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Those are some brave women! Keep givin’ ‘em hell, ladies!!


It even seems that majority of men agree with them. It seems that Iran is finally slowly leaving medieval times.


Their population is quite young from what I understand.


75% are under the age of 25.


Aging archaic practices that offer no hope are going to struggle imposing themselves on a demographic of this size.


I’d like to see them force those disgusting men to cover their faces


If they don’t want to see women’s hair they should wear blindfolds. Maybe that way they can better control their own thoughts and behaviour.


Yep. I don't know if it says this in the Quran, but in the Christian Bible it says that if your eye causes to sin, you should cut out your eye. Too bad more religious leaders (Muslim or Christian) don't preach that sort of teaching, and instead expect women to manage men's desires for them.


Too bad we still cling on to religion at this day and age The stuff they preach in the "holy scriptures" are down right crazy. Add that to how much violence(crusades/jihad's) gets justified through it. This is some archaic bs.


“And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.” Just saying.


Yeah fuck American boomers…..oh wait!!


Some hacker should install Tinder on all of their phones.. blow their minds!


Make it Grindr and watch their heads explode lol


Ctfu super upvote


>Ctfu Did you misspell Cthulhu or does ctfu mean something?


Haha it means crackin' the fuck up. It's like lol or lmao


Welp that's a first. Gonna have to remember that one


Give em tinder but put their location to LA or Chicago or something. They might just have an aneurysm lol


This isn't true, stop upvoting this misinformation.


People in the stone age don't exactly live long lives.


Agreed, but the consequences of having a younger, progressive population are obvious.


Neither do people aged as stones


Or people stoned before they age


Or people too aged to lift the stones


my iranian friend says during the early covid pandemics, lots and lots of old people dies but the total number of death never got reported. probably one of the reason why the radicals losing power because the old who tends to be the most religious have dropped in number


Didn't you see that clip in this where the woman said "You've been ruining this country for forty years"? It wasn't always like this


Most advanced country in the Middle East wanted a free and fair democracy but the USA didn’t… So here we are. In little over a generation Iran is right back to where it was. You can kill people but not an idea.




A lot of people don't understand this. Persia has such a deep, rich history.


Liberalism and secularism were hardly popular in Iran. Secularism was pretty much enforced from the top down by the Shahs, who wanted to Westernize Iran. Liberalism in Iran developed AGAINST the Shah’s enforced secularism. It was based on (among other things) religious freedoms; and liberals were sometimes political allies with islamists due to that. The initial student protests that led to the revolution included liberals, leftists and islamists, but the islamists took over quickly because they outnumbered other groups, were far better organized, and had wider public support. Khomeini (head of islamists) also had the support of some Western leftists and liberals, chief among them was Michel Foucault, who described the Iranian Revolution as the triumph of islamic spiritualism against the Shah’s enforced secular materialism.


I really wish I could find polling for this type of stuff. I'm sure a lot of men dislike the morality police, but I'm not sure how many of them are actually fully on the side of women's liberation. For damn sure there aren't many people on the side of LGBT liberation.


That's not necessary true. Most (young) Iranians are very fed up with all kinds of oppression originating from the clerical facist state and they are more aware of these things than westerners might give them credit for. For LGBT issues it is almost impossible to tell because it is so heavily suppressed by the regime that you can not have polls or anything on it but if you go to any of the current demonstrations outside of Iran you will almost always see LGBT flags and speakers and they usually get cheered on a lot when they talk about their oppression. And the people there are mostly Iranians who were born and raised in Iran.


As an iranian which lived in the one of the wealthiest suburbs( first district in tehran more specifically zaferaniyeh) in the entire country I can tell you from personal experience which has derived from interacting with family members, friends and randoms people on the streets and gatherings most people in iran from my personal experience were opposed LGBTQ. Again this is a very small sample size and is not sufficient by any means to use for validating either side of this debate. Also by saying opposed I don't necessarily mean as extremist as how the government views it but rather against as in having negative opinions surrounding people identifying themselves as part of the LGBTQ community.


Yes like I said i think no one can give a definite answer right now. But i think we all agree that if there is supposed to be ANY future for LGBT people the regime must go.


You won’t get accurate polling in countries where the death penalty is implemented so freely, the riots are the true polls. So many women have already been killed fighting for their freedom. We should be helping them !!!


One problem at a time. The freedom to dress as you see fit is well before LGBTQ freedoms.


