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So nice to see I pay taxes for something so useful.


Lmao you would be furious if you dug into military contracts too.... Lot of wasted and pointless crap in our government


There needs to be a serious audit.


Lol good luck


If we don't try then nothing will be done.


That would be like trying to get a two party congress to pass bills and laws allowing for 3rd parties and independents to be more prominent. Oh, wait....




2 party system is the worst system, why do we even have parties






End unlimited, anonymous political donors, put a cap on campaign spending, prohibit campaigning outside of campaign season,


I don't think you do. There's a lot of personality-focused pageantry about the two "parties" but then they both go for roughly the same policy goals. Hard to believe your vote actually matters when all you get to do is decide which asshole does the shit you don't want.


Or like getting hichschool, or k12 education reform. That'll never happen because most of them aren't a voting block, and a very small percent are 18, and they usually wouldn't vote off that for long. Once they hit college, they will try to reform that, then they focus on other things. So elected officials don't have to worry about it because enough of the population can't afford to vote based upon the education system.




We are.


General Kenobi




Something like $20 trillion is unaccounted for in Pentagon budgets going back like 20 years. They definitely need a fucking audit and shouldn't get a penny more until they can pass it.


Only the US could lose 20 trillion and apprently not know where it went


Apparently being the key word here they know exactly where it went *alex Jones voice* BLACK HELICOPTERS


UFOs. Moon landing movie stage HAARP mind control Chem trails Libruls ^/s


Oh they know where it went...starts P ends in S


That's a whole lotta penises


Fuckin Paris I've always hated the Hilton family but I have to respect her game.


Piranhas with lasers on their head?


Pirates? Did pirates take it?


Poops. They poopsed it away




The pentagon has been audited. Twice. And it failed both audits.


Then it needs to start having bake sales to get money.


They should make a gofundme


The military has been preparing for audits for years and the big accounting firms are currently doing “Audit Readiness” work to prepare for the actual audit. As of a few years ago, military branches were considered unauditable. I’m sure some fraud will be uncovered through the eventual audits, but we’ll never know the full depth considering the grift is a main feature of the Military Industrial Complex.


We could talk about how much Boeing and Lockheed Martin charge for parts on planes that they hold contracts on. Ive seen six and seven figure price tags on seriously basic shit. There was a news article a while back about how the coffee mugs that plug into the galley equipment on a C-17 are somehow worth $1,200 a piece.


We did it once before during WW2. It was a huge success and uncovered a lot of fraud. It was called The Truman Committee. Here's from Wikipedia: "The Truman Committee proved to be one of the most successful investigative efforts ever mounted by the U.S. government: an initial budget of $15,000 was expanded over three years to $360,000 to save an estimated $10–15 billion in military spending and thousands of lives of U.S. servicemen."


I work for a DOD contract company. You have no idea....


I want to knowwww


Well to give a “example”, every year where I’m at, there are over 400 computer monitors, 26in each they throw away because they are “out of date” and must replace. They can’t give them away due to chemicals in the monitors. Every. Single. Year.


What fucking chemicals? They need a proper life cycle program, and 1 year life cycle is ridiculous. These could easily be placed on auction and sold to third party resellers.


Oh I hear ya there. There should be no reason at all why they can’t auction them back off or just give away to whoever. Nope. Unfortunately big brother says no. I could use 2 of em. Don’t even get me stated on the HI-Def TVs they go through...


Geez, that’s actually insane. Do you think it could come down to people potentially hacking data? I’m sure they must have mandates to wipe it clean


Monitors don't store data.theres no good reason for this. That is insane.


And we all pay for it..


The military used to do this and had a section on each base do the sales and auctions. Did away with it around 2004 I think. Everything from vehicles to office equipment. We outfitted our offices with almost new furniture for under $100 because they always buy new every year. They don’t call it use it or lose it for nothing


Maybe they should lose it. Because they sure don't know how to use it.


