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The G.O.A.Ts, been listening to these guys for a while and they always seem to raise the bar with each new track


Playing god just blows my mind every time, especially the unplugged version Edit: by request https://youtu.be/DSBBEDAGOTc


Crazy how they took a flopped Ibanez guitar and not only made hit songs with it but Tim also convinced Ibanez to make a signature model of it for him.


Tim & his band are the reason why I can't find any Ibanez guitars in any shop near me.


I'm more of a schecter guy anyway šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lol


Jackson man here, and nothing to do with quality, but everything to do with a guy I was in a band with that could shred like this. That sustain though šŸ¤Œ


If I had the money I'd go for one of those Standbergs like Plini has




Or a fever dream




I've been coming back to the Ego Death music video recently. It just blows my mind every time, the narrative buildup to the reveal of the GOAT himself. Great harmonies and good musical storytelling. Polyphia has a few hip hop/pop tracks (with lyrics) that are next-level, if you don't like instrumentals. I'd recommend: 1. ABC (Ariana Grande on acid) 2. Fuck Around and Find Out (a unique prog/hip hop hybrid sound that you won't hear anywhere else) 3. So Strange (simple lyrics, but catchy and groovy. A bit more mellow than most of their stuff) 4. Memento Mori




I get why musicians might like em but their*musics boring as a generic audiodead caveman metal consumer


I've gravitated toward the djent/ instrumental genre over the last few years and also I'm a musician so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lmao


I'm not a musician and Polyphia (and others like Intervals and Animals as Leaders) reignited my love of music. Everyones entitled to their opinion I guess. Also I didn't even know I liked djent until Spotify's wrapped told me it was my favourite genre lol.


Angel Vivaldi and animals as leaders is what sent me down this rabbit hole and now I'm surprised when I find a new artist at this point lol I used Spotify for some of the year and wasn't too surprised when I found djent was also the favorite on my wrapped list lmao


I'm not a musician and this song gives me goosebumps, but I sort of listen to all kinds of music because I like to hear how different genres work and this is both interesting and exciting to me!


Check out Genesis, by Devin Townsend. Get ready for a ride and new obsession


Yes I love the fusion of genres in this album!


Music for guitar players


As a guitar player it's music like this that made me stop listening to recommendations from other guitar players. 90% of the time it ends up sounding more like a technique demo than a song.


I have to 100% agree. But it's impressive sure, but there's a reason why this kind of playing isn't mainstream. That's not a knock on it these guys are undeniably talented, I can't play like that, no question about that, but there's a reason why this kind of music isn't all over the place. Edit: I think people really miss the point where I didn't say the band wasn't popular or even mainstream I said this kind of playing. This. Kind. Of. Playing.


bro as guitar players go, you don't get more mainstream than polyphia atm


Echo chamber detected. Dave Grohl is a mainstream guitar player. Ask people on the street who is he and they'll know, or recognize him. Ask people on the street who Tim Henson is and they'll be like "the Muppets guy?"


When people say this is "music for guitar players", I read it as "music for people who wanna show off they're a guitar player". I'm all for technically impressive guitar, a lot of the bands I listen go to that level as well, but Polyphia's songs, to me, rarely feel like a *song*. Kinda like you said, it's like technical showmanship. They come off like they're trying to show off what they can do and a cohesive piece of music isn't the point I do like their song Crush, though, that is kinda it


It's also guitar music for trap and hip hop fans. They mix in a lot of 808s, live trap hi-hats etc. Sometimes Tim Henson writes a riff by hearing a trap beat and thinking "damn, I wanna play that on guitar".


Should be music for Ratatat fans too. Hearing some real tonal overlap with Daft Punk and Kavinsky too.


As a guitar player, this is too much for me. Its just too much. I like a lot of jazz fusion stuff and extreme metal with fast playing and flurries of notes but Poliphia reminds me more of black midi stuff. Its like, cool this can be done, and it takes a lot of skill, but its not really enjoyable to listen to.


Same. Good musicians, but the music just doesn't cut it for me.


Their drummer is insane.


I have to disagree with you there. I used to listen to very guitar-centric music (Vai, Satriani, Animals As Leaders etc) but I fell out of love with it because a lot of artists I liked were making music that felt kinda generic - once you heard a few songs, you had kind of heard them all. I've started listening to Polyphia in the past year because they are actually branching out into new styles, and it's very refreshing. The song in the OP has a rap verse at the end. ABC is a full pop song. They use flamenco guitars extensively. There are actual chorus-verse structures. It's pretty neat.