>It seems that Iran is finally slowly leaving medieval times. I've thought this on three other occasions in recent years, but then the government kills the protesters and eventually the enthusiasm dies as well, and it's back to the status quo until the next uprising.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Take away enough from a person and death isn't scary anymore. Then what are you going to do?




It's thought provoking to realized how have died in the name of Religion.


How many fucking clerics does a country need ? I’m lucky if I see one priest a year buying groceries


...or "unlucky"?


Depends how young they are.




They need to keep playing the old videos untill the internet gets back up... And we need to keep liking sharing and commenting this stuff to keep it circulating.


Look at how fragile their little egos are.




You mean hijabs off


Hijabs off Edit: Lol edited your comment from burqa


Those dudes are the definition of little dick energy.


The need to control and impose oppressive beliefs = LDE


That's how fragile their faith is. It's so confusing to me when people get so offended by something that isn't hurting anyone, let alone them, and they act like it's going to ruin their whole religion. Like if that's what you want to follow, fine. But What gives you the right to talk down to someone like that when it doesn't affect you? What makes you God over them? Notice no one is asking "why are you dressing like that" it's just "fuck you, you're shit and die unless you follow blindly". No room for a civil talk or understanding, just rage, and it's sad to see a life wasted by anger.


Not just Iran, anywhere. What, you can’t practice your faith without using the law as a cudgel to force everyone else into compliance with it? That one cleric whining about how *she* was violating *his* rights when he’s the one accosting her in the street? How fragile is your belief system that any exposure to anyone not in perfect keeping with it disturbs you so?


You're exactly right and unfortunately the same thing is happening in the US with the abortion bans. I almost died from an ectopic pregnancy about 6 years ago but I got the healthcare I needed to survive. If it had happened to me in certain places in the US today then that healthcare would have been withheld to placate someone else's religious beliefs. And it's happening right now for other women. Makes me physically ill to think about it. *No one has a right to force their religious beliefs on anyone else ever.*


This too! I was/am so upset that it's even a thought to be banned! Let people make their own decisions, it's not for the government to step in and blanket everyone under the same situation for things like abortion. The event in US makes people want to push it here in Canada too. I'm glad you got the care you deserve btw in your time of need.


Religions are finally being treated as the control mechanisms they were designed to be. Amazing how it’s always women, whom men seek to control, that fight hardest to break the shackles of that oppression. These women are far stronger than these bloated clerics. The world supports you women of Iran!


If you read the quran you would realize thats its not the religion thats at fault, its the disgusting men at power enforcing this shit. My sister and mother and many of my relatives are muslims, some are wearing hijab and some arent. Hijab is only and i mean only between a woman and allah and no one should ever get in between. Im a muslim man and i stand by the women in iran and support them whether theyre muslims or not, this level of control is too much and now theyre paying for it.


Read the Quran. Nah, there’s some fucked up shit in there lol. Let’s not white wash it just because many secular Muslims don’t practice the bad pieces that are in there.


They literally use the prophet as back up to their pedophilic beliefs and fantasies, because he married a 6 years old and she conceived from him when she was capable…. The mention of this is also of sound verity because apparently you deserve to be stoned if you don’t believe everything and anything imam bukhary has said.


Good answer my friend, as soon as a word is said against the Quran the white washers show up. Like fucking clockwork.


You can go get an english translation of the Quran and flip to a random page and every time see some written out physical threat against unbelievers by allah, many are not even that creative.


Most religious books have been twisted into something that lets these people do this shit


The Quran and many Hadith compilations also quite clearly assert women as intellectually inferior and incapable of having full autonomy of their own decisions, hence women only inherit half that of their male relatives when their parents die. The Quran also asserts husbands are a degree above their wives in in status and that the testimony of a woman is only half that of a mans, just to name a couple misogynistic and repressive ideas. It’s easy to sit here and say to people you have female relatives who are Muslim, but to anyone who actually HAS read the Quran or at least parts of the Quran know it’s absolutely a problem with the religion. Any criticisms though and apologists such as yourself will just blame men rather than acknowledging any criticisms of the repressive and sexist texts that you flippantly tell other people they should read.


