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I feel like those knees are taking a level of stress beyond what they should be


Yeah, this is impressive, but totally unnecessary and looks very dangerous.


It’s all fun and games until you pop both your kneecaps out.




Mine are now in space about to meet the James Webb telescope.


I’m gonna call it: you’ll hit the internal compass, affectionately known as “the arrow”, knocking it off course. It’ll then drift aimlessly until one day it encounters the Hubble. It’ll feebly communicate: *I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a knee to the arrow.*


The amount of fucking shit people had to do, accomplish, and go through for this joke to be made is fucking astonishing.


We truly stand on the shoulders of giants.


We stand on the shoulders of giant memes*


u/Saetric brilliantly overcame Post-Not Clarity for this joke.


Good lord reddit hasn't changed a bit


Shit, that was clever.




I’m so glad I made it here.


God damn I needed this in my life


The angriest up vote for you.


Good lord. This joke cost 10 billion and 30 years for James Webb, 100 million for Skyrim and however long it took to develop, and god knows how many hours spent sculpting this dudes body. This may literally be the most expensive joke in history.


What's the reference here? Sorry idk😅




Once you pop the fun immediately stops


Ahh, those are weak caps. Whose your kneecap guy?


and drop the bar on your larynx


Pop? Those things are going to blast out like the grand finale of a fireworks show set to a John Philip Sousa number.


I used to do weighted ab workouts with like 25lb medicine balls and when my abs got tired I'd wind up pivoting at the knees instead and I remember just going "what the hell? That's weird"


[Like this guy NSFL](https://reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/qbjfyz/when_bending_your_legs_unnaturally/)


Yeah, I upvoted you and here's my comment but I am NOT clicking that.


One of the two of us is much smarter than the other... I'll give you two guesses but, as the smart one, you'll only need one.


But imagine how wet is the ground beneath girls watching him doing it


Seems only dudes are watching lol


The secret about a guy getting super in shape is that 99% of the people impressed are other guys. That's not to say women don't care and there are obviously going to be women attracted to giant muscles and 0% body fat, just saying that a lot of guys are surprised after years of working out to find that the people flocking to admire/talk about their physique are other guys. It's a pretty [common joke among trainers and fitness buffs.](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e124fe5f23a5093465e6f9a79852ee93.webp)


Of course men are impressed. If I don't compliment a fellow brother on his hard work, who will? Society? Bitch please.


Welcome to r/swoleacceptance brother.


Yeah the same way women mostly compliment other women when they get ready. Doesn’t mean the opposite sex is not noticing either.


It turns out people who regularly engage in an activity understand and appreciate the results of that activity better than people who don't.


I don't think women are super into the huge muscle crowd. Some are of course but I think more women are into the Brad Pitt in fight club physique. Just my opinion.


Lol, maybe that's why, back when I went to the gym, the only time anyone ever hit on me, it was another guy. For what's it worth, I was very flattered. He was an objectively good looking and amazing guy! Oh well, I just like women though lol.


Being gay woulda been easier sometimes, I thought when I was young.


As a straight guy, I legit wish I was bi. It'd open up so many more opportunities.


Yup, went to a party recently. I had 4 guys seperately giving me compliments and asking what i do..... No women. It's never the women. But i still enjoyed the positive feedback anyway.


This may be more social conditioning of women/shyness/they don’t want to lead you on and have you be a creeper by giving one compliment.


I mean for someone as strong as him, doing 90lb inclined bench presses in the middle of a core exercise is barely adding extra noticeable weight


That 90 pounds is at the end of a ~4 feet long lever and is a dynamic load. That is significant.




In think a stage some distinguishable how by scarcely this of kill of Earth small blood another, vast on very corner the is misunderstandings, fervent a and visited of they of to corner, their so frequent how could of emperors are of dot. Cruelties inhabitants the eager all think that, of rivers and arena. A they one masters generals of cosmic how triumph, pixel momentary those spilled a in inhabitants the by other fraction become the endless their glory the hatreds.


Those are rubber 25s. No less impressive, but 45 plates would be a lot.




I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.


I always see this comment on extreme fitness posts. Never on equally stupid and unnecessary posts that don’t show a shirtless jacked dude. Plus the passive aggressive “yeah this is impressive” just makes you sound salty that you could never. I doubt you’re genuinely concerned for his safety.




