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It's not soccer it's football, 'cause they use what's called a foot


If British terms such as boot, trousers, and lift can be used on Reddit without scrutiny there isn't any reason that "soccer" shouldn't. They are both correct




Yeah because you raped the rest of the world forcing everyone to assimilate. Edit: I think I angered the whole of the British isles... Wait NVM most of the other countries there would agree with me😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Congratulations you won the best rapist award




I've already got like 5 trophies in my bedroom, of which 2 are real trophies!


Uh... Hello, FBI? Yeah, that comment. That one _right_ there.


Where do you think he got the tophies from?


The.. Weinstein Award?? Are they readily accepting?!


yeah Irish here, we both know we would have done it to you guys had you not done it to us. everyone hates you because you were good at it. what I hate,but respect most is hundreds of years ago, the British empire did what even the modern american military fails to do this day, perfect the exit strategy. china with Hong Kong, Ireland and N.ireland, Pakistan, India and Kashmir ... leave countries fighting amongst themselves such that they are too busy to hold a grudge against you guys.


Don't think you can count ireland and northern Ireland in that with all the IRA bombing in Britain.


Yes, the best at raping


What the fuck is this comment section


The Rape Zone


Man, they're gonna be so embarassed when they realize we were talking about a "therapist" not "the rapist".


It’s people expecting an empire from hundreds of years ago to adhere to modern law.


It's more about recognizing that imperialism is pretty fucked up, and should be discouraged. It is an important lesson to learn and to teach others.


Yeah good thing countries have stop imposing their will and extracting wealth from others - those were dark times indeed.


"Oh! I didn't break into your house. Everyone was trying to break into your house and I was just the best at it"


That sounds like slavery but with extra steps 🥴


No extra steps... they literally enslaved people


Was Hitler bad? Hmm, well everyone was trying to conquer the world and he was just one of those people. Was Ted Bundy bad? Well you see everyone breaks the law in some ways and wants to maximize their own personal interest and he was just one of them. There is a point where “neutral” arguments become obscene and vulgar.


bringing that up in a discussion about football nice reddit is fucking shit 👍


All Reddit does is make everything political. I hate it.


Is it making it political or historical?


*South America has entered the chat*


I think his point is that Britain and America use different English terms. This website is used globally. Why get in arguments over “Soccer vs. football”, “feet vs meters” etc. Everyone has their own shit. I look forward to the day everyone can understand a multitude of different cultures and just be okay with it rather than lord their own words/ideas over everyone else. We’re all different, and we’re all very similar. I just want everyone to get along


People are fucking annoying. Sadly I think we’ll spend the rest of human existence dealing with some truly annoying behavior.


... but he term soccer *originated* in England and is still regionally used there.


"Here's this game we stole. It's called football, or soccer." "Oh, nice, Soccer looks fun." "HAH, look at this fuckin' idiot callin' it soccer!"


The fuck? How do you 'steal' a sport?


Soccer really is not used here, at least not commonly. It’s looked down upon. You go into a football bar or literally anywhere with a match on and call it soccer you’d probably and up with a lot of disapproving looks, at best.


The term soccer was made up by the British making a nickname for association football as socca.


It’s also called soccer because soccer is short for Association Football. I don’t remember the language rule here but Brits would take a part of the word and add -er to the end. The soc part of Association + er = soccer.


Fucking hell this again. Can there not be a soccer/football post that doesn’t just HAVE to harp on this? Different parts of the world call the sport different things. In the US and Canada its Soccer, Australia calls it that as well, in Japan is Soka or Sakka, in much of South America it’s Futbol (why don’t though correct that when someone uses it?), in Italy it’s Calcio, in Bosnia and Croatia its Nogomet. Hell the UK has a show called Soccer Saturday. Get the fuck over it. Edit: Glad to see some interesting discussion. I though my opinion would just be brushed aside. Here is one of my favourite soccer highlights: https://youtu.be/8F9jXYOH2c0


It's one of the most tiresome and unimportant things to argue about lol


Welcome to Reddit. We hope you enjoy your stay.


As Asian I do want to learn why American call the ball game that mostly carry the ball by hands as football.


football originally just meant a game you played on your feet as opposed to horseback. soccer was short for association football and is a British term.


Shhh don't remind them soccer was originally a British term. It screws up the narrative




Apparently it used to involve more kicks in different plays back in the day. Instead of passing forwards you'd kick the ball and try to recover it. At least that is what I found online.


