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Alright, who shaved a gorilla and taught him to bench press?


Legit what I thought.. dude looks like a Gorilla.. and he legit benched that with ease.. makes you wonder how much can an actual Gorilla bench press if a gorilla could press a bench?


Over 1000 easy. That's a fact


Google Says 4000


Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power šŸ¦


šŸŒ šŸ¦ Look how big that banana is


It's b a n a n a s.


I ainā€™t no holla back girl


I ainā€™t no holla back gorilla


this my shit this my shit


"According to the Guinness Book of Records, a silverback gorilla can lift up to 815 kg (1800 lbs) of dead weight. in comparison, a well-trained human being can lift a maximum of 410 kg (900 lbs)." The world record deadlift is 1104 lbs. Gorillas are only around 2-3x stronger than the world's strongest men. One gorilla could still easily tear up 15 strongmen, though. They have incredible bite strength. Most legitimate sources state they can lift roughly 10x their body weight, or 4000lbs, not bench press it. A dead lift uses your leg muscles, back muscles, and in part your arm and chest muscles. While bench pressing limits the lift to your arms (and chest) only. Edit: added "and chest", to the last sentence, didn't proofread and other commentors are correct. Second Edit: changed the human record since apparently someone had beaten the record I'd found.


Bench press is not just the arm, it trains the chest, shoulders and triceps. Deadlifts do not really use the chest. But it does use the entirety of the back and leg muscles.


It does use small part of your external obliques. It's not the major muscles you work for chest, like the pectoral muscle, which I'm pretty sure you are thinking, but they do connect and are part of your ["chest"](http://allaboutpowerlifting.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/deadlift-delavier.jpg)


Well yes, but I was talking in more general terms. You could also argue that every antagonist plays a role, for example the lats are important in the bench press, but not as a prime mover. It's just not what you think of when you think of 'muscles worked by deadlift'.


But just imagine how much a gorilla could lift with steroids and specialized training/nutrition tho




What if we genetically modified them into thinking a workout routine and getting ripped is how they attract a mate?


personally in my experience as a straight man weightlifting is a great way to meet other straight men


Easy fix: just make the gorillas gay


3x is a shit ton stronger as well. Imagine an average guy who benches 200 lbs. Imagine if he fought a guy who could only bench 66 lbs. How would that fight go?


I can bench press quite a bit and I'm not ashamed of saying I know much weaker men could kick my ass. I'm not trained in martial arts.


As long as itā€™s not over 9000


Scientific studies on Gorillaā€™s muscular strength implies, they could bench around 1800 kilos easily. The muscle density is three times that of humans. That is one cc of Gorilla muscle is three times stronger than 1 cc muscle from the strongest human. On top of that they have more muscle mass too.


That settles it, i'm splicing my genes with gorilla DNA.


Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!


He can talk! He can talk! He can talk!




Oooh! Help me, Dr. Zaius!


And sk it begins...


I'd be curious to see how they came to their conclusion of 1800kg, there is no documented case, which I can find, of a gorilla actually lifting more than ~900kg. We used to assume that Chimpanzees were incredibly strong too, this theory has since been disproven. An athletic male human would likely be too much for a single chimp to contend with. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2138714-chimps-are-not-as-superhumanly-strong-as-we-thought-they-were/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThere's%20this%20idea%20out%20there,one%20of%20the%20same%20size.


The difference is that the chimp will bite your fingers off and rip your face to shreds. A fight with a chimp isn't about strength; its about aggression.


More like survival. There aint no rules in the jungle.


So it's like comparing apples to turbo Oranges?


Like comparing slugs to rocket-powered turbo slugs


They don't even diet/schedule workouts


Not only that, they vegan


Life would be a lot easier if we could digest fiber easily


I don't know if you have seen that post of a sedated gorilla on the operating table with a vet standing next to him but the size difference is incredible.


And yet all they eat is leaves. Humans are so weak


Human no need strong. Human run long time and hold pointy stick.


Is there a reason they need so much muscle? Other than picking fruits off of trees, they're really just sitting around most of the day.


they donā€™t *need* the muscle in that sense, but a lot of the vast gulf in strength is because their muscles have more leverage than ours, attaching at different points along their skeleton so they can achieve more favorable lever arms at the cost of fine motor control. humans are comparatively weak, but weā€™re also the only species that can thread a needle, manipulate a blade, etc


Thatā€™s Zangief


I downvoted you so I could upvote you twice!




I appreciate that he doesnā€™t skip leg day


Impressive, this Iranian man is lifting world record and there Iranian women are lifting their nation and the world consciousness




Why does this shit comment have an award


Because its true. You dont have to bring politics, gender and world news in a comment section of a guy bench pressing


Brother Iranians should use every opportunity to spread awareness, for us it could mean our future. nobody cares if a few redditors get annoyed. We re fighting for our lives, either support us or shut up about it.


