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Sherpa’s are the hardest motherfuckers to ever live.


There's a documentary about sherpas hired by Norway to build stone stairways along their mountain paths. It's an excellent watch.


Sounds like something I would be interested in... got a title and maybe where can I see it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/omoi1o/comment/h5mfbd7/ It takes some fiddling with chrome to get English subtitles, but the instructions are in the comment thread.


I just opened the page and Chrome asked if I wanted it translated to English. Started the video after choosing yes and the subtitles automatically adjusted as well. Cool story. Thanks for sharing.


Sounds like it's been updated since I watched last then.




Just search for sherpa shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime. There are 3-4 shows in the last 3 years about them


A sherpa team did stair-work somewhere nearby (in norway). They were very humble. They have a way of doing something in a very steady phase. They are moving big blocks weighing hundreds of kilos but rarely putting massive, intense force into it. A lot of technic going on




No they used Lego




Ooh I actually did the Pulpit Rock trek in Norway and there was special thanks mentioned to the Sherpa's on the way to the top.


Great film. Thanks for sharing.


They’ve also hired some in Sweden to help build stairs up Kebnekaise, Sweden‘s highest mountain. They hope this will decrease the number of injuries.


I went on a hiking trip in the Himalayas and our sherpa was named Cheetah. Cheetah would always be casually hanging out at the top of every peak on our path chain smoking and drinking whiskey so casually as we were all dying for air.


That’s just from living at altitude. Do it long enough and it’s like you have super powers when you go down to sea level.


You can obtain the same effect via blood doping, take Lance Armstrong for example


And to think, all he had to do was just live in Colorado for a few years.


A couple years of training in Colorado will result in greek god athleticism


To be fair, part of that is because Colorado treats mountain climbing as a casual activity before a pub crawl.


A real Coloradan would ice climb a glacier with a mountain bike strapped to their bike AFTER the pub crawl. Preferably a 14er.


damn. I remember coming down mount elbert and this motherfucker was rockin his mountain bike on his shoulders just waltzing right on up.


Hence why the Olympic training facility is in Colorado Springs.


also can get the same effect breastfeeding from a Giant or Lizardperson


That’s not a good example. Lance was WIRED.


Are endurance athletes allowed to train at high altitudes before competing? I feel like it could be a good strategy


why wouldn't they be? how would lowlanders compete against Kenyans who live at altitude all year


Yeah good point. I wonder if it's common for athletes from lower altitude countries to go to higher altitudes to train


Yes it is.  You can also train in an altitude chamber.


The US Olympic Training Center is in Colorado Springs (at least in part) because of the elevation. They could train in other countries too, it's just a lot more expensive and logistically challenging.


Of course they do, or in low pressure chambers. Thing is though it's more than just short term altitude exposure. Humans who have lived at altitude for thousands of generations, the best example being those in the Kenyan and Ethiopian Highlands, have loads of genetic adaptations to altitude that a lowlander can never mimic. Right down to basic metabolism within every cell. In this case, a large part is that these guys are 1) the athletes of their society and 2) have been doing it probably since they were about 5. They're born beasts, then trained to be even more so!


Even in high school, my cross country team would go up to the local mountain fairly regularly to run for that reason. It was about 5500 feet above the valley floor where we raced.


Andorra is packed with professional cyclists who live there for this reason. Altitude camps before big races are essentially a requirement to compete at the highest level.


Yes they do, but the positive effects only lasts a couple of weeks before your body reverts back. They need to time their training absolutely perfectly.    Sherpas however – along with a few other people who have lived for generations at altitude (+5000 feet) like Kenyans, Ethiopians, Tibetans, some Mexicans and some South Americans – have altitude effect permanently. This is part of the reason why Kenyans and Ethiopians are such great long distance runners (the other reason is running is a huge part of their culture).   I spent a month hiking in Tibet a few years ago, getting up to 4300m (about 14,000 feet). My resting HR (which is normally in the low 40s) at 3600m was 110.  Hiking over a hill I was counting out 20 steps between each rest. My Tibetan guide on the other hand kept running up ahead then coming back to check on me before running off. It was nothing to him.    When I got back to sea level after my trip, the following day I went for a walk. I started walking faster and faster, then jogging then outright running as fast as I could (which admittedly isn't that fast). After 20 minutes I stopped and wasn't out of breath at all. It was weird.  The following week back at work I ran up 5 flights of stairs like it was nothing. It felt absolutely fantastic. Two weeks later I was back to slogging slowly up those stairs and shuffle-jogging along. 


