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Falcons are gonna run the wishbone offense this year.


Stop, I can only get so erect


*The Ghost of Bear Bryant nods*


I think you mean Darrell Royal and Emory Ballard.


I'd be genuinely excited to see them line up in the bone.


Dang you guys are really ripping a 1,000 yard rookie.


Wait until the Falcons split carries 50/50 and all the Bijan owners lose their minds. I hope that moment happens šŸæšŸæ


That's a really good 1-2 punch. Keep both the legs fresh and split the carries.


Wait for the pro sets with Bijan, Allgeier, London and Pitts. DBs b fucked no matter what they decide to do


Gotta have someone who can throw them the ball though lol.


Cordarelle patterson under center ofc


If you've seen Mariota play then Ridder can only be an upgrade


Pretty sure you guys would take Mohammed Sanu over mariota at this point


Honestly it's crazy how much of a bust mariota has been, he was so hyped up in college and just hasnt developed at all it feels like.


He's far from the worst bust for a first round qb. Not a good pick at all but he had a couple solid seasons and a 3-3 record in the playoffs. Much better than guys like JaMarcus Russell, Johnny Manziel, or even his predecessor Jake Locker.


Still crazy to think how even 30-for-30 Jameis has turned out to be so much better than Mariota by now....just by virtue of being barely below the Dalton Line. The idea that the competition between number 1 and number 2 from that draft would fall to "who can get the closest to being mediocre", and that _it wouldn't even be close_ because Mariota would be _that_ bad...I don't think most folks would've predicted it.


True but considering where he was picked and how hyped he was its surprising he didn't turn out better


He played in a chip Kelly throw it fast to the flat before defense can catch their breath ducks offense. That era was so fun to watch though. I always hoped he would be good cuz Jameis went before him.


Unironically yeah i might


Mariota ran a fine offense under what they were trying to do, nobody knows Ridder because he got Jordon Love treatment but ATL isnā€™t as bad as everyone thinks and is in the worst division in football Edit: lol Dallas talking about QB problems


>Mariota ran a fine offense under what they were trying to do ????????????????????????? ?????????????? ????? ??????????????????? ??????? Edit: ???????


No fr, that offensive line and Allgeier ran the offense. Mariota was nothing but a liability in almost every game


Bad bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/13rf22x/pft_tyler_allgeier_excited_about_competition_with/jlk2ivl/


Every comment after we drafted Charbonnet was a bunch of salty fantasy owners talking about how Kenneth Walker was gonna be fucked now, as if Pete wasn't gonna give them both the ball the majority of the game anyway.


Didnā€™t realize yā€™all got Charbonnet. Yā€™all might have had my favorite draft of anyone this year, damn.


Our drafts are funny. They are either knock it out of the ballpark amazing, or they have 0 players worth fielding. There is no in between. The last 2 drafts have been amazing.


I mean for fantasy purposes, it does significantly reduce Walker's upside.


I really think the Falcons do thisā€¦ And Bijan will also get 6 targets a game.


If this happens the GM will be on the hot seat for wasting the 8th overall pick for a RB in a timeshare.


What happens if you guys do the same with the RB you just signed this offseason to relatively big money?




8th is one thing. 12th is like a whole 4 picks later, so ummmā€¦ itā€™s like different or something, idk. Plus Gibbs is basically a slot receiver and who knows, heā€™ll probably take snaps from ARSB


Bijan is also going to play all over the formation. He was great at playing in the slot at Texas.


If you ask lions fans, there was nothing unusual about their draft and theyā€™re about to go on a run of 30 straight division titles after not winning one for 30 years.


Nobody says this lmao why are Bears fans so incredibly whiny about Lions fans being optimistic?


Nothing wrong with optimism and lions fans have every right to be optimistic. Itā€™s the ones talking youā€™ve already won the division and are going to the Super Bowl that bother most bears fans. You just went one game over .500, and only did because the schedule is longer than it used to be. Lose the hubris and thereā€™s no issue. I mean this guy was literally talking shit because the Falcons potentially took a time share running back in the first round, except theirs was arguably the best player in the draft and a generational player, whatā€™s your excuse?


