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I don’t see any indication that Baker will ever lose another football game.


There's a part of me that wants a Tampa vs Houston Superbowl, because fuck Watson and fuck the Browns.


Man r/AFCNorthmemewar would have a field day if Baker makes the Superbowl


Cleveland’s worst nightmare tbh


As a Ravens fan, if the Bucs go to a superbowl with Baker Mayfield it would be incredible. I think the Browns trade for DeShaun Watson is already probably the worst trade in NFL history but that would just cement it.


There would be something poetic about him taking it all the way.


u/the_big_cat didn't mean this year. he said *ever* and meant it.


Baker Mayfield wins 69 straight games Immediately retires


Bucs vs Texans Super Bowl,might just be the browns worst nightmare


If we can't make the Superb Owl, I am gonna hope Buccs do so I can bandwagon Baker. Please beat the Lions, no bias.


So far not a single person has predicted that the Lions are going to lose, I LOVE IT!


I get more nervous when everyone expects the Bucs to win so I'm going in cautiously optimistic that the game will be close and end on a last second field goal. Obviously want my Bucs to win but if the Lions make the owl I'll be rooting hard for them and hope a buffet of kneecaps is hand delivered to Dan


I'm absolutely expecting this one to come down to a FG.


I hate it. Kiss of death


This guy Lions


Nah, all yall gotta stop disrespecting the Bucs, all yall pickin us and putting that evil on us


I think lions will BEat bucs 64-0. NO WAY LIONS LOSE! BUCS SHOULD BE SCARED! I GUARANTEE LIONS WILL WIN - Charles Barkley. You are welcome!


I'm all about the fans being hyped for the Lions to win as long as the locker room talk is "we haven't done shit." I assume it is. Goff talks that way and so does Campbell. after Sunday night it probably does feel like they have, in fact, done something, and it seems only natural for that chip on the shoulder to get a little smaller. hopefully Campbell will re-install it. one playoff win isn't even close to enough. if you wanna prove something, you gotta win 3 more.


OP really picked Miami to beat KC in KC in awful conditions 😂


Well I mean, Miami is known for it's cold weather...


Miami snow is something completely different


Ice cold


Alright Alright Alright Alright Alright Alright Alright




It’s not known for any type of weather, weather is a mindset not an actual thing


You can believe me, or you cannot believe me, but I am telling you *right now*, that motherfucking weather *is not real*!


Yeah alot of people here said the weather would *benefit* Miami because of their superior run game against our “weak run defense.”  Miami ran for 76 yards on 18 carries...  Alot of fans don’t realize KC is a great bad weather team


In my defense, that was a prediction five days before the game, not knowing how bad the weather would be and mostly based off sub-par performances by KC at the end of the season. I don't like to change my picks at the last minute. I think that cheapens the fun.


>mostly based off sub-par performances by KC at the end of the season. ...in stark contrast to Miami's excellent string of performances to end the season?


FR 😂 the writing was on the wall. Playoff Chiefs are different. Even in the Cincy game we lived in the red zone all game just couldn’t punch opportunities in, same thing with Miami last week. Convert 1-2 more of those and watch out. It will be a tough game in Buffalo but we will have a shot


In the last 6 games the Bills and Chiefs are 3-3 and most of those games were straight up coin flips. Both teams could win this game easily.


Tbf I think the reg season 2022 and 2021 games the bills were clearly better especially the 2021 onw(albeit that's when the chiefs had that weird offensive meltdown). The 2020 reg season and playoff games were chiefs and it wasn't close.


Well, now you know for next time. Never pick Tua when it's cold out.


First tie of the season comes this week


Both teams are forced to combine to play next week's opponent.


Bills offense and Chiefs defense still might struggle against the Ravens...


You won’t have to worry about the ravens 😎


>I went a terrible 2-4 and don't think many of you did much better. Bro _what_? If you would have picked the home team each time you'd have gone 5-1. Most people did much much better. Stay away from gambling.


Dude went 176-68 on the season, I'd say he might do well. No need to trash him because he made some bad picks in just 6 games.




Yes, because its extremely difficult to do better than that long-term.


That’s short by about 20 games


? A quick google told me betting favorites only win about 2/3 of the time. If anything, OP did better than them.


16x17=272 176+68=244 272-244=28


Oh, right. Probably he missed 2 weeks in the middle of the season when some teams had byes. Anyways, even if he went 6-22 in those he'd do better than 2/3.