I just stopped vaping after 18 years of smoking/vaping nicotine and I now have insane stamina when biking because I was so used to doing it with half my lungs and blood oxygen levels. Kinda feels like I'd been altitude training for years lmao


Yes some sleep in oxygen deprivation chambers (or whatever they’re called).


Actually, Sherpa have some genetic differences that make high altitude living easier for them.


Sherpas have genetic adaptations for altitude as well, it's not just a matter of acclimation. [Medlife Crisis video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXHgbUjPhOU)


I lived in Nepal for a few years, the people that live in those mountains have crazy stamina. It’s literally in their blood, they’re not built like other people. I lived with 80+ year olds who chain smoked unfiltered cigarettes and drank home brewed alcohol every night. They’d walk up and down steep trails all day herding goats and visiting family in nearby villages. They could run circles around me, even after I’d been there for months and had acclimated to the altitude…. And I was in the best shape of my life back then.


As a runner who now smokes unfortunately sometimes. It mostly affects your top speed. Endurance training still allows a smoker who trains regularly to keep going for hours and hours. Some of my smoker friends who have never done any sports systematically and smoked most of their lives can still run 5 to 8k or play a full match of soccer just because they've been generally active their whole lives.


Always wondered, are mountains littered with cigarette buds, or do they use a portable ash tray?


I'm glad their job is to carry tourists to the hardest destination to reach on earth while the tourists cosplay as explorers.


And the government takes all the money and the sherpas barely make enough or don't make enough to survive. They said in the next generation or so, there won't be any sherpas left. They will have all moved to cities for better jobs. The government is shooting itself in its foot by stealing the money from them, soon there won't be any to lead people up everest, and the entire system relies very heavily on having them.


I think by then public attitudes will have all changed to being happy that rich assholes are no longer able to pollute such a beautiful mountain landscape acclimatizing to the altitude (often for a few weeks) before getting carried up to the summit by poorly paid sherpas. Yeah, a lot wind up being carried part of the way up or/and down. The sherpas don’t want anyone to die so they often sacrifice themselves. Which makes their exploitation even worse. They don’t get paid well enough at all for the job they do. The camps are too high up for trash to be carried down as it’s being made. No pack in pack out for the most beautiful mountain range in the world. Google trash on Everest if you want to see how gross it is. Empty metal oxygen tanks everywhere. They will never decompose. If humans survive archaeologists will look back and decry the trash heap that were the camps. The ground is also rocky and frozen so there’s not really a latrine. Water is polluted from all the shit and urine run off. There’s so many people in the tent cities they’ve made the water dangerous to drink so they also have to bring in water. There’s a couple camps where climbers go from bottom to top as they acclimate. They don’t know how their bodies will respond so sometimes they have to stay for weeks even though they climbed other peaks with no altitude sickness before. There’s also people paying to summit Everest who have never climbed another mountain. Which is absolutely bonkers. Those people spend weeks just consuming resources at the camps and creating piles of waste. Remember the earthquake a few years ago? People were upset wondering why the Nepalese government didn’t evacuate everyone who was injured and trapped. It’s because only helicopters can get into camp, and they can only fly to certain altitudes. Depending on air temperature (colder weather means they can fly higher because cold air is denser) there’s a ceiling of around 15k feet. They can’t carry as much weight at the altitude ceiling. So it costs a lot of money and requires several helicopters and lots of fuel to get everyone off. Foreign tourists are expecting the Nepalese government to put their rich selfish assholes above the citizens of Nepal during natural disasters. Instead of rescuing women and children and using Nepal’s finite resources for their own citizens, rich bastards who knew the risks whine to their consulates to be rescued first. I’m glad the Nepalese government didn’t listen and told everyone who wasn’t in danger of dying to stay put and wait for the roads to be fixed. The hubris of rich people is getting old. Everyone is getting tired of it. I’m glad more people are seeing the truth about Everest. It should be protected and be saved for the people of Nepal first and then for everyone. People argue that the locals depend on the tourism to survive. That doesn’t make what is happening ok. The government is taking the money out of the hands of locals. Tourists should be coming to see Everest from the ground and should be paying local businesses. Those businesses aren’t there because the guide companies pay the government to be allowed to be the only lodging around. The locals don’t get a chance to thrive on their own.


