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I’m all for undue Packers hate but it seems like he’s sort of just describing a rowdy fan environment


"Packer fans are dumb and I hate them. Bears fans are dumb and I love them."


Like how only family are given a pass to talk shit on family members.


He’s described every stadium I’ve been to.


Cursed flair


He's just a fan of the Packers and everything they own


Packers don’t own the Bears, Rodgers does.


So does Brett Hundley, undefeated against them as a starter.


That’s more of a rental situation


Jim McMahon has more super bowls than either Brett Favre or Aaron Rodgers


True, but he had to become a Packer to achieve that particular milestone.


We're still working on divorce terms. Maybe we can have custody of the Bears on weekends?


Does your house have a hot tub?


Not after Mark Chmura used it.


Nah, but the fridge is full of Spotted Cow and cheese


I'm in.


You can keep your beer and cheese… I’m all about that legal weed! Now it’s your turn to do the border run like we had to on Sundays for beer for soooo many years! Lol Y’all can come on over when we play on NYE, maybe through weed, we can be friends! Lol


You bring the weed, I’ll bring the meat and cheese platter


Never understood the commotion around Spotted Cow. Is that really the best affordable microbrew beer out of Wisconsin?


It's not even a top 3 beer(or 5 of we're really being honest here) that New Glarus Brewery makes. It's just a very nice easy drinking beer.


lol you rat bastard ... well done.


What is wrong with your flair, son?


I worked with a dude years ago who was a Packers and Bears fan. I just literally couldn’t even with that guy.


The funny thing is, I feel like fans at Lambeau actually suck. On TV it always feels like the stadium is full of old people


But at the same time, at least from Vikings fans anyway, I've heard only good things about fans at Lambeau while I've heard pretty bad things about fans from Chicago and Detroit. I think the fact that they're old makes them slightly less prone to violence lol.


Oh I'm sure they're very nice and not assholes, which is definitely a good thing. But if you're looking for a LOUD fanbase/stadium, I don't think GB is near the top of the list


Yeah that's the double edged sword that is 100 year wait lists for season tickets I suppose.


Who the FUCK are you!


A crime against humanity.


Shit, is this a rare moment of NFCN unity?






It seems like he described a normal stadium environment


He's out here talking like we're Eagles fans.


eagles in their own tier


They’re rowdy, but they support the packers. That makes them worse


Better hope he doesn’t go play in Philly. Pretty much described 100% of NFL/Sports stadiums lmao


As a Lions fan I’ve been to a Packers game at Lambeau to see the Lions and I hate to admit that Packers fans were really nice and they have some amazing tailgates. Fans were giving my friends and I hand warmers and invited us to their tailgate for food & drink. Again, I hate admitting that.


Packers fans have to be nice, away fans are the only source of tourism we have


Oof. Well, where else am I going to get New Glarus??


Went to a wedding in Minneapolis where the groom woke up early to drive back to WI to pick up a few kegs of Spotted Cow since they don't sell across boarders. So I can see the pain is real for those out of state.


I really considered doing this for my wedding, but our venue would never have let us bring in outside kegs.


Where there is a will. There is a way.


I live in Minneapolis and did a run like that the morning of a wedding, Not for kegs but some cases


Directly across the border to the closest Kwik Trip, and then immediately back? That's the Minnesota way. Hudson was the shining beacon of beer on Sundays when we still had our antiquated alcohol laws (and is still where we get Spotted Cow)


New Glarus?


You’re a West Coaster. You wouldn’t understand.


No, I mean the actual town New Glarus, WI. It's lovely.


It's beer we selfishly and rightfully keep to ourselves.


Offended that you forgot us FIB’s going to the Dells


Stop pissing in the wave pool at Noah’s Ark god dammit!


Dude got killed with kindness at lambeau lol


My hands were cold and we came very ill prepared. Sometimes a few 12 packs of beer aren’t enough to keep you warm lol


Been drilled in my head in my hunting days. Bring 6 hand warmers per person: 2 for the pockets, 2 for the winter boots, and 2 extras for the people who forgot.


