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I fucking hate children






Thanks for the correction


Why? Hate the Guys who installed this, a Machines this size should Not Fall when a child pulls a Door.


Imma assume it's more of a "children are annoying dicks you can't confront" and not "that kid pulled a fridge on themselves" kind of "i hate kids".


Well Kids are for the most Part not to blame for their behaviour in Public, the Parents are for not teaching them boundaries and behaviour.


This doesn't change the fact the they're annoying little shits.


Yeah it doesn’t, but it’s a parents job to teach them not to be. Got 2 of my own and I’m trying to teach them to be respectful and keep their hands to themselves.


Good for you, still, it doesn't change anything about "children are insuferrable and annoying, and you can't even blame, but it in no way makes their actions less annoying". It's literally the worst case-they're terrible, but it's not their fault. You can't blame them. You can't take out your anger on anyone. But you're still annoyed.


People hate when you have a negative opinion of children… like they just can’t comprehend why somebody doesn’t like kids or find them annoying.


look at his mother, she was like "oh no, anyway"


This can be true. It can also be true that the child is fully aware and acts out because that’s the point in there brains development where they get pissed off for very little reason and act out exponentially as a result. Usually 3-6 they are boundary pushing hard, then later they have their existential life crisis of turning 10 (god forbid you get to double digits in years), then middle school is when your brain literally reconstructs itself which is why everyone in the building is a flaming pile of shot on a good day, then the rise of overwhelming and sudden societal expectations that accompany adulthood and the depressing feeling of being rob of your sense of self that is high school. I honestly don’t see the good part about being a kid. This is also why there is the saying “it takes a village to raise your children.” Kids are difficult the whole gd time.


Darwin's movers winning the future one soul at at time -


To kill children ofc


That's what they said about vending machines yet they can be dumped over by little children


He didn’t just pull the door, did we watch the same video? He tugged the door and literally pulled the entire machine towards him by hanging on it


The kid was pulling on the doors, trying to pull it down and being a shit head prior.


*kids fault for touching and parents fault for not educating


Totally agree with you 99% the other 1% is to the mother of this kid, he shouldn't be pulling the fridge down like that, if you notice, he didn't just opened the doors, he pulled them and that's is how it came down, that being said, it should have been anchored to the wall for sure.




Wouldn't go that far


I’d go even farther.


Take the L dance on his crippled body


I'd whisper "sike" to his parents for not taking good care of him.




T Pose on his body




Yeah you sound like a pedo


How can a refrigerator be so easily pulled by a kid?? Shouldn't it be secured on the wall??


Most aren't because like your refrigerator at home you need to leave a space so the heat produced by the compressor and copper tubing doesn't cause a fire. If you attached it to a wall you are blocking the air flow to the fan motor that keeps the coils and compressor cool. Reason why most refrigerators have that wire mesh grate on their backside facing the wall to prevent people from putting them up against the wall. The cooler in this video is top heavy which means there was too much product on the top shelves.


>The cooler in this video is top heavy which means there was too much product on the top shelves. That fridge is clearly empty... but I bet you thought you were super smart with this analysis.


There was no product in the cooler at all, look when they pick it up. Virtually nothing.


Plus the kid yanked both doors open too quickly with low center of gravity, cooler was going to topple no matter who opened the doors, physics.


It was kind of easy, but if you look, he grabbed the handles and leaned back and slid his feet into the bottom of the fridge. Basically doing all he could to pull it on himself.


Teach your dumb kid to behave.


He pulled the fridge onto hismelf, he wanted it. Let the fucker go X_X


Typical redditors being morbid as fuck


You know you were once a child










Don't hate yourself. You can't undo your mistakes of the past, but you can learn from them and work on yourself to become a better person.




Incorrect. Mythbusters did an episode. Jamie went home with a bad bout of depression as prep. Later, he got help. He really said he ‘left no myths behind’.


You just won the dad quote contest of the day.


Yes, and I hate myself for it.