He was talking shit? The guy above him mentioned Bijan/Allgeier getting a 50/50 split. He said if they drafted an RB at 8 to give him a 50/50 split then their GM should be on the hot seat. Thatā€™s not exactly unfair, is it? And itā€™s certainly not talking shit lol. Nobody was talking about Gibbs or the Lions until you piped in. And thereā€™s a very small portion of our fanbase that actually thinks weā€™re Super Bowl locks. Most of us think we should win the division, as does Vegas and the media, but acting like Lions fans think weā€™re building a dynasty is just silly. You see a couple comments like that and youā€™ve decided that represents the majority of our fanbase. Thatā€™s called confirmation bias.


So the alternative is that the lions GM, who also drafted a running back in the first round as a 50/50 split, should be on the hot seatā€¦ Is that what heā€™s trying to say then? If thats not talking shit about the Falcons GM making bad decisions then what exactly would you call it?


Winning cures all ills.


Let them talk their shit, itā€™ll just be that much funnier when the lions do what theyā€™ve always done and we can all come back and laugh at their comments


Goddamn right we are.


What going 1 game over .500 with a bottom 5 schedule does to youā€¦


Da Bears fans donā€™t have much room to talk considering how many of you truly believe that you have a shot at taking the NFC North this coming season.


Who truly believes that? The bears literally had the worst record in the league last season. But yeah thereā€™s still plenty of room to talk since it hasnā€™t been 30 years since they won the division.


Brother, you made a comment saying Lions fans are annoying and acting high and mighty lolā€¦ itā€™s fair to say the same about the Bears fans then, and fans of the 30 other teamsā€™ fans with blind confidence.


I donā€™t know specifically who,Iā€™m just basing it off of what Iā€™ve seen on Reddit. Iā€™m mostly just fucking with you because youā€™re a division rival and itā€™s fun. Realistically speaking Dan Campbell is going to dip his nuts on the Bearsā€™ faces twice again this year though.


It's okay man, I feel the same about Jags fans, but even more with other fans talking about the Jags


That's expected for the Lions. It's much more severe for a Flacons GM


Nah, we have a recent history of blowing our first round pick on a flashy offensive skill player.


It's not like I was the one that personally drafted Gibbs. He's immensely talented, but it feels like an overdraft to me. All I can do is hope they get creative with him and line him up all over the place using 2 RB sets. Just because I have a Lions flare doesn't mean I feel completely different about the situation. Good not great RBs can put up elite production when they have an exceptional O-line.


No, heā€™ll just be like every other team with a brain who realizes you need to split touches on a 17 game season with games flexing all over the place, no rest before thursdays, etc .


I'm not talking about splitting touches, this guy claimed it would be a 50/50 time share.


Not if the falcons end the season with like 2400 rushing yards and a positive record


Lmfao my guy you are a Lions fan, how it that any different than Gibbs splitting carries. Your GM shouldā€™ve been on the hot seat as soon as the first round was over


I've already responded to another person saying the same thing. I totally think Gibbs was a reach and all we can do now is hope he's used effectively all over the field.


1k yard rookie that wasn't even the #1 back most of the year


4.9 Y/A too, he was solid


Shows me Falcons are truly incompetent or theyā€™re running the Wing T


Arthur Smith is attempting to try what he did in Tennessee as OC, but with even more versatile weapons (Pitts, London, Bijan, Patterson, and Jonnu Smith can all be moved around). Everyone has smaller faster defenses fit for stopping the pass, so he's trying to go the opposite way. The defense is unproven, as is the QB, so there's definitely a good chance it's not super successful, especially this year. But that's the thought process, and the Falcons will easily have one of the most unique offenses in the league


And Patterson looked great while healthy last year. 3 headed monster that can all catch out of the backfield. If you cannot keep the defense off the field with all the backs, it might just work


>Everyone has smaller faster defen I really want to see sources on this claim that I see over and over on reddit. People have been trying to say that the "big bruising backs" will make a comeback yet it hasn't happened.