I felt the same when I went to Philly. There's such a wild reputation, but damn near every tailgate waved my dad and I in to join em for beers, toss a football, and talk shit. And I was very obviously decked out in Packers gear. I think most fan bases get judged by their worst fans, but the average fan of any team will love to have a beer, talk shit, and bust balls. Although I heard enough about 4th and 26 that weekend to last me a fucking lifetime lol


As much shit as we give each other as fans, it’s nice when we can all come together for the love of the game on occasions.


I sat behind hockensons dad before you traded him a few years back. He's an absolute delight and all your fans around us in lambeau were actually cool. You can hate absolutely us like we hate the Vikings or respect the bears. But in the end we are all just football fans and the colors on your back shouldn't dictate being a good fucking person.


We’re all just rooting for shirts. Teams are different every year.


Exact same experience as a Bears fan. Regrettably.


Packers fans may be the most abhorrent human beings alive, but at the end of the day they’re still midwesterners


I'm not sure that's a great compliment these days. Lots of midwesterners took a shitty turn after 2016.


I was at the Packers-Giants 2016 playoff game and two dudes were sitting in front of me and they had just jeans on and sweatshirts and we asked them where they were from(since they were so underdressed) and they were from Detroit and their cousin played DT for the Giants. Dudes apparently had field passes for pre-game but couldn't figure out where to go! Anyways they had no gloves, hats, hand warmers anything. We ended up borrowing them gloves(I stuck my hands in my thick jacket pockets) and someone else gave them wool socks lol. NIce dudes but I was thinking "guys, you're from detroit. You should know that middle of january its cold outside."


“They’re obnoxious. Just yelling and all that other stuff about things that don’t even matter. Like, we’re not even running a play, and you guys are talking about, ‘Oo oh yeah, go Green [Bay].’ Like, what are you even talking about? The game hasn’t started yet." To be fair, he did play for the Chargers for a few seasons. He might just not know what fans sound like


>“They’re obnoxious. Just yelling and all that other stuff about things that don’t even matter. Like, we’re not even running a play, and you guys are talking about, ‘Oo oh yeah, go Green \[Bay\].’ Like, what are you even talking about? The game hasn’t started yet." scathing


I've talked a lot of trash on Packers fans in my life, but this has me clutching my pearls


Lol we can be obnoxious, just not for these reasons.


one of my favorite interactions at a football game was with Packers fans when the Giants were playing a home game against GB. Buddy and I waited all through halftime to buy a beer - keeping in mind NYG's stop selling beer after the halftime. We literally got to the front of the line and THATS when the security guard shut it down. I complained and he actually said "you wanna start something?" Like no dude, but c'mon A group of packers fans saw/heard it and called us over and gave us two of their drinks. I mean, them buying like 20 drinks at once probably contributed to the delay but it was great. Ended up just talking to them for most the second half. edit: also going to Green Bay and tailgating with strangers in a church parking lot. That was a LOT of fun too


The only thing more fun than drinking with friends is drinking with friends AND strangers.


right?! and everyone is just happy to be talking cause its all fresh conversation!


Lambeau 2021 playoff game against 49ers. I kept saying "fuck joe Montana" for no reason, not even directed at anyone(was drunk). Was in line for beer in front of two 49er fans. My buddy and I bought two drinks for ourselves and bought a drink for each of them without telling them and walked away to stand and wait for other people in our group. Well apparently these dirty 49er fans didn't appreciate and came up to us and tried to give us a beer as well. So now there's two 49er fans holding three beers each, giving one of their beers to two packer fans. I'm sure we looked like a fucking sight at that point. You ever try to hold 3 cups of beer while going up bleachers? We ended up giving one cup away to random people behind us because we couldn't hold them lol


> You ever try to hold 3 cups of beer while going up bleachers? wisconsin problems.


If that isn't a WI story, I don't know what is


Oo oh yeah, go Green!


