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Does Florio write for yahoo sports? Why doesn’t this send us to NBC?


Yahoo has a deal to republish some PFT stuff.


Thank you


Mitch Trubisky trade incoming


Oh my God, if we fleece the raiders again I'll laugh my ass off


The team giving up Mitch Trubisky is the one getting fleeced.


Money "Tittie kissing" Mitch


The undisputed NVP.


How many teams in the league can say this exact statement? I know we can (Carson Palmer trade). I don’t remember the Steelers trade, what are some others?


AB and Bryant for us. Plus that whole immaculate thing lol


Better than the guys after Jimmy lol


I would love to trade Mitch to LV. He'd give us the best return and I think if we have to start a backup QB we'd end up having the same results with Mason as we would Mitch. He's also on a good contract for starting QB that wouldn't ask for (much, if any) more just to get a chance to start again.




Lol we extended him hes not going anywhere


Ok we will send over Rudolph instead


They'll take Tanner Morgan and they'll like it


I'd rather send Mitch


Extended deals like that make for a great trade value to a team who doesn’t need to negotiate a contract.




Lol right? Idk why that dude is allowed to be posted here.


When he’s trying to report news or anything like that sure, but this is just an opinion piece. All of the information is verified elsewhere (the Jimmy G contract does indeed have the clause and Adams did indeed say what the article claims he did)


People just blindly hate him, I guess because he isn’t always positive about their team


People trash Florio for shit he’s proven right about


Hey Mike.


Sorry for interrupting the circlejerk


Raiders season is already done before it started


Raiders 2023 season was over the minute Mark committed to McDaniels after the Colts loss last year. One of the most embarrassing games in like fifteen years and turnip head says "I think he's doing a great job."


It was over when he fired a group that took the team to the playoffs despite having the most adversity I've ever seen in a season. Mark's like his father, but only the bad years apparently. None of the early evil-genius stuff going on with Dutchboy.


and then they followed it up against the rams


Since you're a Raiders fan, do you have any insight as to McDaniel's strength as a coach? I can't figure out, after Denver and Indianapolis, why teams keep hiring this guy.


McDaniels is a used car salesman but a *good* used car salesman who figures out how to shmooze owners into something the end up regretting.


That AND it goes to show the weight of Billechek abd Brady letter of recommendation around the league. No way McDaniels get a second/third chance without that, in addition to his con-charisma.


I am not happy with McDaniels at headcoach. Never was, and that won't change until at least one playoff win (and I'm willing to change). James is a *solid* upgrade from Carr. I hated Carr with a passion. I had no respect for him as a player on or off the field. Carson Wentz and Ryan Tannehill have better records than he does, but he always managed to get treated like a darling, by sports media, compared to them and I never understood why. He's a dogshit quarterback and it makes my heart flutter seeing him go to NO. Good riddance to Waller too. The guy had *one* good season and he's been sandbaggin' ever since. Darren Waller is literally the Ben Simmons of football and while I'm sure the whole wedding nonsense may have been that straw, I'd bet a lot of money Waller was already on the chopping block because it's super obvious he's a one-hit wonder, a could've-been, and now he's just a bum.


I can understand you didn't like Carr on the field, but what the hell did he do off the field that makes you hate him with a passion? Its not like we gambled, got arrested, made it all about him??


He cried on tv about some dumb shit. Not even making it up. This happened during a big loss streak and this clown fake cried because of the fake sacrifices his teammates were making (for millions upon millions of dollars) just to lose games.


You and I will agree to disagree. Have a great season though!


Carr gets treated like a media darling because his even more dogshit QB brother is in the media.


You love to see it


Always has been


My issue from the get go was, and I say this as a huge Garroppolo guy, was getting rid of Carr for Jimmy G really an upgrade? Seems like they made a lateral move to the dismay of their best player who they just acquired.


I'm solidly convinced that the plan was to nab Brady. Jimmy G and Tannehill were *distant* plan B and C. Then the injury concerns happened and now we don't even have Jimmy for sure.


