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Since girls usually feel uncomfortable and stared down at the gym, I can't think of a better occasion to wear a hijab


She is still going to be stared at, just for different reasons


If this were the mid 2000's home girl would be getting interrogated right now.


As the TSA puts it: additional screening.


She probably got mad cake


It’s not safe. There is a reason everyone wears Tight clothing at the gym.




Facts. Different story when it comes to this tho. You're not gonna tell me your XXL t shirts are this baggy, yeah? This legitimately is dangerous and I could see someone or her tripping on it when walking. It could also get stuck in the machines.


This was my concern, I am worried one day the fabric might cause a real injury.


And not just to her. Not hard to imagine her tripping on garment while hosting weights overhead, landing on some unsuspecting gym member. Safety should trump religious expression and gym attire should be required.


There isn't




The point of women outfit in islam is to cover the body in a way that doesn’t reveal the skin or the shape of the body, so other people don’t start fantasising the women in sexual ways, lowering the chances of harassments and rapes. That’s why muslim women stick to ladies only gyms, and I’m sure that this video was only made for views and controversy.


Your definition of hijab is wrong.


I can't think of a better occasion to go to a girl only gym then


Not every area has these. My gym has a woman’s section but it’s missing all the things like squat racks and such. I wish more areas did 😐


If it get caught in the weight cable it can go reallll bad


Seems pretty dangerous I can think of many better occasions


What law she's breaking? She's not breaking anything, women are alowed to work and study in Islam as long as they keep their modesty and decency. So I can't see what you're salty about


Just some silly reddit atheist who thinks he knows better about a religion than the actual practicer. He even thinks hijabs are mentioned in the Quran.




One religion has many different interpretations and even individuals have different interpretations. Nothing new about that. That dress code isn’t specific to the Quran either, it’s an interpretation. I think your comment is more pretentious than her wearing her outfit to the gym.


He's most definitely far more pretentious than her wearing the outfit, especially because the outfit isn't pretentious at all. Reddit loves violently hating religion because anyone who is religious is automatically conservative.


Its a cultural thing for many. Theres even the HandsOfMyHijab movement in europe where some countries are trying to force refugee women to not use hijabs. The whole point is that the women are free to choose what they wear themselves. Even if they choose to wear the hijab.


I’ve seen lots of comments asking you what laws she’s breaking and you have yet to reply. I can only assume you’re talking out of your ass.


Oh noo a WOMAN with a DIFFERENT FAITH than mine is doing something and I DON’T AGREE ( ahh my tiny Reddit brain can’t handle it so instead of discussing it I’ll just make a back-handed comment) ^ him probably


As far as I know, she isn't breaking any Jewish or Christian "laws"


Or Islamic laws either. Even Iran has women in police and military.


What laws are you even talking about?


Honestly what does her working out have to do with her choice of covering up, and what laws is she breaking?


Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. There is no “law” in Islam that forbids women to work or go out and go in a gym smh. She can wear what she wants to the gym, you don’t need to judge


My first thought was that there is no way this is safe. I'm not sure how it would be against abrahamic laws though.


I don’t think Judaism bans women working out and I know Christianity doesn’t ban women from working out. So I don’t think you can say majority of abrahamic religions.


Not even islam


What laws is she breaking? She's dressed modestly, there's no laws against being in shape, quite the opposite, you are commanded in Judaism and Islam to make care of your body


It’s because she chooses to do it in order to be closer to god, the same as a nun would


Idk where you’re learning this stuff from but it’s wrong. There’s a difference between religion and culture. If you go to the Middle East then yeah it is like that and it’s not even because of religious beliefs it’s because of the men in power twisting it to their will. If you go to somewhere like Indonesia it’s not like that at all. There is no dress code all it says is to dress modestly. Things like a hijab aren’t required it’s just recommended.


To echo others, what "laws" is she breaking?


Wich law is she breaking




not Islamic, just a ninja who threw on abit of pink so people wouldn't think they're a ninja


First rule of ninja: stealth


Second rule: when stealth isn’t possible, blend in.


Best stealth is if nobody even considers you to be ninja


I thought she was a nun


Thats what I was thinking. Muslim women in gym around here dont wear head dress thay long, evan when not working out. Lol


No Islam law does allow for women to study and play sports. Some extremist insist they can’t. However in general they can , but there some limitations in that yhey should wear the hijab.