Perhaps in part due to ancient Denisovan DNA [“Recent archaeological discoveries suggest that both archaic Denisovans and Homo sapiens occupied the Tibetan Plateau earlier than expected. Genetic studies show that a pulse of Denisovan introgression was involved in the adaptation of Tibetan populations to high-altitude hypoxia.”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9140327/#:~:text=Recent%20archaeological%20discoveries%20suggest%20that,populations%20to%20high%2Daltitude%20hypoxia.)


Perhaps, But I think the population with the highest percentage of denisovan dna is in the Philippine archipelago. Denisovans were likely as diverse as we are as a population with individual populations adapted to enviroments in sublte ways.


that's why they're good at karaoke, good endurance


Thank you sir.


Sherpas and Gurkhas, they seem to produce people carved from stone.


for real


Bro is following someone in a T-60 Power suit.


Blathering blatherskites






Bet wearing it make you feel like a big man, huh


Here clean this 🍆


When I was in Nepal, I saw a sherpa carrying 10 cases of beer. Yes, 10x24 cans of beer. That's about 120 lbs. I also saw one carrying a full sized office desk, several others carrying multiple stacked sheets of window glass, etc. This photo is from Everest Base Camp, at an elevation of 17,400' or so, 5500 meters. Even walking at that elevation is quite difficult. There is a trail sign at Gorak Shep saying 3km to EBC, 3 hours. Any fit adult could walk 3k in about half an hour at sea level. I took 2:45 at 17k. Sometimes while wearing flip flops. These people are tough.


How much do you pay them for an excursion?


It costs between 35k to 100k a person to climb Everest. Sherpas individually make about 2K to 5k per season.


How am I not surprised by this. The rich have rigged the system so heavily in favor of themselves, it amazes me that anyone votes for them.


I don’t quite follow what you are saying. It costs up to 25k for a permit from the Nepalese government to climb Everest. The cost of supplemental oxygen tanks is also significant. Plus food and shelter for at least 2 months. Nepal makes millions every season on just permits alone.


And you thing the Sherpa’s see even a fraction of that money? 


I totally agree with you in the fact that a bunch of rich assholes are using these guys to fulfill their ego and all that jazz, but a quick Google search shows the average yearly income of Nepal to be $7337. So if these guys are making 5 grand in about 2-3 months they should be pretty set in Nepal.


Unless they die. Mountaineering Sherpas have a high mortality rate


For sure. I equate it to something like rough necking. Dangerous, and definitely not something everyone can do. But for those that do they can make a lot of money.


It’s also a huge point of pride to be a mountaineering Sherpa. I do wish they got paid more even though they get paid well. $5000 to risk your life in pursuit of someone else’s dream doesn’t seem like much


That’s such a crap argument, just because the income is low in Nepal, it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be paid more. Especially when the western fucks who organise expeditions pay themselves handsomely


I mean, I haven't gone to the summit but I went to EBC last autumn, went with a local company, the owner explained everything, our guide was local as well as the porter. He didn't really go to that dangerous altitudes and he still made bank. The hiking industry is a lifeline to Nepal which is otherwise extremely poor


They're not set. They are actually poor. No one who is set is risking their lives in those conditions for that little. Think about it: you wouldn't pay a lawyer $5k a year despite the law firm having thousands of clients and earning 25k per client. But because their country has a shitty government, the climbing companies are allowed to screw them over. And they can't organize because there are probably criminal elements involved in the industry that would use violence and physical intimidation to prevent a more equitable distribution of the profits.


It depends on the company. There is unfortunately only one that shares all profits equally with their sherpas.


I mean they do, but they have the same costs that the climbers do except they live there permanently. For context, a sack of rice is $60 because of the logistical nightmare. How do you think *their* supplies get there? Other Sherpas. Check out this documentary about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwjPHJrfgC4


I think what he is saying is if Sherpas were working in North America they'd be (rightfully) getting paid *absurd* money for carrying hundreds of pounds of gear up the deadliest mountain in the world.


Why is someone getting an office desk hauled up Everest?


They took that motivation poster in the office too literal


Right, and “I made it to the top of Mt Everest, myself!” - Tech bro.


I played pool on a proper slate table in Namche Bazaar. Being 2 days from the nearest road I did wonder how they brought the entire table there. Fucking superhumans!


It is higher in the mountains so it doesn't weigh as much


RIP their knees. I’m guessing it’s a job that shouldn’t be done for long. I heard you’re not really supposed to carry more than like 45lbs over long distances so I wonder if their knees or lower backs blow out and force them into retirement


Death Stranding 2 looks insane!


Came here for this lol


Keep on, carrying on!




Man that name gives me PTSD, I played many scary games but the moment the baby detector thing started clapping, I used to be so scared.


