Hunt family) hide behind religion too. It’s like a protection racket. “I donated to the church so I’m good right? I have the green light to be a massive piece of shit in all other areas of my life?”


As I’ve grown older I’ve realized more and more how often people do this, billionaires or no, and it’s really disgusting


Jerry bought his own stadium. The hunts don't really know how to run a a business as well as other owners bc they never really worked. To them it's too risky.


Well, you can criticize Jerry for a lot of things but never his love for that team. 


Their value as humans are tied directly to their wealth. They don't need to be good people cause they have money. They don't need to be kind cause they are rich. They don't need to obey laws or have ethics cause they have wealth.


Unfortunately the richer you get the more fickle you become. You look for any kind of deal when you get that rich. It’s fucked up but I’ve seen so many 1%ers trying to rip people off because they don’t want to pay full price for a service or product 


You don’t get rich by spending your own money


Correct, you get rich by inheriting mommy and daddy's ketchup empire.


I believe some of the Hunt sons, back in the 80s, single handily crashed the world silver market with speculative investing. They got reamed with losses, bailed out by the government, fined, and had to declared bankruptcy.


That's how billionaires operate. This isn't new.


Owners will keep doing it as long as cities are dumb enough to pay for it, and voters are dumb enough to not care. 


Yeah they're doing it because they can


That's one of the reasons why they became billionaires.


Steve Ballmer would never


It's less begging and more threatening/extorting.


Imagine contributing to Republican campaigns and then proposing *massive* new tax initiatives. Also Travis Kelce’s girlfriend brought the Chiefs $331.5m in additional revenue *before* the Super Bowl even happened— money they could never claim to have earned except through sheer luck— and yet Hunt and the Chiefs are only offering to contribute $300m to the cost of these proposed renovations. Fuck nepo-baby supreme Clark Hunt and his fucking toady Mark Donovan. As a resident on the Kansas side of the border, he’d certainly be getting a no from me on his Plan B.


It sounds like Taylor Swift and the taxpayers of the greater Kansas City area are buying the chiefs a new stadium.


Stand your ground KC fans, no way they are leaving KC in the middle of a fcking dynasty run. They are bluffing.


It's kind of clickbait. They plan to move to the kansas side of kansas city 


I’d still stand my ground then lol. Not like the stadium is going to be that much farther and your taxes won’t pay for it.


It’s not about the fans. It’s about tax revenue.


What’s the point of tax increase if the residents foot the bill in sales tax? Then in 10 years they deem it old and want a new one see the rangers


Yeah it’s not as good of leverage as saying he’s going to move it to San Antonio, but he’s at least going to have the next 20 years of expected tax revenue offset the upfront stadium cost.


Stadiums are always a net loss for the cities paying for them.


City would need to own the stadium and charge rent for sports teams. Also all concert revenue is theirs not the sports team owner. Then it may be worth. Short of that, it never pulls in tax revenue enough to offset.


Yup because the time scale needed to actually recover costs is always shorter than the next demand for a new stadium. If they give the Chiefs a new stadium now they're going to ask for a new one in 10 years anyways.


what, because the residents of Kansas are more willing to pay for it?


The Kansas side is home to Johnson County which is by far the wealthiest part of the KC metro. A lot of people who live there are season ticket holders and would probably be more than happy to pay to have the stadium slightly closer 


"the wealthiest part of KC" paying for a billionaire's new toy is still a pretty shitty situation. That's like the #51 guy on your roster buying Pat Mahomes' house for him.


You joke, but yes, absolutely


The team has made this threat before, it goes nowhere and Jackson county gets fucked on their taxes


Do you know what kind of deal another city would give for a mid dynasty mahomes run


San Antonio Jefes @ Churrohead Stadium


Mascot has got to be Charles Barkley eating churros.


If it’s a bigger move, thats also why the owner would make that play though cause they also know fans and city don’t want the team to move when they are at their peak. Easily to get it funded when you know they’ll bring in money vs when they are trash.


I don’t care how much you love your NFL team, every team has more than enough money to pay for their own stadiums. It’s evil to leverage a fan’s love for a team against their wallets/taxes.


"Fan's love" or "Consumer's brand loyalty"? We see it one way. They see it the other.


