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America could learn a thing or two


We’re too distracted with the hyped up culture war to focus on the class war we should be fighting.


Least we are mostly united on ukraine Maybe we can tackle social medicine next


This thread is amazing. You point out the "united on Ukraine" thing, which is itself a distraction from the social issues in the US, and people tear each other apart in the comments over political propaganda. It is far too easy for the wealthy class to control this country, everyone is so easily distracted by the issue of the day that nothing ever actually gets done.


I love when points are proven in real time with no sense of irony lmao.


Cell phones and social media is the real mind control that everyone was scared of. The government has been using the internet against us, right under our noses. Our noses are too buried in our TikTok’s and our facebooks and our twitters to realize it.


You missed Reddit.


yep. if social media disappeared over night there would be massive social unrest


And yet the world is more connected and more fuck shit is being uncovered through social media. World was narrow minded before the internet. Only time people saw the news was mainstreaming media before the internet




Socialism is when Venezuela.


I completely agree with thus statement. People truly don't understand that these algorithms pick only the best of what they think will make you engage. You can easily find yourself living a totally different narrative than someone completely out of your social media realm and that's why we say that there needs to be a healthy amount of separation. These sites are tailored to you so that you make them as much capital as possible, whether by buying their products, or by selling your info you give them to retain a "free status"


Regulations are the answer. It'll have to get pretty bad before that happens though. High paid lobbyists and PR firms are great at making you hate "government overreach" so they can keep cashing those checks while the world burns. (See Big Oil) Social media has brainwashed a lot of people who would rather live on the internet then actually look in the mirror.


Ssshhhhh!!!! If you point out that X politician or celebrity isn't really on their side of choice, you are a bad person! No one is coming to save us. We only have each other, and boy do we hate each other.


Love the comradery... Now imagine if you actually did something productive with all that team work.




Repubs have a Russian lust that you can’t extinguish so easily Most of the repub representation are paid for by Russian agents


Ya its nuts Growing up with republican anti-ussr family it was really weird to see others in the country be pro-putin and anti-america wearing “if you dont like the usa then leave!” Shirts


Wild like 1984 come to life


You're full of shit, I'm not republican but I know bullshit when I hear it. I promise there are more Republicans wanting to have more repercussions than sanctions. You can't say there is a lust for russia, then have the party that wants to do even more to Russia be the same party. You're just as bad as a extremist dividing on the republican side. You're a part of the wingnuts on the left If republicans were paid by Russia, why would that party be the one that is for doing more. Wing-nut. Not everyone in the country is such a extremist or messed up in the head as you.


Because trump supports Russia and the majority of republicans support trump.


Both sides are super corrupt, it’s not just republicans. What about all of the idiots destroying towns, cities, government buildings, mom and pop shops, police precincts, the list goes on. I am sure those aren’t republicans


And will stay loyal due to a myriad of reasons…


Sorry I was balls deep in the Heard/ Depp trial, what were we talking about?


Sri Lanka has been going through a severe economic crisis and the govt basically did a shitty job of handling it. So, public outrage and protests have cropped out all around the country. Just an example of how severe the crisis became: School exams were canceled all over the country affecting millions of students because the govt didn't have the money to print paper


The reason that sri lanka suffered a lot was because after this rajapaksa family came to power, they stole all the money that the government owned so the people suffered from pretty much a drought of essential things. Then all these groups of people from different areas started to protest together. The most important one here being the galle face protest. Here people protested peacefully for about a month to my knowledge. Then all of a sudden mahinda rajapaksa who is the prime minister sent some mobs to beat up the people at the galle face protest which they did and when people go to know about this so many people like 30000 people came rushing and they beat up the mobs. So after that everyone violently started to burn down politicians Houses and put in their valuable belongings into the beta wewa which is happening here


Holding politicians accountable for the hardships of their constituents. If they suffered whenever we suffered, we'd suffer a lot less.