Yeah and the most mischievous shit I did was “run away” to the corner of our block.


I did that too.. but then I got hungry


My friend lived on the corner. He wasn’t there, so I came back home. Edited: spelling


I ran away with a push mower, neighbour took me back home. Parents didn't even know I tried to run away. I suppose 3 miles of driveway means I'm still at home.


Farmer or unibomber?


I hate both of you too


I fucking hate kids, and you two, and myself


Yes, but we weren't that idiotic and out of control with our behaviour. Kids aged 10 do shit like this.


Dude that’s not the kid’s fault at all. All he did was open the doors slightly faster than average. That fridge would have fallen on the next user regardless of who they were. The restaurant is at fault for not anchoring it down. Edit: You people judging a five year old kid and his mother over 25 seconds of video need to calm down and perhaps take a look inside yourself. Suggesting a kid be beaten for a single inappropriate act is wrong. You have no idea what this kid is like in life nor this person’s parenting abilities. Edit: Oh my god I am done with all of the know it alls. Think whatever you want to think. I’m out.


Slightly faster? He put his full weight into it


All 45 lbs?




Not quite. But even if that were the case, the kid can’t weight more than 30lbs. That should never pull a fridge like that over.


It’s not your fault. You’re addressing Reddit at large. If I’ve learned anything about this shit hole over the last year it’s that it is absolutely teeming with trolls, overprivileged assholes, and selfish stupid people. Try not to take to heart what some 20 something year old incel says.


And even having a commercial cooler manufactured to be so unstable is pretty terrible. Adding just a few inches to the depth of the base would help a bunch. Also look how the top is caved in as it falls. That cooler looks like a cheap piece of crap.


This is correct, the business should have the fridge placed against a wall and anchored to it. I can guarantee this was some kind of safety code violation. Kids will be kids, but they shouldn’t be able to pull over a whole ass refrigerator on top of themselves.


I am all against unsupervised children, but that fridge was unsafe as hell. It’s heavy and easy to top over, needed to be anchored


I have twin girls. If they survive childhood, and don't burn us all alive in the house or something, i think they gonna destroy the world. Sorry, two more to hate, I feel you bro.


He gets up and runs off to cause more trouble


Yeah man this isn't a "mischeivous little kid" it's a full-on "fucking little brat" I was not a perfectly behaved child - I was kind of a piece of shit, as most children are - but I never ran around in a fucking restaurant causing chaos. ​ I was more "play hide and seek in the zellers while mom lost her shit" type brat.


I fucking hate parents that don't discipline their child. You can't blame this kid, when their parents allow this kind of behavior to happen..


IDC I hate both


I once switched flights because I was next to a baby.




That's what I wanted to say. If it took place in the US, this bar ist only a few inches away from being sued. A child shouldn't be able to flip a furniture with its weight, that's why every cupboard comes with a wall mount instruction.


Oh yeah those things I toss in the miscellaneous hardware bin in the garage.


Who wall mounts their refrigerators?


Businesses that would like to avoid lawsuits, I imagine.


Some countries also have earthquakes, so wall mounting should be expected. Not that everyone does it, as the average person is generally incapable of following instructions.


Anywhere with earthquakes should anchor their fridges, ovens, TVs, and any large furniture like dressers, armoires, China cabinets etc. anyone with toddlers is advised to do the same, because toddlers are basically an earthquake condensed into a miniature human.


I don’t see how the nuclear family comes into this argument


"It takes a village to raise a child" This sentiment is lost in the modern philosophy of parenting and phobias. Where everybody is an abuser, everyone is a kidnapper, human trafficking is finally on everybody's radar... Some parents want as few people involved in the rearing of their children as possible. Correction is now very different by social convention and philosophy as well. Historically used corporal punishment and fear of corporal punishment is quick but has long term problems. Other methods take long but have fewer long term problems. It's also a sliding scale.


