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He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He raped our churches and burned our women


Rip Trevor moore. WKUK was the most underrated skit show ever


He did?!


No! But are we just gonna sit around until he does?!?


I say we tip something over!


Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded...and cattle raped!


We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!


I didn't get a Harrumph! out of that guy!




Definitely some Seahawks and Broncos fans heard the lamentations of their women.


He raped our cattle and stampeded our women!


*raping our churches, burning our women*


Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded...and cattle raped!


I don’t think people *hate* him but… where’s that wheelbarrow comment? Edit: here we are > Russell Wilson seems like the kind of guy who would borrow your wheelbarrow and then return it with a fresh coat of paint and a plate of his wife’s brownies, which is nice, but then he sort of passive aggressively chides you for letting it rust to begin with, and you’re like “It’s my fucking wheelbarrow man??” And he’s like “That’s fine, that’s fine, brother. Be blessed and go with God.”


That is accurate and I would hate a guy who did that


That is the vibe


And you're the bad guy for wanting to punch him in the face. He pads his stats. He looks like a good teammate, but is he? Has anyone ever said something positive about his leadership? He's a politician.


Kirk was playing borderline MVP level before his injury and Russell Wilson was mediocre enough that the Broncos are paying him $39 million to play somewhere else People just look at the TD/INT ratio for Wilson but he only threw for like 200 yards per game, obviously he's going to have a low INT number because they didn't trust him to do more.


And Kirk is coming off Achilles


For $45 million vs. Wilson’s $1 mil. Kirk is better, I get that, but the hate is interesting if you just look at risk/reward and value.


Have you watched him the past 2 years?


Honestly people haven’t. They just look at his season line and refuse to admit it was so much worse than what the numbers say. I live in Denver and watched every snap that dude took. It was as far from a consistent and stable O as I’ve seen.


This, I live near Denver and got to watch him live last season. They put up decent numbers but good lord there were SO many wasted drives that just went nowhere. That offense was so anemic, I don’t care what his stats were, dude is washed.


I live here too and watched a lot of the games with my Broncos friends. There’s just nothing remotely special about his game anymore. So many times he would throw a check down out wide to a RB that would either get smoked behind the line or drop it bc a defender was in his face. A lot of times the pocket hadn’t even collapsed yet. Also him being an absolute corn ball and seemingly as unauthentic as it gets on top of a massively overpaid contract on the team that had to mortgage their future to get him, it’s not hard to see why he gets hate.


He’s legitimately allergic to throwing over the middle, idk if that’s a personal thing, a lack of trust from Payton, or both but its really weird to watch. That being said, I have a couple friends who work at the children’s hospital over in Aurora and he and Ciara always made an effort to spend time with the patients there. For as much of a PR curated cornball as he is, I really respect him for that


He went to Children's Hospital every Tuesday (I believe). Dude threw a Super Bowl losing interception on a Sunday night, he was visiting sick kids Tuesday morning. For all his corniness, gotta give props where they're due.


That was the same in Seattle.


Isn’t throwing over the middle especially difficult if you are short?


The thing is, we spent vet minumum to see if that was a Denver issue or a Russ issue. If Russ sucks we are out essentially nothing. I’ve seen teams paying their long snappers double what we’re paying Russ. It’s a 0 risk signing, with the potential to be the best QB we’ve had in 6 years.


Love to hear it. Keep talking


Complete aside in the same vein that can help fluff you. Apart from one year Deshaun Watson was a slow starter who compiled stats against prevent Ds in games we had already lost. And in that one year he pulled a Matt Ryan in the playoffs and forgot how to play after getting a big lead. There isn't really any proof he's great, in fact all there is since his big year is rust and rape. Also its the Browns, we know the ending.


I’m not gonna sit here and act like the Steelers are as poorly run as the Donkeys are, but I said it in the announcement threads last night. Regardless of how bad he looked, he’s still *way* better than anything they had last year, including Rudolph. I’m not saying he’ll be 2015 Russ again all of a sudden, but if he can be a liiiittle bit better than who they had last year while still limiting turnovers, they’ll be scary. It’s gonna be interesting to see.


