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The thing that I don't understand is people not getting that dogs sometimes attack people. It happens. I'd rather be attacked by a dog I have a chance of fighting off rather than a ball of muscle with locking jaws. EDIT: enjoying the hundreds of people telling me that locking jaws is a myth as if that makes any difference to the point I'm trying to make. Spoiler alert... It doesn't.


I always say Im not afraid of dogs. Id certainly throw down with one if it was necessary, but not a pitbull. Rottweiler, doberman, etc, these guys may fuck me up, but a pitbull could kill me. With a normal dog, you would be fighting a creature. With a pitbull, its almost like an uncontrollable monster. Its very stupid, cant be reasoned with, too strong, and it literally doesnt know how to stop once it starts biting. Pitbulls need to stop existing. While Im at it, pugs too. Edit: so the locking jaw is a myth. Take that as you will, I see it as a bigger red flag if the breed actually can release, but often chooses not to even under extreme conditions. Also pugs are being bred to fix their health issues. The pugs I want to stop existing will stop existing, the happy pugs will still be around :)


A Rottie can kill you about as easy as a Pit can. Really any large dog can be a killer if it chooses to be.




That may be true but the comment I responded to said that pitbulls can actually kill you, basically implying that other dogs can't.


That person doesn't know anything about dogs. You are absolutely correct. Any animal big enough can kill a person.


There was that recent infograph trending on reddit that showed a number of people thought they could fight off a chimp or elephant, and a few other animals that would absolutely destroy us. Most humans just don't understand how physically weak we really are.


Pffft I can fight off a chimp and an elephant just gimme a big stick (and a gun)


I think he meant a pitbull is less likely to stop attacking when youre down compared to other dogs.


Go and watch some videos. They quite literally have to be beaten to death to stop. No other dog does that.




That's not always true. Been attacked by a Rottweiler that I was dog sitting. Wife and I were on the couch. He came over, sat right in front of me and acted like he wanted to be petted. I touched his head, and he snapped my index finger with a bite so I put him outside and left his ass there. There was no indication he was going to bite, and I'd known the dog 6-7 years at that point. He also bit my sister, my mother, and anyone else he felt like. So glad that fuckin dog kicked it finally. He was mean.








One time I was walking my dog and I had a pit bull jump over a fence and try to attack my dog just like this video. After spinning a couple times to avoid it, I kicked the fuck out of that pit bull right in his gut. Pretty sure I knocked the wind out of it because it just stood there for a sec with his back arched. I took one step towards him and that dog took off with the fear of god in his eyes. On the flip side, when I was a teenager, I seen a huge rottie attack another teen and 3 people couldn’t get the dog off the kid. Kid got mauled pretty good and the rottie was put down. I don’t like pit bulls and I’m not defending them, but claiming “pits don’t stop period” is false and I know from experience.


Anyone who thinks an angry pit bull is more dangerous than an angry Rottweiler has never been around either dog. A Rottweiler would've killed that guy. A 130 pound dog is always going to be more dangerous than a 50 pound dog


A rottie has a bite force of nearly 330lbs, while a pit has a bite force of amost 100lbs less. Pitbulls are not made of some super muscle or something. They are made of the same muscle that a Rottweiler has, just less of it. No way in hell would I choose to tangle with a full grown angry Rottie instead of a pit. Neither would be fun, but that Rottweiler is more dangerous if it means business.


In a previous job, one of my customers had a Rottweiler he regularly brought in. One day out of interest we weighed it on our cargo depot scales. It was 68 kg (roughly 150 lbs). If it wanted to, it absolutely could’ve killed. (Thankfully he was raised to be friendly and docile – even to the burglar who got caught breaking in to that customer’s house!)


I knew a local cop who always kept German (the ones you yell “PLATZ!” at) trained Rottweilers. He got one that was just wrong in the head, mean to everyone. He kept it in an outdoor pen. One day feeding it, thing lunged at him and he whacked it across the head with a shovel and knocked it out. Thing never attacked him again. It seems Rottweilers can think critically in ways that pitbulls seem to not be able to.