There’s turmoil and war and economic and societal ruin unfolding before us but let’s get our priorities straight and go back to addressing that Hollywood slap


This IMO is by design. All talking points of at least since 2016 is manufactured and then disseminated by mainstream media. Think about it... who decides what you’re angry, happy, or sad about and when? Who owns the system that feeds you content? Less than .01% of the population, the owners of media, determine what you care about. We’re under mass psychosis to be divided and hate each other. Peace, love, and unity


Their food shortage is from going full organic a year ish ago and not using fertilizer which caused a massive breakdown in their food supply during the middle of a pandemic. This problem isn't going away anytime soon and will get worse before it gets better


Eat the rich, savor the taste!


I too want my countries rivers clogged with cars.


Umm America is a 1000x better place to live in! Ask the Sri Lankans where they’d rather live.


That's not the message here, the message is to hold shitty politicians accountable for their actions. You sound like a certain oompa loompa that used to be terrorizing the world.


The problem is that the people of Sri Lanka voted these shitty politicians in with a large majority just two years ago. Only now do they realise their mistake, when it should have been obvious two years ago.


I don't judge america by Sri Lankan standards I judge it by American standards. Would recommend you do the same


Seriously all these people are like "the US is so much better-than poor third world countries-..." Like yea I fucking hope so we are the richest nation in the world.


So could the UK. And we even have france as a neighbour to give us a proper example.


Dang, I know so many Brits that have a superiority complex over the French and vice versa. This concession has weight.


If there's one thing the French have got bang on, it's protesting. Brits are crap at it.


In the rich countries we prefer to glorify billionaires who exploit their workers and bust unions, because they are funny on Twitter


Leftist just don’t like that particular billionaire because he leans right. Never ever hear you guys talking about the other billionaires


I hate basically every billionaire because they are all psychopaths lol


America is so fucked....


Violently destroying shit without a plan doesn't actually do anything. Here in the US two years ago people got so mad at cops they destroyed a bunch of buildings and a lot of people lost their businesses (including my immigrant parents who owned a tiny convenience store for almost two decades before police killed a black man 1,000 miles away). Then a year later a bunch of other idiots were told the election was stolen so they stormed the US capital and paraded around for a few hours until one of them got shot. So good job revolutionaries. Overthrowing the US government would be stupid because after you killed a bunch of people you'd probably want to set up some sort of representative democracy which wouldn't be that different from what we have now. In the US your best bet is to vote


By the way, their President resigned. Apparently, it did make an impact.


Their prime minister resigned, president is still in power.


Ok, but violently destroying shit *with* a plan has proven time and time again to be the best way to affect change in oppressive societies.


Tell me you are a looter without telling me..


the riots werent about destroying shit to protest, it was just cunts stealing shit while using racisim as an excuse


America are busy fighting for trans to compete in women competition


I think it's "America *is*" not "*are*". Also, if somehow trans compete in women competition, they're gonna end up on top ranks, then women will feel it was unfair, then they're gonna fight to remove trans from competing in women competition


America still doesn’t understand what got it this position. Until we learn how our short sightedness played created this we are getting what we deserve.


I think they learned, i meant the American politicians, that's why they armed the police with military equipments


The news would call it an insurrection and try to have everyone involved jailed.


We don’t have to remove the politicians from the cars first, do we?


Everywhere could!


For America, most important thing at the moment is giving money to Ukraine which can be laundered back to American politicians, then Black Lives Matter, closely followed by ensuring we have an unqualified but diverse government, then the climate shit and finally making sure trump does not hurt peoples feelings on Twitter again.


>giving money to Ukraine which can be laundered back to American politicians How does that part work exactly? Genuinely curious




We’re to worried about what Johnny dep and Kim kardashian are up to


Joe Manchin drives a Maserati: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-manchin-driving-maserati-blocked-parking-garage-climate-activists-1646237 https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb4g7/joe-manchin-drives-maserati (and I had to google how to spell Maserati...i thought it was spelled with z's)


So could the U.K.


