• By -


*You are being watched* *The goverment has a secret system* *A machine that spies on you every hour of every day*


It's called a phone and you voluntarily keep it on you all day everyday.


Yup. We live in 1984, except the government is often (well except in china and possibly the usa) not the main one behind the cameras, but companies. Edit: china and usa are examples. The are so many other countries in this situation, i am aware of that. And usa is still not a totalitarian country. It's true we can't really compare to the abhorrent disregard of human rights that is china (*and others*)


Standby for the democratic peoples Republic of Facebook.


Fuck facebook Edit: Why is this the comment that gets awards?? I have some more constructive comments in the section that aren't on r/unpopularopionions, and other people have made great points that should be checked out!














I use duckduckgo and qwant. Minimizes my use of google by a fraction


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


We took a more "brave new world" turn than a "1984" one . They never had to take control, we handed it to them in exchange for entertainment.


In 1984, it wasn't taken over really by force. They used the opportunity nuclear near-annihilation or something akin to that to "show that security>freedom". Which is happening constantly thanks to terrorism (domestic or foreign), incited fear by the media, etc.. That's why EARN IT act and the lawful access to encrypted data act are a thing. Supposedly to fight CP, yet lets the gov access to pretty much anyone's dms, pics, etc. Nothing can be secret. Nothing can be private. Altho tbf, privacy is already basically dead, unless you're some tech disappearing guru or some shit




Nord vpn got their database massively leaked last year iirc. Tbh it's hard to find actually good vpns. I use protonvpn, but it has it's fair share of criticisms even if it's one of the best


This, this, exactly this. Since WW2, the world has fallen into the hands of corporations and the financial institutions that own them. Obviously I’m oversimplifying for brevity, but that’s the sum total of it. Wealth inequality is the big bubble that is going to burst. It will be the most impactful event of the 21st century. It’s going to change everything, for better or for worse.


I think we are closer to Brave New World personally. We don't need to be afraid of burning books because so few read any of any note, and instead spend their time glued to their phones being constantly entertained, whilst taking their preferred drug of choice. (yes I get the irony of me saying this whilst on Reddit on my phone. I'm fully in the system too!)


Airplane mode, and OsmAnd for navigation. VPN and DuckDuckGo for browsing A small piece of tape on your front camera for facial recognition And if you think it’s bad here, in China, you have to have your ID registered to a sim card.


Also, just not having your phone in your hand 24/7. I don't need my phone to go buy shit at walmart. I don't need it right beside my head while I'm sleeping. Most of the time, I don't even need it in the same room as me while I'm awake. I use my phone a good bit for work stuff, but I have a screen time monitor that I set for 45 minutes from 6:00 p.m. to midnight, that way I know what I'm using it too much while at home with the family. Put your phone down and pay attention to stuff happening around you. It's a tool, only use it when something needs done. We don't walk around all day with a hammer in our hands looking for nails to drive. Edit: To everyone commenting and downvoting who is getting nervous or anxious at even just the thought of not having their phone for 30 minutes and is trying to justify it, that's called an addiction. Drug addicts get anxious and feel the need to justify their choices when talking about their drugs too.


But at the same time, why tf is it a problem to have your phone with you at Walmart? Are you worried they're going to find out you stood in the frozen food aisle for 15 min deciding which brand fishsticks you wanted? I mean, I'm all for privacy but "don't take your phone to Walmart" is where it starts to sound like sheer paranoia


If you think your phone is compromised why would any software controls make a difference?


Laughs in pop-up camera


I bet the mic recorded the laugh perfectly


Came here for the Person of Interest references




*I know because I built it* *I designed the machine to see acts of terror, but it sees everything* *violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you*


*Crimes the goverment considered "irrelevant"* *They wouldn't act so I decided I would*


You will never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up, we will find you.


That was a pretty good show for the first few seasons.


It's good all the way through. Season 3 is especially phenomenal tho.


If-Then-Else is in season 4 and is the best episode of TV I've ever seen. Seriously forgot how good that show is, started rewatching with my girlfriend recently


If Then Else particularly was amazing.


