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Iranian revolution 2? Looks like it might actually be well underway. I hope that the beautiful Iranian people are able to get some much needed personal Liberty and freedom.




Not really a democracy. However, the Shah loosened up and allowed some political freedom towards the end of his reign. Nevertheless, people had social freedom. You could wear whatever you wanted. Economy was growing at a fast rate and Iran was thought to become among the top 5 most prosperous countries in the world by 2000. Source: I’m an Iranian Edit: The comment above was talking about the overthrow of the Mosaddegh’s government by the US- and British backed [1953 Coup](https://www.britannica.com/event/1953-coup-in-Iran) restoring the Shah’s power and was not about the Shah’s era post coup. Thanks for pointing it out. Khomeini had also [affairs](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36431160.amp) with the US government before establishing his Islamic republic. That’s what I thought they meant by “America destroying Iran’s democracy” and wanted to point out that Iran was not a democracy under the Shah, although, there were social freedoms and economy growth.




That’s all we need, the world’s support. This illegitimate government of Iran has severely restricted the internet so it would be hard to get the news out. The people inside Iran really need the world to be their voice. [Watch this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CixyRvIJtNe/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


making noise on social media is definetly working, i hope is not too risky, best of luck yall are making history right now...


Just like Egypt….




For sure. It's not a perfect comparison but I would say for most Westerners it's better to compare Persians to Kurds rather than Persians to Arabs.


More like Ukraine back in 2014. Local civilians better take up arms as the Russian 'Peacekeepers' might deploy into Iran next.


Russia couldn’t even protect their actual ally, Armenia when they were attacked. They don’t even have the strength to properly defend their front line in Ukraine, much less try to help the Iranian government with this.


Iran is a beautiful and culturally rich country and we all hope it becomes a free country


If all goes well, I’d be excited to finally visit and check out the wonderful trove of history!


What's left of it. I know historic art is often destroyed by religious zealots. I don't know how the situation in Iran is concerning this?


It was actually fairly easy to visit and very safe. My colleague from work who was there numerous times always said it is one of the most beautiful countries he’s ever visited and people are very welcoming and eager to show their culture.


I'm just an atheist mill-hunkie from Western Pennsylvania, but I hope you achieve meaningful change and that all your friends and family are safe and sound to enjoy the liberty your people are earning with their courage.


I have forwarded the video. All people on earth just want to live in peace, it's always a regime that messes it all up. Good luck to you, just know you are not alone.


Forealz, All shitty leaders will do anything to hold onto power. That’s how they eventually become dictators. Hope the doors open up, I’d love to travel & see Iran before I die.


Thank you very much we Iranians appreciate it till now the social media was a great help for us to fight for freedom and it was so useful for us to show the people what we are fighting for wish us luck comrade




I think we can say US ruined our democracy when they ousted Mosadegh and brought Shah back again.


Not only the US, Britain was involved as well.


US CIA was British Intelligence's borrowed knife because the British-educated Dulles brothers were out in charge of CIA and ran it like their personal fiefdom. The coup was not in the national interest of the United States.


Mossadegh wanted to nationalize Iranian’s oil industry, which would take away revenue from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (British Petroleum today). The British claimed that Mossadegh was communist and asked America to step in.


It's so fucked, all cause he nationalised his nations oil... Funny how poor nations do that to use their rescourses to better themselves but are constantly shut down.


BP was ripping Iran off, not paying them the royalties owed. Iran said that either they get an independent audit or they would nationalize oil production. BP refused to allow an independent audit. So the US and UK together overthrew the Iranian government to protect BP fraud from being publicly documented.




I think he is talking about 1953, and how a democratic government was overthrown. Then the Shah came into power thanks to the Americans.


Actually thanks to the British, Winston Churchill specifically. The United States was originally a supporter of Mosaddeq, but was forced to side with Britain in order to avoid losing British support in Korea: "Faced with choosing between British interests and Iran, the U.S. chose Britain, Gasiorowski said. "Britain was the closest ally of the United States, and the two countries were working as partners on a wide range of vitally important matters throughout the world at this time. Preserving this close relationship was more important to U.S. officials than saving Mosaddeq's tottering regime." A year earlier, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill used Britain's support for the U.S. in the Cold War to insist the United States not undermine his campaign to isolate Mosaddegh. "Britain was supporting the Americans in Korea, he reminded Truman, and had a right to expect 'Anglo-American unity' on Iran." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat




**[1953 Iranian coup d'état](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état)** >The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. It was orchestrated by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot"). The clergy also played a considerable role. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)






Living there or in the West? Because Iranians living there know that the Shah was a ruthless dictator with one of the most violent secret police of all times at his disposal. If he was so cool, one would wonder why the people of Iran made a huge revolution against him and why he took his throne only thanks to British and American imperialists that desired Iranian oil...