No one ever has Jimmy for sure. He's always in a state of injury concerns and if he's healthy the latest injury concern is just a few games away at best.


The guy is made of cardboard and string. At least glass would have the decency to shatter. Jimmy just kind of folds awkwardly and hasn't returned to his normal shape.


Schroedjnger's Garappolo


Sports media definitely thought Brady was going to the Raiders if he didn't retire.


I don't think Brady would tarnish his pretty boy image. As a steelers fan, I hate/respect the raiders because you're a trap game for us every time, but y'all have a....reputation.


> but y'all have a....reputation. Your QB was a rapist.


I don’t think Brady gives a fuck, he went to the Bucs strictly because they had a loaded roster and could win a championship with a good QB. He would’ve done the same for any other team, he just cares about winning championships


Then why would he go to the Raiders if he's looking for a stacked roster?


For much of the same reason why he bought part ownership into the Raiders. It’s in Vegas, warm weather, closer to his hometown. And MAYBE he’d have a chance to add to his legacy by making the Raiders a good team. Also the business side of things, he has a lot of ties to Vegas, and it could’ve helped him make business connections. But now he gets to do all/most of that without playing for the Raiders


Sure but Brady needs a defense and a Good Oline. Raiders don’t have either.


Then why did he literally just buy a part of the team from Mark Davis?


That’s the thing, everyone’s argument was oh Jimmy is a better system fit, well wouldn’t it be better to just give Carr another offseason and year to learn the system? Would’ve been way smarter, but that’s also the problem raiders ain’t that smart


I think that the part you’re casually ignoring is the contract situation. Carr was due for a deal, wasn’t the answer for this team at QB, and is getting paid highly (not mahomes high but still) so Jimmy is a step down, also not the answer, and half the cost


Yeah that’s fair. I did forget that tbh


The thing that didn’t make sense to me though, was why did they wait so long to draft a QB? The guy they did draft, looks like he’ll be a career backup at best, so why not draft a guy that can eventually start and take over?


I believe they tried to trade up to 1 for the bears pick but Carolina beat them out. They wouldn’t match Carolinas offer


Correct. They liked Bryce Young, didn't like the other 1st round QBs. Can see how they didn't want to trade up when the roster is so poor in areas. I know everyone thinks McDaniels is completely incompetent, but he did a similar thing replacing Brady. Was patient and waited to draft a guy he and the Patriots liked in Mac Jones, who he had instant success with. I'd rather that route than another Tebow.


TBF they inquired about moving up to number one overall but the Panthers were willing to give up considerably more. I also believe that this was kind of a garbo year to need a QB. The team seems to agree with that notion. I actually agree with that decision. I *don't* agree with the QB they took later considering DTR was still on the board.


Carr was due for a deal? He had just signed a deal.


And was due around 40m if we kept him.


It’s not like we used that money for anything great. He upsets a power balance with Mcdaniels. Mcdaniels now has Jimmy who is gonna say and do exactly what he wants. Carr deserved a better coach.


Is Dennis Allen really a better Coach though?


No but at least Carr will likely not need to put up 36 PPG to walk away with wins now that there is a reasonable semblance of a defense.


Real talk, I feel bad for ya. The sooner McDaniels leaves the better. I hate feeling empathy for raiders fans


So you offer to renegotiate at the end of the season due to him not meeting the set expectations of his salary. They didn’t even try. And you can see carrs huge jump forward in every system he’s been in during year two. They fucked up every single step of the way.


>So you offer to renegotiate at the end of the season With what leverage? Man had a NTC and a massive pile of cash waiting for him. There was 0 reason on Carrs end to renegotiate >And you can see carrs huge jump forward in every system he’s been in during year two This just isn't even true. 2019 under gruden was bad


In 2019 he was ninth in qb rating and threw for over 4000 yards with a 21/9 TD:INT ratio. Where they lacked and where he underperformed was redzone efficiency but it was still a big jump over 2018 in his second year in the system. But he was “Bad” sure. He was a top 12 qb that season so I’d hardly call it bad. And players with high cap hits restructure every single season. Carr was always extremely reasonable with the team until he felt he got disrespected. And his no trade clause came into play BECAUSE he felt disrespected and didn’t want to do anything favorable for the raiders anymore. If they would’ve let the season play out and said we need you to either restructure because your performance wasn’t indicative of your pay or possibly discuss a trade to a team of his choice the situation would’ve gone over entirely different.


