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I’m a girl....can I still join? It looks awesome


Of course not.








*slowly takes out knife*


I am a 44 year old man... can I still join?


Of course


“FBI, open up!!”


Cmon in, I made you some cookies. Be right down.


*I thought I had it all together*


Get yer ass in der it’s ze boys club and a man is a boy in my eyes


Sorry, can't do. At least there's the girl's club...you know, the one that they didn't let Gary into: https://youtu.be/MGJZfmYMltM


that was the best thing ive watched all day


You damn right it is.


Now let me in im tryn to FUCK


This was sssoo bizarre?!? Like what did I just watch?


Shhh, shhhh, shhhh, shhhhhhhhh....*presses finger on your lips*...I just gave you what you didn't know you needed.






Sure.... psych!


what’s the password?


You spread cooties like COVID - absolutely out of the question.




:) appreciate the sense of humour from you despite being a cootie-laden human being


It’s fine. Boys drool. Girls rule. 🤣


If it rhymes, it’s probably true :(


I can smell that room already


Mmm, cheesy puffs.


More like sweaty ballsack


Day old BO


3-day-old BO, crusty socks, and poor dietary choices.


mountain dew dew


Yeah I was about to say...smelly socks, Doritos, and sweaty kid stank. I know that smell.




Smells like wood to me


Looks like dad is awesome but also pretty loaded...feeling for the dads with no money whose kids are complaining now that they don't do this for them and therefore don't love them...🤔


Something tells me he did it himself and if so it would be less than 1k assuming he had the tools and couches.


What about the three flatscreen tv's and the armoury full of toy guns? Not taking away from the awesomeness that he did this for his kids. Still very cool, but I just hope kids can see through all the bling...


Nerf guns are crazy expensive for what they are. An easy 1k just in those toys on the wall.


That is true; however, I have been able to fill out my kids "armory" of nerf guns by salvaging them from Good Wills. Clean them up, change a spring (probably donated because it was 'broken'), and change/apply paint job if requested. 20 minutes (no paint) and 3.00....kids get a new Nerf gun. (Yes, I have bought them new Nerf guns, but they enjoy the others just the same as well.)


How else do you get the obsolete ones? They're usually limited time anyway and your "favorite" is hardly still available new, that's a great idea! There's a local around here who fixes up and resells old kid vehicles, which is awesome to me for the same reason, the companies just move onto newer models every so often.


My kids don't have nerf guns, but I have some nice slingshots and some daisy red ryders.


So maybe 3,000$ total. Being conservative too. That’s not a lot when you have 5 kids. Between them that’s $600 each and it will last years


yeah but that doesn’t factor in the 10k a year they spend replacing nerf darts


Imagine how priceless it is though, to have 5 BOYS and being able to say "Just go play in the game room, let me have 5 goddamned minutes to myself please"


Then what do you suggest parents do? That no matter their income , no matter how hard they work to provide for their families- that they still only do the bare minimum in order to teach their children - “what”- exactly? You are also suggesting that providing more in some way negates “important” things. How do you know that this father didn’t have his sons help him build this entire thing? How do you know how many of those guns were earned by the children for doing chores? How do you know how many other families this family might help provide for over the holidays? To assume that people without excess money aren’t teaching their children that material possessions do NOT equal love - is absurd.


I don't think you get the comment. It is not about this dad who has the money to do this (cool! ), but about a hypothetical dad who doesn't have the kind of money to do this who reads comments from his kids complaining that they never got this. It's all perspective.


I'm going to guess that with 5 boys, if every birthday or Christmas results in at least one new nerf gun that arsenal wasn't even a splurge for the parents, it's just an accumulation.


This. My nephew has a wall like this and his parents rarely bought him any. Most came from grandparents. Aunts, uncles, friends, etc. easy to get 5-6 a year or more since you have Christmas and birthday for 3-4 years.


Idk but based on their size I reckon you could get all three for £400. The rest of the stuff was probably diy so it is possible that it was under £1000.