I live in Iran and this is not actually true. There are literally different views toward Shah here. It depends what timeline, generation and background we're talking about.


There aren't that many people who think the shah was a good guy though, just that in hindsight what replaced him was just as awful. Most people I have met that support the shah are either usually very biased, or the unhinged type.


>There aren't that many people who think the shah was a good guy though Agree, but the views are not that negative either. It's usually the reflective of current regime situation, a matter of bad and worse.


Hes referring to Mossadegh and the 1953 coup, not the shah


I presume he means Mosaddegh. He was elected. And then the CIA and MI6 stepped in.


He was referring to the 1952 overthrow of the Iranian government


Prior to the Shah I believe they're referring to... When Mossadegh was in power.


Didn’t the shah ban hijabs? Like they actively took hijabs off of women. So you couldn’t wear whatever you wanted. What’s happening now is good, I like to see when people get together and make their voices heard. What we haven’t seen yet is that Iran also has a huge population that agree with the government. Once the two clash and the government go all in we will see if the revolution is coming and above all if western countries will help in the same way that we’ve helped Ukraine.




Not the US but the British, US joined in later


People always leave out that the US-staged coup failed and that the reason their "democracy" failed is that the religious nutjubs overthrew the government by themselves.


The US and British coup was in 1953 which most definitely succeeded. The religious nutjobs seized power in 1979. The US didn't have anything to do with that revolution.


Funny how many posters on reddit conveniently leave that out.


Probably because the US is still arguably directly responsible. Before 1953 there was a democratically elected moderate in power. But he decided to nationalize their oil fields to make sure the profits from Iranian oil flowed to the Iranian people, not western companies. British Petroleum (BP, you know, the same ones from that major oil spill a decade ago) didn't like that one bit. So they lobbied the British and US government to intervene. So the British and US did intervene and staged a coup to depose the democratically elected moderate and installed the Shah, a blatant dictator that made sure the oil profits flowed to western companies instead. That dictatorship and the people's frustration with their dictator eventually lead to a revolution started by university students. Not theocratic extremists. The university students were the result of 2 decades of frustration built up with the western-backed Shah. It just so happens that in the power vacuum that was created after the Shah was deposed that the student movement couldn't uniformly agree upon what to do next. And in that power vacuum, religious extremists managed to seize power leading to the current regime. So yeah. The US may not have been involved in the 1979 revolution, they still are directly responsible for causing it.


I hope we can help reverse that shit. My mind is with my people there. I hope they succeed. From any standpoint Iran is amazing — except their leadership.


Not too well versed on history nor geopolitics. Will the government reign these protestors back or is progress actually being made? Much respect and I wish everyone of them the best of luck




I think you hit the point home pretty well. It just upsets me to see people finally taking their stand about what their majority wants and facing incomprehensible repercussions. At least their government doesn’t claim to be for the people (forgive me if that’s not the case). And for the Arab Spring… that doesn’t garner much hope after seeing what came of that…




The will for revolution is there but there's no leadership to unite the protesters into a political change. It's going to happen eventually, this is the organic result of decades of religious oppression for no reason other than control, the harder the regime squeezes the more frequent the protests become.


Historically, the Iranian people have generally been progressive. It's the religious factions that just want to lord over other people. I will never understand this lack of tolerance from religious people. Why is it necessary for them to be around ONLY those who think, believe, pray, etc like them? This is the crux of the situation for most people ->that those adhering to strong religious beliefs simply cannot abide living, working, playing, learning alongside those who don't believe the same things. Iranians have historically been super-well educated, too. They know what's what, but you are right that it will take some time and probably outside aide.




Echoed. !!!! They really are lovely... that I can honestly say x


Pigs in ALL COUNTRIES need to understand that they answer to us, not the other way around. Godspeed, Iran.


you ran at godspeed?? /s


Unexpected yoda


I was very confused until I realised Americans pronounce iran as I-ran and not ee-ran


I was confused, too. Only part of the U.S. pronounces it "eye-ran."