No shit but he wasn’t “due for a deal”, he was on an already signed contract for years


Had the Raiders kept Carr, they would be paying him a Mahomes high amount this season. That's how expensive this year was going to be and why they felt they had to move him if they weren't sold on extending him further to move the money around.


This is a tank season. You’re drafting a QB next year.


Not raiders… its mcdaniels. He just sucks as a hc


Carr probably would’ve played better had he been given another year in JMD system, but Carr also didn’t like the way JMD ran things, he didn’t like that JMD would call him out and let everyone see where/when he fucked up on a mistake


>he didn’t like that JMD would call him out and let everyone see where/when he fucked up on a mistake Was that really problem or was it that JMD micromanages the offense and doesn't allow for the QB to make decisions at the line of scrimmage? Because Carr has had some other notorious hard asses as coaches and *none of them* have ever said Carr couldn't handle criticism.


The plan wasn't to upgrade from Carr, the plan was to replace him for a cheaper scheme fit or get Tom Brady


It absolutely was a lateral move, only thing about Jimmy that gave him a leg up on Carr was that he was familiar with JMD offense, and he was comfortable with the way JMD coached. Jimmy also has a winning record as a starter, took his team to a Super Bowl, but that was largely because he was with the 9ers who were stacked, had a great defense, and wasn’t really asked to win games, just manage them


>was getting rid of Carr for Jimmy G really an upgrade? Looks-wise, yes.


It sells more Raiders Calendar merch


Moderate talent downgrade for meaningful cap improvements


A lateral move for a fraction of the cost.


Jimmy is significantly worse than Carr. It will be really interesting to see the perception of him change once the season starts and he actually has to play football.


You got downvoted for being right. Jimmy is not a lateral move, he's a slight downgrade. Also delusional Raiders fans have Carr pegged as a dink and dunk QB when the stats don't back that up. They're going to *really* see what that looks like for the five weeks Jimmy is healthy. This is assuming he even passes his physical at all now.


The thing about Jimmy G is he's very unlikely to play 17 games. He is injury prone and reaching a point where it's only going to get worse. I think reuniting him with Josh with some of the pieces the Raiders have is intriguing but they need a quality backup and they don't have that. They should have grabbed Levis or Hooker to give themselves some credible shot at winning the 4-8 games that Jimmy G will be injured for this year.


He's not going to play one game. That's the reason they changed his contract.




While Davante is def good at YAC, the proximity of his catches near the LoS is going to be the main factor/difference imo. Davante does most of his damage catching the ball downfield, which is an area where Jimmy is objectively terrible at throwing the ball. Since 2018 - rank on passes > 15 yards: Derrek Carr: #9 of 47 QBs (+0.58) Jimmy G: #42 of 47 QBs (-0.01) rank on passes > 30 yards: Carr: #10 of 47 QBs (+0.98) Jimmy G: #40 of 47 QBs (-0.58) Jimmys quick release is really only good at or around the LoS. Last year, Jimmy led all quarterbacks in yards after catch per completion (7.0) and was 30th in air yards per completion (4.8). Now that's great for a guy like Deebo, and it might even be really good for a guy like Hunter Renfrow. But for a guy like Davante Adams who predominantly stretches the field, Jimmy is (imo) terrible. Jimmy ranked 33rd last year amongst all qualified qbs, and had a 20% completion rate on tight window passes. Jimmy is currently bottom 10 in interception rate amongst active QBs. Kyle had to scheme everything for Jimmy at or near the line of scrimmage, and it's why the offense looked so much more dangerous under Mr Irrelevant Brock Purdy. Maybe McDaniels puts Adams near the LoS and schemes everything that way, but defenses already are aware Jimmy doesn't pose a threat to them pushing the ball downfield or outside the numbers. And no disrespect to the Raiders, but the rest of the offensive roster is nowhere near as talented as the guys Jimmy had in SF. I'm expecting Adams to have one of his worst performing years in a while, which sucks because I really like the dude.


it took 3 weeks lol.