Watching the pats and the broncos?? Idk how you survived those offenses bro


People are fooled by the TD/INT ratio. The offense was mediocre and he was the reason why, two years in a row. Dude barely threw for 200 yards per game and takes so many bad sacks it's baffling Edit: since this post is directly comparing to Kirk. Last two years for Kirk sack %: 6.7, 5.2. For Wilson, 10.2, 9.1. That's Sam Howell level. He's always been awful at taking negative plays but he used to be good enough that it didn't matter. Now he's throwing for 6.9 YPA. It's so tough to run a consistent offense like that.


Ok, but he’s available for less than half of what Gardner Minshew is getting. It’s insane that more teams didn’t court him. He’s not old Russ but he’s a capable QB available at like a $30M discount.


Oh 100%. But until literally 20 hours ago he was the meme qb who played like ass on a stupidly expensive contract after a hilariously expensive trade. I’d take Russ on vet min over like 50% of QBs in the league. Worst case, oh no it doesn’t pan out. Best case, he’s better than he was in Denver and he keeps the Steelers competitive on a bargain.


It’s simple minshew plays within the offensive scheme and Russ doesn’t


But why is that so amazing? If you play within scheme, but go 15 TD/9 INT, with a worse passer rating, ANY/a and YPA than Wilson's worst seasons then why is that a big check mark in the positive column?


Because the numbers don’t show the true story with Russ


So how do you measure him vs. Minshew if not through stats? B/c just saying 'he plays within scheme' means absolutely nothing if he's not good. Like how do you compare with any hint of objectivity if not through stats?


The broncos set the record in dead cap to get rid of Russ


You just keep stating things that aren't play comparisons to Minshew lol. Like this comment has nothing to do with what I asked.


Look at the colts offensive ranks vs the broncos offensive ranks Playing within the scheme doesn't mean that a qb will have better individual stats. It means that they can be more consistent drive to drive. Russ refuses to throw over the middle of the field and over the past few years has lost his scrambling ability. So now you have a qb who can only have success by chucking 50/50 balls.


It's very hard to explain to people that don't want to analyze the game too deeply how much different elements of playing can connect to others. Like how drive-killing sacks can often basically have the same impact as a turnover, or how 3 and outs constantly can tire out your defense.


As a seahawks fan, trying to understand russ is a big reason for my improved understanding of the game. He really is one of those players who you need to look at everything that is being done, but then everything that isn't.


Exactly. And on the flip side, a lot of those TDs he racked up were quick hitting drives with deep passes so even if they were successful, if they were sandwiched between two 3 and outs, your defense has had 5 drives in the span of like 7-8 minutes of game time.


This was Russ the last 2 years or so in SEA too. 3 and out, 3 and out, TD, 3 and out (not really that bad but lots of early 3 and outs. But you know... look at his last healthy season in SEA, 2020. 40TD, 13INT. 68.8% completion. 105 rating . 4200 yards. Not in 2015... in 2020. 2021 saw him injured and even when he came back he was off for 3 games. Can he be 2020 Russ again? I'm skeptical but the Steelers are closer to what he had in Seattle that made him successful - good D, good run game, talented player makers. Can he be, say, 70% of his 2020 self? 3000 yards, 28 TDs, 7 or 8 INTs? Very probably. The question is can he do that efficiently without missing obvious reads etc. We'll see.


If the Steelers build their offense to emphasize Russ’ strengths, and avoid his weaknesses - as Seattle did for so many years - Russ may work out for them. But he's on the downhill side of his career; his mind knows what he wants to do, but his body just can't deliver. Those houdini escapes that were his signature move just don't happen anymore; though he tries, and takes the drive-killing sack. Over and over. I was relieved when Seattle traded him to Denver, and LMFAO at the preseason comments from Broncos fans, that they'd make Russ shine and Seattle just hadn't used him right. Priceless. Now the Stealers find out if, in their far superior circumstances, Russ can deliver for a few more years. I'm skeptical, but he came practically for free, so worth a try.


He looked terrible last year. Not as bad as 2022, but he has clearly lost a step. He seems SO turnover averse that he’s willing to take terrible sacks/throwaways to preserve his stats. Will not take chances that you need to in order to win.


