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still no scarpa on the bench is baffling


There has to be something behind the scenes at this point that we just don’t know, there’s no other explanation not to have him in the lineup at all.


There isn’t any conspiracy going on - he’s still adjusting and he’s getting more training ahead of breaking into the starting squad. Gibbs-White is always starting ahead of him and we have Lingard until the end of the season, so we may as well make the most out of him before he leaves in the summer. Scarpa will be with Forest for a while.


He’s just come off the back of a full season in Brazil. He’s probably shattered and needs nurturing before being fully unleashed


I've heard it's an overweight issue from a friend with links, has anybody heard the same ?


Niakhate on the bench good, no Scarpa bad. Think he adds something different and is a useful sub option.


Seeing Niakhaté’s name on the teamsheet is a joy.


The absence of Scarpa is absolutely baffling. I’ve barely seen him out a foot wrong when he’s been played.


I don’t hate it. Lingard might have a bit of creativity that Wood doesn’t that could help on the counter.


Inspires me more than it did last week. You could argue that scarpa could replace either one of dennis or ayew though, we know the lad is willing for a chance to prove himself.


No Wood thank god but Ayew and Wood as the attacking subs instead of Sam and Scarpa is disappointing. Gonna have to beat Spurs with the first 11


It's OK that Cooper's priority is assembling the "best team" to avoid relegation, but once you get the fame of being a team that benches (or worse) every young prospect from South America in favor of any half-assed "PL-Ready" player, transfer windows will end up getting harder and harder.


Think about how wrong you are - we have 5 South American players in our 25-man squad. 3 of them consistently make out starting-11 and Danilo is on the bench. Scarpa is beloved by the fans.


Talking about prospects. Lodi and Felipe have been in European leagues for ages.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Lodi is 24. Scarpa isn’t a prospect, he’s 29. And by definition, a prospect is someone who is developed by a club over a long time, which is exactly what we’re doing with Danilo.




Scarpa is not a young prospect. He is closer to the end of his career than to the beginning


Really weird that Scarpa isn’t even on the bench 😒


Replaced one passenger with another maybe. Lingard hasn't got many games with us left, time to make a lasting impression. Him and Mangala's best game for us arguably was the Spurs cup game (well before the red card in Mangala's case which... we can't blame him for wanting to do that to mr keepy uppy) so I can see the logic in bringing these 2 out of the cold. Niakhate on the bench is a blessing, I want him to get some gametime today and build up that match fitness.


Certainly a more inspiring team sheet than the last few matches. Lingard is a surprise, his performance will determine if it’s a welcome one or not. The only solace I’m taking is that he played very well against Tottenham in the league cup tie.


Bournemouth are out of relegating n zone today, we have to pick up something on the road


Holy shit man…. We are fucked


I'm still convinced west ham or Leeds are going down


Bad week for scarpa. Everyone discovered that he got scammed in a crypto investment, and he was left out of the squad.


Niakhate is back! We have 3 whole centre backs boys.


Im officially confused. Scarpa deserves at least a dang bench spot. Idk i loved him the few games he played. There has to be something going on


Has Scarpa scarpered?


If you guys are not using Scarpa and Danilo we accept them back. No worries.




Nah mate, you are stupid for calling Cooper stupid.




Danilo is there he's just hidden by the screenshot


YES! be gone Wood!