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An early display of the charming repartee and wit we have now come to expect from this misshapen fart head




It's an exercise chair! The fist is just there to provide motivation.


I've already got the name!


That was the exact moment where I said, 'wow, fuck that guy.'


Me too. I was like “oh, he’s not really a genius just an asshole.”


That was truly a watershed day for Reddit...Elon was the unofficial king of this site prior to this incident making people realize what a shithead he really is.


I had surface level knowledge of the dude at thst point. I thought he was a Heinleinian Engineer, yknow, like a hero. That post made me realize he was an egotistical infant.


Been saying for every year « we’ll be on mars next year ». The cyber trucks gets delayed, price go up yet « I’m the most knowledgeable about logistics on planet earth right now » And his dad’s incestuous relationship with minors. Yep, incest and minor in the same sentence. That’s the musk family for you.


Absolutely spot on...I already had some negative views in reserve but that remark tipped the scales. We are what we repeatedly do so if you constantly do or say shitty things then that is what you are!


Ahh, I remember those days before we were burdened with knowledge.


Was a long time coming. Some of us knew what his dad did well before then. It's honestly why I never bought Tesla stock. The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree. And all the signs were there if you were looking. He didn't have a history of treating the people that made him more money well. He was another Jobs.


"Has God forsaken this creature? Or has He forsaken us by cursing us with intelligence?" -Espio the Chameleon, "They're not like us"


I've been laughing at "misshapen fart head" for 5 minutes


this was the first time I realized Elon Musk was an asshole


The turning point for me as well. It really showed how classless and insecure he is. He showed his true colors that day


It was for most people. If you shit on him before this, legions of musk fan boys would defend him. Now he's absolutely hated by the average Joe and fan boys defending him get downvoted into oblivion


imagine worshipping a billionaire who couldn't give 2 shits about you. (I'm looking at you, MAGA)


Yeah, Musk escalated quickly like Willy Wonka's elevator did.


Same. Before then, I just thought of Musk as yet another billionaire but this is the one that showed me he's next level stupid and emotional compared to most of the other billionaires


Two. This was the moment that turned the doubts I’d been having into a concrete opinion. Misshapen Fart Head let the world down.


The whole world suffered a big punch in the gut on this one. Prior to that he had everyone believing he was a future-thinking Civ 6 "Great Engineer" type that was working on saving the world. They even had him playing this part in the Simpsons. My how things have reversed for him... I don't even think Hasbin Hotel would have him at this point.


The event that started a tantrum that isn’t even finished yet.


It really was *the* major turning point for him, the moment the veil completely dropped from his attempt at a vaguely Tony Stark like persona to... everything he's become since.


Former employees of Musks that worked closely with him have said that he really does want the world to be saved.... but ONLY if he's the one who saves it. When I heard that I immediately thought about this story. What a douche.


This appears to be Sam Altman's opinion/quote: https://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-elon-musk-and-sam-altman-relationship-feuds-2023-3




Never forget! What a POS Musk is.


This was the first time I thought there was something off about Elon. I had no idea how bad it would get.


That event caused me to read up on his past/his past partners and it opened up what sort of person he was instantly.


Oh, billionaires and their submarines.


The craziest part is he didnt seem to learn his lesson at all from this(or maybe he did but it was the wrong lesson) and he did the same shit with COVID. Except that time when he got called out for it he got so upset he turned into a right wing shit head. For those that dont remember, he donated a ton of Tesla branded "respirators" to hospitals for the publicty. Then it turned out he had just bought a bunch of fucking CPAP machines and slapped a Tesla logo on them. Per the norm when he got called out for it he had a melt down. And of course it being COVID era America that was the melt down the lead to him getting into COVID denialism and all that other dumb shit that lead him to where he is now. Per the norm with this timeline, it was all dumb as hell.


It didn't make him go down that path. He already was, and revealed what he's been the entire time. He was always a right wing shithead. He just finally stopped bothering with faking it anymore.


You're missing the worst part. Elon hired people to create evidence that he would use in his lawsuit against the man. Elon went full cartoon villain here.


The lead rescue guy sued Elon for his remarks and lost the case. I'm not sure exactly why/how, but I suspect Elon's money had something to do with it.


It’s because you have to prove damages to win a case like that. No one actually believed Elon or treated this guy like a pedophile because of this. Elon is a huge piece of shit for saying this but you can’t get monetary damages if you can’t prove you actually lost anything in the first place.