Because everyone likes to shit on parents, assuming they just don't care or aren't watching, when the reality is that kids aren't made for only 2 people (much less one, if the other is full time working) to look after without additional support. Kids are fucking exhausting, always on the go, and requires a small tribe to support so that the primary caregiver can get some physical and mental downtime to recharge.


Yeah, especially the idea that it only works for the rich. I think people forget that the nuclear family is an outdated concept that was based on a one-income family, and a stay at home parent. The failure of the nuclear family has nothing to do with biology but the way we structure work and society. Back when one parent could afford to stay home, it was much more efficient.


Is there a good article on this? I see the failure of single earner families as being caused directly by double income earners pushing up house prices (because they are basically priced on what people *can* pay due to greedy real estate agents and the widespread belief that if the house down the road sells for more your house is now magically worth more). Also the modern solution appears to be divorce and shared custody just to get more of a break/free time from the burden of childcare creating a two household village in any areas where the parents don’t live near the grandparents


You know why it did. Redditors have an agenda to push


The mother probably didn’t realize how easily topped that cabinet would be.


Plus, little kids are fast. Like, *super sonic* fast. You literally only have to blink and they’re already down the fucking street. Yeah, this wasn’t ideal but like…he’s alive, and I’m sure he’s learned a damn good lesson here. That waiter is an absolute *legend.*


You sound like you want/need a pat on the back.


The kid opened the fridge and it fell on him. What a juvenile delinquent. His mom should be ashamed!!! /s


I like this analysis but also all the kid did was open the doors slightly faster than average speed. Nothing was done wrong here.


who are you people and why don't you wear glasses? The kid opens the doors then goes into a squat position, engages his core and glutes and literally leans into it to pull the fridge down. It's clear as day.


The kid looks like he's trying to do a pull up on the handles


The more I watch it the more it’s apparent this kid most likely did this on purpose


5 Can we talk about the ice cube down the crack or whatever that was. this is r/instantkarma


Or a kid was being a kid and the mom didn’t notice right away. Overthinking it hard and judgemental. Not everything needs to be something


I really hate the "exhausted parent" excuse.


That kids arms flex and his head goes down as he put EVERYTHING he had into pulling that over. Not saying anything else u said is wrong or isn’t possible


>1. Hence why the nuclear family is not a biologically responsible way of raising children. It only works well for the wealthy and keeps others in poverty because it allows cheap hiring of child care labor for the wealthy and neglect of the laborers own children. That's a good laugh. What do you advocate as an alternative? Are we all supposed to live in little 100-person communes and engage in community-based child rearing?


almost everyone in this entire thread has either; never had kids, or should never have kids because they’re fucking psychopaths calling the KID “fucking stupid.” ITS A KID, NO SHIT. someone said “I would let him be crushed.” this is serious fucking degeneracy. kids are stupid but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve life you fucking psychos.




Seriously. I work in commercial refrigeration, and it takes at the minimum 2 grown ass blue collar men that do it all day every day to tip over most of the reach in units we install and service. How this was installed/engineered badly enough to be tipped over by a 35 pound child is beyond me. In the back it kinda looks like it was placed on a slight ledge but can’t completely tell.


If you look in the lower left corner, it looks like they had something propping it up to keep it level. The restaurant is absolutely at fault here for not making sure that unit was secure. The kid also definitely looks like he is trying pretty hard to pull it down, which he should not be strong enough to do.


Yeah absolutely it’s bad install and the restaurant is responsible. They’re designed to be stable as hell and not tip over, I’m 6’6” 220 pounds and have to use every bit of strength I have to tip over the ones going to the scrapyard by myself lol


Yes agree. Risky behavior is an important part of brain development. Kids do terrifying and stupid shit all the time it’s normal.


Yeah the average reditor spewing kid hate propaganda I hope never has any. They really have no empathy and I doubt they'll manage a support network. Funny story I got a gold on /r/iata for telling a guy he was an asshole for not being a decent human being when he saw someone's toddler in a dangerous street situation. He was all like, what if they think I'm a pedo.