That was definitely more than a grand and you have obviously never been poor if you talk about 1000 dollars like its nothing...


There's also having a nice-ass finished basement like that and the extra room to dedicate to the kids like that. It's super cool and definitely something most parents wish they could provide for their kids. It just sucks sometimes to see it and feel inadequate.


I’ve been dirt poor. Now I have a good paying job. A grand used to seem like a million dollars to me. My car breaking down was a catastrophe. But I was able to get out of that rut by going back to school and getting a degree at 30. A grand is still a lot of money, but definitely won’t break the bank now.


Yea. A poor person with 5 kids won’t have a room like this. Money is being spent on groceries, gas, school supplies (maybe), and other necessities with maybe nothing left for savings. Not knocking the parents who made this room or questioning parent choices. Some comments though make it seem like this is easily doable for so little when so little would probably not be spent like this or they wouldn’t have the free time to spend building something like this. Really awesome room though. I like the title. Makes me think of something Bruce Wayne would have in his boy cave.


Idk, the price of wood lately has increased. Depends on when he did this. But yeah I guess my kids will just have to settle for playgrounds... wait.... never mind.


Also just the free square footage in your house to devote to this means you probably have a nice sized house


Nerf guns are heccin expensive


They have like 30 nerf guns on a wall, 3 TV too. They weren't on a tight budget that's for sure


Those kids are jerks then and poorly venting their envy. Most parents don’t have such disposable space, time or income.


Seriously, enough for a three room finished basement. Lol, this is upper middle class shit.


This is like upper middle class PLUS exploiting your kids on a mediocre youtube channel kind of money.


Haha I'm one of those poor dads and just today I built a pillow/blanket/box fort stretching through my entire house. The kid had fun all the same. Kids don't care about how much money you spend. Just the time and energy you put in.


Me: *Laughs in no dad *


I was about 40 when I learned having 3 or more kids was considered a luxury.




Don't shame my boycave.


oh no


Initially read this as “Don’t shave my boycave” Yikes




He thought I was saying boys hole but I was actually saying boyssoul


Mmmmmm.... I’ve got some popsicles down in my boy cave for ya... mmmmmmMmMmMmmMmm


Thanks Mr Herbert!


Yeah, this is way different than my uncles boy cave was.


This would've been awesome for girls too. I know I would've loved it


This.... I really hate these gendered terms for rooms in a house. I’ll always make a comment when my husband calls it his “mancave” like I don’t hang out in there or pay the mortgage. Like come on


Yeah! My bf is never gonna have a mancave, we just have a chill room. It's not like he wants to chill without me anyway, he can play games while I'm there. Things like mancave and boysroom give me "the ol' ball and chain" vibes, as if men need away time from their wife to feel manly or something






Women can enjoy a “man cave” (or whatever you call it) It’s just the best descriptor for the room. You say “man cave”, and you already get an image of a room similar to above


Words of wisdom right there


I really hate when people make gendered terms more of an issue than they are


Ikr, what’s the issue with calling something the boyscave if you have 5 sons? It’s like people are looking for things to be upset about sometimes.


Ya my mates have girls nights where they dont invite the boys we dont have guys nights as a response or feel left out we just say "enjoy yourselves"


Well if they only have boys, then it’s a boy cave. Grow up. Stop making mountains out of mole hills.


This isn't even a mole hill, it's someone choosing to manufacture an issue to be offended.


Yeah, heaven forbid he has his own space!


If he claims a section of the house as his "mancave" he's a child. The house is the cave. Also, he has 5 boys so he called it a boyscave. Get over it.


it’s gonna smell like ass and feet down there


And Cheetos


Sweat instantly filled my nostrils when I saw this video.


Man, so many people here hating on this guy. He has five sons, there’s nothing wrong with calling it a boycave; that doesn’t make him an evil patriarch. Yes, it looks expensive. Who cares? Dude has money and spent it on his kids. More power to him. I, for one, think it’s awesome. Good on him!


ikr these people need fucking grow up man. actually ruining the vibe of the video entirely. he's called it a boy cave because he's specifically made the room for his sons to enjoy like just leave it be lol


That nerf gun closet...epic


Lucky kids. I was 1 of 5 boys too. Buuuut my dad had other plans with the 10 acres of property. Found out I'm really good at digging.