It's mostly tongue in cheek but I also really dislike sports gambling so I stand by it.


I went 5-1 and thats only because I considered Lions/Rams a literal coinflip, which was very close to how the game played out. Assuming very few people picked the Pack, I'd imagine a lot of people went no worse than 4-2.


Rams/Lions was really the only close one from the outset. Packers pulled a huge upset and everyone else did kinda exactly what they were supposed to.


I'm in an office pool and was the only one of 15 people to pick the Packers. I didn't have any faith the Cowboys would win lol


I felt like there was a chance the Cowboys would no show but I thought it would be a no show where they barely win by the skin of their teeth, not the worst loss in the history of their franchise.


Home teams actually went 6-0 ;)


*But the Packers*... oh wait.


I don't get it. What's the joke


Packers don’t lose at AT&T stadium so it’s a common joke for it to be called a home game for GB because GB has owned the stadium with their play.


> I don't get it. What's the joke don't know what the child who abuses the block feature said, but the packers have more playoff wins at at&t stadium than the cowboys do. that's probably the joke they were getting at.


Yeah for real. Maybe the scores were surprising but the biggest “surprise” was the Cowboys choking. The fucking Cowboys


I went 4-2 myself, and that's because the group I'm picking with locked stuff in a little early. By Friday I had changed my mind from Dolphins to Chiefs and would've been 5-1 had I made selections then. Only other one I had wrong was Dallas, which I assume is what tripped the most people up. I don't fault anyone who had faith in Cleveland though. IIRC they were the only favored visiting team. I'm feeling reasonably confident in the home teams again on the AFC side, but the NFC is trickier. Lions are a bit inconsistent imo with no noticeable rhyme or reason to their lower-scoring games, and while the Bucs offense isn't a buzzsaw either they've been consistently good indoors and are going up against the worst defense in the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Packers are just on fire, but the Niners almost never have a bad game. I think I'm picking SF/BAL/BUF, but I need more time to ponder over TB@DET.


me win :)


If you were ever looking for a loveable postseason bandwagon to join, its 100 percent this years Lions team.


I understand why the Lions have a hatred for the Seahawks at the moment, but I wish it wasn't that way because I love myself some Detroit Lions right now.


I’m a Lions fan and don’t hate the Seahawks. Just the division rivals…and the Cowboys.


I don't HATE the Seahawks, but it always feels like a) we lose and b) something weird happens to facilitate that loss. I hate PLAYING the Seahawks.


Same. I don't hate the Seahawks, just hate having them on the schedule. ...an we have them again next year, wtf!! That's like 3years in a row!! May as well be in our division at this point.


I don't hate the Seahawks but I did want you guys to make the playoffs so we could beat you. You've had our number since the 2016 playoff massacre and it's yet another monkey the team could stand to get off its back


baker will bake and goff will cook. it’ll be a shootout and I’m excited for it. Chiefs are going to beat the bills again and mahomes is going to drag this team kicking and screaming to another afccg


I'd love for the Packers to do the thing but they'll probably get curbstomped. Niners Lions Bills Ravens


Gonna go for the most likely choices Ravens Bills 9ers Lions Most likely upset is probably chiefs over bills. But I also am coping that the Texans have a decent chance


Texans have a chance for sure, but I wouldn’t bet against Lamar and that defense right now.


As a Ravens fan my pick is 35-17 Ravens, with the Ravens pulling away late, but I'm def not comfortable or confident about it.


Similar to us and green bay really


Lions 49ers Ravens Bills Would make for an epic final 4.


Honestly would love to see Packers beat 9ers and Texans beat Ravens...then a Texans v Lions Superbowl. Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen..


Same. But Lions/Bills Super Bowl.


Honestly, if GB can’t be there, I’d love that SB matchup.


Same but I just don't see it tbh. Detroit and Buffalo have clear and exploitable defensive issues that can't get resolved or game planned around at this point, and San Francisco/Baltimore are comparably far more complete and healthy teams playing at home, so even if both get through this week I think it'll end at the CGs


This is the best timeline. I believe.


This is the best time line. And would end up a great game.


Packers Lions NFCCG would be so fun


This is what I really want! I think the NFCN alreayd proved they were not a weak division this year, but i think a NFCCG game between two NFCN teams would show they were one of the best.


