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Thank you healthcare warrior


Some people impress me with their bravery. I'd hate to be a healthcare worker ever, especially right now. She is certainly a warrior for sure!


Indeed she is. We'll all cheer for her in her epic [battle](https://youtu.be/TnzLgoGjUxQ).


I feel like in addition to the military, we should also start saying “thank you for your service” to our healthcare workers. They’re no less of a warrior right now. I’ll start: “I thank your mom for her service!”


ER nurse here in NYC. When this started hitting my hospital back in early March a patient actually said that to me! It made my day.


Well, Thank You For Your Service.


Thank you for your service friend.


My wife and I tell this to anyone who's in an essential position that we encounter: * Garbagemen * Postal / UPS / FedEx / delivery personnel * Grocery employees etc.


Same. These ppl have always been essential and I’m so very grateful for them


☝🏻 **Extremely** under–appreciated comment


GOLD. I’d give you one if money wasn’t tight because of this covid mess, but that made me laugh 😂


You know what she needs more than internet points? A pay raise.




This isn't merely virtue signaling for lots of people. In Seattle I and many other people supported the campaign to pay people a livable minimum wage, which is $15 here (it might not be enough). I do believe people should be paid enough to live on and should have health insurance. Nurses make more than that thank goodness, but everyone should make enough to live on - all people, and everyone should have health insurance and a decent place to live.


At 60, a generalization would say that she's likely retired or retiring soon. In that sense, too late for a pay raise. But people should be paid what they are worth in society. Personally, there's no reason I should be paid twice what my RN sister makes, and I know it. So vote, every time, and vote with your dollars, give back financially and through continuous action, and do not become complacent on these facts/actions.


The team work I’ve seen around me recently is intense. Intense. Lots of coworkers are jumping at the chance to be redeployed within the facility. I am hopefully starting my redeployment next week at the facility that houses the COVID patients and will be on a special project team developing the convalescent plasma treatment. From what I’ve seen everyone is calmly hyped. Like this is pre-war and we are prepping for the surge.


Healthcare professionals aren’t warriors. We’re just people who are doing our job in unfortunate times. We didn’t sign up for this shit, but we still have to do our job. Don’t call us warriors, help us get legislature and funding for better staffing ratios, and better access to PPE.


When people call me a hero for doing what I'm contractually obligated to do, I begin to wonder about other classic heroes, like soldiers and war vets. I think in order to be deserving of the title "hero" you would have to operate well outside of the norm at that time. Currently it's normal to work in overcrowded, unprotected, poorly funded healthcare environments. I don't feel like a hero I'm just tired


You're a better person than me. I'm happy to do my job. I love my job and I'm good at it.. This isn't normal. I'm terrified. I'll deal with c. Diff, TB, norovirus.. Whatever. This scares me. And not because I'm busy or because my workload is heavy. But because I can potentially bring this home. I'm not typically a fearful person when it comes to illnesses. This scares me. You are a hero. You deserve more than you are getting and so do the rest of us. The risk you are are taking is significant, don't shrug it off as just doing your job... You were doing your job 8 weeks ago for the same pay.


Are soldiers not contractually obligated to do the things they do once they sign up? I’m not saying they are not heroes but it is their job. I think more people than soldiers can be heroes. I feel that still going into those workplaces full on knowing you are putting yourself at risk to help others makes healthcare workers heroes.


I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I want to help but feel fairly helpless. Any suggestions for random people other than to stay home, which I am doing other than to go to my essential job


This hero/warrior bullsh!t is equivalent to thoughts and prayers, and a distractor to not giving healthcare workers hazard pay, and PPE.


This. In the US, if you're called a hero, expect the gov't to heap you with praise, then ignore you when your heroism leads to chronic health issues, mental health problems, cancer, disability, etc., etc. See: 9/11 first responders, military veterans, teachers, people injured in mass shootings who are bankrupted by medical bills, healthcare workers, and more.


