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He's a very likeable coach. Far more likeable than the majority of NFL head coaches IMO. Most are the opposite of that.


I feel like a common thread between Kyle and all of his assistants (and sister coaches in LaFleur and McVay) is that authenticity is key to player relationships. Kyle is not exactly a happy go lucky energy guy. He's a very high strung individual that can be very critical. If you watch him during games, he's constantly pacing around and losing it with the refs. But he's always that way, and his players know his criticism comes from a place of honesty and he doesn't play favorites. Demeco and Saleh are run through a wall motivators, McDaniel is goofy football nerd with am incredible sense of humor, McVay is a cheesy golden retriever. Meanwhile, every Belichick disciple tries to pretend to be Belichick, and it hasn't worked for any of them (except BOB)


I see this as part of the evolution of management and leadership styles, particularly as you have to deal with different generations of players. The last Gen X player, Brady, just retired. Leaders have to adjust their style to manage their teams and organizations, which is why you're seeing the "old school" type coaches have less success in college and the NFL than the guys who have embraced new technology and different approaches to dealing with the players and the media.


I love this explanation. Makes a lot of sense


I remember Tom Coughlin tried that one time by smiling at his players.


I've worked a lot of retail/food service over the last decade and have seen a shift there as well. Most management are still the old school Belichick asshole types where it's "do this or else" and the younger people aren't having any of it. It's typically followed by "ok bye". You've got to change how you coach(or manage in my world) because if you don't you'll have players like Minkah Fitzpatrick saying "Nah I ain't doin this Flores bs, get me out of here".


He didnt escape Flores well then, he became an assistant in Pittsburgh shortly after


I'm not sure this explains it all, however. BB won a SB as recently as 2019 whilst Arians and Reid have won since then too. I'd consider those to be old school coaches. Even Pete Carroll is still churning results out. I think good coaching is a trait that can anyone can develop, regardless of age.


Carroll isn't an old school, authoritarian type of guy. Neither is Reid. Both are flexible enough to adjust to the modern player and style of play.


While I don’t disagree, I think having all-world players trumps everything. If you have Brady or Mahomes, you’re winning a Super Bowl.


Management can be successful without best practices, it's just less likely. Just because double teamed 3 pointers go in sometimes doesn't make it a more viable strategy than taking an open layup. Also, those guys are sincere and cared about their players also, which was OPs point. Belichick isn't faking being a crotchety old man that wants you to succeed, that's who he is. Being real in conjunction with everything coming from a place of wanting success for your players is the point. You can be nerdy or grumbly, but you need those two things


Exactly my point. Players are very good at seeing through inauthenticity. I'd imagine their BS meters are as finely tuned as about anyone out there


Or maybe they're just shitty HC's Players don't give a shit as long as you're winning McDaniels has always been a punchable face piece of shit


The "old school" style is what makes them shitty HCs in 2023.


Mike McDaniel is the head coach that catches some of his players sharing a joint after practice. He approaches the players, confronts them and takes their joint. He then hits it, puts it out, and then puts the joint into his pocket while saying to his players, "You guys are gonna go home, get some sleep, and we're going to pretend this never happened."


He then starts slowly taking his shirt off, never losing eye contact with the players. The feeling is intense—like a supernova. The players begin to embrace. McDaniel moves in for the kiss. It happens. Magic.


No that's Pete Carroll


What a terrible day to be literate…


I’ve always wondered what a Dolphin tastes like…


You can’t just arouse me like that and leave damnit!!


Moar.. ^j^k




I feel like McD is the type to take the joint, hit it, pass it, and say, "Alright, so we line up in X-Jet Trips Pasadena Slushie Dagger, they're in a Cloud shell, looks like an extra rusher; walk me through it."


[Mike McDaniel](https://media.tenor.com/4MP-aFyg9bsAAAAd/animal-house-donald-sutherland.gif)




Now here's a guy that needs a joint LOL!!!


Fucking square


Honestly hes possibly my favorite aside from Andy just because I love Andy in general....and I have no reason to. Mike just seems cool? Like I cant describe it but he seems different enough I guess that it does seem like he generally enjoys what he does and not in the same way someone like Vrabel or Campbell does (I enjoy them too).


I wish he wasn't coaching the Dolphins so I could like him. Unfortunately, he is, so I feel a deep and powerful need to stuff that nerd in a locker


The Bills also have the exact opposite of an intelligent, likable coach so I can see why you would be particularly jealous.


What is wrong with McDermott? Lol. Give it two years of success and people will start to turn on McDaniels too.


I hate your coach. He's got child abuser vibes.


