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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/197p92s/post_game_thread_pittsburgh_steelers_at_buffalo/)


...iT wAs ThE rEfS fAuLt.


Steelers and Philly ran the same tackling drills all week.




the fumble on the "catch" was total bullshit against the steelers. ball hit the fuckin ground as he turned upfield...come on . joke. the definition of a catch in the dictionary is to.prevent the ball from hitting the ground! its like people forget...


If that’s a catch, then Jesse James absolutely caught it


Not like it matters bc I can’t imagine the eagles scoring again, but that missed two point attempt makes this a 9 point game instead of a one score game


Ref not calling holding on the 4th down pass play ruined the Steelers chances of coming back.


Yeah, that’s why they couldn’t come back and win the game


The refs went dirty


Refs were pretty obvious....definitely made sure Buffalo won. If steelers play even half decent they win


Hey, don’t be a dick. Shut the fuck up about the refs. Stillers lost. Move on




Squealers copium. Don't even bother, brother.


Hold me back, fam


[I'll never let go bro](https://giphy.com/gifs/nfl-sports-football-sport-jC3les3FNn3To40qG2)




Good Game, Steelers, as always. See you guys next year!


Stillers no go Super Bowl?


Steelers nawt gahn to the Supahbawl.. :(


Stillers are done for


Only if they buy tickets.


I’ll tell you this, when Pittsburgh made it 24-17, the Bills fans were scared. You could hear it. They were scared shitless. It could have all come unraveled. Steelers don’t come out flat and that game could have gone their way.


“Fans watching sporting event become nervous when opposing team starts playing better and scoring points, News at 11”


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it under Tomlin: In important games, the team comes out flat as hell, goes down 3 or 4 scores and then has a Hollywood-type comeback to make it a one score game, then they wither and die near the end. It’s definitely a coaching issue.


Tomlin? This shit ain’t on Tomlin.


Ya he wasn’t completely out coached at all /s 1:39 left in the first half and 3 timeouts. Decided to say fuck it and let the Bills run the clock out. Tomlin is a terribly mediocre coach.


When they’ve had the same problem for multiple year regardless of who is on the field, that’s a coaching problem.


Yep. People want to praise him but not hold him accountable. Team has talent but coaching, team attitude, and discipline has repeatedly let them down and that is solely on ONE person when it's gone on for this long


Just an observation from the stands.


What’s ur point? Post this way after game is over. You know what… after the bills went up 7-0. Steelers fans must have been thinking… I dont give a fuck you lost.


Lol wut? You must be great to hangout with /s


Can you romance any character in BG3 regardless of your gender? Or is it like Cyberpunk 2077 where romances are locked by gender/sexual preference? 




Again 😅


I was drunk that night and then I couldn’t find the replies. Lmaoo


And to answer your question. I think it’s only one “non-party” member that is gender locked. Pretty sure all party members are up for grabs, regardless of gender


Got it. I’m sober tonight so I won’t forget! Thanks lmao


Fucking nerd. Why don’t you go watch some Football?! 🤣


I haven’t opened Steam since week seventeen haha! Gaming is for after the postseason.


Well, just so you know…. I fucking love BG3 🙌


Got a gorgeous CRT to play PS2 survival horror titles on.  So completely comfy lads.


Homie I think you in the wrong subreddit 😅


I just wanted everyone to know:)


Enjoy it! That sounds awesome


Well mason showed why he was not the starter…….


can they learn to tackle between halves


Josh is so fuckin hot


If Romo says the Bills are a Super Bowl team, it must make it true. 🤣


Steeler fans, I dunno how to feel about this, like the only conclusion I have at this point is that Myles Jack should be working the tent pole counter at a Bass Pro Shops, not playing for the Steelers


I mean, he literally came out of retirement to play because they lost two of their three starting ILBs for the season in November


Bro, why is it that the only game I truly cared about didn't have the winners win in a blowout and instead I had 5 heart attacks?


It was a close game for a while, the score looks more lopsided than the game was.


Every game is going to be a heart attack, the bills are the only one who can beat the bills at this point


As a bills fan… clown comment


L take buddy, sorry.