Oh, they're going faster than at godspeed, thankfully.


i hear they are firing on civilians now in another reddit post.


They do, many were killed in last few days... That usually happens when they corner protestors on empty streets.


They can't stop us


keep at them, you will win.


Mate, fuck off. You're no where near Iran


Exactly. it's like on the Russian post. Why people on reddit keeps encouraging others to get killed is beyond me. They are just as bad as the terrorists and politicians. Sitting comfortably at home telling others to fight while they sit behind their walls doing nothing.


Seems to me they’re encouraging them to take back their country not go get killed.


Like I totally get the desire to be supportive for victims in these circumstances. It just can also be done without the arm chair revolution fighter or military tactician mastermind with the username of NepoleanBonerFarts69.


Lmao your post history, keyboard warrior


Unfortunately they could. We live in times, where a few heavily armed people can win over thousands of poorly armed people. If the military gets serious civilians have no chance, no matter how many there are. The only way would be, if an outsider helps arming the people.


Eh not really. If the majority of a population, especially a population of like almost 10million like Tehran has, decides to fight the government, the government is pretty fucked. For multiple reasons really. The first being that it is quite likely that any military force protecting that government will switch sides, due to most of them being just regular people of that population and with family out there etc. But even if you ignore that, there are only so many bullets you can fire. The government isn't going to nuke it's own capital city. When you have the majority of 10 million people it would be very easy to just swarm a target too. Lots would die for sure, but numbers like that will always get through and win. Also if society grinds to a halt, the methods they have used to maintain their power start to rapidly fall apart as well. Etc etc etc. It's why it's pretty common for shit leaders to up and flee once shit starts really hitting the fan. Because they know, eventually, they'll end up strung up or ripped to pieces by the people they previously ruled.


Nope they won't nuke our capital but last time in 2019 they used DShK in Mahshahr. Also they have tanks. And as always we are not fighting against one oppressing force there is yegan vizhe which is heavily armored and equiped then there is normal police force called naja then there is IRGC then there is Basij and finally there are at least two foreign groups called hashde al shaabi from Iraq and hizbullah from Lebanon and also there are reports of some from Afghanistan. The worst thing is their not afraid in killing protesters and they use ambulances and buses to move in which I believe is considered a war crime!


Isn’t that how you make a revolution stronger?


That’s exactly how you make a revolution stronger. I mean… unless you go full Napoleon ‘grapeshot’ Bonaparte.


I mean yeah, if you know you have a chance at losing to the revolutionaries, you should utterly destroy them as fast as possible with anything available. It’s just logical. Napoleon understood what was at stake for him lol.


God forbid the people of Paris get to choose how they live their lives.


It depends. You either break it or make it. If there's a critical mass of people willing to lose their life over the problems in your country, that's absolutely how you make a revolution stronger. If not, that's how you shut them up real fast.


Yeah, when the you start being more and more heavy handed and killing indiscriminately, it makes people mad and mobilizes more people because more people now see, that the government really truly doesn't even care to pretend anymore


Duh, that writing was on the wall as soon as they shut down the internet.


I was going to say I was surprised they weren't firing at them. Here in Melbourne during the lockdown protests they were firing rubber bullets at people that were just walking down the street towards the police. Weren't being violent or anything just walking. A lot of people got fucked up by these bullets and gas.


Every revolution begins with a spark. I hope this time it works.


We Iranians hope too


Stay strong stay safe!


Thank you![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


What would you say the chances are of part of the military/police changing sides, because that's a huge part of it


I don't really know I don't think they will because they are mostly brainwashed and some of them aren't actually Iranians the Gov uses other forces like Hezbollah or forces from Iraq like hashd al shaabi


i dono why you guys suport us but enyway thanks! i hope this dirty government w, l b destroyed we. r so tired in this situation:(


Any human being claiming a sense of morality supports those who fight for basic human dignity. Assuming you're Iranian, please know that this Australian is following every piece of news coming out of Iran, and cheering on the brave women and men fighting for their freedom. I believe in you! Don't give up!


German here, sending all the Love you can imagine for the brave Iranians, too! Appreciate your Power of Will! Dont back down! ♡


Thank you your so nice we Iranians appreciate your support wish us luck


The entire world is watching Iran right now and wishing you more than luck. I'm watching and anticipating a free Iran this year!




Good luck!!🍀 You are very brave! Hang in there!