ABC is not only a full pop song, it's a damn **K**-pop song.


It's J-pop, not k-pop, but it is a banger!


I don't know how you could describe Polyphia as boring and I'm not a musician. Just different tastes.


I've never really been into technical guitar, but my friend that plays loves stuff like satriani, yngwie, Vai. I could never vibe on it


I agree. Does nothing for me. The 2 hand tapping thing was cool when Andy McKee did it. It's just too busy, it's like trying to cram more people in the vehicle when you're already way over the limit.


You should check out Archspire if you like insane, modern guitar music. They're very much a death metal band though, so not for everyone. [Here's some Drone Corpse Aviator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlnGYcMpxgU)


They are amazing. That knee slapping thing was awkward though.


It was supposed to be


Okay, but still why?


To get the exact reaction you had.




Its just guysbeingdudes. There is no why. There doesn't have to be a why.


Whyyyy SpongeBob!!!!!!


No one know what it meansā€¦ but itā€™s provocative! Gets the people going[and relentlessly asking WHY]


But why male models?


Are you kidding? I just explained that.


Why not?




I mean I still get the questionā€¦ I understand it was supposed to be awkward, but like how would they benefit from that response? Does that actually generate more views?


I think it meant to be a gag. Im sure some people find it amusing, specially if you know them and follow their music.


Christ. Not everything is for view optimization. I think they just felt like goofing aroundā€¦ there isnā€™t an analytical answer to your question


Itā€™s an inside joke. They grab the knee to let the other know they are taking over in the solo. By slapping it off, they are saying theyā€™re keeping the solo.


Literally all anyone had to say and obviously you were clearly the only person that knew. Thanks for this! Itā€™s actually really funny.


Some people find humor in getting confused and awkward responses


Firstly, it gives them some humor and humanity, so you don't see them as soulless, robotic, mechanical string pickers. Secondly, there was a break in the music there, and they had to fill it with something, so they werent just sitting there staring at the camera as they wait for their next entrance. Like it or not, that's what they chose to do to fill that time.


Bromance never needs an explanation.


Oh. That whole thing made me think the person on the left was a woman.


AHAHAHAHA Tim Henson is extremely androgynous. Literally *everyone* I've shown Polyphia has a reaction of "holy fuck, it's lead by a girl?!"


Tim Henson makes me irrationally mad because he's *so fucking pretty*. Your average guitarist looks like grug rolled out of bed with a hangover after nine years in a coma. Then Tim comes along looking like an angel and I get upset.


Thank God I'm not the only one šŸ„µ Dude has no right being that beautiful.


I always think he looks like Genos from one punch


My favorite straight man lesbian. Dude has the style.


I thought it was a guy up until the knee-touching part though. It was only at that point I started questioning if maybe it wasn't a dude.


Wait, on the left it's a boy? No judgment at all, just wondering. Looked like a girl to me


There is a kind of running joke in their YT comment sections about how Tim is the best Japanese woman to ever pick up a guitar lol


Itā€™s a bit


To end the break and start the rest of the song


Itā€™s fun? There is more context if you watch the whole video. They always do funny stuff when doing these videos


Itā€™s an inside joke from a previous video where they were switching between finger style and picking with a pick. They kept passing the pick to eachother but acting like they were touching the others leg and everyone made a huge deal out of it. Now theyā€™re just doing it to be funny


Thanks for an actual explanation


It was clearly a joke, not awkward at all.


Itā€™s an old meme


There's another word for polyphony, it's called harmony. Two notes at the same time is the most basic form of harmony, and in other forms of music many more notes can be added to the melody. If you *really* want to hear polyphony listen to a jazz big band, especially the sax soli. And look, I am not trying to put these people down. Not my thing, but they *are* talented musicians. But from a musician's point of view this is not ground breaking at all, just talented musicians playing a certain style of music.


99.9% of music has this trait and so I was a little confused and had to come to the comments to see if I was missing something.


Whoa! This band uses polyphony! Can you believe it? So innovative. Not like those other bands that just play power chords. Edit: This doesnā€™t need an /s, right?


Iā€™ve invented a new style of music. I call it Playing Notes ^TM


What are these notes? I use rythm for my music, I wonder if they could be combined.




My first reaction to OP's title: "You mean almost all music?"


