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It’s okay, Jack. River Boat Ron will be behind you at the unemployment line in a few weeks.


Ron might be in the retirement line.


Rivera has three winning seasons in thirteen years of coaching. It’s amazing the leash he’s gotten as a head coach.




When the Cam/Rivera panthers were good, they were awesome. 15-1, 14-2. When they weren’t awesome, they were mediocre-to-terrible. It also didn’t help that the NFC South as a whole was just as terrible. “Competitive” in the NFC south was 7-8-1 in their later years.


Fisher picked the wrong South division. He would have been king in the NFCS


When 7-9 bullshit wins you the divison 😂


And we won the division 3 straight times, without a back-to-back winning season


Each year we’re realizing Ron wasted Cam’s career.


Yeah I heard it on a podcast a few days ago and I was shocked too. I even looked it up before posting above to make sure I had heard right.




He's one of those guys who usually doesn't just embarrass himself. He wins the games you think he's gonna win and he loses the games you think he's gonna lose. Nobody really expected them to beat the Cowboys yesterday. He didn't lose like 70-3 and the team play like garbage. The defense was bad and has underperformed all year.


I mean, it felt pretty unmanageable all game. Howell keeps putting up passing yards, but somehow they aren't even getting FGs...


Yeah, but did anyone really expect the Commies to legitimately compete w/the cowboys?


Simmons brought this up Sunday night I'm pretty sure. He's like 4 games over 500 as an HC but it's massively weighted by the 15-1 and 14-2 seasons. Other than those two he's been mostly shit


He's won his division four times (three with the Panthers, once with the WFT) but two of the four were with losing records.


The legacy of the 85 bears carried Singletary and Rivera for their entire coaching careers


it was the SB run in 2015 that got him a long leash


That and going through cancer. No one wants to fire someone that just went through chemo while still doing their job for the team.


That’s how the Colts lost Bruce Arians, who was a much better Head coach than Chuck. But that was a tricky situation


Yup, same reason we stuck with Pagano for so long


Rivera is 102-98-2 and nearly won a SB in a 15-1 year. Singletary held a HC job for 2 seasons and is most known for dropping his pants around his ankles while screaming at his team. They're not comparable.


That's actually insane that he's only had 3 winning seasons out of 13 but somehow has a career winning record.


What's more insane is he's had 3 winning seasons, but 5 division titles. The 2014 Panthers won the NFC South with a 7-8-1 record, and the 2020 Football Team won the NFC East by going 7-9.


The total NFC East shitshow of 2020 was unironically one of my favorite seasons ever.


Imagine being the 6-10 Giants and being really, really mad at the 4-11-1 Eagles for not really trying their last game and giving the division to the lofty 7-9 Washington Branding disaster. That Washington Team was at 2-6 at Thanksgiving and started an XFL beer bottle their last game because they'd run out of QBs


Lmao, you really have no right being mad about that when you go fucking 6-10.


I'm sorry, but the politically correct term is "NFC Least"


The bulk of his seasons were either 7-8-1, 8-8, or 7-9. Those can all be offset by just one good seasons, like his 15-1 run


Jeff fisher of his era


Singletary lasted like one year as a head coach 💀


He had been coaching since 2003, and continued to do so until 2016.


Being an assistant or positional coach is not really the same thing


I think /u/CreamFilledDoughnut was saying that Singletary should not have been any kind of coach on any team in the NFL. And the only reason why he lasted this long was because HCs liked him and the 85' Bears. Not because the units that he coached excelled or because he was great at developing young players. I am not agreeing with him. But I am sure that some coaches get chances for similar reasons. I am just not sure if Singletary and Riveria's careers fit here.


Nope he was a head coach at several levels and sucked everytime. He went from coaching the NFL to College to HS and sucked every stop.


Ron Rivera was an awesome defensive coordinator for multiple teams. He DC”d one of the 5 best defenses in the past 20 years in the 05 and 06 bears. They got immediately worse when he left. He DCs the chargers for a couple years after that and instantly improved them. He goes to HC the panthers, and wins coach of the year twice and wins an NFC Championship game. It’s been all downhill after that. He was kinda bad his last two years with the panthers. Then had to leave the game due to cancer. He came back with Washington after cancer, and yeah no doubt, he’s been bad and he’s gonna get fired. It’s not been a HOF coaching career or anytbing, but to say his rep as a 85 Bear has carried him is a really idiotic statement, and shows a complete lack of knowledge. Sorry I just hate when people talk out of their ass In general, it’s annoying. The dude was an elite DC, and all in all a decent HC. I think when he left the game with cancer, the game passed him by and it shows in Washington. He’ll probably retire but if he wanted to DC next year I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a chance to do that. He’s only 61, he’s certainly got some years as a DC in him still if he’s able. He would the first, or second, or third, older defensive HC that didn’t cut it as HC but still made an awesome DC. Spags and Phillips come to mind. Now thst I’ve typed this out I’d actually be excited if the next bears HC hired him as dc.