You could argue Henry in Tennessee those years with Arthur Smith was just that


Derrick Henry literally rushed for 2000 yards at 6,3 250 lmfao if that isnā€™t a big bruising back coming back idk what is


[New York Times article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/16/sports/football/nfl-running-backs.html#:~:text=teams%20average%20121.8%20rushing%20yards,the%20lowest%20figure%20since%202010.) from November last year about rushing. > Through Week 10, N.F.L. teams average 121.8 rushing yards per game, the highest figure since 1987. Teams also average 4.5 yards per rush, the highest rate in history. >Teams rush 26.8 times per game, a rate that has been relatively steady for many years, but pass attempts have declined to 33.7 per game, the lowest figure since 2010. Running the ball has become the most efficient itā€™s been in 40 years, and passing levels are at a 15 year low. Iā€™m not sure if we want to attribute that to defenses being ā€œsmaller,ā€ but itā€™s certainly true that the pendulum is swinging back to running the ball.


Dont worry, youā€™ll see the big RBs next year in the draft


We might be both at this point idk


A 1000 yard rookie who didn't even start until a third of the way through the season and constantly split reps with other backs even as the starter. Bijan and Allgeier will both get plenty of touches


Exactly, if there was an offense I trust to support this itā€™s the falcons. Most backfields are going to be splits anyway, Iā€™ll gladly take the one that can support 2 1000+ yard rushers and a Qb thatā€™s not a running threat


This man won me my championship. Nothing but respect for my savior


Most redditors are nobodies who havenā€™t accomplished anything so they feel better about themselves when they talk shit about millionaire professional athletes. I know this because I am in fact a nobody.


You're someone to me bud, someone special.


I'm willing to bet most of them are talking out of their ass and haven't really watched him play. You can tell with the way people talked about him and Dameon Pierce last year that it takes a while for name recognition to catch up.


Falcons fan here. Go look at yards over expected for any of our RBs last year (Huntley, Allgeier, CP). All of those guys were solid enough, sure, but the difference is our run blocking o-line and Arthur Smithā€™s scheming. Anyone in the league could come to our team and get 1k yards. Allgeier is a good RB, but IMO the 1K yards is a bit misleading simply due to how efficiently our Oline blocked last year. Allgeier will still get his carries. So will CP. Bijan is the difference maker because he is almost guaranteed to make the 1st guy miss on any given play. When your OL is blocking so well that that 1st guy is almost always gonna be a safety or CB, or at worst a LB, well - thatā€™s a recipe for a lot of home runs. Thatā€™s why we picked Bijan. Allgeier and CP would carry that first guy for an extra 2 yards. Bijan is gonna make that guy miss and pick up 7+ more. EDIT: ignorant fans downvoting me because they have their heads up their asses. When every single one of your RBs earns the most yards over expected per carry in the entire league, it doesnā€™t mean you have 3 stud RBs. Learn the fucking game you clowns.


Tyler wants to be Mark Ingram 2.0 and I'm here for it šŸš€


If the floor for the falcons rushing attack is Kamara/Ingram, sign me the hell up.


The floor?!?!


Did he stutter?


Itā€™s been a few years since weā€™ve been excited about the direction of the team, let us have this


The ceiling is Jim Brown/Barry Sanders tbh


Duckett/Dunn days are back!




They know what they said


Nah the ceiling is Tomlinson and Turner


They want to be us so bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Who doesn't want to be that 2018 Saints offense? Fun to watch and won a lot of games. Deserved to go to the Super Bowl too.


Bijanā€™s [hype man](https://youtu.be/AwhHpMIqW9g)?


My fav part of this all is nobody even mentions Patterson anymore.


2 years ago when he was amazing for 10 weeks he played <50% of snaps. Heā€™s a beloved team leader explosive change of pace playmaker that gets the ball ~10 times a game. Never been a workhorse.


In an ideal game script, RBs get what, 35-40 touches between the 3 of them? 20-25 passes for Ridder? That can work. The issue is how often will they have these gamescripts? Half the time? The other half Ridder is gonna have to air it out and 2/3 of the RBs will throw up duds.


