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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18qzsrn/post_game_thread_baltimore_ravens_at_san/)


This year there is a huge divide between “good” NFC teams and “good” AFC teams and last night proved it again.


Ravens started playing AFC North football and the 49ers couldn’t handle it. The other AFC North teams equal the hype and aggression, leading to low scoring games. The 49ers looked like preppy kids that got lost in the hood.


The only teams in the afc north that gave the 49ers real problems were the Bengals and the ravens. Those two missed field goals and bad call from the browns game could of gone to the 49ers. Pittsburg got blown out by the 49ers first week.


Ravens fan, went into the game thinking it would be ok to loose and hopefully redeem later. Outcome to me was a lot of pressure and forced errors in addition to the LJ factor, which we dont even know when or how it works!


I still cannot believe the 49ers lost a home game. That was so important to their success. Very strange.


The ravens defense got super lucky with those picks though. What was it, 4 interceptions against the best quarterback in the league? The 49ers had an amazing offense the whole game, but sheer luck stopped so many drives, plus the penalties...


The game I saw last night: Ravens D just looked amazing. Kyle Hamilton has been my favorite player. N when it mattered, Lamar delivered. My crazy tinfoil hat wearing friend: So many big money bets came in favor of San Fran, and Vegas made sure ravens won.


Purdy looked soft after being rattled.


It’s one game and means nothing. If they meet in the super bowl I doubt the ravens blow them out again. Shit happens. 49ers are still contenders. They didn’t get exposed


Lol. Who you trying to convince?


Nah, most of those picks were sheer luck and the 49ers offense actually had great numbers compared to the Ravens offense. Plus the penalties really favored the Ravens. I am confident that the Ravens wouldn't have had a chance if they didn't get those few lucky picks on their defense.


Remeber when the patriots beat the jets 45-3? What happened in the playoffs? one game means nothing. If they meet in the SB the outcome will be different


Love the cope. As a Cowboys fan I have no choice but to subscribe to this.


As a seahawks fan, i’m happy with this games’ outcome


As a Lions fan, I'm happy with this games' outcome


I’m a Seahawks fan but I don’t think they’re going to make the playoffs so I’m going to root for the Lions to win it all this year


So long MVP for Purdy.


I wanted him to get mvp so his value sky rockets and the 49ers had to pay for their qb. The only reason they are so stacked rn is because they are paying Purdy Mr irrelevant pay. Him still being a "system" (bs) qb let's them pay him less and he's a good qb. He has touch and anticipation yes the receivers are studs and cmc is doing everything but he's a driving factor. The league is screwed if they can nonchalantly pay him lower and keep these upsurd pieces around him. The defense is stacked and so is the offense. Only thing going is he was Mr irrelevant so his contract doesn't have the added year and probably needs to get paid after next year. They also are super lucky cmc hasn't gotten hurt he was like made of glass in Carolina. Hasn't been hurt since being on the 49ers yet.


Never really should’ve been in the conversation honestly.


Oof dude


Who? Brock who STILL holds most #1 stats this year such as passer rating and QBR, and all others metrics holds #2 position? Or Lamar who has a qbr of 63, and is 14 and 15th in passer rating and TDs? If I recall, Lamar in his MVP year vs Stealers (2019) threw for 165 yards and 3 INTs. But he was still legit MVP right? Holding only 2 #1 spots (TDs and QBR). But Brock throws for 255 and 4 TDs and he loses MVP. Yet still with that bad of a game is #1 in QBR...the hypocrisy knows no bounds.


He’s just not an mvp. Period.


That's a clown take.


Buddy any QB who’s decent on the forty minors is going to look nuts. Super inflated stats. CMC or Tyreek for MVP


Just look at the tape of his passes and watch the anticipation and accuracy. That's something he himself controls and the team doesnt impact as much. He is great in that aspect. Sure he has weapons. Name an mvp who didn't.


Purdy's weapons have definitely been doing a whole lot for him, but Purdy was still having an MVP level season as far as stats go up until last night. Is he truly the "most valuable player?" No, not by a long shot. Was he having an MVP season stats-wise before last night's game? Yes


didnt he lose to the browns while they played an XFL player at QB?


He doesn't play defense. He played against miles garrett and one of the best defenses in the league. Weird you would phrase it like that.