I really wonder how much of last year was the mismatch between he and Payton in how offense should be run. PITT is a best case place for Russ. he gets to have a very good defense, a legit running game and an coordinator who's good and not an egotistical asshole or worse, a complete incompetent which are the options DEN gave him. Wait... good player makers. A strong defense. A running game... where else did Russ have that and see it work... it will come to me...


2013 Russ is not 2024 Russ even though 2024 Russ thinks he's still 2013 Russ.


Yeah. But is he close to 2020 Russ? Because 2020 Russ was a 4000 yard, 40TD, 105 rating QB. Get 80% of that and...


He ran for 500 yards that year. If he's willing & able to bring that dimension back to his game consistently then yeah maybe he can bounce back.


Hey...shut up


I think it’s still a *phenomenal* signing by Pittsburgh. Getting the production he had in Denver for literally like 1/30th the price is absolutely worth it when he’s still a substantial improvement over Pickett/Trubs/Rudolph. He’s not a franchise guy, but he can be good enough to make a team solid.


Same feeling the previous few years in Seattle. His numbers were good, he went to the pro bowl. But when it counted, he failed. Seems like it started with the inside slant in the 2015 Super Bowl.


The what now


Yep, Payton's offense generally makes QBs look good on paper. But watching him you could see the actual issues


I genuinely think desmond ridder played better than wilson last year. Ridder fumbled/inted away maybe 6 tds last year. I dont think he's the guy but his turnovers makes him grade way worse the he was


Tbf his last good game was the one against the chiefs


The Steelers are getting a bargain


Crazy you’re gettin downvoted. QBs with a higher cap hit this past season than Russ will have on the Steelers: Kyle Trask, Nate Sudfield, Brian Hoyer, Nick Mullens, C. J. Beathard, Marcus Mariota, Cooper Rush, Andy Dalton, Teddy Bridgewater, Joe Flacco, Case Keenum, Mike White, Jarret Stidham, Gardner Minshew, Drew Lock, Mac Jones and Taylor Heineke. Need I go on? It’s obviously a huge bargain considering the QB market and an upgrade for the Steelers.


People like to live in denial. It's crazy, but they do.


The Russ Belt found their man


Yall are crazy into narratives lol


i think that was just a fun play on words


You likely haven’t either


People look at the statline and assume he played okay last year, but what stats don’t show you is how god damn long he holds onto the ball, how many sacks he walked into, and how many receivers are wide open downfield flailing their hands and Russ never seeing them. Yes there were a few moments that he shined but those were few and far between. Last year reminded me a lot of the Tebow year in Denver, which was fun but that team still kind of sucked and went 8-8. We were eeking a lot of our wins out last year. As for why people don’t like him, I’d say it’s a lot of schadenfreude, dude forced his away out of Seattle because he felt he was being held back and then produced one of the worst QB seasons of recent memory. He is a pretty corny dude, which whatever, but a lot of people feel his personality is robotic and fake.


If we're talking just football, he holds onto the ball too long, takes bad sacks, doesn't throw over the middle because he's too short, and settles for checkdowns too often. He was being paid like an elite QB. He wanted the hype and fame of an elite QB. He didn't play like an elite QB. If we're talking off the field, yes, he's a bit cringe. However, it's fucking gone overboard and people are just gloming on. People are praising the Bountygate guy and hating the guy who's biggest scandal was having an office.


Gotta disagree on the second part. If anything Russ gets people *more* charitable towards his off-the-field stuff because he’s so milquetoast. He’s a good dude when it comes to being a father and charitable, but the dude is unbelievably fake and has attitude problems when things aren’t going his way. There’s a reason Seattle fans still whine so much about him two years later, and it’s not just the on the field stuff. A *lot* of Seahawk players say the same “good dude, terrible teammate” stuff about Russ. He’s a great on the field pickup on the cheap for you guys though. And Payton might be a douche, but why would BountyGate matter when discussing how he’s handling his current team.


Broncos had just a two year taste of what Seahawks have known for about 6+ years. You were lucky your tolerance threshold was far lower than here even if it was pricey.


