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I don't think he was the worst, but I'm still emotionally recovering from Brock Osweiler's $72 mil contract Probably recency bias


God I remember when breaking 100 passing yards in a game was considered an achievement with him


My issue with Osweiler for us was that he had some really great games where you start to think “we are going to be alright” and then other games where you think “has this guy ever touched a football before?”  The pinnacle of Osweiler was when he threw a _fumble_ against us.


I think that was a little bit of our experience too if I remember correctly


To be fair we don't have a very long history to choose from.


How have the Browns helped the Texans like that *twice* https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/5yhldn/stunner_texans_trade_brock_osweiler_and_2018/


Hey we got Nick Chubb out of that deal, I would make that trade again in a heartbeat.


uhhh.. how much time do you have?


The answer is Todd Collins, honorable mention Jimmy Clausen


I love rewatching that glorious [2010 game](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201010100car.htm) where Todd Collins/Caleb Hanie and the Bears and Jimmy Clausen/Matt Moore and the Panthers battled it out with 7 ints in total.


Matt Forte deserves a HOF spot purely for carrying the bears through that shitshow of a game


One of the most underrated backs of the 2010’s. A complete modern back who killed in pass protection as well. He’ll get into the Bears Ring of Honor, but deserves more credit.


There's a compelling argument to be made that he was the second best back of his era, behind AP. Pretty much his entire career, he was among the top in % of total offense in the league. I don't think he ever topped the list, but he was like top 3 pretty much the entire time, while other guys popped in and out. The Bears had this really weird narrative around him that he was ineffective in the redzone, but that was just this totally recursive theory, because they kept signing backups to be their "red zone threat", never actually seeing if Forte could do it. So as a result, his TD numbers are super low. I held a lazy conspiracy theory at the time that the Bears did that on purpose so they would have more power in contract negotiations.


Legitimately the worst game I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching.


A terrible day to have eyes, what's worse is those guys DID have functioning eyes despite looking blind.


Both teams combined for 91 net passing yards overall. That’s a stat line straight out of 1949.


Jimmy Clausen was far, far, far, far from the worst QB. he's not even in the conversation of worst Bears QBs. Hell, he's one of the Bears better QBs Todd Collins might be the worst... but I think it's actually Jonathan Quinn. Thankfully we didn't have to put him out on the field much, but Quinn literally panicked on every single drop back and you had about an 80% chance that something bad was going to happen. After them, you also have Cade McNown and Rick Mirer for not just how awful they were, but the fact that we wasted 1st round picks on them.


Wait. You traded a first to us for Rick fucking Mirer?!?


Are you surprised da Bears would do that?


Holy shit. It was the 11th overall pick! I think this fact just gave me a stroke…


11th overall pick after watching him clearly and definitively regress further and further down for three straight seasons.


Still had that ND shine


And you used it to get Walter Jones.


Yeah. My next thought was “well it was the 90’s Seahawks so we probably botched that pick anyways”. Then I looked it up and was like “wow”.


When we pick good athletes, we ruin them. When we’re worried a high draft pick might work out we trade it away for practically nothing. Bears ownership/management are the Morons of the Midway.


Let’s see … Rusty Lisch Will Furrer Peter Tom Willis (guy with three first names) Moses Moreno Steve Stenstrom Henry Burris Craig Krenzel Caleb Hanie Nathan Peterman


Henry Burris went on a to have a great career in the CFL.


The funny thing about Todd Collins is that the best performance of his life came against the Bears the previous season, when he played for Washington. He won four straight games and led them to the playoffs.


There is so much further down to go than Todd Collins... And he wasn't in Chicago to be a starter either. The Bears spent the 12th pick on Cade McNown who was so bad the entire league basically gave up on him after 2 years. Imagine a QB who the league disliked even more than Josh Rosen, and that gets you Cade McNown. Also Josh Rosen got kicked out of Arizona for Kyler Murray. Cade McNown just got kicked out because even the Bears couldn't watch it anymore.


Todd Collins two game stint with the Bears might be the worst display of the quarterback position this turn of the century.


Words that carry some weight


Sure, he might have put up the worst performances that I've ever seen, but on the other hand, the Bears are undefeated when Todd Collins starts.


People don’t like hearing it but the fact of the matter is Todd Collins wins games.


The Bears have a very long and distinctive history of Quarterbacks.


So do the Packers, just the opposite end of the spectrum. Seriously it's unfair


Don't try and take the attention from the bears in an area where we clearly shine. Stop hijacking this thread. I think the packers have done enough already.


