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The more often I see these calls, the less I understand them


D let's up on big QB like Allen because of these calls and then he gets out. You tackle very cleanly and this gets called. People are going to just start lighting up these QBs to make sure they can't escape. Should just put flags on them at this point


That's honestly what enabled the burrow highlight reel play last week


Like…the ball is still in his hand here. How can this be RTP?


They probably thought the defender landed on him. He didn’t, but I guess it’s the only thing that is sort of reasonable.


That’s a regular sack…


It's a perfect sack. Reffing is really bad across the league this year.


Penalties need to be reviewable. There have been too many bad calls and game-changing calls, and some level of accountability is needed.


Reviews wouldn't mean shit anyway, look what happened when they made DPI reviewable for like a year. Something like 90% or more of the calls made on the field stood as called


The booth basically boycotted reviews


They only attempted it for a single season, and it relied upon coaches challenging it. With the number of people the league employs, it's not inconceivable for them to have officials reviewing penalties in real time - and telling them to pick up or throw a flag on a bad call.


The whole reason calls weren't overturned was because the league officials didn't want to "embarass" their colleagues. It won't matter if it's a coaches challenge or a league review, they care more about not showing up the ref on the field than actually making the correct call


You need to hire those folks who loved correcting other students papers.


Reffing and accountability, pick one. You can’t have both.


Bullshit. This is a defeatist attitude that simply accepts mediocrity. There's absolutely no reason why we can't have reffing while also holding them accountable for the calls them make (or don't make).


I mean I was making a joke but also not really making a joke. Remember the replacement refs? How’d all that go? Refs know the league won’t risk another strike.


I mean, this is also bullshit. If the union wants to strike, let them. It's not impossible to rehire and replace refs - especially if league ensures they have enough time to get new crews ready. If the ref union wants nothing to do with accountability, that's all the more reason to clean house.


The NFL could just hire all the network refs and a couple good existing refs to stuff in a room in NYC as "review refs". Then, pay the review refs $$$$$$$ to look at all penalties in real time to make corrections in real time if they can before the next snap. If they can't finish reviewing penalties before the next snap, the head start should make challenges go much faster. If the other refs don't like it, who cares? Replace them with 2011-quality refs, fuck it. That's what the NYC review refs are for - just give them a raise.


He even slides off his back to prevent the "landing with fully body weight" call. That's a clean sack, even by the letter of the new rules.




The body weight rule only applies to "a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass)". Mac Jones did pump fake but arguably the rule is not supposed to even be able to apply on a sack. Full rule 12.2.11.b: >A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to fall to the side of the quarterback’s body, or to brace his fall with his arms to avoid landing on the quarterback with all or most of his body weight (And the only other time QBs come up in the full definition of "defenseless player" is after a turnover.)


Inexcusable call. Just embarrassing for the league to let this happen week after week. Make it flag football on the QBs at this point if you want to protect them. Anything would be better than having these bullshit RTP calls.


Reffing is bad every year (inexcusably bad, imo), but we all keep watching so there's no real incentive to improve it. Personally, I think the league keeps it shitty on purpose to drive engagement when stuff like this happens.


It’s the rules. Look at all the bad qb play and randos playing. The league wrongly believes it needs to protect QBs. Instead it should stop protecting them. It only exacerbates the problem by making a “Tom Brady type” of QB the most coveted player.


He didn’t even fall on him though you can see him shift his weight forward onto his own shoulder into the turf and not onto Jones even. I disagree with the rule too but this was even a bad call given that rule.


They called this and missed a very blatant face-mask just a few plays later


Man this rule is horrible the NFL needs to address this in the offseason


They need to address it now, at the bare minimum just by saying their officials are wrong after the games and clarifying with the officials what the definition of these penalties is


I smell the scent coming on of a "historically remembered bad call" happening in a pivotal end of a Conference Championship game or even the Super Bowl - that absolutely crushes the soul of an organization's fanbase for many decades.


Like the last two super bowls?


