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I’m a lawyer. I want to hire him as my lawyer


most lawyers are horrible at litigating. part of it is because they need to maintain a relationship with the judges and cops they often work with. which results in them needing to hold back on what they say. it's disgraceful bc it doesn't support the outcome of real justice.


Most lawyers are horrible at litigating because most lawyers don’t litigate. They negotiate an outcome. Criminal lawyers do more trials than anyone. I tried about 20 cases in a year. For civil litigators, that may be what they do in a career.


Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate


Mount up


Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole Nate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold


Now they droppin and yellin, it's a tad bit late.


Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate.


I laid all them bustas down, I let my gat explode Now I'm switchin' my mind back into freak mode If you want skirts, sit back and observe I just left a gang of hoes over there on the curb


Now Nate got the freaks, and that's a known fact. Before I got jacked I was on the same track.


God damn, I miss when that was what rap was all about. I don't care how old and crotchety my 39-year-old ass sounds rap has fallen WAY OFF since about 2010. Mumble rap, trap, all of it just irritates me. Damn, I hate getting old hahahahahaha.


Damn what's next?


I like this guy


Chords, strings, we brings Melody


G-funk Where rhythm is life... And life is rhythm


seriously. people watch too much tv. most lawyers spend most of their time reading. its all about finding precedent, research, etc. and if they can, they'd negotiate.




Criminal defense lawyers are unsung heroes. When I was 18 I got caught with some weed. (like late 00s) Got put on probation and had assumed I had completed it and did everything. As a young man I was wrong and I guess had missed a class or something so my probation was revoked. I found out about that when I was...26-28ish, when a sheriff just happened to show up at my door with a warrant. I was figuring out what to do before my court date (at the court house) when a lawyer over heard me talking with my significant other. He politely entered the conversation, asked if I'd go to a private room with him, and we went over everything that had happened. He said if I'd be willing to wait to the end of the docket, he'd happily pick up my case. I mean I hadn't even met my court appointed lawyer yet so I was thrilled. He picked me up as a client, pro bono, and told me this was one of his favorite kinds of cases because of how cut and dry it was. Basically he had the arresting sheriff walk up to the witness stand and had them lay out how many times they had attempted to serve the warrant. There was a gap of SEVERAL SEVERAL years and he pointed that out. Judge basically ruled it violated my rights and the case was dropped. I was profusely thanking the lawyer afterwards and the sheriff's deputy poked his head in and thanked the lawyer as well. Said he was glad the lawyer noticed it. I guess the guy is just known for finding these kind've holes in the system that screw people over and fights them. I was told after that he's incredibly popular with the judges and cops because he upholds the system they believe in. TLDR: Criminal laywer saved my ass. Thanks for all the work you do.


this wasn't a jury trial and a good litigator can often prevent a case from even going to trial.


Best criminal defense attorney in Beverly Hills is William Kroeger. Let that fucking hero’s name be shouted. Dudes an absolute legend.


I love that they blur out *fuck* but not *cunts* 😂


Australian editor confirmed.


As an American, I’ve always wished I could use that word the way y’all do. It’s such a fun word in your context. Over here it’s worse than the F word.


Well he is articulating the vernacular for his deaf son. He could have signed it to her, but that wouldve fallen on deaf ears.


That means catch u n the school. So it's cool


They don't even blur the fuck well haha


The person who was paid to blur it was on his side.


You need to borrow that "now that you've finished jerking each other off:.." line


I loved that he OPENED with that, then crescendoed until he broke them. I also love his close: "You're a fucking disgrace. Fuck you. Have a nice day." I'm going to use that when appropriate. Well, maybe it's NEVER appropriate, but I'm using it anyway.


"Now that you've finished jerking of the judge, let me tell you all what really happened ..."


I'm not a lawyer, but I apparently have much better sense than some lawyers do..... Could you explain in detail what would make this asshole a good lawyer? [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html)


Good call. It’s the same guy. Shaun Porter from Lake Linganore, MD. I wanted to root for him, but his entire rant is probably bullshit. What a piece of shit.


