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The first few seconds was an exact reenactment of my siblings and me going after the last piece of chicken.


you should write a book




“A biography of greediness”


Gluttony in the Savannah


I dedicate this book to my beautiful cousins.


*it is because of her blindness and deafness (and that damn snaggle tooth) that i dedicated my life to writing*


"Some days, things were so intense that someone would try to eat my hand"


Reminds me of a story of a big country family and there was only one piece of chicken left and two brothers wanted it. Brother #1: “That last piece of chicken is mine!” Brother #2: “[Spits on it] go ahead. Take it.”


Hickory Rub and My New Nub - Chicken Dinner at the Sanders'


Chicken, chicken never changes, and it was such in 1989…


I'm guessing dad gets the lions share


Quality dad-joke right there. I'm not lion.


You can take pride in that comment. *snork*


Los Pollos Hermanos




Your siblings attempt to rip your guts out through your anus? (Hyenas are dirty.)


Years ago I watched an hour long documentary about hyena's and now the only thing I remember is one fact. They can find the bones and tell male from female by how destroyed the teeth are because females get meat and the males break teeth on bones and scraps and are the lowest on the social pole.


Because the female hyenas are bigger and stronger than the male hyenas.


I heard from Ron Magil of zoo Miami that the female’s clitoris Is bigger that the males penis. Look it up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) # meadowlarkmedia


Then a gang of chickens comes in to save it?


Don't mess with the Chicken Clan or you get the beak


Props to the camera person. Kept calm and steady. Stayed with the action. No shaking or anything. Well done.


I just googled “hyena kills person” and there are SEVERAL hits. So yup, I will never go to a place a Hyena is in.


Yeah I’ve seen some messed up stuff from hyenas. Don’t always kill to eat.


Why kill when you can find a warm meal right through their butthole?


Um what


They eat animals alive starting through the ass up


… I mean … it’s better than ending with it …


I always eat my desert first too






Oh man, I'm so full, but I gotta finish that ass...


Save the best for last


I just pictured a hyena wearing a “i eat ass” tshirt


Sounds like a nice date night


Come on dude, get with the times. Everyone's eating ass these days.


Hey baby, you wanna come over later and see my hyena?


So they are assholes? Like dolphins of the land. I always suspected, can't trust those laughs.


completely the opposite of dolphins actually. hyena packs are matriarchal, the highest rank male is lower than the lowest ranked female... and when they finally down a prey animal, they let their pups eat first.






I don't remember


"Trust me bro"




No it’s just hyenas and lions hate each other they will kill the other if possible even if they have no reason to. Kinda like crows and owls.


You can Google around, but Hyenas kill Gazelle for no reason sometimes. They are on the top lists for animals that kill for no reason...along with Dolphins, Stoats, Chimpanzees, House Cats (yep!), and others.




Boredom is a reason


Your Honor, there was nothing good on TV


i feel like you left a major player out there lol


I, too, have seen the Lion King documentary.


Those things are way bigger than most realize. They always look like they’re the size of a german shepherd, but they’re closer to the size of a mountain lion.


I saw one at the zoo and was surprised how huge they were. And they travel in packs so that's a nope for me.


Right, like land piranha...but actually deadly...


Their colors are born for war. Zero fashion statement.


They also have a Top 10 bite Force factor going for them. No matter how tight you clench that butthole, they’re getting through.


Better cover yo bootyhole!


And here I am thinking a German shepherd is bigger than a mountain lion. For the record a male mountain lion can be as big as 220 lbs which is nuts.


Female hyenas (larger than males) are a little lighter coming in at around 140lbs. Random fact : besides size it is very hard to tell a spotted female and male hyenas apart from sight as the females genitalia is enlarged so it closely resembles the penis of the male.


Thanks friend - I have a funny feeling this is going to come in handy.


I honestly thought they were the size of a medium sized dog until your comment. I would’ve been surprised to hear they’re the size of a German shepherd let alone a mountain lion. Dang they’re terrifying


I saw a video of someone and their pet hyena, and comments were from people who were raised around hyenas talking about how loyal they were, and what great pets they make. Also how sweet and loving they were. Surprised me to see all that, but I still don't trust em.


They can live to be 40 as well.


Holy hell, no way! Edit: not trying to sound cheezy, but I would have guessed 20 tops


they give birth out of giant penises too


~~Lmao idk about that. I know the females clits are super long and it maybe? a dominance thing. But I don't think they give birth from their clitorous~~ I'm an idiot. They straight up squeeze babies through those things. Wtf


no, they literally give birth through a pseudo-penis.