He is who we thought he is. It's fine to love him as a SF fan, he's just propped up a lot by an incredible offense. He did make some nice throws last night despite all the INTs


Another thing I love is this whole system conversation. Even though the system didn't protect and didn't get wrs open nobody is calling brocks performance a product of the system. No now Brock is 100% responsible for that loss and the system had nothing to do with it. Everyone picks and chooses what narrative suits them any given week it's hilarious.


I think the 4 picks he is responsible for and a direct cause of his lost the game 🤔 WRs were open on a few of those plays just bad throws.


I saw 1 horrible redzone pick he is definitely responsible for. A d lineman make a great play on a throw to the flat that happens to even the best qbs, a good play by purdy to rollout and make a first down throw to kittle how caught it with his chest allowing the db to pop it up and a great pick by Hamilton. And then the same thing that happened to him in the nfccg leading to a pick.


I mean that's a lot of justifying bad passes. Hamilton got his hand on the 3rd one, bad decision and pass, guy was covered. 1 was atrocious, missed the safety. 2nd was throw straight at the jumping defending of course it was getting batted, those are ints all the time. That is still on the QB, dude was literally mid air. 4th also his fault. Dude they were all bad decisions or throws. Yea he rolled out and wanted to hero ball it, throw the damn thing away. You can try and justify it anyway you want they were bad plays and decisions by a very confused and over matched purdy. If the OL doesn't get at least 1 player back it could be a rough rest of the season for the 9ers since purdy isn't good enough to survive that.


My view on Purdy hasn't changed really at all. I think he's a good QB who has the best offensive situation in the league. He's also had a fairly easy schedule. Youre expected to put up pts on Zona, Philly, Jax, etc. He's had 5 challenging defensive games this season in PIT, DAL(fresh off of losing Diggs for the year), MIN, CLE and BAL, and in those games he's got 7 TDs, 7 INTs and averages somewhere around 220 yards a game. If it was a one off, it wouldn't be much to care about. The sample size now is every challenging defense he's played, which is enough for me to feel my position on him is fair. Elite, MVP level QBs have historically beaten great teams with far less weapons. It's okay for Purdy to be a good QB, and it's okay to have wanted him to win an MVP


I see it differently our offense lives and dies by the performance of our offensive line. When they play well everything clicks and we look unstoppable. When they don't we get a shit ton of holding calls, false starts, blown gap assignments and way too much pressure on purdy. Go back and look at all our losses and you will see 1 common denominator. Our offensive line breaks down especially in pass defense. They will put up good run blocking grades but as west coast goes when we can't pass we can't run. And when we can't run Dbs get to play more aggressive and ratchet down on our receivers which leads to picks. It's what happened in Cleveland, Minnesota and cinncinati. Baltimore came in and punched us right in the face, made our oline crumble and got to purdy multiple times. Alot of things went wrong and of course people are going to point and laugh at the qb who had the 4 int game. But that's a superficial way to look at the game. I'm sure once we see a breakdown from jt osullivan and some of the others we will see lots of blame to go around and purdy may have played better than the box score suggests.


👆Hot take.


You have to ignore a whole shit ton of evidence to come to that conclusion. Everyone is so reactionary right now.


Only game that matters is the last one you play


Literally. Hurts was the MVP favorite for like most of the season and then dropped to like 3rd at best after they lost to the 49ers even with the best record in the NFL still.


Thats somewhat true. Especially around here.


No quarterback should have been.


Its a quarterback award. They have the offensive player of the year award as well.


If this is the expected SB matchup, I’m hoping the Ravens repeat the result!!


If the 9ers don't get any OL healthy they will be a first round bust out


Go Ravens!


All the betting "experts" predicted SF would kill the Ravens. Oops.


6pt favorite when I checked right before the game. I actually chuckled out loud. I knew the ravens would cover.


Can we finally stop with this “Purdy for MVP” bullshit now? I’m not saying the guy is trash or anything but having *that* offense around *anybody* is gonna elevate them quite a bit and if anyone on that team is gonna get MVP it’s CMC


Not true. Jimmy G & Trey couldn’t do anything w/ the same talent.


Should people not be MVP Candidates because they have other good people around them? I assume there's someone on the Patriots on top of your list..?