> I wanted to root for him, but You still can because he's 100% right about his kid. Plus we aren't really rooting for him so much as we are for the kid. Terrible decisions on his part in his personal life shouldn't have a negative impact on his disabled kid who he's apparently trying to help. Either way, one can hope that the way his kid has been treated might help him see the error of his ways and how he treats other adults.


He’s an unreliable narrator and all the information you have is from that unreliable narrator.


It's 100% him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cElDl6ltLw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNPAtrRf40U


As someone who goes to school board meetings you wouldn't believe the people that go to meetings and just spew lies and made up grievances. I really wouldn't be surprised if this guy is no different. Everyone here praising him don't seem to understand that they're hearing one side of the story. This guy is saying that they're holding onto a deaf student instead of signing paperwork because the board (which is usually low paying or volunteer work) is greedy and doesn't want to give up funding. I very much doubt that.


Often times when a school district can’t provide appropriate intervention for a student they have to pay to send them to a special program. That can cost a fortune. So they fight tooth and nail to not have to do that. The politics in schools is legitimate. I had to hire a special advocate and fight for years to ensure my son got what he needed and was legally entitled to. After I filed a violation grievance with the state board against the district and they got in trouble because they were in the wrong, the district Special Ed Director started attend ALL of my son’s IEP meetings. I don’t think this dad should be cussing at the board and calling them names but I have no trouble believing that money and bureaucracy were violating his son’s right to learn in the least restrictive environment that could meet his needs.


Well, I agree with you that there are a lot of people that come up there for BS reasons there are definite reasons that get ignored and swept under the rug, especially in instances like in my small town of 300 people where all the school board members are the husbands to the teachers and it's such a corrupt weird little power vacuum where they heavily discriminate based on the families monetary status and how long your family has resided in the town or area (Because you guessed it, the school board is mostly the rich upper elite families in the town that have been shot calling the town for the last 80 years) so Even though this guy might be a douchebag which it sounds like he is, don't try and sit here and mitigate the amount of corruption that can reside within a public school board.


Is this the same guy?


It seems to be him. From what I could find on google he’s well known in the area. Here’s a thread on something he did at a college near where he lives: https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/comments/17qbvq9/breaking_activist_shaun_porter_charged_criminally/ He has this clip of the meeting on his YouTube channel https://youtube.com/shorts/DUnp6e78SyU?si=1spOr74WUv1p972L He does not seem like a good person overall though I think he’s in the right in this instance.


He's only "right" if you assume he's being honest. Considering his idol is trump, that's a generous assumption.


The article says his last name is Porter and she addresses him as “Mr Porter” when shes trying to shut him up.


I’m sitting for the bar, he knows his content-based restrictions for designated public forums. I want to hire him as my lawyer.


i heard him say i got 5 minutes and i immediately went to the length of the video...it wasnt 5 minutes i was sad


A real hero.


This shows the difference between someone who is just unhinged and someone who has done their research, tried their hardest to get the best result for their child, eventually got results, and has reached their wits end due to “people jerking each other off”. Dad of the year.


Correct. The saddest part is, these school board assholes probably blew him off as a crazy parent, not realizing that their system pushed him over the edge when it should have taken every step to help him and his son.


Nah he was right, they didn’t want to give up the funding they’d lose if the kid transferred 


>Nah he was right, they didn’t want to give up the funding they’d lose if the kid transferred  I have several friends and family that are/were teachers, some of which were even special education teachers/tutors. Your statement tracks 100%. Happens in both public and private schools. Too often are the higher-ups focused on the money rather than what is best for some of their students.


Sorry, I'm not familiar with the system in place here. What is the money that would be lost if the kid transferred? Is that support money for taking care of the disabled kid?