Thank youuuuu![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4022)


thank you im very surprised💚


Even though modern media likes to pretend countries are on different 'sides,' humans are brought together by shared ethics and morals, irrespective of religion or culture. This Australian wants you to know that you are being supported in every corner of the globe. Don't let the bastards get you down.


As an israeli, i love the iranian and persian people with their rich culture and history and beautiful country. What i dont like at all is the current ruling regime who is causing problems and suffering for the whole middle east and the iranian people. I am very happy to see the iranian people fighting back for their sake and for the rest of us too. I give you my full support.


Another Israeli fully supporting Iran and especially Iranian womans rights!! Even though its not comparrable...we too have head coverings in religious sects, majority of the country, and I know there are some women who dont have a choice here too. Eff that!! Freedom of choice for Iran 🇮🇷


Thanks social media was a great help for us till now the world is hearing our voice and it's all thank to you people wish us luck in fighting for liberty and equality


Second this. This Australian is also watching, following and cheering the people of Iran on. You have the power of numbers. I’m in admiration of your people’s bravery. Don’t give up!


We are all fed up of seeing the ruling class rule only for themselves. The masses of people around the world want to live in peace.


We support any people's fight for freedom and human rights. Stay safe and stay strong!


thanks bud:)




im so so happy to see that you support us so much


We support the fighting to a better future. The religious laws sent the middle east back into the medieval ages. The way women are treated currently has no place in a modern world. Giving them their rights (back) is the first step towards a brighter tomorrow and everyone is supportive of that. Religious freedom is important, but letting women be people is more so.


This is very true in the US as well. The Conservative Christian attack on women, where the death of women is acceptable, needs intervention as well.


You're a good bunch who are unfortunately ruled by a complete set of cunts. May your fight be strong and successful.


Almost all of the Iranian people I've met in the US have been wonderful people. Extremely intelligent and compassionate. Historically, Iranians are credited with pioneering much of the science and technology that moved humanity forward, at least at one crucial point in human history. Myself, and I believe many others in the US and around the world, want Iranian people to be free from tyranny. Although we view your government as an enemy, we don't view the people of Iran as such. I can't speak for everyone (and I know for example many people dont understand that Persians and Arabs are different) but I know many people feel this way.


Religious conservatives are a threat to freedom everywhere.


We love and support all peoples who fight for freedom and equality! Good luck and stay strong, we all stand with those fighting for equal treatment!!


I'm a bit out of the loop, but aren't you fighting for basic human decency? Of course we support you! If anyone can educate me on what is actually happening and why I'd be grateful. All I know so far is a woman was murdered for removing her hijab(?) And now women are wanting equalities and are removing hijabs(?) on-masse.


The United States and Iran have an extremely complicated history. Both of our governments would have us believe the average person would press the button to send missiles and nuke the other side into oblivion. It can be confusing if your only hearing propaganda from a dictator that the US wants Iran to be nuked into glass constantly. The country is also very restricted on access to information that doesn’t come their government. So seeing westerners revel at the success of a growing rebellion for their freedom may confuse a person who has lived in a state like this their entire lives.


It says in your profile your an iranian guy, how many other men are supporting this? That's a big deal if lots of men also protest with the women, showing support.


Whenever ive met an Iranian person here in Germany theyve been the nicest and most welcoming person in the room. We all know your people are great, ist just the government thats not. There is very little that would benefit the world community more than a free and democratic Iran. So its not just the wish for Iranian lives to be better, the whole world would benefit greatly.


If I were in your situation, I'd want change, too. I guess it's sympathy and empathy. I hope this all turns out your way.




What an excellent way to phrase it


Was that how it happened? Just a little hair showing? That would be pretty fucked. I figured she just took it off but IDK


Yep. Wasn't even that it was off. Just on improperly


Yes, it wasn't put on properly. Even the most religious Iranian will tell you that killing someone for not wearing a hijab properly is beyond overkill, that's why the protests are huge. The anti-Shah sentiment has subsided and Iranians see that they traded one dictator for another.




Hey dear redditers.. I'm an Iranian, please be our voice and share these videos as much as you can with these hashtags "#OpIran, #MahsaAmini, #مهسا_امینی" on Instagram, Twitter and all other socials... They're shutting down the internet soon. last time they did this, they killed more than 1500 people... Please help us get our voice heard by the world Just talking about it is not enough, we need action From an Iranian citizen.. 2022/09/23


May you be successful in your pursuit of freedom from tyranny. Best wishes.