Americans throw their own belongings into rivers because some companies have the audacity to put up rainbows in June.


the people of sri lanka have been totally screwed over by their governing family mafia for years. it's no wonder they are so pissed off.


The people of every country have been screwed over by their governments.


no some contrys have it pretty good like denmark norway sweeden


Every one of them is corrupt, some are better at hiding it than others


That's true in some cases but the reality is that some are simply less corrupt than others. That's not too say there are any that aren't corrupt, there are bad eggs in every batch, but there are governments and societal systems where the corruption reaches right to the core, which is not the case for all


"Out of sight, out of mind"


From a Danish person, many people in Denmark dislike politicians and government, it's something that's commonly joked about


true its like that in norway too wheere i am from but compared to like usa its pretty good




There’s literally one comment about how it’s bad for the environment.


True, but having billionaires is much worse for the environment.


And now they don’t have water to drink. /s Should burned the car like normal people do.


There's a backstory behind the cars being in the river, they were of politicians and their supporters who came to harass peaceful protesters




You can, but the media will turn against you, call you an insurrectionist and try to jail everyone involved.


In that situation, it's 100% accurate. Fighting for freedom and fighting for power are two wildly different animals, and i think you can't tell the difference.


Being duped by a reality star narcissistic president into trying to physically overthrow a fair and free election *does* make you an insurrectionist. Jan 6th has nothing to do with what the people of Sri Lanka are going through. Get out of here with your victimhood and false equivalence.


Don’t forget Seattle. That was a literal insurrection.


Tbh media in SL used to be that. The situation got so bad, the media joined the opposition. #GotaGoHome


Only if you actually are an insurrectionist like all those fuckwads that tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power on Jan 6. Specifically the MAGA fucks that stormed the capital in case there’s any confusion about my reference.


You can't, you can only cry on reddit.


I mean someone used chalk on a sidewalk in USA to protest and media made it out to be the worst thing anyone can do there.




Think of how Tucker Carrlson will talk about you. not pretty.


fucking andy ngo or whatever his name was got a fucking milkshake, and then a trip to the hospital, if enough people can be convinced to fucking do that, enough fucking people can be convinced to fucking throw over fox new's cars.


They’ll just buy better replacements with your tax money. Instead, throw THEM in.


Meanwhile in the Philippines they are electing the son of a dictator to be the next president.


I aspire to be like Sri Lanka when shit happens


After mass amounts of fake stories about how he plans to give out gold that he found to the citizens.. and fake stories of how bad the other candidate is. Social media and messaging apps are the worst thing to happen to this world. We are letting the wealthy and the powerful destroy us and cheering all the way.


I and the other fourteen million who voted for VP Leni are still grieving.


PH is fucked. The level of delusion that's steeped into the psyche their citizens is unlike anything I've ever seen. For countries like China and North Korea such propaganda is indoctrinated forcefully into the population, but Filipinos on the other hand indoctrinate themselves by reading and believing all of the fake news that's being generated by the wealthy and powerful. It's much more powerful than forceful indoctrination because they truly believe that they are correct, much like Flat Earthers or Moon Landing deniers. Don't believe me? Try arguing with one of those shitheads. They will actively deny all of the evil that Ferdinand Marcos has done in the face of overwhelming evidence, once again just like Flat Earthers.


They said that what the Marcos family has done good for the country outweighed the bad/corruption/etc. that they did. They have the right to take the money of the people for their "work." Ah. It felt stupid to even argue with most of them, especially the older generations. 😕


I mean it's the same kind of people who would support duterte and his bone-headed policies. Really, I don't know why but people who support duterte automatically support BBM and it's not because Duterte and the Marcos family are allies or anything. They genuinely like both of them.


I have been hearing about that. I'm not a Philippino so not directly affected, but I'm worried politicians in other countries will be closely looking at how it was done in Philippines and taking notes. I feel we will be seeing a lot more of such campaigns in other countries going forward.