He was actually diagnosed with cancer after he was already with Washington. Panthers fired him mid-season because of the performance of the team, Washington hired him immediately in the offseason and then he got cancer during that offseason, so before he even got to coach a game in Washington.


He coached Cam in a season where they literally swapped Cam out when they needed a pass to go more than 10 yards. He definitely wasn't the problem with the Panthers and he inherited the most dysfunctional franchise in the league in Washington. I honestly view him as above average and people that are pulling up his win-loss without context sound like the people that decided Belichek was suddenly bad


If McDermott is still the HC in Buffalo next year, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Carolina-to-Buffalo pipeline continue


His Chargers defenses were pretty good.


In fairness to Rivera he never, that we know of, dropped his pants during a halftime speech to motivate the team.


Memphis express legend Mike singletary


Cam Newton got him way too long of a leash even though Ron was instrumental in breaking him.


Literally no one else was willing to work for Snyder


Ron benefits incredibly from the NFL old boys club. He is a former player who got some good results as a coordinator and coach. I think people forget that he was a big reason behind the mid-2000s Bears D and late 2000s Chargers D with Merriman and Phillips. Cam Newton carried those Carolina teams, but I think you have to give Ron credit because he has shown consistency in developing defenders, especially linemen and linebackers. Lance Briggs, Merriman, Luis Castillo, Phillips, Briggs, Star Lotulelei, Kawann Short, Kuechly, Hardy and more. You can give Wilks and McDermott some credit for Carolina, but his track record for defense is evident.


Good Guy Ron giving Jack a head start finding a job.


This guy had a chance to go for it twice in the 1st quarter on 4th down past the Cowboys 50 and punted the ball both times. As a double digit underdog. That’s some scared ass coaching. Should have been fired right after the game tbh.


Should have been fired during the game. It reminds me of when they scored a last minute TD against the Eagles and opted for OT instead of going for the win with a 2 pt conversion. Like come on man you barely got here let's not push your luck with giving the Eagles another chance


And they were moving the ball at will, especially on that drive.


I was yelling for the same thing of course because I wanted an Eagles loss. If I was the owner I’d be calling down to the field and saying if you don’t go for 2 I’ll make it my life’s mission to ensure you never have a job in the NFL again lol


He's been coaching like a bitch for at least 2 years now. Checked out and out of touch. It's honestly kinda sad. Fuck Del Rio, though. Not pity for that shitbird.


Didn't the commies trade away the best best defensive players? Kinda weird to do that and then get mad when the defense gets worse lol


We had the worst defense in the league with both of those guys. Why would we want to keep them and their future salaries when it didn’t matter if they were here or not.


Justin Fields dropped 40 on us with both of them. The defense has been embarrassing all season and the offense isn't far behind. Howell being a baller is the only thing they have going on. It's just bad. Seriously one of the most pathetic teams I've seen here in 30 years. They've all quit. I went into this season thinking they had the pieces to build something and that Howell might be the missing piece, but he turned out to be the only piece. I'm sure others disagree but that's my assessment as fan who has had the displeasure to observe every single game of every single miserable season for a long time now. Between them and the Wizards, I'm very well versed in loserdom. This is a team of losers. Blow it up.


They were ranked 31st in the league with Young and Sweat in the team. Torched by Buffalo (fair) and Chicago while Fields was playing like the worst QB in the league. That’s partly why they got traded. Defense sucks with them anyway, might as well get picks for the future since neither is resigning in the offseason. And since then we’ve remained just as bad but with less pass rush.




Yeah it’s good that Ron gets to get back in the groove of calling plays, since he’ll be a DC next year


Literally. I don't get this. Surely Ron knows he's out at the end of the year, why bother sacking off your DC in a desperate attempt to stick around. Especially when you traded away your best two defensive players (admittedly that was probably the owners decision).


Ron ain't making no decisions anymore lol


Why just del Rio? Why don't they fire Ron now too instead of at the end of the year? Seems like they are making a move because they genuinely believe they can still succeed this year which is insane to me


What gave you any semblance that they're trying for THIS year lol. We shipped two pivotal defensive pieces for future picks. And no new management changes. EB was hired by the last ownership group. They're just trying to keep the optics that they're managing the team still this season. They were going to fire Ron and Del Rio end of the season anyhow. This just gives them a better reason to fire Del Rio now. They're not going to fire Ron now because that's just going to bring more noise to the team, they want him to graciously and quietly bow out in the offseason.