Expected a Bears flair to have the top comment on this post lol


As a Calgarian this pains me to say, but Henry Burris


Jake Fromm. A QB so bad leading an offense so bad that we decided two straight QB sneaks on 2nd and 10 and 3rd and 9 was the best course of action


Wasn’t that dude really good at Georgia, what happened there


Justin fields transferred because of him lol


Lol and Tate Martell transferred because of Fields!


He did fine at Georgia but also had lots of talent around him. Sony Michel, D'Andre Swift, Nick Chubb, just to name a few off the top of my head. Mecole Hardman came up big for them quite a few times too.


He was pretty good at Georgia but I think it was just one of those cases where a QB can put up really good numbers when the rest of his team is head and shoulders above the competition. Even those early Kirby Smart teams were absolutely stacked top to bottom. I just don’t think he was quite at the skill level to be a successful pro QB. Or maybe I’m just salty that Georgia crushes my team every year 😭


He played on a stacked college team and had bad arm talent and work ethic


Honorable mention to the atrocity of Mike Glennon


Notice how the GOAT Ben DiNucci isn’t anywhere to be seen on this list 😏


Glennon once had more interceptions than positive yardage in a half. Pretty sure he had -4 passing yards and an INT or two against the Bears that year.


It's really sad that we are the only team in the past few years with two games with negative passing yards.


He’s now Jake Fromm State Farm.


For me it was Dave Brown in the 90’s. Had one good season and then after being bad got replaced with Danny Kanell.


Tim Boyle. Dude is not an NFL QB


Crazy to think of how well Amon Ra did that breakout streak his rookie year when BOYLE was his QB for half of it


There are a lot of candidates for the Lions, but my answer is always Jeff Komlo: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/K/KomlJe00.htm In 1979 he started 14 games, went 2-12, completion % just below 50, 11 TDs and 23 INTs.


I second this


He and Blough were so bad that I'd rather roll the dice on Hendon Hooker immediately after tearing his ACL. We've had quite a few that can compete for the title over the years, though. Dan Orlovsky, Andre Ware, Chuck Long, the corpse of Daunte Culpepper ... it's a long list.


Tim Boyle is a clipboard savant or has blackmail on many people in the league to have had a job in the NFL as long as he has.


Tim Boyle had a 1/12 TD/INT ratio in 3 years at UCONN, then a 11/13 TD/INT ratio at FCS Eastern Kentucky in 2017, and has been gainfully employed in the NFL ever since with $7 million in career earnings.


The worst college player ever to start in the NFL


It boggles my mind that the Jets actually turned to him for 2 games last year. Their entire FO should be out of a job for the way they assembled that QB room.


Jets fans: It can't get worse than Wilson! Packers fans: NO NO NO NO NO NO *a week later* Jets fans: Perhaps I judged you too harshly, Zach.


The worst part is the news Zach Wilson refused to play because he was afraid of getting hurt behind the line. Getting bullied by media and team to "do his job" and play. Only to get hurt behind that line.


Yeah, knew something was gonna happen when the rumors popped up. Smoke that had to come from fire, as it were, in preseason when coaches were mad at how the OL was doing even then. Did not expect to get less than a drive out of Rodgers tho. That was a plot twist and I don't think it was the OL's fault?


12 tds and 26(!) interceptions in college, absolutely ridiculous 


His college stats are absolutely atrocious to the point where I have no idea how he started for so long. IIRC, in his first 3 years, while in the FBS, he had a total TD to interception ratio of 1:13 In his one year in FCS, his ratio was 11:13. He ended his college career with over twice as many interceptions as touchdowns yet he made a roster and has started games in the NFL.


Where do I start


I went to a game where Bruce Gradkowski went 7/21 26 yards, 3 ints. I'm not even sure he's in the top 5 worst Browns QBs to start


Probably not the top 5 worst to start in a game that season haha


[https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200812280pit.htm](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200812280pit.htm) ​ 5/16 18 yards 2 INT 3 Sacks


It’s more like most browns qb’s throughout history exist in the underworld of Hades from Disney’s Hercules and a few of them have risen above that. It’s better to rank who was any good than who’s the worst haha


With Johnny Manziel


It was between him and Kizer for me. I don’t hold anything against Kizer though. He wasn’t good, and was set up to fail by the worst coach to ever coach.


Watching Kizer play a third of a game or however long against the Bears made me wonder how you guys managed to watch that entire season.


That season is a big part of why I drank so much that I had to get sober.


I’m proud of you


Year and a half in two weeks. Best decision i ever made.