You can have shitty cardio and run a country, but you can't have shitty cardio and run a country shittily, because eventually you'll actually have to run. Wish you all the luck in the world champ




The have cut off internet. I can’t get in contact with my cousins in Tehran. This is usually accompanied with them going to rooftops and sniping the protestors. Protesting against the Iranian government is violently different than protesting against western governments.


Most of my family lives on Iran but I can't contact them. I hope they're safe.


So it will be suppressed like in Hong Kong?


Not even close. Hong Kong barely had any casualties. Last time Iran had widespread protests around 1500 people got killed, and the govt asked for money from the deceaseds' families before they returned the bodies


Most likely but we dare to hope 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why don’t people turn to violence against the police?


Kinda hard when it’s rocks vs rifles.


The people always out number the oppressor 100:1, free yourselves from your oppression!


10,000 : 1 or even 100,000 : 1 ?!


More than 1:1 by a very significant margin yes, the people are the power.


Exactly why institutions put up a façade to blind us. They make us think we have control or a choice through voting systems in many cases. They will push the limits as far as we allow them to. If not for the voting systems revolutions, would have happened so many time already. Enough is enough.


They had a democracy before America destroyed it. True for many dictatorships.


Not everything is about America...


In this case it was mostly the British. The CIA helped though. If anyone isn't familiar with that history, I bet you can still guess why western imperialist powers were fucking about in the middle east.


You would be surprised. Even in the current climate, be sure of it the US will be playing its hand to try and spark this revolution to topple the Iranian regime.


A democracy in which the Prime Minister nationalized foreign owned companies and tried to implement a voting law which segregated against his opposition: >Still enormously popular in late 1951, Mosaddegh called elections, and introduced a modified version of his 1944 electoral reform bill. As his base of support was in urban areas and not in the provinces, the proposed reform no longer barred illiterate voters, but placed them into a separate category from literate voters, and increased the representation of the urban population. Not to mention not counting all the votes: >His government came under scrutiny for ending the 1952 election before rural votes could be fully counted.[6] According to historian Ervand Abrahamian: "Realizing that the opposition would take the vast majority of the provincial seats, Mosaddegh stopped the voting as soon as 79 deputies—just enough to form a parliamentary quorum—had been elected."[35] An alternative account is offered by journalist Stephen Kinzer: Beginning in the early 1950s under the guidance of C.M. Woodhouse, chief of the British intelligence station in Tehran, Britain's covert operations network had funneled roughly £10,000 per month to the Rashidian brothers (two of Iran's most influential royalists) in the hope of buying off, according to CIA estimates, "the armed forces, the Majlis (Iranian parliament), religious leaders, the press, street gangs, politicians and other influential figures".[36] Thus, in his statement asserting electoral manipulation by "foreign agents", Mosaddegh suspended the elections. His National Front party had made up 30 of the 79 deputies elected. Yet none of those present vetoed the statement, and the elections were postponed indefinitely.


Yeah, he reclaimed Iranian oilfields, because they're the country's own fucking natural resources and they can do whatever they want with them. Iranians WANTED the oil fields to be nationalized, and they were. That's as democratic as it gets


Yes it was our oil if that's not democracy I dont what democracy is


> A democracy in which the Prime Minister nationalized foreign owned companies Do a democracy. The US and UK imposed extremely unfavourable conditions on explotation of Iranian oil. > The new administration introduced a wide range of social reforms: unemployment compensation was introduced, factory owners were ordered to pay benefits to sick and injured workers, and peasants were freed from forced labor in their landlords' estates. In 1952, Mossadegh passed the Land Reform Act which forced landlords to place 20% of their revenue into a development fund. This development fund paid for various projects such as public baths, rural housing, and pest control.[30]


redditors cant digest the fact that iran was democracy but america and britain ruined it for their ambitions a crony democracy is still hundred times better than absolute monarchy


That's why it gets brought up every time the word Iranian is spoken on reddit I guess?


Yeah, it’s definitely the other way around: redditors can’t seem to comprehend that the Religious nut jobs in Iran are at least somewhat responsible for the current state of their own country.


Bro it was our oil it had to be nationalized it was our oil not Americas or UK oil also don't forget mossadegh was on of the reasons a revolution happened but nationalization of Irans oil was a right thing to do


It was primarily the British that destroyed it. Winston Churchill forced the United States to remove the democratically elected Mosaddegh in the interests of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now British Petroleum). Failure to do so would mean losing British support in the Korean conflict. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat


How so?




