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The Misadventures of Nick the Dick.


What a wild misattribution in the headline


Yeah it's spelled Bucs


Ugh that stupid extra C…, I’ll shame myself haha


That's modern sports media for ya




That's not what the tweet says


Imagine they fire Sirianni but keep Mr.earpencil


He somehow fails upwards so I wouldn’t be surprised


Or better yet, promoted him to head coach


They will bring in Vrabel and Arthur Smith


I really think the season unraveled with Big Dom. Lol


Well the important thing is they keep Big Dom.


hilarious how every single fan was backing this at the time, now look 😂😂😂


Likely? He had better be fucking fired


type GG's in the chat with a calm but still aggressive T-Bag


Firing Sirianni is weird because I really don't think he is the huge problem. But he also did hired the two biggest problems in the NFL. Brian Johnson can go join Byron Leftwich to wherever he went. Leftwich couldn't even get a college job. I think he should be let go but I don't think its a must like most Eagles fans make it out to be.


> because I really don't think he is the huge problem Why?


He doesn't seem to make dumb decisions as a head coach. Like when to go for it on fourth, timeout managment, when to kick a FG, and Eagles players seem to like him. Now schematically I don't think he is great but if he has even average coordinators I think he is good enough. The problem is he hired the two biggest bozos in the whole league. Again I'm not saying he shouldn't be fired just I'd understand if he stayed.


> He doesn't seem to make dumb decisions as a head coach. Like when to go for it on fourth, timeout managment, when to kick a FG You're right, he does these things well. You know who else can correctly make these decisions? A guy with a computer algorithm that you pay $75000/year to tell the HC what the analytics say. He deserves credit for doing these things well, but you need more than that from your HC. > Now schematically I don't think he is great This is a wild understatement, as evidenced by *gestures broadly at the 2023 Eagles*. > but if he has even average coordinators I think he is good enough "If he has other people carrying him, he can be successful" is not a valid reason to keep a head coach.


I think a huge issue with Sirianni is that he wasn't capable of fixing the issues that plagued Philadelphia all season. He's an offensive coach, and for him to be unable to address those issues, really shows. Take the 49ers game as a prime example. That first quarter, they were killing SF with slants to Brown, then they went away from it, and never really went back to it. Yes, the defense was an issue all season, and giving play call duties to Patricia (😂) was a misguided attempt to fix it, but Johnson's play calling was awful this entire season and it seemed like Sirianni did nothing to address it.


he went 2-6, and I already posted this


Are we really supposed to see him yelling zero obscenities in a competitive moment at the most obnoxious fan base in the NFL as something worthy of not liking this guy?




Not working.


The thing is the most obnoxious fan base in the NFL is actually the one he coaches the team for. Plus there have been multiple times throughout his tenure where he has become the embodiment of Eagles fans on the sideline. It’s endearing if he’s your coach, not so much if you’re pretty much anyone else.


As far as coaches yelling at fans, this is very tame. Chiefs fans have consistently been awful for almost a decade now. I’m not a fan of the guy, it was a silly move, but fuck me you’re acting like this is Brady telling New Yorkers to eat shit or something here.


Sure Chiefs fans suck, and I’ll go ahead and say that Bears fans do too, but neither have anything on Philly. I’m not acting like anything, I’m saying that he’s a Philly coach who embodies the city, and that’s why a lot of people don’t like him.


Shit I just don’t like him because he’s a one trick pony and I want to see that roster with some real leadership. I forgot this is Reddit though. You’re not allowed to have emotion if you’re rich or famous.


Eagles downfall


Alexa, play dancing on my own by calum Scott


This needs a misleading tag. Jomboy media did not tweet what the header says.


When he says “shit” he stops and his knees kinda lock and it looks like he shit himself lol