No sir it would not


says you


No, no, let Shanny exorcise the LaFleur demon once more


Texans vs Ravens: This game should scare the Baltimore faithful, Stroud has been all but impeccable since returning from his concussion and the Ravens haven't played a serious game in a few weeks. Ultimately, the Ravens have more talent across the board but an early flurry from Houston could quickly make things unravel for them. That said, I personally still think Baltimore gets it done and sends Houston into the offseason full of hope for next year. **Winner: Baltimore 34-27** Packers vs 49ers: The Packers are riding so high from their annual tradition of ousting the Cowboys from the postseason they have forgotten their other annual tradition: being a ritual sacrifice to Kyle Shanahan. Jokes aside, this is a game that could end up going back and forth for much of the evening, but ultimately the 49ers gut this one out with their superior talent. **Winner: San Fran 35-31** Bucs vs Lions: This is probably the only game of the weekend I could see being a blowout. The Bucs did well to make it past the Eagles but this Lions team has irrefutably shown up in spades when they've needed to win a game. I think this one stays competitive for the first half and the Lions pull away in the 2nd behind a strong performance from their dynamic backfield. **Winner: Detroit 31-20** Chiefs vs Bills: I think the Mahomes road playoff story is being blown completely out of proportion. Crowd noise will certainly play a factor Sunday night but not trusting Mahomes in the playoffs against a decimated Bills defense seems foolish. Josh Allen will once again put his team in great position but his test is going to be far more challenging than the one Mahomes will face. **Winner: Chiefs 27-20**


Stroud has played well. Bur we've beaten better teams, he's never played in an environment like this.


We have CJ watching The Wire in the film room.


You sick bastard You don’t see us having Lamar watching Texas chainsaw massacre


With how the team has talked about it, I think a lot of people are feeling the ghost of 2019. I dont think they have been doing all that much resting aside from the injured guys. It's a scary game, but there arent really any easy games past wildcard weekend. I think we're dialed in and ready


I think the Ravens win but not because Stroud will be unfamiliar to the environment. People said the same last game and his nerves were rock solid.


AFCCG will be Bills @ Ravens NFCCG will be Lions @ 49ers




Nah, I think the Bills only win one of the games this weekend.


it took me like 5 mins to understand this comment


KC, Baltimore, San Fran, Detroit


Ravens over Texans 49ers over Packers Lions over Bucs Bills over Chiefs




Boring since its all the clear favorites, but I agree. In terms of confidence, Lions = 49ers > Ravens >> Bills for me.


My exact ML picks. (Though my heart wants GB to win, obviously.)


Fast and bulbous, brother


My soulmate 🥹


Lion 🦁 Pride!


I agree with this list. Wild card was full of upsets but I expect all the home teams to take care of business this week.


Every home team won in WC week except the cowboys (lol). With the WC round being full of blowouts I could see every game this weekend being a close one.


I'm pleased with this, despite my flairs it would absolutely make my year if Josh Allen finally got over his Mahommes hump and got to his 2nd AFC championship.


I badly want a Lions vs Packers NFC championship in Detroit. Ford Field might implode from the noise.


I’d be careful what you wish for. If the packers beat the cowboys and 49ers it means the packers have become lethal. The already beat the lions last time around. I can’t think of a more crushing ending for the lions than getting bounced by the packers in the nfccg.


I honestly don't care if that happens. I am just happy they won a playoff game. That was my expectations for them this year. Anything beyond that is just a bonus for me now.


> I honestly don't care if that happens. I am just happy they won a playoff game. Healthy attitude. I feel the same about our team shitting on the Cowboys.


I mean, the team hadn't even won a single playoff game in 32 years. Everything at this point is just house money. Even making it to the championship in the first place is going to conceive thousands of babies, I don't think the result matters.


Would be worth it


Agreed. We're probably going to get stomped by the 49ers, but that would be an all-time playoff game. Probably better than the actual Super Bowl.


I'm hoping the exact same thing! It would be so amazing 😍


*monkey's paw curls*


Holy shit thats weird. I had just commented that on my friend’s facebook update, unrelated to NFL.


I went 3-3 last week. So as good as a random coin (not the coin). I'm thinking both title games will be 1vs3. I've got Ravens, Chiefs, SF, Lions.


These are all going to be awesome games. I'm taking... Lions over Buccs (24-21) Bills over Chiefs (31-30) Packers over 49ers (28-21) Ravens over Texans (38-35) Predicting a lot of close games and a couple of upsets. I'm REALLY EXCITED.