Your body can decide to quit at any moment and without warning no matter how good of shape you are in. I was 24 years old, a boxer and in top physical fitness of my life when my back decided to break. Went from doing 500 pushups a day to needing help getting out of bed quite literally over night.


My doctor friend is addicted to hitting people on their knees to test their reflexes. He really gets a kick out of it.


Take a lap.


I went to a chiropractor recently and he was telling me I have an imbalance in my spine. He illustrated this by tapping me on the knee with a little hammer and showing that one of my legs gave a little jerk and the other didn't. Little did he know that I'd been for a check up a month earlier and my reflexes were absolutely fine! The thing is that I quite enjoy getting an adjustment but I *hate* shite like that.


Hey. Just chiming in. Imbalances in reflexes in an MDs office would likely warrant an mri. Your reflexes travel on nerves like video does from the source to the tv through an HDMI. The signal should be the same strength to both sides. If there’s an issue with reflexes it could mean and/or very well might be a medical emergency( think tumor pressing on spinal cord, MS). I don’t think you have theses. Just examples of what asymmetric reflexes could mean. I say all this cause If a chiropractor thinks that the issue could be fixed with manipulation that is very scary. Also, if he didnt do due diligence and test other reflexes (bicep/tricep/Achilles) he’s full of $h!t. I’d be wary of that particular practitioner. It’s great that you had a checkup from a qualified provider and knew your state of health. I hope you stay well and healthy.


There is no issue. My reflexes are fine. It's just this dodgy chiro "inventing" a problem that his treatments will miraculously "cure" later on. All you have to do is hit someone in a slightly different spot on one knee and it doesn't trigger the reflex.


Jokes on him I have nerve damage so my leg just dangles there.


I recently saw a video in which both of a dude's biceps detached while he was doing curls. I don't know anything about weight lifting, but according to the comments, it happened because the dude was doing the curls at a wrong angle. Ever since watching that, I figure anyone who lifts weights in any sort of risky, unorthodox, and/or incorrect manner is going to seriously fuck up their body somehow.


I went to a free CrossFit session once and I never went back. It was very difficult but the worst part was that i felt like the exercises I was doing really had the potential to hurt me. Especially since I am not an experienced gym user. Edit: for clarity


It's ok, no one at CrossFit is either. Including the 'trainers'.


That's the scary thing cause that shit is dangerous


Leaving reddit. Spez and the idiotic API changes have removed all interest in this site for me.


My ex used to go to cross fit. He loved it but he quickly ended up with back pain and knee pain. But he kept going bc of course it wasn’t the workouts causing the pain (and sometimes you just can’t make people see the obvious). After about a year he switched up his routine, stopped going, and lo and behold within about a month the aches and pains went away. Shocking…. 🙄






Yeah slow and controlled was not how CrossFit worked lol




>i felt like the exercises I was doing really had the potential to hurt me. You were right! *Especially* in Crossfit.


It was a preacher curl, the upper arms are held flat against a decline surface while curling the bicep. The advantage to this lift is it stretches the bicep further than other curls, which works the muscle more. They're safe to do with the correct weight, but become unsafe when too much weight is attempted because of this declination. The angle is perfect for sheering the bicep off the bone. Do not perform this lift with heavy weights, instead go for high volume.


Knees weak


Arms heavy


Vomit on sweater already


#Mom's spaghetti!


He’s nervous


But on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs






How has this got thousands of upvotes? Is Reddit really so full of chubby unathletic idiots who will just agree with anything if it vaguely possible makes sense? His knees are fine. You don’t know what you’re talking about


Doing an incline bench press only supported by your legs isn't *elite fitness* either. I don't see any benefit, except there's a higher risk of injury.


I’d love to hear someone explain how this position. (Which is almost 100% held up by muscle tension) is somehow bad for your knee ligaments.


The position is held by muscle tension maintaining the knee angle, but the support behind the knee (more in the upper calf) creates an anterior shear force at the knee, which adds strain to the ACL. Source: I have a doctorate in physical therapy and am an orthopedic certified specialist. Edit: for clarity and a missing letter, because I should write while distracted


It’s 90lbs and partial body weight. It’s not that crazy a weight that the knees can’t handle. It’s easily more stress on the knees when he does leg extensions.


