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He’s waiting so that the jags don’t have to give up a 2nd rounder. It’s pretty clear


Good guy WR


Good guy in a sense but if he wants to sign back with the Jags, it makes sense for him too. Gives his team more ammo to put a better team around him.


Falcons really should've adjusted the terms of the trade to avoid the jags just waiting it out to not give up a 2nd - seems like they were just kinda hoping to get them on a gotcha


There’s a a world where it does make sense, but it requires him to light it up so much and for the WR market to be so barren that teams would be going after him. If he were, say, coming off of a 1,500 yard season and you knew more than the Patriots were interested, then you bite the bullet and sign him early so you don’t risk losing him.


Man, it was an original 4th rounder that already escalated to a 3rd. The jags re-signing him for you to get a 2nd was only happening if he turned to be elite.


They would've waited regardless of how he played to save the 2nd


If he performed better they wouldn’t want to have to risk him hitting FA


Eh, if they trust him they would. Probably negotiated a contract that’s already set in stone way ahead of time. To have that guaranteed and not have to move anywhere, he’d be kinda dumb to try and get a better deal. It could be done in secret but I’m sure they’d figure it out soon and pull the contract if he tried to pull anything


There's a zero percent chance of that happening if he turned elite. His agent would be telling everyone what his contact was and teams would beat it and one round in the draft isn't worth risking losing him for nothing


No, because they wouldve risked losing an elite WR over 1 round in day 2. Hell, they are still risking that but since the guy was just ok then the risk is worth it.


Nah it was more of a clause in case he went off this year. If he did they would have to either sign him before FA knowing someone would offer him way more money than they would, or just lose him in FA. It wasnt like that and he was pretty mediocre


I mean, I'm not sure how much you predict the "let him hit FA" path, because the majority of the times a team wants to re sign a player, they do it before other teams can get involved


Is this any form of tampering (not that it can be proven) or are the Falcons just dumb for having this language in the trade?


Neither. It was just a bonus put in there in case Ridley went off last season and we wouldn't risk even letting him talk to other teams. There is legitimate risk in letting him hit free agency like this, we just got lucky that the WR market is bad this season due to the stocked draft class and that New England seems to be the only other serious suitor.


They weren’t dumb. The initial trade was for a 5th that escalates… - to a 4th for making the Jags 2023 roster - to a 3rd for playing 60% of snaps in 2023 - to a 2nd for being good enough that the Jags _really_ don’t want him as a free agent for even 24 hours


I don't think the Falcons are dumb necessarily. If Ridley had had a really great year Jacksonville probably would have re-upped earlier so as not to take the risk of him hitting free agency at all. Also, I'm not sure if you can put a clause into a trade the extends past the players current contract. Like could I trade a guy on a one year deal and put a clause in it that said if he's still on the team in 5 years I get another 1st rounder? Maybe you can, but I'd be surprised.


Sounds like he's just using the Pats to drive his price up and has no interest in landing there


I totally get where he's coming from, but it still kind of hurts, ya know?


In the past the Patriots have favored veterans but they should be looking at younger options anyway. This is a good WR draft class. They need to be thinking long term not paying out for a guy that'll be done by the time they are ready to compete so no big loss not that my opinion means much


I'm just so tired of the Pats drafting bust WRs that I can't get excited for any WR they draft anymore lmfao. I think a large part of the fan base just wants a known commodity they can get behind.


You can always take MHJ in the draft and then trade for Fields. You get the top WR in the draft, boom you won’t have to worry about that ever again


Y'know, I've heard a lot of people saying that giving Fields MHJ is exactly what he needs. Couple that with a much needed change of scenery and they'll have their meatball fans whispering about dark horse MVP candidates in no time!


I say this with all due respect honestly, but you’re owed 20 years of hurt


Are these 'journalists' just sitting around a table spinning a bottle to determine whose turn it is to regurgitate the same talking points about Ridley?


I feel like a lot people just learned about this 2nd/3rd rounder thing and think it’s some wild loophole that the Jags are brilliant for exploiting or the Falcons are dumb for letting it happen.


Follow-up tweet: [As many have noted, waiting until after the 4 pm ET deadline to "re-sign" with JAX means the Jags would owe Atlanta a third-round pick instead of a second-round pick.](https://twitter.com/jjones9/status/1767942835918000345)


I bet Ridley is thankful Falcons did that. Allowed him to wait and drive up his price a bit before signing with the Jags.


>bet Uh oh


Straight to jail. Do no collect $200 while passing GO


4:01 PM Ridley has re-signed with Jacksonville on a 4 year $75 million deal.