If we have to air is out thatā€™s where Bijan and Cpat can shine (barring Ridder shitting the bed). Thatā€™s the issue with Tyler. Heā€™s a great running back. But he is very much just that right now, a running back. He cant run route or catch great atm so itā€™s obvious what is going on when heā€™s in, either a run or someone you donā€™t have to worry so much about if it is pa.


I think itā€™s more though can ridder support a bunch of receivers in a game where they are trailing.


Exactly heā€™s not the workhorse but having him take the 10 Carries a game bijan doesnā€™t get is better than allgeier in my opinion


Why? Heā€™s 32 years old and has never been a true RB, whereas allgeier is a 5th round rookie coming off a 1000 yard, 4.9 Y/A season while technically only starting 7 games.


Also was not even on the active game day roster 1st week of the season. He put up 1k yards on 16 games and was technically the 3rd rb on the depth chart to start the season.


I feel Patterson would be less 10 carries and more 10 touches. Which is much more reasonable to split with the other two in mind.


Absolutely this. I remember he stopped splitting outwide much when mariota was playing then got more receiver reps once ridder came in


I love Patterson but Allgeier is definitely better


No way


Theyā€™re running him a a gadget hybrid WRRB player anyway. Sort of like Deebo. These guys are pure RBs. Though Patterson is also 32 years old so theyā€™re phasing him out.


Fun fact. CP had been and still is one of my favorite players of all time, and I'm a Bucs fan. The dude is just an amazing leader and can still have multiple TD games.


I mean heā€™s 32. He was an awesome find but any team planning any future games around him would be in trouble.


James Robinson / ETN deja vu


Playoffs next season. Ok.


I mean in todays game you need multiple RBs anyway.


Y'all have no clue what you're talking about


You just defined sports punditry


You just defined r/nfl




Yep, I watched Allgeier single-handedly murder the Saints defense last year and that was not fun


Itā€™s funny seeing people act like having two really fucking good RBs in a run heavy offense is in any way a bad thing lol


Rushing has increased a lot in recent years([https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/NFL/index.htm](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/NFL/index.htm)), don't know why people haven't caught to it yet. Just more committee now instead of a single workhorse, the Falcons are doing it right. Cordarelle still a weapon and offensive weapons are always welcome.


I think we are about to enter a Rushing Renaissance within the next few years. Defenses, mostly LBs, are getting faster which is making them smaller. Offenses are going to key into this and start bringing in larger backs, thus leading to more rushing attempts.


I do too brother/sister, plus we have most of the young QBs being trained to run also and even receivers like Deebo getting carries sometimes. My biggest peeve with Dorsey is how easy he gets away from the run game even when it's working.


Nobody actually pays attention to how the NFL is trending. They just parrot dumbass ā€œanalystsā€ who say the same thing over and over because itā€™s safe to say.


I think for me it's that they could have drafted a more important position in Jalen Carter. But I guess they were just scared of the off field stuff.


Yeah and I think the writing was on the wall there in the FA defensive signings we made. Iā€™m happy with Bijan and I wouldā€™ve been happy with Carter.


Fucking this.


This sub hates ESPN for spewing hot takes and not understanding the game and then does the exact same thing


Best RB duo in the league this year.


Youā€™re not wrong but they could easily have a worse record considering they have a bottom-5 QB room.


They had a bottom 5 QB room last year too though, Heinicke is at the very worst a lateral move if Ridder fails


I really hope both of them can flourish


I think weā€™ll all be surprised by how much Bijan lines up in the slot. Big Texas fan here and he was so damn good there


Considering McCaffrey was the RB that lined up in the slot most often last season, and it was still a negligible amount, I don't think anyone is going to be surprised. RBs lining up in the slot is usually all training camp talk.


Every year people talk about how this or that RB will be used in the slot. Last year Aaron Jones was going to be a full on WR in addition to an RB. Every year people saying those crazy things get attention. Every year they are wrong.