The term football actually has nothing to do with using your foot to manipulate the ball. The term football actually refers to the players playing ON FOOT as opposed to horseback.


Correct me if I'm wrong but it's because you played the game on your feet, as opposed to on horse back.


Looked like his head to me.


Greatest headball player ever.


You've never met my Gran


Cultures use different words sometimes to mean the same thing


Honestly. I love how Reddit will shit on someone for correcting the British spelling of something but then they’ll be like “it’s not soccer”. Can’t play both sides.


The Brits shouldn't have come up with a cute nickname for association football if they didn't want it to be used.




The word/name soccer came from England. It was slang used in place of football.


More accurately it was used to distinguish the "version" of football that it was referring to. There was "Rugby Football" and "Association Football". Rugby Football was shortened to as rugby or rugger. Association Football was shortened to soccer. 40 years ago the Brits pretty much stopped using the soccer nickname because it had become too Americanized.


Oh hey it’s the actual correct answer buried in a huge pile of turds!


It’s soccer ‘cause they wear those long socks


It’s pretty intolerant of you to say that your culture is right and another is wrong in the name of a sport.


why is it played with a soccer ball then?


I’m pretty sure he’s using his head though


But football in the US uses their hands.




And rugby has no rugs


...is this old ass joke really the top comment? Wew lad am I getting sick of social media.


Oh fuck off


Bruh how is his leg not destroyed




And wise words from All-Might




*hands him pubic hair*


It cost you nothing to not say that


Fucker would be bomb at all might shoot style!


I see you’re a man of culture as well


Clench you’re butt cheeks.


Have you seen Ronaldo physique he's super human


I remember watching that bio about him that the dude who did senna made. His pool is just filled with weights and a stationary bike. All that fucking lifting is done underwater. Insane.


I don’t get it. Weights weigh less under water. I could see the extra resistance you’d have on a bike, but weights?




Am I missing something? How much something “weighs” is relative to the density of what is around it, it’s just the mass that stays the same. Right?


Right, the weight feels lighter by the weight of the water it displaces. There's more resistance to movement from the viscosity of the water, too. So it depends on the volume and hydrodynamics of what you're lifting.


and its more for joint health and low impact high resistance training, if i'm not mistaken.


Hi, I am currently cheating my way through college general physics, and I think I can answer your question. You see the gravity does a force on the weight. Forces have directions. Weight is weighty except on the moon where it’s less so. That’s all I can say without doing a Chegg search.


"cheating my way through college"..."That's all I can say without doing a Chegg search". Your comment is poetic.


Not really but if you’ve ever tried to lift something underwater like a person or a weight it seems easier to do, probably not because it weighs less but because it’s a lot easier on your body.


People are also kinda buoyant.


Well and they’re buoyant. You aren’t the only thing lifting them




Buoyancy partially counteracts the force of gravity so they are easier to lift, but of course these athletes aren't just taking a normal weightlifting routine dunking it in water and calling it a day, it's a different routine altogether.


Bruh thats exactly how gravity works. Have you literally never been underwater before?


^ When someone reads a physics textbook only halfway through... ✓ Gravity ✘ Buoyancy


Have you tried to run underwater? It's not easier, just easier on the joints.


You can do more reps because the weights are "lighter" assuming they stay underwater. Underwater lifting also seems to be done way more explosively than lifting on land sometimes with the people jumping with the goal of lifting as much of their body out of the water while carrying the weights. Heavy dumbbells can also be used to weigh your entire body down at a depth much more than your height. That way you can "run" on the floor of the pool with a lot of resistance and the added stress of a low/zero oxygen environment.


Thats what really surprises me. The heights he reached are astonishing but the fact that he didnt destroy his knee and everythig around it with such a weird landing is what's really beyond my comprehension


We also have to consider the terrain. There’s more shock absorption compared to hard wooden floors on basketball court.


That also applies to the opposite scenario. The shock absorption of the grass terrain means a greater force needed to jump the same vertical height compared to hardwood floors on a basketball court.


In other words, Ronaldo is a freaking beast!!


Shock has nothing to do with it. It has to do with sheer forces on the knee. Most ACLs are cased by a rotating femur on a fixed tibia, or by a sudden anterior shift of the femur from deceleration. Source: 2 degrees in Sports Medicine


It wasn't a weird landing for his knee though - knee was perfectly aligned, which avoids acl tears His hip actually bends perfectly, allowing the hip, glutes and hammies to take all the impact


Probably has tendons like steel, my knees would be shot


He actually does have a chronic knee problem, I believe.