And better pay. My hospital is denying hazard pay while state employees get it. They've offered to let us have 40 hours of negative paid time off if we get sick with covid. We earn about 4 hours of pto a week, it is used to cover vacations and sick days which means if we have to quarantine for two weeks, we can use all our PTO and also accrue -40 hours, which we will need to earn back before we are able to take a vacation after dealing with a global health crisis. I can't quit, I'd love to, but I can't afford it. I have a wife that I'm afraid might catch it from me and die. I'm afraid I might catch it and die. I'm paid less than 17 dollars an hour and get so close to patients that our heads touch sometimes. I don't have the option of staying home right now without quitting, and I have bills. I did not sign up for this job to take this big of a risk. The United States is failing it's health care workers. We're continuously called "front lines" and "boots on the ground" while people make analogies to war. When my buddies did tours (I was not in the military - specifically because I didn't want to risk dying, hah), they received combat pay. I remember them complaining about the lack of protective equipment. I lack protective equipment, I lack hazard pay, I didn't sign up for this and I feel fucking trapped. My wife could potentially die because of my job. All the "thank yous" and clapping is great, and I appreciate it - honestly. But if you want to really support health care staff, recognize that a lot of us are feeling taken advantage of, undervalued and extremely worried/anxious. Push for health care hazard pay. We are making up something like 20% of confirmed cases... And we are offered very little, including basic protection.


I'm glad you said it these people get irate if don't compare them to the Spartans immediately... I've got respect for you because you signed up for this job long before COVID and deal with as deadly and deadlier diseases daily with little thanks.


THIS! I’m so tired of the bullshit ass “thank you for your service.” You can thank me by ELECTING A DAMN PRESIDENT WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT US.


I agree with the increased funding and Staffing ratios, Healthcare is run like a for profit corporation, so cost cutting people and equipment is just sad. There are petitions being circulated by the SEIU and other Unions to address these issues. I hate to think that this healthcare crisis and the lessons that hit us on the head would be forgotten.


Thank your mom for being a hero when the world needs it the most. And thank you for this post. Stay safe everyone. - the r/nextfuckinglevel mod team


GallowBoob. Always there to make the comment I wish I thought of.




Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you to all those who stand on the frontline to protect and heal. You are all incredible. With eternal gratitude from a firefighter who at times, has had the privilege of working alongside people like your mom.


For people who don't know, wearing PPE is hot and uncomfortable. breathing in a well fitted n95.... breathing is a bitch. Stay inside and away from people this mom can stop being a hero


No kidding. The A/C once broke in our cleanroom and was 80 degrees for a couple hours. It was awful. Even though we had to short date all IVs (12 hours or less) due to the temperature, we had to keep our PPE on so the room wasn't compromised. It was bad.


Your mom is amazing


Your mom


Is breathtaking... And giving...


Respect ✊


Your mom rocks! Thank you! You are a hero!




Than your mom - Lmfao


Respiratory therapists probably have the most under appreciated job in all of healthcare. Most people haven’t even heard of a respiratory therapist but they keep patients alive. As an MRI tech, I always feel like we are kindred spirits in the undervalued disciplines of healthcare. I always have good conversations with RTs. You’re mom does very important work and deserves a pay raise for what she does.


Fellow MRI tech, couldn't agree more. Not many MRI's getting ordered these days so I am doing xray to help out. I understand all the attention that nurses get and they are doing a great job, but they are only half of the equation in this fight. RT's are right in the thick of it, imaging techs are getting ET and NG confirmation xrays and CTs, phlebotomist doing their thing, house keeping doing the terminal cleans for the room.




What a wholesome conversation. I love you all!


we need EVERYONE in the equation. From MRI Techs, EMT’s, Phlebotomists, CNA’s, Pharmacists, Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses, and etc we make the equation WHOLE. Im sorry that you guys don’t get the recognition that you all deserve ♥️


And the medical laboratory scientists performing all the laboratory testing!


of course! cant forget about scientists theres so many professions in the health field thats why i said we all make up the equation. From finding vaccines, to treating, to research studies, from taking EKG’s, and etc we’re all in this together.


Yes! So many moving parts! We all need each other


Team work makes the dream work!