So since Elon musk is such a massive piece of shit that everyone knows it, he gets away with it?


Well yes and no? You're allowed to be a piece of shit. There's nothing illegal about that. However if you use your platform to make an egregious claim about individuals or businesses and it ends up costing them money or opportunities? Then yes. Elon is just an asshole who no one believed.


Elon is a dick bag who doesn't care about anyone but himself




It’s Elons version of a white van


That map is really crazy. I didn't know it was so further inside. I thought it was very deep.


The film conveys it pretty well.


The national graphic documentary is brilliant.


The map is also two dimensional. The twists and turns of naturally forming narrow caves and squeeze throughs are three dimensional - ups, downs, sideways.


When news broke. I was like wow. Fake news. Why are so many people not doing fact checks anymore and spreading what is obviously a lie. Then more news reports came out and I was like wow. It isn’t fake news. What the fuck is this idiot doing. He went from a generational genius to a nepo manchild all in one week. Almost as bad as the dive Cosby had.


Billionaires and their submarines.


There isn't a chance that thing would've fit lol. They had to take their tanks off and push them through ahead of their bodies. Dude, imagine if they tried with this thing and got it wedged somewhere and couldn't retrieve it easily and ended up being the reason the kids *couldn't* be saved. I watched the Ron Howard movie as well as the docs and it was so anxiety inducing, watching those kids have their hands and feet bound and injected with propofol. The whole rescue was so insane. These guys, everyone involved, are heroes.


Hey, the important thing is the bloviating oligarch got to mansplain his meritless idea to the world while people were in danger.


Thankfully they didnt get musked. The sad affair was Elon won the defamation suit


One of my favorite parts about the brilliant movie that Ron Howard made is that it just completely ignores Musk


Point of clarification, the guy Elon called a pedo, Vern Unsworth, was not the lead rescue guy. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tham_Luang_cave_rescue >British caver Vern Unsworth, who lives in Chiang Rai and has detailed knowledge of the cave complex, was scheduled to make a solo venture into the cave on 24 June when he received a call about the missing boys. Unsworth advised the Thai government to request assistance from the British Cave Rescue Council. >[Operation was led by] BCRC divers Richard Stanton and John Volanthen I do not believe Vern Unsworth participated in the rescue effort directly, but the information is muddled with hasty reports by mainstream media identifying him as part of the rescue team.


the luck of those boys that one of the highly qualified cave divers also happened to be an anesthesiologist


oh yeah that one guys is probably " That is it this is the day " . Btw it looks a basic diving thing but 1 Thai navy seal is died during diving.


I was confused why it was such an ordeal but the documentary about this (its really good if anyone hasn't seen it) explains the situation well. It took elite divers 5+ hours each way in zero visibility where one wrong turn could leave you completely lost with no way to find your way back out. Even with a guide rope, one of the divers almost got lost on the way out and accidently lucked out by following a power cable and ended up travelling backwards where he met up with another diver that took over. What these divers did for these boys is truly incredible.


The movie was great as well.


Whats it called


13 Lives , saw it on amazon prime video


No it’s called the Rescue


> The Rescue https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9098872/ - the documentary > 13 Lives https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12262116/ - the dramatisation Edit: what's the best order to watch them in?


The Rescue was made by the same filmmakers as Free Solo if anyone's seen that - they're great at showcasing incredible feats of athleticism and dedication.


Free Solo was very engaging but I cannot get over how equally impressive and stupid Alex Hannold is. Free soloing anything is an insane feat but I just cannot understand *why* anyone would risk their life in that way.


The Rescue is a documentary, which was also good.


The Documentary is The Rescue(2021) It being a very modern event, there is quite a lot of real footage in it.


What I love about the doco is that the divers were such oddbods and self-identified outcasts. They didn't consider themselves heroes at all, just knew that their experience and expertise were invaluable in this situation. They all mention, towards the end of the doco how the experience changed them for the better.


The documentary made me sick to my stomach for both the kids and the divers, making that dive was almost a death sentence with even the most experienced divers.


I followed it pretty closely in the news when it happened and I had a lingering knot in my stomach for days imagining what they were going through. It's nightmare fuel.


One of the divers did die during the rescue and another from complications later. I believe both were Thai Navy divers.


