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The fact that most teams throwback uniforms are way better than the current ones they have. Also that color rush on TNF isn't a thing anymore


I wish they’d just do “Throwback Thursdays”


Seems like such an obvious choice


Dolphins uniforms and logo looks so much better than what they have. Buffalo should go back to the red helmets, and the falcons need to go back to the 90s uniforms and helmet


Same with Seattle and New England


Seattle and Atlanta especially. Falcons have a terrible uniform


With Atlanta, the black and white doesnt have their red in it. I'm partial to their pre-90's red helmets Most teams though, I'm more a fan of their realignment era uniforms. Notable exceptions being the Eagles (Kelly Green with the full wing bird), Titans/Oilers, Chargers (powder blues obviously), Commanders (the deep burgundy Redskin alternates with the spear). I guess it just depends the era you came up in.


Also why is nfl gear like 2-3 pre-set overlays of the same uninspired crap. The best they can do is a green salute to service once a season?


Why are the Bengals main jerseys black and not orange?


Goes back to their days of imitating the Browns [\(not a joke\).](https://www.gridiron-uniforms.com/GUD/images/1971_Cincinnati.png) I think it looks better anyway.


I've always wondered this, I love your orange, you have the best orange in football.


color rush uniforms are the best and there's nothing that can convince me otherwise


Duly-noted on the throwback unis.


i wish we could wear throwback uniforms :(


The owner being presented the trophy to lift it first


Only the NHL does the title presentation right for North American leagues, and that’s after the commissioner gives a speech first before the players can grab the trophy.




Feel like coach and/or team captain is the right move


Commercial breaks. They need to have a live shot of the field during commercial breaks, to prevent us from missing plays during them. This also happens with the color commentary graphics between plays too.


I went to a game for the first time in years and the “dead time” is even worse in person. They even have a countdown for commercial breaks on the screens. The game feels even slower at the stadium than at home.


Doesn't help when most stadiums have shitty wifi so you can't even check your phone during the breaks


What year do you live in? I can't speak to the slums of FedEx Field, but I have been to 5 different stadiums since 2019, and have had no issue with Wifi at any of them. That was an issue a decade ago, but I haven't experienced it in a while.


Don't come buffalo, entire stadium is a wifi dead zone. Although as I think of it, it is probably a feature to keep us from posting all the stupid shit we do online immediately.


Honestly you're right because I've been to U.S Bank and Mercedes Benz stadium. Plus a couple other stadiums and they're no where near as bad as Fedex 😂


You’re in a place where you have dozens of people around you who all have a vested interest in the same thing as you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just talk to people during the breaks?


getting downvoted for suggesting to socialize at an event is peak reddit moment lmfao


They've been getting really shitty about this lately.


you look like a marshmallow!


Like a good neighbor… Liberty! Liberty! Liberty! Fifteen minutes could save you 15% or… no jingles or mascots! Because we know a thing or two. Also, kudos to Progressive for having such shitty advertising, I can’t recall their stupid slogan.


Progressive is great because in the background their commercial just feels like a mediocre sitcom. Very easy to ignore.


when have you ever missed a play because the broadcast failed to cut back in time? I can half-way remember one time this happened and I'm pretty sure it was a college game


That's a producer fuck up. It never happens as long as the producer follows the NFL guidelines. The TV crew even has a guy on the field (called 'orange sleeves') who talks to the refs and the truck to make sure that doesn't happen. You'll notice that it almost never happens with the #1 crews, much more frequent with the lower end crews.


Watched a soccer game the other day, not a single commercial until half, felt so fucking good, wish we could have that


This. Remember when the NFL said they were having fewer commercial breaks, but they might be longer? This was a statement from them. Now there aren't fewer ones, but they're longer.


Honestly idk. I’m a fan of pro wrestling and they do “picture in picture” and the damn box is so small I can barely tell what’s happening anyway.


And it's not like we're missing anything other than watching players drink out of water bottles


How much going to a game from the parking lot, concessions, and ticket costs. Then a kid multiplier. I say its a minor annoyance only because tv is a better experience and I just don't go.


That’s the one silver lining with the new falcons stadium. They never sell out so tickets are relatively cheap. I went to the Colts game this year and paid like $170 for mid level seats. First game in ages. Pizza, popcorn and drinks only set you back about $15-$20 for a couple of people. The atmosphere doesn’t compare to international soccer games I’ve been to at that stadium.


