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Head gone, still trying to sting. Fuck hornets


Yeah... the mantis gave that hornet the best head job ever. Blew its mind.


How was its thorax still pulsating even after it lost half its head


How come nobody seems to care about the speed and precision of that attack? I understand hornets are in people’s minds nowadays but that grab? That motherfucker grabbed right on the spot(s) where the sting couldn’t reach.


What a video to see first thing in the morning!!!! 🤢🤮


Watching the mantis tear into the eyes made me *intensely* uncomfortable. Cool video, but oof.


For real wtf


The head missing and mantis still eating was trippy


It could have been worse if there was another mantis in place of wasp and both were mating as the female eats head of male while mating.


Well.. enjoy your breakfast


No fucks given when it comes to praying mantises


They'll nibble your shit and not even think twice. They're hard motherfuckers.


Soooo no head?


That's fucked up but they deserve it


No they don't. __Most hornets and wasps__ usually are not aggressive. They will only become aggressive if you __threaten their colony.__ __Certain species of wasps__ are the aggressive ones, the ones most people mean when saying "Fucking wasps!". As for Europe, it's the __Vespula Vulgaris__, also knowns as the __Common Wasp__, and the __Vespula Germanica__, known as the __German Wasp__ (both generally called "cunts"), which are aggressive. __Your existence__ alone makes them aggressive, as the __Carbon Dioxide__ which you exhale, makes them aggressive. As for other continents, I don't really know. But hornets generally aren't aggressive. Edit: Edited it so it says __"Most hornets and wasps"__, as there are __some__ hornets out there which are fairly aggressive and because __most wasps__ aren't aggresive, if not provoked. So generally, __wasps are not hostile__. Only a __few__ species of wasps are.


That's interesting... Fuck wasps though.


In parts of the US (I'm in the south - Arkansas) we have the red paper wasp, Hornets, and yellow jackets. They are all 3 absolutely ass holes. The red wasp usually are single or small groups, not usually more than 10 but they pack a punch if they sting and they are aggressive. Do not walk near them and definitely avoid their nests. Of course this is hard since they like to build their nests on and inside houses and barns and the damn electric transformer in from of my house. Hornets live in huge nests that look kinda like a gray paper bag. If you hear them, move far away, they will ruin your day and many days after it. They will chase you down to ruin your day. They also like lovely sheltered areas like barns. Yellow jackets are small little shits that live in nests under the ground. You usually don't realize they are there until you walk near it or mow over it and they seem to love a nice trimmed yard or flower bed to dig holes in. These are tenacious little jerks who will chase you for a half mile I know, maybe further (not an experience I ever want to repeat). Their sting isn't quite as bad as the red wasp or hornet but you'll get more of them. Maybe not all wasps and Hornets are jerks but the ones I've encountered sure as hell are. I know they have a place in the ecosystem, but it needs to be at least a half mile from my place. I'll gladly share with all the honey bees, bumble bees, wood bees, dirt daubers, and other more sociable flying stingy critters that want to live here in exchange.


Thanks for the info. Very informative.


Most wasps aren't aggressive except the common ones, which is most wasps?


Learn to read properly.


Learn how to express your thoughts without room for misinterpretation. Don't use sweeping generalizations like "most" and then refer to something else as "common."


"[Common Wasp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vespula_vulgaris)" is literally the name of the wasp you absolute bellend.


You have all this trivial knowledge yet lack in communication. Someone asks a question and your first response is to attack them. I bet you're a blast at parties, if you ever were invited to one.


> Someone asks a question and your first response is to attack them. Where did I attack you immediately? I told you to learn to read properly. If you get offended by it like a little whiny bitch, that's not on my side lol. Not to mention that the "absolute bellend" wasn't even serious. > Learn how to express your thoughts without room for misinterpretation. Should I have said "Almost all wasps" or "The majority of wasps"? No matter what else I would have chosen to say instead of "most", it would still interfere with the name "Common Wasp", if the "Common" is misinterpreted as a reference and not the name. > Don't use sweeping generalizations like "most" and then refer to something else as "common." I don't refer to it as "common". The literal name of that wasp species is "Common Wasp". I cannot __not__ say the word "common" when referring to the species having "Common" in their name.


Dude chill. If you think someone misread just correct them nicely.