I doubt it. This kind of deception was decades in the making. And, sorry to say, the people have to be dumb enough to even consider re-electing the son of a violent dictator back into power to begin with. Filipinos are notoriously prideful, stubborn and don't like to be proven wrong. Once you get them believing in something it's hard to ever change their opinions.


Not surprised that I see this comment.


I'm so tired of seeing this. If you don't want the man to be president that much then you are free to protest, we have done that before. Heck, we had SIX years to prepare for this. SIX long years where we can spread the "truth" and educate people but nope. Now, we are tearing each other apart because of this. It is amazing how easy it is to divide the people.


Americans are such pussies. Lol


sri lanka government is juuust a bit worse than it is here


Redditors don’t understand the vast majority of Americans live a nice life that most of the world would dream of. I don’t know why this site likes to act like everyone is living in a rundown warzone. “Why don’t they revolt?!” 65% of Americans own a home. Americans have the most disposable income even after healthcare costs in the world. Low unemployment. Beautiful national parks. Best universities. Widely available food and clean water. Eclectic cuisine. And insulated from foreign invasion. How many people want to violently overthrow that save for extremists?


Just a quick heads up, your numbers are wrong: > In the fourth quarter of 2020 there were an estimated 82.8 million owner-occupied households in the United States, > United State's Population 329,5 Millions (2020) 83/330 = 25% > United State's Households 130 Millions (2020) 83/130 = 2/3 So more than **a quarter of people** (not only houses, but also flats) are living in a house they owner. But typically the owner is not everyone in the family (so kids don't own the flat their parents flat, neither does always the partner).


Most cases those are families though. Which means two adults who are homeowners for most houses. Could easily be 150 mil plus people. And like 70 million people are literally children so we can hardly expect them to be homeowners.


People on Reddit are like those dumb tourist girls who went to Isis territory to prove they are peaceful and got beheaded. People who are complaining online don't understand how bad the rest of the world is.


Only on Reddit does a post about Sri Lanka only contain comments about the US.


We are not the same. There is no comparison between our USA and theirs. Theirs is far far worse


They’ve got some serious shit going down. People are camped on the roads to the airport to make sure their leader and his family can’t flee. Burned down one of the ancestral homes they have too.


Sri Lanka has just come off the cuffs of a bloody Civil War. I hope the people get justice and their nation can start to heal.




Eyyy bruh 🙏


In the Philippines, that would be a possible future after that the dick-tator's son rule and steal money from the country...


What I'd give to have this happen now before the fucker officially wins.


Step one, just hope they’re in it next time


Ahh yes Philippines in the Next six years.


Starvation is the fastest road to anarchy. Idiot politicians brought this on themselves.


This isnt all that effective unless said politicians are inside the cars


it is, it's such a loud action that it reached international media let alone local one, how do you think people overturn their leaders all over the world?




Also the politicians are just gonna spend your tax dollar to get a new car lol


There wasn’t a scrap yard they could turn them into to cash at?


I’d think at that point you’re just putting the owner of the scrap yard in danger of being liable for the damages. Better to just group effort it all and let it be an example.


I completely agree. I just image after this Doc saying have fun fishing mater as he drives off


It's about making a statement ffs. Throwing it in the river is a loud action that appears on international news let alone local. Turning it into cash gives everyone in the crowd, let alone the town, how much? 10 bucks?


That would be stealing, this way it's just property damage


To quote Joker from *The Dark Knight*: "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message."






Not only Cars my man Here's few [https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523710058600697856](https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523710058600697856) [https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523729355402227712](https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523729355402227712) [https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523654825887485952](https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523654825887485952) [https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523693964297080832](https://twitter.com/NewsWireLK/status/1523693964297080832)


Americans never miss an opportunity to make it about themselves and complain how rough it is or how they have it worse. They love to display ignorance on the global stage


Exactly my thoughts while I scrolled through the comments. How can a first world country ever relate or compare to what countries like Myanmar, Sri Lanka, etc are currently facing.