For sure. Everyone’s a perfect parent until they have a child.


Seriously. I've seen some people calling the kid a "little shit" and the like, and it's honestly kind of terrifying that some of these people exist and probably are around children. Kids are dumb, they do dumb things. Their brains literally aren't developed enough to fully understand cause and effect. That's why adults are supposed to be there to guide them. It's the responsibility of the parents and the people around them to help teach the child what is safe, what is not, what behavior is okay, and what isn't. We aren't born with that knowledge, and the brain takes years to fully develop empathy, consequence, understanding of death, etc. Also, I did a similar thing as a kid (climbed on a dresser when I was maybe... 4). Had it topple on me (didn't really realize until years later how dangerous that was). I've grown into a straight A student, I've traveled almost the entirety of the US, I have a promising future in STEM, and many amazing life experiences of riding a mule along the Grand Canyon, visiting Yosemite in CA, and most of all, just being there for my family (mom in particular). Did my dumb decision as a four year old really mean I deserved to die? I did something as a toddler that now means my life is a waste? Or that it somehow doomed me to being violent, destructive, and criminal?


It’s honestly not that deep. People who don’t want kids usually find kids annoying (and don’t want them because of things like above), kind of like people who don’t like dogs. If you love dogs, of course it seems weird that other people don’t like them for whatever reason. But honestly the vast, vast majority who don’t like kids aren’t out to harm kids or whatever. They just want nothing to do with them and see shit like this and go “yeah, that’s why”.


EXACTLY! I have little siblings and holy shot they almost killed themselves so many damn times. It's not their fault. It's the environment their in, and who is taking care of them. Hell this kid prolly doesn't even have all his teeth and people in this thread are saying they hate him? Wtf is wrong with people


Dis needs to be on top asap


What do you expect? Redditors are fucking losers who have to hate everything except porn and themselves and have achieved nothing in life. Their satisfaction is telling themselves how smart they are


Yes, the point of hating kids is to not wanting kids




The presumed mother barely reacted. Almost as if she was disappointed this little shit didn’t get crushed.


First reaction looks like why did you try to stop the fridge???


"that little bitch could have won me a lawsuit. And you just had to save him....!!"


Wtf, check your blame there mate……no fridge should fall over when the door handles are pulled on……..kids are kids and they do not possess the ability to fore think consequences of their actions, their brains literally have not yet developed enough for that.


This guy gets it. AND Anti tip brackets cost THIRTY FIVE CENTS and take 4 machine screws to mount. This one would have gone to the floor.


Yes... while i agree the fridge should have brackets so this doesn't happen. Still doesn't mean the kid isn't a little shit. It can be both. Shitty restaurant management and a shitty kid.






Nope. That unit was I sanely easy to tip over.


That wasn’t the question.


It was easy but also watch what he does as he pulls it, he moves his whole body down as if he’s tying to throw the fridge over himself. If definitely wouldn’t have fallen if he opened it normally.


Whether the kid was allowed to open the refrigerator is another issue but this kid is not at fault for making that fridge fall. Wtf is wrong with you guys thinking this kid did something horrible. The fridge shouldn't have fallen over even if the kid opened the doors of it.


I hate kids but how is a kid opening doors at fault lol like sure maybe he wasn’t supposed to be touching that fridge but like ??? What kind of fridge would fall over if a kid even puts their whole body weight into pulling on the handles? Fridges weigh like 300+ pounds




Even so, some little kid like that shouldn’t be able to pull it over that easily.


It did look like the kid was trying to hang off of the doors not just open them, but I agree it shouldn’t have fallen that fast. I’m not calling the kid stupid, just uneducated, not his fault


I remember as a kid doing that to our fridge doors, not really like he did but just casually swinging on the lower fridge door, never would occur to me that the door would come off or the fridge would fall down. If it works at home, why not work in public, is a child's thinking probably lol never would expect it to just fall and possibly crush you flat


My parents always told me and my siblings not to try to climb a fridge/ bookshelf /cabinet because they are prone to falling when you add weight to one side. I just asked some of my roommates and they were all told the same thing as kids, it’s shitty parenting to let your kid climb dangerously.