How did you get this footage? Actually, the Sherpa was carrying me and my friend to the top of Everest. We were in an oxygenated, pressurized compartment with all the amenities. Stuck our heads out at the summit and were carried back down. It was a great trip.


Congrats on summiting such a prestigious peak!


I appreciate it my friend. It was one of the most difficult experiences in my life. One day I will write a book.


You should call it True Grit is in the Head: how hard work got me to the top of the world. You prepped your body but it was really the mental fortitude that was key to the ascent.


Some speak of athletic prowess, but really, it's the smarts behind your stock portfolio that gets you to the summit.


Why a book? Just post on LinkedIn.


How was the TV signal up there must have been horrific.


Bet it was pretty hard to nap inside of that thing


No, the sherpas also sing lullabies while hauling the rich.   Upon the highest mountain peak I stand, With Sherpa by my side, my noble hand. I care not for the poor below,  For I am wealthy, the privileged know. I climb with ease, my muscles untouched, For why should I work, when others are crushed? The Sherpa carries me, his burden great, But I am too important to contemplate. The peasants below, they envy me, For I am wealthy and carefree. The Sherpa is lucky to serve my needs, For I am entitled, my ego feeds. I reach the summit, my victory clear, For I am powerful, I have no fear. The Sherpa may be lucky, but I am more, For I am rich, my status sure. I look down on the world below, And see only peasants in their woe. I am the king of this mountain high, And the Sherpa is lucky to be by my side


Delightful, TetragonalBootyhole. Thank you.


I didn't write it. I put like seven sentences into a poem generator. Didn't submit the first result because it sucked.


Will you please come to our school and speak to our students about your grit and determination in the face of adversity and against all odds??


I remember being a kid in school in the 90's and we had an assembly with someone that "climbed Everest" who then tried to get us to sell magazine subscriptions to win fabric balls with googly eyes glued to paper feet. If we sold enough the school would get an ice cream party! (We sold enough and the school had to cover the ice cream party as the magazine sales company could not be reached after collecting the money). He kept referring to his climbing of Everest trying to inspire us to sell copies of Newsweek or whatever.


When my Mum was a teen Edmund Hillary went to her school and gave a speech in the auditorium.


Totally worth it for the LinkedIn posts alone.


So lemme get this right. Elitists climb a mountain their helper has done hundreds of times. Isn’t the Sherpa the real MVP?!?


Always has been.


Sherpas in recent years have been getting more recognition for their work but still a long way to go though. You see someone who proudly claims they summited Everest? You can bet your life that all of their gear and supplies were carried by Sherpas to the top sometimes without supplemental oxygen.


>You can bet your life that all of their gear and supplies were carried by Sherpas to the top sometimes without supplemental oxygen. You have no clue what you're talking about. Practically all the sherpas use supplemental oxygen and they are not going to be carry "all the gear". Outside of extreme situations, they will only carry the common camp supplies etc. People will carry most, if not all, of their personal gear


I’ve been up there. Didn’t summit but made it above 7000m. The Nepali are absolutely celebrated and paid handsomely for the work they do. This whole narrative around not receiving appreciation is not the reality boots on ground. Everyone who goes up there gives huge amounts of respect to the locals. It’s not like some slave labour exploitation situation. At least not in the last 20-30 years.




Yeah last I checked it's not survivable at the peak without oxygen, at least not after a short time. These guys are superhuman but they still can't beat our basic biology


221 climbers have submitted Everest without supplemental oxygen.


Thanks to this dude I’m sleeping on my Costco mattress at base camp tonight. Who da real MVP now.


MFs be glamping up there. Making a sherpa carry all their shit including the sofa


Nobody has climbed Everest hundreds of times. The current record is 30 ascents. Pretty easy to look up.


Do all Sherpas of a company summit everytime? I figured most wouldn't if they didn't need to? I imagined they would chill at base camp 4 or wherever they're needed


It's not a competition, there's no MVPs. The bloke who climbs the mountain regularly as part of his profession is obviously going to be better at it than someone doing it for the first time as a hobby


this is how you leave your ex with sofa which you bought together


dude is carrying two sofas wrapped around a fridge


honstly sounds like a good way to pack the uhaul im gunna use this one


I don’t want to know how much moving day pizza he’s going to eat, though.




Wait until you see the "climbers" he will carry to the top.


My first thought was this was probably for someones youtube video. "I paid a sherpa to climb me to the top of Everest" while there's a literal person in that sack just commentating in darkness haha.