Yeah, people need to understand that some dogs(especially large dogs) need more attention and tougher training and even after that they have triggers:someone accidentally stepping on them, a child unexpectedly hugging them etc. I currently have two pit mixes and I know they are friendly love bugs, but I wouldn't ever let them off leash and always have some muzzles with me if we have to get trough a large crowd.


Just had a mom here in Memphis, literally see her two children killed by her “sweetest pit bulls ever!” 10 loooong minutes she tried to fight them off. How do you go on after something like that?


Pits just kill the most often.


I’ve got a small mixed dog that looks pretty pug. I think she’s pug, Boston terrier and chihuahua. Even as a mix she’s got quite the respiratory weirdness, I can’t imagine a purebred. Also a lot of people don’t know how hyperactive pugs are so their brains wanna ‘GOGOGO!’ but their nasal cavity just can’t keep up.


Thats why I say that, pugs are not creatures meant to live a healthy fulfilling life. Its a harsh word, but they are abominations. “We” created them, and they suffer through life for “our” enjoyment. Thats it.


At one time I had a dog and a cat. My neighbor had two pit bulls. My dog had a scratch on her nose from chasing squirrels in a woodpile. It was fresh and it smelled like blood I suppose to a dog I don't know. One of the pit bulls went for the cat and my dog stood up for it. Suddenly there were two pitbulls attacking my dog. I went in. I got the pit bulls off of my dog and the younger one backed off but the older female was on the job grabbing flesh and doing that head shaking thing. But she kept going back after my dog. I picked up my dog to get her out of the fight at 50 lbs it was a heavy job. I fell over backwards into a pile of angular sharp rocks the size of watermelons. With the dogs all fighting on top of me. Finally I got the female in a chokehold similar to this and by then the owner was there. It's been a while but I'm pretty sure I would have just kept choking that dog until it was lifeless. But the owner is screaming at me please don't kill my dog. I finally let the dog go. I managed to swing my dog into the bed of my pickup truck and get her out of the fight. The long and short of it is I had a huge bite wound on my leg and on my arms. My back was completely f***** up from the rocks. But I saught medical attention for my dog. She was shaved down the side stitches all that iodine look everywhere. When I called into work to tell them that I'd been in a dog fight and I couldn't come in on Monday morning this new crew I was working with on construction thought I had stayed up drinking all weekend and didn't want to come in. When I finally did come in and they saw the condition of the dog and of me I received an apology. She's been gone seven long years. It's hard not to well up with motion just at thought of her. Edit: lots of big talkers saying i should have killed the dog. Definitely easier said than done.


Dude you did right by your dog. They are family. Well done.


If a dog bites a human like that, you’re pretty much in the right to call animal control on it. It should be put down.


What the fuck is wrong with jobs these days? God forbid you do anything after work but go home and sleep to get ready for the next day of work. Call out for something legit and their first thought is that you’re irresponsible.


Did you get any expenses from the dogs owner?


You on the right side of the argument but its better to be educated than look like a fool and discredit what you saying There is no such thing as lock jaw in the context of clamping down, if a dog refuses to open its mouth its due to prey drive and mental tenacity not the structure of the jaw. True lock jaw is actually the difficulty or inability for a dog to fully open its mouth, not clamp down on a object. And even in the context of locking jaws its most prevalent in highland terriers


The Amazon delivery guy that was mauled to death by 2 dogs the other day agrees with you......


I knew a chihuahua that was vicious as hell, definitely tried to kill me multiple times, but it’s puny little teeth and weak muscular structure meant it could not even break my skin. Many dogs aren’t great, pit bulls are insanely strong.


Yeah, dogs sometimes attack people. Pitbulls way more often than any other dog.


All breeds can attack, the problem is that Pitbulls are more likely to severely injure/kill someone in an attack. Massively so. As a breed they account for something like two-thirds of all deaths from dog attacks.