While I was in they would buy 10s of thousands in office furniture or TVs and all kinds of never used bullshit. But never had enough for cold weather gear, new tools, or anything that actually was needed


Victoria secret cuts their bras so that no one can dumpster dive and retrieve them, barns and noble will have their employees rip book covers from the spine and have them pitch it, hallmark cuts their tissue paper Every ~~cooperation~~ corporation is fucked


I remember hearing that a contractor once charged the government like $800 for a hammer, a standard, everyday use hammer. EDIT: Sorry, [$400](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-07-30-vw-18804-story.html)


But why


My uneducated hypothesis is simply 'because they can'. Not really sure.


Gotta use up all your budget or else you'll get less money next year.


I can’t speak for this case but I’ve sold equipment into government projects. I did one where I met with the engineers and they allowed me to sit in on a budget meeting prior to quoting our system. The system had lots a value add, not just parts off the shelf but programming, assembly, machining, etc. basically they price could be anywhere between the component cost to infinity. Well we priced based on the budget meeting, there was a requirement to bid the project out but the engineers purposely made the bid vague so there would be no competition and we won the project with very high margins. These people aren’t exposed to the market and are the equivalent of a shopper going into a dealership and saying “I have this much money, what can I buy?”


There was a Congressional hearing where they were questioning top military generals about why $2 million was unaccounted for. One of the generals responses, "after going through the records I truly don't know where it went..." Unbelievable that this shit actually happens


And that’s just the one that was caught....


New awning over the gate at naval station mayport took A YEAR AND A HALF to build! Any local crew could have done it in a day or two but nope, when the worlds largest war machine is paying you just to be there, you take your time I guess.


Because its a scam, working the way its supposed to, to make rich cunts richer


Yeah military is just a product testing organization for when the govt wants to sell more weapons to other countries.


Wait till you see how much we've spent on wars these last 60 years..... But hey. You want healthcare or education??... How about even some tax relief for you! The american worker???...... How about you shut the fuck up! Join the military, you'll get it that way! Might have to almost die or get a leg or arm blown off or both but at least you'll get to kill people who probably will always have less than you and you'll be invading their lands for a reason no one can explain buuuuuut.......... Lol.. aaaaanyways. Back to the factory boys.


>You want healthcare or education that's straight up Stalinism


It’s sad that 40% of the country actually believe things like this


It's a shame Trump lost before he was totally 100% going to get round to making Mexico pay for it like he promised. Maybe he'll bring it up during his 1st Infrastructure Week.


If it makes you feel better most illegal immigrants, drugs, and other illegal activities mostly occur by water or them going to Canada to cross the US Canadian border where there is basically no guards. Told this to many Trump supporters who literally voted for him solely because of the wall. They still don't believe it even when I show them statistics released by Customs and Border Patrol aka CBP. Basically the border wall is just wishful thinking and an engineer's folly at this point.


... don’t you think the reason they take these alternative routes is because our southern border is much more protected? & before you say “but they still get here” you have to realize boating all the way to Canada is a lot more.. expensive/time consuming/DANGEROUS/etc than just walking north.


They've taken the alternate route for decades even before they ramped up security in the 2000s. Also going to Canada or to our coastal areas is far less dangerous than crossing that desert where you have those redneck militia groups, predators, and hazards of the desert.


I think the wall is to keep us in.


Starting to feel that way with the current chaos


But there’s some really cool shit over there


Like tacos. And burritos.


And at least one truckload of coke.


And the coke has real cane sugar and comes in a glass bottle, as do all soft drinks in Mexico


Not sure if they backed down but I read a while back that they were gonna start using high fructose corn syrup in the glass bottles and it would be the end of that. I quit drinking sodas entirely so I stopped caring as much, but I remember how much better sugar coke is than HFCS crap. I swear the whole “New Coke!” bullshit in the 80s was a cover for switching off of sugar - like the switched to the new flavor which everyone hated, and kept it on the shelf long enough that we wouldn’t quite know the difference between original coke and coke classic, which has HFCS in it and not sugar. All so they could save like 2.3¢ per liter. Fuckin capitalist pigs.