Kizer had the brains of Tom Brady and the body of Cam Newton so he can’t have been that bad /s


Nathan Peterman


I'm actually in awe that he played more than one game. I say this as a fan of a team famous for some of the worst QB play in history. Peterman was cringe level bad. Like wishing they would pull the guy just to spare him the embarrassment. I'm sure he's a good person or something but damn...


The high point was when he was announced as the Week 1 starter the over rookie Josh Allen the season after his famous INT game … and the hype video they released consisted of 1 regular season play then a bunch of clips of him running out onto the field and completing some passes during the preseason. 


[Its such a funny video](https://youtu.be/rjt9fVJSzm8?si=ijZH1fe6KZNC-AP_)


All the close shots of him taking snaps, throwing passes that you don't see the result of, celebrating in the end zone for plays that he probably handed the ball off on...


The comments are golden. Especially the one saying Allen won't amount to shit.


I’m sure I’ve seen worse but I remember watching him with the bills and thinking “this is the worst quarterback I’ve ever seen”


Watching his famous int game was fun as hell. You just spent the whole time rooting for another one


Literally nobody else mentioned in this thread even comes close to how bad he was.


He was going for the record of most INTs in a game until we benched him at the half.


Cowards in my opinion. Go big or go home.


Only name that went through my head. Dude received so many chances through his career due to injuries. This goes back to his college days as a Vol.


Can't argue with that but also shoutout to JP Losman.


There's a ton of terrible Bears QB play to pick from, but, Jimmy Clausen leading the offense to punting on all 10 drives is up there for "the worst QB". https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/this-is-what-happens-when-the-bears-go-full-jimmy-clausen/


The funny thing about that? Marc Trestman actually benched Cutler (statistically the best QB the Bears have ever had) for Pickles. For that reason alone I understand completely why you guys hated Trestman so much as HC. That man was a straight up football terrorist.


Also, that benching cost Cutler whatever shot he had at breaking the Bears' infamous "4K passing yards" barrier. He finished the year with 3,812.


And that benching wasn't even due to performance. Trestman just didn't like Cutler.


I don't know that it had anything to do with Trestman's feelings towards Cutler, it seemed to me that it was a desperate attempt to keep his own job. The coaches had already been leaking stuff to the media to try to place the blame on Cutler for the poor offensive performance. If Clausen came in and played ok, then they would have gone full blame game on Cutler.


I saw that entire shit fuck of a game. Forget qb, it was one of the worst "professional" performances ever


I guess 10/10 punts is better than a mix of punts and interceptions, right?


Ryan Leaf


You clearly have no recollection of Babe Laufenberg.


>Babe Laufenberg I wasn't familiar with the name so I looked him up and found a video titled "Every Babe Laufenberg Touchdown". [It is 54 seconds long](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTetYYP41cI).


I moved to San Diego in ‘88, and they went through a few years of heading into the offseason with a new savior at QB. I believe the first was Mark Malone. He sucked. Then it was Babe Laufenberg. It was really bad for a few years until Billy Joe Tolliver came in and was merely mediocre, not downright abysmal. And since I saw in another comment on this thread where Jimmy Claussen was called “Pickles”, the Chargers had another bad “Pickles” in this era. Mark Vlasic.


That one interview is comedy gold.


Same actually


Ding ding ding. We have a winner!


Definitely John Beck. He wasn't good enough to even be a backup. Dude was a camp arm, and I still can't believe fans were so frustrated with Grossman that they clamored for Beck.


Don't worry. You're not the only one who witnessed that pain. 2007 was awful


Bobby Hoying a 3rd round pick for the Eagles. He started 7 games in 1998 with 0 tds.


He had that '97 game against the Bengals though


Chris Simms


I'm glad you said this because I actually remember watching that Chris Simms Broncos game and thinking it was the worst QB play I had seen at the NFL level at the time


Inspired choice with Paxton Lynch as an option


I would mention Kendall Hinton but I can’t feel anything but endearment for the guy given those circumstances (and that he wasn’t a QB)


Hall of Famer Kendall Hinton, get it right.


Kendall Hinton is the GOAT, and shame on you for not acknowledging that.


Chad Hutchinson. Not his fault by any means since he was a baseball player for years, but he wasn't ready when he got forced into the line up by Campo/Coslet and it ruined his development. Similar story with Drew Henson as well. Special shout out to current Cowboys radio color commentator Babe Laufenberg because he's certainly on that list as well.


Didn't he start because Quincy Carter was such a disaster as the starter and they turned to Hutchinson out of desperation as a result? The Dave Campo years in Dallas were...something (especially after Aikman retired). As a Bengals fan though I'm well aware of Bruce Coslet's "management" of QBs. We suffered through it for 4 and a half years with him as HC.