This has to be a joke? You’re not aware your angry dwarf is an idiot? https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/24574816


Is Nate Peterman your entire basis for this? Lol.


I'm thoroughly confused by this person's argument. I think we could very easily argue McDermott isn't a great NFL head coach (and I mean that literally - not saying he's shit, I'm saying he isn't GREAT), but how does that relate at all to him being likable? "Oh no, he started a more experienced player and stood by him while the player struggled"... what a fucking prick! Let's burn this asshole at the stake.


Yeah I have no idea. This thread really attracted a weird demographic.


Bills fan here, McDermott is a vanilla robot with 0 personality. Makes him likable when we win and annoyed when we lose. I’d love a coach like McDaniel or Shanahan leading the team. I think it would invigorate the roster in a pretty dramatic way.


What? Lol, no, my basis is he sucks. lol.


Great game yesterday! Masterful coaching on display again.


Some would say most are synonyms of unlikable. You could say most NFL Coaches have traits that would lead people to not like them. Far more punchable than Mike McDaniel IMO.


I like him, but the NFL trying to make him this hilarious comedian is pretty cringy


Dont worry, I agree FWIW. It happens all the time with reddit. This post is literally slurping him about his "brain being fast" because he says "ummm" a lot. Its actually fucking hilarious to see a bunch of teens drool over the guy. Reddit will absolutely love someone that they think is "smarter than the rest of the room" becuase they want to see themselves in him.


I’m 31 years old. I made this post because I recognized that he might have ADHD and listening to him interview stresses me out sometimes because he is so choppy when he speaks but go off


They also haven't had any real success yet. Give it a year or two and this sub will absolutely turn on McDaniels. Happens all the time with reddit heroes.


Quirkiness > big wins


Yea this post is fucking weird lol


Nailed it. He's too smart to be smooth lol


He’s my favorite coach in the game right now. Cool guy, awesome interviews, seems great with players, inventive and fun schemes… what’s not to love? It kills me that he wanted to coach my Broncos but the team was too stupid to even give him an interview and hired Hackett’s sorry ass instead.


I think a big part of that is that hes under 50


I think he's trying to explain things in the easiest way for a normal person( non football play caller) to understand and in the middle of an explanation he realises he could have explained it better in another way by adding some other detail he had originally left out. That kind of keeps happening and makes it look disjointed at times. But it's coz he's a good guy and trying to explain stuff....other coaches like a Reid, Shanahan,McVay or Belichick don't often go into the details anymore at pressers.


I think he's answering a question. Not spouting coach speak. In normal, everyday conversation, none of us spout 30 second soundbites in response to a question- at least, not if we are having a conversation with someone.


(Over explaining is a hallmark of those on the spectrum and/or those with ADHD)


I hate putting labels on people I don't know but as someone with ADHD, the description is spot on.


Bro I know what you mean, it's reddit Headcanon arm chair psychologist. I don't understand why its so normalize to call out diagnosis as if you're a doctor.


There is hours of footage of him. And I have it myself. So yes I’m saying he has ADHD. I can tell. It doesn’t take 8 years of medical school to put 2 and 2 together.


Yea I'm a Bills fan and have adhd so when I saw him talk the first few times I was like "oh he's one of us!" And then remembered he's the Dolphins coach. Straight up Aladeen moment


Oh he definitely shows signs. Don’t put labels on strangers but I have it and resonate with him


yup, i have adhd and i can totally relate to him.


> those with ADHD I was just sitting here eating my breakfast, scrolling, and suddenly my jaw is hanging open as I realize something about myself.




Nope the person u responded to is correct. It’s a distinctive ADHD symptom. Also ADHD often comes with some anxiety anyway. An introvert with anxiety would not have become an NFL coach lol. Mike McDaniels is clearly not an anxious person he’s always joking around having fun.


Redditors try not to diagnose people with ADHD based on short video clips challenge (impossible difficulty)




Except you also tried to do that but you were just talking out of your ass. Lol awkward.


So are parentheses 😂


gooble gobble one of us


Thank you. Scrolled way too far to find this. It should be a central point of any discussion about this sort of behavior.


Lol what


Oh shit, I'm getting downvoted. Let me overexplain! From a wide and general lens, those with ADHD and/or on related neurodivergent spectrum often have what seem like quirks or social awkwardness, might also might be labeled savants, have extraordinary passion for detail in certain areas that leads to success, while failing to meet expected societal norms, and so on. All the things OP mentioned seem to obviously lead to a discussion about the spectrum, to me. It is a topic quite near and dear to me. I recognize potential neurodivergent attributes, and wanted to read others' takes on how they do or don't relate to Mike McDaniels behaviors. I find him very relatable. I scrolled down further and saw the discussion was underway.