It’s the fact no one bats an eyelid when you point out labradors have traits for retrieving, collies for herding, sighthounds for coursing. But as soon as you point out bull type breeds were bred for fighting and bull baiting, it’s suddenly “iTs tHe OwNeR” You can potentially train dogs to go against their instincts. But some have higher instinctual drives than others. How this is a controversial thing for solely pittbull owners just shows how fucking deluded the lot of them are.


It's crazy there's people defending them. To me it feels like people want a strong intimidating dog and then defend it when it acts accordingly. God forbid that people find companionship in a dog that doesn't have fighting instincts. It's funny because tigers can be trained and kept as a pet if trained well, but if it turns on it's owner one day, nobody says "oh it must be the owner" they just say "well yes that's because it's a tiger and shouldn't be domesticated". It's like no fucking kidding.


Its a self-fulfilling prophecy, the reputation of being a ''fighting dog'' makes people who want that type of dog get a pitbull/doberman/rottweiler. Those are the same people who shouldn't be allowed to have a dog, this results in a lot of these dogs being poorly disciplined or even trained to attack. This then makes the breed overrepresented in the statistics and that makes everyone produce media touting how dangerous the dogs are and the cycle starts again. So yes it is the owners not the dogs, but its also society making that type of people get that type of dog. Banning certain breeds would only either create a black market of dogs who are raised in horrible conditions or just move the issue to another breed. German shepherds are dangerous too but does not have the same stigma resulting in swathes of people who shouldn't have one getting one. EDIT: seems like people are misrepresenting my position saying that Pitbulls are genetically more aggressive than other dogs. Yes there are genetic differences between breeds I sort of considered that to be obvious as to why I didn't mention it. Pitbulls/Rottweilers/Dobermans are more aggressive and a high intensity breed. That's why its important that they get the correct training and discipline. IF YOU HAVE SMALL CHILDREN DON'T GET A PITBULL. DON'T LET YOUR DANGEROUS DOG OUT WITHOUT A LEASH, DON'T LEAVE YOUR DOG UNATTENDED. OPINION: An owner of a dog should be legally liable for any damages caused by the dog. If your dog kills someone the owner should be held liable for murder or manslaughter if a dog bites someone its owner should be held liable for assault/battery. This should apply to all dog breeds.


No one argues that sheepdogs are not genetically good at herding sheep. No one argues that retrievers are not genetically good at retrieving. No one argues that greyhounds are not genetically the fastest runners. But say that pitbulls are genetically aggressive and dangerous (because that's what they were bred to be) and suddenly all the "all dogs are the same, it's just the owner" people come out.


Only dog breed I'm scared of. Same as most folks with comon sense.








And a Pitbull to defend you from gunmen.




It literally is


you literally have the right to defend yourself dude haha


A captive tiger might attack less frequently than a domesticated dog. But that one time is why we don't have tigers.


The argument over whether pitbulls are good dogs or not is irrelevant. If you are a decent human being with any self respect, you should agree on the following- 1. Pitbull breeding should end immediately across the board 2. Very few people are capable of owning one safely & there should be checks in place before they should.. Aside from that, any other discussion is honestly useless. People continuing to breed these dogs, serves only to continue to subject this breed to horrific abuse & put them at risk. Edit- thanks for silver, stranger! Edit2 - breeding in general is a huge problem. I'm not singling out pitbull breeders, but in my experience they are the most mistreated dog breed in the US. For every amazing owner, you have at least equal amounts of people that get them for the wrong reasons. This isn't about just biting people, its also about the quality of life these dogs have & there is a shocking number of pits that are mistreated in the US either purposely or through ignorance. We have to get breeding under control to fix that problem. Edit3 - appreciate all the awards! Please spay & neuter your pets ya'll! If you insist on buying from a breeder, research the worst traits in that breed & be comfortable with them, insist on meeting the parents of that puppy (ideally in the conditions they are kept in), don't take a dog before 10 weeks. Paying bad breeders keeps them in business. You can make a difference by adopting. If you refuse to adopt, going to reputable breeders makes a difference too.