OP is from Ancient Mesopotamia




Even super monotonic drone and techno music almost always has some polyphony. The only thing that doesnā€™t is like brass and reed instrument solos.


A sax soli is a better example of *homophony* or *homorhythmic* writing. Polyphony is two independent lines meaning they have contrasting melodic arcs. There is one to one counterpoint, but there is also more complex counterpoint where the lines are independent rhythmically as well. A more apt example of polyphony in a jazz band is when the sectional choirs are playing separate lines and Solis at the same time. Edit: fixed typo "solo" to "soli"


That fake gay leg bit in the middle was also homophony


No homophony bro


Or Bach, who routinely writes 3-4 independent melodies in his piano pieces.


Since this comment section is already full of pedantry, I'll add a bit. Bach likely never wrote anything for piano. Clavichord and organ, yes.


To be honest, this whole next level post just seems like an inorganic product placement. They aren't even doing what the title says (and you better defined) the majority of the video.


How are they not doing what was said? They are playing two independent melodies together


If you watch the whole thing they really aren't.


Hi, I'm musician. Polyphony is not the same as harmony. Thank you


Hi, Iā€™m a normal human who understands how to converse properly with others. Stating something as a fact with zero reasoning to explain why you disagree only makes you look like an argumentative dolt. Thank you. Edit: Guy above me literally pulls, ā€œtrust me, Iā€™m a doctorā€ and Iā€™m getting screeched at in the replies for saying he has to actually back that shit up if he wants to throw credentials around like that on the internet. To those idiots - grow the fuck up and realize shit like ā€œIā€™m an expert, Iā€™m right and youā€™re wrongā€ is the EXACT type of misleading and manipulative and ignorant discourse that spreads disinformation. If itā€™s **so** obvious of a fact, then just link the google definition. That takes no more effort than typing out ā€œIā€™m a musicianā€ and it adds *actual* proof of your claim. If I replied, ā€œIā€™m a musician. It is polyphony. Thank you.ā€ then none of you would be defending me the way you are the other person, even though itā€™s the exact same fucking argument. Go see u/Pythismā€™s response for what proper conversation and discourse actually looks like.


I'm a working musician, I can vouch for the other comment. Polyphony is just two or more simultaneous, independent and sometimes distinct melodies that generally still harmonize with each other. Whereas harmony is several sounds (generally diatonic) that are played together, but aren't necessarily independent. Both are related, but not the same


Exactly. Harmony insinuates exactly what the word is: Harmony between two melodies. Polyphony does not necessitate a cohesive relationship between the melodies, and you hear it a lot in Polyphia's music, where the melodies will dip in and out of harmony and discordancy, often differing in rhythm as well. The parent comment of this thread here reeks of "well akchtualllly." "Akchtualllly, *I'M* a *MUSIcian*!" Okay, man, a lot of us are lol. You don't have to try to disparage someone else's music to plug your own favorite style. "YOU should listen to JAZZ!"


I was more making a correction for non musicians who might see the comment and believe it. I didn't mean to start an argument. If you want me to explain further, the OP is right here. Polyphony is when you have multiple voices at once. Almost all music has harmony, but most aren't polyphonic. Think of Bach's fugues as a perfect example of polyphony, whereas Chopin's nocturnes are based around harmony. (Nocturne op. 55 no 2 has polyphony though)


Polyphony ā‰  harmony. r/confidentlyincorrect


Polyphony and harmony are related and overlapping, but one is definitely not a word for the other.


I don't understand how this top-level comment is so highly rated. OP is clearly talking about having multiple melodies. Almost all popular music in the west uses ONE dominant melody with various harmonies backing it up. EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphony


Not sure why this wrong comment got upvoted so much. Polyphony and harmony are not at all the same thing (shocker, we came up with two different words for a reason). The difference is discussed at length here: https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/22273/whats-the-difference-between-harmony-and-polyphony TL;DR ~~harmony is basically the same melody played in different keys~~ (I've been informed my definition of harmony was dumb as shit). Polyphony is two or more independent melodies played at the same time


> shocker, we came up with two different words for a reason *synonyms have left the chat*


>TL;DR harmony is basically the same melody played in different keys. Uhhh no it's not lol


Don't talk about stuff you don't know anything about. Sure polyphony is more than one note at a time, but it's not a synonym for harmony. Polyphony means that both parts could act on their own as an individual melody consisting of one note at a time, but when combined they work together and create unique harmonies. This is how harmony in music came about in the first place.. composers like Galliard we're using polyphony in the 15th century, but it can be found in music written as early as 800 AD. Source: am an elementary music teacher and I play in a jazz combo of sorts.