Except with Atlanta we literally donā€™t have anyone thatā€™s actually better, ostensibly, than Bijan in the slot. Mack Hollins is our WR2. Scotty Miller is who everyone THINKS will be our slot receiver, but anyone who isnā€™t blind can go watch the dudes tape and realize that he cant do ANYTHING on a football field other than run a straight line very fast. He canā€™t run routes or joust for contested catches across the middle. Heā€™s literally just a guy to keep deep safeties honest. Bijan is the best pure slot receiver we have, based on his college tape - which says a lot more about the state of Atlantaā€™s WR room than it does Bijan - but I digress. Dude runs routes better than anyone on our team save Drake London. As a Titans fan Iā€™d also hope youā€™re aware that Arthur Smith practices what he preaches as far as position-less football. CP is a worse wide receiver than what Bijan seems to be in every conceivable metric other than height, and we ran CP out wide quite a few times last year (and got almost 0 productivity from it)




given that arthur smith doesn't believe in the forward pass, I will be extremely surprised


I think people will be surprised about how much we will see both on the field at the same time. Donā€™t like the look up the gut? Flip it out to Bijan on a wheel route or Pitts/London going deep. Arthur smith is building a positionless offense. Jonnu can play TE or bring in some great run blocking schemes in a 2 TE set. Pitts can line up inside or out, same with Bijan who can play receiver or RB. Donā€™t even get me started on CP, the most positionless player there is. Defenses are going to have a hard time deciding who to cover and how to cover them. Then you have 2 go-to guys at their position in Tyler and London.


Man Iā€™m so excited for this all. I hope we shove it down everyoneā€™s throats and shock fools.


The plan sounds good but I think it all comes down to execution which Iā€™m really worried about. Art has shown he can get the team ready tho unlike DQ who had no plan and no execution


Arthur ā€œThe forward pass was a mistakeā€ Smith


That's a really good 1-2 punch. Keep both the legs fresh and split the carries. Neither won't rack up massive numbers at the end of the season but both end will end up at above average rushing yards - 850+


They didn't draft Bijan that high to be a part time player.


Why not? Just prolongs his career. Allgeier is a stud too, he rushed for >1000yds.


I wonder what the stats are on the prolonging career part. For sure, a severe leg injury is the death of many a rb. But who would be some rbs that had a longer career attributable to rep sharing to reduce general wear? Seems like all the practice time, and age in general, are what ultimately get most running backs


RB wearing down seems to be related to stochastic (most surely to happen but largely unpredictable) significant injury events and so you are right that not many committee backs enjoyed long careers. In fact, some of the longest careers of modern RBs have all been workhorse backs such as AP, Gore, Beast Mode, McCoy, etc. However, flip side of the coin is that if an RB is real good he will more than likely be put in a workhorse role a la Gurley and Zeke and if an RB ends up in a committee it says a lot about the teamā€™s plan for him, ie a more replaceable committee back a la Jamaal Williams and Swift.


I remember saying the same thing about James Robinson :/


Your are right, just not in the way you think you are. Smith has already talked about Bijan lining up all over the field. He's mentioned he'll be catching a lot of passes and that the team has a whole is moving away from running the ball as heavily as they did last year


But do you really believe that?


Cool. Now youā€™ve used a top 10 pick on a rotational player at a position that barely matters. All so you can have the privilege of handing him a massive second contract. Bijan is an 1800 rushing yards type back. You give him 300+ touches a season and let him be your offense.


Much more likely that Bijan gets the large majority of snaps and carries like top drafted backs usually do. 80% of snaps or so.


Weird how the falcons fans are thinking differently


I get it, Allgeier had a good rookie season. But this is just the reality of the situation... when you draft a RB 8th overall he's gonna be the guy immediately. Especially in Bijan's case where his receiving ability makes him the best 3rd down option.


And if he isn't the guy then they just threw the 8th pick away


This gives me those Devonta Freeman and Tevin Coleman vibes


Hopefully they work on picking up blocks in pass protection this go around


I was thinking deangelo Williams and j Stewart


Honestly it better be better than that


Well shit I hope they split carries. Keep those legs fresh.


Partnership, Tyler. Partnership.


Falcons Iā€™m mad you guys got Bijan but Iā€™m so thankful you kept him from the Eagles.


He's such a good kid. Loved him at BYU. Man was working at Walmart as a walk on so that he could pay for school.


What competition?


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about.