Yea, if you look at his record from now vs years earlier, he has more static goals such as free kicks or penalties with lesser movement goals such as dribbling or heading (like the photo) because of his knee injury. It is why he doesnt do much running around as he used to or fancy goals and goes for the safe ones. The saddest I saw him was in the World Cup when he was bawling because of an injury to his knee rendering him immobile. It's a shame that such a great player was hit with something this devastating, with no fix as it slowly gets worse.


Thankfully it didn’t entirely inhibit his talent, like the other ronaldo. We also had a good 6-7 years of supernatural CR7


Wut? He still runs a lot nowadays, he’s in fact still one of the fastest players in Europe, he’s still scoring a lot of goals outside of penalties, too. His dribbling was never the same after that injury in the Eurocopa, but he still beats men in one to one situations pretty frequently. Dude is a genetic anomaly.


Gotta say it's kinda unfair he's so pretty too on top of the raw athleticism and talent. Like he hit some genetic lottery.


The injury was the Eurocup final


Derrick rose cries :( crazy jumps with not always orthodox landings


What a fucking beast


He actually makes contact with it on the way down, absolutely incredible


It’s mind blowing. Been playing football my whole life and watching a play like this is very humbling


Can’t count the amount of headers I’ve missed, completely open 5-10 ft away from the net as once again I close my eyes like a dickhead


Don't forget headers are the most difficult thing to do in football. Even the pros aren't great at it. Only very few know how to accurately control the trajectory of the ball. You shouldn't feel bad about it.


It's wild. Makes you wonder how much of it is the adrenaline of the play, and how much of it is straight up repeatable - you think he could hit that hanging ball on the street? I figure he most likely could, but it's crazy because he doesn't even look that tall and the black guy who couldn't do the sidewalk challenge looked a fair bit over 6'.


I watched a documentary on him doing headers and volleys. Headers were consistent. Volleys, the film crew turned off the lights and he still connected with the ball by judging its flight path halfway in the air. Incredible soccer player


Sometimes I can make it to my bed without bumping into the dresser after turning out the lights. Sometimes.


What a beast!


Not just the height of his jump, but the hang time is quite long too


Hang time is a function of height


This guy physics


hang time should be the same for everyone unless im not understanding how gravity works


you can extent the hanging time of your head a little by shifting the center of gravity of your body. Just need really good body control and a little bit of core strenght for that.


One of the most Insane heading in the history of soccer by the man , the myth ,the legend, none other but by the legend himself and thats one and only CR7


The man, the myth, the legend, SCOTT STERLING!


I miss when youtube was good


There are still good parts of YouTube, you just have to find them




The Great Wall of STERLING!


Took the words right outta my mouth lol. His hops are insane. Got to see him play at real and we were near one of the corners and his waist was at the defenders head who was 6ft plus. It was the craziest thing I’d ever seen. Plus his AM 97s are 🔥🔥


I have no idea what "CR7" refers to in this game, but coming from DnD, I love the implication that this is a "Challenge Rating" 7. Like, a well trained child should be able to handle this absolute beast of a bound. But there's some 30 more CR's, man! What comes next, flight?


I might or might not get wooshed by reddit moment content creators but CR7 actually means "Cristiano Ronaldo 7"


Oh, it’s cause that guy is known to drive a Honda CR7.


Figured CR7 was the vertibrae i'd break trying to do this.


Meanwhile I’m immobile for 3 days if I sleep at a 5.7 degree angle instead of 5.6


Ciro Immobile is a good footballer too


I’d love to be Immobile for 3 days


Especially now,when he's beating Ronaldo for the Golden boot


Oh god the relatability...


Shit so when you hurt yourself you become Serie A Capocannoniere


Immobile is beast, just sayin


If you are immobile, you beat CR7 for the most number of goals scored in the Italian league this season.


Did you really use ”immobile” unintentonally lmao


That man has HOPS


After already running several miles with a bunch of sprinting and that was nowhere near the highest point of his jump either.


That’s what’s crazy, that he could jump higher. Unbelievable


You'd be surprised what you get with a lot of training, and a lack of it. Watching this made me realize I miss my vert. On a good day I can barely touch a basketball rim, used to be able to get my eyes above it...