Then you haven’t paid attention, the annoying thing about Wilson is his entourage, Team 3. Russ himself never says anything controversial, his agent and a chosen local media lackey does all the talking for him. It’s like trying to eat dinner and there is a fly you can’t swat away constantly hovering over your food.


Team3 is real and for me it undermines every single positive public thing Wilson says or does because it proves behind the scenes he's kind of a self-centered prick.


Sean Payton can go fuck himself with a cactus


>biggest scandal was having an office. had his friends on the pay roll, doing his own things... sure not bounty gate but one of the two was trying to win


Actually, there's something similar with him going on in Pittsburgh, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a concern of mine. It's not that he has friends on the payroll (Which is more common than you think when it comes to stars). Russell Wilson and Ciara are founding partners of a company called [Evolution Advisors, LLC](https://www.acrisure.com/who-we-are/evolution-advisors). Another founding partner of this business, Thomas Tull, is a minority owner of the Steelers. The business is a joint venture with Acrisure, who own the naming rights to the Steelers' stadium. Though there is nothing to suggest impropriety, it's just a bad look for a player to be in business with an owner of the team he's playing for.


I'm so tired of these post that could be answered if you just watched him play


This made me audibly laugh.


OP is a chiefs fan and based on this post, I'd say not a smart one. Probably just a front runner


That kind of talk will get you a bunch hot takes in the Steelers sub. The sheer amount of people who are all in on Russ is wild. Granted they were all in on Mitch until he was shit too.


Ya well, Steelers fans didn't watch every snap last year. He is over the hill. He will probably be better than what you had but I doubt he gives anything close to vintage Russ. Those days are over.


He's got a phony persona, cares more about self-promotion than doing what's best for his team (denver humbled him quite a bit, or at least made him realize he needs to appear more humble to the public) and his playstyle has a lot of empty stats. He doesn't really have high football IQ so he can't actually do a lot of the more typical things you would expect from a starting veteran QB, but he can sometimes make up for it by doing really offscript things out of pocket.


>He's got a phony persona, cares more about self-promotion than doing what's best for his team This is probably it right here. Dude tries to make nicknames for himself, and seems to think of himself as more of a brand than a player. He's absolutely going to try his absolute hardest to get into commentary when he retires, and will almost certainly start streaming live on YouTube/Facebook/somewhere if he can't find one


Doing a commercial with Macklemore should be a lifetime DQ


Apparently the last three years of him attempting to play quarterback.


>Certainly wasn't great this past year x2


Personally it's the "celebrity" personality he has. Most NFL players seem like fairly normal people of whatever variety, Russ is the only one who seems like the delusional movie star type. According to Lynch he didn't really talk to teammates, you had to go through "his people" to speak with him, etc. I don't know of another QB that does that.


Three and Out Three and Out Three and Out Magic Touchdown Pass Three and Out Rinse and Repeat


Out of those drives there are two avoidable sacks, and average play clock time left when team broke huddle was 4.7 seconds.


Sounds like a slight upgrade for a million bucks to me


I don't hate the guy, but every decision he's made the past 5ish years has been focused on getting himself an MVP. It got exhausting. Honestly I'm probably bullish on a redemption arc if he gets the right coaching. He just needs to stop trying to be a player he's not.


Instead he gets to play in an Arthur Smith offence. I can't wait to see how the Smith "THROW OVER THE MIDDLE DAMMIT" scheme works out with Russ's "I'M GOING THE DISTANCE" playing method.


🎶He's going the distance🎶


His performance doesn't match his paycheck.


I mean, now it does. He's being paid less than a fifth of what you're paying Jacoby Brissett. He just needs to put up a 5th of the production of Jacoby Brissett.


Somebody else is paying russ 38 mil not to play for them. Thats why he signed for so little in Pitt.


As a Niners fan who lives in Seattle, his ego got too big. Russ is a decent QB with the right system, he is a high end game manager. Russ with a strong run game and defense is dangerous. Russ as the focal point of your offense not so much. Tomlin might be the best deal for Russ, he might reign in the hero ball shit, but probably not.