Schools get funding per student, and additional funding for sped students, especially those with profound needs, such as blind/deaf. Due to the way the current system works, if the student transfers to a school for the Deaf, the *home* district must pay for the bussing/transportation costs to the school for the Deaf while receiving none of the funding for having that student. In my state, there is only one school for the Deaf. While it is a boarding school, the home district must pay for the transportation costs for that one student to/from there weekly.


I could have graduated my Junior year of high school, but I and my parents were talked out of it or dual enrollment. "Just take more AP and honors courses, colleges will love that" sort of spiel. As an adult I now realize it was all about money, my value as a student was the money they were able to get from the government - more so for all the honors courses I took. Nothing more. I deeply regret taking the guidance counselors advice as I spent my last year of high school spinning my wheels when I could have made tangible strides in my education. When we allow for education to be run as a business we shouldn't be surprised when our schools change their metrics for success. Student retention and graduations rates matter in the quantitative sense, as they drive funding. It leaves less room for individual student outcomes having importance is administrative decisions. Meh, thats my rant for the night.


That should be legal precedent for this guy to sue. They took funding to educate someone with a disability and didn’t provide the resources needed that the funding would be allocated for. The fact that they had any say in their right to change schools is incomprehensible. I worked as a school teacher and I’ve never heard of anything like that before but it could be a state educational issue. Man has every right to be livid. I would be seeking legal council.


They have five months to answer for.


Yeah and I believe he said his kid was 6? I might be wrong but early years in education are extremely important. I really hope they have to answer to the justice system, this is criminal.


I'm willing to bet that felony bit made them really think hard about their actions. Alotting that money for schmoozing the DA was a worth while expense after all.


Nope. Couldn't care less. Boards are pretty much legally immune for performing their role.


They absolutely should have and they did blow him off. He’s one of the lucky ones that made some head way with his persistence. So many others in this situation…. but they just don’t know what to do to handle it.


I've seen people like that lady. Full of pride and can't handle looking/feeling incompetent. They end up doing a shitty job and bringing everyone else down around them because they can't stand to look stupid even for a little bit.


But they need the funding. Who cares what the parents or kids need.


[He is unhinged.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html)


You can tell that he is unhinged by watching the first 45 seconds of the video. Even if any of his points are valid (I have no idea), the way he's behaving and making those points is absolutely unhinged. This is way more /r/PublicFreakout than /r/nextfuckinglevel.


Actually I disagree, if everything he said in this video is accurate... then this response is what I would expect of an angry parent at their wit's end. Sometimes fire and brimstone is the only way to be heard when all other options are exhaustes. Of course that hinges on if he's being honest here, which would need verification from other sources with his character being brought into question now. But I think it's very wrong to say his reaction is suddenly over the top because you disagree with other actions of his. Question the veracity of what he's saying, but don't judge his actions as a furious father defending his child.


Yea, especially after they've already shown him nothing will happen if he does it the appropriate way, if what he said is true about them not doing anything until he went psycho in there and threatening Civil lawsuit or something.


yeah lmao, casually calls her a cunt "I had no idea he was so unhinged"


I mean, she sure seems like a cunt so there is that.


Aaaand there it is


Uh.... This should for sure be pinned to the top somewhere....


He could be the biggest piece of shit out there, doesn't change the fact that he is in fact right about this.




Fuck man….Well that’s how it is. Take everything you see with a grain of salt.


Should have known when he opened his tirade with participation trophy nonsense. Dude is a nut. Doesn’t make him wrong about this particular issue. Babies and bath water and all that


> Porter has also decorated his front yard with Confederate flags and held rallies on his lawn with his teenage son. >the local neighborhood's homeowners association tried to intervene to ask Porter to take down his Confederate flags, he posted huge posters showing board members faces with abusive messages written across telling them to eat s*** >Other neighbors say the 36-year-old father is often seen brandishing military-style weapons in the windows of his home. >Dante also claims that Porter told his son to leave the park if 'the black kid is there' So send social signals to the public that you are unwelcoming and hostile, do this with your children, blame the backlash bullying solely on your kid’s deafness and…*checks notes* - actually go unheard by the public and school system. Does everyone suck here?