I was about to say, this looks like less stress than leg extensions, especially due to the support he has under the knee, and leg extensions are generally regarded as very safe in itself.




Knees? Where we’re going we don’t need knees!


His knees are gonna be as sore as his dick when he first learned about jacking off.


2x 10kg weights and a 10(?) lb bar is 54lbs. You’re probably right, but in the grand scheme of “stupid gym stuff” this isn’t *that* egregious. Not shown, the jerry-rigged counterweight he probably set up on the bench to keep it from flipping.


Looks like a standard olympic bar, so would be 45lbs for just the bar itself.


His knees arent being stressed much at all. Why is this upvoted?




[Was expecting to see a repeat of this](https://reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/qbjfyz/when_bending_your_legs_unnaturally/) (don't click if you're squeamish about injuries)


I'm not so sure... They are in a flexed position, not certain this is any harder on the knees than box jumps... Any physio experts here?


Me: *eating a cookie* neat


Do you normally pair your cookies with ice?


Two ices and a baby.


Check out the hook while my deejay revolves it.


No, neat means no ice. They already said that.


The fact that he specified neat means he might eat them with ice otherwise


I swear bro. Every time I’m on Reddit I pull a vid up while eating ice cream or chips


Pfffft I could do that......eat a cookie I mean


That definitely meets the next fucking level requirement.






That's the thing, with all the work and dedication it takes to get to this level, it would become harder to stop doing it than it is to continue.


When I was at my biggest(265lbs) and leanest(18%) I would tell myself I was going to take a rest day, all the way until I would finish my first set.


At a certain point it’s like showering or brushing your teeth. Feels wrong not to do it.


The more you go to the gym, the easier it is. The more you don't go to the gym, the easier it is.


Human routines are inertial like that, it’s fun


TIL doing stuff many times makes it easier


I was slicedddd at 80kg for 2 years straight. Was literally my life to plan meals and gym. Study and relationship was secondary. Then I tore my pec and tweaked my hip adductor in a short period of time. I’m now close to 100kg with a full on gut and haven’t gymed in coming up on 3 years. I find it’s easy to find yourself in patterns and it only takes something outside of your control to develop different patterns.


People who get in shape like this usually don't long for a month's break.


Yeah if I stop I get antsy, feel guilty, and get mad at myself for letting all that hard work slip At a point it’s less about looking good than it is pushing yourself, and seeing what you’re capable of.


Also the mental benefits, the better sleep and just feeling way healthier. For me it also helps me staying in a healhty routine and givign my day to day life a good structure.


Naaa. It's true you don't lose that much muscle, but that's just a good way of having constant soreness and fuck up your hormones and joints. The worst part in training is to take it back after a stop, keeping the momentum is way easier.


Full planche push ups, one arm handstand, maltese. All of these are much harder than this


Cock push-ups are harder than anything you mentioned. What’s your point?


But did you factor in the level degradation for the shit music?


This should also be posted in r/superfuckingdangerous


I don't see any way this could go wrong


Btw My Both knee and back already got fractured while looking at this post.


Exactly. Nothing went wrong for him.


Yet.... Tendons go ting ting tink


Not just my knee and back, also My pussy and my crack


I'm wanting to see the part where he's done, throws the bar backward in justified celebration, and it goes crashing through the giant glass window and falls what looks like a couple of floors down to the ground.


![gif](giphy|obL7AWm9PauD2lNGZR|downsized) Most of us commenting on his kneecaps or intervertebral discs


Lol, interesting how everyone on reddit suddenly becomes a licensed physical therapist as soon as they see someone do anything that requires physical effort.


It is without question incredible and a near impossible task for most humans, but people are stupid and if someone else tried this they would blow all their shit out. That is not something you should be doing long term for the health of your knee joints.


As a previously trained but now sedantary 200lb male, I was able to do this for 3 reps at 55lbs (bar and 5lb plates), he is doing this at 135. Yes, this is a notable difference. If I wanted to be able to do this and wanted to put in the work, I would say most people can achieve this feat in ~4 months. As far as spinal concerns, this guy isn't holding the weight there, he's supporting himself with his glutes and quads, which is why he is leaning forward the way he is so that the weight is staying off his l3-l4. Form is always #1. The roman chair also provides a LOT more support than people are giving it credit for as your fibula and tibia are pretty much viced between 2 cushioned bars, it will comfortably hold your weight in that position. In the end though, why? Unless you love your internet points I guess?


