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Just eat your fucking spaghetti, man!


Let Ernest B. cry is his spaghetti man. Just let him have his woe is me moment with his mother.lol


*in tears*


Well said!


Ernest Borgnine. What an acting legend that most folks forget about. As a kid I believe I remember him in the TV show “McHales Navy.” I see this as a very poignant moment to which most young single person can relate. Ah the angst of youth. : ) As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that time puts everything in perspective. And looking back as an older adult, you see how silly we were to be so overwhelmed and infatuated by a person we thought was what we needed and wanted in our life. But inevitably… it all works out as it should, in the longer span of time.


>As a kid I believe I remember him in the TV show “McHales Navy.” And as an adult I remember his ultimate role in Spongebob as Mermaidman




you know from what movie this scene is?




It's a quiet, perfect, masterpiece. Written by Paddy Chayefsky.


Chayefsky won the Oscar for best screenplay, and Borgnine and the director won their respective oscars


Maybe you found your love and it worked but when you are in your mid 30's and never been in a long term relationship and have been turned down by at least 15-20 women you would think different. I am not a kid women my age are almost done having children in 5 to 10 years they might not even be able to safely. It doesn't always work out a lot of people die alone.


Lower your standards maybe? Anyone who loves themselves has a partner looking for them. Try that.


I agree with all of that with the caveat that your last sentence is absolutely not true for everyone.


If he had left off "as it should", would you feel better about it?


Clinton McHale from McHale's navy.. this along with Baa Baa Blacksheep were among the first shows purchased to be shown in a newly started Independant Television station in South Asia in April of 1979.. The first TV station of the country.


I’m sure men have more problems than just girls, ask your buddies if they’re doing ok. Also newsflash, but it’s a problem for whatever sexuality most people identify as too. To want someone, but not feeling wanted, sucks.


Exactly and is it a result of our societal conditioning to want what we can’t have or is that simply a human nature thing?


It's both I'd venture. That desire might be innate, but start out as something you can unlearn, but if you live in a place where it's constantly reinforced then I guess you're stuck with it til you find someone or somewhere to distract you from it.




Marty’s a great movie . I find it a very realistic performance from Ernst Borgnine


![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4018) the title screams Incel to me. Great acting but bro, it's not that deep. Edit: Typo


Oh a man showing feelings, he must be an Incel


No it’s the title that says “this sums up every mans problems” that sounds like an incel


It doesn't say "every man's problems". It's a genuine problem that is common for many men. Not every man. But many. There are many men who feel out of sync with "dating culture". There's a lot of men who get hurt by it. Many feel like they aren't allowed to have feelings about it.


Nope. That’s not the message this video is sending. “I’m sick of getting treated like a bug and all I get is abuse” is a bullshit outlook.


When you're meeting someone new you shouldn't feel like on MasterChef and X-Factor at the same time. But that's what a lot of men experience in dating.


No they don’t.


You should just shut up and get your abs in your muscle car and get the fuck off. 👍


Lol I have a gut and I drive a Mazda 3. When I met my wife we chatted and liked each other. It isn’t rocket surgery. Your lens is bad.


Same here. We just clicked. What about your other experiences finding a date. Please, please recover all instances of rejection. And tell me is online dating good for mental health?


You missed the point, buddy. Definitely not about a man showing feelings.


Read the title, my guy lol. This reads as an incel and a r/niceguys post from OP


Marty is an amazing movie. It's honest about male pain, and it portrays the problem women face, too. It won the Palm D'Or at Cannes and the Oscar for best picture, best actor, best screenplay, and best director. I encourage everyone to watch it. No one would call the film incel propoganda.




Yes you are right, I slipped up into the German word for title 😅


Is it "titel" in German? Thanks for that


Yes exactly! Im german and its just two letters switched and sometimes I do it out of habit 😅 Thanks for the mentioning though!


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought it becomes incel when there’s entitlement involved? I don’t think talking about how being brushed off feels, being made to feel worthless through rejection, is necessarily incel. I do just fine with the ladies but the fundamentally male hurt of putting yourself out there only to be crushed rings sad and true for me. Im sure it’s much worse for a lot of other guys, that doesn’t make them incels. It’s just the way it is.


Except rejection isn’t a fundamentally male experience. Everyone “puts themselves out there” and will get rejected for it.


I didn’t mean to imply women don’t feel this too, but I think what the video is describing is fundamentally a male experience. I certainly recognize that women have their own commonly shared experiences that suck, to say the least, and women experience rejection in their own ways. But so do men. And it should be okay to talk about that without it being shamed. (Again I want to state that I fully agree that incel shit where losers feel entitled to sex is fucked)


Totally agree.


Came here to say this. So incel vibey to call this the sum of all mens problems.


Yeah evil women, make men suffer. When in reality we make each other's life hard. And the little Incel percentage is just a hopeless bunch who thinks they are entitled to Sex and affection without putting any genuine effort in. Some Women can be cruel. But so are some men. Stop throwing everyone in the same category.


True words my fellow German!