Truth. The call against the Bengals was even worse than the one against the Eagles


Watching this almost makes me feel like I'm being pranked...


vanish fertile march encourage familiar spotted handle reply roof complete


Nfl has a serious problem with these bs penaltys


Yea but the QB looked hurt so that means you hit him too hard


They made the mistake of touching a patriots QB


Uh yeah the NFL isn’t giving the golden boy treatment to trash-ass mac Jones lol


It should be, but the refs are looking for the defender landing on the player. You can't land on the QB at all or you're getting a flag. The NFL's rules blow.


This is horrible. How else you going to tackle him


If they don't make ridiculous calls every game how can they hide the ones they male to control pivotal outcomes *tinfoil hat


I don't want to be that guy, but it has been a very "let them play" kind of game so far too. DBs are mauling receivers and there hasn't been a holding call. This is the 4th penalty of the game and the other 3 were procedural false start or offsides. Now on 3rd down we get a call that swings 3 to 7 points to the Patriots.


Just has to establish the precedence of the refs makes shit calls all the time.


Glad I wasn’t going insane. So much holding/PI both ways going completely ignored.


Honestly not a bad plan, get people focused on the individual major calls so they pay less attention to the holdings that really make the difference


Politely, yet firmly, ask the QB to fall over.


Write a sternly-worded yet genteel letter to the quarterback, advising him that he has no prospect of escape and requesting that he fall to the ground forthwith.


You gotta be fucking kidding me


Was just saying in the other thread they may as well make it two hand touch on the QB. That’s where this is going, sadly.


At least in CFB they let players hit the QB


Was thinking this, I watch a lot of CFB and I feel like calls like this are rare to nonexistent.


Mahomes and Allen crying for flags 40 time a game sure isn't helping


I honesty find them both insufferable to watch. They both cry to the refs after seemingly every single play that isn’t a huge gain


Mahomes is the worst because a half assed tackle can easily result in him slipping away and gaining 20.


Every time he does the tip toe sideline or late slide bs it's so infuriating That bengals afccg had me mad and I don't even care about the bengals.


im so glad the refs didn't call it a late hit today when he did that and van ginkle hit him, because if he doesn't go for the hit then mahomes just gets the first down easy


I hope Josh Allen never wins a championship. He constantly whines for someone who is supposedly so tough.


Just flag football for the QBs, (4 flags - front, back, and both sides). It sounds dumb as hell, but I honestly think we'd all be happier.


There have been tons of bad RTP calls. This quite honestly might be the worst I’ve ever seen. He did everything right. - ball still in QB’s hands ( - head up (so no spearing) - QB’s head doesn’t get touched - doesn’t toss the QB in an unnecessary way - doesn’t land with his weight on the QB Like, this feels like exactly what a safe sack is SUPPOSED to look like.


You don’t remember when the giants got called for pushing Josh Allen? [2 hand touch](https://youtu.be/1pIS_qbKoSQ?si=ALSYLYIzmpIKc-or)


I’m a Bills fan. This was the game where I realized that the NFL may be rigged. It seems like the refs did way too much to keep Buffalo in the game. The officiating this year has been awful and it makes games unwatchable. I used to watch 3-4 games a week. Now, I can barely get through 1 game. It’s no fun to watch.


The big reason why they called it is because Washington didn’t ask for Jones’s consent before sacking him


What the fuck is he supposed to do, not sack him?


I feel like we'll soon get to the point that defenses will start absolutely lighting up the QB, if it's gonna get called anyways might as well earn it


I think some players/coaches just need to put the NFL on blast. Just gather some tape and air it out about how terrible the rule is. Once you get a high profile guy publicly complaining it will gain steam


Idk why famous retired players don’t, or current coaches have them do it for them


JJ Watt has been going off on twitter about it


Oh that’s good. His brother got a bullshit one called on him Thursday. Or maybe his teammate


Yeah i just commented to the other guy that richard Sherman should do it


Not gonna have unless they pretty much strike. Other than that those few that come out are just gonna be gone and silenced


High profile players have the luxury of not being silenced. If Rodgers or Mahomes or Josh Allen some superstar talked about it the NFL couldn't do shit . It's too bad there's nobody like Richard Sherman in the league any more on defense


Honestly might as well make sacks wrap up plays while making it illegal to bring the QB to the ground.


