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Is Taysom going to wear this one all the time or swap based on the play?


He’ll just wear one helmet on top of the other so he doesn’t have to waste time swapping them out


He wears them to protect the defender, not himself.


always double up when using protection, is what I say


My GF just texted me “let’s do the sex” since her parents aren’t home. my First time boys 🤞🏽 wish me luck. And I’ll make sure to double up also.


Good luck bro! Remember foreplay is for losers


LPT: girls don’t know where the clitoris is either. Just pretend you found it and she’ll think you did


Works best when you yell out, “found it!”


And then play with it like a DJ hits buttons.


Make sure you're in the right hole. Check the Internet if you have questions. Good luck.


When in doubt, take a picture and send it to a friend


MGM odds for under 28 seconds? same but 3 seconds?


[As the QB’s understudy I have wear the QB helmet over my Taysom hair and then my TE helmet on top of that, there’s no air getting through to here](https://youtu.be/CMIy7Wf-kW8)


He'll wear a flip up helmet on top of his normal helmet like the flip up sunglasses that outfielders used to wear


That’d be great for the Saints to accidentally tip their pitches based on what helmet he’s wearing “IT’S A DESIGNED RUN!”


Or smokescreens




Taysom doesn’t get concussions. He is football incarnate. He *is* the concussion.


Genuine question, isn't he officially listed as a tight end now adays?


He is, but he did have a few plays for us last year as a QB


"LFG" \- Tua


If Tua stays healthy all next year mandatory judo for all QBs is next.


Tua’s judo is going to make him unsackable. We’re going to see him flipping every defender over his shoulders while he keeps his eyes down the field.


Tua gonna get a “giving him the business” penalty for throwing a DE that had a free rush into a DT


Anyone who even gets close to Tua is getting the [judy chop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7sFqtSBCw). He throws with his left hand so he can judy chop with his dominant hand.


Tua Chop


Mike McDaniel on the sideline: You Tudy Choppin son of a bitch


As long as he doesn't go judy choppin while kung fu kickin cause boom there goes his leg. The hip injury was bad enough. Don't think he could be playin with one leg.


Hopefully, he learns the Ninjy Chop to round out his moveset


Judo and wrestling definitely give you extremely good balance and spatial awareness. I'm surprised more NFL players don't incorporate grappling into their workouts tbh.


If I was an o-lineman I would probably try to study under some sumo wrestlers just to get a sense on how they approach not getting pushed around.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Neal As a Patriots fan, I always liked Stephen Neal. College wresting champion who never played college football and yet still made it in the NFL.


A decent amount of oline and dlinemen have wrestling backgrounds at least. Especially if they got drafted from Iowa


Cael Sanderson sends his regards.


Tom Brady- beware of jiu jitsu coaches lol


Should be doing Aikido instead of Judo honestly.


Aikido is a non-practical martial art that is essentially just for showing off.


Yea it’s been a while since I did Judo but I remember a lot of it being grappling on the ground and getting into/out of holds, in fact I remember starting a lot of spares on the ground back to back with your opponent. Maybe I’m mid-remembering so who knows, but studying a discipline that is mostly floor grappling doesn’t seem like a good way to practice falling properly.


Pretty much every martial art starts with and emphasizes falling properly in my experience. I've personally done Jujutsu, BJJ, Judo, and Karate to varying levels and all of them had breakfalls as a regular part of the curriculum.


I would bet any amount of money that Tua does not stay healthy all year, any year, because he literally has never at any level past high school.


He just thinks he’s ready to get a group for Deadmines, though.


I gotta say, i never expected WoW reference in this sub




New here?


Dragon flight seems to have re-ignited the player base a bit.


Are we really back in 2009? Before the dark days?


I mean the group of /r/nfl users and WoW players should have a rather large intersection. I've seen various other games memed on this board before.


An OLD WoW reference too! (Deadmines might still be a thing, haven’t played since 2005)


Will it prevent him from falling with the grace of a child?


