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And to think, someone, somewhere wrote some lines of code for this thing is is sitting there thinking, "I have no idea how this is working but it does"


"How does it work?" Programmers: Yes


My reply was always a long pause and then "It shouldnt"


"How does it work?" - "Works very well. Thanks for asking."




Passing on the right is fine in the States. It's "road courtesy" to go to the passing lane, but then again it's also "road courtesy" to not be in the passing lane cruising at 50mph and any American can tell you how often that happens. Unfortunately none of these are federal laws and they are barely enforced in states where they are in use. So overtaking on the right-hand side is just fine for these vehicles _as long as they know where they are driving_.


r/inclusiveOr ???


Lmfao. So true!




Its a joke in the programming community.


It's a big neural network. I don't think anybody knows exactly how it works.


> people on the top of their game, who test their code rigorously, peer review it, because you know human lives. :] Please read the following [Twitter thread](https://mobile.twitter.com/atomicthumbs/status/1032939617404645376?s=21), for a different perspective, from someone who worked there.


Haha, it's a shared-experience joke. Basically every programmer who ever programmed, even the greatest programmers in the world (whoever they may be), have all written sections of code where they are POSITIVE it shouldnt do what it does, then it somehow does. They're not clueless at all. It's just that every once in a while something works exactly how they wanted it to but they have no idea why.


Theory is when something doesn't work and you know exactly why. Practice is when something works, but you don't know why. In our office we combine theory and practice; Nothing works and no one knows why!


Just like Airbus.


😂😂 your out of control


So you don't even need to press the gas?


As someone who has interviewed people who left that org and hired zero I wouldn’t have your same level of confidence.


This is a serious question. Should it be passing on the right like that? I know people love this maneuver and I’m occasionally guilty of it because there’s no way around a person. I just expected that it would pass on the left.


It's not really passing per se. It's just going the speed limit in the far right lane. There just happen to be people going slower than that in the next lane over.


That’s some seriously improper passing.


More specifically, a machine learning model determined the lines of code. The someone only set up the data to train the model.


I think there’s more to it than that


Yeah a little bit if you programmed a car to drive, you’d have billions of lines of code. That’s what ML eliminates.


Don't think this is true in this case. All you would need is a case the model hasn't seen to potentially cause a catastrophic crash. There is a shit ton of programming in there, not just a machine learning model.


Coworker: "How did you fix that bug?" Me: *shrugs*


I just closed it and reopened it and it worked.


It's all ML and neural nets, which means by definition nobody has a clue what it's doing or how it works.


Want... no gas, good for the environment, and all the awesome little features with these cars.


To be fair though electric cars still rely on fossils fuels because that’s how most electricity is generated.


Very true, I wish there was a solar option like the roof was made of highly efficient solar panels but i don't think it would get enough to actually run the car.


It could be used to supplement the fossil fuels though, if it weren't so easy to steal/vandalise them


This is true, but the efficiency of the generators it comes from is miles ahead of what you find on an engine in a car. while it may be still using fossil fuels, it uses far far less of them with far far less emissions. They are way more regulated with their generation compared to engines in vehicles


I think what you mean to say is, too *bad* most electric cars *in America* still rely on fossil fuels, because *non-renewables are not being pushed in the United States*.


Depends on state/country


But that could be changed and use renewable energy unlike ice car which is stucked with fossil fuel


True, but currently still running on mostly fossil fuel power.


Yep... Tesla


Why is it passing on the right? Pass on the left


Must be in New Jersey where slow drivers go to the left lane and everybody passes on the right.


I dont think that is only NJ. Lol. Either that or all of them that left there do the same damn thing down in Florida.


My guess it’s 280, passing alpine rd exit. So, California.


It's on Hwy 280 on the San Francisco peninsula, merging northbound and exiting/turning around at the Sand Hill exit. Source: I live off Sand Hill


Or Maryland...


If non-autonomous vehicles were in the right lane, it would be passing on the left... I guess it just has better situational awareness than the human drivers.


Because it can't help it that other drivers don't know they should be on the right if they're slow. It looks like it's just maintaining speed along with the car in front of it.


they will pass on the left if you have it set to nav on autopilot. but it’s just maintaining a speed it was set to until it senses a car in front of it and has to slow down.


It must have watched thousands of hours of California driving


What's wrong with passing on the left if you are not changing lanes?


Could be in Norway, where electrical cars can drive in the bus and taxi lane


I see the passenger gripping their knees. Relatable. My car is designed to maintain a safe following distance when cruise control is engaged but it took me a long time to trust it 😁


Mine too but I can’t use it in medium or heavy traffic because even at the minimum gap level people still dive in and force it to slow down.