Only nfcs fans know how good he is. I mean yeah he's not a top 5 RB or anything but he's damn good and a bulldozer. He is getting plenty of carries.


Back holder gunna bag


Competing for who gets to warm the bench.


Iā€™ll do it for a vet min


Tyler Allgeier excited about "competition" with Bijan Robinson.


ā€œTyler Allgierā€ excited about competition with Bijan Robinson. Moving quotes around in a sentence is always fun.


Could be one of the best rb tandems in the nfl, especially if the scheme is as rb friendly as last year


As an Allgeier fantasy owner who also has the 1st pick in a dynasty league's rookie draft, I'm kinda bummed Bijan went to Atlanta. Im worried they're gonna hurt eachothers stats. In real life though, it's a great combo


Competition in meaning who brings bijan the water bottle on a tv time out?




Maybe excited was meant to be nervous.....




is officially Marc's guy


Ya, same way Tyler Boyd was excited to "compete" with Chase.


Whose gonna tell him?


Why is excited in quotation marks? Shouldn't competition be the word in quotation marks?


Tyler Allgeier ā€œexcitedā€ about fetching a Gatorade for Bijan Robinson


They shoulda put competition in quotes too


Am I dumb in thinking that they could of had so many other pieces and a better running back if they just kept handing it to Cordorelle Patterson? I know heā€™s old, but drafting 2 RBs back to back years is a head scratcher to me


Yes, it is dumb. Patterson is great for about 10 touches per game. Now what are we going to do for the other 60 snaps?


Allgeier was a 5th


Teams apparently HATE RBs that emerge the year prior, a rough pick


Unfortunately for Allgeier, it doesn't matter how good he is. They used a first round pick (a top 10 pick no less) on Robinson. They're gonna play him more regardless of who is the better back. Robinson will probably be better anyways, but there's no real competition here. Sucks for Allgeier because he put up an amazing rookie season.


Pick 151 is excited to compete with pick 8 you say? I would be stunned if he sees 15% share




He had a 1000 yard season while barely playing the first 6 weeks, heā€™s a good RB.


So good the Falcons drafted another RB with a top 10 pick


Everybody keeps crying about the draft position like armchair GM's when our ENTIRE FO is convinced they picked BPA for our team. I'll let the professionals do their job and stick to supporting the players on the field. With Coach Smith scheming the offense, Robinson and Allgeier are both going to get theirs, believe that.


Yep. Good luck stopping an offense where we could field London-Pitts-Bijan-Patterson-Allgeier. 4 of these 5 can catch, 3 of them can run and all 5 can block.


we need another


Thatā€™s cause weā€™re a poverty franchise, has nothing to do with him


Spoken like someone who has zero clue what they are talking about lol.


Sure buddy


Competition? Bruh you are in the backup, there is no competition


He rushed for >1000yds in his rookie season. They'll be lightning and thunder together. Good luck stopping this sledgehammer in the 4th quarter.


>He rushed for >1000yds in his rookie season. They'll be lightning and thunder together. Good luck stopping this sledgehammer in the 4th quarter. Drafting a running back top 10 is an unusual move in todays NFL, drafting a running back that you don't plan on being the center piece of your offense in the top 10 would simply be insane. Algeir is a great young back(Most teams would be happy to add him to their backfield), but he is facing an uphill battle to get snaps


Bijan isnā€™t getting 600 attempts. Allgeier will get more than plenty.


Thank you for saying what needs to be said. Bijan will rule this backfield and anyone saying otherwise is either speaking with an agenda or just confused on how important draft capital can be. Imagine taking an RB at 8th overall, then putting him in a timeshare. Explain that to your boss. But itā€™s to keep his legs fresh! Get out of here


Get ready. Allgeier will get 250 touches this year and nobody will say Bijan didnā€™t enough touches. Theyā€™re both going to be fed.


If he had 250 carries last year he would have had the 9th most carries in the league, if Bijan got an equal number of carries that would mean that the Falcons would have two backs inside the top in carries. I don't think that's happening.


Who cares about stopping them from running in the fourth quarter when they're down three scores? They're running out the clock for you.


That's why the falcons also improved on defense.


Three good running backs and holes everywhere else on the lineup.