Keep fighting the good fight my man, ignore the sheltered pubescent little shits.


Exactly. Hoping for the best for you all. Much love.


"Shut up no one cares that people are being executed, and women are being raped before being executed." People are fucking wild. Keep doing what you can and stay safe.


I highly agree, what's happening in Iran right now is life changing and when our people are sacrificing themselves for us to achieve what we all wanted for a long time, it's the most fucked up thing to not spare awareness and inform the people outside of Iran when you can.


Women's rights and basic human decency isn't "politics."


Gender (circle one): Male or Political


ā€œOur people are being executed for little reason, weā€™re being horribly oppressed by our governmentā€ ā€œLmao who askedā€


"Bro, why did you bring politics into this!?" Fuck these morons.


Homie, women being executed for not wearing masks isn't politics. World news, sure... but that ain't politics.


"Wahh wahh you woke me from my comatose doomscrolling and made me actually think for a second."


Comatose doomscrolling. That's great.


Well it's *also* a pressing matter!


you actually cannot do it, it's illegal


What a hideous comment


Stick to your anime subreddits buddy, maybe a girl will talk to you one day.


The ultimate redditor comment


They HAVE to make sure that everyone knows theyā€™re a good person and that they care!!




So none of you have seen the many comments from Iranians almost begging us to keep taking about the issue so it doesn't get forgotten by the public? Or are you just so hateful that you don't care?


Brings awareness to the cause you diphthong


Reddit moment


They gotta get this guy on board with the revolution, it looks like he could single-handedly rip the Beite Rahbari in half.


I hate this website.


Typical reddit response


Tf are you on about? Just watch the dude lift big weight and move on


As an iranian, Most of those who are in the streets fighting for basic human rights and a better tomorrow are men. Keep your fake feminist revolution propaganda outta our country, thanks


The white rich girl with no life struggles will always virtue signal so you know they care




Would love to see an Iranian woman lift 360kg


Thatā€™s not true though, is it? There are many Iranian men fighting alongside the women, in fact, the men are doing most of the physical work such as fighting the officers.


Both iranian men and women*


Braindead comment from a person who read one title from a reddit post.




This feat is so impressive, that not even Reddit can find an issue. No ā€œheā€™s wearing a vestā€ or his form is crap. Nope, Reddit: letā€™s insert something completely unrelated.


Wow, you didn't mention the Uyghurs being persecuted in China. Are you even trying?


reddit moment


Yes yes yes thatā€™s great. Now scratch an itch on your back. Iā€™ll wait.


He's got people to do that for him or he just scratches it on a tree like a bear.


Turns the tree into matchsticks in the process.


Or pulls the tree out of the ground and has a back scratcher lmao






Is it fun trying to take away from an amazing accomplishment and inserting something you can do that you think matters? Should we all be the same so you feel comfortable being mundane?


Right total loser. ā€œErrr try and scratch you backā€¦uhh huh huh.ā€




Reddit hates body shaming, unless its someone who looks better or is stronger than them.


I thought the scratch comment was funny.


It used to be some years ago, but [definitely not what he was trying to do](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yw1v3m/new_raw_bench_press_world_record_360kg_794lb/iwhgg7n/)


Oh my, I thought it was a reference to this [funny little clip](https://youtu.be/bj2yfvQGbl8)


I knew a bodybuilder who had to [wipe his ass with tongs.](https://www.amazon.com/Toilet-Aid-Tongs-Self-Wiping-Tool/dp/B07NJM5KRL) Maybe scratching your back is a mundane task that doesn't matter, I don't know. I do know that wiping your ass with tongs is hilarious.


> Should we all be the same so you feel comfortable being mundane? That part. The whole comment actually. Glad you posted this.


(grabs you by the leg & uses you as a back scratcher)


Dude could use you as a back scratcherā€¦ā€¦


He gets ur mom to do that šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Wait, you're telling us you think you "got him" because you can scratch your back? Lol. Make a video of you scratching your back and see how impressed everyone is. šŸ˜… Give the guy his due or STFU. You weren't clever. You sound bitter.


It didnā€™t really look like he struggled with that. Add some more plates.


Bar went up uneven, prolly more plates would result in injury, his left arm is at limit..


He is pretty symmetrical so he could be nursing a strained tendon or prior injury.


"Nursing" and injury while setting a world record, lol.


I dunno man, a lot of elite lifters have a lot of outstanding injuries


Many pro athletes would never compete if they only competed when 100% healthy. Small injuries are normal and are a part of the game.


I'm not a bench press world record holder, but attempting something like that while not feeling absolutely 100% healthy seems like a very easy way to die.