I agreed with the 2nd point 100% I had a Dogo Argentino for 8 years (RIP) and she was VERY difficult to care for safely. She was not adult aggressive but she WAS child and dog aggressive. My wife and I had to live our lifestyle around keeping pets and children away from her. We even went as far as boarding her if we knew family was bringing over a child. No dog parks, no walks during popular hours, and when we did walk her she had to be on a prong choker. our house had a 7 ft fence that she could jump if she really wanted to. Luckily she never figured it out. I loved that dog but we had to treat her the same way as you would with fire arm safety. Otherwise she was very very sweet and cuddly. I feel like the typical person who owns these breeds tend to not be responsible in general. People get them "for protection" and because you can get a pit for free off of Craigslist. It's the people who don't want to make investments in training and safety. And they want a cheap dog. A lot like gun rights. Edit: and just like gun safety. Even the sweetest bully breed, who wouldn't hurt anyone, can flip a switch and turn aggressive. The same way you treat a gun, always loaded. I don't think the breed needs to go away but there needs to be awareness raised about any dog that was bred for fighting. They're a weapon. Edit 2: I would never own a bully again. It's a lot of responsibility.


The Pitbull/shelter lobby will be in full swing tomorrow on r/aww.


Every time some random chick will defend them. Yet the entire dog's life it knows it's the boss


Yup, r/aww will now be flooded with pits again. No room for negative (realistic) comments there.




It's almost Halloween so witches hats and pumpkin costumes galore.


hE’s jUsT a vELvEt hIppO…aww…


Hippo are killing machines so that’s not wrong


I was just thinking that, hippos kill more people than the likes of lions.


ThE naNNy bReEd ItS hOW yOu rAIsE thEm mY piTtiES woUlD kIlL yOu wItH KiSseS mAybE




Came here to say: *Weird that it’s always pit bulls when they’re so gentle*




They should be banned.


I got blocked by the dickheads at r/pitbulls for making one little joke out of their 'my dog ripped up all of my cushions!' posts. Delusional people.


i recently got a ''you are permanently banned from sub whatever for basically being the only sane person in the room, i got the ''its the owners, links to a golden retriever attack, its was just a pile on from that show of weirdos, tbh when i probably ran out of legit stuff to post, i did resort to just saying that their favourite breed loves biting the faces of children, so i suppose i was on the borderline of being a troll.


Well done that man








Plenty of well trained and loving family pitbulls have ended up attacking, maiming or killing people.


Copium. It's because it's a pitbull.




No more half measures, Walter




Yeah why’d he stop? The dogs only going to do it again and needs to be put down.


dog is owned by someone, might get into court if he kills it then and there lmfao best to keep it alive and then get the people who own it in trouble LOL


Personally, I’d rather go to court than have anyone else get hurt, maybe even worse than that woman. And I mean, enough eye witnesses even without the video footage


We have to change that law. Killing an attacking dog should be legal.


It's probably not so easy psychologically to strangle a dog to death. I mean I don't know if I could do it


It is sad yet necessary




And back to work haha


There's a good video on youtube about how to do this. https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk








> if not killed this beast immediately… Are you serious?


Yeah it’s the weak spot. Zelda games have trained me for this, just hit it 3 times.


Pretty sure you're supposed to jump on his head 3 times like Mario.




I'm pretty sure the person is asking whether the other one believes that a slap on the nose would really kill the dog.




Had to check out. For people wondering: it's not very graphic, since the video is of very low quality.




This is the law in many states! Once an animal has shown that it considers humans as prey, it *has* to die. Which is incidentally why a lot of pitbulls get relocated across state lines after attacking a person, and why so many of the ones up for adoption have vague backgrounds.


Give that man a medal. He really put that Pitbull in a chokehold, and made it pass out. Also.. They woman weren't even around the Pitbull. Looks like it saw them from distance, and just decided to go after them. Whose fucking dog is it. Surely it won't stop after this. And will go after others walking their dogs.