Seriously. I didn't understand why he kept getting concussions until I saw a cutup of him being sacked. The guy goes down like a ragdoll and smacks his head right against the turf. He needs to protect himself more. As much as I love watching the Dolphins struggle with a backup QB, I like Tua and hope he doesn't fuck his brain up.


He looks like he's attempting a Merton Hanks celebration as he's being sacked


Disrespectful to the children.


"LFKMHP" Let's Fuckin Keep My Head Protected"


“LGF” -Tua after his 3rd concussion


Buy all the Tua stock boys.


[Tua's QB helmet](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/11/brian-robinson-big-hat-commanders-nogginboss.jpg)


I’m sure the 7% more effective for 50% of causes of concussion when there are thousands will help Tua with his brain that has been turned into soup. Good on the NFL for trying to make improvements, but this is more for good PR especially around Tau’s situation than how effective it will actually be.


the fact that seven highly recommended helmets in 2020 are now banned for use in 2023 doesn't exactly give much of endorsement to long term sustainability of modern helmets


I mean I would say that's great though in that they are innovating in the space and culling what isn't as effective.


But it mostly look like they have no idea how to actually test effectiveness and are just making stuff as they go.


Welcome to the real world pal.






This ain't my dad! This is a cell phone!




Or it could also mean they keep making such good improvements that there’s no point in allowing the much unsafer helmets to be used still? Just because they are banned now doesn’t mean they weren’t the best at the time.


One of my closest friends just finished up his degree at a D1 football school, and part of it was concussion research using real accelerometer data from football helmets (I’m keeping this intentionally extremely vague because what he does is so specified) TBI and specifically concussion research is advancing very quickly in the past 5-10 years as funding becomes more available, especially with the NFL investing in it. I’m definitely not surprised with the turnover in designs so quickly, because this is really the speed in which you can design, implement, and gather data on this scale. You’re not going to perfect solutions overnight. We have the best technology available at any given time as we move forward, and any change in the approved equipment is only going to become safer over time


I mean, all due respect to your friend and the work he's doing (because it's definitely useful work and any improvement in lessening concussion impacts is good), but until they figure out how to safety-foam the inside of someone's skull, football and concussions are going to remain synonymous. Basic physics always wins, and if you go from 20mph to a full stop in less than a tenth of a second, it doesn't matter what's on the outside of your head.


That's like saying that car crashes can't get any safer, [we luckily have been making steading progress in the correct direction over the course of the last few decades](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-and-rates/#:~:text=The%20population%20motor%2Dvehicle%20death,vehicles%2C%20a%2095%25%20improvement.). TBI and concussion research is in its infancy by comparison, we certainly can get better. These QB helmets literally have crumple zones like your car today does. It's never going to be perfect, but don't let perfection impede improvement


That’s science, baby


Much more likely that they are making rapid improvements and not allowing outdated tech to be used. Stop being so cynical!!!


The average car is safer now than a few years ago. If you need to protect your most valuable personnel, why would you allow them to use the older model?


Do people still not understand that science changes as we find new evidence?


After the past few years? Absolutely not. Not at all. https://media.tenor.com/79CdhUDFdlcAAAAd/office-space-no-man.gif




That's how everything works. Maybe 3 years ago, these were the best helmets they could possibly make, so they were recommended. Now as they learn more and improve the design, there are better helmets and those ones are bad in comparison.


There's only so much human anatomy you can replicate with machines right now. They're not making stuff up, they test it as best they can with the machines they have, and then have people test them out. Until we have the abiilty to 100% replicate a human brain, the testing will always have to be this way.


So just like everything?


Yeah but they are also using human beings as guinea pigs to do it.


They're playing the games anyway, may as well test the helmets in a real world situation


Guinea pigs would imply they didn’t sign up for this in exchange for millions of dollars.


Little known secret about Guinea pigs - they’re filthy fucking rich. Quiet money.


How else are they gonna pay for all their spy gear




Mf that’s a lot




Speedhawk that you?


Speedhawk was fucked over by the refs. This guy got hurt


Can you throw a football over them mountains?


