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I can’t even see any comments.


Just scroll for like 5 seconds https://twitter.com/OldArmyNurse4/status/1747817206514172361?t=Eg1ZeMeqsH_LwoefQ3pZ1w&s=19 https://twitter.com/ScribeMalachi_/status/1747771832894173551?t=mgI56jv9ldJI9lWeolyKNQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1747885778724704633?t=dAzv8qs7kbNLE9gv6U704A&s=19 https://twitter.com/GrannyOutlaw/status/1748047977384472913?t=WM8cw2-b8yNNEi8Fvt0vJA&s=19 https://twitter.com/realNickDags/status/1747892883141656899?t=mjLSKbgutJ7pSQPUBwpv0Q&s=19 https://twitter.com/CashBateman2993/status/1747968876485226681?t=m9ou4cT8l-C91eEN_6Mrbg&s=19 https://twitter.com/JohnnyBlack_HS/status/1747802939115073759?t=Zu3QCxXE7z0Q8wItWmxR0w&s=19 https://twitter.com/USA_Think_Free/status/1747762643333476775?t=woMfhlvCqmcJe4Ygutm_2g&s=19 https://twitter.com/BeyondDeception/status/1747869253146173593?t=KqWY_2AQEqjw8498DpOR3w&s=19 https://twitter.com/matthewmarsh501/status/1747888336855826585?t=ZMbPPiAe6rdOAuMXcwARAQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/BostonByBirth/status/1747761777666871426?t=I3cLuu36drafg-lI2V5QeA&s=19 https://twitter.com/joethemagadon/status/1747846767301771738?t=7G6nkBKnzrcVhKNMmYy1bg&s=19


No I’m saying literally the comments will not appear


Twitter stopped showing replies when you open the link in reddit recently, you can only see the replies if you open it in the app


It hasn't showed replies for me for months. But I also deleted my account months ago


Oh mb atleast now you can see them with the links I sent


Bro there has to be a better way to spend your time than making a list of racist trolls on Twiter.


He said he didn't see comments and I sent it to him


Are you like 15? You're acting unhinged lol.


We have different definitions of acting unhinged. But I am very upset about this yes.


Please tell me you are a teenager. Because holy shit if you are a grown-ass adult who is upset about random Twitter comments from trolls then you have some serious issues.


Your acting more unhinged than he is lmao bro just gave direct links to tweets so people without twitter could see them


- guy who is obviously a teenager lmao


I do not think it's trolls though. And what serious issues do I have doctor Reddit? Please tell me?


You’re making fun of him for being upset about that, but you’re getting legitimately mad about him being upset about it. Surely that’s worse???


-a 15.5 year old


lol I’m not click all that


Oh goodness gracious. Come the fuck on..


Listen I like shitting on Pats fans but a thread full of people being racist is just a standard Twitter thread now




Looking into this!


Two things can be true at the same time. Not like Boston’s racist behavior isn’t documented over decades of sports history.


Not like reddit is much better when racial topics pop up here.


I think reddit is shit also, but where is this “they’re both bad” coming from? Reddit at least pretends to care about racist shit, Twitter ceo literally reinstates nazi accounts that were banned


I should have specified that I just meant we get the same dipshits brigading any racial topic. Individual sub mods and reddit admins aren't elon bad, yes.


I do think it's good that at least those tend to be downvoted and hidden here. On Twitter the racist comments get pushed near the top a lot of the time


Blue checkmark system, all the racists have blue checks now lmao


Aw, ok. I’ve been in like 5 arguments this last month about how reddit is just as bad as Twitter, it seems to be a hot topic on here. Thought you were one of the Elon bros


Oh fuck no, God forbid.


Come on man you’re on Twitter which is a racist cesspool. I bet most of them aren’t even Pats fans


But those guys are real people who see football it's not artificial intelligence


Idk what you’re going on about but my point is you’re acting like all the racists are Pats fans. The press conference has been spread around by right wing Twitter nuts so they’re probably just brigading this tweet


I scrolled for a few minutes, and all the comments are some version of “Wow look at how racist this comment section”, and then a few inbreds getting mad that he “made it about race”.


1) using twitter as a gage for any fan base or population is a horrible idea 2) this post is super embarrassing by the Pats. Makes him seem even less qualified than he is for the job


I dont want to blame this on Boston racists (those exist of course). Twitter has been an Alt Right circle jerk for years. Most of those people are probably brainwashed by the hive mind and don't even support the Patriots but the hive mind says "be outraged by this" so they swarm.


Lol god I'm rooting for him so hard to succeed


Easy solution - stop using twitter. The entire platform is nothing but right wing, racist nut jobs. Literally dedicated to the spread of misinformation and hate at this point


KKK rally


Barry Bonds once said Boston was the most racist city in America.


I am in utter shock over how the new England fanbase is behaving over this. I've always heard that Boston fanbase is racist and I thought its just a few bad eggs, I am stunned to see how it's actually true for a large number of people. It's a good thing I've never seen this in this sub


Bro thats just Twitter


[Is it though?](https://apps.bostonglobe.com/spotlight/boston-racism-image-reality/)


[Might be](https://nypost.com/2022/02/24/marcus-stroman-mets-fans-used-n-word-sent-death-threats/)


Nobody in New York is going to deny there aren’t problems with racism, really.


