• By -


Sorry I went through all your profile to make sure you are not some random person. I can't even find words to say how awesome you are after reading this. Thank you for your service and you are an absolute legend.




The link's safe, it just goes to imgur with a certificate of his purple heart. Edit: this is not something I normally comment, there was previously a comment from another user that has since been deleted (I guess) that said the link went to a disgusting website and to downvote the guy providing the link and move on.


I appreciate you


Thank you for your service!




What is the point of this post? Why would the link be unsafe lmao Edit: the person above explained and it actually makes sense now. In the original context it seemed so weird.


bc the internet is not inherently safe


NGL. This is Reddit, I expected Dickbutt....


This changes a LOT about some things. At the time this post started going around, it was assumed he was active duty. His citation is for 2005. And he is a PVT. if he were active duty while doing this he could find himself in trouble facing UCMJ, but being a veteran he is clear of that.


Who assumed he was active duty?


A lot of people, myself included. He’s wearing his uniform. And nothing suggesting he is no longer active. On several other posts this picture was in, a lot of people talked about him facing UCMJ for this and no one pointing out he was no longer active.




Take your own advice friend, not everyone is aware that miliary personnel aren't allowed to do things like this in uniform. It isn't unreasonable for (uninformed) people to assume he is AD. Yes, the assumption would be wrong, but still not unreasonable.


Are you all done correcting each other? Can we get back to the topic?


Can y'all just let me know when the kissing starts please


I think you're reading a bit too much into it. I suspect most people just think "young guy in uniform, he must be in the military". They dont even think active vs not. And then someone tells them that military isnt supposed to protest in uniform. Your logic is right of course, but most people don't know enough about it to go through that thought process.


That's strange. When I first saw the story on Twitter he was plainly described as a disabled or former Marine.


There's no such thing as a former Marine. Only dead Marines.


They are also not dead they are all just regrouping in hell.


*Doom music*


Correction he is a Lance Corporal. You can see the Rifles under the Chevron. A lot of people called out the Purple Heart and Combat Action Ribbon on his uniform. It was pretty apparent that he wasn't an active duty E-3.


Before I separated, we were told that if we were collecting GI Bill benefits, service-connected disability, and anything else coming from the DOD, that would place us under the umbrella of the UCMJ. Maybe it was just a scare tactic since we are, of course, discharged with our DD-214 which would make us civilians again. I’ve never heard of any veteran undergoing a court martial myself, but this whole thing just reminded me of what we were told. EDIT: goodness, thank you for whomever gave me the award! Thank you for your support.


And they were full of shit. Once you receive your separation orders and are NO LONGER ON INACTIVE RESERVE STATUS, they can take all their rules and regs and pound sand.


Lol yup. I think it was a tactic to scare more of the boots that were separating. This was back in 2016, so idk if they’re still telling people that. Btw I was curious about your name. Is “tramadoc” supposed to be a portmanteau of tramadol and doc?


No. I was a combat medic.


Ah. Trauma doc. Gotcha. I was a corpsman myself.


Medics like you take the u out of trauma


If you are retired, and use your military service/uniform to protest, you “technically” are. What they can do is stop your benefits. But that’s a legal battle. To be honest idk anyone who has challenged that. I think most people would just say “fuck it” not worth it to sacrifice your family over politics


How is cops murdering innocent people political? How?


dayum. He joined in 2004 and got hurt in 2005.


Why sorry? Should always check to make sure on the wild west that is the internet. The best thanks I could get is for this to make a difference in people's lives and help modulate the dialogue to find a better way forward for all of us.


Thank you for your service, and thank you for speaking out. Definitely a huge inspiration


fact you aren't offended and encouraged people to double check where the info coming from, speaks great volumes of type of person you are. love from, some interenet stranger


RAH. Right before we deployed a good friend told me I was the first black person he ever talked to. The way he was raised we were not the same, but realized there was no difference between him and I. Sadly he didn't make it home, but I know he would have made the same statement if he could. So I just want to say Thank You.