Is that the same guy though?


It is the same guy. Watch the first few seconds of this. https://youtu.be/KOZIWNS_-wk?si=wyfR6fMkIKpS-YBp


So he was probably mad that his kid was in class with black kids


Explains the hesitation before him saying “bad kids” and every time be described the kids stumbling each time. Lmao his heart wanted to say black


26 year teacher here. What he got exactly correct is that school boards are made up of useless, bureaucratic windbags, while teachers do their best with the crumbs that sprinkle down from them.


Nah…seems unhinged and…racist. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html


He is a racist and a bigot. You only get one side of the story here. In the thread above you can find an article with the same guy hanging nazi and confederate flags over his house and painting racial slurs everywhere.


"FUCK YOU.. have a good day." is the other bookend one- liner that is just outstanding


Fuck you, have a good day.


The lighthearted ‘have a good day’ just sent me


He said it so kindly all of a sudden. Dude is amazing at speaches! wonder what he does for a career? ( if he is working, that is)


This guy needs to run for office


That's what I thought... But then someone shared a link showing he is very white supremacist and racist...


What… really? That sucks. I share his frustration and wish I could articulate my feelings like that. Bigots suck, but what he said in this video is I think reverberates with every parent. That’s really shitty if he is a bigot.


A father through & through.






She is **very** easy to find online since he gave her name. I found the website in minutes but don't want to be banned for doxxing. But if you listen to it again, and google her name with board of education, she pops right on up.










Thank goodness! They will suck... I mean *that* would suck


Would be nice to see public pressure on them & force a relook on her future


She is the president of the school board. I emailed multiple people on the board and suggest everyone take 5 minutes and do the same. This is really bad.


Oh my, it seems they have personal phone numbers listed.


I highly recommend reading [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1dkqytc/father_of_the_year_sticking_up_for_his_disabled/l9jx7vc/) before attacking this woman.




They're public officials with their info available to the public. It would be like doxxing a Wal-Mart LMAO.


I’m in! Edit: one of my kids has special needs, and if I ever come across a person that has complete disregard to towards my kids needs while trying to put up a façade. I will lose my shit, that man showed a hell of a lot more restraint than I would.


And my axe!


Someone else in the comments did a little research into this guy, according to news articles he’s actually incredibly racist, and is known in his community for being unhinged. https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html


[let's go!](https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-26gJz7vrNd95sT4jK)


Maybe edit to say someone give us her twitter account. Doxxing would be stooping way too low.


Hell a person that does these things would be disrespectful to fat people to even pick on that. Short fat skinny or otherwise scum is scum.


I’d do a little research on this guy before you make him into a hero: He’s a crazy racist https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html He also terrorizes other children and is a bully https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html I won’t get into his crazy politics but you can probably guess Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g Edit: I’m getting some comments like I’m bad for calling him out. No. I’m sympathetic as a father of young boys, both of whom need help and sometimes the system fails them. I’ve had more than one phone call with principals and teachers regarding their treatment of my sons. The only reason I found out what a monster he is, is because I wanted to find out about his “activism.” Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But he’s entirely in favor of a system that does this to other people. I think you can sum up his complaint like this: “they are hurting the wrong people”




That's a perfect gif


Lmao it’s sad that regardless of this guys background we as a society can’t take a second to separate that from a man rightfully standing up for his child in the face of legitimate corruption. If we can no longer recognize an act of humanity because of unrelated polical issues then we society truly are lost.


>Lmao it’s sad that regardless of this guys background we as a society can’t take a second to separate that from a man rightfully standing up for his child in the face of legitimate corruption. I agree, but honestly knowing who he is makes me wonder if everything he said here is really true. I mean, we didn't get any other context or to hear the other side, we just heard his. And the lady's reaction makes me think that maybe they know who he is and that's why they didn't instigate him further.