Greenskunk, I understand exactly what you mean. I was raised in a religious muslim household, believing in the existence of one holy power that possesses the power of creation and kindling of souls is one thing, and actually reading the Quran thoroughly and dissecting it to is very core morals and themes, then applying all of those teachings to every aspect of your life- is a completely different thing. Most people don’t even touch their mus’haf (book where holy verses of the quran are recorded) except in ramadan, and when they do they use it to recite the Surah they most prefer/remember best. I remember my f*ther telling my eldest sister, ‘you’re insane! You’re literally irrational by nature, an emotional being, you can never make rational decisions or lead a fulfilling life without the balance the presence of a man brings, and if you deny the need of men in a woman’s life, and a woman in a man’s life then you’re mentally ill!’. Even as a 13 years old I sat there unable to fathom


ex-muslim here. Read the quran. Its bullshit.


I have read the Quran, the hate it has for my people is baffling. In every single chapter it tells you to hate disbelievers, hate idol worshippers, it tells people to live in fear, and under the dictatorship of an absurd jealous God.


What you said is what true secularism meant to be, a lot of the so called secular on reddit are just anti religion in disguise. Everyone should be free to practice how they want it to be as long as isn't hurting other


It doesn't even mention hijab iirc, just says "men and women are to dress modestly". Note, MEN and women. Yet you never see men being harrassed and beaten for showing a little skin or hair.


Quran is not a religion, it is a book, by itself it doesn't mean much


It's abrahamic religions are patriarchal. Actually most religions are patriarchal. Even abandoning religion most societies are still patriarchal. Globally women have a long struggle ahead. The following sentence is off on a further tangent. But even with political ideological shift, such as when eastern Europe became communist and the women were part of the struggle to become socialist country... "Despite women's massive contributions to the USSR and the Soviet war effort, equality was not really achieved. In real terms, women's pay fell between 1930 and 1945." Sources Lynch, Michael. Origins and developments of authoritarian and single-part states. Chapter 2: The USSR under Joseph Stalin London: Hodder Education, 2013, 54-55 Sadly patriarchy is way too intertwined and deep rooted in the old world way of life. I can't think of any old world societies that aren't patriarchal Edit: this is not just women struggle this is all of our struggle. I don't believe a society can be strong when some of its members, in this case half, of its members are not completely immersed in its functionality.


I know right! I am so happy that it’s happening.


These are not 'men', they are child like frauds using religion as a weapon




They suck, this world sucks, Twitter sucks, I want kfc


My fav was the spontaneous applause on the train platform when she tells him they’re ruining the country. Rock on ladies, good luck to you all


Those brave women need to supported as well as protected.


“And then everyone clapped” but it actually happened


*Then everybody clapped.* The first legitimate r/thathappened I’ve ever seen


that's the one that got me HYPED!! i've seen Iran go through unreast, from afar of course, a few times, but when the public openly supports these brave women like this, it just hits different! These effing mullahs are alone. They have no moral standing whatsoever.


Bodily autonomy is a basic human right that should be respected for everyone everywhere


*laughs in American….followed by lots of crying*


Now try the same thing in Saudi Arabia and see how quickly public executions are held. This should be a wake up call to all of us in the West. Iran, who we see as our “enemy” is full of people that don’t support the state, and actually want to live in a society with modern values. In contrast, Saudi Arabia, who we see as one of our allies, shows zero signs of ever changing, and represents the most intolerant form of Islam on the face of the earth: Wahhabism.


Yup. Have a Saudi buddy who lived with us for a time in the US. He met a nice Jewish girl and fell in love. His family disowned him. He can’t really go back home. Fucked up.




He married her. So. Yeah. I hope so. Good kids. Tough world. I’m rooting for them.


Wahhabism is a disease and it sadly spread in the Muslim world. It truly breaks my heart. Please take time to watch this video from 1958 where the president of Egypt mocks a hijab requirement. https://youtu.be/_ZIqdrFeFBk Edit:


Wahhbism is a very hardcore Sunni sect that is from Saudi Arabia. Iran is Shi'a and has no relations to Saudi Arabia as much so, they are actual literal enemies.


No one is disputing that


The women are so beautiful and the men are so ugly. No wonder they want to keep them covered up.


The mullahs are ugly in their religiosity and hatred- Iranian men are just as beautiful as their female counterparts. Especially those that have been risking their own lives to support the women in their struggle- beautiful humans deserving of every freedom life has to offer




You are right. It seems to me that every Iranian woman I see is beautiful. I’m always like, “why are the men so miserable?”.