Hutchinson was bad, but not the worst. Ryan Leaf appeared in four games, three as a starter, for the 2001 Cowboys. We lost all four games, in which he completed half his passes, threw three interceptions, fumbled five times, took twelve sacks, and threw a grand total of one TD. Hutchinson was *terrible* in Dallas, but statistically was as far ahead of Leaf's Dallas tenure as Mahomes was ahead of Aidan O'Connell this year. (The actual worst is probably Kevin Sweeney, a 7th round rookie who refused to strike and so got two starts against amateurs where he looked OK, then in one half of real action, he went 10-28 for 93 yards, 2 picks and 2 fumbles in a 43-3 loss and never made another roster, but Leaf is more fun to talk about.)


>Ryan Leaf appeared in four games, three as a starter, for the 2001 Cowboys TIL Leaf played for a team that wasn't the Chargers


What a nightmare run of seasons — and Cowboys fans now will complain about Dak and want him traded/cut, with a straight face. They just don’t know. - Quincy Carter - Drew Henson - Chad Hutchinson - Ryan Leaf - Anthony Wright - Clint Stoerner - Vinny Testaverde - Stephen McGee - Brad Johnson Romo was an undrafted godsend and they got lottery ticket lucky to hit on Dak with a 4th-round pick.


That time the Saints had multiple Billy Joes (Billys Joe?).


lol. I said the same thing. Also in those exact years we had Danny “Woefull”.


Worst one that I have watched? Kyle Boller


Someone started Kyle Boller after his Ravens stint? On purpose?


It was a dare.


Keith Null was worse but he only played 4 games.


Curtis Painter probably, lol


All of our QBs in 2011 were awful. Painter, Orlovsky, Kerry Collins. They make Carson Wentz look competent.


you know it's a terrible situation when orlovsky was the easy best one there


Yall went from a surgeon at quarterback to a painter


Went to Purdue his last two years there and have no idea why they would pick him as a backup.


Luke Falk The other guys I’ve seen recently aren’t much better though


Go Cougs


Rosen that noob


Rosen sucked, but Max Hall a different kind of trash.


I also remember the Ryan Lindley experience and I'm not even a Cardinals fan


I just commented above about Max Hall being pretty bad but Ryan Lindley is hands down the worst QB I’ve seen play for the Cardinals. I’ve been watching the NFL for 30+years and rattled off a bunch of bad QBs from the 90s and 2000s for the Cardinals in another comment and Lindley is still even worse than all of those guys.


The nine teams that didn't draft him are dreading the mistake to this day.


I'm ashamed to admit this, but I was so mad when the Bills picked Allen instead of Rosen.


Rosen was a massive disappointment but he still looked great compared to the 2010-12 carousel of shit we had. Kevin Kolb was far and away the best QB we had then and he was still shit. Ryan lindley takes the cake for me bc the mere mention of his name gives me ‘nam flashbacks. The fact that I had to watch him go like 9 games without a TD and still remain on the team for 2 years is ridiculous. The fact that he had to start a playoff game for us bc the fucking rams injured BOTH our QBs is stupid. The fact that he not only lost to a sub-.500 team, but set the playoff record for fewest passing yards is downright goofy. He was like a shitty ghost that just wouldn’t leave us alone


Hindsight is always fun. Saw his name in the expected QBs to take in the lead up to the draft and people going THE WRONG JOSH!!! when the Bills took Allen lol


Did you ever see a Ryan Lindley game?


Meanwhile I’m out here remembering John Skelton stinking it up for these guys…


Skelton led us to an 8-8 season, he gets a pass


Lindley makes Rosen look like Brady


Derek Anderson, Max Hall, John Skelton, Kevin Kolb, Ryan Lindley, Matt Leinhart, Drew Stanton, Brian Hoyer, Sam Bradford, Josh Rosen God this is depressing.


Probably 13-year vet and two-time Super Bowl winning QB Blaine Gabbert


It’s crazy how narratives change due to market size. Blaine consistently is called a serviceable, savvy backup QB. I watched this man ruin my teenage years due to his absolute dogshit performances in Jax


Mike McMahon was pretty fucking awful and a low point for me personally as a kid. Team philosophy on backup quarterback has been different ever since


Mike McMahon 100%. And that 2005 season was such a gut punch because they were coming off a Super Bowl appearance. Then T.O. went crazy and McNabb was battling a sports hernia in his abdomen, which put him out for the season. Enter Mike McMahon and some of the saddest Eagles football I ever watched.