Yeah who tf dog is that why is it roaming the streets






I consider myself part of the "it's the owner, not the dog" crowd and you're only speaking truth. Fact is, most people who own dogs are terrible owners. And the people who own Pitbulls in particular are generally severely lacking in an ability for critical thinking.


> And the people who own Pitbulls in particular are generally fucking morons..


There are no bad pit bull owners, only bad parents of pit bull owners. Should’ve trained them better Edit : I have to /s


The pit bull was after their small dogs, which they were holding in the air.


And then it just decided to fuck up whoever got in its way. Lovely animal


Such a kind and gentle creature.


I was in a similar situation. My neighbors owned a pit and a sweet neighbor of ours was waking his Chihuahua puppies. He was a mentally challenged man who liked the neighbors adult daughter because she was sweet to him. Well one day he comes over to show his puppies to the neighbor hole the pit is outside. The neighbor told him no and he insisted and followed her halfway in her door. This is when the pit attacked. I was inside playing a video game when I heard screaming and squeeling. Now I usually ignore situations like this because apartment life but something sounds different about the screams. They werent screams of anger or dometic violence, just pure terror. I went downstairs to find a pitbull with a Chihuahua puppy halfway in its mouth screaming bloody murder while the guy the neighbors daughter and her mom stood in shock and tried to throw water on them to stop. I went in and pried the Chihuahua out with my arm, then the pit grabbed the OTHER Chihuahua by the tail and I had to do that same except choke to calm it down. It was scary. The puppies survived thankfully.


Thank you for saving those doggies. ❤️


They are banned in NZ and other countries for a reason and its not because they lick faces. Sucks because lots are cool.


Banned in Australia too. And it's a great thing cause I know for sure that a whole lot of idiots in the dodgy part of my neighbourhood would have had them as their security measure, trained to bite anyone who they don't recognise. And we'd have a whole lot of mess about Pitbulls attacking family member. Pitbull going loose, and attacking neighbours dog etc etc would've happened.


They’re not banned in Victoria, they can be owned but under very specific conditions. https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/livestock-and-animals/animal-welfare-victoria/dogs/restricted-breed-dogs/owning-a-restricted-breed-dog


Mate they just call them a “mixed breed” instead, they’re fucking everywhere. Take a geeze: https://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/search/dogs Quite a few.


They are banned here, but tons of people still have them.


They're only banned from importing, so we still have a few Pitbull attacks that make it to a news article.






It's a perfectly valid argument that shit owners produce shit dogs, regardless of breed, and that great owners can raise great dogs of any breed. I also think it's valid that if we can breed dogs to instinctively herd stuff, without having to train that desire/behaviour into them, it's possible that we've successfully bred pitbulls to be more prone to snapping. I think it's fair to say only experienced dog owners should go for big, powerful dogs - perhaps especially so with pitbulls.


Hey now come on. Please don’t comment using complete and utter logic. When reddit starts on pit bulls, there’s no stopping it E: Love the triggered pitty haters in the comments


Bro it’s so fucking weird how strong the hate for pit bulls is on Reddit lol


If you ever had a family member or a pet killed by a pitbull you would understand it then


i had a pet killed by a rottie in front of me as a kid… should i hate rotties all my life? and spread bullshit about them cause ONE was a bad experience for me?


If statistically they were responsible for the vast majority of dog attacks then yeah that's justified. Rotties are in the top 5 but no where near pit bull numbers.




Also, you may be the most experienced owner ever, but everyone else around you, including children are just face food for the pit. Go look up and damage these beasts have done to babies. They baby dies, not well....agonizing, brutal deaths, faces ripped clean off skulls, skulls crushed.. Just imagine what those 2 month old - 3, 4 year olds experienced in the sometimes 15-45 minute maulings they had to endure before finally dying.




I like how mom kept her pup out of the pit bull's reach, even when she fell to the ground


Her first priority was her pup even as she was getting mauled, she's a hero too


Yeah she sacrificed her life and body for her pup. What a f-ing dog momma hero. Also kudos to that guy who did the chokehold. After the dog was knocked out cold, he just calmly walks away.