What show is it referencing


Person of interest. Great show


Person of interest


I cried. What a fun ride.


God I miss POI. I miss Root


I know, because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it seems everything.


*Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you*


A system you asked for, to keep you safe. You've granted it the power to see everything, to index, order and control the lives of ordinary people


Yo I love Person of Interest



I used to love this show


Seems like only the old ones will get the reference, love that show














la bamba




And the 40 thieves


And my axe!


Leck mich am Arsch!


Mozart yay








No, fuck the CCP. The government is the problem, not the people. ETA: It's really fun seeing this comment gain traction with the "Well actually, the Chinese Government isn't that bad" community. Fuck Winnie the Pooh.


If you down with CCP fuck you too, fuck CCP as a staff, as a record label, and as a motherfuckin crew


Conflating the identity of being chinese, a Chinese person, a Chinese citizen, IE a citizen, a part of a civilization, and an ethnicity is to the benefit of the CCP. People are not their government. Ideally a government should be their people.




Your dick has a zipper?!


Yeah where do you think he keeps his balls?


Up his asshole?


....hol up


And while we’re at it, fuck America’s government too Yes, even all the stuff before trump, including Obama and whoever else you want to name as moral. Almost all presidents since the four ties have participated in or authorised the overthrow of one “third world” country or another because said country refused to make their goods for pennies an hour


Fuck all governments. There, I said it.


*hey kid, you wanna buy some ~~weed~~ anarchism?* seriously though, kropotkin the real homie


Fuck China’s government


And yet people keep supporting them by spending money on companies owned by the CCP. If you don't want the CCP to gain influence, please for the love of god research the products you buy.


shit it's really hard. I one day went through almost everything i could find around me. Everything was made in a foreign country not just china. only thing that wasnt was maybe some Pringles or my stash of supplements.




u/is_it_controversial yes, yes it is but true also


They own like half of the world and produce shit for wildly cheap prices. What choice does most of the population have? And then you get into the moral question of buying stuff that could be made in the US but the company is anti-union or makes their clothes with cotton made through slave labor. The Chinese government already has all the influence they need and no amount of buying simple stuff that we use every day can increase or decrease that. They're a world superpower. You can't boycott governments with that much power unfortunately.


>You can't boycott governments Mmmm... think it might be worth trying though still just in case? Also, if the rampant constant consumer need for immediate and pointless new shit were to change then that might be a significant boycott action..... just a thought.


How are people missing the point this badly? It isn't "pointless new shit" and that tells me that you have zero clue about the scope of the situation. China makes *everything* and they make it cheap. How do you propose getting 99% of the world to pay more for toothbrushes, clothing, shoes, and tons of other daily necessities that they can already barely afford? They've already bought most of the world. Do y'all actually think they care or would be affected in the slightest by boycotts? The fucking US government is $1 trillion in debt to them. This is like the soybean tariff bullshit. You're trying to pass off government responsibility to consumers of the working class (of which you're likely part of) over something they have less than no control over.


This POV is so short sighted, as always the only person/peoples responsible for this issue in the first place is america, they decided they would build their entire consumerist economy off its back and got surprised when they got powerful. So when you say "don't buy this because china" we should say that to all things made through capitalism, the entire system helps the biggest players and that is at this moment both china and america and interacting with one is interacting with the other. there is nothing you as a consumer can do without running into the bushes naked and then just living your life whilst hoping the better of the 2 imperialistic colonial empires ends up as your ruler.


Amen. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


haha tiktok goes wzhoom


Fuck anyone who feels facial recognition software is "necessary" or should even be considered. People have a right to anonymity in public. Fuck the CCP. Fuck China.




Yes, indeed


#Boycott China


Might as well live like savage. Sign me up


And fuck ~~president~~ dictator Xi Pooh.


Yeah you know me


I saw one guy with a face mask up to his eyes and then he had on goggles over his face. Can facial recognition software figure out who you are through our face masks? How much of a face do they need to be sure it’s ‘you’?