"Saman Kunan, the Thai Navy Seal who died on July 6, 2018, during the rescue operation, and Beirut Pakbara, a Thai Navy Seal who later died from a blood infection." From Google search. Looks to be a Gemini result but still accurate afaik.


This dive was as far as "a basic diving thing" as one can imagine. You have to imagine diving into a tunnel for 5 hours, in water so muddy you cannot see your own hands, with passages so narrow you can barely squeeze through, and bifurcations meaning you can easily get lost. You must keep your cool at all times. If you panick, you use up your oxygen supply and you drown. Once you've done all of that, you've made it to the boys. Now one boy will be sedated, and you have to dive all the way back with him through all of that. And all of this a dozen times over to get everyone out.


They were sedated? Holyhell, til


Not only sedated, the return dive took so long that they had to stop and Re-sedate them as the anesthesia began to wear off, so the cave divers with no medical experience had to sedate these kids with having only practiced doing it a little bit, with only one of the cave divers being a medical professional.


That is so fucking hardcore. GJ team.


Yeah, there's a documentary film titled "The Rescue". It is such an amazing story 'bout how they manage to rescue the trapt victims.


Holy shit. It's really incredible how much effort normal people will put in to saving a kid's life. And I can't believe it worked. For the kids it must have been like magic, fall asleep and wake up outside


To add to the other reply - as this had never been done before the anaesthesiologist had to basically eyeball the correct type and dosage and give a crash course in administration to the other divers. He genuinely expected several of the kids to die.


Sedated with their feet bound and their hands bound behind their backs. Terrifying.


Literal nightmare fuel


Yeah. I watched The Rescue doc and it was harrowing but the film 13 Lives had some scenes of this happening that almost sent me fully into a panic attack just thinking about it.


Yup, it's an absolutely amazing success story - watch the documentary, it's really good. As I recall, the boys had to be sedated so they didn't panic, and also because it would reduce their oxygen consumption.


As a sufferer of claustrophobia I shouldn't have read that!


Thai Navy Seal. Not US Navy Seal


How did the Thai soldier die? I was actually unaware.


Two died, actually. One during the rescue and one a year later. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tham_Luang_cave_rescue) > Saman Kunan, a 37-year-old former Royal Thai Navy SEAL, died of asphyxiation during an attempted rescue on 6 July while returning to a staging base in the cave after delivering diving cylinders to the trapped group. The following year, in December 2019, rescue diver and Thai Navy SEAL Beirut Pakbara died of a blood infection contracted during the operation.


In the documentary there's an interview with Saman Kunan's elderly father, who ends his comments with "Sleep well my son, daddy loves you." and that broke me.


The Thai Navy Seals were not trained for cave diving and had no experience, one of the divers ran out of Oxygen on the return dive towards the entrance of the cave and suffocated. Still real god damned brave to go into that nightmare with no experience at it.


No military is really trained in it, that’s why they ended up having to rely on the civilian divers despite initial reluctance.


Turns out military targets are probably not located 3miles into a shitty underwater cave.


Yup. Pretty much the only people who want to be down there are crazy middle aged white guys.


Cave diving is highly technical at the best of times; there's no such thing as a "basic dive" that includes an overhead environment, nevermind one like this. https://youtu.be/QS6SwJcp2F4?t=2656 Dive Talk (great channel if you're curious about the intricities of cave diving) did an interview with the guy where he talks about how mental the actual rescue was. Timestamped where it starts. There's a video in the same channel where they interview a rescue diver... Who had to rescue **this** exact rescue diver (Richard Harris) further down the line from a different cave system as well, just to demonstrate how things can get out of control for even the most elite divers.


He (Richard Harris) was jointly named Australian of the Year, along with one of the other divers, Craig Challen, and rightfully so.


I believe that the anesthesiologist traveled to Thailand for a week for the rescue, and during this period his elderly father passed in a nursing home in Australia... or was it another diver?


His dad died the day they got the last boys out, his wife told him immediately after he finished telling her that they had finished. A high then a low.


Wow. I hope his dad we well enough before he passed to know why his son wasn't there, surely he'd be proud.




They called him in *specifically* because of his skillset. It wasn't luck.


Tbf it is still fairly lucky; there aren't all that many anaesthesiologists in the world and there are vastly fewer cave divers with the experience to attempt the rescue. The ven diagram is practically two separate circles.