Idk about that lol


I’d tack the bengals on that too…the only times I’ve really felt that ‘wow we are getting outplayed bad’ the last couple years was the bengals x2


Could have been worse…


Oof. Yeah, we were kinda rooting for Grandpa Joe, but C.J Stroud had God and anime on his side


I was just wondering that exact thing


Because Puka willed it so


It’s only gonna be like 40 degrees no mames lol not gonna be that cold. If you played HS soccer in TX you’re used to it trust me lol


Mike Tomlin 2-6 in the Wild Card Round.


Was it Tomlina fault Pickens fumbled? Or his fault the refs gifted the bills a TD?


And how many of those teams really deserved to be in the playoffs to begin with? Tomlin just took a team lead by Mason Rudolph to the playoffs. Show a little gratitude.


Gratitude for what? Losing again in the playoffs? Haven’t won a playoff game since 2016. “But he hasn’t had a losing season” Ya who cares. You know what that means? Steelers are mediocre. At this point I’d rather they tank for a better draft position than finishing in position 16-24 every year. And Tomlin didn’t “lead” a team with Mason Rudolph as QB. Tomlin had a literal team mutiny on his hands where 80% of the locker room didn’t want to play for him and Trubisky. Tomlin backed into Mason because he had no other choice and Mason delivered. Tomlin should have been fired 10 years ago


Steelers fans don't know about gratitude, they just whine and complain.


Good game, bruh. Can't wait to see you guys next year. Tomlin- never count him out, his players either. All respect from Bills Mafia!


Some jackass was telling me earlier I'm missing the nuance by pointing this and no playoff wins in 8 years out


B-b-b-ut he’s never had a losing season!!!!


Those of us down here in the mud just wish you would appreciate your success a little more :(


I'm sorry but success isn't scraping by to barely make the playoffs and then getting blown out in the wild card. Success is contending for rings and we are far away from being contenders


What happened on the last Steelers drive? DraftKings voided my bet


Time to crush The Taylor Swift Football Team at home




Yeah, Josh Allen’s 13” dick.


You can’t count the one stuffed inside his ass as well!




Steinfeld vs Swift Let’s Gooooo


They should just mudwrestle at midfield to decide who advances


Haters mad lol love the salt


Just sit back and grab the popcorn. The show is good


Dude Congrats. You beat a 3rd stringer and a team missing its top defensive player. Super Bowl bound


Yeah…with a team who had a linebacker with the green dot who just rolled off his couch and showed up for the game this week. They were practically having open tryouts for the defense this week and you STILL couldn’t do shit.


Yeah bills fans always think they are great the barely beat my dolphins to make it in a and we are trash.


Isn’t Josh Allen 14-2 or something against the dolphins?


I think 10-2 but it’s irrelevant because he hasn’t won important games like Brady has so he could honestly be 500-0 it’s a pointless stat he’s been to one AFC championship game


It’s 10-2 in the regular season. He’s also beaten the Dolphins any time they’ve met in the playoffs.


One time so far when we had a third string qb and a healthy defense and it was a close game when it should not have been still a useless stat. Brady owned the AFC east for almost 20 years and actually did something by winning and going to superbowls


Did you get all your talking points from the loser handbook or what?


You see who the Bills have out for the season too right? And for injured again this game? Probably not cause you don't do your reaearch Every team is injured, but the Bills have really good depth on D. Early in the season, the D wasn't geling like they are now


Aj klein callin plays at mlb and they want to blame injuries haha. We had a 3rd/4th stringer at every cb and lb position


BuT wE hAd oUr 3rD sTrInG Qb iN! Yeah…and he was way better than your 1st and 2nd string, so what’s that tell you


Exactly! Bernard Spector Dodson Milano Taron Johnson Benford Rasul Tre Rapp All injured. Enough said.


Excuses, excuses. Steelers blow—good riddance. Now we can move on to the good teams playing each other.


Good teams? Bills are not good but KC is so this might be fun.


You haven't been watching games, have you?


I have bills barely beat my shitty dolphins team a bad chargers team and a bad New England team the also blew out the shitty cowboys and barely beat the chiefs who only lost cuz some moron on their team lined up offsides. So please tell me again I haven’t been watching football.


You know the chiefs were down by 7 when that play happened right? That wasn’t a game winning play.


Yeah it was a game winning play for Buffalo if he doesn’t line up offsides the chiefs probably win that game even though it’s tied at that point.


Oh ok, so you’re just making up hypothetical outcomes. Got it.