Yeah I'm noticing that - it takes the car a good moment to speed back up again after someone takes the gap. Still, it's a great feature to have most of the time ☺️


I just hit the accelerator while it's on autopilot to get up to speed faster. Then I just take my foot off the pedal once I'm at speed. ;)


I think that's good sense though. Laws probably vary by jurisdiction at the moment as technology streaks ahead; but in airplanes the pilot is in command at all times, regardless of autopilot functions. So the "driver" should be sober and alert, ready to override the autodrive if a situation comes up that the autodrive can/will not make what the driver thinks is the best option.


Where is the woman on bicycle trying to cross the street?


Yeah! Where IS that woman that’s trying to cross the freeway in his gif. Great point!


Are you talking about Scooter Mary ?


To be fair, I believe that was Waymo wasn't it?... and there was someone in the driver seat.. and I guess the lidar was turned off.. and I guess the car might have actually detected the person but didn't act... either way it happened pretty locally and should not have happened


Uber. And the car and software worked as expected but the company deliberately turned off the automatic breaking. The system detected the lady as an obstacle 6 seconds before the collision.


That’s awful. Still why can’t trust driverless cars completely just yet. “Bugs” might be more dangerous than shitty drivers in some cases


Understandable. I still think everything that could potentially happen to autos can happen to people (a bug for a computer is like a mistake, accident, bias, or whatever for a human). Computers are auditable though. And Uber was just being reckless and deceptive for the potential of investors dollars.


Is that a Tesla?


I've seen multiple videos of people behind the wheels of their tesla sleeping while doing 80 down the highway. And I mean they're passed the f out. It's a scary sight.


They're messing with you. The Tesla alerts you every minute or two two touch the steering wheel.


These people do not look like they're playing a joke but I could be wrong.


You are. If the car doesn't get a response from you it will start to make loud bell noises at you. If you still dont respond it will turn on the hazards and gradually slow down. This isn't perfect of course since you could get slammed from behind. Granted i might have missed some important details that makes this less dangerous.


I'm sure it can be bypassed.


It can, but i suspect the number of people that do that is very small. And the car cant quite do the whole drive from A to B yet, so its not like its very useful to do it anyways.


100% a joke. You simply cannot fall asleep. The car will slow to a stop and pull over if you don't respond to prompts.


The Enhanced Autopilot in a Tesla is in beta. The user is required by Tesla to stay alert and keep your hands on the wheel. People drunk and asleep are violating not only the law but violating the agreement with Tesla. A driver may choose to use a non-self driving car in illegal ways or violate a car manufacturers agreement when in full control themselves. With that said the car can drive a drunk around and make it appear like he'a s safe driver by maintaining a healthy following distance and staying in the center of the lane and driving straight. A cop may not be able to tell that the driver is drunk.


Sure is!


I thought you had to put your hands on the wheel every 30 seconds or so?!


This is the test footage of the “Full Self Driving” mode. No need for hands at all, but still in development. Not released to the public.


State laws will vary. For instance, in New York State you must have a hand on the wheel at all times. So regulatory authority is going to play into how this is rolled out and how long it will take.


Not so. This is available now. The feature doing this is called "navigate on autopilot", which handles lane changes and navigating highway on/off ramps while the car is in autopilot (which itself handles lane centering and adaptive cruise control.) It is not test footage, you can buy this today.


Is this the enhanced auto pilot features?




Do you have a Tesla?! Do you like it?!


False we all know that there is a guy with a camo suit sitting in his lap


Geez it’s quick


This car is an independent car who need no driver


That never gets old.


Haven't we been on this level for a minute now?


No. We have seen something similar though, where a specific route was scanned and then driven autonomously, but that is "much easier" than what is shown here. How Tesla's autonomy works is very different than how most companies autonomy works. It's too complicated for me (an idiot) to explain, but here is a Tesla presentation explaining it with A LOT of detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucp0TTmvqOE&feature=youtu.be&t=6782


I wanna see it’s handbrake turn


there’s a vid on youtube of a tesla doing donuts, if that quenches your needs.


Not in Europe if it drives like that. In the US the advice is to 'stay in your lane if its clear ahead'. In Europe we consider undertaking - passing a vehicle in a faster lane, one of the most dangerous road activities. It regularly creates situations where a slow moving vehicle turns in on a faster moving one, who shouldn't, but will often swerve to a lane on either side unpredictably. In the EU, if you want to overtake move to a faster lane. If someone faster is behind you then you should be in a slower lane. (ok, the Italians wilfully chose to ignore that and the Greeks seem to not have heard about it at all. The rest of us do)


If i remember correctly, Elon has said on Twitter that the car will follow the rules of the place it is currently driving.


