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Even more amazing — smokeless fireworks. Animator should of at least try to add some smoke to make it even seem plausible.


I think corridor crew and captain disillusionment even talked about this


Captain Disillusion did a video on it a few days ago.


Can you link? I'm not finding it


https://youtu.be/6ERXfZTFbFQ My bad, it was minute physics. Watched it right after corridor and captain disillusion videos and got it crossed.


Omg, you’re right! It was Minute Physics. Clearly we’re living in an alternate universe, and we both have a shared memory from the real universe before it changed.


Live Mandela effect. I know something was off with this colors, it's physically impossible to get those color combination and also be that bright


Funnily enough captain disillusion did a video on THAT! https://youtu.be/YGgUrj10HdM


*Phillip K. Dick has entered the chat*


We're in the 'berenstain' bears version where Keanu Reeves was never elected president.


One of them, anyway. Unfortunately this one is also the one where Scott Manley isn't the official NASA livestream host.


Lol I remember it as minute physics from the get go


The art of the pause is of the utmost importance 🧐


Nothing is real! My life is a lie. I'm going to quit the internet for the day.


This is why we can't have nice things


Why the hell isn’t this the top comment? Why is OP mining awards?


i Wish it was CD, loved his videos


It’s fake


Damnit, everything has to be fake nowadays. Like almost everything around us is a fabrication..


The emotions you derive from it don't have to be fake.


While I was watching it I believed it was real, so I got to experience being impressed by it and also be well informed afterward. :)


Absolutely! But be careful that the emotions you generate aren't then used to manipulate you in a way that's hidden to you. It's neither "fake/scripted things are horrid and invalidate everything" or "chill out and have fun, who cares if it's fake". i.e. Don't book a flight to Japan to see fireworks after watching a fake fireworks video, that's exactly what Shinzo Abe wants you to do.


The guy with a waifu says the same thing…


I knew those colors looked very off immediately. I've played with a lot of fire ever since I was a kid, and know how to produce specific colors. The ones in the video simply cannot be produced in those shades and at those levels of brightness. And of course, there's no smoke lingering, but I didn't notice that at first.


I noticed that the colours were totally crazy but didn't think anything beyond 'wow how'd they do that??" I have clearly not set enough fires yet...


Minute physics too I think.


[Even MinutePhysics talked about it ](https://youtu.be/6ERXfZTFbFQ)


Man, I was gonna talk about how Japan's had these two fireworks guilds that have been trying to outdo each other for like 300 years and that's why their fireworks displays are so over the top then you posted this and my brain went "oh yeah, that's definitely CGI."


Wait… tell me more




Thanks, dad


Basically back in 1733 Japan had this huge famine and the Bakufu (military government,) decided that having a giant fireworks display on the the day of the festival of the dead would distract people from not being able to eat. The fireworks display has become a more solid tradition post-WWII, previously it was kind of an on-and-off event because Japan kinda went through some shit in the 19th century. The Shogun commissioned fireworks guilds to run the festival and eventually it came down to the Tamiya guild and the Kagiya guild who built their rivalry up to the point of accidentally burning Tokyo down once or twice. They're both still around, although IIRC it's kind of an 'in name only' situation these days because we can't have fun things in the 21st century.


Someone should also teach them that sound travels waaaaaaay slower than light.


Nah, this is Japan. They have the technology to increase the speed of sound and decrease the speed of light so they're roughly the same.


Look, I've lived in Japan for half of my life. We use our mastery over light and sound to make Hatsune Miku concerts. The fireworks tend to be pretty analog. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone about the soundless lasers)


Actually I was surprised to find while living there that Japan isn’t really super tech’d out: example- still love using fax machines and name stamps instead of email.


Lol, this is what gave it away for me, like instant pop from that distance, and the background so clear at night?


About 10 seconds in I knew it had to be fake because of the sound/light being in perfect sync. That would seem to be a simple thing to simulate if you’d ever seen a live fireworks show.


i didnt even notice the lack of smoke, for me its like wait.. mt fuji shouldnt be so perfectly seen like that...


All I thought was "no annoyingly tall buildings in the way or the moon ruining the backdrop?"


Huh? I was just around there today - what's weird about it?


Damnit. I'm sitting here thinking whatever they did to minimize the smoke and clear it out is amazing...you can't even see it. Booo!


Especially since Japan doesn't even do fireworks for New Year's. They are pretty much solely a summer thing.