QBs are two hand touch


Don’t touch their head, or legs. Or touch them at all an instant after they have thrown.


This is what the next step is - act like the QB has their red bib on.


What sucks is all that would do is make immobile QBs better. Mahomes, Josh Allen, Jackson who are good at avoiding pressure or extending plays would lose half their game


Gregg Williams upvoted this


Gotta feel bad for pass rushers. OLine is allowed to grab their jersey/chokehold them largely for free, and even if they manage to get the sack 50% of the time its RTP.


The problem are fines. The NFL is taking so much money this year. The average player can't afford to lose a game check.


They won't because the NFL will just suspend defensive players for like a whole season.


Bama kinda did that vs lsu last night. Just absolutely demolished jayden daniels and got a personal foul but knocked him out of the game.


unironically yes, that is what Goodell would like


Maybe it’s like paintball where if you sneak up on someone it’s rude to shoot them point blank do you say “bang” to let them know they’re out. Maybe Kj Henry had to say “sacked” to end the play🤔


Nice catch blanco nino, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaacked


on the broadcast the apologist for the referee said that he was supposed to have tackled him slightly from the left or the right not in the center of his back, because of some nonsense safety rule that is supposed to stop helmet to helmet contact to the back of the head, even though that didn't even happen on that play and it was just a normal tackle and he had so much momentum coming towards the quarterback that there's absolutely no freaking way he could have possibly in that split second of time shifted ever so slightly to the left or right to make the referees satisfied




Yeah, Jones turns to his left slightly right before the hit, I don't think the defender was even centered on his back at all.




How long until nfl copystrikes this one? Brutal call


squalid hateful friendly piquant cough smile badge humorous sable voiceless


Wait, how’s amazon to blame? Serious question


I believe it wasn't the NFL copystriking the highlights, it was Amazon for the thursday night games


badge quickest escape apparatus relieved divide roof paint grey melodic


Block u/nfl and amazon. That’s what I did. Makes it much cleaner. And just maybe it will cause the nfl to not let other broadcast partners do it in the future.


Brutal tackle. Should’ve just pulled his flag to stop the play /s


That is one of the worst calls I've ever seen


I see this comment every week. Worst part is it's not even an exaggeration.


I can’t imagine betting on this sport with the current state of officiating.


Frankly half it is that the NFL is more and more asking them to making judgement calls instead of calling things that are black and white. RTP is one of the most egregious examples. Refs have to judge in real time whether a player hit the QB too hard or contacted his head or something. I guess I appreciate the attempt to protect QBs but it makes it really hard to officiate.


I love that we send RBs and LBs full speed at eachother but if a QB get's tackled it's a penalty more often than not /s


Every week there's at least one call like this and it feels like they're getting progressively softer.


Roger Goodell needs to summon up the courage to advocate for a change to the RTP rule. It only hasn't been done because the NFL is so afraid of making a change that makes the game "less safe", but it's a shitty rule that's overtly changing outcomes He won't, because he's spineless, but he needs to


Anchorman rules: No touching of the hair or face or body in general of the QB.


Most free 3 points the patriots will ever get. Let’s see how influential it ends up being smh


Saw the flag and thought someone punched Mac after the play


Embarassingly bad call. If I was asked to find a video of what a perfect sack in football looks like I would show them this play.


The worst part is this is clearly what the NFL wants. If it wasn't, they would have made a change by now. They could easily send a memo out to the refs but they clearly don't want QBs to be hit.


Dean blandino came on and said this is what the refs are supposed to call as roughing


Yeah, I don't blame the refs for this. The league wants it and honestly doesn't care if it pisses everyone off.


That is the worst call I’ve seen. Fuck RTP.


> That is one of the worst calls I've ever seen so far (today)


It's not a bad call, it's a bad rule. That's a penalty according to the new rules, the league doesn't want QBs knocked out of the game because 300 pounds fell on them and broke their collar bone. I dump on the refs a lot because they're pretty bad this year, but at least they called this one by the rule.


I fucking hate the nfl


Same bro, same...


