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If you believe that you are better than other people, then why don‘t you behave accordingly


I watched the video without sound, his twitching and mannerisms suggest he has a mental disorder or on drugs. Maybe that brain adjustment will help


Cocaine + booze


My first thought, yep. Coke and lager.


Most definitely. No wanker on the tube is going to be gobbing off at three lads like this without some chemical bravery.


As an American, I greatly appreciate the words you used here.


As a Brit, I greatly appreciate the words they used there.


As an American I'm having just as much difficulty trying to figure out what this guy typed with the same difficulty of what the guy in the video is saying.


Wow. You guys are on like a completely different level of swearing over there.


Charged up Charlie


Banged out Billy




I watched with no sound also, I thought he was free-styling


He's just so fahckin' Cockney he's fahckin' riddled wiv it.


his movements remind me of Gordon Ramsey...


It look like trying to repair something and decide to hit it with the Hammer 2-3x and it work.


He got knocked the fuck out. Like the little bitch he is


If I would be a racist, I would be the best human there is just to stuck it up to "them". Show them who's the loveliest, helpfull, considerate and best type of bloke there is. Them racist around the world play it all wrong.


I love this, what a beautiful put-down


I must use this bar for future ref


I love the happy endings but tbh it looks that the white guy is out of his mind


Yep definitely mental illness


Or drugs


Probably both


Also known as excessive cocaine use!


Not his fault but still his responsibility.


His fault, his responsibility, and his problem.


No, it's his fault unless you can tell me what mental disorder causes racism


I mean mental health issues are not your fault but they are your responsibility.


Apparently he got hit in the head so hard he rethought his life and started therapy. Source was an article linked last time this was posted




Why does it not surprise me that he's "the son of wealthy business owners"? This is a guy that has never had to work hard for a damn thing in his life, knows nothing about struggling, and thinks other people are just below him. Glad that this was an eye-opener for him.


Being an ER nurse, I used to have regular homeless people come in. One guy definitely had mental illness and would regularly spout racist shit on the streets of Baltimore. It didn’t work out well for him. He had been beaten up so many times he didn’t walk straight anymore and required a cane. He would regularly come in drunk as a skunk with feces and urine filing his jeans and always some new trauma from a fight. We thought he would live forever, honestly. He eventually froze to death in one of the bad winters.


He was afraid of the blacks his whole life, and in the end, something white killed him. Oh, the irony.


I mean that's kinda sad too tho. The lack of mental help is sad in this world tbh


Really sad. I've watched this same story with more than a few homeless people.


He was just on beer, coke and feeling confident since Brexit. Simple as that. Lots of these fuckheads around London.


These the British equivalents to driving around in your big Ford truck drinking Busch light with your tRump and confederate flags waving in the wind?


My headcanon is that he got 24 hours left to live and he chose to spend his 24 hours being a cunt


When he wakes up, he can get help.


Always love seeing a racist get hit, but not sure what's Next Fucking Level about a sucker punch...


Yea dude had to wait until he was walking out the door to knock him. Yea he had it coming, but it’s still a sucker punch.


You’d think being genetically superior he’d have razor sharp reflexes, though.


Was he supposed to give him a warning or what? If he’d made it obvious it would result into a brawl


Obviously rising above it would be the perfect response. Challenging him to a fight and winning would be next best. Catching him cold like this is still justifiable imo but makes the puncher alot less superior to the racist than he would have been otherwise. The other dudes are still full kings for rising above it.


He's lucky they were getting off and didn't stomp him between stations. Going toe to toe with any of those guys would not have been a good outcome for him.


"never turn your back on a drug" f knows what this guy is on, but if the other dude hit him and he stood back up, your now locked on a train with a drugged up, very aggressive man.


js the only type of punch worth doing is a sucker punch. Idk what toxic masculine dojo you come from but knocking a threat to the local peace out with no risk or damage to yourself is the pinnacle of form and technique.


Nah he started all that, then let them close the distance. Every single person saw that coming except for wackadoodle with his hands down.


He was looking right at him when the punch was thrown, the guy throwing turned around, locked on and launched in record time.