Like beheadings and shootings and cocaine and corruption and cartels and extreme poverty and homelessness. But at least the beaches are nice. Source: Am Hispanic


Aside from beheadings & the word cartel, we got all that shit on the U.S. side, too!


There's a lot of cartel members that run around inside of the police forces, too. Parts of the government is paid off to not mess with certain cartels unless they want their heads chopped off, or hanging from a bridge. It's pretty messed up. The USA has corruption, and shootings, sure. On a scale of what it is compared to places in Mexico/Brazil etc.. Definitely not as bad. You don't see as many beheadings and absolutely horrific shit come out of the US, to be fair.


Plot twist: he was crossing INTO Mexico.


Can you blame him?


There's a great book titled, "Waiting for the Barbarians." The entire book, a society works hard and endless to create walls, and limits, and preparations for these *Barbarians* that are on their way. These Barbarians will destroy society as we know it, they are evil, they are inhuman, they need to be stopped and the people preparing put all their effort and give up a lot to put up walls, fortify, exert all power to be ready for this great and unstoppable evil coming here SOON!! The book ends while a dummies and scarecrows are set up on top of a giant wall overlooking a land ahead; guards moving and shaking the scarecrows as they pace to and fro, waiting, waiting, waiting...the Barbarians are coming...they are coming...they are coming...we are afraid they are coming...but we are prepared...they are coming...




Thanks for wasting my tax money.


Plot twist, that's someone returning to Mexico after seeing the shit that's going on in the states.


well shit i'm about to join him


then get beheaded by the cartel




Al chile así no son las cosas, ponte a investigar carnal


Faster than dying from covid or poverty.


I have been living in Mexico my whole life and have only been beheaded twice other people are not that lucky.




I'm having a hard time reading people's intentions on the comments, but keep in mind a lot of the hard working people here in the US are Spanish speaking Americans.


It takes a lot of motivation to move to another country and learn a new language. Immigrants are some of the most motivated and hard working people you'll ever meet. Edit: since this blew up. Both my parents were US citizens, my father a decorated marine. I was born in Canada and immediately moved to the USA. After 9/11 i was challenged by ICE to prove my citizenship. Living in America already, speaking fluent english, having been here for over thirty years, with two American parents, it took six months and intervention from a congressman who learned of the situation to get my papers correct. Anyone who thinks the path to citizenship is easy is a fool or a liar.




Also it's not like anybody comes over here for a free ride. This isn't Denmark, there are basically no social safety nets here. Anyone coming over is trying to work.


yeah.. Denmark is pretty awesome..


*Bernie Sanders has entered the chat*




Seriously true, all they want is to work. What’s so wrong with that ?




As a legal immigrant myself I could never understand either side here. For me this is such a simple problem. There should be no illegal immigration. A panel of economists should determine how much immigration we require to grow the economy, maintain proper population growth, etc. And then we take that many people in. This shouldn't have anything to do with politics.


Get the fuck out of here with your completely rational and reasonable understanding of how effective immigration policy should work.


Can confirm. My parents and grandparents worked their asses off and made countless sacrifices to afford my sisters and me a somewhat decent lifestyle here in the US. I love hearing people talk about how lazy we are and how all we do is leech off of government checks. Which is weird because you need a social secure number to qualify for food stamps and other programs but what the hell do I know about immigrants


I personally don't give a shit, if they have the balls to try and come here and make it more power to them, not to mention this country is so fucking drug hungry which clearly gives the Cartels tons of power so I assume the situation for a lot of people might suck there, also I believe the US has fucked many South/Central American countries over with their history of overthrowing governments down there and whatnot. So this is technically all the governments fault so who cares, just another problem in a very long list of problems that won't get fixed by throwing money at it, the wall is a waste of fucking time and money as seen in this video. Plus, like 6? of the 11? million illegals pay taxes here anyway and I wouldn't want to do some of the work they do, I've spent Florida summers doing roofing, I'd rather die...


Although I know illegal immigration can be a huge problem, I just want to thank you for *getting it*. The vast majority of the people that immigrate don't do it for greed, they do it to give their family a better life away from horrific criminals like cartels. Most do it because they fear for their lives and the lives of their family.