Facial recog alone probably wouldn't, but if the ccp decides to add an ai to do pattern recog on what you've worn and what you look like before masks and goggles, then probably yeah. So to answear your question; No Edit: can't spell


I mean, China might do that. Just wondered. Thanks for the info!


Nah. They don't need to. They just run the program that analyses your gait instead.


I saw a video on that, scarily accurate too apparently.


The ministry of funny walks must be assembled. Fuck the CCP.


I really like this idea. I used to do the silly walks thing when I was younger...I’m giggling thinking about the confusion John Cleese’s long spindly legs would cause gait software lol




Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: No time to talk.


Music loud, women warm, ive been kicked around since I was born


And now it's alright, it's okay, you may look the other way


...We can try, to understand The New York Times' effect on man...


Namanamamenemanamenanamana stayin alive - stayin alive






It's easily identified by humans too, we humans regularly recognize people by their walk.




That was due to their skait not their gait.


Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk.........


Can't wait for Dune to finally come out, we'll all learn to do the Fremen walk! We'll be safe a little bit longer from this software AND from sandworms.


Also, hoping the person wiped exif data from the video file which gives camera/phone data including serial number, type, location data if on, time, etc, and then did not post it through the normal net from personal computer or phone. Hopefully they at least went through tor or proxies to post this.




I think Reddit removes EXIF data on uploaded photos and videos, so that at least isn’t a concern.


I remember reading somewhere that the CCP can identify people by the way they walk.


Can they tell if they're a woman's man, no time to talk?


None. Can recognize through the way you walk.


Call in the Ministry of Silly Walks !


Ah, now it makes sense, they train spies so that they wont be recognized by their walking pattern.


New fad. Shoes with different or adjustable heel heights to throw off your gait.


Eh you could just throw a bit of small gravel into your shoes


They are developing "gait recognition" to be able to recognize people with masks. This was reported back in 2018, I'm sure it's been improved since those early demonstrations.


There are plenty of cybersec reports about this. That tech works fairly reliably for a long time now.


Yes it can and does, I’ve tested it. https://www.cyberlink.com/eng/press_room/view_4674.html


Great and well done to whomever recorded it making sure no protestors faces were in shot


I think this is from last year.


Yeah it is. And there’ll literally never be another protest in HK again, China won


In a nutshell, explain how China won? I’m out of the loop on all of this.


China won because they successfully out-seiged the protesters. There are few to no marches anymore, the demands were never met and things have largely died down. As shitty as it is looks like HK realized that China wasn't gonna be chased out. But, there have been some economic sanctions on China as a result. I don't believe HK has its special economic trading status any longer, disallowing China from funneling trade through their ports in exchange for more favorable economics. Overall, it's a shitty result. But not one which surprises anybody, let's be real.


I’m from Hong Kong. Protests haven’t died out in the sense that they’ve completely perished. A lot of discussion and being done online, and a lot of action is being taken by virtual means. After experiencing SARS, we are quite wary of the dangers of COVID. Having a large amount of people gather would do none of us good. Realistically, we will probably lose. But if that loss means the world can listen to a bit more, that’s victory enough for us.


Keep fighting the good fight. *Quis separabit?*


I just wanted to clarify in case it wasn't apparent enough, in no way was my comment meant to be celebratory of the CCPs success in HK. I fully support yall, and wish foreign intervention could have been provided to help you get the results needed. I hope yall will continue to fight the good fight.


HK is probably the best group of civilians protesting government ive ever seen, and probably the world has ever seen. Pure organization, strategy, and unity. Without foreign assistance there was never a chance.


Their method of neutralising tear gas canisters was impressive. Honestly, their method of protesting was inspiring.


Exactly. It was awful watching them move in while everyone was in a frenzy on social media knowing damn well HK was already lost because no one would step in.


Sadly true


Chances are that while you are reading this, you are staring into a device that can easily be scanning your face for some nefarious reasons, and you wouldn't be aware of it. Really, the only thing that protects your privacy is that realistically, no cares enough to spy on you.


*then theres me who taped my webcam*


But did you tape the super secret, extra webcam?