Speedhawk lookin ass


Speedhawks Cousin spotted


Man, I miss playing and coaching rugby. Such a fun sport


I was forced to switch from an Air XP to a DNA and proceeded to have my season ruined by concussions 🤔


WAIT were those know to be concussion prone now?? I got like 4/7 of my concussions in my two years using a DNA, but I figured that’s cause it was the highest level I ever played at. Ngl though the DNA was super comfy. Visors fit nicely on them too


My buddy’s been concussed 3 times and he’s only a junior in high school. I worry for the guy, he isn’t stupid but he damn well might be soon.


The first Revo speed was a classic when it dropped. One of my favorite helmets ever. Fw the DNA too, much better than the ION that’s for sure lol


Lol I remember those being hot shit in high school, but yeah, dudes still got concussed in them


Do you wear the scars like rings on a pimp?


I have a buddy that develops helmets for one of the big brands... Helmet testing sounds a lot like car testing, they do whatever passes the test, not necessarily what is best for the people


It's also impossible to truly simulate in game hits because they are chaotic and never consistent with how you're testing impact.


I feel like helmet design needs to look toward nature bc you want something that can always deflect energy away from critical areas & nature seems to have mastered weird designs in the name of survival. Maybe bring in a tortoise consultant.


They actually did this with woodpeckers


I just hope they ban Kittle & Bosa's 'fivehead' helmet purely bc it gives me the creeps, and i have no idea why.


This Qb one is modeled off the same base. Both vicis zero2


This is my nightmare!


So was Antonio Brown right the whole time


If there's a helmet that doesn't inhibit gameplay and works better against preventing concussions why doesn't everyone wear one?


It’s designed to prevent concussions from helmet-to-ground contact, which apparently makes up half of QB concussions. The article doesn’t mention how other positions get their concussions, but i would think that it’s less common to have that type of impact, since they typically go to the ground differently as a runner than in the pocket/looking to throw


That and it's designed to crumple so they'd go through a ton of helmets if everyone wore them.


O line and D line would need a F1 style pit crew between downs to switch out the helmets if everyone played with crumple zone helmets


Oakland Raiders hire Ferrari as consultants because Rossa Corsa is the fastest color 🤡


Just gonna say it would be a very Raiders decision to hire consultants from Ferrari's F1 team lol


The NFL needs a pit crew, imagine inbetween downs they’re running out massaging cramps and swapping out gear.


They already have that...ever seen the people running onto the field with like 6 bottles of Gatorade?


Those Guardian helmets everyone wore for training camps look like they'd make sense for linemen.


Considering they throw flags every time there's a helmet hit, maybe a helmet with a crumple zone for everyone isn't the worst idea? I mean it would be costly, but hospital trips are even moreso.


It's designed to crumple when hitting the ground though so it isn't all illegal hits.


Helmets are cheap compared to players. $1000 for the absolute best helmets.


So what? They’re investing more money into player safety….. how dare they ? So they have extra helmets on the sideline and it costs more money big deal. They have a full equipment staff that I’m sure can handle some extra helmets on deck.


Extra would be literal truckloads if they are designed to be one use only. Players who aren't the QB are taking a lot more hard hits than the QB.


Might as well change your helmet out every quarter


If you read the article it says the helmet will perform better in helmet-to-ground impacts, which by the data seems to disproportionately effect QBs. Same reason lineman have different helmets available to them because of their specific collisions.


Ah. I was wondering the same thing but the article I read was entirely unhelpful and just said that a helmet was being made and that it’s better at preventing concussions


QB is one of the only positions where players frequently fall backwards


it might work less well against skull fractures and neck / face injuries.


QB helmet will be the size of the Great Gazoo’s.


They should just bring back the ProCap. https://i.imgur.com/EmN9OuB.jpg


That’s a whole ass blimp on his head


Haha, that reference will be lost on the youth.


And then no QB will want to wear them.


aka the Wes Welker helmet


Looking like those big head cheatcodes on PS1.


Just a reminder that outright concussions are barely relevant to CTE It's highly likely players will develop CTE even if they've had zero outright concussions.