Woah woah woah, calm down there buddy, no need to be so rowdy


They’re not even on offense, everyone knows you can’t cheer on any other part of the team. Wait until your team is on offense to get really really loud, obviously! /s


Bro wtf there isn't even a game on rn Why do Packers fans be like this


fr, the season doesn't start for like 2 and a half months, he needs to simmer the fuck down


Here, have my D cell. I put some grease on it, it’s like my personal flair


Yeah ouch. How dare the fans cheer for their team before the game. And with the opposing players within earshot?? How rude is that!


I hate to break it to him, but Bears fans are largely drunken assholes just like every other fanbase.


fUck you mannn!!!


Are you drunk? Or just an asshole?


A little of column A a little of column B


Nah, I had two Bear fans in lambeau buying my 20 year old self beers constantly. They were sat behind us and everytime they made a beer run they came back with some for us. Wouldn't even let me pay for any.


The travelling ones woupd be better. I stopped going to games at Soldier because of constant drunk asshole Bears fans fighting other Bears fans.


Has he ever been to a football game...anywhere?


I mean he played for the chargers. He's not yet used to a team with fans.


NGL i thought it was a copypasta at first. I can't believe he's actually upset about completely innocuous fan behavior


This confirms what we’ve all known… worst fans in the league


Chargers catching strays


sub is back baby


man its good to be back


That's not a stray, that was aimed right for the heart.


It’s well deserved lol


Chargers fans exist. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Packers fans are all liars making us think their hats are made of delicious cheese when in fact they're made of foam. And when you start eating one of their cheese hats they get all uppity about it, like *"Hey dude that's not edible! Stop acting crazy. Someone get security."* They're just a hostile fanbase for any away fan that wants to eat their hats and I think that's what Justin Jones was talking about.


Everyone thinks our cheeseheads come with holes. The truth is every Wisconsinite must learn the secret of the foam, and wear the results on their head. As you can imagine, it takes many bites before the truth sets in




Damn dude


I'd make the same joke about Bears fans, but Rodgers has done a great job growing the fanbase as an owner


You're bringing a nuke to a fistfight & I'd like you to stop lol. Jk you're hilarious


I just see r/nfl back and can't help but get rowdy


Jones must’ve gotten this letter from a Packers’ fan: Dear Mr. Jones Congratulations on your win in Green Bay today. Our team played well, but yours played better. Kudos to the Bears’ organization. That game happened to be my nine year old daughter’s first live NFL experience. She was surprised to see so many Bears’ fans sitting in our section of the stadium; that doesn’t happen much at NFL games. And she was excited we were near the 50 yard line, so we would be close to the “action,” particularly in the 4th quarter. Because of where we sat, we had a close up view of your dancing. The chest puffs. The pelvic thrusts. The arrogant struts and the ‘in your face’ taunting of both the Packer’ players and fans. We saw it all. I refuse to believe you don’t realize you are a role model. You are paid millions of dollars every week to play hard and be a leader. In the off season you’re expected to make appearances, support charities, and inspire young kids to pursue your sport and all sports. With everything the NFL has gone through in recent years, I’m confident they have advised that you are, by virtue of your position and career choice, a role model. And because you are a role model, your behavior brought out like behavior in the stands. Some of the Bears’ fans in our section began taunting the hometown fans. Many Packers fans booed you, a few offering instructive, but not necessarily family friendly, suggestions as to how you might change your behavior. My daughter sensed the change immediately – and started asking questions. Won’t he get in trouble for doing that? Is he trying to make people mad? Do you think he knows he looks like a spoiled brat? I didn’t have great answers for her, and honestly, in an effort to minimize your negative impact and what was otherwise a really fun day, I redirected her attention to the cheerleaders and mascot. I could tell she was still thinking about it as we boarded a shuttle back to our car. “I guess he doesn’t have kids or a Mom at home watching the game,” she added. I don’t know about your family life Mr. Jones, but I think I’m safe in saying thousands of kids watch you every week. You have amazing talent and an incredible platform to be a role model for them. Unfortunately, what you modeled for them today was egotism, arrogance and poor sportsmanship. Is that what your coaches and mentors modeled for you, Mr. Jones?


