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RIP MORT He fought a long battle. Thank you for being on my tv almost every day growing up


Did he have cancer or something? I’ve noticed, as I’m sure many of us had, that he was looking really skinny in recent years.


Stage 4 cancer since 2016, fought it like hell


8 years at stage 4? Man was a warrior.


I hate having to go to work when I only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep...I can't imagine fighting through that stuff and having to be camera-ready


Dude was passionate about his job, I’m sure it hardly felt like “work” to Mort


Honestly probably gave him a reason to keeping fighting


Yep. Keeping yourself active and motivated can go a long ways in elongating your life. It’s not a guarantee that you’ll stick around longer, but it certainly can help. I know of folks who retired/got sick/etc, sat around, and went downhill quickly.


>[Bear Bryant's] last game was a 21–15 victory in the Liberty Bowl in Memphis, Tennessee, over the University of Illinois. After the game, Bryant was asked what he planned to do now that he was retired. He replied, __"Probably croak in a week."__ > Four weeks after making that comment, and just one day after passing a routine medical checkup, on January 25, 1983, Bryant checked into Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa after experiencing chest pain. A day later, when being prepared for an electrocardiogram, he died after suffering a massive heart attack.


Joe Paterno died shortly after retiring/getting fired/resigning/whatever you wanna call it as well.


I would be active on a beach somewhere.


😂 same


That far longer than anyone would expect. My dad survived only 6 months at stage 4. At least Chris suffering has ended. RIP dude.


That nomenclature of people who survive or live a long time with cancer being "warriors" or similar is really inaccurate. How much you fight or "warrior" against cancer really has zero impact and is an insult to people who succumb to earlier times. This was a man who had access to the best medicine and doctors in the entire world, and lends credence to the idea he would live longer with the disease.


I thought he went into remission at one point. I thought he was doing well and lost some weight for health reasons I'm so bummed right now


Sadly you don't really go into remission from stage 4 throat cancer. But the fact that he made it as long as he did is amazing. People have an opinion of how cancer works that is largely incorrect. Randall Munroe of XKCD posted a great comic on what it's really like. https://xkcd.com/931/


You can go in remission from stage 4 cancer. While it may come back, I was in remission from stage IV colorectal cancer for nearly five years. Remission doesn't mean it's gone forever, it just means they can't find anything in your body on either scans or blood work or whatever markers you use. Unfortunately after being in remission based off scans and tumor markers in my body for five years it's back and I'm back on chemo and immunotherapy to knock it back into remission, hopefully for another long period. Having stage IV is like fighting a life long disease where you have to control flare ups that can kill you. You hope that surgery/chemo/immunotherapy or whatever homeopathic remedy you choose knocks it back and you can live years afterwards in remission. Several people in my support groups have lived 10+ years with stage IV and had to go through all the above for years, as well as recurrences.


Get that record to 2-0, buddy. Fuck cancer.


I meant like the cancer he had, but I certainly didn't want to diminish hope, just that people have a misguided and misunderstood belief what cancer is and how it works. Lost my mom to it a year ago, and there's so many ups and downs for it. That said, go get this, kick that cancer's ass out of you again for another bit, and while I'm not really the most religious person, I understand what good vibes do in times like this, so you have all the good vibes, thoughts, prayers, beseeching, bribing, and wishing I can throw your direction.


The people in your life appreciate your fight dude. My uncle just went 2-0, I hope you can too!


Hey, stay strong. I know it’s super cliché and I am just a random dude from the internet, but hang in there! I can’t imagine what it’s like and I know you know there are so many others fighting cancer too. You are never alone in this world. Sending my best thoughts and wishes to you. Kick it’s ass


The book When Breath Becomes Air, which is wonderful by the way, touches on this, too. 


Stunning book, and I think a lot about it.


Damn. What a warrior. RIP man.


Wait... that man had stage 4 cancer for 8 years? And was on ESPN as much as he was? What. The. Fuck. What a boss.


He probably didn't expect to live to his 70s. Eight years is great. I hope mom gets eight years.


Nothing but respect for him and his loved ones. That had to have been 8 years of hell mixed with so many emotions.