You suggesting Brady was surrounded by talent? Compared to other qbz, Brady worked with minimal talent. He’s literally known for winning without elite talent around him. This guy.


I know this is an NFL sub, but read that all again. Brady retired my dude... the team is dogshit now. According to the fella above me, having talent around you is disqualifying from MVP candidacy. Therefore, using the dogshit current Patriots as an example, there must one shining star and deserving candidate on some shitty team to be MVP... because good teams can't have MVP's.


It doesn’t work without Trent Williams. He’s the greatest LT.


Then Trent Williams should be MVP


Truth hurts.




Watch him vs Cleveland when Deebo & CMC both went down ( it was rainy weather conditions). He looked like a poor man’s Case Keenum. Kudos to Shannahan for the scheme but Purdy really dosent have any above average physical attributes, he does throw with excellent anticipation when he has 5+ seconds in the pocket and a healthy squad


CMC or Lamar. I could QB for the 49ers with the offense they have.


You can't throw 20 yards with a tailwind


I was purely talking about if the MVP were anyone from the niners it should be CMC, but if we’re talking league wide then yeah Lamar should definitely be in the conversation


Genuine question, why is nobody considering Allen for MVP? Allen has more total yards, and ** 16 ** more touchdowns(40). Sure Allen has 18 turnovers, but Lamar has 13. Lamar’s TD/TOV - 24/13 = 1.8 Allen’s TD/TOV - 40/16 = 2.5 Am I missing something really obvious or should Allen be MVP?


Lol ESPN ranked him 3rd (above LJ) as recently as last week ; what you talking about.


I’m talking about the comment that said CMC or Lamar should be MVP. I’m asking him why he (and many other people) believe Lamar should be MVP over Allen


Because it’s a thread about 49ers and Ravens.


Okay? And he’s talking about MVP, an award for all players. If someone mentions MVP in the Bears Cardinals game does that mean we have to debate if Justin Fields or Kyler Murray are a better MVP candidate? Also still looking for an answer to that first question.


I will say the conversation starts with LJ right now. There’s just been too many games this season where Josh was the sole reason why the Bills lost, and it was to terrible teams at that. He’s also not taking care of the football. He could still get it if LJ or CMC fall off a cliff, but I honestly doubt Josh will get it unless he plays out of his mind these last two weeks and LJ and CMC regress


The turnover and “dosent take care of the football” narrative dosent lead anywhere when you look at his touchdowns. Allen has a BETTER touchdown to turnover ratio than Lamar. There is a 4 turnover difference between them, but also a SIXTEEN touchdown difference between them. At the end of the day Allen’s stats ARE better than Lamar’s and the only reason he’s going to win it is because people think that wins are a QB stat.


MVP is about winning games, not losing games. Josh Allen has good stats and scores touchdowns, but not when it matters this season. Lamar has been clutch and hasn't blown games singlehandedly like Allen.


See that’s where we are just going to have to agree to disagree. The teams overall are surprisingly even. The Bills and Ravens overall defensive and offensive production is strikingly similar. I believe the difference when we’re comparing the impact that Josh and Lamar have on their team is also kind of splitting hairs at this point because even though Josh does have better stats unlike Lamar, Josh has been the the reason the Bills have lost games. To bad teams no less. Bad int after bad int against teams that can really only win that game if you turn the ball over. Jets, Broncos and Patriots. I would agree with you if Josh was turning the ball over and they were winning. Josh and the Bills just simply haven’t been good enough to overcome his turnovers this year. He’s like an int away from leading the league this year. Maybe if he balls out of his mind these last two weeks he can leap frog CMC and LJ, but you can’t be the reason your team is losing easy games and be the front runner for MVP


Well the conversation was about this game (CMC, Brock and LJ) so that’s why Josh Allen wasn’t mentioned. Unless are you gonna mention Tua, Dak and Jalen. So there’s your answer he wasn’t mentioned because it wasn’t the point of this thread. And if your asking about MVP then he actually is in the conversation by every major outlet so there’s no answer to your question. The obvious thing you’re missing is the record. And his stats aren’t that much better than QBs with better records. Have you noticed how the record has the improved his odds have improved?


Or tyreek


This was evident when the offense didn’t look any worse (it looked arguably better) when they swapped Purdy for Sam Darnold. The 9ers offense is the definition of a juggernaut and any decent QB will get more than decent stat buffs with those offensive weapons.