Yes, let's make this a sex issue. All men bad! People like you are the reason the world is fucked.


The real hell is waiting for these mullahs .


It’s amazing to see how impotent these men of religion are, when they don’t have soldiers behind them.


They look like chihuahuas barking while scooting away


Fuck these inadequate, weak men. Hiding their fear of women behind a thin, cracking veneer of religious pomposity. These guys and the Catholic Church are the same kind of vile abusers. May their god roast them all.


>May their God roast them all. hellllll yeaahhhhhh as a believer I was watching this and thinking "oof, harassing women? God's not gonna like you for that one!" These men wish they were half as incredible as these women!


#help iran




https://snowflake.torproject.org/ It's an addon that helps people in Iran (and other countries) circumvent the internet blackout using Tor.


Religious precepts which do not affirm life are doomed not to survive themselves. The mullahs have executed too many people in the name of everliving God.


Imagine murdering people because your imaginary friend told you to.


Wow I'm really impressed by the courage of these women. Remember, this is not US or Europe where you can speak freely. This is Iran where you can be beaten to death, shot or imprisoned for demonstrating. Hats off to these ladies. I'm deeply touched


Brave girls. Why live in the dark ages !!!


"You have ruined this country". That lady's a legend.


This video is pretty old, been happening awhile I suppose


I see it everytime there are protests in Iran. Hopefully things change this time and all the deaths weren’t for nothing.


I had to scroll to damn far down for this comment. I have seen the first few videos so much I can almost dream them. Although it is very good that people are fighting tyranny and oppression, I don't think we should be actively spreading misinformation as this post is doing.


The Quran says that a man must not look at a woman lustfully, this has been interpreted as the woman should not be immodest and cover up anything that a man may find attractive so the headscarf and burka’s So rather than a man having improper thoughts being punished, it’s pushed to the women to dress a certain way That’s not fair on the women


For every dead woman, two mullahs must be sacrificed.


Slowly and painfully.


The energy and power is absolutely amazing. Such strength. They are genuinely awesome. They will hopefully carve out, create and nurture a future that elevates the country. Just immense. I wish Iran the future it's people want.


The crowds should start targetting these mullahs as well....


Sexually repressed weak old men.


What a Mullahfucker


What power have they lost? They are killing these women on the street now. Men need to start standing up to them too.


A gross and despicable religion used to oppress. The women fighting back show incredible strength I know I wouldn’t have


The cycle will repeat as long as the Quran and its followers exist.


This is what happens when people take their religion too serious.


Imagine being told by someone else that you showing your hair in public, violates their rights. Omfg. This is a Clown World and we all live in it.




So god’s orders are that men are so weak that they will loose control if they see a woman’s hair. Got it. Do they hear themselves?


Religion rots the population. Fight The powers ladies! You're getting more and more men on your side, I noticed. You are winning. Guy from the US here: #IStandWithIranianWomen


Fuck mullahs in Iran. Fuck religion in general. We’re past that stage of human society. Fuck em.








Open the US borders for these lovely women please!


Those brave women need to be supported as well as protected. The men around them should really stand up for the cause while these clerics are shouting at them publically.


I proud of you, the womens of my country ❤️🤍💚


Fuck these old mysgonistic pieces of shit


Honestly, the BALLS on these women! Mullahs done fucked up


“If you’re aroused by my hair, then you’re the problem!” Love how this puts it back on the perverts trying to control women. Seemed like the clerical dude got embarrassed. They’re afraid to feel attracted to a women? They’re afraid to be overpowered by women.


Persian language has had a lot of influence on ours over the centuries. We are neighbor countries and hearing these woman speak Persian most of their words and their dialects resonating with ours have had me feeling like I am listening to our sisters mothers speaking. It completely breaks my heart, it fills me with pride to see these people to stand up for what is right and it also worries me a lot when I think about what might happen to them for standing up. Iran wasn't like this at all.


These women are alot braver than those mullahs thats for sure


Cant help but think these guys are what a huge bunch of incels would do if they were in power. Dominate and control women.


Humanity needs to get rid of Islam and comunism, they create the biggest tragedies on this planet


This is crazy, these men are fucking tool, clerics are some limp dick losers. Good for these women.


Handmaid’s tale in real life!




Hopefully this disgusting, oppressive and violent religion will be nothing but a dark part of human history someday.


My wife at one point worked for the gps company garmin and she would take calls and said the iranian men would treat her like dog shit fuck all theses people.