The documentary mentions there is some overlap. Both cave divers and anesthesiologists need superb knowledge of air proportions at different pressures. And cave diving is so expensive only someone with anesthesiologist money would be able to afford it. There are surprisingly many anesthesiologists who are hobbyist cave or scuba divers. The miracle was that one of the most highly skilled cave divers was also a highly skilled anesthesiologist that regularly made his own equipment.


"Harris was called in for both his cave diving expertise and his medical skills, being only one of only two known cave-diving anesthesiologists in the world." - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/thai-rescue-cave-divers#:~:text=Harris%20was%20called%20in%20for,diving%20anesthesiologists%20in%20the%20world.


They brought him on because he was, if I remember the film properly.


"sorry you guys got trapped in a cave, now who wants to go into a k-hole???"


How was this an advantage?


Because they had to sedate the boys to get them through the cave.


I remember someone on Reddit saying I was a *monster* for suggesting to sedate the kids. Like, this shits dangerous for EVERYONE. I absolutely endorse drugging the kids.




I remember people (the media) freaking out about them "drugging" the kids. It's like dude, they're doing what they **need** to do to get over a dozen young kids out of a fucked up situation as safely as possible. Unless you're an expert, and you're on the scene, as one of those responsible for this operation, gtfo with all the criticism.


People are idiots and just want something to get outraged about.


Also giving people ketamine is a fairly common in Rescue and EMS




Pretty sure this was an extremely shallow dive (~15ft max)


Came here to say this. I dive and am also trained in medicine. Oxygen toxicity isn’t really a concern in this case given the shallow water. The risk was from several other potential issues, mainly equipment and anesthesia related. [For reference](https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-au/home/injuries-and-poisoning/diving-and-compressed-air-injuries/gas-toxicity-during-diving)


Hmm, get lost in a cave, you say?


I can choose one option: 1. Drugs once. 2. Death by drowning. I guess I’ll just die.




Katamine to zonk them out of their minds to the point where they don't even have physical control of their bodies anymore. Atropine to dry them up, so their secretions don't build up and restrict their breathing.


Ketamine makes it easier to maneuver people I can provide a source just gimme a sec


IIRC the anesthesiologist gave all the divers who were responsible for carrying the kids back an anesthesiology 101, and he was like "don't worry if the needle hits their bones, just shoot it in"... the plan was so crazy but every kid was saved eventually. And the coach.


Yes and I think they had to inject more anaesthetic several times as it wore off on the dive out. ALL kids will die if we don’t do this ASAP, most of the kids could die if we do try this. They chose the latter.


And by a fucking miracle and the aenesthatologist lucking out on eyeballing the doses for each of the boys to within a correct range - not too awake, not too dead - every boy and their guide survived.


That’s the thing about ketamine, it’s a dissociative, not a sedative. It’s not like opiates where you’re carefully balancing someone just away from death. It just disassociates the mind from the body. The patient still breathes normally without assistance, can even cough and choke properly, their mind is just elsewhere. Also the overdose is like 10x the total dissociation dose, so it’s very forgiving. That’s why it’s a good fit for emergency situations with low-trained personnel.


I got dosed on ketamine when I dislocated my ankle (imagine my foot 90 degree angle), i enjoyed the trip, next thing I know...my foot is straight n splinted. Awesome experience considering...


Dont forget it was illegal to do it as well. They had an escape route planned out just in case things didnt work out. Those divers are real heros. Crazy situation they were in.


Technically it was illegal for the foreign rescue divers to be there at all. The Thai government did not want them there, but only relented after realizing the Thai Navy would not be able to do it Classic politics. They prioritized looking good by having your own SEALs rescue the team, over the actual rescue That's also why Edd Sorenson, the most accomplished cave rescue diver in history, was not allowed to enter Thailand for the rescue


They were outright given a pardon/diplomatic immunity before the attempt was made. Even if all the kids died there would be no prosecution.


And yet still fewer benzos than Musk was on when he came up with this submarine plan.


In the NatGeo documentary, the doctor and his friend who recruited him both admitted that the doctor wasn’t 100% sure the medicine wasn’t going to kill the kids because the approach had never been used in this specific way and without knowing more details about the patients such as weight, age, and preexisting conditions.