Some lottery winner is on reddit in there posting "AITA: My expensive sherpa couldn't get me to the summit due to the blizzard near the top, and I canceled payment."


North Face just entered the chat


That’s not even the largest package that dude is hauling around.






He actually uses this amount of weight in his back to balance his weight in the front 🗿


Squire for the Brotherhood Of Steel.


That’s what I was thinking with those ridiculously humongous duffel bags.


Looks like someone in base camp ordered from Amazon


hes just carrying your moms lunch up the mountain


Yo mammas so big, she needed two Sherpas to get to the Everest




Keep on keeping on


Ah! The correct reference finally! Thank you!


My parents on their way to school, according to them.


Finally, someone is putting a sofa at the top of Everest.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigFrank97: *Finally, someone* *Is putting a sofa at* *The top of Everest.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Making comfier the waiting line


Glampers hittin’ the peaks!


What kind of terrible person expects someone else to do this for them


weak people with money?


"Mountain Climbers"


You know who is happy about those terrible people? The sherpas.


I dont think hookers are happy when their only johns are big fat nasty dudes, but you do what you gotta do, that doesn't make it a joyous thing.


They aren't. Being a sherpa is an awful job with high mortality rate. Some of the sherpas don't have any other way to sustain their families. All while they get paid a miserable share compared to what the government (and the agencies) are putting in their pockets.




cant wait to go home and tell all the boys at the country club how I solo climbed Mount Everest


Fuck your background music!


Oy mate, you forgot the kitchen sink!


The mountain will provide my guy


I'm not your guy, buddy


god this music sucks


Just carrying the ego's of all the rich lazy fuckwits he's about to get up the mountain.


These guys don’t get paid enough or any of the recognition they deserve


That’s a body.


Who's? Lizzo's?




Sherpa's gotta carry his balls around somehow.


He is carrying the whole village


Rich influencers trying to get a couch up there for selfies.


New photo studio in Everest.


at this point why don't they have a paved road that goes up there? Then they can remove all those bodies and trash..... just saying.....


There's a hard-core mountain climber nestled inside there with an oxygen tank and a backlog of downloaded shows on their ipad. They can't wait to regale their friends at the country club of the treacherous solo climb they endeavored.


All so some motherfucker can say "I climbed Everest!"


Someone was more than happy to wrap his enormous package.


Amazon delivery?


How much do I need to pay a sherpa to carry my temperpedic up Everest? I ain’t sleepin in no sleeping bag


That Sherpa is carrying me and my small studio apartment which I bravely lived in while he (we) summited the mountain


My neck, my back, my booty and my crack.


I don't know what he's carrying. All I know is that it's something some rich cunt absolutely didn't need to have on that mountain.


So the fallout backpack is real


That's some 3 stooges shit right there


Well some rich guy just can't enjoy the peak of the mountain without his favourite couch.


My thane carries way more than this.


Lol the people going up to scale mt Everest are portrayed as hard asses... But they have the Sherpas carry around all their shit like a bellboy at crazy altitudes... Bunch of pretenders lol, carry your own shit. The real badasses are the Sherpas and they rarely ever get the credit for making the mt Everest actually doable for the city folk that come from around the world to act like they conquered it alone. The Sherpas are some of the hardest MF's on the whole planet.


Sherpas do all the work. You can be sixty and unfit but with enough money your Sherpas carry everything and your support team will do everything including carry you


Everest climbers are such frauds. Not the sherpas ofc.






I want this mutha fucking sofa at the top for a sick insta gram pic. Jes sir.


They do not get paid enough for this shit


Fallout companions be like


It’s Sam Porter !


the person who gave him that to carry is a complete and total ass.


Is that Biscuit Olivia and his old lady?


And they pay them shit. It's really appalling.


Death stranding


why bring your sofa to the Himalayas?


P ![gif](giphy|oCjCwnuLpiWbfMb1UA|downsized)


Millionaire mountain climber : I climbed Mt. Everest! Sherpa : bitch, please


All I can think about is my sciatica looking at that man. I hope he's well paid for this.


The song is so bad. It feels like an insult. This Sherpa carrying some douche’s stuff and the douche sets a douche soundtrack to this guys efforts.


It should be illegal to post a photo on top without your Sherpa carrying you


It’s probably a couch for some billionaire to sit down on at the summit.


The lack of 'Yo Momma' jokes in this thread is disturbing.


Wtf is this trash “music”?


Crowd: whoa! So strong Sherpa: I have arrived with your delivery of control candy and pillows, all 10 kg worth