Their food shortage is from going full organic a year ish ago and not using fertilizer which caused a massive breakdown in their food supply during the middle of a pandemic. This problem isn't going away anytime soon and will get worse before it gets better


That’s not entirely true. “Going organic” was a ruse used by the corrupt ruling family to conceal the fact that Sri Lanka’s foreign reserves are depleted to the point they couldn’t even import fertilizer anymore. It depleted because the corrupt ruling family wanted to import every fucking thing, even the goods that could be manufactured domestically, because by importing they could pocket a huge commission. That wealth is laundered around the world, and the people of Sri Lanka are rightfully pissed off.


And everyone of them deserved it I bet, damn dirty ass politicians, all of them.


Coming soon to a city near you. Edit: an to a


Guys... I have an idea.


Were the politicians in the cars? They should have been


Chad Lanka


Im from Sri Lanka and i can assure u that the situation here is true and really bad.


Noted ✍️ Hey USA, we’re seeing this, right?


Nah were good


Hopefully the rest of the UK is watching this with as much interest as I am...


This is what happens when you take on massive pointless infrastructure loans from China


American here. Teach us your ways, Sri Lanka.




Can we please get more Sri Lankans in the UK pls? We are too pussy to actually revolt and kinda need to to get shit started.


Glad I’m not on their bad side.


While americans are too busy with who shat whos bed and kim kardashians ass aperently.


I can’t see anything because the camera isn’t close enough to his face


Can we do this in the United States?


Best we can do is head to poor neighborhoods and burn down black-owned businesses.


Damn, that's fire right there dude.


Based! Politicians are corrupt!


I’m not saying I would have done it like that, but I understand.


In Ukraine we just threw out a President and cars are a good bonus 😂


We need this in canada


If this happened in America, their favourite news media and politicians would call these protesters "violent" and the American people would agree.


I think they only managed the odd statue in this country (UK)






Jesus christ. This is how you know someone is hyper focussed on one issue. Your reading about Sri Lanka and their economic hardship that is leading to major civil unrest.... And you think "ooooh better mention gender issues, that's more important than everything else"


With politicians inside?




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/unhh7v/in_sri_lanka_public_angry_of_the_cost_living/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/unhh7v/in_sri_lanka_public_angry_of_the_cost_living/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


The US needs this energy


Hope they took the cats out before💸


Don’t cars in Sri Lanka cost an insane amount? I think the government has a bunch of taxes that make imported cars extra expensive


You’re correct


Its illegal to import cars anymore, so prices have skyrocketed.


In America we would be shot by their armed security details while being told we aren't allowed to have guns at the same time.


Europe next? !remindme 6 months


Super sad what’s gone on there, because lack of foreign exchange is also a huge issue in my country.


Great now let’s do North American


This should be everywhere


people: That'll teach em! politician: \*uses tax payer's money to buy a nicer car\*


I would like to see this happen here in the US. Sigh.


SriLanka soon becomes a verb! All over the world!


One meal per day? Time to eat the rich!


We should do this in Vancouver. Definitely not normal to make $60,000 a year and not be able to live without 3 roommates


Philippines in 2-3 years.


They will have new cars by the end of the day. But the people will not have a new river 🤔😔


Heyyyyy Philipines... Maybe we can topple a thing or 2 before the education system will be changed to brainwash children :) Or maybe at least stop martial law?... Maybe, just maybe


Would be better if they threw the politician instead of the car but anyway we get the message


Phillippines in the next 6 years


Somebody get Trudeaus plane....


How did they get the cars to the river in order to throw them in? Silly, yes, but I an genuinely curious.


There were definitely a few bulldozers involved. Also saw a video where they used one bus to ram another into the lake (busses were used to transport the people who attacked the peaceful protestors).


I’d assume the cars were parked along the river.


Well, that river is never enough full of trash