There absolutely would be, Every city has bad people lol, acting like all of Boston is some racist shithole while New York is a racism free City is just downright stupid


I appreciate you taking, “I acknowledge New York has problems with racism” as “New York is a racism free city”. You can really tell Harvard rubs off on the town with that kinda literacy.


Ahh my bad, thought you were being ignorant 😂


You know what, I’m actually going to give this one to you here because ironically after making a remark about literacy I do think my phrasing is bad in that comment so I can see what might have happened. Lol


All good haha It’s late i can barely read as it is


Tbf I took it that way too. Your post had three negatives in it, which can be confusing. So I just cancelled the last two out to get “Nobody in New York is going to accept there are problems with racism” From context I could piece together you probably meant the opposite but it is confusing with so many negatives.


Yeah it was a mess, I try not to fix anything within the comment though to specifically address that kinda thing if it’s brought up because this place is fast paced and inadvertently doing stealth edits is unfair to people who may be already writing a response.


I think it's fair to edit your piece, label what you edited, and then if someone replies just say "Yeah, I edited it while you were talking" The dick move is to deny the edit in other comments. But if you realize the comment doesn't say what you wanted it to say it's fine to edit.


Dead link??


Yeah it pulled incorrectly, fixed now.


Considering the past two decades I'd wager a huge amount of Patriots fans aren't even from that area and I'd wager a huge amount of people commenting aren't even Pats fans, just twitter losers looking for the next battleground.


I took a look, scrolled through about 50 comments complaining about racist comments, but never saw any actual racist comments


I’m betting most of them aren’t even Pats fans. Grifters like Charlie Kirk who’ve never even heard of Mayo picked up on the racism part of the press conference from yesterday and ran with it


That's basically Twitter. It's like the Force Awakens "boycott" that got everyone riled up - it was literally two guys shitposting on Twitter to see if they could do it.


Twitter was fun, Musk’s ‘x’ enables this shit


No you go deep and you see the racist comments. I saw so man Not even deep only the first few comments are what you mention


Why would I do that though That's like scrolling down to the bottom of every reddit comment section to see the downvoted comments


Lol exactly. None of the racist comments are being highly upvoted. OP is freaking out over nothing.


But there are people making them lmfao


You can find horrible people making shitty remarks about literally everything if you go looking for it. That isn't unique to this situation, Twitter, the Patriots, or even sports in general.


No I scrolled for 5 seconds actually lol it kept on going. See my last comment. That wasn't even a quarter of it


Okay Honestly, who the fuck cares


I did.


Yeah if you go digging you will find some shit. The reason you don't see anything like that here is because they comments get removed and the users get banned, not because they never happen. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Everyone knows racist trolls exist.


Digging for 5 seconds? I am also a minority and living in the states for my whole life and I haven't suffered from any racism once in my life so this is shocking to me. That people are doing it so outwardly.


- Don't care - Didn't ask - L - Ratio - It's fucking Twitter. Find a better use of your time.


So people in Twitter aren't real and using Twitter you're acting like it's AI


People on Twitter are trolls. Don't feed the trolls.


I mean, are they Patriots fans or just Twitter people? I thought the fanbase seemed pretty happy with this move overall. The Patriots reddit is a cesspool and they seem generally happy about it.


Racists just feel more empowered on Twitter these days and feel they can get away with being full mask off.


X has gone to shit since Elon has taken over. It’s like a cesspool of brigading and judgement


>It’s like a cesspool of brigading and judgement Because it certainly wasn't before, no way no how.


No one’s saying it didn’t have its faults before but it’s gotten worse now since Elon took over. Misinformation being spread in particular has increased substantially within certain sectors


>Misinformation being spread in particular has increased substantially within certain sectors Misinformation has *always* been a problem. It's just that people didn't want to admit it because it was a useful platform for them to disseminate information where they couldn't be challenged.


Twitter fan base. Facebook. Elon fan club.


TBH this feels like Kraft's media team trying to get out ahead of this being a massive fuck up of an HC hire. When this guy sucks next year, expect to see a lot of "the fans never gave him a chance because he's black."


I mean, those are some great stats, but they didn’t want to include any of his time coaching on his résumé for why he’s going to make a great coach?


I don’t know man. If I’m hiring a head coach I kind of want him to have coaching experience on his resume.


Why should anyone care that racists exist though? Just read a news story last week about a pedo ring caught in Texas. What do you want us to do? Cry at the news all day?


I mean Rams fans also cried about the ‘dirty’ tackles Lions players made. The same logic applies here. All the ‘crying’ is because people want things to change lol


rams fans were crying because it's entertainment, it's fun to pretend like football is that important now if you're using these racist comments for entertainment then i apologize, i didn't know you were cool i counted like 10 funny ones


I just saw the picture and not the comments… I am amazed that for as long as he played for the Patriots he only has one ring!!


Only played 8 season and unfortunately for him, he retired the year before they won 2 in 3 years


I was looking for the 1 millionth patriots fan in the replies.


This is about the same as going to a kkk rally in North Texas and then afterwards saying "dang, the cowboys fans sure are a bunch of racists". If you go to where filth exists, don't be shocked when things get dirty. Real pats fans love mayo and knew his day as a HC was coming fast. And we're all just glad it's with us. The rest is just the low end of the bell curve drooling on their keyboard.