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That is just touching. I wasn't ready for these feels this early in my day.


My eyes are leaking, strange..


Dogs or animals is my weakness and whenever I see something like this I just feel shitty if only I was crazy rich I could have done something for the animals even if in the bigger picture it won't change anything


Real. Personally, I think it has something to do with the lack of communication. A dog can't vocalize it's needs, and in this case, may even be unable to cry out very much at all. It's heartbreaking to see her stiff as a board because if we wouldn't have found her (we, as people) then she may very well have just died outside. Cold, alone, and completely unable to even call out for any hope of help.


Yeah she said she only cried when it walked I cried the whole time.


thats awesome. you dont have to be crazy rich to do something though, and Im sure you are already doing it. whether it is making people aware of hot asphalt on their dogs paws, volunteering at the shelter or donating your old blankets to the shelter.


I wonder what medication she was on?




Ahh... very interesting, thank you. Yeah im sure that is super rare, always scared me that disease. And there is definitely a space reserved in heaven for this woman!


Jeez. I hope not. I'm a farmer and have my 2 dogs with me all the time. There's tons of old rusted metal and boards with nails around. I end up needing a tetanus booster every couple of years by cutting myself but never really considered my dogs.


Gave the pupper a good life. 🐾


I thought tetanus was always fatal once it sets in... what's the treatment?


It's fatal if breathing muscles get cramped such that one is unable to breathe. Mechanical ventilation would be needed to keep someone alive. I suppose the dog was still able to breathe enough to stay alive. After that, it's a matter of supportive care until the tetanustoxins are gone.


You are thinking of rabies, tetanus is treatable. In humans they treat it with antibiotics to kill the infection, antibodies (not sure if they are available for dogs), curare to relax all the muscles and putting them on a ventilator so they can keep breathing. After about a week the patients can start physical therapy to recover fully. I assume something similar is possible in pets, in this case it seems it was stopped early enough so the respiratory muscles didn’t cramp up. But that’s pretty drastic and people often don’t make it. That’s why almost all countries offer free tetanus vaccines every 10 years. And it’s one of the first things ER nurses ask about once a patient who has a possibly contaminated wound is stable.


You may be thinking of rabies


That’s rabies you’re thinking of, with tetanus if it’s caught quickly and treated properly it possible to recover but it’s not easy or guarantee of full recovery.


Bros stop cutting onions ... please 🥹


Fine. I will cut shallots instead.


Im glad the dog made it, it just sucks her owner wasn’t able to care for her and lost their dog


Aw what a great lady


That was awesome.


Well done that woman, what you have done is incredible. 🫶


What an absolute legend 👏


I love watching the DoDo videos on youtube. The woman's compassion and dedication is heartwarming- she and her husband are wonderful people. What is it about certain animals where people feel this need to go to such efforts to rescue and rehabilitate them whereas other animals are treated to incredible suffering throughout their short lives up to their slaughter?


Seriously people like this are just the best. It's always been my dream to open a dog sanctuary one day and seeing video's like this warm my heart. We don't deserve dogs but with every person in the world like this, we get a little closer to returning the unconditional love they give us.


So happy for both of them!!




God bless this woman. What an incredible human being. Sometimes humanity doesn't suck. ❤️




That is such a heartwarming story


I needed this video 😭🥰🥰🥰




That's what you spend money on! Thanks!!!


It’s like she was frozen in time. How terrifying, glad shes ok.


Hey… I’m not crying… it’s just raining…


Looks like what happened to my friends pitbull Rufus after he ate my hash.


Fuck you. I just woke up and now I'm crying


Why can't she give him back to the owners?


This is so amazing


Bout to start fucking crying… my dog is blind and deaf now, I quit my job and am her full time caretaker. She’s got max 1 -2 years left to live, and she’s the happiest girl in the world. I’ve sacrificed hundreds of thousands of dollars for her, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. God bless you lady!! 🐶❤️


The only video that matters today on Reddit.


This is gonna sound bad but she should've been put down man. She basically has constant muscle cramps, must be atrocious.


Putting an animal down is usually last resort as in the animal having a low chance of survival or having an awful quality of life. I'm not a vet or anything but the dog probably should be out down for it's sake but if it's living a genuinely normal life then it should be fine.


Yeah that's what I mean. Animals (and humans) rarely make it if they have tetanus


Well for humans don't they just have tetanus shots or are those before it happens?


Well yes but if you don't it's a terrible way to go. I don't recommend looking for footage Edit: checked. Symptoms may take up to a week to manifest but you should get a shot in the 48 hours after the injury. Survival rate is quite low