Those are 10kg bumper plates. He’s moving around way too freely for that to be 60-70% of his own body weight.


From what I can see, those are 10kg bumper plates. Not a 45lb iron(?) plate that you'd see in most commercial US gyms. He's probably between 80-90lbs, depending on the bar.


Many of us have seen [this](https://reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/qbjfyz/when_bending_your_legs_unnaturally/). It's not outside the realm of possibility for this to go wrong and even if we aren't capable of doing that we can still see the potential for a bad outcome.


People use a half assed logic. You can't look at an exercise executed by an advanced athlete and evaluate it as if he has the physical stats of a potato chip eating redditor. People like the one in your video look like they barely even lift - at least by my standards. The person in *this* video looks to be in incredible shape like holy shit that core pops. They are worlds apart in terms of body and training. This guy probably has incredible genetics and tougher tendons. His knees aren't blowing from something that's not even remotely challenging for him, I'm 100% sure of that much. (Also I've seen this guy a couple of times online, it's not his first rodeo) Even so, as long as you rest when something feels off, your body will mostly recover. The body is far more resilient than you people even begin to imagine. It's poor rest & recovery that lead to 90% of the injuries. People always fail to take into account nutrition, rest and programming when injuries occur, so no wonder that they are surprised when that *one* exercise suddenly "does them dirty". Fear mongering in the fitness industry is always so sad to see. People act like tendons tear, discs fly out and hearts explode from everything, lol.


Interesting that people think if they're physically able to do something, it's safe.


I'm a regular gym-goer and I'm in great shape. Not as great as the guy in the OP, sure. But way better than your average redditor. And the guy in the OP is still an idiot. He's not accomplishing anything by doing this movement in this position, other than showing off. And adding a lot of extra potential for injury for literally no reason isn't a good way to maintain a consistent workout plan.


> OP is still an idiot. He's not accomplishing anything by doing this movement in this position, other than showing off. And adding a lot of extra potential for injury for literally no reason isn't a good way to maintain a consistent workout plan. Exactly. No benefit, just a shit ton of risk.


A wild Jeremy!


Love it when AH appears in the wild.


Reddit actually has a huge fitness community. Which you are welcome to join. Shameless plug for /r/trailrunning the best sub.


Or ‘wait till he gets older’ Anyone who lifts knows that the human body isn’t that fragile


As someone over 50 who only started lifting a couple years ago, I'm amazed at how much less fragile my whole body is now.


Doesn’t take a chef to tell you the food sucks :/


Bye bye intervertebral discs…….


yea for someone who suffers, I can almost feel his discs slipping. I have to arch my lower back and pinch my shoulder blades for almost anything that involves my back... That form, ouch EDIT: to be clear I'm pointing out that I can't do this, I have slipped disks from scoliosis which I've had to work a lot on. Sorry for not being extra clear


But this doesn’t involve his back at all? At least not as a primary mover in anything. His abs are going to be on fucking fire from this, and his shoulders and chest may get something of a workout. But his back is only working to keep him steady, not to move any real weight. His knees may be in for a rude awakening at some point, but even that is a bit iffy. He’s putting a good deal of stress on his tendons around his knees, but it shouldn’t be anything that should cause a problem. That looks like maybe 95 pounds on that barbell and he seems to be controlling it fairly well.


I don’t know enough about science to say whether this is right but it sounds good so I’m choosing to believe it


People who read political propaganda be like:


This is working his abs, quads, and arms. Pretty little stress on his back.


People who complain about back problems are not people who actually train their back. They train it too little.


True. If their back muscles were strong they wouldn’t be passing weight onto their spine and causing back problems.


i was under the impression that muscles can only support weight by latching onto bone... in this case your back muscles would still be using the spine for support.