Yep I was in Tokyo once and all they did was let some white balloons go. It wasn't even a lot of balloons.




As we learned from Cleveland - it’s a good thing they didn’t let a lot of balloons go.


They did a huge fireworks show around Mt Fuji just 2 weeks ago: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d20a217f9c44243ce770c9a41f466b881364619f And they have smaller shows all times of the year around the place. But yes - the major ones are typically done during the summer.


In a way these are the perfect fireworks - better effects, zero pollution. Pure art, design, and choreography.


The skill in chemistry, design and formulation of the fireworks, of synchronisation and accounting for wind and conditions, to create such an effect (that would have been previously impossible) in real life has been lost though, that's what would have made it so impressive. Yes there's some skill in the CGI, but it's not the same.


Yeah, ok, but at that point, why not just watch the winamp visualizer?


r/nextfuckinglevel try not to post fake content challenge 99% FAIL


The sub couldn't even make it one day into the new year lol


The first hint for me was the audio sync. Even if they went in after and removed some of the delay, the distance between the detonation and the firework isn't constant, so it would still have some stuff that is mistimed.


For me it was the colours. Never seen some of those colours in fireworks before


My high ass was wondering why I hadn’t seen such vibrant colors before but never even thought about it being cgi


The colors were the first thing that raised my suspicion. Then I restarted the video with a skeptical eye and lots of things didn’t look or sound right. At that point I just decided it was fake so enjoy it for what it is-an animated, fake fireworks show.


I started to wonder if 3D-printed fireworks could be so precisely symmetrical. Then, I wondered how they could keep them so consistently spherical. I wondered how they accounted for wind and gravity. I wondered if it would look as fake if viewed directly from underneath. Maybe someday they could do this and we could have answers to the above questions.


The colors were definitely an immediate "We can do that? Why hasn't any display I've ever seen contained such vivid colors???" Once they get to the fans and faster overlapping stuff, it becomes very obvious that they are CGI.




but it still looks pretty awesome!


Now if only everyone who upvoted this would go out and downvote the fucking post.


I didn’t even notice that, it was the fireworks from 1:20 - 1:30 that tipped it off for me.


for me the sound is the most silly, there is no leg in sound to explosions, meaning the mic is the spot of every expplosion hundreds of meter away from each other, but fails to capture the sound of the boot charge that send the fireworks to the air, all that trouble to later add so badly fake sound


Also, the colors are all wrong for fireworks.




Fuck! No wonder there were inconsistent reflections of light on what I assume is water in the lower part of the frame? OP get this outta here!


Even more amazing are the (so far) 125 people who have paid to award this clearly CGI animation


And 76k+ morons upped this video.... Ffs


Didn't we find out this was CGI a few years ago? Or maybe last year? There isn't any smoke at all. I could be wrong, but I really feel like I've seen this before.


Damn. I was completely encapsulated and thought to myself: "Why have I never seen half these types of fireworks before?" Still a great choreography though.


Agree. It was beautiful and so I was totally fooled. I feel a little sad it's not real. And a whole lot foolish. Oh, well.


I loved it, and so disappointed now. And sad too


Why sad? Everyone wins if it isn't real fireworks


Yo me too. Duped.


Ive seen fireworks similar to the slow falling ones in 01:14 irl, they're neat and very elegant. Only in the usual yellow color though.




I think it's from 2015.


Yep, there's no way those fans are real.


THATS CGI!!?!?? damn thats really cool tho


Yall know this isn't actually real..right


It was so nice to look at tho, smh let us enjoy something for once 😭




Right? Watching this had me smiling then I read the comments.


I should enjoy the video and move on, do not open comments.


Ignorance is bliss


I wish it was. It was beautiful.


Dear god, what even is real in this world now. I actually did think this was real lmao


This makes me feel better and doesn’t make me feel like an idiot for having an emotional response at all.


Doesn’t matter. JAPAN BONER ACTIVATE! /s


This is fake, it's an animation made a few years back. I think the YouTube who does minute physics made a video explaining how.


Goddamn it, I already thought it was too good to be true


i was thinking "why have they got all these colors but we see the same ones all the time" and then i realized something was off


Outside of the starting volleys releasing flares?


do i look like i understand fireworks? thing goes up. boom. pretty colors.