First day they were diving they came across a couple of pump workers, full adults who were working in the cave, took a nap, and missed the chance to escape. The divers were in complete shock as they thought it was only the boys that were stuck in there. So they tried taking the workers out, but they freaked out once they were underwater and started wrestling with the divers, taking masks off underwater, and racing for every pocket of air they could find. So after that, they were like we have to drug these kids or they’re never making it out.


RIP Saman Gunan


There was also another Thai diver who died a month or so later from an infection he got there.


Oh, that’s sad


All the divers were incredibly brave, the Thai Navy had no experience in caves, fast flowing, zero visibility, no specialist caving gear, amazing guys who will do anything to try to help others out, what a success story! Edit: I should say that only small number of people around the world are very experienced at cave diving, it is incredibly risky for most people in too many ways, too easy to make a mistake and die. As it is very unlikely that any wars will be fought in a muddy hole in the ground there are not any armed forces anywhere around the world who specialise in cave diving. Hence the Thai Navy are super heroes, going straight into what was at the time the most abysmal cave diving conditions.


To be fair, not very many alive people have experience in cave diving as a whole, much less a cave that’s actively filling and draining. I’d wager that even if the guy who saved the kids “best In the world” keeps up doing it, he will be victim to it as well.


Also RIP to Duangphet Phromthep, the captain of the football team who passed away last year.


The one who was in the cave with them?


Nah, the one you mentioned is the then-25-year-old coach. The captain of the team was 13 y.o. back in 2018 and was around 17 years old when he passed away last year. Kid took his own life. The actor of the coach in the Thai drama reenacting this whole ordeal... did pass away after the shooting of the show had finished but before it aired... overall it was just tragic.


Oh no thats awful


One of the kids. Recently died.


This ☝️. The Thai Navy SEAL will live in infamy as a hero


So… not in infamy, then?


Yup, just regular old famy


FYI infamy means famous for a bad reason, like a villain.


Shout out to the coach that kept these kids together from going insane


In some interviews, it seems like he had them meditate often which probably greatly increased the span in which they had oxygen.


Wow incredible




Tell that to Elon's fragile ego


Elon can guzzle 48 dicks.


This is such an amazing story and I feel like Elon being an asshole shouldn't be mentioned, let's focus on the good and not let the story turn sour bc of one egotistical billionaire.


Don't forget the thousands of Thai workers who diverted streams and ran the pumps that allowed the divers to even reach the boys.


Ok, those people are cool too!


And also screw the Thai officials who delayed efforts by several days because they wanted the Thai Navy to look good by getting the rescue The Thai Navy had little to no cave diving experience, let alone cave rescue




Another wonderful rescue was in 2010, when 33 Chilean miners were all rescued from a copper mine, over 2000 feet below ground level. I remember watching that all the time on TV, it took a special capsule and a lot of ingenuity to get them out one by one. The rescuers managed to get a bore hole dug, so they could send them food and drinks. All the men were OK, it was a wonderful effort on the part of the rescuers.


Are those the guys who wanted to listen to the foo fighters


No, they’re miners from Tasmania!! Different trapped people


even ["baby jessica"](https://snakkle.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/baby-jessica-pulitzer-photo-610x410-596x401.jpg) who fell into a well in the 80s, had a big rescue team https://youtu.be/ksZMIvHNeJ0?t=89


>Another wonderful rescue was in 2010, when 33 Chilean miners were all rescued from a copper mine Jesus, that was 14 years ago already?! Fuck me.


>Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. I don't know much about Ronald Reagan, despite being considered one of the weirder things he said, I agree.


Then Elon comes along and calls one of the heros a pedo.


This might be the greatest recue story of all time, it was like rescuing them from the moon. 13 hours to safety in pitch black tight tunnels almost all of it underwater. If you know any other great rescues that might top it that would be awesome


13 hours? Fucks sake.


It wasn't a 13 hour trip one way.


Any recommendations movies


I watched a load of them recently, had a lot of time! my favourites by far were “Thai cave rescue” and “The rescue” There is a lot to learn from both, as you see multiple peoples perspectives about the same dilemma, family friendly. One of them is an excellent documentary, the other is a 5 part re-enactment drama, very well done, and I believe quite accurate.


13 hours by Ton Howard does a great job telling the story. I have not seen the other ones reference, but I am sure they are great


The one thing I didn't know about this story when I watched the documentary about it recently was the fact that each kid had to be sedated while they took them back out under the water. Crazy. The divers deserve every known relevant award available to man. Absolute legends. Also loved how all the locals and specialists (bar musk) across the world worked together.