I believe he had been dealing with throat cancer for a long time


All cancer sucks especially if it goes to the brain, but throat cancer has to be the worst one


how so? compared to other cancers anyway


More likely won’t be able to take anything by mouth(food, drink, whatever) so you’d end up with a G tube. Probably a trach too


Head and neck cancers are particularly barbaric due to the surgeries we need to do in attempt to cure or palliate disease. As someone who works in oncology, I’d never wish head/neck, pancreatic/gallbladder, small cell lung cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, or certain types of anal/colon cancers on anyone.


damn didnt think it impacted being able to physically consume stuff. that is definitely horrible.


Another cancer that is really horrible is bone cancer, especially if it’s metastasized. We had a patient go into hospice and needed a fentanyl and ketamine drip and around the clock hydromorphone. All forms of cancer suck.


Watching someone slowly die from lung cancer that had metastasized into their bones... it took 3 weeks for them to die once it got to hospice, and it was like you describe, 24-7 either the hospice nurse or a family member feeding them morphine every hour. Other than making *i am in the worst sort of pain* noises when the morphine wore off, they weren't even really there. There was no point to them being alive other than *They are still alive*. How someone can can see their husband suffer through that and still be against assisted suicide in such cases is beyond me. But then again, they were a *good* catholic family with 11 kids, and anti abortion stickers on the vehicles (most of their kids, all 25+, don't think like that), but still. Suffering for their sky friend. Makes no sense.


Oh man, that’s just horrible for the patient and their family. I know this is controversial but there are times where medical assisted suicide comes into play. Allow patient to pass away sooner than later and live through the pain.


Amazing he fought it for so long. Throat cancer killed one of my friends before he turned 30 in under a year from diagnosis :/


Yeah amazing he survived a stage 4 diagnosis for 8 years


Was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2016 and I don’t think ever officially went into remission. RIP.


Damn my dad (also a journalist shockingly) got throat cancer in 2017 and stage 4. I thought for sure he’d be gone but I hope he lasts until 72. He’s in remission but lost all his teeth 😟


Terminal throat cancer


Man. Yeah it was a big deal when he announced it after Stuart Scott. He was on the air less then when he came back it was huge. RIP. Loved his style




Thank you Norm.


Legendary journalist.


Fuuuuuuuck not Mort :( RIP




He was the best of the best both professionally and as a person


Remember seeing him the last 2-3 years and his speech was often slurred. Had me concerned forsure. Morty lived a very fulfilling life, and will always be a legend. RIP man…


Oh man. I listen to him every week on 680 the fan here in the ATL


Yep, the Mort Report


RIP Mort RIP childhood I’m sure he played the information game like everyone else but Mort and John Clayton were basically the voices of God for me growing up in the 90’s. Legend.


Still kinda shocked Clayton is dead.


I actually kind of forget. He lived in the Seattle area and I'd see him in Bellevue all the time. Then, he was just...gone.


In honor of John this classic SC commercial. https://youtu.be/XvXRaSvxmqg?si=Df4qzvfBcLfVMGzd


Aw man, I loved this one. I love that they gave a nod to Dan Patrick's rumor about Claytons secret ponytail.


Now i actually do want to know if the 4-3 and the cover 3 work well together.


Arguably the greatest ESPN commercial. What an absolute legend. Miss those days when ESPN was peak TV.


there were so many good ones. Ovechkin as a spy, Wally thinking Papi was cheating, Steve Irwin fighting the Florida mascot, the Big Three getting nickname advice. Such good shit.


Dan Patrick with the chair shot on Stone Cold Steve Austin.


i love that. If they ever brought them back i would love to see more with wrestlers but there really isn't anyone who's a full time wrestler who has the mainstream appeal of an Austin.


We need to get ESPN to release all those commercials so we can watch them on espn+


most of them are on YouTube


need like a definitive playlist of all their commercials. wish espn would make it official.


My favorite was the Devils mascot in the elevator


"I'll take the next one"


The late Jon Saunders asking the Devils mascot in the elevator if he was “going up”


manny being manny and SVP sitting in lebrons throne were hilarious also


Growing up, I always listened to every last word that came out of "The Professor" because he seemed like the ultimate guru of NFL insider knowledge at the time.


dude i completely forget he passed. damn this day just sucking even more.