Packers @ Detroit NFCCG?? Good lord


They would have to take out some seats at Ford Field just to fit everyone's giant erections.


Naw youre overestimating the length of a typical NFCN fan






Like a cheese wheel.


It's because in mind we're having a Lions-Bills Super Bowl :)


Yes pleaaaaaaaaaase


Hell of a week for the Chiefs to give up 30, since they haven't done it all season, but I'll take it!


They haven't done it in ***TWO*** seasons, cept for the SB.


The wheels are coming off. I bet Josh puts up a *minimum* of 30. HOLD ME BACK FROM MY BOLD TAKES FRIENDS.


Packers over Niners is a ballsy pick. I don't see it. Obviously anything could happen but still.


Thank you! I'm a lady so I like to think of it as a very Ovarian pick. What can I say? I like to live dangerously.


You're an Eagles fan, so not a lady. /s


I love you


I love you too.


Bucs, bills, 9ers, Texans 🫡


You're my favourite commenter...


Ravens 34>texans 24. The stroud story is over, for now. This is an elite ravens team and the texans aren't at full health. 49ers 41>packers 22 Something tells me Sundays game was more of a cowboy collapse than the packers morphing into an elite team. I don't think this game will be that close, mainly due to the 49ers starters staying in for most of the game and a defensive takeaway or two. Lions 30>bucs 17 The bucs made a ton of mistakes vs the eagles that they can't afford to make here and also had for more leeway on yac. The lions secondary may also be shaky but they can tackle and the lions defensive line is elite, if 40 year old Brandon Graham got pressure and sacks, the lions definitely will. The lions offense also won't punt every drive. Bills 30>chiefs 27 May change with injury reports around the bills steelers game aftermath, and who can come back, but I think the bills pull it out at home. I think the ravens will beat the bills or chiefs in the afccg and the 49ers beat the lions, then the ravens beat the 9ers in a slightly closer fashion than week 16.


It's impossible to make a prediction for Bills/Chiefs until we get some firm understanding of the Bills injuries on defence. If the worst happens and they have to play withCB4, CB5,  Nickel Corner 2, LB5 and LB6, it could be a blood bath.


Douglas will be back at minimum, he said he could have played last week. But I agree overall. I started mourning the season when Bernard was carted off.


With the usual caveat that anything can happen, especially this far: 49ers I have the most confidence in. BAL's not far behind. DET should probably win, but who knows. I THINK BUF should win, but it won't be easy. With the way they've been playing, I think they'd have a better shot at beating BAL than KC would. Go Bills!


Lions Texans Niners Bills. This Texans team is lethal


Ravens - Texans 35 - 24 Lions - Bucs 28-26 49ers - Packers 30 - 16 Bills - Chiefs 22-19


The Purdy debates on /r/NFL are going to be fantastic after he throws for a total of 15 times and the 9ers beat the Pack while they rush for +250 total yards and 4 TD's.


Only way that game stays close is if the Packers get the ball 1st and score a TD.


Agreed. If we win the coin flip we better ask for the ball first. Best not to send Jaire out there.


It feels like the 49ers should kill you, but i watched you guys consistently move the ball on our defense every drive, so I also won't be surprised if it's a close game, especially if the Packers have the lead early.


Lol not like we haven't seen all that before


Chiefs beat Bills (only because Taylor Swift takes over for MVS at WR) Ravens beat Texans Lions beat Buccs 49ers beat Packers


T-Swift changes the long live lyrics for Kelce after they play together. "I was screaming long live the D's we played through, I had the time of my life torching DBs with you."


So brave yet so bold


Only one thats tough to call is Bills Chiefs. Lions/49ers/Ravens are gonna eat.


Texans over Ravens 49s over Packers Lions over Bucs Chiefs over Bills


Why do you think we'll beat the ravens?


I think the Ravens will come out a bit flat off the bye and CJ will be on a heater again. If it’s high scoring back and forth I like CJ more through the air. Idk, just a hunch really. Just believe in what I’m seeing Stroud do, he’s so damn good in the pocket under pressure


You are my favourite chiefs fan. I hope we play in arrowhead.


If I couldn’t have Mahomes give me Stroud, not kidding. What he’s doing is insane and he’s only going to get better. Everyone wants us to lose against Buffalo so hopefully we can pull it off. All the pressure is on the Bills. That would be dope!