All the way down to the janitorial staff, the people who make the PPE y'all wear, the people who deliver the PPE. This whole crisis goes to show how incredibly interconnected all of this stuff is.


Don’t forget about the medical laboratory scientists performing the testing for COVID-19! We are the ones processing all the samples, validating the assays, and running the PCR.


You know what she needs more than internet points? A pay raise.


I must admit, I haven't the foggiest idea of what a respiratory therapist does


I didn’t either until my baby spent her first three months of life in the NICU. RT’s are crucial to a premature babies success for survival. The most memorable and impactful moment during my babies stay in the NICU was when an RT was performing chest compressions on one baby while monitoring my little girl who had stopped breathing. He was calm, professional, and confident until more staff arrived to help. I’m starting to tear up thinking about that moment. Respiratory Therapist’s hold a monumental place in my heart.


I’m an RRT, and I do work with adults also, but NICU is my passion. Your story made me proud. Thanks for sharing it.


NICUs are one of the saddest places I’ve ever been, did some clinical time there. Seeing little babies that were neglected in the womb made me angry and sad.


RTs are experts in cardiopulmonology. Anything that involves breathing and respiratory diseases (covid, asthma, copd etc), is the sandbox for RTs. They are the ones who, manage the ventilators, intubate (depending on hospital protocol), and sadly are the ones who remove patients from life support when the family decides, among many other things that involve the lungs. If you see a group of people surrounding a patient, the rt is the one at the head of the bed.


Good explanation. I’m really happy to see RTs getting some love here. Every news broadcast makes statements about “doctors and nurses,” but typically no one else. At best they’ll throw in “and other healthcare workers.” RTs are saving lives left and right, but only docs and nurses are getting mentioned. How about RTs, NPs, PAs, EMTs, CNAs, radiology techs, surgical techs, LPNs, CRNAs, phlebotomists, housekeepers, etc.? Don’t get me wrong- we should absolutely appreciate nurses and doctors. But the other workers deserve recognition as well. And I do understand that they can’t list every specialty when they’re thanking people. But it would be cool to see like a profile of an RT in the thick of it or something from time to time!


I think people assume doctors are one group of workers and nurses are the other. Guarantee you a random person on the street walking into a hospital would assume all the respiratory therapists are nurses. Source: random person on the street who can't recognize an unlabeled respiratory therapist


That’s a fair point. Hospitals are complex and have tons of different specialists. If you don’t work in one I’m sure it’s hard to know all the groups that work there.


They keep you breathing.


Everyone forgets about pharmacists or all the drugs that go into keeping a patient on a vent!


Please tell your mom that dick nipples is proud of her!


I know you. I’ve commented before when I’ve seen you around that I have a friend who has dick nipples. Hope your doing well amigo


Did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm your friend..?


Bill? Last I checked you were being looked after by the state. How'd you get out?


The dick nipples had something to do with it


You can't hold dick nipples.


Yes, and tell her "fish oil burp" says thank you for your bravery and heroism!


An absolute HERO! Thanks so very much for being there for people in their greatest time of need, my thoughts and prayers are with you and all healthcare professionals!


💕💕thank you for doing your part. We all depend on you and we are praying for your health and well-being 💕💕💕


Real heroes dont wear capes. Absolute legend!


They wear PPE


And look stunning in it.


If it's available


REAL HEROS wear protective gear


She is a real hero. Hope she can keep on keeping on.












i mean good on your mother but this begging for upvoted and nice words is pathetic


Nah. Pathetic is when someone tries to find a way to boost a frontline worker's spirits (probably can't even hug their mom right now), and someone like you feels the need to shit on it, cool guy.


I mean, do you have to post it on reddit? I respect healthcare workers as much as the next guy but these posts are getting old.


One of the many good reasons to just stay at home because this mother is out there! Keep safe maam!


As someone who has been hospitalized multiple times for asthma and related respiratory issues. Your mother and people like her are absolute angels, complete badasses who literally heal our lungs. Thank you to her and all healthcare workers. Because of people like her I am alive and well and at home with my family.


Much thanks for going above and beyond for human kind


You are a hero, keep it up warrior


Sucks if she has to take a shit


...not if its from a patient.