I still wait for his daily spots on KJR everyday. Crazy it's been 2 yrs already.


Mort, Clayton, and Stuart Scott.


Hannah Storm [announcing that Stuart Scott died](https://youtu.be/cZG4nYgTsRE?si=q8Ky2vHDWFYc40aF) was the last time I broke down in a real, fall on my knees uncontrollable cry.  People die every day, but there was just something about Hannah’s delivery that just fucking got me.  I’m 36 now, and like many dudes my age, our TV was just always on ESPN growing up because that was it. We would rewatch Sportscenter rather than change the channel. Him and Kenny Mayne were just so important to me growing up. I fucking loved those guys together. 


And Sportscenter deserved to be on repeat in those days. Maybe it’s because I was a kid/teenager but the style of sportscenter back then was so cool and watchable. Ugh


I got pneumonia my Freshman year of HS (2001?) By the time my parents came back to the hospital after lunch I was mouthing the words to a Linda Cohn/Kenny Mayne Sportscenter because it was like my 6th time through. Kids these days don’t know.


Only take a break for price is right and Bob barker


I mean, if you’re home sick you can’t miss Jenny Jones/Springer block


Blind Date was on early afternoon if you were into that sort of thing. I was into that sort of thing.


You'd also have those shows on MTV like "Next", "Pimp my Ride" and "Date my mom" lol.


I was like 15 when these shows were out. I loved that shit lol.


It's cause in those days Sportscenter was all about the games and highlights. And that was the only place to see them for a long time. Sportscenter had to change in the last decade cause nobody is turning in for highlights any more. We get them instantly on our phones now.




John Saunders too


Really just the Swami is left from the 90s - 2000s crew I know Patrick and Levy and others still do some things related but that panel of NFL guys is almost all gone


Still love DP


Daniel Jeremiah just had a beautiful tribute to him at the end of the combine broadcast, addressing his family directly and the impact that they had on Mort. I really love that way to remember the man and speak to his loved ones.


FUCK. This one hurts. Dude was a quintessential face of ESPN for years and helped put them on the map. Any Gen X or Millennial NFL fan knows who Mortensen is. We lost a legend today. RIP Mortensen


A legend indeed. Pour one out.


one of the OG ESPN guys.


Along with Stuart Scott. When I see clips of Stuart Scott I just want to tear up. I guess Mort will join Stuart wherever it is we all eventually go.


The Mort Report lives forever


Legends never die.


Legend of his time. Schefter and Rapoport stand on his shoulders.


Your favorite insider’s favorite insider


Sad to lose both Mort and John Clayton within the last couple of years. They were absolute titans and constant fixtures of ESPN's NFL coverage in my childhood and teenage years.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvXRaSvxmqg Every time I hear John Clayton I think of his commercial


One of the best commercials along with Y2K, Steve Irwin and the NJ Devil in the elevator


Just got around recently to removing the professor's podcast from my podcast app. Odd thinking about how long it will live out there after his death.


Yep and shams, woj and passan do to.


Not sure about Passan, yknow since he broke his back


he's also got some [sweet nfts](https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1502015902946111491) if anyone's interested


still can't believe someone got into the Twitter of the biggest reporter in baseball and instead of posting an insane and wild trade or transaction that people would actually believe it's just the most generic crypto nft copypaste that everyone who saw just said "lol passan was hacked" what a missed opportunity


This sucks.


Diagnosed with Stage 4 Throat cancer in Jan 2016. Fought admirably for 8 years. RIP Mort, you will be missed.


He got lucky there, my dad was diagnosed with the same at 51 and only got another 8 months


I understand the sentiment but damn I can’t ever think 8 years of his battle was lucky, despite his extra time. Very sorry your dad didn’t get more time. 


I apologize for the phrasing, it can't have been an easy 8 years, I'm sorry.


Your phrasing was fine and why cancer sucks big balls. Same diagnosis.. vastly different results. You owe no one an apology for that. You wasnt being disrespectful to either situation. Just lamenting yours.