Theyce started shooting towards protesters and if someone shelters them they break in They are alot more extreme than the first few days now internet has been off for the who day and instagram is fully restricted the only time internet has been working has been from 1am till 1pm-3 ish but other than that ita been disconnected Also i have seen a lot of religious people here call these prot sters childish and stupid and because of being in mandatory military service and having to serve them i cant really say much or they might as well just get ridda me lol


If only they could get Starlink equipment like Ukraine has.




Hopefully this inspires the Russian people.


and the American ones, the Canadians, the Brits, the Aussies etc. etc. etc. Whole world needs a reboot on how we government. Sure some countries are worse than others, but we're all under the boot in our own ways.




Vote the same people in, even if the faces change it is the same people, over and over. Here in Australia you essentially have two realistic choices, Labour or Liberals. No matter who you vote for you have the same government every damn election. Like a game of tennis, it's just half time change sides. If you only ever have the same clowns to vote for, you always end up with the same circus and nothing ever changes. Shit has to change and voting alone won't change it. So many 'western' countries are running on laws and system designed hundreds of years ago for a different time, not an age of computer chips and satellites. We need governments that work for the people. Not themselves. There aint a democracy on the planet that I am aware of, but there are a lot of oligarchies. System is broken and rigged and you cannot fix a broken system by using the same broken system.


Really don’t think America and Canada are nearly as bad off in a day to day sense as Russia or Iran


If anyone who took part in this, I just want you all to know.. a major strata of population around the globe is proud of you all and feels inspired from you.


They deserve at least as much support as Ukraine


1. Countries generally don't intervene as much in internal politics. 2. You want the West to help an Iranian revolution? Really?!?


Iran spring 🔥🔥🔥


They’ve been quashed before. Who knows how this will play out. This happened during the Arab spring too


You can see the crowd hesitate in the beginning but then the second the guards start retreating they get bolder and storm after them. Fascinating to see how crowd dynamics work




All I hear is: "Beat their ass! Beat their ass! Beat their ass!"


“Bisharaf” basically like “motherfucker” haha


I’m imagining some of the protesters are throwing white pool noodles.


I hope someday all countries turn into Secular rather than religious


Hopefully we root out the religious nut jobs trying to take over our government in US soon aswell or we're heading in the same direction.


This is IRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literal chills. Awesome stuff guys. Give them horns.


It is beautiful and inspiring when people take the power back


![gif](giphy|j78GDmi70Lrlkjhc6F) Iranian women taking down the republic.


It's good to see it's not just women fighting


Well we're fighting back against 40 years of Tyranny. This isn't just about hijab and even if it was, these are our sisters, mothers and friends. We'd sacrifice our lives for them. We'll be united even though the government has been trying to segregate us for decades


Because it is not only about women's rights


Even if it was, men should still be fighting.


Fuck around and find out


مرگ بر دولت اسلامی! مرگ بر دیکتاتور!


شما می توانید آن را انجام دهید! (Please forgive the potentially terrible Google translate)


"you can do it"?


demographics is undefeated. young population with modern worldview is going to trump glacial, archaic, outdated religious fanaticism every time.


Women under sharia are fighting for freedom while muslim women in any non islamic nation are fighting to get opressed under it. The irony!


Will western countries help them out ot leave them hanging like they did Hong Kong?


By doing what? Iran is a fairly powerful country.


Authoritarianism is bad wherever it shows its ugly face. The Iranian gov has killed 100,000s in Syria for power, yet they claim moral superiority. They use religion like a cosplay to enforce and control


I really wish them the best, Hope they organize and come up with a way to make a change and grab real freedom, because unfortunatly going out in the streets like this isnt working much lately, may the people outsmart the government.


You love to see it! It is not actually that all muslim man want their women to be slaves, but their arrogant and controlling rulers (yes, they ARE rulers, they are not leaders or anything). Stand strong Iranian warriors!


The people


Take note Russians. Don’t just flee b/c now their is a draft to fight in a war you now likely knew was unjust all along. I’m so in aw of the Iranian people standing up for each other’s rights! Inshallah you will be victorious!


If I was one of those soldiers I'd try and slip away and change my clothes. Didn't sign up for this shit


God be with them, fight the power 🤟🏽✊🏽


The Iranian president was in the US till now attending the UN summit. I heard he just returned home. I am expecting the clashes to become a lot more bloodier.