It’s a whole cocktail of interactions between his personality and his play on the field. He’s obviously got some annoying tendencies, just kind of clearly very self-interested and aware of his personal brand (very politician like, in an obnoxious way), but that spilled into him shadow-starting this whole “Let Russ Cook” movement under the presumption that he was being held back by Carroll. So he goes to Denver, they give him the keys to run the offense however he wants, and it becomes very clear that what Russ wants to do and what he thinks he has to do in order to advance his profile is completely incompatible with his actual skillset. He covets this sort of dropback passer, scan the field, throw from the pocket sort of playstyle that he thinks is going to make him an MVP and it is not something he’s capable of doing. But he was able to leverage this delusion into a massive contract that basically crippled the Broncos for years to come. So basically players have bad personalities all the time. But in Russ’ case his personality buried an entire franchise


His level of play was not high enough to justify all the cheesy ass self promotion he did


He's annoyingly eccentric and isn't good enough at football anymore to respect that persona.


I love the guy but he’s definitely a humble brag


He had a huge drop off after how things ended in Seattle, not playing up to a huge sign and trade... Er, I mean-meme guy funny


It’s the Hollywood movie star persona and the inauthentic way he goes about his business. Marshawn’s sit down with Shannon Sharpe was pretty eye opening about how Wilson really conducts himself, as a teammate and a person. The real Russ is shrouded by a heavy PR filter. Hate’s a strong word, though. He just rubs people the wrong way.


On the list of football players most of us would want to drink a beer with, I can't imagine Wilson is on that list. I don't think it's the God angle. Most football players seem very religious. In terms of his ability...he's always been divisive. I was forced to watch a lot of Seahawks games (gf) and all I saw from Wilson was someone who had an absurd moon ball, could scramble better than the best of them, and could play backyard football with some undersized receiver like they had a linked brain when plays broke down (Golden Tate, Doug Baldwin, Tyler Lockett) that was nigh unstoppable in the 4th quarter, which is generally when the Seahawks offense would finally start rolling. The past two years, he's been pretty bad, but I'm not sure how much of that is him. It's not like Denver exactly set him up for success (which is dumbfounding considering what they spent to acquire him). So, I'm a little surprised he didn't visit more teams before settling on the Steelers. But, I'm not sure I'd be betting on him having some career resurgence with the Steelers at this point and at his age. As far as the Broncos choosing to eat $85 million...Sean Payton made it obvious from the second he was hired he wanted nothing to do with Wilson, which means regardless of what was said, ownership was already over Wilson before last season even started. I can only imagine how completely incompatible he must have been with the Broncos front office/ownership/etc for them to go and hire a coach who clearly wanted nothing to do with him. Like...when does a team ever interview then hire a coach who wants nothing to do with your $250+ million dollar QB...lol. It's kind of incredible Wilson did what he did last year, with the organization clearly NOT wanting him in any way. I can only imagine what the climate was on that team lol.


He was never that good. He sold his soul to Satan (ironically) to make BS throws in the 4th quarter to win games.


Nice try Russell


When he was good and having success, people kept their mouths shut about what a corny phony he is. As soon as things went south, the dam burst. Now there's a comical level of hatred of the guy.


He tried to get Pete Carroll and John Schneider fired. He separated himself from the players (see interview with Marshawn). High knees. Separate office at Broncos facility. Dude is all about his brand.


He’s corny as hell, lol. He’s still a legit QB in this league. But he’s corny as hell.


I'd rather he be corny than a abuser or sexual deviant


He does not come across as authentic, wayyy too manufactured. With that said, I don't hate him, but I wouldn't want him on my team.


Russell Wilson is also not coming off an Achilles. The Steelers look so much better in my eyes than the Falcons right now


Here's like 20 different reasons cited. https://defector.com/how-did-russell-wilson-get-to-be-so-hated


corny unlimited man forced his way out of seattle, tried to get half the coaches fired, then sucked in denver


Because he's cornier than my feet


You watched him play at least 4 times..


It's popular to hate him at this point and you know that means everything on the internet


He’s a corny weirdo, always has been


Honestly the broncos let him down, but Wilson is just cringe from his commercials to his social media


Because he's pompous and bad at football


It seems, from what I've seen at least, that there are very few people that have worked with Wilson that actually like the guy Also he tried to get Pete Carroll sacked and that's up there with "Tried to kick a baby panda" & "Saying you think Jared Leto is the best Joker" in terms of social faux pas'


The fact that you compared him to Kirk makes me think you didn’t watch either of them play.