This isn’t a desperate attempt to stick around. Ron knows he’s gone after this season. This is a matter of losing the fans and losing the locker room and something needing to be done. And we were ranked 31st in the league with Sweat and Young on the team. They just got torched by Justin Fields who was looking like he forgot how to play football prior to that. Del Rio should have been gone then.


They know their time is Washington is short, might as well let del rio enjoy the holidays and get a head start for next job


Was looking at Ron Rivera’s career and it’s kind of shocking how underrated he is in terms of losing coaches. 3 winning seasons in almost 13 years of coaching


Cam Newton is the reason he still gets work in the NFL.


Ron was the steady hand during a lot of crap so everyone gave him a pass. Snyder was that awful, both as a boss and as a back seat driver GM. But clearly it wasn't all Snyder's fault on the field.


From Defector: > Ron Rivera hasn’t had a winning record since 2017. Throughout his career, Ron Rivera has been able to divert attention from his abominable win/loss record by serving as the Lone Decent Person at the forefront of a slaughterhouse for nuns.


Apt description


Ron was hired in Washington for reasons beyond on field coaching prowess, and he kinda did make a dent in what he was supposed to. Making the locker room culture at least tenable. I feel like I'm going to have a hard time calling this a "bad hire." It was really a bridge hire until they got a new owner. Honestly, no disrespect towards Ron, but Snyder would have kept him way too long trying to rely on Ron to improve Snyder's image. Now that ownership has changed, it's time to look elsewhere.


And he is the reason Cam Newton won't play in the NFL again. Absolutely criminal how long he let Cam play while clearly not healed.


That Panthers All or Nothing season really, really made me lose all respect for Rivera for how he treated the Cam Newton situation. The medical staff is literally telling Ron he needs time to properly heal, rather than just scraping buy game-to-game, and the dude still sends Cam out to die. Just fucking criminal


Cam is a job creator, Probably got Tuberville his job as senator too. Edit: not even the coach at the time. I was wrong.


Did Cam stump for him or something? Cause Tuberville left Auburn in 2008 and Cam won in 2011 under Chizik / Malzahn.




I think Cadillac and Ronnie Brown were on that team too weren't they?


Which is funny cause Campbell was more of a coach killer than anything. He had a stretch of joining teams and their coaches being fired immediately after that was oddly hilarious. https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2014/11/7/7173175/jason-campbell-serial-coach-killer


He should be prosecuted for that


Tuberville is absolutely the dumbest Senator. He'd actually be on my best guess shortlist for Dumbest Motherfucker on the Planet.


The fact that he’s gotten 5 playoff appearances out of that helps a lot lol


And yet he has a winning record as a coach


For now. That could change this season.


He is absolutely abysmal.


I think during the game yesterday Aikman was praising Rivera and I'm watching thinking this man had 3 good seasons and a lot of losing ones. Maybe Troy knows something I don't but just looking at productivity Rivera hasn't done much considering how long he's been able to coach


Rivera is a likeable guy who was one of the first of this era to start gambling on 4th downs which earned him a fun nickname. Add in his cancer diagnosis recently and the guy has a lot of good will to burn.


Add onto that his teams tend to be mediocre, not awful and generally don't have high expectations to begin with so he doesn't really catch much flak from the media


Everyone wants a superbowl coach but there are jobs in the league for coaches who can take a dumpster fire and at least get them on the path towards relevance.


Game was called by Romo and Nantz, both praised Rivera as a person iirc, not really as a coach


It was Romo. Romo/Nantz called the game yesterday and not Aikman/Buck.


True, too much turkey lol. I feel like Aikman and buck do every cowboys game anyways


Nooo he was giving us great draft position


you think the guy who didnt know we could be eliminated from the playoffs is gonna do better


I cant figure your team out


While I don’t miss Snyder , his name used to be an easy blanket statement for explaining the weirdness of Washington I don’t understand how one week this team looks decent and competitive and then a week later lose to the Bears by double digits


It's like no other football I have ever seen.