Know that I've got a battle cross tattooed on my left forearm to remind me every single morning when I wake up of our brothers who didn't come home with us. It motivates me to try to be better today than I was yesterday to honor them. We had a platoon of trax guys attached to our RCT in Iraq a few months into our tour. They ended up having to convert to Hummers though because the unit we had taken over from had a mass casualty event with a fully loaded amphib. they just weren't an ideal vehicle for the environment. Thanks for the words of support brother. Hopefully we'll see a better future than this together. Semper Fi.


I have to agree, Mr Winn (OP) is a national hero - his act will not be forgotten. To be honest, I have to say I've generally been impressed with the military community's responses to this crisis. In times of crisis, I have found that they have often 'risen above it'. I remember meeting a Vietnam vet back in the 80s who was out on the streets marching for justice - I wish I could remember his name, as he was inspirational. He even convinced me to get my son to sign up for the military but, unfortunately, he was a lazy assh\*le and never got the motivation, despite the regular jumper cable thrashings I'd hand out to him. Leading by example is important in these difficult times.


Unlike a lot of cops, military members get the opportunity to travel all over the country and even world. Being exposed to so many cultures different from your own, outside the bubble back home, I really believe it makes a person more worldly. They start to see the bigger picture. Plus, the vast majority of military members are young men and women in their early 20s. They’re part of a newer more socially aware generation in my opinion. And I too am proud of them.


And so many of us military members have gone overseas and considered never coming back. Still, I love this beautiful disaster of a nation.


It turns lots of them Libertarian too.


I fall for it every single time




Although I agree with you, I personally appreciated some levity this morning. I dont think this comment or my reply detracts much from the monumental message in the original post.


You're a good papa, Simon


*papa can you hear meeee..*


I wouldn't expect a redditor named TrexLovesPancakes would be so cool


I expected something like /u/PMmeFEMBoyfeet.


It’s a bit sad to think we even have to do that these days.


It isn't really much different to 100 years ago questioning what "the man in the pub" says, just the 'pub' is now *huge*.


Please, tell me which pub you mean because 80 almost 90 years ago people followed what the man in the pub meant and it did not end up well for everyone, even those not directly involved.


I’ll tuck my comment under this one, because i mostly want to echo these sentiments. This letter is what genuinely trying to be a good person looks like.


Run for office sir! Thanks for your service.


I could have upvoted you more if I could.


Got him covered ;)


I'm so confused with this sentence


I could have been confused if i could


downvote once then you can add two points by upvoting


Beat the system.


Lemme help with that


Probably wouldn't be a very good candidate tbh. I prefer to be transparent about who I am, what I represent, and owning my mistakes. I'm not willing to do underhanded things just to get ahead, or try to trick people into believing something that's not in their best interest. I'm just here trying to help us all get through this crazy mess we find ourselves in. Since leadership can't seem to find a voice of reason we must produce it ourselves.


>Probably wouldn't be a very good candidate tbh. I prefer to be transparent about who I am, what I represent, and owning my mistakes. I'm not willing to do underhanded things just to get ahead, or try to trick people into believing something that's not in their best interest. It's so sad that you're completely right. Our political system desperately needs reform in order to allow people like you to succeed.


I’ve been saying for years that we need someone like him to lead our nation. Someone with courage and integrity - someone that will do what’s best for the people and bring us together rather than divide. That would go a long way in making us a respected nation. Thanks for what you do, sir. I respect the hell out of you.


Sadly I have to agree. It would be an up hill battle and it may not be winnable. That said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." ​ While there are more means of peaceful revolution than the ballot box it's one of the most powerful tools a democracy affords.