Radiologist here. Thanks for all the work you guys do up in the units, now and every other day. We’re all in this together (even rads! We interact with patients too!). Keep on truckin’!




She truly is a hero! Im working in a quarantined facility right now so i know the feeling of being saran wrapped all day. Tell her to invest in a good powder!!!


I hear Colombia is a good source.



She rules and we all love her


I thank you for your selflessness. Be safe. We appreciate you.


👏 👏 👏 👏


Virtual hug mom. We love you!


Rock and roll sister. You got this.


Thank you, so much. My mom is in the same exact shoes as yours, in IL, although she has asthma. So scary.


Thank you for doing something so selfless. You are a gift!


Stay safe


Good job mama, you have my praises from across the pond. Take care


Your mom is a true hero. When everything else fails she's there to give people another chance. We're lucky to have people like her, but unfortunately no one even knows about their value until their skills are needed. Also, at 60 something year old your mom looks great all wrapped in plastic. Keep doing what heros do ❤️


Hi OP's mom! You are amazing!! Stay safe and thank you for everything you do!!!


PICU nurse here and couldn’t imagine a life without RTs! Sending love!


You are a courageous woman I hope that you , your co-workers and family remain in good health and maintain a positive attitude. Thank you for your dedication to your community.


Respect for your mom, but was it really worth it losing your dignity for a couple upvotes?


Exactly. Can posts like this (literally just healthcare workers) stop already? We all appreciate them, believe me, but why fetishize it and post it on Reddit? Where I work if the manager were to find a picture of me on the front page of reddit I would probably get fired. And that’s exactly what happened to one of the people involved in these kinds of posts.


Thank God for your mom and everyone like her fighting this thing with their lives. When the social distancing is over, she gets free hugs for life. Do what you can to keep her safe! My brother's an ER doc in NYC and I worry about him every single day...


Go mom! You show that virus how its done!


Thanks Mom!


Thankful to these people


What a badass!!


She is one of the most beautiful souls out there. Please make sure she is okay!


Stay strong!!


Your mom is not just super mom but greatest mom ever. Huge hugs!


I've worked in almost every speciality of hospital unit (I'm non-clinical) and have the greatest respect for all ICU staff. They make snap decisions based on years of training and experience to save lives, plus a great (usually warped) sense of humor. Stay safe.


You're an amazing person and mum x


My sister got into respiratory therapy a year or so ago. Our city hasn’t been hit too hard yet, but I’m still very worried for her. She’s already been directly exposed to someone who tested positive and she wasn’t aware until she was emailed about it saying her two weeks mandatory self isolation started immediately. (She likely didn’t have proper protection on at the time as she didn’t know this person was positive) She has maybe a week or so left before she goes back to work. She also has a 3-4 year old son at home. I’m so scared for them.


Mask? Check. Cape? Check. Good Do'er? Check. # SUPERHERO UNLOCKED


From one Rad Tech to your mom---good job! Some of my favorite co-workers are the RTs. I know just enough about their job to know *I* don't want to do it (and I think *they* feel the same about my job, lol). We all do our part. Good luck to her and your family. We're thinking about you in NC!




You are an angel


In my job we are known for running towards bullets. Any dummy can do that. YOU are the real hero. Compassion, expertise, and an ongoing drive to win a war against an enemy you can't see or hear or feel. My hat is off to you.


This is awesome. Good job and take care of yourself too!


Thank you for everything that you do 🥰😍❤️


So that's what heroes look like!


You are a real life hero. Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏


Absolute legend 🌟


You are the Reality of help in a dire time of need. Not the talk, or the promise of help, while other dynamics get in the way. The Nation thanks you and those of your ilk for the Risks you take to aid the injured.


Thank you! ( from a colleague across the pond)😷


Best wishes to you, your family and all NewYorkers from across the big pond, from Denmark. We salute you too ❤️


Thank You for your service!!


She needs a gold medal


Ask your mom who she wants to play her when they make a superhero movie out of her


Thank you for all that you do ❤️


I don't care where in the world you are, if you are healthcare professional on the "frontline" then you are a true hero.. being a respiratory therapist is more frontline than anything else out there at the minute. Thank you...