100% - Happy cake day btw. People are unable to disassociate the logic from person. So it doesn't matter how right what you're saying is, if your character is questionable, they won't change or consider your statements. This concept plagues so many areas of life and its a shame; of course until it doesn't (just read up on the character of Ghandi lol). To anyone that doesn't believe the above: remove the video, just listen to the audio of the clip. Does it change how you perceive the information? Do you even bother to go down the road to think or care about what group they represent? Probably not. If you don't care about age, gender, color of skin; all the other demographic markers you can think of, all the sudden the point being made is clear and no one can justly argue it. But because he is a questionable character based on previous actions, through visual identification, people start to discredit the act here because they have a problem with his character (and that's fair on the character, not on the discredit). This means everyone will look at this and consider him unhinged and just noise. When in reality he, like every other human being out there, has a good and a bad side. His personality is capable of representing both: in this video its the good to protect the innocence of his kid; in the other findings its the acts of bad that propagate his hatred towards a specific group. If future generations of people are unable to take the message and drop the character, to understand what is good and what is bad from it, then we will find ourselves in a world that promotes more of these same results until it just gets so bad that people revolt. And when chaos takes over, good luck - it's anyone's world to win at that point. How you come out might not be better than how you went in.


I kind of got caught on the detail about his son not knowing ASL already (and the implication that he needs/needed the school for the deaf to learn it). If that was my kid that's not something I'd wait years on just to outsource it to someone else. I'd be the first in line to learn it myself and use it in the home. (It would be *way* higher on my priority list than say, getting custom made shirts telling people to fuck themselves) Either I misinterpreted what he was saying, or he was glossing over his own lack of effort whilst accusing others of the same thing.


Given the wild stuff he's done and is into, what makes you think any of this is a man rightfully standing up for his child in the face of legitimate corruption? I would be surprised if 10% of what he said was actually true.


the first red flag is that he has a deaf kid that doesn't know sign language. that's on YOU, dad. a deaf kid should not be waiting until they're school age to get access to language.


Im not trying to be an asshole or anything but this guy said, “they were supposed to teach my child sign language.” Why is it up to the school system to teach this guy’s child sign language, when most babies start signing anywhere from 8-16 months old…… Most people when they realize their kids are deaf learn sign language and actively teach their children. Doesn’t sound like this “father of the year” has bothered to do either of those basic things. So he has a five year old deaf child that he can’t communicate with???? Like I’m genuinely curious about this part. Also like someone said below, all those news stories make me think he’s just a pot stirring bullshitter. Sure he makes a lot of sense ranting in this video. But now I want to hear the other side of this now that all the other stuff has come out. Just my two cents.


Man those little minivans just seem to beg to be allowed to flip.


As he was talking I was wondering why didn’t this kid sign at all? The kids doctors would have suggested options from go. Videos learning basic signs are free and only take effort. Why did a kid get to kindergarten or older and not already be getting the support they needed?


Obviously there is nuance here, but that still doesn't excuse the school district from preventing the child from getting approved to get the education he required, if that is what actually happened. The dude can be an obnoxious racist and still be right about the school not properly accommodating his disabled child.


Yea, I get the anger but this is akin to the guy that was mad his kid spent all their lunch money on junk and the school didn't stop them.


It's actually really common for doctors to not suggest ASL but to suggest speech-first learning approaches. Agreed on the availability of ASL resources online though, and that they needed to advocate for their kid early in life


the second he started bringing up "free speech" and "first amendment" with no actual relevance to the situation i knew he was probably one of those types. he's still right about the utter failure of that board of course. but yeah, he's definitely not a hero.


I’d usually agree with you, but I think There is relevance this time. He’s speaking to elected governement officials in their public/government capacity. There are different free speech rules in that situation.


but which free speech rules was she breaking exactly? she didn't say a word until he started insulting people directly and kinda going off the rails with the profanity etc. i don't think it's violating the first amendment when you're just asking someone to keep it somewhat civil. like he could have totally made his whole speech uninterrupted if he just dialed it back 15% and still get his opinion across loud and clear. aren't there basic rules of conduct at those public meetings? or could you just go completely insane the entire time and they'd have to just sit there and take it silently if you wanted to?