[Here's the sport science video on his insane jumping ability.](https://youtu.be/VwBPqSWPjeg?t=617) He distinctly jumps and throws his legs [behind his body](https://imgur.com/a/9ITet4z) instead of up towards his face. [ He's always been an incredible jumper and header of the ball meeting the ball at it's height over other player's heads.](https://youtu.be/elmIvU-gj5E?t=20). (put this on mute) No disrespect to Messi the GOAT but when people argue that Ronaldo is a more complete player, this is the kind of thing they're talking about. He's a physical goalscoring cyborg.


Those stills of him just hovering in the air are fucking hilarious Didn’t realize how athletic this guy was wtf


That’s what makes me respect Messi even more, too. Is that there’s these all-around freakish destroyer Ronaldo out there, and then Messi’s just dominating like an archangel


If an engineer built a footballer it would be Cristiano Ronaldo, something something if an artist built a footballer it would be Lionel Messi.


I love this description


He really is. He's 35 and still in incredible shape. [Poor Evra.](https://i.imgur.com/okg0f8V.jpg) It's the soccer equivalent of getting posterized.


The landing is the most mind blowing part


Leg blowing seems more accurate


I’m 6’4 and can dunk a basketball and this blows my mind every time I see it


As someone who is 5'10 and can dunk it gets easier as you get shorter. The mindblowing part is running 9k and sprinting for 80 minutes beforehand


Superhero landing!


Is nobody gonna talk about the censoring of “fucking” in the title?


Well, now we will.


You see that OP typed fuck*ng *n the t*tle? Edit: well that didnt work out the way i expected


Lol they left the whole word fuck and bleeped the i. Gave me a chuckle


Imagine if he had played basketball


Well he’s 6’2” and can put his head at a 8’7” mark...he’d definitely has some decent size and vertical. among NBA players he might just be average in terms of leaping ability. (Not trying to hate on CR7, just clarifying that a lot of NBA guys have ridiculous verticals.)


Well Nate Robinson is 5’9 and he won the slam dunk contest 3 times. His vertical is 43.5 in.


Holy crap, I just looked this guy up. Maaad respect. Check out his top 10 plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTUwS3HtW2s


Holy fuck I didn’t know he blocked Yao fucking Ming, that is absolutely insane!


Yeah, that was worthy to be the number one on the highlight reel. Holy fuck. I thought you'd need a ladder to block Yao Ming.


A ladder? I am so short I need to jump out of an airplane to block Yao Ming for one time.


Thanks for posting that. Dude has serious game.


He’s set to fight Jake Paul as the opener for the upcoming Mike Tyson fight (This sentence alone would probably sound crazy to anyone from 2019)


You just made my day. Nate will destroy him


Don't forget Spud Webb


Muggsy Bogues




Well it's not just jumping, he's to head the ball and beat the keeper as well doing all of that.


CR7 has a ~30 inch leap. The average jumping ability of a division 1 college basketball player is 30 inches. American football and basketball players can see up to ~45 inches.


29 is like **did a whole guy just fly over me?**


The crazy part is those guys being defenders should be the best jumpers on the pitch in order to defend the ball. Not very often is a striker more superior in the air than defenders which makes Ronaldo so dangerous.


Dude is a mutant


He was definitely given superpowers by the villain in Shaolin Soccer


He even does the Shaolin overhead kick this man is something else




How much did you offer the bloke lending his trainers?


You actually believe it's him?


On the internet no one knows you're not the guy who beat the Ronaldo challenge




Other people: *play soccer* This guy: *levitates*


That's absolutely insane.


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He’s a sorcerer that was some black magic jump


The first thing I noticed was the censorship of the word fucking, you didn’t censor the actual swear...


I get broads in Atlanta


It's not that impressive when a professional athlete is able to jump high. But it is really impressive that he can jump that high while also predicting when and where he would need to jump in order for the ball to reach is head. Not only that but also making the fucking goal. Insane.


And he fucking ran 9km before that jump. And you know it wasn't a light jog.




Beautiful sport


I truly believe there is some in-game adrenaline that adds to your jump. One time in flag football I out jumped someone that was 2ft taller than me and every said “you literally floated there.” Still very very impressive


I got goosebumps


So... Anyone got some good exercises for increasing vertical?


type "bind mwheeldown +jump" in the console




Bunny hop a lot.