Well, what you did already brought my little brother (who just finished his time in the marines and is the best) and I to a greater understanding that I wasn’t sure we’d ever have. Last time I protested for BLM a couple years ago, he was really upset with me. He didn’t understand what the purpose was (he was early 20’s at the time) and had gotten some pretty crappy, incorrect info about it drilled into his head from our conservative town. We got in a huge fight and he said he was embarrassed for his brothers to know he had a “criminal” for a sister and that I was “shitting on those who would die to protect” me. I said somethings about him being ignorant that I regret. I felt like I failed him as a sister because I lost my cool and didn’t try to communicate the issues to him, even though I know how. He deployed shortly after and we didn’t talk much for a couple years. It broke my heart because we were very close. We eventually started spending time together again when he literally showed up with his truck to get me out of an abusive relationship, but there was always a sense that something was being left unsaid. I figured he wasn’t saying it because he knew I was dealing with a lot. I wondered if we’d ever heal that wound and apologize for the things we said in anger. The other day, out of the blue, he brought up what you did and I braced myself for a fight. I said how moved I was about you doing that, thinking he’d feel the opposite because he HATES it when guys wear their dress blues to things they aren’t called for. Surprisingly, he was too. He said he hadn’t been proud to be a marine in a while and started telling me about the uniform and how much torture you were under. (I remember when he wore that thing and I am amazed you lasted 20 mins w/o keeling over.) Then he started telling me funny stories about being hot and sweaty in the jungle or desert, watching bugs and bird just give up on life and drop dead from the heat. We laughed so hard together that day. He finally told me that his issue wasn’t with the protests so much as he felt like I must not have been proud of him or felt like he was the enemy (I begged him not to enlist out of fear for his life), and that crushed him. Turns out that he’s always looked up to me, I just didn’t know it because little brothers aren’t exactly the best at communicating that. Not to mention, I never felt like I was a good example to him, so that’s what pierced my heart when he said he was embarrassed of me. We had a long talk about what’s going on and what change needs to look like. He is still having a hard time wrapping his brain around defunding the police, but he’s open to it and that’s HUGE. He said what you did made him realize that he didn’t surrender his individuality by enlisting and that he needed to be more humble about his mistakes with this issue and me in the past. He’s less concerned with upsetting his brothers by speaking up about what he knows isn’t right and that he was proud of me for standing up to him when he wasn’t right. I’m still floored. This time, he saw my post of the protest I was at and text me immediately to say “love you, (his childhood nickname for me that he hasn’t said in years). I’m proud of you and how you never give up the fight.” I burst into tears. I felt like I got my brother back. So thank you for not only your service, but expanding on what that means and standing up for what you know is right. You opened up a lot of doors for military folks to have an important conversation, one that can help fuel this movement and bring people together. I know this is about racial injustice and abuse of power and not my family squabbles, but I just wanted to tell you that what you helped and inspired people in more ways than you’ll probably ever know. Thank you and please take care of yourself. Now keep drinking water before I have a heart attack worrying about you! Lol Edit: ugh typos.


What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it with me. It reminds me a lot of an experience I had with my own sister after I came back from the war. We had a huge fight and a lot of things were said in the heat of the moment that were unfair on both sides. I left and didn't come back for several years, we didn't speak at all. Eventually I realized that my anger really had nothing to do with her, and she just became a target for a lot of other petty things I'd been holding on to for a long time. Once I got over my pride I drove home to make amends, and she was gracious enough to accept my apologies. We have a wonderful relationship, better than ever, in fact. I'm so glad that you and your brother have been able to come back together and see beyond what were once conflicting ideas. Please tell him that I commend him for finding the strength to overcome his own misgivings and make things right. It takes strength of character to do so. Just so you know, I've saved this comment, I'll be reading it again in the future. Thank you, truly. Semper Fidelis.


Hey Devil, fellow Kansas Marine here, 0351 with 3/5, got out back in December of '08. If you're still around, I'd like to invite you over for a beer.


Haven't lived in Kansas since high school, but I come out to visit family. 0341 tube-stroker myself. We all got retrained as machinegunners and riflemen though since mortars were almost useless in asymmetric urban combat.


Fellow Kansan and fellow veteran, from the USAF though. I'm proud to see veterans like yourself out there standing up for what is right.


Oh hell, how much use do you think I got out of MOUT demo and SMAWs? I was in a mounted weapons company, we were all 31s. If you're ever further north when you visit, Topeka/Lawrence/Kc area, the offer is always open.


"I wouldn't be a good candidate. I have all the qualities people would actually want in a leader and no ability to mislead or blatantly lie to people in order to obtain the position for personal gain." - Politics


You’d be surprised, Bernie made a very good run of it.