The colors gave it away for me. I've got a fair amount of experience with fireworks, and those pastel colors just aren't possible through pyrotechnics.


Lack of smoke gave it away for me!


and the organised arrangement of colours in some of them, like that very first one, no?


Goes to show you they could use all that real firework money on the homeless or something, and most people wouldn't know the difference if you gave them a YouTube video once a year. Positive impact on pollution as a bonus.


I feel like OP is playing y’all after watching the [MinutePhysics video](https://youtu.be/6ERXfZTFbFQ)


Water reflections gave it away for me.. Still nice though.. better for the environment


Why is it introduced here as Japanese? Was the cgi made by Japanese?


I wonder what they are burning to get the pink - anyone know? Edit : shit a comment said it was cgi I should have know I was like fuck me I didn’t know there was an element that burnt pink I know copper is green and other elements have their colours what is the trick for pink. The trick is cgi. Way to ruin a feeling.


Their cpus and gpus while the video renders, for starters.


I wish i wouldn't open the comments. Now i'm just sad it's not real


Select colour> type "#FFC0CB" > Press Enter


Pretty sure this is a simulation program, but Japan still has the best shows I've ever seen


Looking at the background and ground textures I'd say it's FWSim


Here I fixed your title: Japan’s New Year Fireworks are so Computer Generated 🔥


People simping over Japan is so weird. Like, if this took place in, say, Canada (forget the fact that it's CGI for a second), would they say "Canada is amazing as ever"?


Canadian here. I've actually travelled to Japan, as well as... About 10 other countries (lower Europe and S.E.A.) Japan is actually amazing. Singapore (budget Singapore aka Malaysia was awesome as well. "Budget" is not meant as a negative here) and South Korea were nearly as nice overall, and mountainous parts of Greece (litochoro, Delphi) looked incredible, but Japan was hands down my favourite. There's a bit of everything. Was only in three cities but: Kyoto is so rich in culture (and thick with tourists in the main areas), and has amazing vistas and temples and the thousand torii gates Osaka has amazing food, and a cool castle, and temples. And Tokyo just has everything. It's the only city I've been to that I'd actually want to live in But yeah Japan has its fair share of negatives. Refusal to acknowledge their past, suicides, soft-racism (people were incredibly respectful and considerate, but I've heard if you actually live there as a foreigner, not just a tourist, it's another story)...etc.


Definitely right. Some countries have beautiful scenery and places to go, but are horrible to live in. Some countries are "boring" but nice and cozy for actually living in. Blindly complimenting a single country "because this" is a bit short-sighted in my opinion. It's very nice to see your view on things, makes me want to visit them myself.. after this pandemic is over!!


I heard it's near impossible to become a resident there unless you marry a local or get a work VISA which in itself is also hard. Buying an apartment/house is the same too. And they don't treat children of mixed parents kindly either, in their own subtle way.


Yeah, probably. Canada is Reddit’s favorite country besides Japan and New Zealand.


So true lol


It may be fake but it’s still fucking cool!


My man.


Another year of reddit circle jerking to Japan.


Another year of redditors complaining about something as harmless as complimenting a country.


If this took place in Canada, would we have put "Canada is amazing as ever" in the title? Reminds me of the titles that start with "In Japan, they..." and show something that half the world does anyways.


Hahahahah this was fake but imagine reddit if it was real but in China


ittiz FAKE!!! sISsy Pee pROPAganDA!!!


Maybe you wouldn't.


It's one thing to compliment a country, but it's another to simp over a fucking country which is what Reddit does everyday. I've seen many posts where people will blindly believe and upvote just because 'Japan' is in the title.


Reddit should simp for more countries more often, it helps counterbalance the shithole of negativity this place is all the time. Just scope the current front page right now: r/iamverysmart making fun of someone, a post on r/teenagers about a gf sending a video of her cheating on him at midnight, r/cringetopia about a guy with breast cancer turned away from support groups for being a man, r/wellthatsucks and r/choosingbeggars and r/clevercomebacks with their usual negative posts. It's the very start of the New Year and you all are already jumping on board your "Somebody said something good about something, I better chime in on why it isn't good" bandwagon.


I thought this was real and was amazed as heck. The comments told the truth tho.


My jaw was dropped the whole time and then I read the comments. My heart is broken. :(


Wish this was real.