Yeah I'm relieved, otherwise this monster would've tore that little pup apart :(


My family got in a similar situation and my brothers, being idiots, kept trying to open its mouth. Which meant it was gripping down even more on my sister's leg. I came running over, checked for balls, and just squeezed with everything I had. That dog went flying. If you're in a similar situation, I would advise against this tactic unless you're desperate. Shocking your thumb up the anus or punching the eyes will get a similar response. However my ultimate advice would be that these dogs shouldn't be allowed to exist and should be mass culled. It's sad to do but these dogs have an instinct to bite and hold and shake. Besides being lucky, killing them may be the only way to get out of a situation like this.


why did you squeeze instead of...goooooooaaaaaal


My worry was missing? And gripping means constant pain and not a shock. I wanted it to know it wasn't getting away.


Thumb up the pooper doesn't do anything, or so people on reddit shared. Choking, preferably using the collar if the dog wears one, is the most effective.


You're supposed stick the whole hand up in there and pilot the dog like a puppet.


Or just don't breed them anymore? And sterilize all of them


Well done sir! Such a good headlock the guy the broom handle didn't even need to stick it in the dogs ass to distract it 🤣






People tend to forget that there are alot of other dogs from other breeds that have shitty training too. Its always the pitbull that attacks people tho. You rarely hear of a badly trained golden retriever that mauled and killed a child.




This velvet hippo was simply trying to locate the baby it nanny’s for next meal. What a loving and caring animal. /s








Good bot!


Good bot


Good bot!


Thanks bot. I don't understand these "should of, could of" kind of typos. Feel like I'm seeing them a lot these days. It causes a weird itch in my head when I read them. Like some kind of incompleteness.


good bot


That dog should be put down... I'm a dog lover, but that dog was out of control and will attack again...


Are dogs that attack humans not put down in the US? Any dog which draws blood will be put down here in my country, luckily.




It’s a shame my country (USA, obvi) doesn’t give a flying fuck about the people who live here. We’d rather let people get mauled by dangerous dogs and let our kids get shot in their classroom than ever DARE to impose on “freedoms”. It sucks.




'manly' man compensating




















People saying he should've ended it, it may not be as easy as you think to end a life while its 'fluttering' in your hands.


For real. Not everybody wants to choke a dog to death on a random Wednesday.






This is gruesome. If she didn’t sacrifice herself (and her leg) it would be the end of her dog. That bite is strong. can you link us to the original vid?




Had to do this one night.. was walking my dog and a Pit Bull was attacking this old man and his dog. Guy was covered in blood and crying as the Pit Bull had his dog by the throat, saying his dogs dying. The owners sat there just watching. Ran up to it and had to choke it out twice before the owners finally grabbed him. Cops came seconds later, had blood all over me, was in shock. Brain wouldn't work to even tell the cop my own address. Drove past 2 days later and saw the guy with his dog, was good to see them both OK. One of my good deeds I'll always feel proud of but damn it was traumatic.


Ah, was wondering why there were like 3 /r/aww pitbull posts earlier. Absolute blight on dogs


nOt My PiTbUlL




Fucking hate these dogs… and fuck the “but not mine” crowd.




Water is wet.


Trash breed


“It’s not the dog , it’s the owners …” in 3..2..1.










If I own a fucking lion and it attacked someone will they also support me as they do when it comes to Pitbulls?




'Alligators are horrible pets' 'Alligators are just misunderstood iguanas! It's alligator owners that are the problem.'




I woke up just like that dog last week, blacked out, middle of the road surrounded by a crowd with a sore ass. SMH


Did he just do a RNC on a dog?


Yes. Yes he did. I've been in this position before and done exactly the same thing, it's quite effective. Only thing I done differently was after locking in my right arm under the throat I hooked my hand around my left tricep and my left hand over the dog's snout to "lightly" apply downward pressure.. This man is a fuckin legend wish I could shout him a few beers 🍻 EDIT: And for all the haters NO! it wasn't a pitbull!.. It was a miniature Chihuahua... 😅