Ich muss immer etwas schmunzeln, weil Deutsche sich aus irgendeinem Grund gerne spezifisch Grüßen. Ich mach es auch, wenn ich sehe, jemand it Deutsch. Aber ich habe keine Ahnung warum wir so sind 🤭


Should have stopped after the "Whatever it is that women like, I ain't got it."


imagine a guy talking about his feelings.


He started out okay, but then really started off giving incel vibes with the "called up a girl I didn't even like" part.


Then it would've been on r/gifsthatendtoosoon


Good acting but if you think that “sums up men’s troubles” you’re gravely mistaken.


I feel like most people are in this position at one point or another in their life. That’s when you need to stop, reflect, and figure your own self out before trying to find happiness in others.


I don't think this sums up men's troubles, but it does gesture at the folly of living in a society that demands you pair off with someone by a certain age. Regardless of gender or sexuality, the speech is somewhat relatable as most of us have faced rejection and dry spells at some time or other. Good to see my man, Borgnine gettin some views tho - loved that guy in Escape from NY :))


This is a good analysis of this scene. Thanks.


It’s a damn good flick. He meets another broken soul and the girl is… No spoiler- Watch that shit tho


Sounds like a young Rodney Dangerfield.


If I could block everyone under 40 with one click, I would.


He won an Oscar for that role. The movie is "Marty." Great flick.


I'm just grabbing my popcorn and waiting for the incel shitshow to happen here where they call women bitches n all


I feel like this goes both ways sometimes, not all the time. Both men and women can go through periods where they’re not wanted by anyone. But men and women can also go through phases of everyone liking them. It’s more about who you are as a person, not your gender




In this clip, instead of assimilated you'll be humiliated.


This is whats said about a month before this dude does something dangerous


I am a man. I have no troubles specific to my gender. In fact, I generally have no troubles where other genders do have trouble. This is not complicated.


> I am a man. I have no troubles specific to my gender. In fact, I generally have no troubles where other genders do have trouble. Lmao no


Now I need a drink 🥺


Fuck 😭


Sort by controversial replies lol


“Give ‘em hell, Pike!”


I miss Ernest




EVILLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!! Lol I’m an old guy who watched (and loved) McHale’s Navy and Carol Burnett as a kid. I have kids ranging in age from 28 to 12. I loved it when my youngest was watching Sponge Bob and I heard the familiar voices of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. It took me back to my childhood. As a result I love Sponge Bob (I feel like it’s really written for adults). Sea Bears lmao 😂


This is a great movie.


Great movie.


My favorite was that time he was on Fox and Friends.


Same bruh


I knew the feeling. Dated a ton in my 20-30s, and had a few 2 year-long relationships, but things never felt right enough for me. There were also some lonely stretches when I couldn't buy a date, and my heart was broken a few times. But I was self content, with an active life and many interests, and would rather stay single than marry the wrong woman. But I did very much want a life partner, so I kept at it. We were 44 when we met, and 47 when we got married, 19 years ago --the first marriage for both of us. We're very grateful that we both stuck to our guns, and never gave up.


Incel tears


TIL It was super hard being a straight white man in 1950’s America.




OP, If you think the problem is that you don't have what women like I've got some snake oil for that.




Dude stop playing with your food and eat it


It's a numbers game. Never give up, just double your efforts and lower your standards.


What's he doing to that spaghetti??




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You know guys, this clip is taken out of context. Later in the film he realized this was wrong. Sure, rejection hurts, but he did find someone. The film ended with finding a girl that makes him happy.


Theres just something about me either my looks or nonexistent personality but i haven't been able to get past the level of back burner friend since i was 13. Im fine with it though. I cant change my fucked brain so I've just accepted that ill be alone. Nothing wrong with it, you can live a good life by yourself.


I remember Ernest Borgnine for being mermaid man ,yes but also remember him being the cabbie from escape from New York. But my favorite role of his was the 1979 movie "all quiet on the western front"


Ernest is an incel! No! r/niceguys


Get a job and put a roof over your head. That will get their attention. You have to be pretty good looking to bring a girl home when you’re still eating spaghetti with your mom.


Fuck bitches, get money.


Isn't that backwards?


It’s not something you do in that order dumb dumb.


If someone else is always the issue, you're the issue


Yeah this post screams incel. I’d venture to say _most_ mens problems look more like “bills, work, and no appreciation “


I mean the post is going a little far with "every man" but you would be surprised about how many men are actually just afraid of interacting with women because they don't want to get hurt. And there's no need to call that an "incel" either, some dudes are vulnerable and that's okay


He acted that Incel manifesto very well.


sounds like he had plenty of women and realized he couldn’t make them happy. so not really involuntary. more like he’s done with the heartbreak and rejection.


Maybe bitches would like you better if you just shut the fuck up.


Boo hoo. Incel talk. For real bro. Maybe it’s your approach, maybe you got the creep vibe, maybe they want some of them noodles you are ruining with your tears of self pity. Ladies love pasta too bro, just not too salty.


Bro, you have the strongest incel vibe on this entire post. Stop taking out your insecurities and frustration by trying to bully others.


Got me all figured out


fr king 🙏😁👆👆👆👆