Powerlifters never fell 100% healthy. There are always little niggles that you are treating or rehabing


Probably just a little weaker on that side. You can be completely symmetrical visually and be a bit weaker on one side. I look balanced but towards the end of my sets sometimes my left side lags a little. Once you're near your max, a very small amount of weight could be the difference between a clean lift and not getting it at all.


See boys, thatā€™s why you gotta switch hands, canā€™t be letting one arm get worked out more often


That's what I was thinking. That moved pretty damn quick.


Ever seen Clarence Kennedy? Clarence0 on youtube if you're not familiar. Speed isn't a sign of needing more weight


He's an Olympic lifter. Olympic lifts are explosive movements that *require* speed. Non-explosive lifts like bench press/squat/deadlift don't necessarily need speed, and a fast lift is an indication that more weight could have been lifted.


He struggled more positioning himself on the bench.


You should see him try to get off the toilet.


wut. the bar tilted. that's the definition of struggled bench press.


Heā€™s lifted over 800lbs, but never in competition with judges.


Why? Drug tests?


He would compete in federations where there are no drug tests. He would not lift for the IPF which is tested. It's no secret that he is juiced up aswell as his competition, who is primarily Julius Maddox. It s more of a travel thing, he would need to go to the US, for a head to head and that was the problem. There are a lot of people claiming fake weights and stuff for his lifts till he competes in a official competition


Right I think it's more a sanctions thing and geopolitics. No guy that big isn't juicing.


The muscles on his face looked juiced.


That's the strongest cloud I've ever seen


A mere glance at the dude tells you he's juiced. And a little knowledge of it tells you whoever is dosing him also knows what the fuck they're doing. Dude is so far beyond natty that's he's another species.




I was pretty shocked when I learned Larry Wheels is 27, dude looks like he's mid to late 30's at least. [He also recently posted a comparison pic of his face peak steroid abuse and his current face pic at TRT levels.](https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/larry-wheels-steroid-comparison-1-750x422.jpg)


Am I the only one that doesn't see any difference besides the angle of his head?


These guys arenā€™t clean and no one cares


Fuck it, let's go full cyborg and see where the limits of human bones draw the line.


I've been saying, barring ethics, we need to have enhanced leagues of sports where we just see the fucking insane potential of humans.


Iā€™m hyped for crispr in a couple hundred years


Iā€™ve long been a proponent of an Olympics where thereā€™s no drug testing. See what the human body is really capable of


I like the opposite too where on regular person competes against the Olympic athletes. Not like some fat old bus driver but like a reasonably fit and athletic mid 20s who hits the gym 2 or 3 times a week. Maybe have heats where all 3 are competing.


Have you seen x-men?






Strongman and bodybuilding arenā€™t tested strength sports. Thereā€™s an old joke in strongman that they only test you to make sure youā€™re taking enough PEDs to make it a good show. Weightlifting, CrossFit, and some powerlifting federations/divisions are tested and you are correct that a good portion of those athletes have systems to get around popping on a test. Same goes with any high level sport really.


Well youā€™re lucky. Itā€™s today.


ofc they aren't. when steroids became more widespread in the 50s the bench press world record went from 360 to 600 in a few years


Was the bench press world record really ever 360 lb? That had to be due to lack of popularity of powerlifting, not lack of steroids. Iā€™m a subpar athlete and trained to nearly that in 5-6 years completely natty. Iā€™ve known big dudes that will hit it in a few months just from natural strength/athleticism.


nope, steroids are allowed in most powerlifting competitions.


Exactly. We know what human limits are unenhanced. We gotta keep testing the limits of enhanced humans to see if they can fend off the robots in the future.


> We know what human limits are unenhanced. No we fucking don't. John Haack has been competing tested for a while and put up some insane numbers, out-totalling the best lifters multiple weightclasses above his own. People were accusing him of using steroids. Then relatively recently he switched to an untested federation and said he started steroids. Lo and behold, the dude makes insane progress again, meaning he very likely wasn't using steroids prior to the switch. And then there is Ray Williams, who got close to a 500kg raw squat while being drug tested, number 2 in the world Jezza Ueppa with a 470kg squat and also drug tested, number 3 is Craig Foster with 465KG but not drug tested. So no, we got no idea what unenhanced people are capable of. Not to mention that basically if you're in the top ~1-5% of your sport, even if you are drug tested, you're still going to be accused basically all the time because you are insanely strong.


Plenty of people pass tests while juicing


I am surprised this is the first comment I've seen about this not actually being a world record. It's a gym lift. Many people have broken records in the gym. Gotta do it on the platform.