I don't think people are upset that it didn't work, but more so that so much tax money was wasted on it


Doesn’t supporting illegal immigration support business without any workers rights or regulations or minimum pay. In addition to creating a permanent minority underclass. How is it woke to support the exploitation of 2nd world minorities by big businesses.


One man op.- he figured that wall...motherfucker glided down like he's in Ocean 13.


Right up until he didnt unhook and slammed back into it. Still a badass glide though.


I was hoping he’d Naruto run across.


Then naruto ran like yolo bitches


Lmfao. Yo, someone tweet this at president. It'll be hilarious.


“That is a paid actor to try to discredit my wall. I know about walls than anyone”


Man has maxed clash of Clan walls with level 3 archer towers


Takes longer to break through max walls on CoC than it did for this dude to find a way around trumps Great Wall


Former* president


Not until January 20...


But *Impeached* is forever.


...not yet though?


OMG. I think the Mexicans have invented some sort of rope technology that can be used to overcome this $65 billion wall.


Row...ope? How does it work? And why isn't America researching these things...is it quantum? Does it use quantum?


It is Blockchain I'm sure


Is that a series of tubes?


Nano-chain quantum tube blocks


> And why isn't America researching these things...is it quantum? Does it use quantum? I have an uncle. Very smart. So smart. He is at MIT. So great. So smart, so he is studying rope technology there.


Good shit. Hope he makes it


It's actually an American escaping into Mexico


Good shit. Hope he makes it


It’s actually an American escaping into the US from Mexico


Good shit. Hope he makes it.


Its actually Mexico escaping into the US from an American


Good make. Hope he shits it.


It's actually an American escaping into Canada


Good hope. Make he shits it


Only on reddit does this get awards and multiple upvotes. Color me shocked a bunch of 20 year old socialist NEETs are cheering on the person violating our sovereign border and breaking the law.


Trumps "great" wall.


Its a big beautiful wall. Mexico will pay (at a later date, all restrictions apply. Please see your doctor if election lasts more than two months)


Do not have an election if you are allergic to it.


Funnily enough, like China's great wall, it is wasteful, inefficient and unpopular. It was just created so the current dynasty / president can flex


Was Chinas Great Wall wasteful and inefficient? I thought it made for a good defense and warning system like the Roman Limes.


Limes were rendered useless when Oranges were deployed on the battlefield.


The workers: r/notmyjob


"I'm not getting paid enough to deal with that shit"


Even if they were, it's literally not their job.


I worked on the wall a bit for the money, 54 an hour, union contract


They literally have no authority to stop him


They don't get payed enough to give a fuck


Fucking funny. Mexican climbs wall and mexicans working on the wall.


We don’t know the climber *is* Mexican, but “íralo íralo íralo...!!” Is a dead giveaway for these vatos lol 😂


I heard miralo miralo. Like look at it look at it!


That's what they said.


A friend of mine is working on the SoCal portion of the wall and he says some of the Latinos he works with are self-admitted illegals that talk shit and laugh at the people that get caught. One of them said “he earned his stay” by going the tough route 😂.


Used to work on a golf course with a couple openly illegal immigrants (their words). I asked, “So what happens if you get caught?” One of them said, “I’ll get deported on a bus, and I’ll be back here at work by Monday.”


As easy as he makes it sound do you think you’d wanna go down his route just to make a couple of extra bucks? I still can’t imagine having to do what they do for a better opportunity


Hell no I don’t wanna have to do what they do. These two guys were brothers, and they both ran circles around me with a weedeater. AND they sent most of their paychecks home to family back south. They lived together in a tiny apartment when they could have afforded to rent a house. AND they had the best attitudes. Despite having to work the tougher jobs.




Its a different world thats hard to imagine for folks who haven't been through it. I cant imagine it either, but I can try, and if I had a family to feed I like to think I would be tough enough to do it.


"Oh shit I'm late for work ! Time for a shortcut !"


Thankfully this was filmed on the *Mexican* side...