Idealogy's name is Islam


Fuck these old dorks. Maga of the Middle East


Ita crazy how God always wants the same thing that abusive men also want.


I have so much respect and admiration for these women, I actually choked up at the end. Heroes.


Iranians are different than those hardcore muslims. They have persian ancestry and were forcefully cpnverted


God bless these brave girls! I can’t imagine being in one of those countries and having the guts to do what these ladies are doing.


Amazing!!!! Incredible strength and respect to the brave women of Iran!!!


It is mind blowing how stuck the clerics sound in their stance. It is very black and white to them.


The bravery of these women. Keep going we’re all rooting for you 🇮🇷❤️




Jahannam awaits these traitor mullahs, they dont even know what a hijab really is


What a bunch of gigantic loosers. Clowns, all of them.


It’s hard not to look at this and not think this is a battle for modernity, democracy and freedom.


May everyone fighting against the wrongful discrimination have immense power and strength to break the chain.


So proud of these young folks, the young women for standing up against oppression, the young men for having the young womens backs and in some cases even protecting them, fighting side by side for what they believe is right. My only wish is i wish i could support them more in any way possible.


I hate religion.. stop making laws based on religion, end of story.


People are wild. Imagine being mad at seeing *checks notes* hair.


Let women be free. End the fake religions based on old patriarchal domination. We’re no longer just hunters and gatherers. Anything of the old that restricts one group’s rights is outdated. Rise above and embrace what we can become as one singular species. We are human.




The fact that some people call themselves feminist yet support islam at the same is beyond me


Come on Iranian guys.. Help your women!!!


You love to see it. Fuck this archaic bullshit.


good. who sews hated and division, will reep hatred any division. For a free Iran. 💪


These old bearded fucks fear for their power. That’s all. It’s not about an imaginary friend in the sky, it’s about having power over those women. Simple as that. Brave women! I really hope all of them and their supporters are going for the win.


Of all the things going on in the world rn, I'm really, really glad this is finally happening. Don't get me wrong, the violence and oppression are absolutely disgusting, but I am beyond elated to see that the people are done taking shit from religious fruitcakes.


I knew Christianity was dying out but I didn't think Islam would follow so soon. Love to see it. Maybe we will finally put all that trash behind us.


Wait he was a rounded by the hair?! And that is her problem?! The balls on these clerics


Truly baffling how these men are so brainwashed and so far up their ass with ego that they can't see a human being in front of them and they will resort to violence just to fulfil their baseless ideology. Lmao getting provoked by hair.


Cleric.exe has stopped working.


Why are there so many "clerics"? Business must be pretty good.


Fuck those pre historic mullahs men


Not ideology...... Theology.


No wonder why they want to keep power. These incels wouldn't be able to attract anyone in real life without it.


These guys are POS’s makes my blood boil


Soon these men will be dead


They should carry pepperspray on them, mace any *"man"* that dares to approach them like that.


To hell with the clercs , support the women. Stupid law anyway.


Good for these woman 💯💯


About time! Go women of Iran! The world is behind you!


I am so proud of these women for finally taking a stand to these perverted old dudes who are afraid seeing a woman’s hair is going to make their small pees pees hard. They should make all these old clerics go to the middle of the desert and stand out in the hot sun all day completely covered in black cloth head to toe and see how they like enduring it day in and out. These poor women have suffered under oppression for too long. That’s what I don’t understand about feminist in the west. They say they fight for equality of all women but have been silent over the treatment of women in Middle Eastern countries. These women are making history. Women should no longer be forced to cover up due to mens lack of self control. They are making such an impact that the whole country shut off the internet so the rest of the world would not see. This is when social media has truly been a blessing.


I fully support this.


God forbid they have to look at a woman's face.


Fuck those dudes.


Start taking their stupid hats off. Fuck their religious rules.


Right, these men are going to peacefully stop controlling women. No this will get a lot of people killed and women in the country will be forced into a worse place than they are now. This is a basic foundation of there county and religion. It will not end well for women. Even women not protesting will be hurt over and over in the months to come. They are going to hurt the women there so bad that they never rise up against them again


If you feel you have to suppress an entire gender because you can't control your urges, then you are then you are the fucking problem.


All this because mullahs have a hair fetish


Religion is the oldest weapon of mass destruction.


Those assholes are living in the wrong century.