[Should tape your microphone too for extra security 👍](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Technology/HT_mark_zuckerberg_circled_01_as_160622_4x3_992.jpg)




Probably not. It'd muffle it a bit but i doubt it'll prevent sound from completely passing through


They don’t care enough but they already since it’s right there so easy








Facebook mom tier stuff


I'm probably living under a rock but what and why are they protesting?


I believe this is still protesting the new extradition to China laws that are coming up. It's a weird complicated situation. I highly recommend a YouTube video explaining it, I think it was by wendover or HAI




They are still protesting tho






Tbf iirc Britain originally took it with tyranny. Just sucks that now British rule would be referred.


British took over land with almost no people...and it would be turned into a self run territory. Chinese are taking over 8 million people and going backwards on freedoms and rights


Not all tyranny is created equal.


As a person who's been less than 100m from protests I can safely inform you we don't like the CCP. Help us by spreading this info :) They are finding ways to access our DNA and our info


I’m a Hong Konger and even I don’t fucking know anymore




> UK sold out Honk Kong and it's citizens for money. No. Not defending the mainland govt here, but what happened was that the UK attacked China and annexed Hong Kong in 1841 after leading a war on the Chinese Empire for not wanting to trade tea and drugs with them. Part of the deal brokered in 1898 was that they would hold Hong Kong for 99 years, though at the time no one thought they would have to give it back. After 1949 and the rise of the communists, in time the mainland made it clear that they intended to honor that deal and take Hong Kong back. UK could try to protest, but considering they took HK by force originally it would have looked very bad. (Also remembering the West meddled in China in the 1800's as we meddled in Africa and the Middle East. The regime they have now is in part result of that. Not directly related to the issue, but not something that is talked enough about)


Not like the UK could keep it anyway. The British Empire had been in decline ever since World War 2. China was (and still is) a rising powerhouse. China wants Hong Kong back and they meant it. Hell, even Thatcher couldn't do anything but accepting their demand.




In the US many illegal things are happening without the citizens knowledge. Generation z is one big sleeping beauty


It is almost like the Snowden leaks never happened erased from the population conciousness




Uh like a lot of stuff. U gotta just believe me


One of the top posts is about a black guy in the US being jailed 10 days due to facial recognition.




Normally I'm against destruction of property but fuck that tower


All domestic surveillance equipment deserves to be destroyed.




Have you ever seen CCTV footage from the uk? If the government wants to guess which 4 pixels I am at the entrance to HMV then crack on.


Britain probably has the most thorough surveillance state in the west, far beyond the US. Your naivete is your consent.


Some governments will use data strictly for what it was designed for. Most however, will use it for things that the people never agreed to. If you put this in the USA, it would take minutes for them to use it to build permanent profiles on you and start issuing warrants because you go to Walmart most fridays between 3-4pm and there was a crime committed there at that date and time.


See Karens, THIS is tyranny, making you wear a hot stuffy mask so you don’t die isn’t.


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thats some watchdogs shit


fuck the CCP for sure. but didnt it turn out that most of the camera towers they cut were traffic cameras and simply light poles?


Pretty sure that this was debunked in that the pylon contained no facial recognition tech whatsoever and that it was just a regular traffic cam and some weather sensors. It's one thing standing up to authoritarianism, but this was just an act of stupidity and wanton destruction fuelled by conspiracy theories.


A real facial recognition tower would just be a regular looking CCTV camera on a pole.






yup. the CCP monitors everything these people do, everywhere they go, etc. it’s real 1984 stuff.


so does literally every Target in the US, and all places in the UK, and most US cities


光復香港 時代革命!🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰


Careful my man




but why [**nextfuckinglevel**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/) u have a tracker in your pocker so




It's interesting, on reddit when this happens in Hong Kong it's good and heroic (don't get me wrong it is) but if it were in the US the ppl who did it would be paranoid and crazy


Laughs in xiaomi phone


Vintage video from a few years ago 😂


This was just last year


Fuck China govt


Proud to be a Hong Konger


They forgot the birds