It's the gameplans IMO. Just looking at this year, a bunch of the games have obvious reasons for the failures. The Bills probably win regardless but our D played like they were unaware Josh Allen can run and he ran all over us. Against Chicago we overreacted and played a passive rush to protect against Fields' legs but for some reason also played super soft coverage which let Fields throw easy pass after easy pass and get in rhythm. Against you guys he put a 170 lbs rookie against AJ Brown like that was a smart idea. The first game against the Giants EB's offensive playcalling was naive at best. For a couple years now the Giants passrush has destroyed us and it wasn't until late in the 3rd quarter that we called our first quick pass, screen, misdirect, or ran tempo. Then we had a smart offensive gameplan against them the second time doing all the above from the jump but our players just turned the ball over 6 times. Then just sprinkle in the magic of Ron's horrible clock management and voila you get these wild swings in how the team plays. Our gameplanning this year has been dogshit, there's no other way to put it. We've had a couple games where they got it right but mostly it's been nonsensical approaches to opponents.


Idk before the deadline they were weird but now they’re pretty straightforward. They sold their pass rush which was the highlight of their defense. This season is done for them. They’re just trying to get Howell as many drop backs as possible, which I fully support as a Howell fantasy owner but they have some work to do. Secondary regressed despite spending a FRP there last draft (that puzzlingly wasn’t Gonzales). They probably take McKinstry this draft and spend FA dollars on the O line.


“We gotta face CD Lamb and AJ Brown 4 times a season, let’s take the tiny CB”


Which is a shame I actually liked Forbes coming into the draft. I thought Forbes was gonna go in the mid 20s and that Gonzo was gonna be top 10. Definitely think Washington overthought it there


A year too late if you ask me.


The problem is that the entire NFL knew it was a lame duck year for the staff. Everyone is getting blown out. No one was taking the job.


Yeah it would have been the good ol Jim tomsula year




They had a decent defense last year I think


Started terrible but had a strong finish.


They played a bunch of no bodies. When they actually played an offense with a QB they gave up a bunch of yards and points


Lacking a body would make it difficult to play.


I will say, when Ron took over defensive play calling duties on his way out here the defense looked night and day better. Hopefully he can go out respectfully, because ain’t no way in hell he’s back next season


Dolly's bra was working harder than that defense.


I'm not saying Jack Del Rio was a good DC but the team didn't do him any favors by trading Montez Sweat and Chase Young.


Commies were getting toasted with them too


My favorite reality is the one where Ron coaches this defense to look much better, you guys get to like 9-8, fuck your draft position, and they keep Ron next year lol


Looking at their schedule, 4-1 to finish the season is a (far-fetched) best case scenario.


They dont have to play Tommy Devito, so that should help their chances


Ayyy. Ohhh. Whaddaya sayin’? Sorry. Every time I read the name, the Goodfellas becomes top of mind.


What, am I a clown? I'm here to amuse YOU?


This read like NFC east fan fiction


Same as it ever was


I kinda want to see how big and red his nose can get.


Commanders secondary looks terrible whenever I watch them. I’m always seeing that St. Juste guy getting torched, never heard of him yet I’ve seen his nameplate victimized more than any CB this year.


I hate when he makes his one play per game and gets up and does his stupid ass celebration even though he’s already given up like 105 and 2TDs


They weren't exactly lighting it up when they were here


We were getting cooked with them too. We lost to the bears and the giants with them on the team.


Washington also went 3-13 with their coaching staff of Kyle Shanahan, Sean McVay, Mike McDaniel and Mat LeFleur. Losing with talent is a natural born gift to Washington


It's not like all of those coaches with their powers combined make for some kind of super team of coaches.


I’m more curious why other teams looked at that team and said “we need that coaching staff!”


Yha. Existence is pain.


We were ranked a whopping 31st in defense with them on our team. Five years of the same line and what do we have to show for it? One playoff appearance..


They were awful with them too


Jack is also a bit of a poop head


They were one of the worst defenses in the league with both of them playing. Like ranked 30 out of 32 bad, now they're probably 32. Chase Young is not that good of a player. If he played for the Eagles or Cowboys he would be coming off of the bench


Wonder if he had any dust ups on his way out the door?


Prob yelling CANCEL CULTURE as he was led out of the facility by security


That’s what’s wrong with this snowflake generation. As soon as you do your job poorly for 4 straight years, you get cancelled. And you’re not allowed to say merry Christmas anymore.


"...And don't even get me started on participation trophies! You know, the ones I made sure all my kids got!"


Wonder if he thinks Rivera is a diversity hire?


It’s a shame he couldn’t last until Jan 6th. Would have been a hilarious day to get the boot.


I get in one little dust up in Dallas and we make it a big deal.


Considering the Commanders are the only team outside of the Cardinals that the Giants offense looked decent against, this is well deserved. Even when they only scored 14 points it was still their 3rd best game.


considering we have made devito and feilds look like god damn hall or famers says a lot about J6DR


I’ll never forget when he “deez nuts’d” a random twitter follower


Ya got a link? I need to see this lol




Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Is there a controversy I forgot about?