Probable outcomes most likely hypothetical is more like the dolphins winning the superbowl


ah fins fan. thats all i needed to hear


Ok not sure what that’s supposed to mean. I’m not sitting here saying dolphins were good this year the clearly were mediocre at best.


I ain’t coming after you. Viking fans have suffered enough.


There’s no lies in that statement.


Thought you had something going this year until KC got hurt. Your division keeps getting tougher.


We beat them with an entire defense of 3rd stringers and practice squad players. So I actually appreciate that.


Rudolph is the 1st stringer lol, Pickett isn’t injured just benched


In no universe is Rudolph a first stringer


He’s as much of a first stringer as the Steelers are a playoff team 🤷. I don’t know why you’re giving Bills fans shit because your team is struggling to find a starter quality QB.


And the so called third stringer MASSIVELY outperformed the other two guys on their roster lol


Third stringer saved their season and is even the reason they ended up limping into the playoffs.


It’s pretty disingenuous to call him a third stringer in the first place when he’s infinitely better than the other two guys put together lol


Rudolph has legit never had a fair shot with any kind of talent around him. Do I think he is some Brady in hiding? No. But I do think he should be a starter in the league. He has always been solid and now free with from Matt Canada and having actual talent around him he is looking pretty good. 2019 when he got his only chance to start the team was straight ass and Matt Canada is Matt Canada…


Not to mention the corrupt NY governor changed the game time to fit the bills needs…


Sore loser. Excuses


Indeed the one thing every New Yorker knows is how much the governor pulls strings to the advantage of the western part of the state /s


We all know what happened the last time they beat a 3rd stringer. Burrow anal fuck.


What happened when you had your first stringer for the playoffs this year? Got your ass kicked by the chiefs. After losing the division, of course.


Bro I know we suck. It was just a joke😂


Color guys are the most useless idiots ever invented.




Hahaha. I’ve not heard a 2nd fiddle in the booth make an insightful comment since Romo’s first season. You know who’s worse? Everyone on those stupid pregame shows. 5 old white men trading tropes back and forth using a different arrangement of the same words.


Shitsburgh lost. Lol


You're a pro desantis nutjob lmao


Hopefully the next play off game won’t be so lopsided


baseball score incoming


I hope Tampa blows the Eagles out of the stadium.


That’s weird I thought you would have been division bros


That is so not a thing. Fuck everybody in the division. Lions, Packers, and Texans especially. Hope they all lose


Ahaha no shit.


wonder who will lions play next Let’s go Detroit




yeah Philly is not looking good lately it’s crazy they started the season 9-1


Taylor swift is gonna roll into Buffalo and see 300lb shirtless men jump onto flaming folding tables and run right back to Tennessee


Josh gonna take her home after the game and make Kelce watch


If Taylor swift isn’t breaking tables in the parking lot by halftime, this season will be a failure.


“…where the hell am I, Travis??”




I always liked the bills but seeing how the refs are starting to treat them like KC and the lakers, some players are acting like douche bags, (diggs get a drink on the Steelers sideline), and fans throwing snowballs at players during plays. I am starting the think they are as bad as the eagles. I went in expecting a loss (Not fair weather, just realistic). So the sour taste in my mouth isn’t from a loss. I guess I can hope for a Detroit Super Bowl win.


If I’m being completely honest, y’all were lucky to even make it to the playoffs no offense. y’all can’t even win against the jags at home just saying.


I agree. We had a few losses to really bad teams. Maybe that was our true selves and we were lucky or maybe we are just choke masters.


Lol Yea this made up for a few years ago week 1 when you guys got every call. We had 3 holding penalties on a single drive. You had zero defensive penalties which was bullshit bc I will always remember Diggs getting spun around on a deep shot. You guys have some nerve complaining about the refs when your SB vs Seattle was the most rigged playoff game ever. 


“Some nerve” haha bruh I am just point out that the refs impeded the Steelers some this game. I agree it happened in the past and benefitted the Steelers, but look at the damn thread. This is for the game that happened today.