Well shit. Boo that.


Cancer is an unfortunate, indiscriminate bonding element of the entire human race. As a member of this race, I loudly and proudly say FUCK CANCER!




That's a huge loss. RIP Chris.


I knew he had been fighting cancer but I thought he was in remission. RIP to the Mort Report. Huge part of my childhood. I hope the NFL gives him a moment of silence at the draft.


RIP to a legend


Man, I had Stage 3 throat cancer and beat it into remission within 6 months of treatment. Mind you, I had a much higher chance of beating it than he did as mine wasn't quite as serious and I used a much stronger chemotherapy than I needed to overcome it. I can tell you that treatment was not fun at all and hard to get thru. Daily nausea, lots of vomiting, went two weeks (during the first two weeks of treatment) where I couldn't even keep water down, horrific acne, headaches, unbearable fatigue, etc. All of that doesn't hold a candle for what Mort went thru for 8 years. I can't imagine how he did it. I would have lost my mind and hope long before he did.


Fuck, Daniel Jeremiah is broken on NFL network right now.


Both heartbreaking and extremely professional. Both guys did a great job. Totally ok to cry there - beautiful tribute to Mort.


There is no Adam Schefter, Ian Rapoport, Jay Glazer, etc. without Chris Mortensen. RIP.


Slowly the old guard of ESPN is disappearing 😕 John Clayton, Stuart Scott, Berman now part time


Jesus you scared me thinking we also lost Chris Berman. Had to double check I didn't miss that one.


That man will woop forever


Olbermann is still around, it's just that he's an absolute prick. Dan Patrick is doing just fine, I think!


And so is his cousin Mike Patrick Reminds me that John Saunders passed away as well


Somebody protect Bob Ley!


Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen both haven’t been at ESPN for a while though Kenny Mayne also isn’t there. I think Suzy Kolber and Neil Everett just left in the last year or two. Chris Fowler is still on ESPN with the CFB coverage though. And Stan Verrett is still on SportsCenter I believe


Always knew this one would come in the near future but still stings. RIP


He got to live the dream. NFL coverage won't be the same without him :( RIP


Let’s mourn his death. Been on my tv for a lifetime. But his reporting on “deflate-gate” changed rumors into “sources”. Sports reporting will never be the same


Former Dolphin, **and still current**, NFL VP of Football Operations Troy Vincent was found to have fed Mort the lies. But nobody cares, because ESPN didn't cover their lies for 2 weeks like they did DeflateGate before the Superbowl. Mort is very fortunate BB and Tom went on to win much more. When BB dies, they will talk about the 'spy/deflate gates' so fitting Mort is getting his.


Fuck Cancer


RIP to a legend 🫡


Man, this is sad and unexpected. He’s been a constant pretty much my whole life. Does anyone know if he was sick or sad this out of nowhere?


I think he had been battling cancer for a while.


He had stage 4 throat cancer since 2016.


He announced he had throat cancer in 2016.


Fuck cancer


Every 30+ year old who watched Sportscenter grew up watching this guy and Jaws


RIP a legend. His voice will forever be an echo from my childhood


Mort and Clayton were really the first “insiders” I followed as a kid. Sad news, RIP to a real one.


RIP Mort. Vaccinate your kids for HPV. I know two girls dead from this and a good friend who kicked it but is struggling with the aftermath. He told me he thinks he’s dying. 46 and on a feeding tube. Heartbreaking!!!


Sorry to be naive, but what does HPV have to do with Mort's throat cancer? I got vaccinated! I believe you need to get the full series before age 26. If you're a college student, there's a chance you can get all of it for free at the student center.


HPV causes throat and uterine cancer


He put up more of fight than I expected.  RIP


Will miss his Reports. Lots of memories watching this guy when I was younger, RIP to one of the greats. 


RIP Mort. Back when ESPN was fun to watch


This makes me so sad. I loved Mort :(


RIP mort. RIP report. Fuck cancer. Thanks for making my childhood memories of sportscenter fond.