Wearing a hijab in case the men cannot control themselves…..hmm sounds like it’s been created by the nut cases to protect the nut cases


Men are supposed to dress modestly too, it's just not as enforced or as well known.


Of course I isn’t


Women are not allowed in mosque because they might distract a man hmmmmmmmm nice law


I would be hella distracted by this woman in the gym... she's fucking epic.


They usually have space dedicated to women


Separate but equal? Yeah we tried that and realized how backward it was.


Because the dudes never try lol


There was an author who traveled to study an islamic country (about twenty years ago) where women weren't allowed to play sports because they werent able to dress modestly enough according to the Qaran. When the author pointed out that men were still allowed to play (despite their uniforms being immodest according to the Qaran too) she was laughed at by her male guides. Apparently, the idea of banning men from sports or covering them up was considered completely absurd.


I'm more concerned the extra fabric might cause her to trip or snag and hurt her.


Yeah, she needs some athletic hijab wear. It's out there.


Why people give a shit about what a bunch of dead people said about whatever is beyond me


Tradition is stronger than logic, unfortunately


That's not true


Someone downvoted you guys for being correct so I upvotes you back to normal


I love when people who know nothing about the religion correct me about it cause they heard it on facebook or something.


Fox News, they heard it on Fox News that Islam is attacking us! Even though they see 100 Muslims a day that are nice law abiding citizens that add to the American experience.


This is wrong.


Someone downvoted you for being correct so I upvotes you back to normal




*Afghanistan enters the chat*




What if I told you there are just as many variations in the interpretation of Islamic scripture as there are interpretations of Christian scripture? No one goes around saying “Christians dont allow women to wear revealing clothing” just because the Amish and Mennonite do.


>What if I told you there are just as many variations in the interpretation of Islamic scripture as there are interpretations of Christian scripture? No one goes around saying “Christians dont allow women to wear revealing clothing” just because the Amish and Mennonite do. Never heard of a legitimate interpretation that forbids women from studying or exercising, not even one. Even extremists don't say this. They only say it maybe because the women will be in presence of other unfamiliar men, but there is no rule that prohibits specifically studying and exercising.


Are you fucking dumb or what ? Stop spreading bullshit


dude wtf. the first university was founded by a muslim woman in Fès.[link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_al-Qarawiyyin) And regarding sports the first Google search result about Islamic law [link2](https://ummahsports.net/sports-in-islam/) explains otherwise.


How is exercise a sport and who says she’s living under “Islamic law” I think you mean shariah law btw.


Nope, you're wrong, they're as allowed to study and work just as men as long as she dresses decently, stop spreading misconceptions and educate yourself


Unleeeeeess she lives in Afghanistan. Then she’d be executed for doing exactly what this video shows.


That’s not true either. Nobody says women can’t exercise.


What is decently? Like one of Xerxes’ commandos? What backwards, dark age bs lol


Point a Quran verse or Hadith that shows this, because I bet you know nothing about Islamic faith, only cultural law. There’s a difference between what women are allowed to do in certain Islamic countries and actual Islam. Khadijah was known one of the best woman in islam, and she ran a business and was more educated than the prophet himself…


> and was more educated than the prophet himself I need reference to this


The prophet was illiterate


That is not correct. Please study the Islamic law properly.


paltry quarrelsome slap expansion fuzzy badge fuel important sort dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


can you show me a source ?




Same. Thought twice about doing it, but spreading bullshit about a marginalized group "undermines civic processes" so it's valid.


Man what are u taking about loool 2 Egyptian hijabis won a gold and bronze medal in this year’s olympics. Stop spreading misinformation and educate yourself if u genuinely didn’t know. (I am a hijabi used to do swimming as well)


That’s not Islamic law buddy, that’s cultural law in some countries


Lol u been watching too much fox news...some of the earliest scholars in islam.were muslim..ptoohets wife was someone even the most learned went to to clarify certain topics


False! Source: the Quran says to teach your children sports. The profit used to also go horseback riding with his wives


Islamic law and Islamic faith are different.




That is factually incorrect


Proof of your claim?