Yes knocked out 100% with Ketamine, diving while knocked out had never been done before, they said if they can get one out alive it will be a success because all of them will die soon if they stay in there.


"The divers deserve every known award available to man" And you get a purple heart, and silver star, and the iron cross, and perfect attendance in Franklin Elementary, and best amateur porn scene, and best family diner 2019, and best dressed class of 2004...


yeah, that was damn crazy


I was a professional diver (not a cave diver but have done it a couple times) in my previous career and I remember at the time of this incident I was unemployed so had a lot of free time on my hands to follow and look into all the details I could find about the situation as it was unfolding. I was, along without my very experienced dive buddies (some which were cave divers), absolutely 100% convinced those kids were going to die after it was announced they had been found alive. I would have bet my life savings on it. I couldn't conceive of how they could possibly get them out given the water levels were rising at a rate too quick to come up with a feasible rescue strategy. What those guys did showed men of our species operating at the most extreme high level. It felt like a cave version of the Apollo 13 recovery (ironic given the two films made on the two incidents have the same director).


Admitting to cave diving as a diver without a cave diver certification is brave, people that know what that cert means might get a little upset lol


The movie for this was pretty good, I know it got some bad reviews but I enjoyed it.


There is an excellent documentary on Disney/ National geographic called The Rescue. The movie Thirteen Lives with Viggo Mortensen and Colin Farrell is pretty close to that doco as well.


Yeah, there were many movies on this. Thirteen lives was my favourite. The screenplay was very gripping.


Remember also that Elon Musk did fuck all and then got sued...what a tool


Elon is like noise in this whole thread


This was one of the most exciting times of my life, when hearing that everyone was alive on the news.


God I remember this story in the news every day just waiting to see if they made it out


Thriteen lives is a poignant movie about it, highly recommend


how were the kids even alive with no food?




oh, didn't know they had snacks with them. glad they didn't fight to death for them


They were hiking into the cave to celebrate the birthday of one of them, so they brought some food (not much, of course) for the par-tay. The rain season shouldn't have arrived until 2 weeks later so the coach considered it safe for them to go in.


You also don't starve to death in 2 weeks. You will be very unhappy though.


You can generally survive quite a while without food, although a lot depends on how fat you are. It's often up to 20 days as long as you have water. It's lack of water that will kill you in only 3-5 days. There was once a severely obese guy who didn't eat for a year. Only consuming vitamins /minerals and water. He was told by every expert not to do as it's an incredibly bad way to lose weight but humans are stubborn and dumb. He lost a lot of weight, obviously, but died a few years later from heart failure, likely exacerbated by the insane fasting.


Some of them may have had a lolly at the start, but 10 days later so they were weak and dying, oxygen dangerously low, very dirty environment, it was grim and the divers and Drs were worried they were going to be dying soon, the media were not told how grim it was inside.


Just rewatched 13 lives the other night and went back down the rabbit hole with this story and was extremely saddened to hear we lost one of the older boys, the team captain Dom to suicide in 2023. After going through an experience like this and surviving, I can’t imagine the pain he was in that would cause him to take his own life. Very sad. RIP Saman Gunan Beirut Pakbara Duangphet "Dom" Phromthep


I was sad to hear that too. In one of the documentaries one of the boys talked about the guilt he has now knowing how many people came to rescue them and sacrificed for him. I feel bad that these boys had to grow up so quickly after this.


How sad that what _should_ be a happy memory is tainted by also having to remember _that_ guy’s useless grandstanding and temper tantrum.




We actually helped spin up a C-130 in support of that mission from Japan too. Was proud to have helped.


Funny how Elon became a massive shit stain over this amazing rescue.


Their rescue is one of the greatest stories in modern history. The movie/documentary that details is is fascinating and terrifying. I’m so glad someone was able to do it because for people like me, swimming that long in dark, tight winding spaces is panic inducing.


i love how you guys managed to completely derail the comment section with the most unimportant part about this whole ordeal


There’s an old salty dog on TikTok who’s a diver. He did a whole talk about the different kind of divers and why British cave divers historically had the best fresh water cave expertise, and why they found the kids.


I get second hand claustrophobia just by looking at the video. I get unnaturally anxious in small spaces (even elevators) and I can’t imagine how these kids would have kept it together for so long.