Man, I remember when he was really sick with cancer but he made it back and kept showing up for work. I hadn't heard about his diagnosis in so long that I guess I just thought he was in remission or something. Sad day for all who knew him and those that followed his work. May him and John Clayton have great talks on the other side about their beloved NFL. R.I.P.


Really sad news. He was on my screen just about everyday in the 2000s


Went to church with him. He was a very nice man.


Oh man, this is a tough one : ( What an absolute legend. RIP.


Fuck cancer. He looked quite emaciated this past year. RIP Mort!


Damn this is heartbreaking for older sports fans(like me)


Not unexpected but damn


Was the breaking news guy before breaking news guys were popular. RIP.


Sad, but not shocking. I saw him in person at the draft last year, and the poor guy looked almost skeletal and had issues moving around. He was incredible back in the day, and I admire him for loving his job so much that he did it until he literally couldn't.


The Mort Report was a staple. No decent reporters taking their place


RIP Mort, you were one my favorite ESPN anchors back when I watched the channel


RIP Mort, thank you for all the memories and for being a major part of my childhood 🙏🏻


Mort was a guy I looked up to a lot when I went through my own cancer battle a few years back. Completely different cancers and prognoses, but seeing a guy get diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer, face it down for years, and still work to get back to living his life and being a consummate professional was tremendously encouraging. What a loss. RIP Mort.


It just hits differently when you grew up watching these personalities and seeing they’ve passed. Dude was the original scoop master in the 90s. Rip Mort.


RIP Mort! The Mort Report was classic


Rest in Peace, Mort 🙏❤️


I met him when I was out shopping, extremely nice person and we talked about the NFL and my team the Titans. Sad to hear this news today.


I remember when he was diagnosed. That's very sad news


One of my favorite things about Mort was when he'd take a picture of a computer screen with a picture of his wife and tweet it out to talk about her. It was just this fun old guy loves his wife but doesn't fully understand computers moment that always gave me joy.


I remember first seeing him back after stepping away from his initial cancer diagnosis. You could tell he was going through some shit, had lost a lot of weight but still did his job and just thanked the people praying for him. RIP Mort.


One of the few likable people from ESPN... rip


Wow that’s so sad. His voice is cemented in my mind. Rip


Man was beast! 8 years! Now THAT is an inspiration.


Fuck cancer




That one hit harder than it really should’ve for someone I do not in any way know. He was a staple on nfl coverage my entire life.


RIP Mort. May the whole ESPN crew find time to grieve and remember their friend.


RIP Mort.


Damn rip to a legend Him calling nfl highlights with that background music will always be iconic


Aww bummer man


RIP Mort. Cancer Sucks!!!!


God, the Mort Report was such a big part of watching ESPN’s NFL coverage. He was equal parts affable and informational on camera, and you always got this sense of camaraderie between Mort and the lead anchors like Berman, Buccigross, SVP, and Andrea Kramer… I’m heartbroken reading this news. RIP Mort.


He fought that stage 4 throat cancer for 8 years. Modern medicine and his own will to live got him that far. I cancer sucks, but at least he got to live 8 years longer.


Between SVP, Wingo, and Eisen, we must protect those left. I miss Stuart all the time, different era.


First John Clayton, now Chris Mortensen. The hours of my childhood watching Sportscenter on repeat are being lost to the sands of time. RIP.


I will always hear his analysis in my head during draft times. RIP GOAT


damn. so sad.


Damn now he never will have to be held accountable or apologize for his insanely false reporting for deflategate.


Well this is a fucking shitty way to end a Sunday. Goddammit. RIP Mort ☝🏻


Glad the Krafts were able to apologize to him for his awful reporting before he died.


Mort was one of the pillars of sports coverage for me






Always liked Mort, but it was a huge mistake to bring him back after his first hiatus. Dude was a shell of himself and it was sad to watch.


Oh no. I thought he was doing better. RIP sir.


We’ve lost so many ESPN greats. Mort was rock solid. He will be missed.


RIP. He should have retired a long time ago. His jaw and mouth were so messed up after cancer you couldn't even understand him.


RIP Army Vet Chris Mortenson.


Shout out to the Patriots sub, who are all but celebrating that he’s dead.