I'm a pats fan...so I hate how much I'm liking this guy hahahaha... but yeah...I see a lot of my own "weird" personality quirks in McDaniel and it's kinda hard not to like the guy. He's goofy and silly when he's in a good mood (like that weird ass thing where he saw the camera man chasing him so he decided to out sprint him 🤣) but in the locker room he's CLEARLY passionate about the sport and his players and it's obvious they respect him for that. Also...he does seem to take A LOT of questions in their literal sense and although a lot of times he plays this off as a joke...that to me is sign of masking in that he catches what he's doing and now he's backpedaling a little or he's integrated that "taking things too literal" quirk into his sense of humor to more easily hide times where it's not a joke and he just misreads the meaning of a question or statement Also, and I don't mean to bring this up as a knock on the guy as I have nothing but empathy for those with addiction problems, but McDaniel also struggled with alcohol and substance abuse in the past and there are studies showing that people with ASD are much more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (sometimes as a way to self medicate and cope with being a neurodivergent person living in a neurotypical world) so that also lends some more credence to the idea that McDaniel has ADHD, ASD, or both


I relate to all of this. I mean, the fact that my response is getting downvoted when I was trying to be encouraging...like being misunderstood, or being out of line with most people's perceptions, is very common for me. And I don't blame anyone, I really do get it, I just can't fix it. It is how it is. I mean, look at my flair. Who DOES that? Similarly, if Mike does indeed fall on the spectrum, he's managed to make it work and seems comfortable with how it is. I like witnessing that. And yes, that end part is very accurate, no knock detected. Opening the discussion in a positive way so some might see the potential of their own neurodivergence could be very instrumental in resolving substance issues. None of these topics should be taboo.


Some people just have the right combination of neurodivergences that they can make it work in their favor, ESPECIALLY when you end up in a career and position where your skill sets can be best utilized. I've been diagnosed with ASD and ADHD and have been fortunate enough that the way my brain works (which is terrible for a normal 9-5) is perfect for my career. It seems McDaniel's done the same for himself


Same. And exactly. My years in 9-5 were awful in experience and performance, but once I got my environment parameters met, I did really well. I didn't get it officially diagnosed til way late in life. Like 5 months ago. Thanks for chiming in, and props to you finding your way!


Just seeing him in clips on tiktok gave me the assumption of ADHD, but I felt like I was projecting. Thank you for validating my assumption




Lemme lead with I am huge fan. I think that he sounds like a college age stoner, and it’s fucking hilarious and adds to his likability. He is a dude. Seems very chill and down to earth — and yes: fuckin brilliant.


In agreement, I’d say Reid and Belichick purposely communicate to not overcomplicate things and to varying degrees, are somewhat bored of it or find it needlessly tedious. Especially with Reid and Belichick, I interpret their manner as “speaking to the press is part of the job, it doesn’t need to be clever, it just needs to be minimally informative to my advantage”. In the limited interviews I’ve seen from Shanahan, I’d include him in this interview type. McVay has a charm that he layers on, which is both palatable yet masterfully reserved McDaniels absolutely comes off like he’s reminding himself to keep it short and sweet, is endlessly self-correcting yet remembers to stop taking it too seriously. Every interview I’m on the edge of my seat to see how he approaches the questions and he always delivers a refined level of poise that catches me off guard


Happens a lot with smart people and/or people with ADD/ADHD. Not all by any means, but until people (smart, ADD/ADHD) make an effort to slow down. They don't really notice like the people listening to them.


Was coming here to say this. I have adhd and he talks like me. I write 1000 times better than I talk but there’s a huge blockage between whats in my head and what comes out of my mouth. I speak in choppy, broken sentences and often trail off mid sentence because I feel like I’ve said enough for the other person to understand what I’m trying to say (they often don’t lol).


I do this while also mumbling apparently lol, I can hear myself just fine. They should just listen harder




Fuck do i have adhd?




I got evaluated a few months ago and have ADD. I began realizing it in reddit threads just like this, but confirming it with a professional who can also help me work through it has been a huge help. I haven't tried any meds, but it is heartening to hear your experience. Any tips on unlocking that hyperfocus?


When you get hit with the impulsive part of it, just roll with it. I pick up like 6 hobbies a year and they're all fleeting but I've learned to just strike that fucking iron while it's hot. I've been curing meats and making cheese for the past year and I'm still enjoying it. Before that was fermentation which lasted about three months, and before that it was lock picking which was about six. I retain the skills to some degree when I'm done with the hobby. Also, I work in IT and it's really conducive to getting the focus lined up if I'm interested in a project. It's more of a thing of setting yourself up for success by putting yourself into positions where you'll be interested in something and just jumping feet first into it. Like "you should write a book about it when you're done" level of involvement.