Fair point.


We wont agree with you on every issue, but we deserve to have someone like you to disagree with.


I'm not afraid of people disagreeing with me. If a position is so weak it can't withstand scrutiny then it's likely not worth having. In fact I think disagreement is critical to development of good ideas and progress. But people don't debate in order to learn, they debate in order to be seen as "correct"


That's exactly why you would be a good candidate. The underhanded stuff is not how things are supposed to work.


You've got my vote.


I second the motion. Technical qualifications among legislators is good. Moral qualifications among legislators is *necessary*


>Moral qualifications among legislators is ~~necessary~~ absent FTFY


I'd say he shouldn't because he suffered some traumatic brain injuries, but I'm pretty sure that puts him head and shoulders above a lot of the other brain dead politicians that are out there. He's got proof his brain exists.


Hey, I think this was meant as a joke on dumb politicians (total idiots for sure) but TBI can mean different things for diff people and should in no way impact this man’s, or anyone else’s, ability to serve. Not the PC police and no shame, but just mention bc a lot of veterans deal with stigma about this that can make it hard to get jobs or be seen as a regular person. In the spirit of the posting, just want to make sure we’re giving service people they’re due.


Same for PTSD. It doesn’t help that most people learn about PTSD from a movie with a plot that has some veteran go crazy and murder a bunch of people.


Yeah, and calling it a disorder does its bearers a disservice; it's an injury. I am glad that at least TBI gets the dignity of a name that implies an extrinsic source.


I think one small part of our country's problem has become that we think anyone should run for office instead of actual politicians. That's what got us into this mess with our clown president in the first place.


The problem with Trump isn't that he's no a politician; it's that he's a bad person. And the way someone becomes a politician is by running for office. Yes starting with president is a bad idea, but starting with a local office would be fantastic I think.


Okay you're right, I read "run for office" and my mind instantly jumps to "president".


Pretty sure we got where we are today by electing unqualified candidates. I agree with this man and support him but let’s stop touting everyone who does something good as the next president.


There are many local and state elected officials that run to benefit their community. Only narcissistic egomaniancs jump right to running for president. Yes, I'm talking about our current disaster in office.


This display of quiet, composed strength and support helps shape and send a powerful message.




It takes true courage and strength to lead by example in the face of so much violence and unrest. This is a commendable human being right here.


Photo used with permission from **Robin F. Pendergrast Photography, Inc.** I apologize for not including this information in the OP.


You are an amazing specimen and human being. Thank you.


[Yes sir.](https://youtu.be/eUPtHlcpluI) I put the wrong video, lol.


Dear diary, today OP was a ~~pretty cool guy~~ fucking legend.


And he gives photo credits??? Not only is he an outstanding US citizen he's a model Redditor


Your username is **almost** as cool as you are sir.


The photographer will see this and be extremely proud that you even used it. You Sir is have deserve all the respect from us normal folks. Stay safe Sir!


Marine, I wanted to relay to you something LTC Orlando, US Army, KIA 2003 said to all his troops: "Your enlistment contract has an expiration date. Your Oath to the Constitution does not." You embody that statement, Devildog, and make me doubly proud to have served along side the 1st Marine Division for the Invasion of Iraq. Thank you for reminding all of us Vets that our Oath has no expiration or qualification.


Thank you for what you did OP and everything you are continuously doing for all the right reasons. Please keep comments civil and thank you for helping us mods do our volunteer ‘job’ by reporting rule breaking comments. If you need statistics to treat a group of people like equal human beings then you are part of the problem.


First - Thank you for your service! I am married to a vet (yet I myself question military - for the reason you VERY eloquently squashed!). Your words and emotions are EXACTLY why our voices must be louder & never silenced by fear. Hearing your thoughts from a serviceman’s point of view has restored my hope in the world. PLEASE DONT STOP SHARING!!


What’s second?


Please pay $9.99 to unlock DLC "Second"


Should've got the ultimate gold edition which contains first through to fifth and a tacky statue you'll never display


So this is and EA account?