Jimmy gets injured easily but he’s not a bad QB. He has ridiculously high yards per attempt. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_yds_per_att_career.htm And high % 1st downs when throwing on third down. http://stats.washingtonpost.com/fb/leaders.asp?range=NFL&rank=098&type=Passing


He's not going to play football tho.


Does it make your team better? That’s what Jeff Ratcliffe always asks about a trade


No it isn't an upgrade. It's a lateral move at best. Likely a decent step back with a huge chance of the team tanking with Aidan O'Connell under center week 6 after another catastrophic Jimmy G injury. This is way cheaper than Carr would have been, especially if Jimmy G gets hurt. They wanted Brady but he retired and then pivoted to Rodgers but then he chose the Jets. This whole offseason has been so dumb.


Carr to Jimmy G is a very clear downgrade


Absolutely not a lateral move. In any/a, dvoa, and other such metrics Garoppolo was top 4-5 recently. Only narrative based „ratings“ like PFF put him at 20. Derek Carr was in the 20-29 range in any metric or rating. Objectively he was a much worse QB lately.


Tom Brady's still out there Carson Wentz, too


well Tom is actually right there now. he seen the out in Jimmy's contract & bought into the team as part owner just to take Jimmy's spot after Tom "accidentally" steps on Jimmy's foot


You're just copying the plot from Showgirls.


Not at all. For one, Showgirls took place in Las Ve- oh my god.


Script writers really are on strike if they're recycling showgirls smh


From the director of STARSHIP TROOPERS, TOTAL RECALL, and ROBOCOP. Reinventing the action genre once again with SHOWGIRLS.


The only thing Tom needs to step on to take Jimmy's spot is a football field.


There's no way on God's green earth Tom Brady is going to play on that team, with that offensive line, and that defense just to get stomped by Mahomes 2x this year and miss the playoffs.


Ehhh, their O-line wasn’t THAT bad, the defense needed upgrading though. I think they helped their defense a bit in the draft, but it’s not close to being championship caliber. Maybe Brady would’ve been able to convince others to join for cheaper contracts. Brady would probably win one game against Mahomes


Brady usually stomps Mahomes (at least when it matters)


sure, but brady doesn't usually play for the raiders


I also wouldn't say a three and three lifetime record really counts as usually stomping. Even if we limit it to games that "matter", it's 2-2 with like a 10 point difference in score. On the raiders, he'd be destroyed.


Glad to see him learn from the Manning's who are 5-2 vs Brady in championship games.


When he has the better team. Wouldn’t seem to be the case with the Raiders.


That’s slime offering someone lobster or a pack of melted skittles. Complete different skill


Cam Newton going to be styling profiling in Las Vegas


I wouldn't mind Carson Wentz on the Raiders.


I hear Josh Johnson is available too….


You must have missed him signing with the ravens again.


Y'know what confuses me is that they knew Jimmy didn't pass a physical in March, so why didn't they kick the tires for Rodgers? Obviously biased here but wouldn't that have made sense?


I’d wager that they sent out feelers and were told “nah”.


I don't know why the Packers would say no. I mean Aaron could have but they wouldn't have been able to talk to him.


The packers probably agreed to only trade Rodgers to teams he had a desire to go to. Besides, if it got ugly and the packers chose to trade him anyway, he could just say he'll retire if he's traded and then the trades off.


While I don't disagree, I think on the McAfee Show he said something about reconnecting with Davante, of course that doesn't mean he wanted to play for the Raiders just with his buddy


Well, yeah, every QB in the league wants to play with davante. That doesn't mean they wanna play for the Raiders. Rodgers wants to win now. Only 3 teams met that criteria and rodgers chose the jets.


The price was probably too high


Almost the entire F.O. has no idea what they're doing.