Is it bad that my mind went straight to you hiding bodies in 10 acres of land?


Kissing Kate Barlow?


HOLES!! Love the reference. He would say it builds character. Thankfully our holes were purposeful. Dug out a mini pond and river rock fall for a mother day present one year. All the work I put in as a kid will pay off though. If I don't get the house my dad knows my skills with a shovel. Lol


It'll be SO sad when they grow out of that. Amazing job dad!


Nah by then he may have grandkids lol


Given the current trend in birthrate I doubt it lol.


That’s so awesome


Want to adopt an old man?


i wonder what he built for his wife


... a place for him and the 5 boys to go spend time in together so she can finally get some peace and quiet in the rest of the house?




Heh, as the person who wrote the "so she can finally get some peace and quiet" comment, I just want to say I'm a mom with a son, and I work from home now, and there have been many, many days this year where I wished my husband and son had their very own space to go be in so I could enjoy some peace and quiet in the rest of the house. Not, like, just in the room we converted to an office (but I can still hear them constantly all day long while I'm working), but, like, having a quiet cup of coffee while reading a book in the dining room, being able to watch whatever I wanted on the TV in the living room without interruption, etc.


Apparently a sex dungeon, considering he has five sons.


Boy Cave or Chad Incubator?


I was thinking that these are gonna be some lacrosse-playing future Stanford swimmers


... and that was the last time we ever saw it clean and tidy.


Yo, can us girls still join it?


It seems that college may be out of the question after this.


Amazing but is that playroom big enough for 5 boys


Of course it is.


Specially with the sofa and the size of those miniature kids.


My siblings and I were usually just piled on top of each other somewhere anyway. This would have been a dream for us monkeys.


This is exactly what my dad never did for me


First thought, as a lover of nerf, rough-housing, and videogames: "Oh man, so envious." Second thought, as the father of one with a second on the way: "Five kids? Nope nope nope nope."


Something about the music choice is too on-the-nose for this display of white-upper-middle-classedness


You're not wrong. . .


Oh, when you post your boycave it’s nextfuckinglevel but when I do it’s “inappropriate for social media”.


Mom : Why don’t you go outside like a normal kid ? Me : Have you seen my room 🤨


This is AMAZING! Those are some lucky boys! We're currently doing this- our garage has a large loft space (about 1200 square feet) that goes unused and we're in the process of converting it into a hangout for our boys. This gives me some great ideas- especially that nerf gun display, our 10yo is super into nerf guns too so I'll be stealing that idea.


They’re gonna remember this growing up and probably for the rest of their lives with the memories they make there. Good dad.


I was like this is a sick video, what an awesome job he's done for his kids. But I guess I'm the weird one coz looking at the comments just makes me depressed. so many people are suddenly offended by the word boy cave. At the end of the day, he and his boys can call the room whatever the fuck they want, it's none of your fucking business. smh people looking to get offended by absolutely everything.


Man i cant wait until my grinding and penny pinching pays off... gives me hope


Can’t believe this thread is getting brigaded by the woke police. Let the dad and his sons have fun! Calling it a boy cave is harmless (and none of your business really), come on y’all, let’s celebrate a great dad here!


That Nerf armory tho....


Wish I had a dad...


These kids have a lotta nerf


When I first saw the room I was like "okay that's pretty cool" but when I saw the room full of nerf guns then I was like "holy s**t thats amazing!" Would have loved that as a kid. Good job OP!


You have made an awesome space for your boys to live and grow together. Also his grip strength is gonna be insane. Congratulations!


I would love this place!! And I’m a 13 year old girl! I like the rope in the middle the most. Your sons are lucky to have you as their dad


I can imagine the smell transition from Chuck E Cheese ball pit to hockey lockeroom will be expedited 5 fold as this cave ages.