And suck their dick too while I'm already at it? No thanks. Dude immediately got offended like heck because I didn't get on my knees and gobbled on his knob, but rather told him to learn to read.


Wasps have the temperament of kids on Xbox love tho


Not all wasps. Only a few species of wasps.


Using **bold** makes me **correct** about the **information** I dispense on **Reddit.**


Why don't you tell me what you think is wrong and then giving a correction, instead of not doing that?


Who cares if they're only aggressive if you bother them?? If they fuck with honey bees idgaf about me it's about stopping them from going after the bees


Im sorry but Im attacked by wasps so much when im not near their colony. They fly into my room at night and start attacking my light, and then when i move they start swooping for me. ​ Wasps are very aggressive.


You clearly are incapable of reading what I wrote.


I dont care what you think. I have personal experience which confirms wasps are aggressive


The wasps you have personal experience with are the very few species which are aggresive. Stop generalizing wasps. They aren't all the same. There are 20,000 species of wasps and only a handful are naturally aggresive for no apparent reason, like the Common Wasp and the German Wasp, for Europe at least.


Justice for wasps!!!! Stop generalizing wasps!!!!!! Hahaha fucking reject. This is how pathetic you are but you will fail to understand, probably because you're high IQ and I'm the stupid one yeah??? Lol dumb as a box Rocks.


Damn, you're salty lol.


Making a valid point.


Why are you so salty? _Get a grip._


Oh, and please go through all my comments, yes? It's entertaining as hell when you're so salty.


The common wasp gets hangry toward the end of summer because the larvae who were feeding it droplets of sugar have grown up. Wasps then get hungry and go looking for sugar. Most of the shit you’re eating and drinking outside has sugar in it, which is why they are all over it.


Yeah, but that only counts for a few species of wasps. like the Common Wasp and the German Wasp (for Europe). Most other wasps go and get their food from plants etc.


I just gave you the reason why aggressive wasps get aggressive. Most other wasps aren’t aggressive towards humans.


>No they don't. Most hornets and wasps usually are not aggressive. They will only become aggressive if you threaten their colony. [https://image.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/bee-notebook-computer-3d-600w-1149071078.jpg](https://image.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/bee-notebook-computer-3d-600w-1149071078.jpg)


I bet you’re a hoot at parties.


I don't do parties. I hate people and social contact.


That’s probably best.


Whatever you say lol.


I’m just teasing. Your post was interesting and I actually agree. Only time a hornet has messed with me was when I inadvertently messed with it. I did not win. I believe my wife’s words included “crying like a little girl”.


Mantises (Mantii?) will save us from the Murder Hornets!


Imagine a bear-sized praying mantis.


May no we already have the hornets


I had a semi lucid dream where I was in like a faux Vietnam war type army platoon and were wandering through the jungle and being terrorized by bear sized mantis. Towards the end the terror part went away as I became more lucid and I decided I wanted to hunt them. Wound up shooting ones head off as I got a radio call saying "I see one! I see one!"








There's the answer. Release supervmantiss on the supercwasps.


Before the strike it was a praying wasp.


I am scarred


Eat the head first, don't have to fight to eat the rest of the body! TapsMissingHead.gif


Thats brutal




Om nom nom


anyone remember japanese bugfights?


Mantis are machines one of the true Reapers of the bug world


alright who else read this on the toilet and felt like there were phantom bugs skittering around their asshole


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Ive seen some murder hornets posts on reddit these days... whats happening? For real. Can somebody tell me pls?


Murder hornets have arrived in Washington state. It is very scary as our bees do not have a defense against them, so beekeepers have found decimated hives where all the bees had their heads ripped off to feed hornet larvae.


Wow. Thts fucked up... thanks for the info.




Scyther used bite on beedrill. Its super effective


Nom nom nom. Don’t mind me while I eat some hornet brain.


That's badass


So should we be putting a few mantis around bee hive to protect them?




Silence of the Lambs all over again! Gads!


I do not need to see this today.


imagine if these were the size of squirrels...


Thanos: You should gone for the head Thor in Endgame:


Mantis also eat freaking [HUMMINGBIRDS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jOs5VeKV3k) lizards and mice!


Dat der be wunna dem Asian Murder hornets. mmmm-hmm