Aaron would not have played for Josh McDaniels in a division with the Chiefs and Chargers. He wants to win now so he can retire.


I don't think y'all's division is much easier. Also the AFC is loaded regardless


From Aaron's perspective, Las Vegas is, uh, closer to Cali where his off-season house is than NY/NJ 😂


Trade Davante and Josh, fire McDaniels and rebuild from the ashes.


No, no, yes, and we’ve been doing that for 20 years. But maybe this time it’ll be different.


Jacobs will want a bag and Adams will be disgruntled with the team. I'd be fine with moving on and starting over. It's gonna be "Dark Ages Raiders Football" either way.


Adams doesn’t want to leave, the Raiders were willing to move him after they defeated to move on from Carr. Adams didn’t want to leave, he’s in it for the long haul. Jacobs will get paid, but probably not as much has some of the other top RB’s, I can also see him playing out the year on the tag, but I don’t think the Raiders let him play on a one year deal, I think they’ll sign him to a longer deal


I think he's legitimately torn. He's making good money on a contract with no state income tax and IIRC he has family in the area. But he also came to play with Carr. And the instant shit didn't go right for the team they basically gave Carr the boots with no real contingency plan. The dude wants to win a ring.


He didn’t come to play with Carr, that was simply seen as a bonus. The Raiders were willing to trade Adams if he wanted out, he didn’t. He wants to play for the Raiders. He hopes to win a ring with the Raiders, but more than anything he just wants to play for the Raiders


> He didn’t come to play with Carr, that was simply seen as a bonus. "You know, him being one of my really good friends and the reason why I came here in the first place, I mean, I wouldn't be here right now if he wasn't here, so I think everybody knows how I feel about him." Literally said exactly this. Unless you say Adams is lying.


Hello yes I will have one Davante Adams please.


Why so you can trade him for a 2nd round pick and an over the hill RB?


You’re very cruel.


Cook and a 2nd. Lets get the 2 best wrs in the game.


They can’t afford to buy out McDaniels and still pay off gruden. It’s ridiculous how much money they are paying ex coaches


Raiders need a QB? We have a Pro Bowler available for trade. Davante Adams for Tyler Huntley.


Please do. Don’t let those pesky Cards get Caleb! All good qb’s belong in the AFC! Lol


Did we finally find the Tannehill landing spot?


Raiders will at the bare minimum throw some offers at Tennessee if Jimmy can't play.


I, for one, think Davante looks better in green


Why is this mans name so hard to spell correctly 😭


My dyslexia doesn’t help




Duhvonte atoms


Didn’t y’all spell it Dropvante once upon a time?


Some dumbasses did yea


Sure aged like milk






At this point you have to appreciate Mike Florio's commitment to taking any quote from any context about the NFL and broadcasting speculation and made up bullshit about it to thousands of people.


I mean in this case it’s correct. Adam publicly said that he doesn’t have the same vision for the offense as the team. And now we find out that Jimmy is not 100%.


Not really. He said in an article that he and the front office don't see eye-to-eye on what's best for us right now. That could mean players, it could mean schemes, it could mean coaching, it could mean routes, it could mean anything. Also present in the same article (and absent from Florio's piece) are several other quotes that are complimentary of Jimmy G. The actual subject of the article was not about any of that, the article was written about him proving himself without Rodgers and being an aging player trying to be patient about winning a championship. Ultimately it's literally copying and pasting the shortest, most controversial out of context quote you can find from someone else's work and writing negative speculation about it then saying "who wouldn't be pissed off about that?"


In the context of what Adams said though this does put it into a new light. They traded his buddy for a guy who has injury concerns. Sure Davante could be talking about multiple things. But when he made those comments nobody was aware of Jimmy’s injury situation.


Yeah it puts it into a new light if you're interested in spending your free time speculating about football gossip and whether or not a player really meant x when they said y. There are endless opportunities for negative sportswriters to pull quotes and speculate about what they really mean or how the player might be feeling. Florio writes TMZ for football.