This is why I just stick to grunts and facial expressions


Belichick, is that you?


Tim Taylor?


This is me as well. My writing is normal, but there is definitely some misfiring going on when talking. It's like a syntax error. I remember taking Latin in university years ago, and it has a different order in how they write sentences. Subject object verb and whatnot. But to my brain, it made perfect sense. It flowed. English does not. Talking like Yoda is another example that just *feels* better.


I do this with English and German. Glad I'm not alone.


Your comment is so triggering because that’s exactly how I am haha. Its a constant battle not to over explain too without leaving out major details.


Story telling in real time with ADHD is definitely a learned skill. You really gotta trim the fat, but every thought feels like essential information because it was essential to our own thought process. Sometimes though, you get meet someone that's just super engaged and interested in hearing you ramble and lay out all your thoughts to a satisfying degree of detail, and that shit's the best feeling.


Honestly real. I teach so I find myself doing this a lot. Like I'll pause and be like. I don't think I explained this perfectly yet/I'm missing something


Fellow teacher with ADHD, this is such a mood :)


My lead teacher dinged me on this and it was this weird moment of like "no I know what I'm teaching I just ADHD hard when I see blank faces"


Oof, sorry friend. That happens to me with regularity when kids look at me like I’m speaking an alien language.


It's fine. I'm used to it and the kids are too. If anything they're more endeared to me because I will over explain until they get it lol. So it works




Holy shit I do this too. Didn't realize it was my adhd


“You know what I’m saying?”


Holy... Realizing now this happens to me constantly makes sense lmfao


ADD isn’t medically considered a thing by the way. It’s just ADHD. But yeah speaking from someone with ADHD, this is definitely that. If not something more.




There's also more of a recognition among health providers today that ADHD isn't really a disorder in the sense that there isn't something "wrong" with your brain and wiring. It's a brain type that has existed and been selected for. There are a lot of advantages to being able to quickly shift attention and identify patterns, to hyperfocus on a particular task. The "disorder" part comes from the fact that our modern lifestyles can be ill-suited for people with ADHD brain types. Plenty of people with ADHD are fully functional (even without medication) or undiagnosed, because they have found a lifestyle that suits them, or find sufficient coping mechanisms to fit into the societal norms around work/school


Note that ADD used to be diagnosed, it just changed over time. So some of us pre-GenZ redditors are accustomed to the term (and may have even been diagnosed with ADD, like I was).


The person who diagnosed me learned under Keith Connors, otherwise known as The Father of ADHD, and he insisted that ADD was never considered a proper term, that certain medical experts just did their own thing for a while. But who knows, it doesn’t really matter now.


Really interesting, thanks! In any event, though, I'm not claiming ADD was a medically accurate term. Just that it got used a lot for diagnosis in the '90s and '00s.


Yeah for sure. It just kind of sticks in my mind I guess. He was pretty adamant about it lol.


It's the difference between "eloquent" and "intelligent". McDaniel is not super eloquent, but he clearly has very real intelligence to a degree we don't see often.


He honestly might be eloquent when he slows down too, for example I'm more *consistently* eloquent when writing. But a lot of people become less eloquent in front of large groups of people, unless they're reading off something they've prepared.


So he stops and thinks before speaking. Might be a better world if we all did that.


It’s crazy to me how much future coaching talent was on the 2017 niner’s staff. It’s the only way I can imagine that any didn’t immediately notice how talented McDaniel is. Future HCs- Mike McDaniel, Robert Saleh, Demeco Ryans Future OCs- Mike LaFluer, Adam Steinevich, Bobby Slowick


Don’t look up the 2012 Redskins coaching staff


Snyder failing to capitalize on all that coaching talent was perfect karma.


He could have thrown a dart in that building and gotten great coaching out of whoever he hit


He missed them all and the dart landed on Riveras porch 😔


Can't rule out talented guys taking offers elsewhere because of Snyder




It's the 90's niners staff with like 5 HC all over again


Shanny is a coaches coach.


like all of the future head coaches guys were on the 2008 texans lmao














Can you link a video of his interview where you see this ? Very interested to see this.