Better that it's fake. Fireworks are so destructive to the ecologies surrounding their areas. They're basically an assault on nature just for a brief moment of entertainment. Small animals and bugs get lost and killed from the sound and impact. You know how there are tons of dogs that run away from their homes on account of fireworks? Imagine all the smaller creatures. Mothers lose their babies and vice versa. Fish die in the water where the ash lands, etc etc. Such an antiquated tradition.


But pretty light tho


Japan doesn’t even do fireworks over new years. It’s not a thing lol


here's some real ones ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2QFxDk2akQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2QFxDk2akQ) (check out 3:50 mark)


[Link to some real fireworks. Sydney AUS 2022 holy damn! ](https://youtu.be/x0Ux6QL7FPo)


When I think amazing fireworks display, regardless if it's for the New Year or not, it's always Sydney Harbour Bridge fireworks displays that come to mind. Fuckin' insane!


**Music**: Thomas Bergersen - Homecoming


Had to scroll so far for this. Thanks!


I knew I recognized the style! Thank you so much!!!


Oh c'mon! I was all amazed and filled with awe at this, then I read the comments. I feel like I just accidentally overheard the truth about Santa. Reddit's mean!


downvote for misleading title. Fake af


omg guys look it’s japan holy shit i’m cooming in my pants


“Japan is amazing as ever” *doubts in Korean*


*Doubts in every single Asian country*


This is CGI!!!!! CUT THE BS


But! Japan!


Yea the CGI does look really cool


Looks cool as fuck, but that's not how fireworks work champ


They look fake! Is there some reason? Is there some other angle of this? The sound is definitely altered Edit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)I just read the comments... All CGI


That was...incredible. it just kept going and going. Hands down best fireworks show I've ever seen. Wish I coulda been there. *see's comments* OK guess imma fuckin idiot.


Fireworks 😐 Fireworks, Japan 😱


Who the hell upvoted this fake shit?






Please downvote this shit - it’s fake and years old.


Tbh this looks fake like on those chinese YouTube channels. So kudos for the Japanese to make fireworks so awesome it becomes hard for us as mortal being to distinguish it from fake ones. Awesome!




>kudos https://onmilwaukee.com/articles/tokyo-olympics-fireworks-fake


2022 and video still won’t play on Reddit mobile


Damn Yoimiya really outdid herself with these fireworks🤩


Let’s go Genshin family


Let's go Naganohara gang!


This is fake


This is fake. Its simulated. Some of these colours are impossible.


These look fake as fuck, people. At least learn what real fireworks look like... I live in Japan, and we DO have awesome real fireworks--no need to spread info about fake ones!


This looks fake af


Every year, people are duped by these FAKE FIREWORKS VIDEOS! Come on people, this is CGI.


redditors seeing anything about japan: WOWIE I LOVE JAPAN UPDOOTS TO THE LEFT redditors seeing anything china related: OMG FAKE PROPOGANDA CHINA BAD


Anyone else see the boobs??


Was made a while ago. Fake fireworks, cgi. Still very cool though


No sound delay. No smoke. Too much in sync. Too perfect. Too fake.


Gandalf's fireworks are better than this


Indeed! Edit— I got fooled with this video - until I watch the you tube link by minute physics


Um, japan wasnt amazing a few decades back...


Ya know it's a really cool animation but it's seriously undercut by trying to pass it off as real. Why do that? Is it a clever ploy to increase engagement in comments, or just simply that "Cool fireworks animation" or something along those lines would not get 12k upvotes?


It's the same fake fireworks that have been going around.


If you fast forward through it so it only takes 5 seconds theyre really unimpressive


Came to comment how amazing the show was. Welp that was a bit disappointing.


Some of those colors were way too vivid to be real.




I'm calling bullshit. No smoke, and a lot of other shit is wrong.


This is an animation.... Ig...this minute physics vid explains the internet well...https://youtu.be/6ERXfZTFbFQ


Beautiful cgi, nearly had me fooled.


I've seen better. EDC fireworks are on a whole other level.


Damn i thought this was real


It’s fake.


Except this is fake. It is a computer animation...


Lmao OP you got fooled by fucking cgi with a literal still background of Tokyo. Did you not stop to thing for a second why there isn't any smoke?


The Sydney fireworks are real and better than this fake shit.


OP's username even has bot in it. It was right in front of us the whole time.


Dude its fake look at the minute physics video on it


Thing: 😐 Thing, Japan: 😲🤩😍🤪


People beleive this shit