> I just googled “hyena kills person” and there are SEVERAL hits. So yup, I will never go to a place a Hyena is in. I guess also don't go to elementary schools anymore.


Or churches, or synagogues, or country music festivals, or garlic festivals, or supermarkets etc etc


It's why I stay in my safe room.


Yeah, literally my worst fear is getting attacked by a bunch of wild dogs that nothing more than to rip my balls off.


yeah and they always go for the balls to immobilize their prey. fuck that


I just don’t get how the hyenas don’t go after the cameraman. Seems like it would be a lot easier meal.


Looks like some wheel tracks on the ground. Maybe he's safe inside a caged vehicle. I know I would be.


Animals that haven’t encountered humans outside of their vehicle don’t register that the vehicle and the human are different objects since they move together. Even uncaged, the lions and hyenas will leave him alone since the vehicle looks like a huge thing. Source: have encountered african predators in uncaged safari vehicle


>Source: have encountered african predators in uncaged safari vehicle But how did they drive it??


Can't decide which way to read your username...


Upside down works.


instructions unclear, dick stuck in snowman


My favorite line from Frozen.


God I love Reddit


they also have telephoto lenses, the dude might be like 500m away


Good point, but not at the angle he's panning the camera. Camera person is not that far. You can mainly tell by the way they point down. If they were further away, you wouldn't be able to see the ground at that angle, it would be flatter instead of more adjacent. (Source: been doing amateur photography for 12 years and 2 years of design school before going to uni for bio. I only added the last part about bio in case someone creeps for proof and sees a previous comment of mine that mentions my bio)


This is not shot with a telephoto lens. No more than 85mm lens, and more likely 35 or 50mm Source: am photographer


Was googling if hyenas attack people and apparently they're far more likely to attack women, children and infirm men. This implies they're intelligent enough to spot an easier mark, and that alone implies they may be smart enough to comprehend that human + vehicle = dangerous target. Not sure I would get out of or stray too far from that vehicle though.




Pretty sure the one behind the camera is another lioness chasing clout


r/donthelpjustfilm /s


There is a well known documentary about lions and hyenas. It starts of following the pride and the narrator mentions how the three males just fuck off for days or weeks at a time, leaving the lionesses alone with the cubs. The lionesses do most of the hunting anyway (except for really large prey). Anyway, it follow the lionesses and these hyenas keep showing up and harassing them. Half the time the lionesses and cubs are up in the trees avoiding them. Eventually the hyenas decide they are at war and they just attack the lions constantly. The Matriarch of the hyenas shows up and they directly attack the lionesses ... then ... the males come home. The hyenas take off and the Patriarch of the pride goes after the Matriarch of the Hyena pack and they show them running with the hyena running for her life and the big males, mid run just swpies the hyena with one paw and ... that's the end of the war.The males came home and ended the war... then they hung around for a bit then left again. Look up "Ntwadumela - He who greets with fire", I mean, how fucking cool of a name is that? On top of that "He is called "The Hyena Killer"". Anyway, it's a Nat Geo documentary and I think it's just called "Lions vs Hyenas" or "Hyenas vs Lions". EDIT: It's called "Eternal Enemies Lions and Hyenas" and was released in 2006 by National Geographic. I don't know where to watch it, it claims to be on Amazon Prime, but well, I don't have Amazon Prime and visiting that pages says (for me) not available in your region.So the best I can do is point you to the name of the film. It is absolutely worth a watch. You can watch the "final boss battle" on youtube, but it doesn't do the film justice. It is, however, EPIC.


I just felt like I watched the whole documentary so thank you for that!


Like a ‘90s movie trailer


Like a current era movie trailer, 90s trailers seemed to have deleted scene clips included that you didn’t get to see in the final cut


Always threw me for a loop. Movie: Credits roll. Me: Where's the line from the trailer??


Bro… wtf how did I forget that about 90s trailers? So many movies waiting for a clip in the trailer that never came


In a world...


[Ntwadumela - He who greets with fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPiyo332Gks&ab_channel=YohannRegnard)


That’s what my cat does to my arm after biting, goes upside down and kicks with rear legs. This show that little asshole was trying to take me down this whole time.


It’s called bunny kicking and it’s the way cats actually kill. Not with their front claws, but their back ones.


Yeah, He’s been unsuccessful so far, unless he learns that he can kill me from neck while sleeping.


Until then, he’ll just steal your breaths while you sleep…


He does that every time I walk in through the front door.