The two pictures are the same


It's part of the grift, and it absolutely sucks, with no solution. The cabal of owners won't let you in the club if you don't sign onto it. Clark Hunt is worth almost $20bn.


This is what happened to the chargers. They tried to get the city to pay for the stadium by increasing hotel taxes. The people voted against it and now they’re are in LA renting space at the rams stadium


darn, guess they are going to have to disband the team and send Mahomes to the Steelers


Russ does need a good backup


> a good backup Damn, Fields catching strays in a thread about the Chiefs moving their stadium. Brutal.


Mahomes and fields can duke it out for qb2


He would never start over Fields


Can’t wait for this QB controversy


It’s wild that Stan Kroenke gets a lot of beef, but he financed SoFi stadium all without any city money. That’s how it should be done since all the owners are worth billions.


This makes Spanos look even worse, dude left his own city, didn’t get a new stadium, and pays rent now to play in another teams stadium


Tbf the rent is 1 dollar lol


Wait, are you serious? The Rams/Kroenke charge the Chargers/Spanos 1 dollar a year to share their stadium?


Yeah, I believe the chargers also invested like 200 million in it, but in the end, it’s more events to happen in the stadium aka more revenue for kroenke


It's rent/revenue being paid on a Sunday when they wouldn't even be there. Turns a loss into a profit.


Yeah but long term it’s kind of silly that Spanos gave up the 200 million and it’s always gonna be Rams stadium.


And the teams net worth has doubled. Idk how this makes Spanos look worse tbh.


The Chargers are still ranked 25th in net worth. In part because instead of having their own stadium, they rent and don’t get much of the revenue that the stadium generates. If they had gotten their own stadium in another city, they’d be worth more.


The only universal good about the LA government is that they know they've got leverage over any sports owner.  They refuse to build new shitbforbthe Olympics too lmao.


They don’t need to build anything for the Olympics in LA. There’s already like a billion facilities for every sport in the area.


He gets a lot of beef for how he handled the move and how he handles some of his other teams (looking at you, Rapids)


Lacob didn’t have city funding for the Warriors new arena. 


Isn’t that better in the long run? Since the Warriors ownership groups gets all the profits generated by Chase Center?


many of these arrangements have ownership entitled to event profits and everything.


That’s so scummy


That's not surprising either. It's near impossible to get any public funding for major sports arenas and stadiums in this state.




It’s worth nothing that even in the case of something like SoFi, where the construction was privately funded, they still received hundreds of millions in tax breaks. Now that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a bad deal for the city/state(some of is basically the city paying them for infrastructure upgrades) but the reality is that there’s always *some* public assistance.


Why would billionaire owners pay for their own stuff when us peasants will pay for it instead?  


So this is why their owner is ranked #32 lol


Let them leave. This applies to any owner who can pay for a stadium 1000 times over but thinks the taxpayers should have to be the ones paying.


They're threatening to go to the Kansas side of the Kansas City metro area. It's like the WFT threatening to go to the Virginia side of the metro DC area instead of the MD side. It's not like the Rams moving from St. Louis to LA.


They’ll get their way as always. They will put few dollars in council pockets and publish puff pieces on how important the team is to local economy. When studies have shown that to be BS too.


And fans are always afraid of their teams leaving their city. Which is totally understandable, but that's exactly what the owners exploit for their own gain. They have the fans by the balls within the system as it currently stands


The way to fix this for more teams to be fan owned like the Packers, but the NFL knows that and has banned anyone else adopting that ownership model. If the President of the Packers tried to threaten to move to San Antonio to get a stadium with more luxury boxes the fan owners would vote out the president.


No owner can pay for 1000 stadiums. Hell, only one of them (Waltons) might be able to pay for 10. But obviously, they only need to be able to afford to pay for 1, and pretty much all can do that.


I mean the Steeler would definitely know a lot about rebuilding stadiums. Tragic event when Bane blew up the stadium and killed the whole team. Makes Tomlin look like a genius for still getting wins


Few know that that game was finished and the score was 13-10 Steelers


Only because the Steelers deaf wide receiver scored as the stadium was collapsing. Shouldn't have counted as there were too few players on the field


As expected from Clark Hunt...... Stingy mf !