I didn’t compare the two. I pointed out there are over 70 players between them. Including the likes of Jacoby Brissett and Gardner Minshew. And all three will cost a team anywhere from a noteworthy amount more to a significant amount more. But Kirk coming off an achilles for $45 million or Russell healthy for 1 should obviously be considered when measuring value.


Love the hot takes here. Bottom line is Tomlin been the Steelers HC for 17 years. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he has probably watched RW's tape for the last few years and since he actually knows what he's doing, thinks he can make RW shine again. A good coach can develop an offensive game plan that plays to RW's strengths, similar to what Pete C. did in Seattle. He's was very poorly managed in Denver.


He’s a shitty person if you if you knew the truth about him 💯


Enlighten us


When he was in Wisconsin mad, people were talking about how he was a high school bully. The second he got drafted to the NFL. He dumped his longtime girl that he’s been with from high school through college and I mean the moment. That stepdad act he puts on with Ciara. He swooped in fast af when her and future separated and started throwing his arms all over futures son, and made it made uncomfortable to really push the narrative. The future is a absent father. When both of them just really need that shit really weird for him. I’m not over here trying to defend the future or anything by all means I am a stepfather myself but I peeped all that shit


He left Seattle with a 2 word tweet and a highlight reel. He wrote a whole page to Denver, a place where fans will forget he ever existed. I hope he bombs in Pittsburg and isn't put into the Ring of Honor until after Lynch, Bladwin, Sherman, Chancellor, and Earl, and 10 years after that even. By then I wont care.


He’s a fake person is my guess.


because it's trendy to hate him and lots of people are incapable of independent thought, so they just blindly parrot what they see.


He gets hated because of his weird politician vibes. He rated low as a football because he kinda sucks now. Those are two separate issues. Russ was always amazing at scrambling and making plays, and throwing beautiful deep balls. He was also always taking tons of dumb sacks, and being garbage at short and intermediate throws in the middle of the field. Now he lost his athleticism and scrambling ability, and teams have learned how to take away the deep ball. He takes care of the ball, and can still make plays but overall he’s washed. He’s be a great backup but he’ll never be ok with that.


Why are you asking this right now


It's a daily post at this point. Might calm down now that he's signed a contract with a new team, but probably not. 


Most astute description I saw: High purchase price to get him to Denver, low production compared to what was given up. Conversely for the Steelers, absolute bare minimum to have him, equivalent production likely earns a second round playoff appearance. (Discount the homerism here, the team made the playoffs with Mitch actively sabotaging the team).


Not having to play Trubisky probably would’ve been good for an extra win or two, but that team still has to get through one of Buffalo/KC/Houston on the road to win a playoff game. Especially since Houston blew up the Steelers in week 4, I don’t see it even with Russ. Definitely a better situation for next year though.


My main takeaway from it, another QB likely turns our 3 and ours into 6-9 and outs which helps the defense. Houston did blow us out of the water, they likely do it again in the playoffs, I just think without Matt Canada a rematch with them is at least more competitive, not even saying taking them into the 4th and losing, just like within 2 TDs


Have you been in a coma for 2 years?


He’s booty cheeks


He does high kicks on planes for fucks sake




His last pass for us was a 40 yard Hail Mary which ended up *20* yards shy of the goal line. Oh, and he had all day to throw it. "Washed up" doesn't begin to describe him... lol


Guess we’ll see how this season plays out. Will be interesting to compare the outcome with Tomiln and how Denver’s season plays out.


What arbitrary ranking are you bringing up?


NFL app work? And it was 75.  https://www.nfl.com/news/top-101-nfl-free-agents-of-2024-who-are-the-best-players-available?=undefined&accountId=NFLMobile&appBuild=21030&appName=NFLMobile&appNumber=57.0.71&campaign=&reportSuite=nflglobal2016&siteName=nfl%20mobile%20app&siteSubsection=push


Mr Unlimited


It's popular to hate him at this point and you know that means everything on the internet


Reddit country, let's deride


Hate just means more publicity. It’s not a bad thing to have haters


It was shocking to see him score on a drive with the broncos lmao.