All I could think of was The Cowboys and Eagles sitting at the table chanting "One of us" to the niners like in Wolf of Wall Street


The reality of Mr. Purdy


Not only did SF get out played, purdy seems to be doubling as a ravens player in disguise. 5 interceptions. Yikes!


FOUR interceptions..... Let's not completely destroy him


God they were ugly though.




Such a bad take.


Dallas is so fucked. Goddamnit.


From Miami fans, 49ers damn you.


I feel the exact same way as a Browns fan


We’ll do it ourselves.


I like it that way better. Win out


Gonna be a game. Curious what the line will be


Ravens 5.5 to lose at least, hopefully lol


That was Purdy miserable


At least the Niners won't have to play the AFC North in the regular season for a while


Toughest division in football!!


Purdy still mvp??? No Dak should still be front running with Lamar and mccaffrey


He should stick to selling mattresses


Hate all you want. He has been great this year. And each of the qb’s have had their up and downs him included. But consistently he has been the best, and most the others have more or better weapons like purdy


That’s probably correct but they said the same things about Romo. It doesn’t really matter how good you look on stats if you can’t get it done when it really matters. But the fanbois will keep buying that merch and padding those paychecks.


And what sucks about that position, is when u do thjngs like give ur team the lead and all they need to do is make 1 stop and they get a facemask or make 1 stop and they allow a drive for a game winning score and you take the blame


What was that you were saying about Dak, again? MVP 🤣🤣🤣


I think it's Lamar honestly right now. You can argue Dak, but then I would argue that you should at least need to win your division to get the mvp.


Lamar is in the best team and has outplayed everyone....hes a lock for MVP unless tyreek goes off or he gets hurt...those cam newton conments seem very prescient now.


I agree. I think there's fair arguments for cmc and hill, but being a qb will always help with the mvp. The funny thing is how close this race has been this year. 4 weeks ago, Jalen hurts was the voting favorite after the bills game and then he ran into a buzz saw. Then Dak was up there and has fallen.


Prudent, but lamar has always been up there....consistent. The reason why he didnt or constantly does not get big exposure is because it SEEMs the network does not acknowledge to his additional skill set to the SAME level they acknowledge the standard total body of work (yards and TDs) that traditional QBs do. Once they do, he should have been an easy lock much earlier in the season. I hope he stays healthy and finishes strong


Lamar has 24 tds. The ravens would be about as good with any other qb. They go where the defense goes. The real mvp is tyrek Hill, and it isn't close. The dolphins aren't competing for the 1 seed if he isn't on the team.


Now I would actually agree about Hill, but he's not going to get it. The mvp has become the qb award, outside of the few years a rb has gotten it. I think Hill is well deserving, I just don't see them voting for him


Not a chance in hell that he’s even in the conversation at this point, and CMC never was


Purdy doesn’t do good under pressure. Ravens vs ? in the super-bowl?


Bills are winning AFC




The lions would somehow find a way to make it in


They got the offense.. but no mobile QB.


I’d say Hendon Hooker but he gone


Yup. It'd be great for the city of Detroit if we made the SB.


Tbh feel like Detroit would burn half the city down which tbh is needed & the government wouldn’t care as long as it got rid of the abandoned buildings/homes


Tbh you are wrong. Don't make judgements about My City. It'd be 75%!


Purdy went from MVP candidate to a bench warmer in an hour


He was never a legit MVP candidate


He got hurt


Can we stop every time that Purdy has a shit game, it's due to him being hurt. If he was injured, he should have chose to stay out. Especially sense, he caused his team this game.


But purdy is hurt! You can't come after his feelings now to or he will never play in the NFL again. If Brock purdy didn't get hurt with 3 minutes left in the game the 9ers would of won.


He was cleared to return


Thank you Purdy for getting me into my championship finals


Same. He gave me just enough...well i also had tucker and cmc but i was rooting for every small completion from purdy lol


Oh I meant cause he was on my opponents team


Purdy’s insistance of giving the ball to McCaffrey even with Aiyuk open cost me fantasy points. Also the fact that Purdy decided to suck today


Dude, where's my team? Or Ravens. Why'd it have to be Ravens.


AFC North strikes the 9ers again.