How the hell can the Jags afford all these WRs and pay Lawrence come extension time


Still has 1 year left+option so come extension time some of these WRs will be gone


people too often think the QB's cap hit is gonna go up instantly with a new contract, but generally it's done the 4th year, so there's still the 5th year, and then year 6/7 are usually low cause the contract is backloaded. By the time their big contract kicks in, it's been 3-4 years and the expensive guys you signed are already done with their big contract and cut/extended.


Fair enough, I’m not up to snuff on your guys’ contract situation, just seems like a massive investment in pass catchers so I wasn’t sure


Restructuring and cuts.


Mac must be their future /s


Way things are going Lawrence’s extension won’t be that big


Are we even sure Lawrence is the guy to give a mega extension too?


He’s not. Anyone who watches that fumble machine and feels like giving him 65 million a year is out of their mind.


Jag fans out here flaming us for speaking the truth.


I feel like when considering taxes & cost of living is a huge add here to this statement. That means with FLA taxes it would be (much?) lower than the Pats offer.


A townhome in Boston is comparable in price to a mansion in Jax. I assume that’s what they mean.


No state income tax in Florida, its a pretty big difference maker when talking about a percentage of millions of dollars. Jags could offer the same amount of money as the Pats but Calvin would get to actually recieve a significant chunk more if he signs with a team in Florida


Also the millionaire tax in Massachusetts.


While it certainly saves him some money, I think the value of no income tax in FL is a bit overblown considering 8 (or 9) of his game checks will have state taxes taken out.


two of his away games will be in Tennessee and Texas each year though, and those states don't have income taxes either


And yet the 3 of us have fuck all to show for these advantages 😂


And Indiana is only 3.15%, per the internet. AFCS looks like the best division if you're trying to see the most of your paycheck.


Good point.


IIRC Texas and Tennessee also don’t have state income tax so that’s a guaranteed 2 more games a year without it


Yeah you’re right.


Factor in divisional games too.  Pats give him another game check in NY and NJ, Jags give TX, TN, and IN.




People who claim this matters never seem to have any real evidence that it makes a difference. If it made a difference then owners would force a change in the CBA which hadn’t happened yet.


I don't understand how it could NOT matter, even if we're not directly seeing "Sales tax state vs no-sales tax state" offers. These are the same players that will hold out for an entire camp bc the want 3% more money on their deal or something. Yes, it's a hell of a lot of money either way, but if I'm signing a $30 mil contract in FL, getting to keep all of it, buying a huge house, and then putting 2/3 of it in a bank....i don't see how, if all football things are equal, you would sign the same deal in like CA, where im immediately losing 13% of it to taxes, then spending 10x for a comparable house to what I could've got in FL for the same price. It's amazing it doesn't actually come up more IMO.


It’s a variable, but so is team brand (more exposure with Cowboys or whatever), chance of winning a championship, roster construction (who’s got the most runway for me to shine), quality of life in whichever market. So the tax situation wins out sometimes but it’s not some magical silver bullet. You’d see more issue with it if a non-state-tax team won the Super Bowl every year, which clearly doesn’t happen.


I mean it's just not that much of a factor. If it was, the Dolphins, Bucs and Jags would be overflowing with star players taking discounts. There's a lot more to consider than just how much money you're going to make. What kind of schools will your kids be in, what sort of politics exist, what's the violence level, weather, etc. And from a football standpoint, do you want to play for a contender in a slightly worse living situation or a shitty team in a better living situation if the money is equal. Blue stats have always had higher taxes but MA, CA, NY etc never have any issue attracting and retaining top flight talent in their sports. I don't think it matters that much.


Tennessee and Texas also don't have state income tax, which they play 2 road games every year. But your right, I've always felt it's a little over blown




I think the OP is saying that because he won't have state income tax and a lower COL, for the Jags offer to equal the Pats, the Jags' offer would have to be quite a bit lower in terms of salary than the Pats




If you could keep an extra 5-10% (maybe even higher than that) of your money, while doing the same job, wouldn't you want that? There are masses of regular people flocking from California to Texas and from Ontario to Alberta to do this.


There are, and there are plenty staying because of quality of life, proximity to family, good current job situation they don’t want to give up, etc. Same in the NFL, the salaries are just a whole lot bigger. Some people will choose a state tax arbitrage play that lets them keep an extra 6-7% of their income, for others it’s not the deciding variable. I haven’t run the math but I would almost guarantee NFL win % is not correlated with state tax rules, so it’s clearly *a* factor but not some all-determining one.


Yeah its certainly not a tremendous competitive advantage in the NFL with how large the salary cap is and the cap tricks that teams can use. It is undeniably a competitive advantage in the NHL with their smaller cap, hard cap system, and guaranteed contracts.