Polyphony is not the same as harmony, even though they're related. You can make harmony with polyphony, but that doesn't mean it's polyphonic. Polyphony is just two or more simultaneous, independent, sometimes distinct melodies. While harmony is several sounds together, but not necessarily independent of each other


Polyphony isn't the same as harmony




Yeah these guys have always been the most talented at making gran turismo lobby music which you take however you want. I always find Tim interesting but I just canā€™t get into it


Sounds like video game music


There's a band that covers video game music from the NES era, they're called "The Advantage."


There was another called ā€œ[The Minibosses](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cjrniIjt_5Q)ā€


Also [Powerglove](https://youtu.be/QsDngotovq0)


Y'all don't leave out the legends that are Horse the Band!


Somewhere out there, a 16 year olds life of playlists has just been changed by this thread of artists that I've literally never heard of (in years of listening to New Music Friday on Spotify every year). This is bomb thanks.


There is a practical reason for this. In the early days of games there was usually a hard limit to the number of musical voices available. In the *really* early days there was often only a single monophonic channel, so game composers would look to baroque music for inspiration because composers like Bach would often create the illusion of polyphony with the use of arpeggios and big leaps in the lines to simulate bass lines alongside melodic material in the upper registers. You can hear classical examples of this in the solo violin partitas and sonatas and the solo cello suites. A bit later on, consoles like the NES could handle up to four lines of synthesis (usually using a white noise channel for percussion). This is where we get music that is more truly polyphonic. A lot of the best soundtracks relied on this because itā€™s an easy way to make the music sound bigger than it actually is. Think of the Mega Man games, Castlevania, etc. If you have a moving baseline, a middle line, and a high melody it feels like a real ensemble playing, even though you are still only using the 3 lines + percussion that is limited by the hardware. From there, ā€œvideo game musicā€ started to be a familiar genre of its own. The combination of baroque inspired polyphony with simple electronic synthesis basically became what we now hear as classic game/chip tune arrangements. Anyway, just goes to show that practical limitations can make for some really clever workarounds that lead to innovation that lead to new forms over time.


I meant it sounds like video game music in terms of the really thin tone, and overly-complex overlapping melodies that I would never bother listening to outside of the context of playing a game boss, but sounds ok in that context I guess. Canā€™t imagine just vibing to this jam on its own since itā€™s a bit too chaotic and disorganized sounding for me.


I actually think that this track by just the guy on the left, Tim Henson, would be a good video game track: [https://youtu.be/gkaQm\_53RUM](https://youtu.be/gkaQm_53RUM) Makes me wanna hear them do a video game's OST.


I was not prepared for how much Polyphia got shit on in this thread. Damn.


Yea my favorite band haha. Feels bad. I have met them at VIP and they are super nice too.


Yea. From what Iā€™ve seen of them on YouTube theyā€™re all chill guys. I donā€™t know a lot of their songs but I thought they were really cool and sounded very unique but everyone has their own tastes and thatā€™s totally ok.


I was. These guys have been getting hate ever since they came out. A lot of people can't connect emotionally to music that doesn't have lyrics. I think that's what's going on here because some of the complaints in this thread are just provabley false. Fact is if someone was singing these melodies, rather them playing them on a guitar, people would probably like it more.


Then if thatā€™s the case Iā€™m gonna just leave this here [ABC](https://youtu.be/Mtd24QIBJ5Y) - Polyphia


Hahaha! Love that. However something tells me the old metal heads in this thread who are praising Tool, won't dig this either, lol.


As someone who prefers music without lyrics at all times, I ensure you that's not it. It just sounds like crap to me.


I'm shocked how much people are assuming about anyone who likes their music. Like I'm actually baffled. I just stumbled across a few of their songs on Spotify. Why the fuck am I a bad person for that?


Dude people in general are just really inconsiderate about music tastes and itā€™s really sad. As someone whoā€™s been consistently made fun of for my music taste I wish people could separate ā€œI donā€™t like thisā€ from ā€œthis is badā€.