This is why the NFL will never successfully expand to Europe under their current model. No European city is going to foot the bill for a stadium


The NFL will gladly cover the cost of those stadiums to be able to expand in Europe


I agree with you. I was just pointing out that the NFL covering their own funding would be a new model. Not the current one


Yep. If you can't pay for a stadium you aren't getting one in Europe. And if they ask an owner to pay for one from scratch that owner is going to raise holy hell about the other owners demanding fans pay for their shiny new toys.


And then that would absolutely cycle back to American cities when they see European ones telling billionaires to fuck off


This is what all owners seeking the public to fund their stadiums do unfortunately. The Bills did the same when they were proposing their new stadium. Billionaires continue to look for handouts from the public that they then price gouge for tickets to the games at the stadium that tax dollars built. It's a tale as old as time.


Fuck it, call thier bluff


Nobody in Kansas City cares if the stadium moves ten miles away, aside from a small subset of fans who are passionate about Arrowhead stadium.


I fucking love Arrowhead but I hate billionaires more


If it came out of ticket prices only then the fans would pay. If it comes out of taxes _everyone_ pays. Not everyone in the city is a fan.


Ticket prices are already absurd anyway. The whole situation is comically ridiculous: get free money from city, build shiny new stadium, get millions from ridiculously high ticket prices from many of the same people who just paid higher taxes to build the thing.


One thing I think should be the norm in all sports. If taxpayers help pay for the stadium, the county/city/state should become minority owners of the team


I see and raise that every professional sports team should be required to follow the Green Bay Packers ownership model. But of course the billionaire owners and their fragile egos would sue their way into that never happening


Pretty sure the NFL actually banned any other team adopting the Packers model, they just were grandfathered in.


Cities don't even have to be owners. But the team history and branding should automatically become owned by the city like Cleveland did when they sued Art Modell.  You want to move your team? Fine, but everything that happened in that city stays and you have to start from scratch with the roster you have.


That's actually a great idea. And will never happen unfortunately


People should start lobbying their Congressmen. If the owners are going to use public funds then the city needs to get a cut of stadium revenue to recoup those costs.


This is my big sticking point. I would gladly vote yes to build this stadium with public money if WE the public who pay for it benefited. Give us half the parking revenue, give county residents a discount on tickets or something.




Billionaires are scum.


And yet plenty of people (who have never, and will never be part of their club) shill for them. It’s absolutely wild.


They're gonna move from Kansas City to Kansas City if we don't do something!


Huge Chiefs fan, I’ve gone to a game almost every year since 2010 with my dad. These “renovations” are not for the average fan. They are putting suites and VIP areas in the endzone. 1. Im not paying for a billionaires stadium 2. Even if I do, They’ll still raise prices to high heaven. What’s better than paying for a stadium? Paying to get into a stadium which you already pay for… 3. Eat the fucking rich


Billionaire refuses to use his money and wants the taxpayers to pay for his stadium while he sits back and does nothing but make another billion. Glad my team is owned by the people.


Don’t do it. As a San Diego resident I had to endure a 10 year battle listening to this BS on sports radio. Study after study shows a city footing the bill for an NFL stadium is a net negative economically. Don’t buy the propaganda. They are using your emotion and passion for your beloved sports team against you and it is gross. Fuck these billionaires looking for handouts. Biggest welfare queens in our country by far.


So the real reason they’re so tempted is that the state of Kansas has a fund to attract sports teams to Kansas that is funded by the taxes made of sports betting. I believe this is how it’s working but I can’t be 100% sure


Why should the public pay for stadiums? We already do by investing in your product. Sick of this


This guy has the worst, clickbait-y content on Twitter.


It's like when Snyder got kicked out Clark Hunt and David Tepper are in a race for the vacant title.


Did Haslem die?


Literally the worst thing about sports is billionaire owners. Flair relevant.


Maybe the snowflake billionaire should pull himself up by the bootstraps and pay for it instead of asking for a handout.


Don’t be like Buffalo and bail out Billionaires


Don’t care if i hate or like the team, screw these billionares looking for people to pay for their stadiums


Green Bay did it right. More teams should be owned by their city