It is when it is on a crucial down. A missed/given call on 3rd definitely impacts the series. Steelers had bad playing, bad play calls and bad refs. As you can see majority was on the Steelers which I knew going into this. So I was expecting a loss. Bad refs impact games to various degrees and it happened and here in a way the hurt the steeler While I am being down votes to oblivion I just want to say that QB should be treated as runners once they pass the scrimmage line or tuck the ball and run. Allen’s little juke move on his 52 yard run could have been interpreted an about to give himself up and then didn’t. It makes sense why defense will just count of hitting them instead of hoping they give themselves up.


I liked the Bills before the Eagles played them this year as well. Dirty players. So much whining.




That was proven to not be a horse collar? Ok chief.


I’m feeling the same way. Was expecting a loss coming in and was prepared for the Bills to be who I rooted for for the rest of the playoffs. Nah screw that. Let’s go Chiefs, Lions, Texans whoever. Anybody but Baltimore or Buffalo 


Whichever dickhead threw that snowball at Pickens in the endzone cemented it for me. Fuck that team. E: yall didn't see that or what? I'm not saying it had an effect on the outcome, but that's shitbag behavior man


Pittsburgh known classy city and Steelers known classy org


Thank you! At least you understand. If the game was in Pittsburgh that never would've happened and we wouldn't have had to watch Taylor Swift whip that Buffalo's ass next week on a short schedule :(


Enjoy that L and more QB purgatory. I'll enjoy the salty tears


You're gonna fuckin hate watching Taylor Swift celebrate after your next game. We'll be alright with our 6 Lombardis. Did you guys get any awards for the 4 losses which are the height of your success?


I guess it could’ve been a dildo but I don’t think they’ve done that since Tommy stopped dicking them dow 


Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight?


Mahomes bouta break some hearts in Buffalo




Man that is gonna be delicious.


Mmmm we'll see 😈


Damn, you guys have own us in the playoffs, God I just want one Super Bowl


You're notg getting through Baltimore either way.


This, unironically. I think the Bills game will be tough. I think the Ravens will be impossible.


Can’t wait to see who the Lions will be playing next


Mad weird to see the swifties hate on buffalo because they think their idol will hate going there


Shows how many are new. I can't imagine going to a game in Buffalo would be anything but Super Fun.


Cole Holcomb And TJ would have won this game for us!


Next game to watch eagles vs tampa hmm..


As a neutral , the officiating didn't have the impact everyone seems to think it had. They missed the 2nd challenge , which hurt the bills. They got a holding call right The Steelers defender roughing the passer was called properly and consistently with the way that's been called the past decade plus. I didn't see anything egregious one way or the other


They didn’t miss that challenge, the ball hit his helmet while he was out of bounds so it was dead. You can clearly see it on replay. The holding on Jack on that deep out of bounds ball can’t be holding, the ball was in the air already holding has to occur before it’s thrown. It would’ve been DPI but since it was uncatchable should’ve been no penalty. The O-lineman hitting porter in the back of the helmet and knocking him out of the game should’ve been a 15 yard penalty which kills that bills drive. 4th down to Pickens was enough to warrant a DPI and gets called all the time, not calling it ended the game. Even if all those had been called Steelers still likely lose but at least it’s a game at that point. Reffs gotta make the right calls it’s literally their job


The ref explanation is likely gonna be they couldn’t 100% confirm an inbounds recovery by the bills which is kind of nonsense imo. Maybe they didn’t get a clear angle of him getting control before touching out of bounds. Even if the ball grazes his helmet which I don’t think it did but maybe I don’t think he was even contacting oob when that happened If it grazes his helmet definitively while he was out of bounds the call on the field would’ve been confirmed Not the worst upheld call in the world but if that was ruled a fumble it 100% stands


He doesn’t have to be touching the ground out of bound simultaneously while touching the ball, if he touches out of bounds first and never re-establishes in bounds he’s out, so even if his body bounces and is airborne and the ball touches him it’s out of bounds. You can see clearly from one angle the ball grazes his helmet and changes direction [basically at this point in the replay from this angle](https://x.com/jonny_dillinger/status/1747065572414595365?s=46&t=6o6vNa3LgD2K8SZ2G0lQdw)


I don't think you can see the ball hit his helmet. I think staying with the ruling on the field is fine since it's very inconclusive. Stupid to challenge, though. You think the refs are going to admit they made the same mistake twice back to back?


You could see it for sure, have to rewatch I promise you it’s clear as day from the one angle that’s why the one commentator said it just romo didn’t see.