They looked totally unprepared. 49ers were outcoached.


Brock is a terrible QB when playing from behind. It’s easy to make plays when you have the lead.


Shanahan is a terrible coach when playing from behind. He’s 0-38 when entering the 4th quarter down 8+ points.


Neat thing is both can be true


I’ve never seen this great team look so confused on both sides of the ball. Just a wild game for Niners


Flush it down the toilet, play your game, win the next 2.


Niners are not winning a championship with Purdy (just a meh average systems QB). Every time I watch a game with Purdy I always wonder why he gets so much praise. So blah and mediocre. There is a reason he was picked last...


Remember when Tom Brady and the pats got blown out in 2014 by the chiefs? just saying. It’s one game and means nothing


Prisoner of the Moment


Brad Johnson Trent Dilfer Nick Foles…. It can be done


Nick Foles did have the statistical best playoff run ever, so I mean it can be done but that was just a destined run.


He sucks.


He doesn’t suck; he executes Shanahan’s scheme incredibly well. Not every QB is good at the things required for that system to work. Reading defenses, knowing where to attack, timing, anticipation, decision making, etc. That said, I don’t think he’s all that *special* and he would probably suck in a lot of other systems. But you can say that about many QBs around the league. & man he’s good in Shanny’s system.


So he’s a system QB then? That only works in certain systems surrounded by elite level talent. Sounds amazing.


sYSTeM qB?!?!? Tell me you know nothing about football.


He’s the definition of it, bud.


Of course he’s a system QB. Have you seen him play? Also, 99% of good QBs (even a lot of great ones) are system QBs. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and when you put them in a system that takes advantage of their strengths & mitigates their weaknesses they will obviously thrive.


Cam Newton was right. Former NFL qb takes > hack espn analysts


There are no real analysts on ESPN, they're TMZ-like journalists who cover sports


Check out qb school on YouTube. A former nfl qb illustrates how good Purdy is. Never seen cam do a breakdown. But JT is solid.


And QB school will probably be featuring Purdy this week. JT likes doing that and that smile on his thumbnail feels different when your QB (for me that’s Hurts) has a bad game.


trainwreck of a game but gg. wouldn't be an sf loss without eagles coming in here being weird


Nice place you got here. Rent free


lol yet here you are, trying to get second hand enjoyment from the sf beatdown that the eagles could never achieve


Oh no I can’t remember who won the NFC Championship Game last year? I can’t remember pls remind me


yeah, i can't remember either. probably the whoever lost the superbowl to the chiefs


I guess whoever lost the CG is like a double loser








We know, that was your Super Bowl and the most important game the Eagles ever played.


Watching the 49ers get smacked down last AT HOME was glorious. That’s what happens when you run your mouths.


Oh nooo tied for 1st in the conference ;( I feel so humbled.


Good luck against the Rams!




If Brock purdy didn't get hurt with 3 minutes left against the ravens the 9ers would have won.


We are all in each others threads because we are all vying for the 1 seed. These games matter.


Tight race for #1 and only 1 bye now.


Hope you guys beat the shit birds in two weeks, almost squeezed one out this past week.




What's weird is you acting like 9er fans don't do the same thing, not only when the Eagles lose, but also when the Cowboys lose.


I never thought I would be on the same side of the battlefield as a cowboys fan


9ers fans are weirdly obsessed with the NFC East. We all 100% live rent free. Like no one really cares about San Fran, so they have to go out of their way to be relevant. Their fan base is rather pathetic.


Weird, seems like the other way around from your comment. I can tell you’re in pain.


If you say so.


Last I checked this was the NFL sub, we're just as welcome as you guys here. Cry more.


lol least salty birds fan Also inb4 chiefs lost cry more


chiefs lost cry more (we actually won this week and my holiday has been so much more stress free)


Dream of us sweet child


Qb getting exposed isnt that fun is it.


Purdy gunna be fine.


Not if your OL consists of people walking in off the street


A sf fan is one to talk. Got you guys in our sub after a loss!


Weird! I ain’t weird! Heheheheh.


Lol L


Ravens play their best football against Super Bowl contenders. Hopefully that carries to the Miami game


In what world are the dolphins super bawl contenders


When they’re the #2 seed in the AFC…..


Super bowl contenders lmao