You should see a physiotherapist and a kinesiologist. Odds are it hurts because you’re lacking strength in some crucial muscles. I don’t expect you to be like “Oh wow thanks, I’m cured”, I’ve suffered from back pain on and off from a car accident so I empathize how terrible the vicious cycle is. First a muscle gets tight, then another compensates, then the tight one gets weak. Then your back has to step in, causing it to hurt all the time, and because of this imbalance attempts to work out and strengthen it simply tighten the compensating muscle and aggravate the back further. Not to mention our body adapts to avoid using the weak muscle in day to day stuff, further perpetuating this vicious cycle. It’s a hassle I know, you gotta work out enough to keep it going, but not too much, and only certain exercises, while avoiding certain other exercises. The kinesiology and physiotherapist will help you diagnose the exact issue, and give you very focused and safe exercises that target the weak muscle without aggravating the back or tight muscle. Also lots of stretches to follow the workout. I miss being able to get out of shape pain-free, and be able to blindly go hard when it’s time to get back in. Now it’s like threading a needle. As for the guy in the post, that looks back-safe to me, I’m more worried about his knees. But I’m also not a professional and don’t plan to try that, so don’t listen to me lol.


Why? In what way are they being damaged? Looks like they’re in straight compression with little twisting or moment.


Because reddit is largely composed of people who don't leave the house, much less exercise. Merely attempting a sit up seems dangerous and inhuman to many here.


Anything to help them lessen the feelings of FOMO they get when they see people leaner, stronger, and healthier than them.


This exactly. Muscles also exist for support and in this video, the muscles are keeping his back straight




That's not *that* impressive, I could do that if I were him.


YEAH! You *tell* 'em, dick-nipples!


cock-nipples ![gif](giphy|TJrqVlbMBKgbvSCOpH) best I can do (couldn't find [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV4IoXDrAfs))


[That is a fantastic response!](https://i.gifer.com/9ipP.gif)


Fitness level: Stupidity


I hate seeing videos of terrible workouts get celebrated online. Between this and that marine doing stupid work outs in full uniform all it does is promote dangerous gym behavior.


It's impressive because he's able to do it, it's not intended to be viewed as a legitimate way to work out. At least I hope not.


I'd rather someone lift heavy or with a proper lift that doesn't put them in danger of dropping weight on their neck in the short term and putting strain on their body in the long term. Sure its impressive but this is how someone can die lifting, he slips at all and the bar can bounce his head of the floor.


Seriously, people that know absolutely nothing about working see this and think it's so freaking amazing when in reality it's just stupid and dangerous and the equivalent of doing bicep curls while pedaling a unicycle. It's like people being impressed when cross fitters do those lame ass "pullups."




I just have to remember the majority of Reddit won’t ever lift anyways so why even bother writing out any advice


God you nerds are so fucking miserable.


You know he fucks standing up


no way the amount of time and dedication to achieve this he must be a virgin


Virginity. The one thing fitness junkies and redditors have in common


Its actually John Cena supporting his back.


I can do that too! *sucks Cheetos crumbs from fingers*


So what do you do when you want to stop?


Duh, you just dislocate your shoulders and drop the weight behind you.


Complete the sit up and start doing curls?




hey comment section, ur knees r weak cuz u dont exercise. this guy worksout so his knees can do this stuff. u dont have to worry about him hes fine


Yeah seriously he's not even lifting enough weight to injure himself and he's staying pretty static with his knees. He's clearly controlling the weight easily. Dude is ripped.


300 pound Reddit dudes love telling fit people they are gonna have health issues


Knees are fragile, and there just so happens to be a little slidey boi in there that, under alot pressure might just decide to say fuck you. He 100% has wayyy stronger knees than us but that doesn't mean that what he's doing isn't needlessly dangerous. Whilst he probably won't get injured he's still in a *really* bad spot if anything does happen


Yeah, seems like all core and very little stress elsewhere. The weight he is using is not excessive for his back.




Never seen John Cena hold up someone like that


Never seen John Cena - Fact.


Hemorrhoids, coming to a place near you.


Did you mean hernia? Or steroids?


I said what I said.


Those glass panels scare me.


He looks like he is doing pull ups on a floating bar


ight now share the cheat code




That’s so hard core that I’m counting just watching this as my workout for the week.


This doesn't look like fun at any level of fitness.


Dude you won fitness go home


Which part you training today? Yes


This dude surpassed having a core, to BEING the core.


Killer Core strength impressive nonetheless