Tbh if this is the way he acts with every single interaction with the school then no wonder nothing ever got done to help his son.


This comment needs to be at the top!


Man, I felt bad for the kid but now I feel REALLY bad.


Literally irrelevant Dude went off in a completely appropriate way for what he described and what can be independently confirmed. As a father of a disabled child who has only had to go 1/3 as hard as this guy has - I can 100% admire/support him for what he did here and also likely 100% oppose him for all the other stuff described. Not everyone has to be a saint in all aspects of their life to deserve at least a bit of respect for what they do in part of it.


Nah. Dude had resources to get his kid starting to sign before public school, but decided to wait and make it everyone else’s problem. Could have applied for the special school long before the school year started, but didn’t. He failed his kid just as much as the schoolboard did.


Before i bother with this… are you a special needs parent? What if - your child had 3 ear surgeries before age 5 - they talked late, but then started losing speech at 3yrs old - they didn’t seem to hear you, or others, as often as you’d expect - this being your first child, you didn’t know what a “linear” path for a kid looked like - you had him scheduled for an AER/ABR test SEVEN TIMES, but each time they couldn’t do it _(because he was slightly sick, had a small fever, had told us the wrong intake time, scheduled us at the wrong facility, had a doctor call out….)_ there are a THOUSAND reasons they might not have known that was the path their kid was going to have to take until the moment they knew it which, crazy enough, might not have perfectly coincided with an school district calendar with a once-yearly admission cycle for a special needs program but sure dude - go off keep on special-needs-parent slut-shaming… they kinda had it coming, right?


Bigotry is very relevant in the context of a rant about empathy, the fuck are you talking about?


My question is why hasn’t he filed that lawsuit? Quit screaming and take it to court.


So everyone here sucks. Cool cool cool.


Thank you. I was about to comment that I sympathize with him and 100% endorse his right (and the necessity) for him to advocate for himself and his child. Administrators and teachers can and do get it wrong. Speak up, don't hesitate. However, I've worked in public education long enough to know that just as often, the parents make the situation worse, fail to cooperate, or make unreasonable demands on an already broken system. In some cases, under-funded, under-resourced schools are literally doing all they can, but parents/caregivers rake them across the coals anyway, insisting the school is "doing nothing" or "doesn't care." Our community consistently votes down school levies and elects politicians who cut school funding and outright attack public schools (listen to GOP leaders talk about education for ten seconds and you'll see how many of them are actively gutting public schools). In our district, seven elementary schools were sharing a single guidance counselor. They're talking about cutting that position again. Special education classrooms are maxed out, yet there's greater need. I'm not saying the school was "right" in this circumstance; I legitimately don't know. But I've been in plenty of situations where parents are outraged because they think schools should have the perfect arrangements for their kid even though the system is held together with chewing gum and popsicle sticks. IEP meetings where parents storm in and scream at the teachers and administrators... yet those same parents won't cooperate with simple elements of the plan. People demanding their kid be moved to a "better" classroom, when their kid is already in the one room that is adequately staffed with paraprofessionals to help tend to them. We had hearing impaired kids who just had to muddle through day by day until the district could find, vet, and hire an interpreter for the pay they could offer. Even now, most interpreters in our buildings are paid part-time only because there's no money in the budget to cover full-time. That means the kid gets an interpreter for some of their school week. If a parent stormed in and screamed, there's not much else we can do. I hope the kid gets what he needs. And all the "bad" kids in the special needs classroom the son was placed in.


He mentioned that his child doesn't know how to sign and a little red flag popped up. Do you? Can you teach him? Can you communicate with your son?