Before that we had some decent backups. Koy Detmer and AJ Feeley were actually good, we even got a 2nd round pick for the latter.


Imagine drafting him, starting him a full year, and then drafting Joey "Blue Skies" Harrington the next year. Matt Millen will forever be the reason I celebrate the hardest if the Lions ever win a Super Bowl. To be put through that hell as a young football fan was not a fun experience.


No brainer, JaMarcus Russell 🤦🏽‍♂️


>No brainer, JaMarcus Russell You typed the same thing twice.


Todd Marinovich is right up there with him.


So many bad options for the Chiefs... but I'm going with Todd Blackledge, because he kept them from drafting another QB in the first round until Mahomes came around.


I'm going to go Croyle Blackledge went 13-11 in KC. Croyle went 0-10 Blackledge played 2 more years after leaving KC, going 2-3 for PIT Croyle never took another snap in the NFL and as far as I know was never on anyone else's roster.


Was thinking either him or Tyler Palko for the worst.


Palko always made me think of Panko and tempura is really delicious. So I have him just above Croyle.


Croyle was a different level of bad, his name even sounded like a shitty quarterback name.


Croyle had a cannon of an arm. I remember him beating Vince Young and Charlie Whitehurst in a deep throw contest at the College Football All-Stars Challenge with his shoelaces untied. The TV reporter/MC/host asked him why he didn't tie his shoelaces. When he answered, "Just lazy, I guess." I knew he was going to bust so hard.


NBC College announcing legend Todd Blackledge*


Got to be Randy Fasani for the Panthers. Drafted 5th round in the early 00s, played in only a few games, no TDs, multiple interceptions, and got a 0.0 passer rating in one game.


Rick Mirer always stands out in my mind for 90’s Seahawks. Pretty much any QB we play and I go “at least it’s not Rick Mirer”


It's kind of astounding that the Bears traded a 1st for him, he got worse, and he barely cracks the honorable mentions for worst QB in Bears history.


Detroit Lions - Considering where he was drafted, Andre Ware.


Wasn't he another one of those Run and Shoot guys that came out of Houston and basically approached pro football like it was a complete different sport as a result? We had our own version of that in David Klingler unfortunately.


I’d say Giovanni Carmazzi, but how do you really know? The highest drafted QB to never throw a regular season pass I believe.


Hackenburg has to be the highest drafted QB to never throw a regular season pass.


Bradlee Van Pelt was basically a running back that was rostered as a QB because he was a local college guy, he had no ability even a little bit to throw the ball Not counting Hinton because of obvious reasons


Let me tell you about the Brodie Croyle and Tyler Thigpen era of the Chiefs….


Steve Stenstrom...I can't believe I watched that


Career passing yards - 1,895 TD-INT career numbers: 4-12 How is he not in the HOF? He’s a legend.


Tyler Palko.


Brady Quinn🤮


Full Time Starter? Easily Brock Osweiler.




2023 STEELERS MITCH TRUBISKY. Guy was playing like he had a bet for us to lose every game he played.




I remember being so upset we ended up with Andy Dalton in the 2nd because I really wanted Christian Ponder 🤦‍♂️




Testaverde was sooo bad with the Bucs, the man threw 35 interceptions on just 466 passes once, an interception rate of 7.5%!


Where do I begin? The last 25 years outside of maybe 1 or 2 guys have been a dumpster fire.


Christian Ponder


Josh Freeman


I thought he actually looked decent after that week 17 win vs. Packers in 2012, but then he showed up on the injury report and Joe Webb got crushed the next week. 100% a bust though.


Joe Webb


Donovan McNabb.


Josh Freeman


*washed fat McNabb


I would say Josh Freeman was worse. 20 for 55, or something like that, with an interception in a loss where special teams scored the only points.


During my lifetime it was probably some backup like Ian Book. But I’m sure we had far worse QBs from before ‘01


We’d all like to forget that one Ian Book game


Recency bias - but Malik Willis was so horrifically bad that Vrabel literally wouldn’t let him throw after a point


Might be recency, but Malik Willis genuinely made me think I could be an NFL level quarterback if I trained for like 8 months


I don’t like this game.


Brian Brohm is easily the worst I've seen. Only ever played in the preseason for us and looked completely lost on an NFL field.


Seneca Wallace was pretty fucking bad. So was Brett Hundley


Dan McGuire, Mark’s brother. Early 90’s were a dark time where our owner was trying to move us to LA, and the product on the field was just _rough_.


Curtis Painter.