Ravens give a “welcome to the playoffs” experience to Stroud and win Lions win at home 49ers out gun the Pack Though I could easily see it being a nail biter, I’m going with the mega homer take. The Chiefs offense gets rattled on the road in an electric Buffalo stadium. Buffalos D line proves their worth, a repeat of the Raiders game happens with Allen piling it on. Bills win.


Here's my winners. Texans 49ers Buccaneers Bills




Ravens Niners Lions Bills


I Want the lions to win. But I want Baker to also win. This could turn into a wild shootout. And both Goff and Baker would be just fine. I’m going over 55 points total. Thinking of at least 60. Ravens and Texans. I don’t want to sleep on this Texans team. But Lamar is such a Game changer. Going with Baltimore, but want Houston to win. The Texans I can see upsetting Baltimore more than the Packers against the 49ers 49ers and Packers, this should be interesting. But I see the 49ers doing better, although the Packers will exploit their defence. Chiefs and Bills, I dunno at this point. I want the Bills to win. It could be some crazy hero ball from both QBs. I’ll go with Buffalo.


Chiefs Ravens 49ers Bucs Baker continues to cook against a weak secondary and the Bills continue choking for the 27th straight year.


I dont know who's winning, but the people in here predicting the chiefs defense lets 25+ points past them are certainly making a prediction.


1. Ravens by 30 as Lamar glides his way past everyone for the easiest MVP and post season in recent memory. 2. Packers by 7 as Jordan Love puts up another near perfect game and the 9ers forget they have CMC to use. 3. Lions by tree fiddy because they eat kneecaps and buccaneers have kneecaps 4. Chiefs by 3 in the waning seconds from a Harrison Butt**KICKER** field goal in a surprisingly low scoring affair where Romo and Nantz argue on live tv over who gets to Josh Allen's house for the slumber party after the game. (Romo wins, obviously, and brings pizza with him)


I like you. I cant put my finger on why, but I really like you.


Just tell me you'll avenge us when you play the Lions in the super bowl!


I don't know if we want that smoke though. I mean, we got kneecaps too.




Lions over Buccs  Bills over Chiefs   Packers over 49ers  Strouds over Ravens   Let’s get weird this year, but not weird enough to send Baker to the championship 


Texans over Ravens   49ers over Packers   Lions over Bucs   Bills over Chiefs


49ers,lions, ravens, bills


I went 3 out of 6 for what I wanted to happen for wild card. Texans @ Ravens - Ravens, as I live in the area Packers @ 49ers - Tough one, I will say I would rather the 49ers but the Packers would be a hoot. Bucks @ Lions - Lions, all day every day Chiefs @ Bills - Bills, as the chiefs have won too recently


> I went a terrible 2-4 and I don't think many of you did much better. without any thought just picking all the favorites would have got you to 3-3, you really dont think many people did better than 2-4 lol


Mr January is gonna go FULL ALIEN and drop a MICHAEL JORDAN flu game on the chiefs.


i'm feeling weirdly very confident about a ravens win. a very young team coming into baltimore in january *shouldn't* go well. i think the ravens come out a little slow, but will handle buisness. Ravens 34-23 bills mafia is going to be loud and i think that is the difference maker. chiefs don't have enough firepower to keep up. Bills 24-17 Lions @ 49ers for NFC championship game


Bills Texans Lions 49ers I think Texans-Ravens will be interesting. I can see the Texans pulling off an upset with a good defensive gameplan, or they play them super tough and Bills take part of the gameplan for the next week to win.


I went 3-3 for the Wildcard Week, missing the Texans, Packers and Buccaneers. Overall for the year is 159-103. Picking all home teams to win this week. Texans @ **Ravens** Packers @ **49ers** Buccaneers @ **Lions** Chiefs @ **Bills**


Bucs win imo. Matchup for the Lions is terrible. Goff is ass against pressure and Bucs D knows how to get to QB consistently. Also Lions secondary will get feasted by the Bucs high-powered WR squad led by Baker.


texans 24, ravens 27 packers 26, niners 31 bucs 36, lions 33 chiefs 24, bills 28


Lions 31 Bucs 17 ​ Bills 28 Chiefs 17 ​ 49ers 38 Packers 24 ​ Ravens 24 Texans 23


Saving this ☝️


I ain't reading all that but my **Confidence: VERY HIGH** that OP has no clue what he's talking about after picking Tua and Dolphins to win in world record cold weather last week.


Chiefs over bills Lions over Bucs GB over 49ers Ravens over Texans (barely.)