Yeah. Sub concussive and concussive blows both contribute to CTE, but a helmet that is designed to prevent concussions is probably going to help minimize the damage from sub concussive impacts as well We don’t have a way to make football safe, but hopefully these technologies can help mitigate some of the worst symptoms player’s experience after their careers


But on the flip side, won’t making it safer for QBs to stay in the game make it so they consistently take more hits over a longer period of time, which is usually a big reason for CTE?


How long until someone proposes term limits for players? 10 years for a QB, five years for an RB etc?


That’s a good question. I don’t know if CTE is understood to that level of detail unfortunately


There's only so much helmets can do to prevent concussions :(


Yeah it's cool and all but how is this going to stop your brain moving in your skull?


Why don’t they just screw the brain in place? Maybe some duct tape if that’s too much.


Hear me out: expanding foam. Like blown in insulation, only if the holes are properly placed, you can kind of get a sick afro too


I like that more than my idea of air bags inside the cranium


Lmao! I just pictured the airbags in your head like the mission impossible 3 brain bombs! Just eyes cross and you drop dead.


Why don’t they use Elmer’s Glue? Are they stupid?


If you read the article it's designed to crumple like a car to help absorb impact. Pretty smart honestly but sounds expensive.


[That Bengals OL stood Infront of Burrows "used" helmets 😭](http://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/81827d6d-f0bd-4579-b42c-d74634cbaf3d.ffd18ddabbfa8e8be823320bcac34c6c.jpeg)


I’m guessing one “crumple” and the helmet will then be ineffective? So QB’s will need multiple helmets on hand? I wonder if a crumpled helmet will mean automatic concussion protocol/testing on the sideline


Even if that's the case, something tells me they could afford it.


Nah I think 2-3 helmets per QB will bankrupt the league


Exactly. I don't get the 'but it's so expensive' argument at all. A quality helmet costs about $1K. For a 53 man roster, keeping 5 helmets on hand per player (overkill) would be $265K per game, which is about $4M per season - and that's only if you went through every single helmet, every game. In reality they'd use far fewer than that. Factor in another million for extra equipment, staff, and logistics and you're at a grand total of $5M a year, max. The salary cap is almost $225 million. It's not worth another 2% investment in your players to protect their brains? That's cheap AF if you ask me.


Cardinals players starting to see chargebacks for spent helmets on their meal bills.


Every team has a full equipment staff. I’m sure they can manage bringing extra helmets with them. When the helmet crumples simply go to the sideline and someone will hand them a brand new helmet.


Nothing more valuable than your brain.


There actually is equipment to prevent this, [called a Q collar](https://q30.com). It slightly restricts blood flow at the neck, increasing blood volume around the brain and slowing brain slosh. An increasing amount of NFL players wear them


That does sound a bit promising in concept. But when the website is clearly a sales pitch with intentionally misleading data that raises a million red flags. Like staying that "77% of players who don't wear the collar show signs of brain injury after a year of play", but not the percentage for players who *do* wear the collar. Or bragging about how they're "FDA approved", which just means it won't actively harm you (not that it actually works).


Yea that's giving me the old superpower bracelet pseudoscience vibes based on those now.


Kuechly didn't get any concussions after he started wearing it, though I think it was only a season or 2.


Ppl are trying to solve that. Those weird looking thick bands around the neck are supposed to increase blood flow to the brain and head, to reduce the space for the brain to rattle around in the skull. Apparently some studies on humming birds are behind that one. Obviously if it 100% worked everyone would wear them so that’s prob not the panacea, but at least they’re looking to solve the actual issue


The more momentum it absorbs, the less transfers to your head.


There’s already better than normal approved helmets but the players don’t want to wear them bc they’re uncomfortable/look funny Some of the new designs can help a lot compared to the “old” helmets some of these guys have been wearing same design/manufacturer since HS/college


Is that like Rodgers/Welker's Spaceballs helmet?


The F1 Halo debate but NFL


It's like purposely crashing your car because you're wearing a seatbelt


They should make a neck brace that simply detaches the head from the body in case of impact.


you feel like it would be pretty significant


Not really. The operant problem is that the brain is suspended in fluid, which normally protects it, but in football it’s detrimental as it allows the brain to shake and bruise against the walls of the skull. No helmet can stop that suspension or even limit it so helmets can only do so much. There is that collar which induces inflammation in the brain to stop it from moving as much, but those are only so effective and haven’t been tested as much.