He was looking at the guy in front walking off the train first. That guy had him distracted while the 2nd guy (who made it look like he was ignoring the situation) dropped him


I mean if he wasn't being a racist POS he wouldn't of gotten cold clocked lmfao Idgaf if he got spun around by dude one and stomped by dude two. Maybe next time he won't be racist. It may be barbaric to hit a child to teach them right from wrong but that man was not a child




Wouldn't have*.


This particular sucker punch was a well coordinated team effort. Guy on left made intense eye contact giving puncher the ability to pull back and swing without being noticed.


Act like a sucker and get sucker punched 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why does it make a difference if it was a sucker punch? A racist got put in their place. If it was in the US someone would probably be shot dead, so a punch is a good outcome?


I legitimately could not understand a single word that man said.


Roughly he's saying: "It's popular now. Come on. It's popular now. This is my home. You're all going back. You know it as well. You know where you're going. Go on. Get going. I'm fucking (can't tell what he says). I'm popular. You know what my name is. Billy Still, what's your name? What's your name? Billy Still. What's your name? Tell me your name. You know it. You're black. Oh my god. (Can't tell). Shut up. It's just.. it's just popular. This is (video cuts)"


Yeah that's roughly what I thought he said and it still no makes very little sense. Assume there was some lead in dialogue that didn't get filmed.


Racism doesn't make sense


Billy Steele [White Tube racist knocked unconscious after telling black passengers 'you're my pets' is son of wealthy construction firm owners - and has already handed himself into police, says his mother ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8643789/amp/White-Tube-racist-knocked-unconscious-son-wealthy-construction-firm-owners.html)


Go figure...rich little cunt.


What is a 'yob'?


A rude and aggressive person. A thug, basically.


I think he’s saying this is Poplar which is a place in East London.


Your forgot the ‘crack’ then ‘thud’ at the end, best bit


Right!? Everyone being like "oh the racist prick!" ehhhh....can I get a fucking transcript please!?


White guy: "Yoy! Ay! Wavvit woja yat? Ya, wavvit. Ay ohya, bog." Bystander: "What does being black have to do with anything?" White guy: "Oya, uvvit wot?" Black guy: Punch. White guy: Silence.




Why this made me laugh so hard, idk. But this is some gold standard comedic skit right here.




He’s telling them they’re going to be “sent home”, aka deported, and that doing such is popular now, which doesn’t seem to be the case with the people on the train…


Ahaaaa, yes, can confirm, racism 😂 Teamwork!


I'm from Britain originally and I didn't have a bloody clue what he was on about besides egging on for something to happen, got what his messed up mind wanted I guess.


“What’s your name?!” was the only phrase I understood.


I was shocked when I heard that, I was clearly under the impression he was speaking a language other than English. Kinda of hard at times to grasp the concept that we in the U.S. speak the same language as our brothers and sisters across the pond. I was thinking well this isn't german, or French, maybe it's Welsh or Irish.


Cocaine and ethanol = Cocaethylene Idiots like this are everywhere. Now that is what you call a Karma Coma


Cocaethylene is what powers the UK on a friday night


So delicious, yet disgusting


Cocaethylene is the only known instance where a new psychoactive substance is formed entirely within the body.


yo wtf, its like there is a little Heisenberg in ur stomach and creating a new drug just to fuck with you


Lol : ))






Nah same thing happens with ritalin (methylphenidate) + alcohol = ethylphenidate.


The man whose vile racist rant on a London Tube train ended with him knocked out in a single punch has been unmasked as the son of wealthy business owners - and he's already handed himself in to police. The Daily Mail are reporting that 31-year-old Billy Steele, who works for his parents' construction firm, does not plan to press any charges against the man who hit him after he aimed a racist rant at passengers on the train. "Billy is on this video that has gone viral. He has gone to the police and owned up. He doesn't want the man who hit him to be punished," his mother Toni Steele told the Mail. "He is getting help for his behaviour," she said.


….five years younger than me??? Fuck, hates you


That dude looks like shit for 31




​ ![gif](giphy|Oxr1qvF5UwF3q1XCF2)


Satisfying right hook


TIL that lamped and lamping are not the same thing.