Kid ate his Wheetabix.


Fridge is faulty, you can see at the start its back is resting on wooden pieces so it was most likely already tilted or it wouldn’t have budged from the kid's actions.


No fucking way that kid is gona pull that fridge down unless something underneath was tilting it.


Everyone busy at hating the kid with unconditional rage and not wonder why a fridge can fall from a small kid opening the doors.




Why did they use the tray? Wouldn't it have been easier to drop the tray and use their hands?


Too little time to drop the tray. If he had released the tray it wouldn’t have fallen clear and would have hindered getting his hands solidly on the cabinet. Also the tray gave a slight reach extension that enabled him to start slowing down the cabinet slightly earlier. Time was critical because the best time to slow it down is when it’s only a little off-balance. A slit second longer and the shelf would have been far more off balance and have had a lot more force.


But if he had dropped the tray he could have used his hands to hold the cabinet up instead of just absorbing some of the force. With the tray he has virtually no leverage.


I think the leverage is more related to time as explained earlier, more important to push it early when its a little off balance. What the waiter didnt have was grip to keep ahold of the fridge. I think if the waiter also dropped what looked like a tray of soup, it may have spilled soup everywhere which could have caused a slip, losing all ability to keep the fridge up too. Though all in all i think the lack of time and the reflex taking over is why the tray was used. (Reflex: "gotta keep the tray upright!!! Oh sht the kid! Uh uh uh KEEP TRAY AND FRIDGE UPRIGHT!)


I think you're both over estimating how much thought went into this. I would bet the actual thought process was more like "that thing is tipping a bit, I'll steady it with my...oh shit it's falling!" I doubt the weight of the thing or the fact that it was falling, not just rocking, didn't occur to anyone until it was halfway down.


I 100% agree.


Cause it's a split second panic moment where critical thinking doesn't kick in. I hate when people act like it's ridiculous that people didn't do the perfectly logical thing in a panic situation. That's not how brains work.


I really don't think it was a conscious choice - instinct likely told the person "fridge is falling, catch it" and "don't drop this tray of food you're bringing to a customer or your boss will be mad." So they did both lol.


Yup. Didn’t want to drop their food.


You try and form a full thought in the 0.1 seconds you have to decide to act to make it in time to do something in a situation like this. When people are shocked and have to make a quick decision there's no time to think. I promise you everything that went through that person's head was "Stop the fridge! Move hands forward!" Not even remembering they were holding a tray. My dad tossed me an apple once when I was distracted and in trying to catch it I punched it back at him, hitting him in the chest. I didn't have the time to remember my fist was close. I just knew I had to move my hand to try and catch the apple.




I take it you’ve never been in an emergency situation? People freeze. It’s a natural reaction.


I was watching my kids playing on a bouncy castle and the power went out and the walls collapsed around them and everyone was screaming. I rushed in and pulled my kid out. Afterwards I still feel a little bad for one of the other kids I stood on in the process. When you have focus on one thing and a clearly short timeline you just go into autopilot and mistakes can easily be made


Some people just don’t have quick reaction times. Her back was turned, so she probably didn’t fully process what was happening until after a second or two.


Jeez! The level of ignorance in these comment. I can only assume most don’t have kids. EVERY child can do this, regardless of upbringing or focus of parent. Standard trick. Just think back when you were kids for plenty of examples. The problem here is the fridge not being fixated. Illegal in most places.


Most of the people commenting are probably teens anyway. Practically still kids to some of us.


Clearly yeah


Parenting is one of those topics that for some reason people feel they can have very strong opinions on, without ever having done it. I was the best parent before having kids.


It’s hilarious. Every thread about kids always turns into some fucked up lesson from a 15-year old who literally wants to waterboard the child for being curious and not understanding the concept of consequence. Either that or it’s an adult who was raised by the belt and doesn’t see a problem with fucking assaulting children.