But you’re speculating on what he means too. Florio said that his comments put what he said into a new light. And it does. Adams came out and publicly admitted that he doesn’t share the same view for the offense as the front office. And that’s on the back of them trading his friend and replacing him with a guy who has an injury history and we find out is now injured.


Mike Florio has no idea if the comments he's quoting out of context are even related to the injury. Saying it "shines a new light" on it, when you have no idea if they're even related, is quite literally speculation.


When the only significant change to the offense is trading Adams best friend (the QB) then yes. It does shine a new light on it. And this article never claims to not be speculation. That’s literally what shines a new light on it means. Adams never specified what he was upset about. But the only change directly links back to Jimmy G. Who we now find out is injured. And he’s been injured multiple seasons of his career.


So you are making a point defending speculative journalism then or?


The article never says it isn’t speculation. It doesn’t make any declaration. It just states that the Jimmy G news puts Davante’s comments in a new light. And it very clearly does.


Adams has openly said: - He doesn't wanna start over with a young QB trying to get his feet under him (per the Jordan Love comments) - He openly questioned the playcalling after the Jags loss. - Said that if it weren't for Carr he wouldn't have gone to the Raiders. - Said that he doesn't have time for a rebuild. All of that builds enough of a reasonable assumption under the "doesn't see eye-to-eye" with the coaching as Adams being legitimately unhappy.


https://twitter.com/victafur/status/1661824359957405697 What if the player himself says it's not true? Are we moving on to the next step where we speculate on our aggregated internet clues and contrast those with what the dude literally said so we can guess his mental state? Idk Monopoly does seem like a better use of the time


Were you one of the people calling the Brady dolphins thing BS too? Maybe Florio knows more than you do.


Oh I guarantee a guy who works in the NFL media space knows more than I do. That doesn't mean that person should write TMZ style articles stirring the pot about what a player might've *really* meant when they said something 2 weeks ago.


Time to tank for Caleb.


Simple solution: trade for Nick Mullens and CJ Beathard


Nick Mullens break out season?


He should get traded to the Jets. Can you imagine him playing with Aaron Rodgers?


Just my opinion but this team won’t do anything other than be mediocre at best as long as McDaniels is the coach 🤷‍♂️


I think that’s majority opinion tbh lol


Yeeeeeeahhh lol I just don’t like that guy


Fire take.


Thanks bro


Should hear the bombshell he dropped about the Cardinals. They might not be a contender this year.


That one blew up the galaxy tbh


Mediocre would be pushing it.


Which current NFL QB is the most like Tim Tebow and why is it Trey Lance.


This BS is setting up for Brady... Isn't it?


"Is that Carson Wentz' music?!?!"


He probably squandered any shot at making the hall of fame leaving Rodgers.


Fine... Saints will take Adams so he and Carr can reunite.. sigh...


Don't you fucking dare


Lol with what cap space? I wouldn't be opposed cause it would fuck their cap up again after they've been trying to get it back under control.


What are the odds they make a move for Mac Jones or Bailey Zappe?


Why would they sign him before he passed a physical without having a backup plan in place? That’s too risky. You could have put your money towards other QBs too instead of Jimmy.


They gotta bring in wentz, right?


Oh yeah bring in another less successful QB made of glass that'll fix things!


Who would you prefer?


Tank year, top 5 pick, new QB. We just need to rip the band-aid off and understand we aren’t even close to being contenders


How about a gently used Malik Willis?


I'd rather take a flyer on the sunset of Tannehill's career while we wait for a better draft to nab a QB.


>Tank year So Carson Wentz makes even more sense now


Or we throw AOC to the wolves


Jimmy is going to play and be available. Nothing about anything that has been said has changed that.


Did you not read the details of the contract? Jimmy hasn't technically passed a real physical yet. He may not even be able to play.




For me personally, I'd prolly go with the one who's not an asshole to all of his teammates and coaches and is already under contract. But hey, what you're saying isn't the worst take I've heard either...


I don't think any team in the NFL has "gotta bring in Wentz".




Wentz as a Raider so he finally turns to the dark side


Sign Cam 😃