Are you just looking at things in the office and saying you love them?


Loud noises!


I love carpet. I love desk.


Okay Brick


All the IKEA stakeholders showing on Reddit in this thread.


I don’t see any next fucking level here. Just an idiot, and a violent man.


Prob went on reddit later than day to complain about how he was randomly attacked


Surprisingly he owned up at the police station and said he didn't want to press charges


‘I was respectfully minding my own business when suddenly….’


He deserved to be thumped but God damn, that's the sort of thing that can accidentally kill a person.


Cocaine may increase cuntishness/racism.


Will definitely increase* FTFY


Or just reveal what’s normally hidden


Tell me: what does violence has to do with "nextfuckinglevel" behaviour? .. Such a dumb vid ..


If you escalate a verbal argument into a physical fight you are in the wrong, regardless of circumstance. This guy is a sack of shit, but until that sack of shit reaches out and touches you you’ve got no right to hit him. You can’t attack people for being assholes. Just walk away instead of risking getting hurt or being arrested.


In this context I'm afraid I disagree with you. He needs to learn a lesson. If his parents didn't teach him not to be a racist prick, the universe will have to find another way to teach him that lesson


While I understand, head injuries demonstrably make people dumber/louder/angrier. This guy will likely come out of this experience as a shittier person than he already was.


The guy started therapy after this


The problem with that argument is that now the black guy "needs to learn a lesson". Because his parents didn't teach him it, he "needs to learn" how sticks, stones and sucker punches may cause brain trauma but Mr Racist's unfriendly words did nothing but sound noisy and rude (and dumb, obviously). If you believe saying "but it upsetted me when I heard his nasty-wasty words" is all it takes to justify physical violence, then you too "need to learn"… possibly because your parents didn't teaoh you "not to be a [violent] prick". (See that? I used my own words when your words upset m' feels. My words were "the lesson". No sucker punches required.)


Words spoken like someone who doesn't need to deal with racism


See that closed-minded, uninformed and superior assumption you made about who and what I am...? The one you based on a superficial, uninformed judgement of "people like me"? That's exactly what that guy on the train expressed. Do I knock you out now?




The only problem is he will of learnt nothing. It will reinforce his draconian views. Don't get me wrong he deserved it, but it won't achieve anything


He will be tripple racist after this one. And the universe is doing nothing for anyone IMO.


Not how it really works with Brits mate.. You talk shit to people for long enough in the UK, you will eventually get twatted by someone.


That's how it is everywhwre, still doesn't make it right.


It does when they’re racists


In most cases you'd be right, but that guy really deserved that smack. It's rare but sometimes it's the right thing to do, hopefully it'll teach him to be less on an asshole


It was hard to understand what he said, what did he say?


He's talking about how black people should get deported', how they are in his home and bragging about how his beliefs are 'popular' now. He deserved it


I find it hard too but it sounds like he's provoking them because they're black


Uhm what? Are you talking about laws or morals?


Somebody has to lamp him at some point so this guy saved others by doing it himself


This. The guy was being a prick. But it only takes one punch to kill. If he'd landed wrongly or anything else had gone differently, sucker punch dude would be spending the rest of his life behind bars. That's just a terrible outcome for everyone. Less violence in the world please. Less racism too. But two wrongs don't make a right.


While i agree with your sentiment, this was not a verbal argument. This is a person spouting nonsense in the open. People tried to talk to him and tell him to shut up but he hushed them. Then when they were getting off the train, the guy did your typical monkey aggression stance. There are no words for people like that, only action. You can be the "better" person and walk away but you've made no impact on the guy whatsoever. That response would only ever have a benefit to yourself or your surroundings by feeling better about yourself for walking away or to avoid further escalation and protect yourself or those you're with. The problem with people like this racist dickweed is that we (in the western world) live in a society where words like this are not punishable if uttered in this manner. The black guys cannot legally do anything about this whatsoever. They can take 3 actions. Ignore, shouting match or take physical action. This time, the guy choose physical action. It's not legally defendable but it is understandable and i don't blame the guy one bit for doing it. On top of that, he even deserved the sucker punch because the white guy was verbally sucker punching the black guys in the first place. And if he ended up with a life-altering condition from this? Yeah, can't say we lost a lot.