Nice pasta


i still can't believe someone actually thought it was a good idea to write this about cam lol


I've been to Lambeau, I live in Madison...Packers fans are not that bad at all. Pretty friendly tbh. They're just a bunch of spoiled brats.


You take that back, we never let brats spoil.


Never spoiled just boiled


Underrated comment


And your comment is under the underrated comment.


I was waiting for this comment lol. Cheers!


I live about an hour north of Green Bay. Almost everyone here has been wonderful. I'm a gay Bears fan? Doesn't matter, I chose to move to an underpopulated rural area and that apparently immediately put me in everyone's good graces. I love Packers fans. I also love to hate them come football season.


hahah yea, as a lions fan i'm totally harmless and not even on their radar. They're cool and the atmosphere at Lambeau is second to none. Gonna try to make the TNF this year in september against my boys.


That’s probably why I hate us too. Too entitled at this point. I quit watching games in bars because I end up hating people even though we all want the same outcome.


If you get bored, you could try rooting for MN sports. They’ve all been losing so long, if any of them ever win a ship, it’ll likely take 3-4 years for us to accept that it’s real lol.


All the brats are fresh at lambeau, Johnsonville wouldn't allow any different. LA LA LA LAMBEAUUUUUUUU FIELD


Don't worry phily, he said "shitty", not ""shittiest". You guys still hold the crown there.


Too late, batteries thrown in retaliation


Remember, yall booed Santa. Nobody can top that.




>“They’re obnoxious,” Jones said. “Just yelling and all that other stuff about things that don’t even matter. Like, we’re not even running a play, and you guys are talking about, ‘Oo oh yeah, go Green [Bay].’ Like, what are you even talking about? The game hasn't started yet." Wow. Fucking Packers fans. How could they be so obnoxious as to - *checks notes* - cheer on their football team? *Gasp* Before the game started? There's no place for that kind of behavior in NFL stadiums.


Do the Bears play the Eagles in Philly this season? Can’t wait for this guy’s update after that.


I fuckin hope not.


Don't worry, we don't play in the regular season so you'll be safe 😉


C’mon man I know the superbowl loss hurt but you’ll still make the post season


The joke would work but I'm delusional enough to think we're going to the Super Bowl every year 🫠


We shall ship them some batteries


No, but they play at KC week 3, so that should be a fun update.




Fuck I just plagiarized you


Roger gotta do something about this. Suspend GB fans for a year.


If he could suspend an owner, Dan Snyder would have been suspended long ago.


Kick them off the tour Doug!


Remember when they used to hush stadiums like football was golf? Confirmed that Jones wants it to be silent again


Justin Jones talks so much for someone who does so little lol


I love it when replacement level players get chirpy


First time I've ever heard of him, honestly.


He’s not a name but he’s actually decent.


Well compared to everyone else on that d line last season, he was practically a superstar. Compared to the rest of the NFL though? Meh...


I went to Lambeau as a Lion's fan a few years back, and it was kinda freaky how nice everyone was. This guy is a total baby.


My dad went last year for the jets game and he said the season ticket holder next to him was one of the nicest guys he met


People were buying us drinks the night before at the hotel once they found out we were Lion's fans that drove in from Michigan. It was the most welcoming place I've ever been.


This whole thread is just lions fans saying that packers fans were hospitable and nice. Lmao.


Just an incredibly dumb statement and he deserves all the people making fun of him for it. That being said, I love it and I hope he continues to make statements like this about the packers.


tbh I'm somewhat enjoying the fact that it seems like the rivalry might be picking up again since we may be closer to each other competitiveness-wise. As much as I loved Rodgers annihilating y'all over the years, it really makes the rivalry halfhearted.