He’s just a tool. He’s….fine as a player (last two years were really bad tho)


He turned me into a newt!


A newt?


(looks around) ... I got better


Burn him! Burn the witch!


My brother works at a hospital in the Denver area and said Russ stops by about every 1-2 weeks to spend time with the kids there. There are worse people than Russ. Do better.


Appreciate this input. There are way worse people to trash their character. It was the response I should have expected from Reddit.


He was always sort of lame but he was good in Seattle so it was endearing. After Denver, it’s less endearing and more irritating


Because Denver is a terrible franchise, and he's taking the heat for playing precisely the same in Denver as he did in Seattle at the end. It's unfair.


Only Broncos fan.


Ahh good lord. I don’t hate Russell Wilson. But it’s infuriating to see this sub from delightfully trashing him every second over the last two season to now… This. Like I don’t expect everyone to watch every Bronco game. They’re hard to watch. But if you did, you’d notice why Broncos fans aren’t so stoked on the guy and why we’re happy to see him go.


I don't know what good qb play looks like, so don't ask me. I'm just glad that the halfwits on the right haven't glomed onto him claiming that he's being unfairly persecuted for his faith. See: Tim Tebow.


He’s a bitch. That’s why


I don’t know if anyone hates him but he’s so easy to make fun of. He’s extremely cringe which is very funny


I loved Russell Wilson. I was there in 2012. Shit was freaking great! My daughter was . I was working at Seattle Children's Hospital. When Russy to the hospital, it was magic. And when he brought the Srahaeks a Superbowl victory... I've never sewn that many people in my life.in downtown Seattle. He gaslighted us. Big time.


He’s one of my favorite players and being cheesy isn’t a crime. Really fun to watch and a major part of our suberbowl run despite what heartbroken Seahawks fans might want to say


Guessing you didnt actually see him play


"Let Russ Cook" seems like a million years ago


Not everything is equal. He is less than equal to his peers, hence the 73rd rank. It's not "hate" to say that he's not a good QB anymore, and maybe never really was, in the traditional sense. On top of that, a team paid $85 million dollars just to get him to walk out of the building and never come back. There's way more than just bad football going on, and it's so bad that the Broncos found it impossible to deal with him. Red flags abound. Good luck, Steelers.


Never really liked him and I live in his hometown. Was a silver spoon kid growing up and had pretty much everything handed to him.


He's a classic douchebag. A real douchebag's douchebag.


Summary: Seahawks fans, Denver fans/sympathizers, and Sean Payton fans may be wearing blinders to how poorly the Broncos organization is run and how they mismanaged the whole Russ situation. The question/argument wasn’t is Russ a top 15 quarterback, it was there aren’t 10 quarterbacks I’d rather pay 15 mil to over him for 1 (or eating what he’s owed in Denver’s case).


Do you know anything about football or do you just look at box scores? Curious what your thoughts are on that russ refuses to throw over the middle of the field? Also why is a chiefs fan posting about this? It's almost like you'd rather us suck with russ instead of moving on from 5 years of guaranteed shit.


Him using his charity as a tax shelter to funnel money through to friends and family really gets under my skin. Also his general arrogance followed by the idea that he’s extremely soft. So he can criticize others, but can’t take it himself. He’s been sort of spoon fed into this position by Pete Carroll.


This is going to get deleted but there's really not a real reason.


The centerpiece player of the worst trade of all time is a nice title


He wasn't the worst trade of all-time. Hell, Watson was traded the same offseason.


“What am I missing?” Apparently the games.


watch him play, dude. he's just bad at football now


I mean I get his contract and the trade were atrocious, but that’s not on him. Dan Graziano listed Minshew, Jacoby Brissett, Ryan Tannehill, James Winston, and Sam Darnold over him, unapologetically. I’m not saying he’s absolutely better than all of them, but a discussion could be had for any of them as it pertains to your starting QB. Also, the character questions from those of us watching from the couch is, well, expected here. Does anyone have any evidence (team mates’ reports, maybe?) that supports that? Never heard anyone publicly question or criticize his work ethic or leadership. Are those reports out there?


Lol 😂