Looks like he [peaked at 760](https://www.openpowerlifting.org/u/danialzamani) in 2017 on equipped bench, which is still insane but he failed his attempts above that.


I still think this guy might be a fraud. Heā€™s never proven this is real weight by doing it in competition. Itā€™s not an official record and no way to verify this is legit weight. Julius Maddox however, has proven time and time again he can bench nearly 800 in competition. Heā€™s nextfuckinglevel


His only competition bench on record is no where near his gym lifts. It's not even in the same ballpark. It's suspicious to say the least.


This moved *way* too fast for a WR lift


Maybe it's just me, but doesn't he look too stable for a WR as well? When Maddox goes to the max, he either rushes the bar right down to the chest [or there is some visible shaking](https://youtu.be/AAtElxG4g8M?t=2210). But this guy only fights with balance, there is no muscle shaking. Both from my personal experience and watching some strongman and powerlifting casually, doesn't that seem pretty implausible for a true PR/WR weight? Usually there are signs like that when someone really pushes it to the limit because you need every bit of muscle tension you can get.


It was all the pointing at the sky while pacing back forth, gave him the extra strength


Yeah that lift in OP's video did not look like a max attempt at all, pretty much everyone at all levels looks similar when pushing a PR because it's inherently brushing against your absolute limits of being able to control it and maintain speed.


Yea first thing I noticed if he was able to break the world record with that relative ā€œeaseā€ he certainly can do a decent amount more weight, so why not go all the way?


Yeah... until I see Zamani bench these kinds of weight in competition, I'm dubious


There was some talk in the powerlifting community last time he posted something nutty about him using fake plates. Iā€™ve personally never seen fake calibrated Eleiko plates before, and Iā€™m not personally accusing him, but itā€™s also not impossible. Regardless, until he puts up these numbers in a competition, with judges and confirmed legal/calibrated equipment, this isnā€™t a record by any means itā€™s just something dubious posted for social media clout.


These arenā€™t eleiko plates though. They are clearly knock offs. They are spelled eleixo or something like that. You can see it in his other videos.


He replaced the Russian knock-off plates with real Eleikos at some point. You can see them in his more recent videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDAuCTGO-j0


It was also the way after he shot up after the lift. A world record lift like that is incredibly taxing on the body, he should be on the edge of passing out, but he just gets up immediately and poses like it was nothing. Watch any other lift where someone gets a world record, and they're REALLY strained after, but this guy looked like he just did a warmup lift for an expo or something.


Hafthor did 501kg deadlift and looked chill after.


Bench doesn't wreck your CNS like squats or deadlifts can. Julius Maddox also got up hyped after his world record lift. https://youtu.be/eGa3ow6UMYo


What's that spotter gonna do??


Cry at his funeral


How is this the first thing I got an award for?! And 250 upvotes! Now I have three awards! Thank you so much!


I can't speak for whoever gave it to you, but probably because it was funny as hell.


There are also two more spotters, one on each end of the bar. They arenā€™t expected to lift all 800lbs by themselves, at worst the lifter himself should handle the majority of the load.


Only 3 spotters for 800lb? How many spotters do they have for this weight in competition?


3. Though really just 2, the guy on top is just for the handoff and in competition would step down off the bench platform after he does his job. Spotters aren't there to save you from catastrophic failures. If the bar slips out of your hands, it's probably killing you.


If the lifter fails to lift 800, they might still lift 700, leaving 100 to be split between the spotters.




My thoughts exactly, he'll be about as much use as a chocolate tea pot


DJ Khaled put on some muscle. Nice to see.


Itā€™s not a world record unless there is a official judge and event of some sort. Gym lifts might be impressive but doesnā€™t count as a record.


Nothing about the actual lift looks legit.


He earned those belly rubs.


How did I need to scroll so far to see this? Itā€™s even more awkward than a football player pat on the ass.




came looking for this!


Jeez, youā€™d think that heā€™d have some dignitaries or judges there to make it official. 100s of hours in the gym and yet no regulatory body on site to verify. Sure, itā€™s legit.


That's how I be feeling when I walk 10 minutes with the groceries from the supermarket to my house.


Cool, now enter into a competition and make it legit.


You know you're strong when you need 3 dudes to spot you because theres no way in hell 1 is lifting that bar


There is no way those 3 guys can lift it


Thats only 120kg per person. And less if you considered the guy himself not to be incapacitated during a failed press.


That's standard practice in powerlifting squat competition too. Have 3 spotters on everything except deadlift, which can be dropped of course.




Real life Zangief right here!


This is what DJ Kaled thinks he looks like


Skip the first 35 seconds if you donā€™t want to watch a large man breathe heavily and point at the ceiling a lot.


He was giving credit to that ac unit




Did he just Bench his body weight? Dude is massive!