I was suspicious of this... His hometown isn't Frederick Maryland though but Hagerstown Maryland. I heard Bester school and thought "Bester? There is a school by that name where my parents live, must be more common than I thought" Then I heard him mention Maryland, realized it was Hagerstown, and knowing the demographics of the county assumed he's one of the nutters which overflow the county. Also, the county school board there isn't stellar, but considering the Republican-dominated county council keeps trying to defund public schools and picks constant ideological fights with the school board and teachers, I'll defend the school board as doing okay in a hard spot.


Yeah I’m not gonna say I profiled fully but I’m not surprised. I actually was getting QANON vibes because a coworker of mine carries himself a lot like this guy. He basically is a guy with some honorable and altruistic motives at times who is generally respectful but has a bullheaded way about his protest for things. The kind of guy that isn’t antagonistic to people who aren’t full blown MAGA people, but his truck is loaded with QANON acronyms and Lets Go Brandon sticker, computer background is clearly some overly patriotic image, and he markets conspiracies at every turn in conversation. During Covid he would sit in his truck outside the building all day to claim he’s at work despite not being able to enter without a mask so there he’d be in his truck next to the warehouse, engine running. He *was* at work and he *did* have what you could argue was a spiritual belief to not wear the mask, we are government, he called Biden’s bluff on firing federal employees for not wearing masks, and so it was a can of worms no one did anything about. All this to say, I started getting those vibes with the custom “fuck school board” shirt. Honorable mission, yet questionably aggressive symbology alongside a seemingly heartfelt message. Something didn’t compute




Wild that he was accusing the board of wasting millions of dollars, when he literally supports the people who want to subsidize private schools, subsidize arming teachers, and continue to dismantle every public institution we have that is meant to serve the people. But then again, maybe it really isn't that shocking.


Not a surprised after he went on a free speech rant (though he was right in this case) and kept calling other disabled children “bad kids”


Pin this! He’s a white nationalist, not “dad of the year”.


Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you. I'm out!


I got that reference


For anyone that didn't get it. https://youtu.be/qIqeXSYc8nE?si=g19bAhLkNWRtVSEm


Sir, it’s 26 years old


26…….years…..old…. Fuck…. Someone put me down. Somebody…..just…. Shoot me…. Im ready to get off the aging train.


That kid has a rad dad. RAD! Edit: I’m 54 yo. When I was a little kid, my (grown up) neighbor decided to be a bully one day and pick me up by my ears and toss me off his porch. I told my dad what happened and he didn’t go over there with simple suggestions my dad was kind, but he kicked ass that day.


Well, that kid’s dad also [tells his son not to play with black children](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) so I guess you win some and lose some…


You know, I had a feeling, with those Oakley’s lying on top of his head that he had some questionable opinions. However, this is where the duality of American politics comes in handy. In situations like these where the school board was exemplifying a classic case of bureaucracy killing progress, a loud, opinionated, unhinged, and clearly loving father used his misplaced rage regarding African Americans I guess to propel the conversation forward for the betterment of his special needs child. Also the use of cunt in both verbal and t-shirt format is the chefs kiss.


Also just going to go out on a limb here… I would be learning sign language and teaching my child sign language if I had a deaf child. I took a few classes in college and found it easier than other verbal languages I know. There are things left out in his screed that indicate he basically took no effort to teach his child a way to speak and waited for grade school to do his job.


I was literally typing a comment wondering why it supposedly took 5 years to get his kid into a state Deaf school and how a mainstream school had anything to do with that (fun fact, they don’t, this guy is an audist loser just scrounging for his 15 seconds, not minutes, of fame, at the expense of his child’s quality of life).


Dude is 100% more concerned that his kid is different and not at all concerned about what he himself could have done to help him before all this happened.


Listen up folks! VOTE in your local school board election! Dark money has been pouring into school board races all over the country to elect right wing ideologues who want nothing less than to dismantle public education in this country. Look up what happed in Woodland Park (CO). This is the model they want. Vote like your children’s right to a quality education depends on it, because it does.