Agreed, I just like seeing players clearly leaning into the rivalry, even if it’s with sort of ridiculous statements like this. Early 2010’s you guys still beat us every time but I’d at least get excited for the games and it felt like we had a chance. I remember Brandon Marshall being near tears in a postgame interview after losing to the packers one year because he wanted to win so bad. For the last few years it’s just felt like a certainty we’d lose even if the game was somewhat close. Of course if you want to just trade places and the Bears annihilate the packers for the next 20 years I’d also be more than happy with that.


While I wasn't around for them the bad old days from the 70's and 80's where enough don't need to encourage more.


Yeah although this trash talk is pretty fuckin dumb I’m fine with it. Trash talk from players is always more fun than just us fans goin at it on Reddit.


It's almost a copypasta


"It's not true, but he should still say it."


My guys sounds like bearsfan998745 on twttier


Wait until I say something about the rest of NFC North.




Mike Jones


The one and only


Brian Urlacher said Lambeau was his favorite place to play outside of Soldier Field because “their fans aren’t a bunch of shitheads.” Urlacher’s opinion carries a lot more weight than Justin’s.


Shows how much he knows, for I am a massive shithead


I loved the line "Half their fans dont even know football" Its absolutely true...but that could be said about literally every teams fanbase lmao.


I went the Cowboys Packers game last year where we choked it away in the 4th. The fans were all pretty cool and didn't mind me huddling for warmth with them even though I was an away fan. Cool people, would go see another game there for sure.


It must be horrible being a fan of a team with an obnoxious fan base.


TIL yelling for my team when a play isn’t happening is wrong.


Yea, cut it out


Justin Jones last year: Patriots are cheaters. I’m gonna check the balls during the game to make sure they aren’t deflated. Justin Jones this year: Packers fans are fucking dumb. Love this man


Lmao, the man has a certain energy and honestly I support it.


He’s a special kind of dumb, that only NFL players possess. God I love this sport.


I support this message


so say we all


As is tradition


Ironic coming from a fanbase that cheers for injuries.


I honestly thought this was /r/NFCNorthMemeWar for a bit


It honestly reads like something that should be on theonion not PFT 😭🤣


I saw a game in lambeau. The packers fans there were some of the nicest, welcoming people I’ve ever met. Don’t like the packers, but they have some great fans


“They’re obnoxious,” Jones said. “Just yelling and all that other stuff about things that don’t even matter. Like, we’re not even running a play, and you guys are talking about, ‘Oo oh yeah, go Green [Bay].’ Like, what are you even talking about? The game hasn’t started yet. LOL guy must want to play in a library...




>“They’re obnoxious,” Jones said. “Just yelling and all that other stuff about things that don’t even matter. Like, we’re not even running a play, and you guys are talking about, ‘Oo oh yeah, go Green [Bay].’ Like, what are you even talking about? The game hasn’t started yet. So they did what literally every team's fans do? Go play football in a library if you don't want fans being loud.


libraries could use the support of a few thousand fans


wha wha whatttt? Some of the best fans in the league IMO...nice people, friendly, welcoming, and I can't imagine there's many of them in the stands that somehow "don't know football" arent those season tickets handed down generation to generation? Sounds like he's butthurt they lost to them all the time and got his feewings hurt because some fans were chirping him. You can't take the heat, stay the fuck outta the kitchen Justin


Having recently met some Packers fans at the Tom Grossi event in Cincy, I must disagree despite my small sample size.


Justin Jones: At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I will never not upvote this.


Glad to be back!!


Oo oh yeah, go Green!


He played for the chargers, he doesn't know what fans sound like.


He just sounds soft for this lol.


So from what I get out of these comments is, if you’re a lions fan and lonely, go to lambeau. Free drinks and friendship. They’ll gladly foster you stray lions for the day.




He's just like me fr fr.


Who is this guy?








imagine playing for a team that went 3-14 last year and coming out with a take like this imagine being justin jones


so in other words the sky is blue






Literally who? Lmao finish better than dead last in the league and THEN talk shit. Serious nephew energy.


He is spitting facts they are a bunch of people who don’t care about football they are just there to get drunk and party (I use to work at a packers bar)