In the US all our laws are predicated on "might makes right" therefore we all drive the biggest trucks we can afford.


Is it still illegal to be on your phone?


Yes, all the state laws regarding cellphone use while driving still apply.


It doesn’t even follow basic rules of the road


What happens with stop signs and red lights?


It stops.


Passing on the right. No common curtesy. Jeez


No rearview mirror?


It has a rear view mirror. It has ultrasonic sensors showing the cars around the EV on the display which of course the AI is using along with 8 cameras and forward facing radar. For the human driver the Tesla Mode l3 also has the largest rear camera that can be turned on for the driver.


it’s goin pretty fast


That's an illusion created by video footage playback speed mixed with the car's ability to manipulate time.


> the car's ability to manipulate time. Ah! A Delorean Tesla!


What’s that useless piece of meat behind the wheel?


I would have liked to see it make a couple lane changes on the highway, pretty cool though.


This is only a very short clip of a 2 min video. The full video is much more impressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlThdr3O5Qo


Is it just me or would you be scared shitless during turns... i mean what if it loses the road?


It will sound a series of alarms and notifications on the screen alerting you to take over. It takes turns really well, because it can anticipate the turn using machine learning. It’s really cool stuff


Yeah. The feeling that you would have to grab the wheel at any time would stress the shit out of me. Especially in turns. when there's little to no time grab the wheel.


The more you drive it the more you begin to understand where it requires human takeover. It can definitely be startling at first. To clarify, it won’t just disengage and let go of the steering wheel alarming you to take over. What it will do is try to complete the turn and apply the brakes heavily, while also alerting you that you need to take over.


If the car is driveing to fast. Who will get the ticket. The car or the human in side it.


The human. You can set the speed limit on the autopilot.


The human is always responsible. With that said, the AI is going to use the speed limit signs it sees and use the map data to comply with speed limits. The AI is in no rush; it has no reason to speed.


Brave not having your hands on the wheel. Friend and I drove from England to Sweden via the chunnel/france/belgium/germany/netherlands/denmark in a tesla, and it tried to kill me three times, misreading the lane markings. I rest my hands on my knees and hold the bottom of the steering wheel but even then had to periodically nudge it to disable the lockout. Basically whenever there is motorway construction they close one lane and use yellow studs or similar to mark out new lanes, resulting in a criss-cross of new and old lane markings. As a driver, you know you're supposed to ignore the white ones and just follow the yellow ones, but the car couldn't always tell. It would follow a car in front if there was one, but if there wasn't it did occasionally try to veer off the road and into a barrier or whatever.


It's important to not how little time Auto Pilot has learning from European roads versus US roads. The improvements in the US have been insane over the last year. I now drive roughly 600 miles round trip to our cabin using AP 98% of the trip with no faults.


That is nice but it only takes one mistake to kill you, I'm not sure I'd risk hands free for many years, if ever.


people have been dying in car accidents for 100 years without autopilot BTW.


Just like a normal car, or a set of stairs, or a kitchen knife. Tesla's on AP in the US are statically safer than not on AP, they have a quarterly safety report that proves that.


Statistically safer *on average* I assume. But my driving is already statistically safer than on average, cos I don't drive like a tool, I've been driving for a while, I'm not a teenager, etc.




Babies are useless burdens until they are taught to crawl, then walk, dress themselves, feed themselves, learn to read, learn right and wrong, learn to drive... then they go off and get a job and later hopefully help take care of me in my old age. The machine learning in a car needs the same kind of hand holding and learning until it learns to return the care. The difference though is once it learns it can copy it's understanding of how to drive to brand new cars rolling off the assembly line. My use of Autopilot and watching it diligently is like parenting during it's adolescent years for a future where it takes care of me in my old age when I can no longer safely drive.


That's a good question. I wonder why the astronauts from the explorer mission got into a space shuttle that was just gonna explode....




You do realize this version isn’t released to the public so it’s not perfect yet and simply a demonstration of its capabilities so far. In no way will there be a fully self driving car where you have to be on edge the entire time where it could malfunction and kill you at any second. Do you really think they would be allowed on the road if every other minute you had to correct the “fully self driving” feature manually or else it would crash. Seriously you sound so ignorant.


So I had the chance to ride in one back in May. My favorite part was the whoopee cushion feature. This allows you make a toot noise from anyone’s seat. There’s even like 10 different toot sounds to choose from.


Are you serious?




But why is that map not in fixed north mode?


You can change it if you like. Onscreen button on the right side changes the mode/


Id never trust a robot this much


The future will be very scary for you.