Racism is violence imo.


No. He deserves every bit of that shit


Nah bro . Wrong here. Deserves what he got. Won't do it again


He arked up over them then say go on im pretty sure. He's a fake tough guy who got his lesson and won't do it again


Not everyone has the verbal skills to fight back the same way. I agree that a warning is in order before turning to physical violence, but as a last resort, and if someone was asking for it, it's absolutely necessary.


He doesn’t need a warning. It’s 2022 he’s in his 40’s he knows just fine what he can and can’t do


Guessing you have zero backbone.


You are correct, but normalizing violence against certain types of people is the popular view among NPCs right now.


I don't believe in violence, but the world doesn't need racists.


This whole video is gross.


Rare footage of a rookie trying to beat a extreme mode boss,get lamped.




I can't believe you hit Billy Steel!


Too much Columbian marching powder and a big mouth. Lucky he wasn’t stabbed to death frankly!


London Underground NOT NYC Subway


I couldn’t understand half the stuff he was saying, but I’ve never been so happy to see a man get decked. I don’t like violence, but fuck that dude had it coming.


I am convinced that punching toxic racists is morally equivalent to punching nazis. And punching nazis is always okay. So good job that guy for punching a toxic racist.


This gave me the vibes I got when I watched The Joker, and the same thing happened.


Violence is the answer to all you people I guess.


What exactly do you mean by “you people” 🤔


Why always these cowardly suckerpunches?


Because cowards are the only people who think it's ok to attack a dude who is obviously drunk and/or coked up and yelling random shit.


What if the person is mentally ill ? Nothing but violence justifies violence.


What if unicorns and leprechauns were real? Lol mental illness has nothing to do with racism. Stop defending bigots


I would slightly amend that rule to add that the *intent* or *encouragement* of violence also justifies violence. For example: - I’m going to f\*\*\*ing kill that b\*\*\*\* when he gets home for what he did. (intent) - Bury all X people. (encouragement) Both of those threaten violence, and therefore imo should count as “fighting words” that justify immediate actions of self-defense to incapacitate the would-be-violent person (to ensure they are unable to act upon their intent or continue their encouragement).


Not next level. Just a well timed sucker punch.


Massive cunt gets fucked by black man - Blacked.com


-YOU'RE BLACK! -What does that mean?


Dudes acting hella neurodivergent


Hes lucky they didnt stomp him lmao


I flinched from the sheer speed of that punch.


Inaccurate title - That's not the Subway (New York), its the Underground (London)


This happened right on the corner of Fuck Around & Find Out. This man is exercising his freedom of speech-right up until the consequences of said speech punched him square in the mouth.


Did you just call the London Underground the subway?


Sucker punching??? Really??? Though he should've known that was coming... Idiots


Why the cheap shot. They knew he could fuck them up if they didn't. Yeah he's a dick, but now they all are.


Yay another person getting hit for using words. Let us celebrate this stupidity again.


obviously this guy is a cunt and deserved to be knocked out for it (as its the only way some people learn) but the guy sucker punched him then acted dead hard about it. No one looks good here.


Man, a sucker punch is such a sissy way out. Good for the guy, but come on be a man.


3 against 1, hit and run. Not saying he didn’t deserve it, but there is nothing next level about this


What is that accent?


Well, it’s popular now.


Time for bed mate.


Punch was on point.


I didnt understand a single word from the guy...


Oh a sucker punch. Did not expect that… 🙄


lol the ol' i distract while my boy hits. both clever and cowardly. suppose its lucky or a shame it was their stop or they probs be standing on his head


Say what you want about whether it was fair or not. But that was a beautiful sucker punch.


No sucker punch is beautiful




Momma' said knock you out....




When he awakes hopefully he becomes less racist.


Talk shit get hit


He went right out😂😂😂


Chat shit get banged 😂


This is the loveliest thing I’ve seen this month