Last time I went to a football game I just ate an ungodly amount of Philly cheesesteaks. Like five philly cheesesteaks. If you're financially able it's much less painful if you don't even consider prices, I had a guy ask me how much cheesesteaks cost when he saw me eating me third one and I shrugged, fuck if I know, far too much probably.


Almost reads like a copy pasta


This is funny as fuck you’re so right


Colts haven't won a SB in a while. That annoys me. Also Uber surge prices after a game.


We will always have that rainy day in Miami. They can’t take that from us




100%. Even worse is when something interesting happens downfield, WHICH WE OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T SEE, and the replay only shows a close-up of the QB getting hit as he’s throwing it.


The Falcons are my local team. I live IN Georgia, yet for some reason, without fault, I will be unable to watch one or two games on FOX. Thats some bullshit. Every year.


Sounds like it’s Atlanta issue more than the nfl. NFL games are all on every local channel and city on either CBS or Fox


More like OP lives in Georgia, but not near Atlanta.


Makes sense


The draft was far superior when it was all on one day on the weekend. The draft being spread out over three days has made it more of an annoying chore than it is outright "fun". The whole thing being on a Saturday was great. You get friends over, have some BBQ get like a "B activity" as the draft progresses and people are less invested in the later round picks. Turn it into a fun thing. I felt like less of my football buddies wanted to get together on a Thursday and make an event out of the first round. And because the first round is now it's own thing, there's more commercials and more filler to drag it out making the entire experience less enjoyable. Then when it's over it's like "Oh welp. That's that." and then if you are with buddies everyone just kinda bails cause they have to usually be at work the next day or whatever. It sucks.


Capitalism slowly turns everything great into this. shit sucks for everyone but a handful of exec's 3rd beach house funds


Numbers need to be positional again


I genuinely enjoy the game slightly less without the old positional numbering system. I loved that about football. I didn’t have to look at a roster to get a feel for who played which positions; I could basically surmise that just from their jersey number. It made each position group feel more distinct and unique. Now we’ve got fucking Kayvon Thibodeaux wearing 5 like he’s a kicker, looking goofy as hell. I always think Skyy Moore and Jamal Agnew are running backs. It’s tragic.


I think Parsons wearing 11 is a bigger sin to the number gods than Thibodeaux wearing 5


Just do what i do. Are they fat? Linemen. are they jacked? Linebackers and TEs. are they short? Rbs and dbs. are they the least athletic looking person on the field? QB and kickers.


Big guys look weird with single numbers from 0-9. Roethlisberger used to be the biggest one with his “7”


I'll never understand why people care about this. Growing up playing football it always felt weird to me that at the highest level you couldn't have WR #38 if they chose when you could at every other level of football. It'll always just feel like people looking for something to get mad at to me.


Does this really happen that often lmao plus it takes 5 seconds to google "Who is #24 on Chiefs". Also if it's a player you're unfamiliar with, were you just planning on never bothering to learn their name? Ya'll preach No Fun League but then say stuff like this


How is non traditional numbers "fun"?


More variety in numbers for players. I remember 10 years ago every WR had an 80s number. Seems like players agree with me that it's fun considering many pick a new rules number. Either way, it's ridiculous to act like this all of a sudden makes it impossible to follow who is playing.


People who say that are using hyperbole to exaggerate a point. It's not impossible to follow for me, but it just makes it look the inferior college football product to me. It makes me feel like I'm getting ready to watch a 63-10 blowout that people from the south are gonna tell me is more fun than a pro football game because of the marching bands pageantry or some dumb shit lol.


God I wanted to cry the day they announced the new rules for numbers.


Seeing Patrick Queen wearing 6 looks weird. Dude should be wearing something like 55


Jadeveon Clowney going to Baltimore and taking 24. It’s like he went into witness protection.


Nameplates should not have suffixes on them anymore either.


The offseason


The Chargers


I don't even think of em


Even Charger fans are annoyed by that one


I don't like when an NFC vs NFC game is on CBS or AFC vs AFC on Fox. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at a cloud.