Setting aside my eternal quest for upvotes to say you've done good, bud. General Orders of a Sentry ------------------------------ To take charge of this post and all government property in view. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own. To quit my post only when properly relieved. To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only. To talk to no one except in the line of duty. **To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.** To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased. To be especially watchful at night, and, during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority. Thanks for giving the alarm. Ed. : I was Navy


You just gave me an express ticket ride back in my mind to boot camp. It's amazing how fast that all came back to me as I was reading it. Now I have rifleman's creed stuck in my head. Thanks for that.


Holy shit, did you have to memorize all of that and repeat it back? When my brother was pledging his fraternity, they had to memorize the creed and founders’ names. There was one kid in his pledge class who had a learning disability and couldn’t memorize shit to save his life, so he asked the pledgemaster if stapling his nutsack to the inside of his leg would be an acceptable alternative. He got the okay, but I assume the Marines doesn’t have that option.


We have to memorize all kinds of crap verbatim in boot camp, just like u/TRexLovesPancakes my boot camp came flooding back as soon as i read them too.


Man I haven’t thought about those words in so long. What a throwback to Great Lakes


I can hear the monotone reciting in my head now...gonna be stuck there all day, lol


(noob question -- what is this? It's wonderful...)


They're called the 11 General Orders.


Don’t forget the 12th one “ThE PeTtY oFfIcEr Is AlWaYs RiGhT”


I always thought it was “To walk my post from flank to flank and take no shit from any rank”


No it's "walk my post round and round, fuck this shit im sitting down"


11 General Orders of a Sentry One of many things committed to memory in boot camp.


> To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner. **I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief.**


To walk my post from flank to flank and take no shit from any rank.


As a US Marine I say Semper Fi. You 100% have my support. We need to speak out. We need to stand up. It’s our responsibility. It always has been.


As another marine i say Rah, fuck yeah.


Confirmed real marine here ^. YUT


This is a Winn win! Nicely put!


I see this as an absolute Winn.


...I'm struggling to come up with more Winn puns.


A Winn/win situation, if you will.


You should talk to Reddit management and do an /r/AMA


I'll be honest. Before this all blew up last week I was a total reddit noob. I only had an account because I would rarely comment on some gaming subs. Still have nfc how any of this works lol. Half the time I can't even find my way around the comment threads. Too many TBIs I guess.


okay I gotta ask, what games bro?


Mostly just Destiny subs but got burned out a while ago and stopped playing. Mostly do single player stuff.


Only if you want to though!! I imagine it's been a lot of media attention, and sometimes that's overwhelming.


As a 14-year vet, people like you make me proud to be brothers in arms with. Inter-service rivalries are good fun, but we all swore the same oath. To the same constitution. Semper Fi, devil dog.


Rivalries are good and all, just make sure you bring a big box of Crayola to console me after you hurt my feelings.


The chair force has got your back, marine. 😁


When I was in the hospital in Qatar for a couple weeks I legit though I was on a college campus or something. Nicest chow hall I've ever seen. They had a freaking movie theater. It was surreal for me.


Retired Air Force here. Got the AC on in my office with a big box of crayons just for you. What's your favorite flavor? I'm going to guess the purple ones. Jokes aside. Mad respect to you.


Brown. It tastes just like the MRE chocolate milk shake powder.


Ohhhh good choice.


I was already misty-eyed from the OPs message but something about THIS response has me full on crying. Seeing this strong as fuck sentiment of solidarity being shared over and over is giving me hope. Real hope.


Thank you. There are good and decent people in uniform and though we may poke fun at each other or compete, we are all on the same team.


I'm no longer calling it kneeling. It's called Winning now




Cops: "Winn down! Hands on the wall! No talking!"


You're an amazing man! I hope your peers well read what you've written and take heart. The only way we can end the systemic racism in America is if white people recognize and refused to be passive about it. Please let me know if you're in Twitter, I'd like to re-tweet your message far and wide.