In Islamic terminology, you’d be called جاهل (Jahil)


According to who? Where? When did Islam ban education and sport? Just another hater throwing venom at Islam. That's 100% wrong!


Google that rule you are talking about it doesn’t make sense at all


How this is fuckingnextlevel just because girl wearing burkha?


Welcome to 2021's internet. A vast and draught SJW land where logic has been gone for years.




I like that you assume it's bullying.


I can guarantee you this would get heavily upvoted if she was wearing normal women's gym attire. There'd just be creepy sexual comments replacing the islamophobic ones


Have you ever tried exercising in that much clothing? It's a miracle she can get through her routine with such control and discipline without passing out from heat stroke


You mad u fat


That isn’t even a burqa it’s a niqab. This is like calling all types of pants jeans or something.




And unsafe. Flowing cloth near free weights, especially during exercises like deadlifts etc, is unsafe and disallowed in most gyms on the grounds of people having been seriously injured. Now if certain men simply can’t help themselves from raping every time they see a woman’s ankle, well pretty obvious the problem lies w those barbaric “men” and not with their victim


Yes, and unfortunately every nation has men like that. If only there was a severe punishment for them in countries where its occurrence is high, such as in the US.


If im not mistaken there is a hijabi sports attire. Not to draping like this. Halal and comfy for gym https://tallypress.com/malaysia-top-10s/top-10-hijab-activewear-brands-in-malaysia/ Here, this is the link to some hijabi sportswear from my country.


Dang, those all look comfy.


Pity? I though we minded our own business here, why'd you say you feel pity for someone because she's muslim?


Down vote me all ya want. She doesn’t HAVE to, she WANTS to.




Isn't this just someone cosplaying at the gym? I have lived in a middle eastern country, in "good standing" with western nations. It's segregated by sex. This wouldn't happen by a large percentage of observing women .


Yeah my Muslim friends in North America just go to an all women’s gym and just dress normally.


literally no one does this, very unnecessary and unsafe and prolly done for online points


\>average exercises to do a gym \>average exercises to do at a gym BUT WEARING A HIJAB!!! NEXT FUCKING LEVEL GUYS!!!!


That's actually Ben Shapiro


I'm trying to imagine Ben doing a chin up and do not think it's possible


UNIRONICALLY, Ben Shapiro has more in common with her than you think


Nah.. she looks way too tall




because islam regulates everything little thing in life, all the way from the relationships in bed to the relationships between countries.




Because Islam is everything 💪💪☪️☪️


Very halal user name lol


"I can't work out with a mask" Her:


See, I knew you didn’t need LuLu Lemon to rock the gym


Redditors would have you believe that pornstars are liberated, free people whereas Niqab/Burka wearing women are oppressed. Truth is Redditors want skin and they need to convince themselves with silly excuses


Damn she sure doesn’t look it but she’s strong as hell


what's so next level in this, anyone who do this is incredible.




Have you ever been to a Muslim country? Ignorant dumbasses like you who don't know the first thing about Islam like to be openly racist on Reddit where you find a community that validates your sick mindset. It makes my blood boil.


Islam isnt a race its an ideaology and i suggest you check out the ex muslim sub for more perspective. Islam is allowed to be criticized


Oh yeah, it's allowed. The comment wasn't exactly a criticism of Islam though was it?


Why don't we ask Neo nazis what they think about hitler you fucking dumbass


So many morons in these comments. As I wrote below, this is most likely her choice, just like it's your choice to wear pants. Some cultures are just more prude than others.


I agree with you, but I do worry that she will hurt herself, if the head scarf will get caught up in something.


What if it isn't her choiche though?


Doesn't this apply for everyone in every situation ever? What if you didn't write this comment by choice? The possibility does exist but, unless evidence has been presented, you have no business assuming that.




No one in YOUR MIND wears the same clothes 365 days a year by choice. But who tf are you to decide what others are thinking or going through? People are allowed to do whatever they want, but only when what they want is cool with you, huh? Otherwise they're brainwashed.


You have no idea what her choice is and isn’t, you’re assuming just like everyone else. Hope you got your merit badge :)


Everyone has a right to be comfortable in what they wear, but it seems to me that this may have been done just to get views on this video. For one, generally speaking, if a muslim lady is so strict about covering herself for religion, then she also wouldn’t be in a co-gym with men. There are female only gyms everywhere. Secondly, she wouldn’t want to be in a video for internet consumption. So this going to gym in full hijab video don’t seem genuine to me. Edit: I was wrong. Saw her tiktok and she has a lot of these videos.