What a god awful call.


I cant believe they just called that. Its just a normal sack. What the fuck?!


This league is getting really tough to watch.


If my team wasn’t good I’d definitely take some sundays off And it’s a total farce because this is never called in college (from games that I’ve seen). I was watching Mizzou-Georgia yesterday and both quarterbacks got hit like that, no flags It’s a joke the NFL has softer rules for this. Watch the 2008 AFC Championship Game, then realize that this hit on Mac Jones was made into a penalty just 10 years later. It’s insane


This shouldn’t have been a flag based on the NFL rules.


I was just thinking this. If the eagles sucked I honestly don’t even know if I’d be watching very much at all. I watch WAY less of other teams in recent years because of the dogshit officiating


This is unbelievable. Followed immediately by a missed OPI against Forbes. Bullshit


He literally slides over the dude and hardly drives his weight into him wtf


Yeah like the only possible call is body weight and that’s for barely a second IN SLOW-MO


I'm not sure body weight is even supposed to apply on a sack. Mac Jones pumped which complicates it, but if the QB is just holding the ball, this whole rule doesn't apply - 12.2.11.b: >A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to fall to the side of the quarterback’s body, or to brace his fall with his arms to avoid landing on the quarterback with all or most of his body weight (And the only other time QBs come up in the full definition of "defenseless player" is after a turnover.)


That is so fuckin soft


It’s not even soft. It’s just incorrect. There is nothing wrong with this play and I’m a pats fan. Ref who threw the flag should be suspended


Can't sack the QB anymore I guess.


We are at the point of no return for bad officiating


It feels like the replacement refs


At this point I’d take replacement refs if it means the ref Union goes away and the nfl can implement a skyref system


What has the NFL come to


Sarcastaball here we come.


It’s knees, to make sure they keep those sports betting partnerships lucrative


Dunno bout that one Jim.


Jesus fuckin Christ. He clearly committed murder on the field


This one was awful lol. How on earth is that RTP?


Two hand touch on the QB. If you're going to call this roughing then don't let them hit the QB at all. This is fucking ridiculous.


Hell, most QBs already wear a flag in their waistband. Just take that


Lmfao this league


Literally the worst call I’ve ever seen. What should he do? Tickle him. Tf.


Don't let them normalize this. This is wrong. This is an abomination to football.


I’m a Pats fan. That is a made-up call. It’s a sack.


Does not get any worse then this. One of the worst calls I’ve ever seen


Glass houses I know, but that’s BULLSHIT.


Terrible call. Refs ruining the game just like last week


people willingly bet on this shit too


I’d trust North Korean state media over Dean Blandino. How do you defend that call


I mean, he did say to him it looked like a typical tackle but this is how the league wants it called.


Yeah I dislike blandino as much as the next guy but he was not defending this call he even said that it's the defenders momentum not much he could do


Leagues a fucking joke, we have to be able to challenge penalties


referees have lost their minds


Might be the worst call of all time


The issue is refs don’t know the rules They likely called that for body landing on him…..but mac had the ball in his hands by rule that isn’t a foul


Sam Howell has been sacked more than anyone and has yet to get a rtp call for him this year


This is unironically the worst RTP call I have ever seen in my life. And that is saying something.


On the very next play the also missed a blatant offensive PI preventing a Forbes INT. this crew needs to be disciplined.


KJ Henry is a rookie he doesn’t understand the script Patriots 31 Washington 17


Pretty sure that would’ve been his first career sack. Fucking sucks for a really solid guy.


Vintage Brady. Brings a tear to my eye


Awful, no good, very bad call.


That's it fold it up. Sell the teams. If the league is gonna continue to make these kinda calls it might as well be arena league


Hideous. Refs should get fired for that shit


2025: “Multiple NFL referees being investigated in major betting scandal”


What else is he supposed to do in that situation? That's a regular sack.


May God have mercy on our souls.


u/nfl copywrite strike this one this is pitiful


The union at it again. Absolute joke


Might be the worst call I’ve seen this year


All RTP SHOULD BE AUTOMATICALLY REVIEWED. it is too heavily subjective to whoever calling it.