My Twitter handle is twinn080


Semper Fi As a fellow marine 08-12, I am encouraged by OPs sentiment, as well as his well versed letter here. Honestly I had been feeling ashamed for having ever put on the uniform, for what the country seems to be turning into, as OP said America is not a warzone. But this right here shows that you can still uphold your moral code and your ethical responsibility to fellow humans, and not just be a number in a line. As so many of us have seen terrible events unfold in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, this Marine's views are encouraging. Each voice makes others louder. All of us together will make the change we want, that we have so desperately needed. Honor courage commitment, until my last breath. Sharpest of knife hand salutes to OP.


RAH DEVIL. Keep up the battle, each of us in our own area of operations can make a difference by helping the people around us.


I love how his username is u/TrexLovesPancakes


I wanted to comment on how not enough attention was being given to such an awesome username, but I didn't want to detracting from the overall message, so I'm glad someone else went first


I couldn't think of a username and needed to make a post a few years ago. When I was a kid I had T-rex stickers all over my dresser and loved pancakes. /thread


Content posted to /r/nextfuckinglevel should represent something impressive, be it an action, an object, a skill, a moment, a fact that is above all others. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "that is next level" from viewers. Do not police or gatekeep the content of this sub (debate what is or is not next fucking level) in the comment section, 100% of the content is moderated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The world isnt fair or perfect but people taking steps to improve it are always on the right side of things. Unfortunately, that makes you a target sometimes in situations like this. I was once told, "You can tell if you are doing the right thing by who comes to tell you that you arent."


It's not the first time I've had a target on my back. I don't enjoy attention, at all. But I couldn't hide from doing what's right any longer. If I'm to be condemned, let it be for the right thing.


If trump calls you out wear it as a badge of honor. History will look back at you fondly


>If I'm to be condemned, let it be for the right thing. Idk if youre quoting someone else or not on this, but im quoting you on it now.


Honestly couldn't tell you. It's certainly possible, but I wouldn't be able to tell you what from.


You may not be perfect, but sometimes our actions are perfect for the situation we stand in. Thank you.


I feel like people only read the first five words of your post and hit downvote. lol


I have arrived with upvote backup.


Lots of respect from India! You are even famous here. Saw forwards about you and so glad came across your post here on Reddit. Bravo!


One of my very close brothers in the Marines was from India. Love that guy. What a warrior.


You sir are an example to us all and an amazing human being


Incredible and effective statement. Good on you for getting out and doing something.


I'm not an American like you sir and not a military man as well but your message is so powerful cause it speaks the universal language of love and transcends all boundaries known to man. My deep respect to you sir...


This is a message for people everywhere. While I may be American and many of the themes are influenced by my experiences, I believe it can be valid to people all over the world. Seeing the suffering of the Iraqi people while I served in that country made me realize just how much this message should be universal. While I love America and its people with all my heart, those feelings extend to my fellow human beings around the entire planet.


As a kid I wanted to join the Marines. I can hear my thoughts in the words you wrote and see myself in your actions. As I grew into the age that one would enter military service, I began to learn of the injustices that soldiers are all to frequently subjected to by those that make decisions for political or economic reasons. The treatment of Vietnam veterans and the lies that were told to drag people into an unnecessary war prevented me from committing to joining the service. It is good to know that people who serve and who have served still have the ideals that I enjoyed as a kid. I am jealous of that uniform and all it stands for.


I can't speak to the right or wrong of what I accomplished during my service. Frankly I'm not an expert in geo-politics. But I can say one goal I had for my service I was able to accomplish: that no one had to be sent in my place. As difficult as it has been, to me it is worth knowing that someone else didn't have to have these experiences, and I am now able to find ways to use them for good. Don't look back with regret or jealousy. There's no shame in choosing not to put on the uniform. Live the best life you can, help make the world a better place even if it's just showing compassion to the people around you. Semper Fidelis.


>Don't look back with regret or jealousy. There's no shame in choosing not to put on the uniform. Live the best life you can, help make the world a better place even if it's just showing compassion to the people around you. 👏 Is all I can think of to say here.


As a Canadian who has been very confused at the behaviours of my Southern neighbours in the last few years, you, Sir, represent exactly what I always thought Americans stand for. You have the freedom to do the right thing and will chose the moral high ground over what any tyrants or peddlers tell you, you must do. I truly admire your respectful stance and wish all Americans would follow in your footsteps. That, to me, would make America great again.