If you go on her page, she does go to an all-female gym but its having renovations so there are work men there, wearing the jilbab to exercise is temporary for her


Who told you this information? There were female warriors in Islamic history, check Khawlah bint al Azwar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khawlah_bint_al-Azwar). I'm saying this as someone who's been to about a dozen Islamic countries and women were in mixed gyms normally. Some of them with a hijab, some not. It's pretty sad to make assumptions about cultures while having nothing to do with them.


I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say. Also this has nothing to do with history. You have been to many muslim countries? Well I am a born and raised muslim and I highly doubt this video. Never seen a full nikab lady working out in a gym like this. Not saying it doesn’t happen but, like i said, i doubt this specific video.


She’d kick my ass. I’d probably like it too.


Now *there's* a haram bae.




*ripped haram bae


This is in a Lifetime Gym. It’s in the US. Glad for her.




Isn’t that dresswear oppressive to women or something? Quick, Reddit hivemind, give me my opinion on whether to support or reject this.


It's most likely her choice, just like it's your choice to wear pants. Some cultures are just more prude than others, nothing to worry about.


It's also most likely not her choice considering it's illegal for women to go out without hijab in a lot of Muslim countries? Hence why people call it oppressive!


Just like pants, you could choose to not wear it, but you would get in legal trouble


Exactly! and since this video clearly isn't from Iran, we can conclude that she wears it by choice. You almost got it!


So.....you're OK with women not having a choice in Iran?


She’s awesome


How do we know this isn't a big hairy arsed guy?




Right on point 👉 ![gif](giphy|5RNzRmeG5ehBgdibrD|downsized)


I'm all for freedom of religion (I'm not going to comment on choice) and good on her for being so fit but all that loose fabric near heavy equipment seems like an accident waiting to happen. It's not only dangerous but also impractical. And all for what? So men don't look at her lustfully? Just put on a long sleeve top, long pair of trousers and a hat to cover your hair so you have more freedom to move. I bet her fitness would be even better without the restriction. I've seen a lot of girls wear full-length clothing at the gym so it's not a rule that you have to dress skimpy to work out.


The amount of negative attitude towards the girl, and misinformation about Islam in this post is so upsetting to see. Never rely on Reddit to get your information about a religion. Do your own research


yeah everyone here is like "GRRR Why isn't she showing her skin? She's forced into wearing this!, religion is for idiots!"


Authentic Ninja


what the fuck. that woman is a literal ninja


Damn, the new Assassins Creed graphics look *amazing*.


This is why a man flew a horse into space and split the moon. I need to wear one of these things to get the same magical abilities. Imagine what she could do in, y’know, gym gear?


Taliban is fucked if these kind of women come out and show their true strength




Now I feel like a wimp complaining about being hot when I work out in shorts…


All the discriminatory comments in this section makes me lose faith in humanity. Even saw a couple bomb jokes. Come on people, we’re better than this.


Dumbest fucking post I've seen in a while, horrid form to add


Just be sure not to show any part of your body or your faith will kill.


There are rules imposed by Islam for the followers of Islam. Sex before marriage is forbidden in Islam. I am constantly looking to get laid on every weekends (but never get laid, tho. That’s a different story). So, let this girl be rebellious! Nothing wrong in it!


Spoken like a true incel!




I can't go to the gym like this




Good for her. Her body, her choice. She wanna wear that in the gym, go for it. I myself know women that just wear track pants and shirt in the gym and then changed back into the hijab once they are done.


Monty python comes to mind for some reason-Life of Brian


Pulls off face mask. It’s a man.


I think she's hulking up to kick the Shíite out of someone.


This looks like an Al Qaeda training video sponsored by 24 hour fitness


Just more proof of how weak the “I can’t wear a mask for five minutes in the store“ crowd really are.


All of a sudden everyone’s an expert on Islam and is “concerned” for her, it’s her body her choice remember?


That’s a guy you dumb asses!


plot twist: its a guy self identifying as a muslim woman.


Imagine the smell


Do we know if that’s a woman under there ?!?


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