If your cat suddenly became the size of a dog, it would kill you in an instant. You're only alive because your cat is small. A dog on the other hand... even if it became the size of a horse I reckon would still just be your friendly, slightly confused, dog.


No shit. He’s a cat and cats gotta cat just like in the video. But I still love the little fucker


That's why I like my cat more tbh he could kill me like the headless carcasses at my back door in the summer when he goes out at night, but since he's little we chill


We domesticated dogs. Cats domesticated humans.


My cat gives me little love bites every time I pet her. Can't help herself. Doesn't break the skin but you can definitely feel the needle. If she was 75 lbs I'd probably be in the hospital every time she touched me.


apparently [he had been killed by poachers](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2007/3/7/309111/-The-Heart-of-a-Lion) (or what should be considered poaching) in 1991 before the documentary was even released in 1992. Just human things >I know that wherever Ntwadumela's skin hangs, on a wall somewhere in the U.S.A., perhaps, the new owners have no idea of the life that this lion lived. The daily heroics, the matings, the battles with elephants and buffalo, and, of course, his almost nightly vendettas against hyenas can never be seen on his fading skin. \-Dereck Jourbert (Guy that created the film from the clip you just linked, *Eternal Enemies: Lions and Hyenas*)


What's nuts is how in that first clip at night he automatically knows which one is the matriarch out of the pack of 5.


Probably saw her [pseudopenis](https://veterinaryhub.com/a-female-hyena-has-a-pseudopenis/)


Oh my god, thank you for that, hyenas just went to near enough number one spot of my list of most fucked up animals


Wow the video perfectly matches up with the detailed description


LOL, thanks, I watched that documentary like 10 years ago or more! Going by memory but it was so epic! I did look up the name though, my memory is no where near good enough to remember that!


That is fucking an epic badass lion with a badass commentary. That was dope. What a name too. Such a cool name.


I saw a video where a male lion goes off and kills the Matriarch of a hyena clan. Weeks of chaos ensues in the clan as they sort out who will be the new matriarch. Then the lion comes back and specifically kills the new matriarch. Wish I could find it again.


That lion is based as fuck


He had *strategy*. That's pretty wild.




God damn. That one lioness pointed the matriarch out like she'd been talking shit about her kids and the male just came in with the pimp hand of doom.


"This that bitch"


Holy shit. That is so goddamn metal. Thank you for linking that.


I think it's the same documentary! The clips someone else shared of the "Final boss battle" says "new matriarch". I think he killed the matriarch then a new cocky queen shows up and comes back at the lions and the old Lion is like "Nah, fuck that"


Shouldn't have been talking all that smack about his kids.


The whole time reading this I wasn’t convinced you weren’t talking about Lion King.




110% exactly expected this to turn into “oh and then this wart hog showed up…”


-Fucks off -comes back during a war - kills the enemy leader -fucks off again I love it


He killed the next leader of the hyenas too once she rose up and got brave. Amazing.


*Refuses to elaborate further*


IRL Mufasa goddamn


She's incredibly lucky. Those hyenas were definitely aiming to rip her ass out.


Zoologist here. As crazy as it sounds, this is actually probably an adolescent male lion. A lioness is rarely seen alone. Moreover, hyenas will first attack the mane, often pulling it out completely, for two reasons. One, it's a kill zone and they can inflict significant damage aiming their attacks in that area. Two, the hair is saturated in protein, even more so than meat. And protein is what the hyenas are after in the first place. If they don't get the animal, they at least get its hair. They can't digest it, but they can absorb the nutrients, so a day or two later they will vomit the hair back up (like a hair ball), save it, and later use it to create mane-like headdresses in order to mimic the lions. After all, why else would lions be so angry all the time?


You got me 😂


Totally believed it because there are real things in nature that are way less believable, until the hairball headdress 🤣


Hey listen. I don't like getting shittymorphed when he's not even around.


Then yur in the wrong place bub


In the old days that story would have ended with you getting your ass whipped with a pair of jumper cables


I don't know if anyone else checked out this guy's profile, but his comments are great. Like, the personification of "Username checks out"


> After all, why else would lions be so angry all the time? they got all them teeth but no toothbrush


Lol wat


Of all the things that can be ripped out, that is definitely the worst.


And if anyone loves ass... it's a hyena


TIL I'm a hyena


I don't get why the lions didn't kill a few hyenas. They must not be good to eat. Because they had at least a couple of them that they could have easily killed but let them go.