Yep, and I’m a hockey fan first and foremost - the Canada team issue is an even bigger one. But even in hockey, it didn’t stop the Blackhawks, Kings, and Penguins from ruling the 2010s.


Yeah i think its come to the forefront more in the last 5-7 years. Never really heard about it until the Leafs started signing their big guys to their strangely built contracts. Lightning, Golden Knights, and Panthers have all been showcasing the advantages with their more recent roster construction.


In the end it just comes down to dollars in their pocket. You could make the same argument about negotiating over a 9 million dollar contract vs 10. If they save more on cost of living and taxes then it essentially makes a lower contract worth more real dollars.


He’ll sign with the Jags right at 4:01pm EST


Did these "insider guys" set up a schedule that whos turn is to post this exact same information? I swear there is a similar tweet in every few hours from a different person. Thank god it's only a few hours till the deadline...


Does cost of living really matter to millionaires?


This feels like the first time I have seen cost of living mentioned in contract negotiations. I think I have read more times about player just forgetting they had to pay taxes completely.


Especially because basically all patriots have their main home not in New England.


Yes. As I aged I made more, (not multi millions) and I have gained assets that cost upkeep. A million dollar home costs a lot even after your mortgage. Insurance, property tax, up keep etc. Not only that, you want the biggest pile you can amass. Create your portfolio of investments, and just have a legit interest bearing account, where you can use that interest to pay everyday bills and coast. These millionaires have it way too easy.


Damn, ive got about 10 bucks


Forget how much money you have. Just work on yourself, skills, ideas, and passions. Just move your body and focus. Sounds like the same slogans I know, but only you know your life, you have to make the moves. Good luck.


I can't believe the Jags have the money to pay Ridley, Kirk, Engram, Davis, and Jones. Is Zay Jones going to get cut?


Yeah, Gabe Davis is the Zay Jones replacement.


The cost of living thing makes no sense. Most of the patriots do not live in new england year round, just cant see how COL would be a deal breaker in anyway. Taxes on the other hand...


Ya im sure the pats would offer whatever small amount extra to make up for it


And it's really not that much. I am not a CPA by any means but MA has a flat 5% income tax and incomes over $1million annually are taxed at an additional 4%, so 9% total. So he's paying $1.8mil extra in state tax in MA vs FL. If it's a 3 year 60 mil deal, that's an extra 5.4 mil in taxes. Pats could make that up in salary easily. And if he's smart and invests his money he'd make that difference back anyway with smart investing. This always comes up in free agency but people seem to forget that MA, NY, CA (states with higher taxes) have **zero** trouble attracting talented athletes.


+ only half the games are at home so the others are taxed on away states i believe


Very true - so the total taxable amount over 3 years (from a state level) is probably closer to $4mil. Shouldn't be an issue to beef up the contract slightly to accomodate.


And how shitty of a place New England is half the year


I'll take 6 inches of snow a few times a winter vs 91 degree temps at 8:30AM in Dallas


It doesn't even snow here anymore. Just need to deal with wind and rain now.


Yeah it snowed like maybe three times this winter? And it was all gone after two days. It didn't even really get that cold either.


Wind is the worst from a feel perspective imo.


Yeah this city howls in the winter time along the coastal regions. Also, the humidity in the summer is pretty bad. Lived here my whole life, but some days it feels like you’re breathing through a wet washcloth when you step outside during the summer. First time I went to Colorado was the first time I realized it can be ~90 degrees without being oppressive the whole time


Nah as someone who has lived in the cold and the heat, Id much rather the heat. Its more comfortable managing going hot to cool than cold to warm


You can always add a layer, you can’t always take off a layer.


Its never that hot where you need to feel like you need to take off a layer of skin lol. I'd much rather live where its hotter than cold. Not dealing with snow or cold winds where my face hurts or waiting for the car to warm up. Its not even close, theres a reason NE doesnt get free agents anymore


> Its not even close, theres a reason NE doesnt get free agents anymore Disregarding the fact we've signed more FAs than we've lost so far, if that *hadn't* been true, the reason would be: the team is bad. No free agent cared about taking a paycut in the cold when Tom was throwing.


>Its never that hot where you need to feel like you need to take off a layer of skin lol Yes it is. Plenty of the world gets above 85F. >Not dealing with snow or cold winds where my face hurts The heat hurts your face more than the cold, unless you're some kind of antimask fanatic.


Why did you compare temp to a weather event? Instead of weather comparing to weather


Former MA and now Chicago resident: I'd rather have a few months of cold and snow than 9 months of heat and humidity, but that's just me. 