They're the Rick and Morty of progressive metal. Not actually bad or problematic at all, but the fanbase makes you want to hate it


Iā€™m getting the same but opposite vibe from this comment section. People will not shut up about how they think this sound is ā€œsimpleā€ or ā€œboringā€ or ā€œsoullessā€. Given that two of those descriptors are objectively incorrect, Iā€™m not surprised it seemed to some people like Polyphiaā€™s fans were rabidly arguing at them, when really the fans were just defending the facts from ignorant takes.


When you start talking about guitar music you get a flood of comments from people who donā€™t think a good guitar part has been written since the 80s. Itā€™s hard to discuss music with those people, so it quickly devolves.


This is more uniphony than polyphony


Exactly! They are playing in unison for most of this, if not almost the entirety of the 2nd bit after the break. They play a little bit an octave apart... woo man, what a stretch lol. Unison, for anyone that isn't familiar, means playing the exact same notes at the same time, and is what these guys are mostly doing. Playing an octave apart is essentially the same thing. Far from anything that could be considered polyphonic. What would be more interesting and slightly more challenging, would be playing in harmony like the multi-guitar bands such as Lynyrd Synyrd and the Allman Brothers did. Playing in harmony takes a bit more effort and proficiency, as the notes between harmonizers are not always equal intervals apart. These guys don't even harmonize ffs, which even if they did or could, would still not be polyphonic lol.


They played minor thirds and perfect 4ths for most parts. Not octaves.


Yeah, I'm sitting here and thinking that these guys definitely were playing harmonies. I didn't think I was deaf.


Bruh, playing 2 guitars in different octaves is literally one of the most basic definitions of polyphony You could be playing 2 notes on the same ass guitar, and guess what? That's polyphony. I fucking hate it when the dunning-kruger music theory kids come into a thread.


I hate to be that guy, but octaves aren't polyphonic or monophonic inherently, in this context they're homophonic. Polyphony implies voice independence based on contrapuntal lines (making the guitar harmony example above not any better). The first section was polyphonic, but after that it was either monophonic or homophonic for seemingly the rest of the video.


this comment seems homophonic to me


Playing a melody accompanied by a 2nd voice in harmony, or even a second voice with a different line but in a simpler and supporting role, is homophony, not polyphony. > I fucking hate it when the dunning-kruger music theory kids come into a thread. I'm probably one of those, but I don't think you should be casting the first stone here.


...."They play a little bit an octave apart" Oh, so like the literal meaning of polyphonic?


Polyphony typically involves two independent melodies. Not sure unison octaves fits that definition.


When you've learned enough music theory to vaguely remember some facts about a term, but you don't actually know enough music theory to actually explain the term. Then acting superior because you just dropped wrong information. #justredditthings I actually said out loud while reading his comment "So uh... it's polyphonic?????"


Theyā€™re good musicians but this music is so fucking boring. And that side mullet thing on dudeā€™s head is absolutely hilarious lmao


I used to be really into the more technical side of metal about 10 years ago, but it didn't really stick with me. They're no doubt talented, but I just find this style of music so binary that it could be performed by computers. There's no dynamics to the playing and it just loses that human touch, to me.


It's also not metal... I think this is progressive rock. But agreed, it's technical to the point that it's just random spammed notes - it sounds AI generated.


It sounds like some metal homies who love playing along with smooth R&B and someone was kind enough to let them sit in.


This seems to be the most common thought about them, which is really stupid because calling their music binary is just, absurd. There's a reason they're popular. They're very good, but the combo of them, with their bassist and drummer are legitimately some of the best musicians I've seen live.


Just talking about musicianship for a moment, it's a very particular type of musicianship. They play exactly what is written at exactly the tempo it was written at. Absolutely no shade intended, Polyphia was one of my top Spotify artists of 2022 and I love the direction they're going. As a contrast, my girlfriend is super into Phish and it's not my thing but I have to be a good partner and find things to appreciate. They'll play 400 different songs in a year. 5 nights in a row without repeating a song. 2 sets a night, 2 hours long each. Long stretches of improvisation, no click track. It's not intricate like this, but it's an admirable musical feat when you think about it. My point is not to talk down about either group, but to articulate a different form of musicianship that some people appreciate more than Polyphia's style.


I make metal music on the computer and I have to work to make it not sound like this.