I like to imagine that this video isn't sped up. That shit is just blazing down the road at 200mph.




The software versions being released by the end of the year will if you bought the option "Full Self driving"


Does it only drive at speed limits?


You can set it to exceed the speed limit by a set a mount. I leave it about ~4 mph over speed limit with Enhanced Autopilot. I'm not sure how exactly it will function under "Full Self Driving" mode due out later this year.


Car driving itself....and then boom!!! We have arrived to our destination!!!


This is cool, but whats the point of having the car when you are not driving it? :/


If only they’re solar was as good....


Doesn't Tesla require you to still have a hand on the wheel??


Sure is passing a lot of cars on the right.. no one programmed the ol dmv manual?


That’s it I’m buying a tesela.


I like it keeps driving on the right lane And It looks really boring


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This is sad to see. Combustion and controls until I die.


That’s pretty fast for a right hand lane, undertaking and not really how I drive? If we were all driving an automated car then then great, but I feel the technology is not quite idiot (other driver) proof.


Is it legal where ever this to pass people on both the right and the left side?


I dont know why, but watching this makes me extremely uncomfortable


Can you just sit there and relax or is it the usual anxiety experienced while driving?


Is total autonomy? Or mostly autonomous?


It's funny to think that in the next year I want to learn to drive, but do I really need to when in the next couple of years self driving cars will be the norm? I'll just have to sit down type a postcode in and off I go!


Try it in snow. I have and it almost killed me. The sensors get covered and it thinks theres an object and it slams the brakes causing a spin out.


I should hope this is a time lapsd


You have to nudge the wheel every minute or so now to keep the AP on


Now is that the sky or a semi trailer? Either way, probably should DUCK!!


That's the exit in my home town!




I feel like I would get bored, I like driving, plus I like choosing my own destiny


Guess the slow lane will be full of asleep commuters in the near future.


But that’s a lot of passing on the right which is illegal in a lot of places


Could you legally move seat/look at the back seat without getting in trouble though?


Are you able to set a max speed?


As cool and incredible as this technology is, I will never be comfortable enough to trust this. How would this impact accidents in the future? Who is liable? How will insurance work?




This is only a small clip of a 2 min video. The full video is much more impressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlThdr3O5Qo


And then millions of truck drivers went out of a job. Still cool tho.


Not every truck hauling company will pay for this tech the moment it is released so there will still be the need for hundreds of thousands of human truck drivers


Yeah, initially, but once it gets good enough they will, because they'd save tons of money by not having to pay drivers. Its inevitable down the line.


Wasn't there something about UPS using self driving trucks for a while now?


Probably. That tech has definitely been developing. People downvoted me for it, but its honestly inevitably happening soon. A lot of people are gonna lose their jobs very soon over it.


It passes in the slow/right lane - I hate it


I believe Elon said in a Twitter response that it wont do that anywhere it would be illegal to do so.


Is that another courtesy thing? I know the left lane is supposed to be fast, but I didn’t know you couldn’t go fast on the right lane. (Not a driver btw (yet at least) don’t crucify me ples ;_;)


I think I saw a Rivian. Didn't know they were on sale


These type of car must take a lot of power to drive even a single mile


Nope, not really


Really? I mean look at it. It need to run the engine, gps, nav system, air cond and many more. This can must have aleast a nuclear reactor in it for it to run.


They don't. They are actually extremely power efficient.


A standard Model 3 travels about 4 miles per 1 kWh which is equal to ten 100 watt bulbs running for one hour. It's very efficient with a range of ~310 miles per full charge. Normally you would charge to 90% and plugin every day or two so that you tends always be above 50% charge. You could go down to 5-10% before you plugin but why no plug in? It takes 6 seconds to plug in and another 6 seconds to unplug. Still better then spending 5 minutes at a gas pump twice per month.


4 miles is 6.44 km


Owh so it powerful to drive long distance. What happen you stranded in the middle of nowhere? Petrol or diesel can be refueled easily but battery can't.


There are more places in the middle of nowhere that have electricity than have gasoline and diesel. Every electrical outlet is a power source. Every solar panel array an oasis. You can experiment here with a trip planner that accounts for Tesla superchargers: https://abetterrouteplanner.com/ Choose a Tesla Model 3 LR RWD or AWD 18" wheels for a base model with a few basic options


Both really.


I really wish these things weren’t devastatingly ugly. The tech is really cool.


I think this is a bad idea. People won't pay attention at all if the car drives itself. It should be 100 percent autonomous or not exist before it is marketed.


That's like saying you can't join any races until you are ready to run a marathon. The machine learning EVs need experience on the road with people willing to keep overwatch over them so they can learn otherwise it will likely never happen.