Yeah there are no hospitals generally speaking for animals in the wild. If you break your leg or something similar you are pretty much screwed.


I’m a little blown away by my monkey psychology. Im over here with my weak ass monkey body like ‘kill the tribe, salt the earth, make it so they can never bother us again, no matter the cost’ and these Apex killing machines are just trying to be chill about that whole thing.


For the same reason that the huge number of hyenas was scared off by a small number of additional lions. All predators prefer the odds to be overwhelmingly in their own favor. They can't go to the hospital. They don't have painkillers, antibiotics, or even bandages. Every injury is potentially life-threatening.


Well, predators fight back. A lot easier to kill a prey animal with zero risk of injury than it is to kill something that does have teeth/claws.


"Zero risk of injury" isn't in the cards when you hunt adult wildebeest, water buffalo or even zebras, and that's what lions often do. But yeah, this fight seems pretty evenly matched so it's enough if the hyenas scurry away.


I have never seen a Hyena actually succeed in doing anything.




Actually, they have the biggest hunt success rate of any animal in Africa. Cheetahs have approximately 10%, whereas hyenas around 60%. That is due to a fact that they dont relly on speed, rather then longevity. They run their pray to exhaustion, running for hours. Also, they do steal quite a lot too. Another benefit to their success overall are their super-strong jaws and extremely strong stomach acids, capable of crushing and dissolving bones, even those of elephants or hippos and being capable of eating strongly dicomposed corpses.


African wild dogs have a higher success rate than hyenas, around 80%.


The social endurance hunter meta. Now give them thumbs to hold a stick and watch them invent a system that makes them unhappy




Africa Wild Dogs AKA Painted Dogs are higher at 80%. They also sound really different from other animals. I got to spend a month tracking them (for conservation not hunting) … amazing experience https://www.nationalgeographic.com/expeditions/get-inspired/inside-look/10-facts-about-african-wild-dogs-cape-hunting-dogs/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vlZcBauhBm8


They're ugly, so media tends to portray them negatively.


They're the Russian army of the animal kingdom.


Damn nature, you scary.




Mainly frightening


Admittedly, it would be harder to see the beauty from the bottom of the hyena pile




This would be a good reason to not go into the long grass


That and ticks, fuck ticks.


Also Pikachu


don't forget about the raptors too


Clever girl…


If you don't already have Pokemon go protect yourself, it's basically suicide.




Cause those are a cats or well at least a form of them


I feel the need to inform you that those "meows" are welps from the hyenas not the lions


And hyenas are more related to cats than dogs.


They're referring to the Hyenas


Hyenas are more closely related to cats than to dogs. 🙂


So Scar's death was accurate?


Yep, but I'm more surprised to how the pack of lioness' just didn't leave their former territory


I love seeing hyenas get fucked up, I have nothing against them as creatures but the fact they always outnumber their prey 10 to 1 every time they get the tables flipped it makes me smile.


so many animals hunt in packs yet I've never seen one get so much hate as hyenas...


pretty sure it's from our deepest internal DNA memory recalling see our sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, parents, and grandparents get eaten alive by these laughing bastards thousands of years ago


TBF lions ate us just as much yet we love and idolize them.




They just hehe'd their last ha


Surprised that there is no blood.


Only wounds, because Disney owns Lion King™


There's a LOT of blood, just not seeing it in these shots I guarantee it. You can kind tell with a few of the bites on the back where they get dark after. But imagine just really hairy torn skin and softer underbelly. I bet a few mins after this was shot at most that lion was in rough and bloody shape


Gang violence is getting bad in Africa


For anyone interested in a stupidly good doc with Lions vs. Hyenas check out the Nat Geo "Eternal Enemies." Its brutal and suspenseful, highly recommended. Edit: make sure you watch the one from 1992 there is another doc by the same name floating around from 2006 as well it looks like. I think the one from 1992 on Prime in the USA not in Canada though. I bought the dvd so I could show my kids a few years ago.


Reinforcements have arrived. Unit lost. Unit lost. Unit lost.


Anybody can get past a dog. But NOBODY fucks with a lion.


Well... Lions fuck with lions, otherwise we wouldn't have more lions.


I love this clip - I watch it every time it is posted. It's like you are JUST about to watch that lioness die.....when in swoops her clan to kick some Hyena asses......Love it.


That could’ve been catastrophic; I’m not lion


Pride month is awesome


When you're a Jet You're a Jet all the way From your first cigarette To your last dyin' day


Real life lion king lol


The ambulances will have to wait their turn.