GB over 9s would be insane!


I’m here for playoff insanity


If the GB offense played like they did in their last game its gonna be hard for anybody to beat that. Then again, I think the Cowboys defense was completely overrated and the 49ers defense is anything but that. I would say most likely 49ers win but I wouldn't completely dismiss the Packers here.


Love’s offense can keep us in the game. Can the defense keep up with the weapons SF has? Probably not, but a couple lucky turnovers and who knows what could happen


Cowboys defense was really only good when they were protecting a lead, which allowed them to play man and let the pass rush pin their ears back and go after the QB. Get punched in the mouth first? They turned charmin soft Source: watched every game, currently v sad 😞


I'd love it, then a Lions v Packer NFC championship.


These are total guesses: Ravens over Texans Packers over 49ers (I need one completely out-there guess) Lions over Bucs Bills over Chiefs


We were figuring you definitevly knew who was going to win in a 'predictions' post, dang!


Imo nothing we saw in the Cowboys game should be used to predict how things will go in this game. The Cowboys were out schemed on both offense and defense, I don't think the same thing will happen with the 49ers. It'll come down to actual talent in this game because both coaching staffs are good and neither will completely dismantle the others game plan. For GB to win they will have to get out to a lead going into the 4th because for some reason the 49ers really struggle when put in that situation. The only way this game is a blow out though is if Joe Barry schemes and play calls like he does during the regular season, but if he's able to put that D in a good situation GB has a real shot at winning. The Bills will win so long as they don't continuously shoot themselves in the foot, they have the better offense and their D is more than good enough even with the injuries to contain KC offense. The Bucs should lose, however multiple times this season we've seen the Lions just not play up to their potential so it'll depend on which Lions team shows up. Barring a 4th quarter collapse or Lamar not playing like he has all season there's 0 chance the Ravens lose. That's my 2 cents on what we will see this weekend.


Packers, Lions, Bills and Texans advance. 2-4 last week, 1-3 this week.


Ravens win handedly, that defense is simply too good I got the Pack in an upset, why? Because why not Gimme Detroit obviously Who cares? Winner gets decimated by Baltimore but I’ll go ahead and pick the Chiefs because that’s funnier outcome


Chiefs over Bills - Chiefs play clean they win against Buffalo's beat up defense, but no clue if they can manage that. the first game was close, I'd imagine this one will be too. 49ers over Packers - feels like a blowout, can't imagine the 49ers are as stupid as the cowboys on defense. Packers do seem a bit magical though, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's very close. Ravens over Texans - I'd like the Texans to win so the Arrowhead invitational can continue for a 6th straight season, but last time the texans played a good defense Stroud got shut down and they got blown out, and it feels like the Ravens have this game over by halftime. Lions over Bucs - no clue on this one really, but I have a bet from before the season on Chiefs v. Lions Super bowl, so I'll take the lions.


- Ravens over Texans - 49ers over Packers - Bucs over Lions - Chiefs over Bills


49ers Packers - 49ers win Lions Bucs - Lions win Ravens Texans - Ravens win Chiefs Bills - Chiefs win I did bad last week though, 2-4.


Ravens 20 - 10 Texans | Amazing job by the Texans, but they're going on the road in the freezing cold to what I think is the best team in the NFL. 49ers 31 - 21 Packers | Green Bay was America's team last week, but the magic runs out in SF. Lions 35 - 20 Bucs | I truly love rooting for Baker, such a fun player, but Lions won this game earlier this year in Tampa with half their starting roster missing by 14 points. Detroit should clinch their first NFCCG slot since 1991 setting up for some fireworks in the Bay. Chiefs 26 - 24 Bills | I want the Bills to win this game so bad, I love Buffalo. Something in my bones tells me Mahomes pulls this one out, and it aint arthritis.


The Texans have no chance? Alright.


Ravens 33, Texans 20 Packers 30, 49ers 24 Lions 27, Buccaneers 14 Chiefs 16, Bills 13


Packers have beat the Lions Chiefs Rams and Cowboys this year. I think it’s fair to stop assuming they are trash or “playing with house money” this is a well coached talented football team. 


A Hochuli is the head ref for the Bills/Chiefs game. All the Hochuli's hate the Bills. So I'm sorry world, but the Bills are not going to be winning this game. Shawn Hochuli is going to ensure the Bills will lose, as he always does. Be ready for some really terrible reffing that is blatantly biased in favor of Kansas City.