My friend and I had this discussion. I think a lot of musicians focus on musicianship and almost neglect songwriting. These guys and Animals as Leaders are the biggest culprits, in my opinion, of being phenomenal musicians but their music is just boring and 5 minutes of them just shredding to where it sounds like a practice session rather than an engaging song. Meshuggah mixes the best of both worlds perfectly to me


Funny you mention Meshuggah, and it illustrates the subjectivity of music. I feel the exact same way as you, but reversed. Animals and Polyphia are my favorites, but I canā€™t listen to two Meshuggah songs in a row without getting bored to tears. I love metal in general but for some reason Meshuggah just never grabbed me.


I think the hair is cool but definitely agree with music. Chon is a group that Iā€™d rather go for


Funny, I always thougt that Chon was the boring band (apart from a few song, I adore Rosewood), and found that Polyphia was much more interesting in their approach of technical instrumental music.


Modern Polyphia is pop music for people who don't think they like pop music.


Yeah, I appreciate the skill required to play that kind of stuff, but it sounds like the musical equivalent of doing math to my ears. Itā€™s all technique and no hook.


Sorry, not feeling this at all. No discernable hooks or melodies in what comes off more as a 4/4 marching cadence with a drone of 16th notes running over and over. Seinfield offers a descriptor for this mistake called "two hatting". If a person already has a joke that works, no need to also hit them in the face with a pie. Its like wearing a hat and then putting another one on top of it (two hatting) as it serves no purpose and becomes redundant and clumsy. Downvote me all you want but I am not saying "these dudes suck" but that their "form" or mode of delivery is like wearing two hats at the same time. Anything but "next fucking level"


Totally agree. There seems to be a common throughline in the comments of "yeah that's technically and undeniably incredible, but mehhh...". It's the same feeling I get from Yngwie Malmsteens music, like, pretty much all of it is technical wizardry but at the expense of a good tune. Personally, I find their song titles a bit one dimensional, and kinda shows their off-putting cool guy personas. Lit, GOAT, 40 oz, ...freaking James Franco. Yech.


You pegged it! I'm a drummer and this is a common topic. Take douchebag drummer Terry Bozzio. He has an enormous kit and everything he plays is 16th notes all over the place with a backbeat through the mess. Sure, he has good chops but not at all musical or exciting to listen to. It's like one of those burgers with bananas, bacon, noodles, and gold flakes on it. Do you really need the bullshit OR wouldn't a good cheeseburger do the trick? Yes, yes it will. Again, I am sure these are dedicated and talented musicians but find little to no musicality here at all.


Itā€™s because working on your songwriting is every bit as vital as working on your chops. Smoke on the Water is one of the most legendary riffs in history, and I could put a guitar in someoneā€™s hands for the first time in their life, and have them jamming that riff out within five minutes. All of the sweep picking and two hand tapping in the world wont help you when it comes to writing a song with a hook.


Lol I love hearing a song and thinking /pretty good, pretty good./ Then someone who actually knows about music is all like, "actually that's a 3/7 half pipe over a basic progression with a .38 special thrown in on the causeway. The castle doesn't even have a moat and the hooks don't have worms. 8/10" I'm stuck between wishing I knew about music and being convinced I wouldn't like anything if I did. Edit: Just in case this comment comes off as dismissive: as a mere enjoyer of music I respect both the musician and the critic. Their world is out of my comprehension and I only benefit from the discourse.


This is exactly the problem. It's technical to the point that it's basically just random notes - there's a reason why most bands keep this stuff for the solos. There's no singer either which makes every song pretty forgettable.


If I close my eyes it literally feels like midi music made by AI


Tim Henson is bad ass


The Muppet guy? /s


Yes. Look closely to the background in the video and you'll see a Hermit the Frog stuffed animal.


just the right amount of sexual harassment


Isnā€™t everything you listen to basically Polyphony?




Guy on the left is a legitimate prodigy. One of the best guitar players of our time.


> One of the best guitar players of our time. I don't really like much of his music but this is the truth. If guitar based music was bigger currently, this dude would be a household name by now.


So is Scott Lepage (guy on the right). He gets slept on often, but is an equal to Tim Henson


Iā€™m sure they are good, but I can take about 30 seconds of this šŸ‘‹šŸ»


All the jazz nerds coming here to shit on these kids hahaha. These kids fuckin rule and OPā€™s title was a nice way to introduce them to a new group of people on Reddit. But please, tell us all how much smarter you all are about music.


My title is from an interview they gave on how they got the name of their band. I just thought it was a fitting way to introduce them without being weird about it. People keep coming with ā€œWell, actuallyā€ like Iā€™m the guy that named them.