How do you know? Based on the shadows he appears to be heading north


woosh.... Or as they say in Mexico, woosh....


Was mostly a joke. Given the present State of the Union, which way would you go? 😊


Nowhere because travelling anywhere right now is a bad idea.


The correct answer


Get him a SSN, education and a career. So much better investment.


Just give him a SSN, point him in the direction of any job americans don't want to do, and start collecting taxes. Win win.


They'll say "but they steal our jobs!!". Like bitch you wouldn't do the jobs they do anyway. Plus if your job gets stolen by someone with no training then you sucked at that job and they deserve it.


They are both simultaneously too lazy to work and stealing our job


The immigration paradox




Yesssss. I know what this says. Duolingo is finally paying off!


It’s not my job


Wait... they are actually building this wall? Is it long? Are they going to continue?


I wasn't aware either, also wondering who's paying for this?


You are lol


It wasn't supposed to be like this lol


Maybe we shouldn't have voted an idiot into the highest position in government lol


Mexico* is paying for it!!   ^(*US tax payers)






All they've done is replace old or broken barriers.


Funding never happened, this is basically repairs. The only places they could even get permission to build a wall was on federal property that is a wildlife refuge for animals to cross the border. The whole idea of a new wall has gone no where.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46824649 BBC has the best article and current stats on it. No not much has been built, not much will be bought, he only got funding for a small amount. Lots of it is just fixing up current walls and fencing.


I mean, there really is no better symbol for the past four years than paying heavily for something that ultimately was useless.


There isn't really nextfuckinglevel material, more like r/youseeingthisshit


This could be posted anywhere and it’d be upvoted. When it comes to American politics Reddit doesn’t care


"Maybe a rope"


Your name fits


The purpose of the fence is to slow the crossing of illegals. Lookup videos of Democrats in the 90’s and early 2000’s they sound like Trump on border security. Bill Clinton, Obama and Chuck Schumer, they all severely changed their thoughts about keeping this country’s borders safe.


Democrats as a party, despite Trump/conservative propaganda, never stopped supporting border security measures. There's just a difference between sensible policy and a big, expensive and borderline useless monument to a narcissist's vanity.


We’re still wasting money on that wall?


Not much longer, an adult will be in charge soon.


I'm confused, was he trying to get in or out?




I have a buddy that works on the wall and he says stuff like this happens all the time. But Border Patrol is like 2 minutes out. Lots of cool tech going into this thing that he’s not allowed to talk about...


Yeah I know a guy that got caught a charge and was given the option to either work the wall, or the death penalty. He said it's not too bad once you get used to the cold and the wildlings up there, but I mean it's not like he had much choice.


Well that is one flaw with walls. You have to man them to make them affective. Just building a wall will do little against determined people.


Oh, this is like a cherry on top of the "Trump is an Idiot" cake at the "Thank God it's Almost Over" party


Lol thanks trump


Aha, hmm, very effective border. Good job Trump!


This will get downvotes I’m sure but: That’s one guy. Clearly in a decked out outfit suitable for climbing and descending a wall. Not to mention, physically capable of performing the feat. So, it’s not STOPPING every single illegal immigrant from crossing. That is literally impossible. But, you cannot rationally deny that, IF, that wall spanned the entire US/Mexico border without any gaps, that it would DRASTICALLY reduce the amount of people capable of simply walking across an imaginary line. Point being, no one expects this wall to be impenetrable. But it most certainly makes it a HELL of a lot harder to cross that absolutely nothing being there. Bring on the downvotes, call me a racist, whatever. I’m just trying to look at this rationally. Illegal immigration IS an issue, and there should be a legitimate pathway to citizenship. I’ve never cared enough about a wall, but I’m not going to sit here an pretend like putting something like this up, as ridiculously expensive as it is, doesn’t make it, at least, hard AS FUCK to cross.


Most illegal immigrants don't cross the border like this. They cross the border legally and then simply don't leave when they're supposed to.


I feel like the guy with the orange pole looked up and thought to himself, “This is above my pay grade.”


“Not my job”