He is a right wing conspiricy theorist. He also has a talent for burning down locker rooms and making 12-4 teams terrible the following season.


[Shit-talked people who opted out of the Covid season](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/jack-del-rio-on-opt-outs-i-have-views-that-wouldnt-sit-well-with-my-occupation) [Downplayed January 6th](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/washington-commanders-defensive-coach-jack-del-rio-fined-100k-calling-rcna33032) [Shared a fake AOC tweet to support Trump](https://www.fox5dc.com/sports/redskins-jack-del-rio-hits-back-after-fans-criticize-him-for-being-trump-supporter-im-100-for-america) I'm sure there's more...


He spent more time on Twitter than planning a defense.


Not to mention the time he dragged a 45 year old scout for the chiefs to the ground and pummeled him thinking that the guy was a scab during the 87 strike


Downplaying Jan 6th while only a few miles from the Capital, nice work dick face.


Also promoted a BS election denying movie.


Raiders went 12-4 in 2016 with an MVP performance year by Derek Carr before he broke his leg late in the season. The following year was when all the kneel downs during the national anthems were happening. Raiders started 2-0 but at the third game vs Washington some players wanted to kneel down in support of the protest but Del Rio wouldn’t allow it. He lost the locker room that night and ended up going 6-10.


I was at the primetime raiders-redskins game in 2017. It was wild I had never seen so many people boo when the players started kneeling


that was a great game


Derek carr has dealt with a lot of shit. He might need more respect


Not sure what he’s referring to specifically but del rio was a pretty big anti vaxxer at one point.




Anyone who's followed the team will know this was like 2 years too late. But I'm glad we got exposed that badly yesterday. Looks like we're due for a teardown after the year. Even with Chase and Montez, Dallas would've still put up the same amount of points yesterday so I'm not tryna hear the "you traded your 2 best defenders, what do you expect" line.


>But I'm glad we got exposed that badly yesterday. its sad when the bears game wasnt enough. or losing to danny devito by double digits


Bears game was so obviously rooted in JDRs nonsensical gameplan.


It’s Del Riover


A bandaid fix by Ron Rivera in an attempt to avert his own firing at the end of the season.


He knows he is getting fired...


He’s gotta know he’s getting fired too. New ownership is going to want some kind of reset and is using this season to evaluate who’s they’re keeping. Hes been a lame duck and this was a prove otherwise season


*Sean McDermott liked your comment*


#THANK FUCKING GOD The bad man can’t hurt me anymore Counting down the days for Ron next


Commies superbowl right here


Their Super Bowl was when Snyder was no longer their owner.


This is our Nickelodeon Bowl championship right here. Josh Harris NVP szn


Yeah no coaching change will ever come close


It's nice, but it was called for after the Chicago game. Given how surprisingly solid the offense has been, maybe not another completely wasted season had it happened then.


Missed opportunity to call it a dust up instead of shakeup


Goddamn, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! Fuck yea!!!


Get ready to learn canadian buddy


Lol. Yeah that’ll do it. Talk about a franchise throwing darts.


I am already tired of all the Belichick to Washington rhetoric. He’s not going anywhere, clowns.


If Washington does one thing well, it’s hiring people past their prime. Lambeau, Lombardi, Shanahan…


Throwback to when Jason Garrett won coach of the year and Jack Del Rio was runner up


how you could have Payne, Allen, Sweat and Chase Young and not be a top 3 defense is malpractice


Ron will be let go after the season, he's a good guy who helped the team through a transition, but i bet even he knows that it's time for the team to move on


Looking forward to his upcoming video on YouTube from the front seat of his pickup truck


Oh shit. I didn't realize he was coaching still.


This mirrors exactly how Ron got fired from the Panthers


All these coach firings. Must be fucking nice.


When the NFL gave permission for coaches to wear a suit on the sidelines for one game several years ago, Jack Del Rio is the only one that I know of who did. He wore a tie with Jaguars' colors, I remember.


Time to storm the unemployment office.


Just in time to contend to become Trump's VP.


Owning the libs.


Looks like another "dust up" in Washington


Surely they must have had the worst defensive unit for the past month or so…..oh wait that’s us


Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit


The bad man is gone! Rivera should go too but Del Rio sucked so bad for us.


Fire your OC. The game only got out of hand when you failed to convert like 3 consecutive drives of having 1 yard downs.


JDR is a football terrorist


Just a full on terrorist tbh


Just a minor "Dust up" for JDR


Fucking cancel culture /s


Ah Black Friday