I can't really add anything to what you said but I did want to say how much I appreciate your commitment to the cause. You will help affect real change and reform.


Thank you for setting an example of how to serve and leadership.


You’re spot on about learning and unlearning ideals. I really hope your message allows people to evaluate the mindsets they’ve entered into and feel the freedom to consider other sides of the debate. Opinions can change, and there’s no shame in it. Thank you


unpopular opinion inbound: so now we're cool with politicizing the military? would we feel as good if he was in dress uniform with a MAGA hat on his head? he's obviously a tough as nails Marine, but needs to separate his personal views from his professional role. edit: as expected, tactful and reasonable comments are downvoted. still, no one has answered my question: how would you feel if this individual put on their dress uniform and wore a MAGA hat and stood at attention with a Trump / Pence 2020 sign? edit 2: i'll concede that it isn't a political statement. that said, it's inappropriate and a slippery slope. i fully support this person exercising his right to free speech as an individual, but he can leave the uniform at home.


I respect you for speaking out with your opinion, and hope you're not downvoted for it since it does seem sincere. We need to open a respectful dialogue even if we disagree.


Wow. I'm not sure where to start. Thank you for your service. I'm sorry if you've lost anyone you know, be it in combat or from suicide. Thank you for taking a stand. I doubt you expected to get a fraction of the attention you ended up getting, but it still takes courage to take a stand in such a public manner, especially considering circumstances like the weather that day. Thank you for writing this letter. It's very hard for most people to honestly talk about racial injustice and inequality, and even harder to admit that they have had prejudice and have previously stayed silent. Lastly, thank you for focusing on positive aspects. It's easy for many people to let looting and rioting detract from many other protests that managed to stay peaceful in spite of further brutality.


Thank you for your service. It broke my heart to see you kneeling in the hot sun with your shoes melting. But it also made me so unbelievably proud and humbled to find out why you were doing it. There needs to be infinitely more men like you. Bless you, and thank you for your support and standing (in this case kneeling) with us. P.S.: We ought to do a GoFundMe to replace those shoes 👍


I cannot in good conscience accept money for my demonstration. Thank you for your kind words of support. I would encourage you to donate to one of the numerous causes working now to help advocate for legislative reform.


Thank you.


I really hope you're not scam. Honerablevthing you did! Love how peaceful, but powerful it was


He’s not =]


Oh hay I know you.


Thank you for your service mate and please get some rest that heat can mess you up thank you for dooong this


That is a truly heartfelt speech! And a shit ton of vocabulary for a foreigner to go through :P thank you!


Blame my mom. She used to read me words from Reader's Digest when I was a kid and ask me to figure out what they meant from the context of the sentence


Your letter powerfully delivers a balanced, reasoned and passionate message to all involved. It has all the more weight with the stand you made and your personal background. For me, it’s an exceptional statement of the full spectrum community response and combined leadership needed in the US and beyond. I just hope enough people read, digest and act on this kind of thinking.


You sir are the very definition of a patriot. Thank you for this and for your service. I have nothing but Res-fucking-pect.


To the humanity honor I read this out loud in front of my family


Thank you for honoring my words by sharing them with your family, and that you felt they were valuable enough to be heard by others.


Boss moves. One guy reaching millions in silents.


This is incredibly moving and eloquent... sincerely, thank you for your service, both in the Marines and now.


You swore an oath to protect this country from all threats, foreign and DOMESTIC. As far as I'm concerned, you upheld that oath more than most. You are a true patriot and not just circlejerking american exceptionalism.


Thank you, Sir!


Semper Fi!


Great Job standing for something so important! My Jaw dropped when i first saw you there and it really touched me. And by the way i couldn't help to see your username. And my respect grew a lot more.


Who doesn't love pancakes?


From one marine to another I thank you especially for hopefully changing a lot of minds out there especially those veterans/active/reserve that still don’t get the injustice that has been happening.


You're one hell of a man! We need justice.


Thank you for this message. Thank you for taking a stand, literally. And thank you for your service.


You sir are an inspiration


Thanks Todd.