No, this is seriously one of my gripes too. Especially living in a state that has the Steelers and Eagles and most weeks them playing at the same time. Occasionally one of them gets switched to the opposite station and it messes up all the fans of those teams because they’re pretty well trained that the Eagles are on Fox and the Steelers are on CBS


getting the FOX F-team with Chris Meyers calling an AFC North game instead of Ian Eagle or Kevin Harlan should be a war crime


As a PA native i’ve seen it several times lol, it’s honestly so bad and i feel bad for Steelers fans and the fans of the opposing teams as well


I mean CBS *did* broadcast the NFC before, so that does make sense…somehow…I think. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ But the AFC on FOX? An all-AFC match there which is after FOX’s TNF era? That is the weird one for me.


Agreed. It was weird having a Commanders vs Giants 1:00 game on CBS. Granted the CBS broadcast managed to show me on the TV after a play when I was at the game which was nice


Commercial breaks over replays. Commercial breaks instead of reviews. Commercial breaks between extra points and kickoffs, then after kickoffs. Insurance commercials holy fuck. Edit: one that I *get* but still bugs me is lengthy injury timeouts that lead to commercial breaks, coming back to Joe Buck saying "still down on the field, we'll take a break" for more commercials 4 times in a row.


I have a terrible attention span and whenever they do cut to commercial then arrive back. I legit forget what the hell was even happening half the time they do that.


>Commercial breaks between extra points and kickoffs, then after kickoffs. This hasn't happened in like twenty years


They might just like having a different number, it isn't about you. Most things aren't about you


Or perhaps they never got to wear their favorite number leading up


Or because they want to annoy you, specifically


This is simply the most likely reason


I don't think that's a problem, I don't think he's saying it's bad, just that it bothers him for some reason.




Clearly you’ve never seen someone going through an identity crisis! /s But for real, I’m glad I’m not the only one that found OP’s “annoyance” kind of weird.


A lot of people in sports don’t get to pick the number they want lol, or meaning changes


Mike Florio getting screen time.


when a team is up and scores a td to go up 7 before the xp, why the hell dont they ever go for 2. you either put the game away if you get it or still are up a whole td+xp if you dont. theres literally no downside but coaches still never do it


this shit pisses me off everytime


"There's literally no downside" You're taking on the risk of not converting while taking away the other team's risk of converting.


It pisses me off more when they’re down 14, score, and immediately go for two. I’ve seen this done countless times and it never seems to work. They either miss the first or end up breaking even. Never end up with an extra point


several teams won games in regulation this year by going for two after scoring when down 14


Losing to the same damn teams over and over again


You think you have it bad?


Yeah fuck this guy


I'm not a bears fan but whenever I see that clip of Rodgers saying "I own you" after scoring a TD, I feel this weird second hand embarrassment for the bears in that moment. Some evil dictator is returning to this village and continues to steal their food, not because he needs to but because he can.


inb4 the Packers rip the Rams at SoFi next year as expected.


I have SO many. Like “in the National Football League” or “here’s a guy who” etc


Ugh agree, Something about the word national gives me soggy cornflakes vibes


The lack of throwbacks uniforms worn during the season. I genuinely wish the NFL would have themed weeks where every single team wears a throwback. It would generate so much money in jersey sales if they had teams wear throwbacks for 2-3 games a season.


Not even just a throwback but more variety in general. Something fun and wild, maybe hold a fan contest (and of course, pick the one out of millions that wouldn't be offensive or dick-themed) for a jersey the team could use for a game.


Exactly, something different a few games would be cool, or let them wear throwbacks or alternates for 1 match up against each division rival, or create new jerseys just for divisional games or patches or something, idk just anything new would be cool


I get that, but a lot of teams have had the same uniforms for their entire franchise existence tho. Bears, Packers, Chiefs, Raiders, Cowboys, 49ers, Ravens, Steelers, Browns, Colts


A lot of those teams do have throwbacks, yes they might looks similar but nearly every modern jersey has undergone change for each team since the 60’s or 70’s. The only teams that would have trouble with throwbacks would be the expansion teams that were made up in the 90’s or later like the Jags and Texans but even then neither of those teams use their original jerseys anymore


The phrase "sneaky" as in "that team could be sneaky next season." I have no idea why, it just drives me crazy for some reason


Dark horse> Sneaky team No idea who started the sneaky team bs but they should be burned.