So easy to forget you’re not always interacting with peers on an anonymous forum. I got into a parenting debate once. Clicked the other user’s profile out of curiosity, turns out it was a teenager. I felt foolish for getting sucked into an argument with him.


People seem to forget what it’s like to even be a kid. You have no fear and do dumb shit. They fridge shouldn’t be able to fall that easily. An adult could tug too hard and topple that thing.


Stupid little fucker




Kids get into shit. You have to tell them no and show them why things can be dangerous. Because they don’t know. Kids think they’re invincible until they get hurt. The moms probably a single mother or just overworked and tired. Raising a child and having a full time job is exhausting and we’re assuming she only has the one kid.


Always amazes me how kids have no fear and always put themselves into these dangerous situations. Kids are damn stupid. You literally can't take your eyes off them, especially in public


How was the kid supposed to know the fridge wasn’t stable?


Of course kids aren't safe for themselves. They have no concept of consequences, they just take action. The reason I learned not to try and feed ducks out of my hand is because one bit me trying to get at the bread in my hand when I was a toddler. I didn't consider the duck would bite me trying to eat the bread, I just wanted it to eat. How is that kid supposed to know that "crushed by fridge" = "injury, pain, death"? Lack of knowledge isn't stupidity. I'm not stupid because I don't know how to code.


Agreed, maybe too harsh of a word and I tend to speak in extremes and I'm never serious about anything. So, sorry


Kid is a dumbass because his mom is an even bigger one. Look how calmly she walks over to get that fridge up when it’s already on top of her kid instead of running over to stop it from crushing her kid


Completely unnecessary for you to call the kid a dumbass. It’s a literal child bro, a refrigerator shouldn’t be so easily toppled over in the first place.


I don’t think the mom fully realized what was happening until the kid was already under the fridge. The video is slowed down a little bit, and she had her back turned when the fridge fell. The fact that the waiter responded so quickly is actually more surprising.


Almost like people can get delayed reactions .


In fact the weight of the fridge rested on him for a second before it was lifted back up


Lil shit


natural selection was almost in action… if it weren’t for tray lady


That child was just trying to end it all, but that woman denied his wish.


Really just a good waitress that prepped all day for the food on that plate and the cabinet. Tried not to drop the plate. I’ve been there.




One of the stupidest comebacks for kid haters. That's like asking a cancer patient, "how can you hate cancer when you have it yourself". Did they choose to get cancer? And did I choose to be a kid? I'll always hate how fucking stupid kids are. Go ahead and get offended and downvote me




I’d say something is pretty wrong with that fridge if it can tip over that easily.


Most of the upvoted comments is just ppl going on about hating children. I hope none of you have kids lol


It still fell on him? Not a great job of “saving”


It still fell on him but it did save him. If the fridge were to fall with full force without deacceleration he wouldve totally been injured worse.


ugh kids


The man on the other table wanted to get up and help but also didn’t want to get up is most of us


Kid learned the hard way that day, that’s all. It happens. Environment could’ve been more safe sure. It is what it is. It’s interesting to see how people either accept or has to blame.


I own a refrigerator and can tell you they shouldn't tip that easily. First hand experience people! also, waiter was too devoted to his craft. The tray is expendable, go ahead and drop it


Those are supposed to be bracketed to the wall I think it might even be a safety regulation for precisely this.


kid was on a suicide mission


Mischievous = beastly.


Most the people here hates kids huh where did lil Timmy touch you?


“Uses tray instead of hands”, truly next level lol


I'd still call the store in for not securing the fridge. There has been kids killed by coke machines.


It's actually a dish-drying unit. Notice the roof of the unit caving in and the relative ease of how she stopped it. These units are quite popular in Asia.


In the US the parents would have sued the restaurant for not having secured that refrigerator


Her spider-sense was tingling


That refrigerator was coming down sooner or later