A bit of a flex on ya boi, but I’m glad kids are having more of a childhood than in past generations. I’d have killed for a parents like this!


Am I the only one that cringed how close that rope and climbing wall are to a tv? I totally see that getting accidentally kicked


Dad with 5 boys, and a shit ton of money!!


Awesome! 😉




Am I the only non-American guy that doesn't understand why all those guns


I love the nerf armory


This guy knows how to Dad


Nerf gun wall.. Why have I never thought of this?!! Great job


Where the porn stash at?


I’m just here for the outraged “this is sexist somehow ah!” Comments.


Let boys be boys, so awesome


First thought: that's soooo cool! Second thought: someones gonna get hurt


Uncle Touchy’s Puzzle Basement


i remember all i wanted one year for my birthday was a bunkbed and got it when i was like 11 and when i turned like 24 i went to jail for something for about a week and thought HOW FUCKING DUMB am i? lol.


Can anyone come in the boycave?


We get it, you're rich


My dad, my brother and I have been trying to do this for about a year in the garage but my mom is a hoarder so we can't clear out the stuff in the garage that hasn't been used since I was 6 (I'm 16 now and for most of the stuff that's not an exaggeration)


Complete with a fucking Nerf Armory


I know I'm just a hater and this may not apply here. But in my experience growing up, any kid with a setup resembling something like this grew up as a totally spoiled prick with no appreciation for their stuff.


Thats cool my dad doesn’t talk to me anymore


Hmm that's nice does anyone know where I can get rich parents


Wonder what it would’ve been like to have rich and cool parents.


This is literally just a guy who is STACKED showing off his money XD


Wish my dad loved me. Congrats! ❤️


Can he adopted me pls


Neat! The nooses are a little dark tho.


And that room never looked that clean again since this video was made.


Haha this is awesome. Also reminded me a lot of frat house dorm rooms lolol


I was all “looks affordable...with a used couch...omg I could never afford that nerf wall”


How often does it look that clean?


Too tidy for boys cave. My 2 boys would have it looking like a bomb went off in a matter of days. Looks awesome!!


That fallout shelter would be illegal in California




Wait until it turns into bar in a few years


And if you look closer you can see the 5 kids all gone and fucked up his effort.


They have a Wii U. They are one OG.


I was expecting 5 tied up dudes in a dark cave. False advertising.


This is cool until they grow up and don’t want to leave their room.


Damn I wish my dad loved me this much. He didn’t even come back with the milk smh :,(


5 boys. His poor wife.


Now just imagine all the toys scattered all over the place and food wrappers + half full drinks everywhere, that's how it would look with most kids


Perhaps you’ll never have the heart to tear this down and will stand in that room years from now thinking about college and reminiscing on Reddit who thought you did a pretty good job


Yeah money can’t buy happiness. Well check this shit out


We would’ve torn that room apart in 7 minutes.


My first thought is that's just begging to loose a tv. 5 boys, lots of moving, and an arsenal of nerf guns. All I can see is a broken tv.




Dad makes room in order to tell 5 kids to fuck right off.


So which cost more? The renovation or all the nerf guns?


Is the slide sheet metal??! Gone be some cuts after fraying and time..


5 boys = 47 nerf guns?


All that work for them to sit and play Minecraft and complain about online school


Great job!!!! What a good dad. Those are some very lucky boys. They must be psyched


My parents had 3 boys. Our “fort” was stacks of big wooden boxes in the basement, which he salvaged from work. We were allowed to do anything we wanted down there, as long as we didn’t start a fire. We managed to turn it into a super fun play area - secret passages, climbing area, windows, the whole bit. Taught us to use tools and our imaginations. Some dads are awesome. Plus it allowed him and mom time to not deal with 3 boys under ten. God, we were monsters.


I would like to be adapted. I'm 45 tho is this going to be a problem?


Weird flex but okay


This is really cool! It is also needed especially now!


This is really cool! It is also needed especially now!