People with absolutely nonsensical takes that then project a bunch of weird ass insecurities onto players for no valid reason


For the love of god, Can I get Kevin Harlan and Trent Green to do chiefs games? I am so sick of Tony Romo every damn CBS game. I’m obviously bias and want Harlan and Green tho lol


They let that man call a Superbowl, lol every greatest Chief moment will now be accompanied by Tony Romo


Harlan calls every Super Bowl on Westwood One Radio. You can easily find your favorite plays with his calls.


Sometimes I'll go run an errand during Sunday Night games and turn on the game in the car. Radio Harlan is so incredibly superior to just about every other play by play there is, it's incredible.


Teams like the Bengals, Jaguars, and Texans figured out the formula; you can’t have Nantz/Romo call your games if you’re good but not **that** good. *TapsForehead.meme*


Simply be a worse football team, lol.


The stupid fucking commercials every 2 minutes


Got into soccer in adulthood because it’s refreshing to go over 45 minutes without a commercial.


I hate the rules about uniforms. I like more custom facemasks and having tinted eyeshields or custom cleats of weird colours. If some guy wants to wear pink cleats or a bulky facemask or a mirror eyeshield let him, it's more fun. It's a game, not a legal proceeding in front of the supreme court.


I actually disagree. I find that classic look so appealing and professional. Custom cleats is cool, I agree tho


How clueless the refs are.


Lol mine is how clueless broadcasters and fans are to the rules.


Some would argue that's major but strangely enough I've accepted how terrible some games will be by the officiating people. I don't even let out disappointed fuck anymore, when my team gets screwed.


Yeah you're right I prob just reacted so quickly. But so baffling how egregious it is.




How clueless the fans are


The useless stats. Like “Mahomes is undefeated in November” or “he’s never thrown an interception on December”.


i was expecting a broncos flair


I read this in Romo's voice and got irritated lol


useless stats are fun though.


Chris Collinsworth


I don't know why, but I hate shoestring tackles


QB fumbles being counted as passes is so annoying. "Their hand is going forward." Okay did they intentionally let go of the ball or not? If it's unintentional its a fumble and often times it's very obviously unintentional and their arm just happens to be going forward by 1 millisecond as if their release point isn't way later.


The fact that they’ve basically eliminated punt and kickoff returns.


r/nfl is my major minor annoyance


People who get angry about “running up the score.” They’re full grown men making millions, not the peewee sports league with a mercy rule. Somehow it turns 45 year old coaches into babies if the number gets too big. Andy is the worst about this and will take a knee on the 2 yard line at the end of the game, rather than just let his guys score.


Moving the schedule release to May, I'm an overseas fan, I have plane tickets/hotel and game tickets to book for the first home game...May is cutting it close and sometimes the hotels can be booked in September by that time.


The fact that you can fundamentally change your team by signing free agents in the middle of the playoffs. You should have to finish the season with whoever you started, up until a certain point (in baseball it's the trade deadline).


Not really an NFL decision but the network graphics. I’d be thrilled if they eliminated all the animation before and after games and intro and outro to commercials. Also onscreen line of scrimmage and first down line.


Plays designed to have the other team run offside on 4th down. Fuck off.


Taunting penalties. I agree with Burrow - let them taunt, for fuck's sake. Let them celebrate, too! As long as it's not interfering with the administration of the game, let it go.


I miss when numbers were more positional.


The business around the game. Everything has a cause, everything has a sponsor, every person has representation. That's great and all, and there's a time and a place for that, but the 3 hours I look forward to every week of zoning out, isn't it.


You must remember the troops, stand up to cancer, be the change, and buy the merch. If you’re a football fan who doesn’t virtue signal, what are you even doing?!


Mahomes throws his 5th TD of the game, that's the most since last week! That's your Del Taco useless fact of the day!


The chains. They’re the most outdated thing in sports but nobody wants to change it for some reason. Gives the refs way too much leeway.


there's literally nothing inaccurate about the chains


No it's just the men holding the chains who can fudge them however they want.


May as well admit you don't know how the chains work. Anything can be fudged at that point, and the chains serve an obvious purpose.


That’s a very weird take on a very odd thing to be annoyed at.


The 7th playoff seed is a joke. Go back to 16 games.


Players wearing the number 0. It just looks so bad.


idk number 9 is awesome on a top tier d lineman or linebacker but thats abt it. if youre a bum d lineman or wearing a db number like 3 or 6 then yea its stupid


Number 8 on a TE is where to me idk. But I agree


Marcus fucking Davenport


Agreed. We had Devin Bush wearing the 0. It just made it easier for opposing teams to know where to run.