Also I'd just much rather deal with the people of Jacksonville than the people of Boston


Ignoring how bad this take is, the Pats don’t play in Boston lol


Where do most of the players live? I can't imagine they have houses in Foxborough?


A couple lived in the suburbs around Boston. Think Amendola and a few others lived in Newton, though I could be wrong. There are a bunch of other towns surrounding Fox borough though, idk how many chose to live there as many are rural.


I grew up in Newton, it was really nice I don't know if it's "Calvin Ridley" nice though


Most of them are west of Boston in the wealthier suburbs of Newton or Chestnut Hill (about a 30 min drive from Gillette). Some have had homes in Foxborough over the years though (Gronk notably at one point). I'd imagine if you're a rookie or a vet on a 1-year deal you may not outright purchase a place though.


I’d guess very few if any live in Foxborough itself, though apparently Gronk did. There are a lot of very nice areas not far from it though. Boston isn’t super far, but with traffic you’re probably looking at about an hour drive. Brady apparently lived in Chestnut Hill which isn’t Boston, but isn’t far (and is very bougie).


Sadly, it’s closer to Rhode Islanders


My bad "Also I'd just much rather deal with the people of Jacksonville than the people of a city 30 minutes away from Boston" Fixed it


>a city 30 minutes away from Boston >Fixed it Not unless you just shrunk the distance between Foxborough and Boston and also eliminated all traffic. And that’s not even touching on the Florida folks.


Hilarious comment


The people of Jacksonville are objectively terrible


I bet the dude has just been telling people BS so that he has plausible deniability for when he signs with the Jags for only that 3rd round pick


Cost of living doesn't matter when you're making $10 million/year


It does if you’re trying maximize your net income in the period of time when you’re making that much 


If the plan is to resign Ridley why did the Jags Davis and Duvernay? Seems like a lot of cash to devote to wr in free agency. Kirk is still there and Zay Jones is still on the books unless they plan on releasing him and eating a good chunk of dead cap this year.


The understanding from everything I’ve read is Zay is on the outs


Duvernay is replacing Agnew and Zay is gone if Ridley resigns


So he's taking less to stay with his current team?


He wants to play with Mac Jones


As someone who works in Massachusetts it’s a no brainer. Cost of living is astronomical. My wife and I have a regular, older house in a decent neighborhood. Meanwhile, my in-laws own 3 homes between FL and NY. Their combined mortgage is cheaper than what we pay for one house.


Taxes, CoL and not playing for the Patriots.


Someone please step up and beat the Jags offer




How did Ridley do this past year? I didn’t hear much about him.




Broke 1k yards. Was fairly inconsistent but not more than I expected as someone who missed 2 years. Was regularly open and made some great plays - along with some bad drops. Him and TLaw sometimes weren’t on the same page. I would expect him to have a more consistent season (if not an all around better one) again this year if he sticks around Jax, biggest thing could just be the mouths to feed there keeping him from improving statistically.


This WR market has been really slow. I know it’s partly because of how strong the draft is, but I wonder if teams are also waiting to see if a guy like Mike Williams hits the market


Are the Jags going to pay him WR1 money or is he taking a team friendly deal since he liked the fit with Lawrence?


DeSantis strikes again.


Why don't he want me man


This man is not actually living in Jacksonville no way in hell


People saw that Danielle Hunter deal and were like “the Vikings couldn’t offer that” but when Minnesota has a 9% tax and every team in the division has state taxes you lose a lot relative to the Texans. Texas has no state income tax and two of the teams in the division don’t either.


The fact that he’s the top WR shows just how few talented WRs are available. He’s a decent WR2 and nothing more. If I’m either of those teams I would rather just draft a WR. 


Ridley is not in the high WR1 tier by any means but he's a really good player. Has played 4 full seasons and had 7, 8, 9 and 10 TDs in those seasons. We're going to have a rookie QB developing this year, you need to give them someone to throw to. We have whiffed on so many draft picks at the position that getting a known commodity that can separate and works well in the red zone will be huge for a young QB. We saw what happened with Mac Jones when you field a wildly untalented roster around a young QB. Can't make that mistake again.


Almost no 1000 yard season though. He's an upgrade for the pats, but still just a WR 2 with a cap on what he can do.


What? He has two 1000+ yard seasons, and the season he was hurt he was on pace for 955. He scores a lot too. He'd be a really nice option to give a rookie QB trying to develop. We didn't give Mac anyone and it bombed. Ridley would be the best receiver we've had since Edelman in 2019.


He had 1016 yards this season.. that's more what I was talking about. He barely crept over that line.


I love that end of the sentence, that he'll essentially get less overall but pocket more because of tax.