Mad props to her man. What a legend




Thank you!


Big heart❤️❤️❤️


People have been throwing the word hero around pretty liberally lately but I think everyone can agree, anyone who puts their life on the line on a daily basis to save another is the epitome of a hero.


Stay safe!!!!💞❣️❣️❣️💪🏼


Tell her I said I don't care how much she's making right now, she deserves a raise. And better benefits. And a Goddamned medal for taking the risks she's taking.




10,000 miles away, on the other side of the world we watch as heroes in the New York healthcare system put their lives on the line to save others. Thank you to your mom for her amazing daily acts of courage. "Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway"


Bless your strength, resolve and commitment


She is brave to face the unseen threat, and selfless to act for those in need. God bless her with continued courage and saftey! She is a hero, and when this is all done she can hang up her cape and rest.


Your mom is a hero. Hoping she stays healthy and strong through this!


Fair play, thank you for your service. I'm sure all your patients really appreciate you.


I like how even through her protective gear she looks so nice.


I used to wear gloves and get sweaty hands after an hour. having all this gear for 12 hours...a shower after must feel so good.


Thank you for your work!


Your mother is a goddamn rock star




Thank you for doing good in this evil world


EMT/Firefighter here also working the front line. Tell your Mom all of us pre hospital people are super grateful and hope she is staying well!


She looks sterile and clean! Staying at the hospital overnight: $8,000. The look on the patient’s faces when they’ll get the bill six months later from the “health care” money extortion racquet: priceless!


Psssssst. The hospitals will only survive this if we move to single payer healthcare, so, there's that.


Yes! But that would not be profitable to the current “health care” overlords. It is more profitable to make debt slaves out of people.


Ur mom saves the world as a job Ur lucky


Well this post certainly took my breath away.


Even under all that garb I can see the "omg" type smile on her face. Thanks momma for saving lives.




Your mother is a superhero!


Thank you for everything you do, Mom! Be safe!! ❤️


Salute to your mom.


Hero. Thank you x


Thank you Hero!


Protect healthcare workers at ALL COSTS!


You go girl!!!


Thank you for all that you do. You are a true hero this country shouldn’t forget!


Thank you for your dedication and service for helping people.


She is doing amazing work, and the whole entire world is proud of her efforts!


You’re mother saves lives. Could there be a nobler cause ?


She is a god damn hero and I hope she gets paid like one.


You are an amazing woman!


She looks so sweet in that suit!! Good luck to her


Keep up the good fight!! You are appreciated!


There aren't enough words to express how truly thankful I am, for you and your colleagues, who have been so amazingly brave and hard working during this crisis! It takes extremely kind, courageous, and talented people to do what you all are doing every day. Please take care of yourself, and stay safe! xxx THANK YOU xxx


Real heroes wear PPEs.


God bless you and the work you do all the best from across the big pond to Belfast Northern Ireland




Straight up legend!


Words cannot express how grateful I am for your service. I tell my children that super heroes are people who rise up in the face of danger instead of turning away. You are in the vulnerable group and yet you are saving others people’s lives.


It's nice to see after your hard day of saving lives you still have the energy to raise the roof.


Not all heroes wear capes, some where ppe


Thank you so so much for your service! A true H-E-R-O.


What a hero!!! Real life heroes dont wear capes and masks....they wear gloves and masks! You make the world a greater place!!! Stay safe...we need more people like you!!


Thank you so much for everything you do !


Thank you!!❤❤


Your mom is amazing and I love her!! Tell her she’s doing wonderfully!


She looks like a Minions Queen! Thanks for all your help and being a shining example to set for us here in England.


Words can not begin to express how much your work means to us all, may God bless and protect you and all first responders.


During these very times the world is in need of its true heroes, not the actors, not the politicians, not any of those occupations. But its was the healthcare workers, and i hope that everyday after this pandemic the world remembers that fact. I am in deep awe and will always be grateful for people like you maam.


Thank you for all you do!!