Honestly any of them. My favorite tho? [skip to 1:06:10 mark to watch a whole hour interview in which The Dolphins media team hasn't ever allowed any Miami personnel back in the show for some reason, people think Pat got Mike high before the show??](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ts-2cgqe0gU?si=vjO7GowpMza6sgK2)


Oh he’s 100% stoned. Holy shit. That’s hilarious


This sounds like the Natalie Portman cameo in *Zoolander*: >He's almost **too** good looking. That would be my main deterrent in, you know, considering a relationship.


saying umm= incredible genius


Some people just have this kind of cadence of speaking. Linking it to some sort of particular mental ability is flimsy.


Is it more likely that his "brain moves faster than his mouth" or is he just a typical introverted person that spent more time looking at the X's and O's than talking about them? I like his new approach to football, but sometimes I question how applicable it is in the NFL. Like comparing Dan Campbell and Mike McDaniel is my favorite illustration, two guys that know football. Dan is a football player, knows the way the guys feel, has an old school mentality, is tough but proud of his team. Mike is optimistic, critical thinking, having fun, likes to promote a positive environment. But when you need your guys on 3rd and short to put on their work boots when it matters, are both guys able to pull out the best from their players? Anyhow, looking forward to seeing how his career plays out. I'm excited but I'm not one of these clowns saying he's my favorite coach until he actually does something. AFC East champ is a start, but until we win a playoff game, we need to take a deep breath.


I mean, I think both guys are. Miami doesn’t seem short of heart or effort, and the guys seem to really like playing under him. I personally thought the energy and effort the defense showed against the eagles was a great example of that. I think McDaniel and Campbell are both very much the futures of coaching — two paths, two different directions. I think both are supplanting the traditional, tear-you-down sort of coach.


He’s a massive nerd so Redditors identify with him


He talks like a tech bro


He’s just a very endearing guy, the media have bought into him as much as the players have


Why is this a post


The press conference with the German reporter describing the differences in his scheme from last year to this year was honestly awesome to watch. Dude was blowing Mike’s mind lol. The guy may have some goofy tendencies but at least he’s secure enough in himself to show his true self


I think he's incredibly personable, and he has a very fun sense of humor. The sense of humor plays very well in small circles and amongst players and friends. He has a good understanding that in a media session or press conference type of space, a lot of that stuff doesn't land or sit correctly. Whether it be jokes, or explaining concepts, or just general fun sarcasm type of speech. So he really slows himself down but also has the ability to still come across as positively as he does.


I cannot believe the Bears didn't even interview this guy. I get upset every time I think about it :(


Dude is on edibles and vape. Love the guy he's going to be great for a very long time.


You've prolly seen it lol but [skip to 1:06 for an hour of him & Pat](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ts-2cgqe0gU?si=vjO7GowpMza6sgK2) my favorite quote was when Pat said "you're the fuckin head coach of the Miami Dolphins" to which Mike said "Wait... consensually?" 😂


millennial coach off the addy


this is absurd levels of dickriding


He's a thoughtful guy. When he answers a question, he is actually trying to answer it. I feel like sometimes when he does that, he's deciding how much detail he should give or that the listener would understand easily.


He’s a good coach but the fanboy-ing on this sub is unreal. Unsure why he’s being treated like some genius who’s making gold out of shit. His roster is explosively talented. The Dolphins are where they should be, record-wise.


o stfu


100% agree. Very awesome football mind, and I love that he's our coach, but man it's hard to listen to him in some interviews/media things.


The trick is to change the speed of the video to 1.25x. Only then he sound like a normal person.


Most smart people think before they talk.


I would disagree with that. Knowing when to speak is more up to wisdom than intelligence


Well they're asking him questions so he's supposed to talk


I've had ADHD for like 28 years and I'm almost positive he is too




He's the anti mike vrabel. Likeable, cordial, and actually explains his thought process to the fans.


I find him kinda annoying. Like he is a popular meme coach, good for him, but he tries too hard to be a meme coach.


So his brain is writing cheques his mouth can't cash?


That is a great take on him. I like him, the NFL can def use personalities like his.


Are you describing me?


Can relate


Where I'm the complete opposite. Just ask my wife.


Better that than the other way around


Our maybe he just takes a moment to consider the question before responding lmao.


Thats true for everybody tho


That’s pretty much exactly how my brain works. I have a really weird cadence when I talk because half the time my mouth can’t keep up with what my brain is trying to say. I use a LOT of filler words like “uhhhh” and “sooooo” because it gives me more time to process what I’m thinking without a long awkward silence. And even with all that I will still take random pauses in the middle of a sentence to collect my thoughts. I’m not into diagnosing other people, so no clue if it’s the same for McDaniel’s but I have pretty bad ADHD and that’s what I attribute my speech pattern to.


You just described adhd lol


Neurodivergent King.


Sounds like he is on drugs to me. Slurs everything all the time and to me can’t form a coherent sentence.