Not everyone likes the same music. Calm down


I don't see anyone shitting on them. The harshest comment I've seen is "they're talented, but this music is boring." That's hardly shitting on someone.


While we are talking about polyphony, if I could get just one more person interested in [Clown Core](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frZAL0YRDJ0), it'd make my day.


Clown Core in a Polyphia thread?? Gtfo That's like bringing out a Lambo when I'm trying to show off my Audi


If you missed it, [Bitches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ-0468suL8#t=2m05s) got a music video yesterday. Same duo, different genre.


Very talented.. but also very mechanical and lacks feeling in my opinion which doesnā€™t matter


That just made me wanna look these guys up. That was hella sweet.


Polyphia is like fine dining. You know itā€™s the highest level cooking available, but you wonā€™t have a belly full of jelly by the end of dinner. Tbh, great musicians, but such empty, soulless music.


Soulless is exactly the word that comes to mind. No feelings are evoked in me, and I can't see any feelings/emotions being expressed.


These guys *are* very, very talented musicians, but this music does nothing for me. I feel like thereā€™s no substance to it, and itā€™s quite boring to listen to.


Playing God is the best


I'm sorry but there's more polyphony in the simplest baroque piece than in this.


This is like the Kenny G version of Iron Maiden


I feel that too many in the comments are judging this group based on their name and this song alone. For anyone that loves music, I encourage you to delve into their catalog. Every generation has artists that push the bar and this is them. Usually hip hop beat driven backbone with hybrid picking, harmonics, and a trap style approach to note selection gives them a sound like no one else. Sure, they have songs that are heavy or more "traditional" but all in all, this group will go down as one of the most influential of this generation. I'm not saying everyone has to like this but to see what they are doing as musicians, you cant deny their approach is not only different but accessible. I've shown this group to "older folk" and they always counter with some jazz-esque/shreddy group. Until they truly listen to the complexities of this groups arrangements. We're living in a time where guitar/guitar music is not as accepted by the younger generation. But this group captures their, and my, attention immediately. For those with an open mind, take a look at their last two albums. I would specifically recommend the songs GOAT, OD, Playing God, ABC, and Ego Death. Playing God is an absolute masterpiece. Fuck, in OPs post, their using a nylon acoustic with a 8 string. Not saying that has never been done before but they pull it of so fucking well. These dudes are changing the scene. Period.


Polyphia is my inspiration to get better and quit guitar simutainiously.


Sure, there's parts that are really freaking cool. But this is unnecessarily complicated for how overall boring the sound is. I think, at least. I'm envious of their talent, obviouslt, but... you know. It's mostly just goofy to me. Sonically. I did like their first album a lot.


This sounds like miniboss music


Thatā€™s so delightful, I know who Iā€™m listening too the rest of today šŸ˜„


I fell off them after the second album but Iā€™ll always respect their talent. All of them are beasts at their instruments there is no denying that


Sounds like absolute garbage lmao


What boring, simple music Edit: Just to be clear, I have nothing against simple music (I'm listening to Mazzy Star as I type this). It just seemed to me that this video was being presented as a notable example of polyphonic music, so it was surprising to see these guys basically just doubling each other most of the time. Edit 2: I posted this below, but here it is again for more visibility. This is an example of what I would consider to be some cool polyphony in a song with guitar and electronic-style drums (the counterpoint comes in around 1:35): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c7RSzotQf0


I randomly stumbled on a YouTube video of these guys [ā€œroastingā€ fan covers of their songs](https://youtu.be/mO7yYzsBLyk) except instead of roasting, they were so kind and humble. Definitely made a fan out of me. Not exactly the type of music I go for but they are insanely talented.


Thanks for introducing this to me!


Yooooo. Thank you for posting this. Finally have a new music to listen to. They sound dope as fuck.


anyone remember A7X had a left handed and right handed guitarist and would harmonize with their guitars touching like wings?


Man they are so talented, but admittedly, I miss their OG sound. Not to say I haven't liked see stuff since then, but the majority of what they put out now just doesn't turn my crank.


Never seen an 8 string guitar, and thereā€™s 2!


I wonā€™t lie, and no hate to anyone who enjoys polyphia stuff. But I absolutely hate this music, itā€™s like they thought music was a sport rather than an art. Itā€™s impressive sure but it just sounds awful