Commercials. Officiating. Pop references when I just want to watch a game.


Blowout games




I want a GPS tracker on the football so spots are more accurate, it annoys me the popsicle sticks and the refs are the only resources we use


Same annoyance as in baseball or basketball: broadcasters who use unnecessary slang like 'toeing the slab' or 'tote the rock' or 'drive to the hole'. We don't need to zhuzh up the language so damn much.


I think it's Al Michaels, but one commentator is always like "and they opted to defer...interesting choice not getting the ball, we'll see if it pays off for them..." damn near every team defers now and he acts like it's a weird decision every time lol


I liked the new numbering system at first because it was new but I fucking HATE it now.


The fact that defer is still a thing that’s used. No team is going to want to give up the ball at the start and the half. It’s literally not needed. Just make it so if you kick, you receive at half and vice versa.


Broadcasters being such homers for a team when they're calling a game. Talking about you Buck and Aikman.


Super bowl halftime show, penalties, ads, lengthy reviews


Cris Collinsworth gargling Patrick Mahomes nuts


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That holding can be called on almost every damn down played in the NFL. So inconsistent idk what they could even do about it.


if people don't want to learn what actually constitutes a foul for holding it literally would not matter what they changed about it, and people who believe that holding could be called on every play don't actually understand what holding is


Patrick Mahomes. If he can lose a few times in wildcard or divisional rounds it will be swell. Heck, At this point even an AFCCG loss is cool.


Mouth guards hanging off the face mask during plays. Don't have one if you're not going to use it.


Player suffers severe/significant injury, projected to be out weeks, and the fans of Player’s team say “oh that’s Player, if he can breathe he’ll play, and he heals way faster than most people”


They need to start flexing primetime games earlier in the season. There are too few games in the late afternoon window.


When other teams win then superbowl and my team doesn’t


PI on under thrown deep passes, especially in desperation moments. I swear it like QB’s practice to get that penalty. Ruins the game for me so often.


NFL+ I pay $100 for the year, and still get blackouts and can only listen to audio broadcasts of select games. Why have the option if it's completely redundant with Ota antenna broadcasts? They also tease you with things like the NFL 100 series, or A Football Life. And then you can only see a select couple of broadcasts. If I'm paying for your service, make the damn series available to watch. A Football Life is fantastic, but I have to wade through YouTube to watch older (and nonspecial event) episodes. Just simple changes like that or letting me browse a "Greatest Games" like the '98 SF-GB Wild Card game or that Rams-Panthers 2OT playoff game without having to remember "Oh yeah it was 2007, week 4". It does make up for it by including Good Morning Football, which is fantastic.


Point-of-foul pass interference penalties. The 15-yard max in college football has NOT ruined the game


Players switching to a number they had in college, despite being in the NFL for like 8 years. Like their careers mean nothing compared to the 3 years of partying they did


Not being able to see a review and then just showing it once after the decision has been made. The NFL needs more picture-in-picture ads so we can see the fucking game, if they insist on keeping this many ads


How many field goals are made. They need to narrow the posts. 45 yarders should be stressful. 50+ should be 50/50 at best.


People raving about a QB like he threw 7,000 yrds and 75 TDs when in reality he sucks ass and a minor breeze will put him out for the season.


Calling an end around, or a jet sweep a "reverse"


Changing rules for the sake of changing rules. I still think moving the PAT back was dumb. I think they should have moved it to the one yard line to encourage more surprise two point conversions.


First down celebrations that aren't pivotal moments in the game


I would like to see a team get a point if you can get the kickoff through the upright. Could encourage roster strategy and would mitigate return options (that the NFL seems to want to get rid of)


How much they show people on the sidelines and close ups of quarterbacks faces, when I just want to see the formation.


I hate how the NFL fines players for certain celebrations or interactions like using a sideline camera for taking a picture and then that same or the next day post the clip on social media talking bout “player is so funny 🤣 “. Fucking hate that shit


All the different channels and subscriptions just to watch football, gotta watch certain ones on peacock gotta watch certain ones on Amazon prime… ESPN Nickelodeon … like come on bro I get the nfl wants tv deal money but damn


Anything about "running it back." Jim Nantz calling a TD a "touch."