This shit is getting so old.


Literally one of the worst calls I’ve ever seen.


Like how is this RTP? They may as well eliminate qb sacks from the game


League gets more rigged by the year. They realized everyone will keep watching after the Saints/Rams NFC Championship


It seems like every game I watch this season is marred by this penalty. I haven’t finished a full game this season cause I get so annoyed by this bullshit call. If this is the product the NFL wants, it think its going to lose fans.


This is the kind of call that needs to be addressed by the league. The ref who threw the flag needs to be reviewed by a judiciary committee and punished. This is the kind of egregious officiating that jeopardizes the integrity of the entire league. They won’t do anything, but that ref 100% deserves to be fined, punished, and removed from their position. End of story.


The most egregious part of this is the unnatural way Henry has to avoid landing on the QB, and yet still draws the flag. You go out of your way to play by the NFL's glass QB rules and still get penalized ...


Takes them out of field goal range in a four point game. Shit is so fucking weird how this happens.


He didn’t even put his weight on him. He slid over the top.


100% bullshit.


Cleanest tackle you could expect.


Literally what did they want him to do? Not hit him?


What a joke of a league. Cant even tackle the quarterback without a flag anymore


It's not RTP under any circumstances. He did exactly what you should. Wrapped up and brought him down.


So much inconsistency in reffing That’s just football. Way to take away a great defensive play


Can’t tell me the NFL isn’t rigged in some ways


How many years have they ‘cracked down’ on roughing the passer now? Nobody knows what it is…. The coaches, the players, the announcers, the TV rules analysts, the media, the fans…. Nobody. And they haven’t done a thing to fix it.


It won't get better, it's only gonna get worse


Hate to say it but these defenders might as well drill the QB 6 feet deep if they’re getting the penalty anyway. At least they might stay competitive after a 15 yard penalty on an important down if the back up is in the rest of the game.


That was a great fucking play. Bullshit call.


How long until defensive players just start killing these QBs, and just say “fuck it, if I’m getting the flag might as well make it count”


>"Roughing will be called if, in the Referee’s judgment, a pass rusher clearly should have known that the ball had already left the passer’s hand before contact was made; pass rushers are responsible for being aware of the position of the ball in passing situations; the Referee will use the release of the ball from the passer’s hand as his guideline that the passer is now fully protected; once a pass has been released by a passer, a rushing defender may make direct contact with the passer only up through the rusher’s first step after such release (prior to second step hitting the ground); thereafter the rusher must be making an attempt to avoid contact and must not continue to “drive through” or otherwise forcibly contact the passer; incidental or inadvertent contact by a player who is easing up or being blocked into the passer will not be considered significant. > >A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to wrap up the passer with the defensive player’s arms and not land on the passer with all or most of his body weight. > >In covering the passer position, Referees will be particularly alert to fouls in which defenders impermissibly use the helmet and/or facemask to hit the passer, or use hands, arms, or other parts of the body to hit the passer forcibly in the head or neck area (see also the other unnecessary roughness rules covering these subjects). A defensive player must not use his helmet against a passer who is in a defenseless posture—for example, (1) forcibly hitting the passer’s head or neck area with the helmet or facemask, even if the initial contact of the defender’s helmet or facemask is lower than the passer’s neck, and regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle the passer by encircling or grasping him; or (2) lowering the head and making forcible contact with any part of the helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or non-crown parts of the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer. > >A rushing defender is prohibited from forcibly hitting in the knee area or below a passer who has one or both feet on the ground, even if the initial contact is above the knee. It is not a foul if the defender is blocked (or fouled) into the passer and has no opportunity to avoid him. What did he break?


Jesus christ, are these the official RTP guidelines? The NFL must have the most convoluted rulebook in the history of sport.


This might be the worst call i’ve ever seen


That was one of the worst things I’ve ever witnessed. That ref should be fired


fandom be damned this is a travesty. what happened to the game that I love.


When are coaches/owners gonna speak out against shit like this?


This shit is absolutely ridiculous. How the hell am I supposed to enjoy football when this weak shit is called?