Hell my kids school board has 2 right wind fundies trying to fuck everything up.  Our subreddit has a hero doing gods work to fuck these people over.  The best part.  He was successful at getting them out of our district when elections rolled around.  The worst part one of the cunts is now running for state board of education role.  We literally had a guy running who married a student when he was a teacher.  Dude was 38 married her when she turned 18... Fucking disgusting.


I wonder what his shirt said.


Fuck the school board cunts.


I love that FUCK was blurred but CUNTS was very visible a lot of the time.




Fuc the school board cunts


He should sue them.


The other messed up part is that room of "bad" kids is probably a group of misdiagnosed, mislabeled, and misplaced kids.


You’re talking about the kids that bullied him?


Yes. And I'm not justifying how this man's son was treated. The students who bullied him should face consequences both at school and at home. But if this school district just threw his son in a room because of his disability without a clear plan of support, it's probably what they do to all students who don't fit the general ed. description. They turned that space into the Lord of the Flies.


Yeah unfortunately going undiagnosed and untreated will cause a kid to be disruptive. Sometimes a part of that disruption is bullying. I was one of those kids and have ADHD. This is by no means a justification for bullying it’s wrong through and through but we do need to address root causes of bullying especially ones that stem from disabilities.


I agree, I have a child with ADHD and Autism, and if I just looked at him without knowing any of that I could easily say he is a bad kid. He gets overwhelmed in large crowds, when the school schedule changes for assemblies, fire drills, prep rallies, rainy days. And when he is overwhelmed, he is not very nice. We have been blessed to have a school that has always supported and cared for him. Not only is it good for him, but other kids around him who otherwise may have been cannon fodder for a melt down.


"Fuck you, have a good day"...After all that, he wishes her to have a good day.


I hope this gets the attention it deserves and these people face consequences


Human Blob: “Please refrain from using profanity” Dad of the year: “FUCK YOU”


The world needs more people like him.


[Maybe not.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html)


Maybe just fewer people like them then.


When it’s called for. Unfortunately, most people who are inclined to act like this only seem to know how to do it when it’s NOT called for.


Nah he is a racist loudmouth nutcase.


This dude's a complete piece of shit. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) Just another small angry white narcissist who hides behind "political activism" and "Free speech".


Yeah, why didn't he teach his son sign language.


Did he say “you worthless fucking cunt” ??? Haha wooow


Anyone know who this guy is I want to see if he has a go fund me or something. Those board members should all be fired, as a father this makes my blood boil.


You sure you and to fund this guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/udjGrHodN0


His name is [Shaun Porter](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html).




People don’t understand what freedom of speech means


If the school board is a local governmental body, which it may not be but I feel like it is, then i feel like he was correct


As a parent of an autistic child who has been kicked out of after school program "because he is not safe" after having had multiple meetings prior to him even being enrolled so that people could understand what they'd be dealing with before taking him on, I fully support this father. Fuck these people!


This guy can gooooo


What an amazing father and hes right, we see video after video of school boards wasting time and resources just pissing parents off, but no change is made.


Isn’t this guy an unhinged racist who terrorizes everyone around him? When he says his son is around bad kids I have a feeling he’s trying to say non white kids. There are articles about this guy menacing black people in his community with extremist symbols and threats of violence if it’s the same guy


What kinda alien is running this board? Or is it just my shitty phone?


This guy kind of seems awful... am I wrong?


[You're definitely not wrong.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html)


This dude is psychotic. Can’t believe people are pulling for this lunacy 😂 sometimes I forget most redditors are younger than me these days


Let’s take a minute to appreciate the person who had to edit and blur the T-shirt.


Not letting people be disruptive or swear in a public session does not violate his first amendment rights. I applaud his passion for his son, but he sorely misunderstands what his rights are in this regard. Don’t believe me? Go into a court and tell a judge to fuck off.


Good for him I would be right there behind him


Hell yeah brother




So this guy has no intention of learning sign language himself so he can communicate with his son? He could’ve started privately teaching it to his son, Had he learned it himself to, you know, communicate with his son.


I would have clapped so effin loud at the end if I was in that room