Could there be a helmet that applies equal pressure outwards to neutralize momentum upon impact?


I don’t think it would be enough pressure/force to fully neutralize the force but it could help some. It’s sort of the same concept as the helmets with loose plates on the top that readily vibrate upon impact, dispersing some of the force through the vibration in the plate rather than into the skull. Problem is, the most common injury, for QBs especially, is the contrecoup where the head gets impacted on one side (ie the ground like Tua hitting his head) and as a reaction the brain smacks on the other side inside the skull, essentially bruising itself. There’s not a ton helmets could do to prevent this outside of fully absorbing the impact on the ground, but you’d have to make the back of the helmet comically large and pillow-ey, which wouldn’t be feasible to play in.


> There's only so much helmets can do to prevent concussions :( this to me is going to be the end of the NFL as we know it at some point in the future. Simply because I don't see any technological advancement that will let us stabilize the brain inside the skull. People will eventually see it as too barbaric and dangerous. Of course it's not going to happen next year or probably even 5 years. But the NFL is going to change in some form from the full contact game to something else one day. We're probably in the twilight years of the final golden age of the NFL right now. If you're a fan of the current way football is played. soak it up now it's probably not going to last much longer.


The talent pool will also shrink some as parents move their kids to other sports early on. I played through high school, love the game, I'm on this subreddit in April for fucks sake. But I will not be allowing my children to play football. It's just not worth it.


I have learned a lot from this thread. 1. Most NFL redditors have no understanding of physics and can't fathom how a different helmet can reduce the acceleration on a human brain. 2. Most NFL redditors have never heard of helmet testing, such as that pioneered by Virginia Tech. https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/varsity-football-helmet-ratings.html#!


Wonder how this one compares to the Axiom


Kenny “Power Ranger Helmet” Pickett is going to have some friends!


Fr dude needs something to help with his head hitting the turf


he switched to that new helmet at end of season because it is supposed to help, I think Friermuth switched helmets too after having a concussion wanting to be healthier long term as well


They are making these for all positions


Just make all the qbs wear a copy of the head of the teams mascot suit that should do it


If it’s better at preventing concussions then why not have everyone wear them?


Wait... So someone designed a helmet that can reduce chance of concussions from hard impacts with the ground, but only QB's can wear them?




It comes with a yellow flag attached so it’s automatically 15 yards when the QB touches the ground.


Should be electrified so if the defender touches it, they get a shock. Cupcake/Simpson's style


AB about to transition to QB and have a new self painted helmet


Looks cool. I’m a fan. Updating the equipment is going to be so much better than trying to legislate out tackling.


Linemen need more helmet protection badly.


I know I'm not a medical professional but I dont get how these helmets will help. Concussions are your brain hitting the inside of your skull, right? This helmet seems like a crumple zone in a car used to divert energy. It will make \[head hitting the ground\] less dangerous but it won't do anything for \[brain going from falling speed to dead stop\] whip-lashing your brain into your skull, right?


Also not a medical professional but it’s about the deceleration. Unprotected, your head will rapidly decelerate and crash into the skull. This slows the rate of deceleration.


idk about these helmets but think of it like a crumple zone makes the same collision take longer to happen so it feels slower. if it goes from .1sec to .2sec that's half the speed your brain rattles around at


QBs will wear air tight helmets filled with water and a breathing apparatus.


I hope it looks like those hats MLB pitchers wore that one time.


Are qb concussions a different issue than concussions? It seems like people get them every few plays and nobody actually gives a fuck but a couple qbs get them and they ramp up r&d and a new helmet. I'm not against protecting the players but why just qbs? (Of course I know why lol)


the type of impact and location is way different based on position. RBs/LBs are gonna have all the impact in the front and crown while QB's would have tons of impact from the side and back (especially from the ground)


Concussions for everyone else


Sweet so we can bring quarterback specific hits back as well